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71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria - Politics - Nairaland

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71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Kenezi: 3:25pm On Apr 15, 2010
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by FrankC3: 3:37pm On Apr 15, 2010
Are you surprised? Unless you'd not spent some time up north.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Afam(m): 7:42pm On Apr 15, 2010
I desire to see Nigeria more developed than the US but it remains a desire.

What is the actual population of muslims in the north? If we do have a reasonable census conducted in this country I am sure that water will find its level and a lot of issues will be clearer even to those that wrongly assume that they have the numbers to desire or demand anything.

Sharia should be limited to those areas or states with overwhelming muslim population. We have 19 states in the north and only about 12 implemented sharia out of 36 states so it is clear that the numbers don't favor such desires and never will.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by sjeezy8: 7:44pm On Apr 15, 2010
well I want eveyone to be christian and go by the bible but will everyone convert? NO!
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by violent(m): 8:22pm On Apr 15, 2010
It wouldn't make sense to put so much weight on the result of the said research, and the topic can be seen as misleading at its best.

The said group claimed to have done research and came to conclusion based on 25000 face to face interviews of people in sub Saharan Africa with data obtained from over 19 countries.

That will give a rough estimate of 1315 interviews per country.

Anybody with the basic knowledge of statistics will know that using 1315 observations out of 150million population parameters shouldn't be counted as a conclusive evidence that indeed 71% of Muslims in Nigeria desire Sharia Law
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by ziga: 8:36pm On Apr 15, 2010




Too bad coz their desires dont translate to the desires of the christians living in Nigeria
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by 4Play(m): 10:47pm On Apr 15, 2010
Scroll down to page 19 of the file, it says that 70% of Christians in Nigeria would like the Bible to be the law of the land. The irony of the hysteria of this thread is remarkable.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Sagamite(m): 12:01am On Apr 16, 2010
4 Play:

Scroll down to page 19 of the file, it says that 70% of Christians in Nigeria would like the Bible to be the law of the land. The irony of the hysteria of this thread is remarkable.

Thank you!

You beat me to it. That was exactly what I wanted to point out.

Obviously, I would have put it more like this: "Did the dumb, idiotic shite that opened this thread not also notice that 70% of Xtians also responded that they wanted the country to be run by the Bible?"
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by mamagee3(f): 12:02am On Apr 16, 2010
Muslims think far away from a normal person, it's too bad.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Nobody: 12:06am On Apr 16, 2010
Why can people not make a point without calling someone they do not even know an idiot  undecided

Grow up people.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Sagamite(m): 12:10am On Apr 16, 2010

So why not make your point without calling someone you do not even know an idiot  undecided

Grow up.

When someones sole aim is to cause disharmony by whipping up stupid sentiments through selective and/or misleading emphasis, you feel free to fold your arms and watch. Then come here to moan about Nigeria when killings like in Jos happens.

I have foresight so I attack them. wink
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Nobody: 12:21am On Apr 16, 2010

When someones sole aim is to cause disharmony by whipping up silly sentiments through selective and/or misleading emphasis, you feel free to fold your arms and watch. Then come here to moan about Nigeria when killings like in Jos happens.

I have foresight so I attack them. wink

Moan about Nigeria when killings happen in Jos How does that relate to my comment, lol.

Anybody can worship their own god, I am not the least offended or excessively worried.

But I will always speak out when I see my way of life, freedom and democratic rights threatened.

The guy made a point, a simple explanation would have ended the confusion !
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Sagamite(m): 12:30am On Apr 16, 2010

Moan about Nigeria when killings happen in Jos    How does that relate to my comment, lol.

Anybody can worship their own god, I am not the least offended or excessively worried.

But I will always speak out when I see my way of life, freedom and democratic rights threatened.

The guy made a point, a simple explanation would have ended the confusion!

How does that relate to your comment?

It is the little itsy bitsy divisive comments like this that build up and lead to the divisions you see in Jos, Kaduna and likes.

And NO, the guy made a malicious and deceitful omission, so as to castigate one group. No one with his senses with him, would have missed the Xtian survey that followed the muslim one. But the slowpoke thought it is everyone that is not meticulous in checking their details and just consume all rubbish given to them and start barking.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Kenezi: 12:49am On Apr 16, 2010
It doesn't matter if 100% of Christians want "Bible" to be the law, because "Bible" is not a law nor does it have any legal system, code or leaning, unlike the sharia system. There is no comparison between the Bible and sharia law, so I didn't see the need to mention it.

Use your head.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Sagamite(m): 12:57am On Apr 16, 2010

It doesn't matter if 100% of Christians want "Bible" to be the law, because "Bible" is not a law nor does it have any legal system, code or leaning, unlike the sharia system. There is no comparison between the Bible and sharia law, so I didn't see the need to mention it.

Use your head.

Frosbel, after reading this, do you still have the same stance?
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Kenezi: 12:59am On Apr 16, 2010
If you can't form a coherent response then please remove yourself from the thread, save us all some bandwidth and braincells.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Shock(m): 1:08am On Apr 16, 2010

If you can't form a coherent response then please remove yourself from the thread, save us all some bandwidth and braincells.

You sir, are the one who needs to stop littering this place with thrash!

You just made a post that under any circumstance will qualify you for the stupidest person that ever walked planet earth!
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by kobonaija: 1:10am On Apr 16, 2010
@ Kenezi
Though you might have a point there, but in fairness, the omission would generally have made some people suspicious, as if you were biased. You could have left the debate for the floor with the reseach details and members will argue it out

I believe what @Frosbel is saying is that we should be more civilised on this forum and intellectually reason together without calling people names, though we not with keen interest your signature. Your opinion isnt necessarily the most accurate

The research itself is flawed, lazily conducted and cannot be relied on

Now, we're even and still Nigerians despite our diversity of religion and opinion. Right?  cool cool
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Sagamite(m): 1:21am On Apr 16, 2010

@ Kenezi
Though you might have a point there, but in fairness, the omission would generally have made some people suspicious, as if you were biased. You could have left the debate for the floor with the reseach details and members will argue it out

I believe what @Frosbel is saying is that we should be more civilised on this forum and intellectually reason together without calling people names, though we not with keen interest your signature. Your opinion isnt necessarily the most accurate

The research itself is flawed, lazily conducted and cannot be relied on

Now, we're even and still Nigerians despite our diversity of religion and opinion. Right?  cool cool

Aah! JJC! 

I will catch you in a few months to show me how many people you were successful in convincing with logic.

By then, you would realise that NL is infested with morons and mentally unbalanced people, who are best dealt with in most cases through collective vituperations. Products of a failed education system that passed utter fools as graduates and this certificate somehow bolster their ego to vomit their moronic opinions. The one wey you still dey talk na grammar, I go dey ask you in a short few months for evidence.  grin
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by kobonaija: 1:26am On Apr 16, 2010
grin lol @Sagamite
I like your style man, and I will take your elderly advice and be on the look out for those people you intellectually described

But have you realised that sometimes in life, it is not by age?
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Sagamite(m): 1:32am On Apr 16, 2010

grin lol @Sagamite
I like your style man, and I will take your elderly advice and be on the look out for those people you intellectually described

But have you realised that sometimes in life, it is not by age?

I didn't mention anything about age o. I just said some people are unlucky to be mentally poor.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Kenezi: 1:33am On Apr 16, 2010
I'm all for peaceful solutions but I do find it amusing how our good friend Sagamite has simply danced around my posts and insulted me instead of logically explaining his stance or rebutting me, but I'll extend an unconditional olive branch to the man as I have no ill will here.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by kobonaija: 1:40am On Apr 16, 2010
grin lol @ Sagamite
I thought you addressed me as JJC, which is a new kid on the block. Very accurate man! That is where age comes in woth regards to NL

Anyway, I still think and believe we could debate freely without name calling cool

And the man was dignified enough to extend the olive branch to you elders. I think you'll accept it, wont you wink wink
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Sagamite(m): 1:46am On Apr 16, 2010

I'm all for peaceful solutions but I do find it amusing how our good friend Sagamite has simply danced around my posts and insulted me instead of logically explaining his stance or rebutting me, but I'll extend an unconditional olive branch to the man as I have no ill will here.


grin lol @ Sagamite
I thought you addressed me as JJC, which is a new kid on the block. Very accurate man! That is where age comes in woth regards to NL

Anyway, I still think and believe we could debate freely without name calling  cool

And the man was dignified enough to extend the olive branch to you elders. I think you'll accept it, wont you  wink wink

JJC means Johnny Just Come.

It was derived for those that just landed Lagos and did not know much about the customs of the street. Johnny can be of any age and definitely will be older than some of the residents of Lagos. It is not an age thing, it is a local knowledge thing.

I only eat olives when people are disciplined enough to show basic thought process application, no tribalism, no racism, no religious bigotry, no calumniation etc. As long as Kenezi displays he does all in future, I will gladly eat the olives.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Kenezi: 1:52am On Apr 16, 2010
Such unwarranted arrogance, I'll go to bed laughing tonight.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by kobonaija: 2:02am On Apr 16, 2010
Thanks for the lecture

But age isnt necessarily chronological, and could also be used in relative term, as in time spent somewhere. Am I correct Sir? grin

I understand your point, and have seen shocking postings here

You accept/eat olive no really concern me, but nobody has the right on this forum to call others name

I rest my case cool
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Afam(m): 8:11am On Apr 16, 2010
I must admit that the original poster was very unfair if indeed the report stated that 70% of christians wants the bible as the law of the land.

My earlier comments remain valid as regards desire of a people as long as they do not have an overwhelming majority on any issue.

That you guys took time to even read a 19 page report with such headline is another matter as I never felt there would be any serious research done by those that prepared the report.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by igboboy1(m): 9:40am On Apr 16, 2010

well I want eveyone to be christian and go by the bible but will everyone convert? NO!

confused jihadist
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Jarus(m): 10:23am On Apr 16, 2010

Muslims think far away from a normal person, it's too bad.
Coming from Mama-gee, that irritatingly ubiquitous woman that knows nothing about anything but wants to comment on everything, I'm not surprised.
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by marocguy(m): 12:50pm On Apr 16, 2010
Who gives a damn wot they think. Its a case of majority in populatn and minority in voice
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by Nobody: 6:32pm On Apr 16, 2010
crap undecided
Re: 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria by bee444: 6:42pm On Apr 16, 2010
It's 71% of Nigeria Hausa Muslim, the Yoruba Muslims are not counted as Muslims by the hausa's (they're too liberal)

And the Yoruba Muslims would never support such, except some minor few from ILORIN (they're gambari themselves).

This research is not new, we know what the Hausa's are like.

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