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I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise - Romance (7) - Nairaland

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Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by freecocoa(f): 5:33pm On May 13, 2013
Slimzy baby: shockedshockedshockedshocked

hahahaha...everyone is now a judge..wow!

Does it mean nobody on dis thread hav cheated before??...smh!
Whether we are all cheats on this thread or not is not the issue here.

The issue is realizing that you are responsible for your actions and taking responsibility instead of acting like what happened wasn't your fault.

For all you know, I may have cheated or still even cheating on my partner now but bottomline is I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING, its that simple.


Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by Nobody: 5:33pm On May 13, 2013
2buff: Guys, If you're dating someone and they out of the blue ask for a break... Or look for petty reasons to justify asking for a break, then you can be 99.9999% sure that another person is in the picture... And you will always be compared.

You at that point best start detaching yourself. I.e if you're going to start comparing 2BUFF to any other dude, then you don't deserve to be with 2BUFF

" "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."


Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by freecocoa(f): 5:35pm On May 13, 2013

Please do not judge her ohh.. she slept and woke up to find herself riding dirty on the Married man's dicccck. it is not her fault at all.
Ofcourse its not, I actually drugged, carried and placed her on his diccck.grin

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Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by biolabee(m): 5:40pm On May 13, 2013
alutacontinua: The op actually made a point...'NEVER SAY NEVER'. Her thread still makes sense than a lot of threads out there cos there is actually something to learn. I'm not justifying the fact that she cheated with a married man and she didn't justify it too, so far.

And trust me, ogugua and others, 'NEVER SAY NEVER'!!!


Too many perfect people on the cyberland
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by biolabee(m): 5:44pm On May 13, 2013
debosky: Judgmental folk: get off your soap box for a moment and learn a lesson from the OP.

She isn't 'justifying' what she did. She is simply saying that - like many of you - she felt it would never happen to her. This is a very important lesson.

It can happen - that's the point of the thread, even to those who consider themselves 'above' such mistakes.

Even those holding on to virginity as a shield are not immune.

She's already broken off the relationship, as well as taking a break from the bf to clear her head. She cannot unphock the married man, so all your condemnation will not change a thing.

As usual excellent from the grammar phile
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by Nobody: 5:46pm On May 13, 2013

All she is trying to say is, let he that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he falls (It is in the Bible)

Finally! Somebody that understands the point the OP is trying to make.

BTW why was her topic changed? She never asked for advise. She said 'Never Say Never'
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by biolabee(m): 5:47pm On May 13, 2013
Richfella: Lol at responses grin.

@ OP

When it's all sunshine and roses, it's easy for us to make grand promises and pledge allegiances.

Very few persons can really rightly predict what they would do when shít hits the fan.

Beneath our thin veneer of intellect and morality is a MASSIVE animal core. That was your inner cavewoman shinning through all the social 'programming' you've been exposed to all your life.

Don't beat up yourself.

Now, you have a better understanding of 'yourself' and others too. You're now less judgemental and have an increased tolerance for other people's supposed 'excesses'.


I like this... I think that core is called the ID

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Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by biolabee(m): 5:50pm On May 13, 2013
Bobajo: People of high moral standing all over this thread!!! I am so impressed. But please consider:

1. If my deduction is correct, Poster is at least 26/27

2. She has been dating a boyfriend for 4+ years without lovemaking

3. They stay in different towns

4. She confidently says she has always been of high moral standard, so i assume she probably has had at the most, 2 boyfriends, including the current bf

All the above taken together is a disaster waiting to happen relationship wise. Mature lady with all the hormones raging at intervals, long courtship that has grown stale, distance and over confidence..

Mr Experience comes along knowing all the right buttons to press, and seemingly appearing not to be in a hurry to conquer (married men have the benefit of not been 'desperate' for intimacy like young, unmarried folks). It's almost a given the moment she started talking to the guy for any appreciable length of time that she will fall into this error.

I honestly wont hit her on the head for her error as long as she puts a full stop to the affair immediately. Shit happens. It cant be undone. She should cut Mr Experience off totally, as in totally.

And somebody says she should tell boyfriend/fiancee. Really? To what end? The boy wont feel less bad even if he knows that the breakup is because she messed up. He probably will even feel worse. Secondly, that will be 4+ years wasted for both of them. OP, please keep your mouth shut, make your peace with God, ensure you don't invest any time with any other guy apart from your bf/fiancee and marry your man.

And to all the hardliners crucifying her; good luck in your long and interesting life. I personally have seen too much and experienced too much to know that absolutism of any kind usually just don't work. Humans will always make mistakes. Even Angels did circa Lucifer. 'We fall sometimes, we pick ourselves up, we look at what made us fall and learn not to trip on that same obstruction'. Saying you will never fall.... good luck with that
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by Nobody: 6:01pm On May 13, 2013
freecocoa: I don't judge the OP for cheating or whatever(that's not my business)my annoyance is coming here and acting as if what happened was beyond her control thereby justifying what she did.

True it can happen to anybody but definitely not everybody, OP obviously didn't know herself as well as she thought, there are people who will not cheat even with a gun pointed at them.

You gave in doesn't mean every other person would give in, the OP sounds like she's the best person there ever can be, mscheew.
my dear, av noticed wit keen interest d way u make other people's issue ur daily business on nairaland. Pls is it a job? I asked so I can also apply. (Lol) Tnx
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by paranorman(m): 6:04pm On May 13, 2013
Loving d conversation between @aloevera and @ogugua....
OP, hmmm, what you did was wrong! Face it baby.... Right's right and left's left... Right can never b wrong...! B true ta yourself, confess ta ur boo and face d concequencies, then you'l know "why it is not that simple".. Imagine make i dey faithful to a my chick because of d love i have for her, pullin it through temptations and for me ta find out that she cheated on me; not with a single guy o, married one for that matter??!! You see, dere's a thin line between being faithful and not..! Your temptations overcame you, you's'o weak.your love for him should have helped you overcome d temptation, unfortunately, it was weak... You have no point baby, you'r so wrong... Get things right, confess and face d consequencies... Follow @ogugua's advise,it's goodt for you.


Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by freecocoa(f): 6:07pm On May 13, 2013
Jenams: my dear, av noticed wit keen interest d way u make other people's issue ur daily business on nairaland. Pls is it a job? I asked so I can also apply. (Lol) Tnx
Are you sure you are mentally alright? Answer the question and we'll take it from there.
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by abifoluwa: 6:08pm On May 13, 2013
wait o, but you dated your boyfriend for 4 to 5 years plus without the kpekus thing, and you are saying you gave your virginity to a married man? is that what you are saying? lipsrsealed shocked you should be stoned to death, and end the relationship quickly.. Thank you

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Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by bukatyne(f): 6:10pm On May 13, 2013
Aleovera: Hello house,

I have been a consistent guest on this forum and decided to hop on to the next level by becoming a member.. yayy smiley

Okay so, as regards the subject, let me start by giving a brief description of myself or the sort of person I used to be. I used to think of myself as really disciplined, principled and one who would never compromise her values or standards. Also, I used to be so quick to pass judgement. I never could understand why girls dated married men and deluded themselves into thinking they were in love! Not only did I find such circumstances disgustingly annoying but also judged the ladies as silly, stupid, gullible, irresponsible, thoughtless, selfish and cruel!

I also had zero tolerance for people who cheat on their partners. I saw them as discontented and highly undisciplined individuals.

However, I have had reason to change my perspectives as a result of some recent happenings in my life!

I cheated on my partner with a married man! shocked I am totally shocked at myself! The crazy part of this is that I think I fell in love with this married man! My boo and I are tight and have been together for well over 4years and I always thought I could never be attracted to any other man. I have tried to put an end to this craziness because it just ain't worth it but its so hard.

The purpose of this thread is to:
1) Let you all who think so highly of yourself to be careful lest you fall. Never say never! Never think you are too disciplined or smart or principled to fall for certain temptations. Those who know me will never believe me if I tell them I fell for adultery (I can't even believe myself)

2)Seek counsel from people who have gone through this kind of stuff. You had an affair you knew you had to get out of but just couldn't, how did you deal with it.

What I have been doing lately is praying and deliberately not contacting this married dude. (I still find myself thinking about him)I also told my boo I needed a break!

Please let's discuss maturely as I believe there are so many people going through this kinda stuff but cant share with anyone because of the fear of condemnation and peoples hypocritical and self righteous attitude!

From your posts, I deduce you have a Christian background however, I might be wrong.

Go to God and cry to him. As you have rightly know, he is somebody's man and can never belong to you. I would prefer you tell your BF, it would help with the restitution. Even if he decides to end your relationship, it's better than continuing your relationship on a false basis.

Everybody thinks they can't do some things till they fall hard.

During my service year, I remember the election period. Prior to that, I believed I couldn't collect bribe in any form or compromise my integrity till the money and guns started coming for us to rig elections. Some people refused participating after the first elections because they couldn't stand it. After the elections, they gravity of what happened dawned on me and I wept for days. I had to pray to cleanse my conscience and I ended up losing the money via fraudsters.

Why my story? I learnt from that experience and I am now sure such would not happen again. It's not my duty to judge you because my lie will land me in this same place as you sleeping with a married/single man. With this bitter experience of yours, you would be forever able to avoid such temptations and advise others.

God be with you

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Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by Nobody: 6:10pm On May 13, 2013
freecocoa: Are you sure you are mentally alright? Answer the question and we'll take it from there.
my dear, did I hurt u? if I did, well I'm sori oh. I needed to hav a job like urs.
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by Kosigift(f): 6:12pm On May 13, 2013
Quote author=Aleovera]

In all of this, I have learnt never to say NEVER! Never to be so sure of my standards and take things for granted.[/quote]

and dis is all u cud learn from dis heartbreaking story of urs?? shocked shocked u learnt Never to be sure of ur standards?? Why do I feel sad abt dis?? Its so painful dat u learnt little/nothing from ur story

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Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by Itulah(m): 6:14pm On May 13, 2013
ogugua88: [size=13pt]What I'm getting from this is that you once believed cheating was wrong, but because you're now a cheat yourself, your perspective has changed? Give me a break.

As far as I'm concerned, cheating is one of the worst forms of disrespect to a partner or spouse, and people who cheat are discontented and highly undisciplined human beings. There is such a thing as self-control. In your case, it's not that you lost control, but that you know what's right and wrong and have chosen to do wrong on more than one occasion. You are giving yourself to another woman's husband. What does marriage even mean to you, if anything at all? I'm assuming you want to get married one day. Isn't marriage a sacred union that people are supposed to hold at high regard? If you're disrespecting and desecrating another woman's union, what makes you think yours should even be average, let alone sweet?

How on earth could you even take a break with your boyfriend? If you loved him at all, you wouldn't even consider leaving him for another woman's husband. You told him you need a break as if you're the one that's being hurt. Add the word "selfish" along with discontented and highly undisciplined please.

You are not just wrong, but double wrong. If you have any ounce of morality left in you, come clean with your boyfriend and let him go. I wonder what he's done to deserve having an adulterer as a girlfriend.

And we wonder why STDs are rampant. Shey na 2013? Smh.[/size]

You have said it all, and there`s nothing left to say cause if I should add my own line with the experience i had with my girl last year, honestly this babe will go and hang herself or dive into the nearby lake or ocean as the case maybe...Go ahead with your selfish and clueless interest and have all the break you ever desire, but don`t, I repeat don`t ever come back begging for reconciliation when the walls fall on you...


Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by Nobody: 6:21pm On May 13, 2013
Aleovera: Hello house,

I have been a consistent guest on this forum and decided to hop on to the next level by becoming a member.. yayy smiley

Okay so, as regards the subject, let me start by giving a brief description of myself or the sort of person I used to be. I used to think of myself as really disciplined, principled and one who would never compromise her values or standards. Also, I used to be so quick to pass judgement. I never could understand why girls dated married men and deluded themselves into thinking they were in love! Not only did I find such circumstances disgustingly annoying but also judged the ladies as silly, stupid, gullible, irresponsible, thoughtless, selfish and cruel!

I also had zero tolerance for people who cheat on their partners. I saw them as discontented and highly undisciplined individuals.

However, I have had reason to change my perspectives as a result of some recent happenings in my life!

I cheated on my partner with a married man! shocked I am totally shocked at myself! The crazy part of this is that I think I fell in love with this married man! My boo and I are tight and have been together for well over 4years and I always thought I could never be attracted to any other man. I have tried to put an end to this craziness because it just ain't worth it but its so hard.

The purpose of this thread is to:
1) Let you all who think so highly of yourself to be careful lest you fall. Never say never! Never think you are too disciplined or smart or principled to fall for certain temptations. Those who know me will never believe me if I tell them I fell for adultery (I can't even believe myself)

2)Seek counsel from people who have gone through this kind of stuff. You had an affair you knew you had to get out of but just couldn't, how did you deal with it.

What I have been doing lately is praying and deliberately not contacting this married dude. (I still find myself thinking about him)I also told my boo I needed a break!

Please let's discuss maturely as I believe there are so many people going through this kinda stuff but cant share with anyone because of the fear of condemnation and peoples hypocritical and self righteous attitude!

Is your name Hilda?
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by abifoluwa: 6:21pm On May 13, 2013
from what people are typing here, it looks like naija guys have always been getting hurt by their girls grin grin grin
gahdamn. I aint never marrying a nigerian grin lol joke ooo
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by aniiii(f): 6:25pm On May 13, 2013
this thread smells like my phart embarassed
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by greedie1(f): 6:29pm On May 13, 2013
lemme ask u all a question.... if the op is a guy and say he slipped, will u all judge and condemn him as u have been judging her i doubt!! u all woulda cut him some slack for bein male afterall, a guy can lose his control and diccck in a minute without meaning to ryt??

so she committed adultery, thats bad, that's very bad!!!! u think she don't know dat? she does, she feels humiliated, dirty and cant believe she could slip so she is in denial and is making excuses for herself... the best of us ll do same. i ve read several times where a nairalander abused someone and tried to justify it or got in to efight and tried to justify it too. its in our human nature to not judge ourselves too harshly.

U ALL should get out of ur high horses and advice her on how to leave d ugly past and move on. she said no one is above making a silly mistake, intentionally or not, dat is true!!! she needs advice on how to forgive herself and move on. if u ve nothing to write, just move on and stop acting holy coz u are not!!!

@ op, get away from dat man. karma is a bitcch and if u don't, someone else ll try to wreck ur home. ofcz u can't have him to urself, he loves her, dats why he married her and he ll always go back to her... come clean to ur bf, its good u know dat a married man is a normal man, just dat he is married. if u look at it from d ryt angle, it means dat u shouldn't get too close to one cz u can fall.. after today, whatever u do is on u. it was on u d 2nd tym u went to him. amend ur ways, because u should but don't mind these judgmental peeps here.
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by Nobody: 6:30pm On May 13, 2013
aniiii: this thread smells like my phart embarassed
are u serious? My dear,u must be very sick!
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by otumfour(m): 6:40pm On May 13, 2013
Aleovera: Hello house,

I have been a consistent guest on this forum and decided to hop on to the next level by becoming a member.. yayy smiley

Okay so, as regards the subject, let me start by giving a brief description of myself or the sort of person I used to be. I used to think of myself as really disciplined, principled and one who would never compromise her values or standards. Also, I used to be so quick to pass judgement. I never could understand why girls dated married men and deluded themselves into thinking they were in love! Not only did I find such circumstances disgustingly annoying but also judged the ladies as silly, stupid, gullible, irresponsible, thoughtless, selfish and cruel!

I also had zero tolerance for people who cheat on their partners. I saw them as discontented and highly undisciplined individuals.

However, I have had reason to change my perspectives as a result of some recent happenings in my life!

I cheated on my partner with a married man! shocked I am totally shocked at myself! The crazy part of this is that I think I fell in love with this married man! My boo and I are tight and have been together for well over 4years and I always thought I could never be attracted to any other man. I have tried to put an end to this craziness because it just ain't worth it but its so hard.

The purpose of this thread is to:
1) Let you all who think so highly of yourself to be careful lest you fall. Never say never! Never think you are too disciplined or smart or principled to fall for certain temptations. Those who know me will never believe me if I tell them I fell for adultery (I can't even believe myself)

2)Seek counsel from people who have gone through this kind of stuff. You had an affair you knew you had to get out of but just couldn't, how did you deal with it.

What I have been doing lately is praying and deliberately not contacting this married dude. (I still find myself thinking about him)I also told my boo I needed a break!

Please let's discuss maturely as I believe there are so many people going through this kinda stuff but cant share with anyone because of the fear of condemnation and peoples hypocritical and self righteous attitude!

angry nkwasias3m! tryna justify shixt
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by MillionDollars: 6:42pm On May 13, 2013
we are complainin about facebook's fake stories and nairaland is startn its own... Oga o

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Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by oluomad(m): 6:50pm On May 13, 2013
You ve made a mistake, pls go on ur knees and beg God for forgiveness, and also forgive urself.....

Am a victim of one Sin or d oda and as far as am concerned, SIN is SIN! CHEAT is CHEATT, whether with a married man or not!!!

@OP, I love u for ur courage to write it here, MOVE on with life, God knows d best......
Wheneva I fall down in Life, I stand up and pick my-self back up....

May God help our weak Flesh in Jesus Name .... Amen!!
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by biolabee(m): 7:03pm On May 13, 2013
OP I have a q for u

Are you a student or workin class lady

What did the guy tell you.. did he tell you he wanted to leave his wife for you

Also have you ever seen yourself as a wife other than the first?
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by Idowuogbo(f): 7:05pm On May 13, 2013

I like this... I think that core is called the ID
U called? grin
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by dad007(m): 7:06pm On May 13, 2013
now you've pondered and pondered...
What are you going to do about what you have done? Your boyfriend is out there now wondering what's wrong with your relationship? And guys are out there telling him that you've probably cheated on him and some guy is disturbing you which we know is true but it's 4 YEARS of NO Mistake, he'll be telling his guys she can't do that, i trust my babe, she is this and that. Not knowing he is currently a fool and that a married man with something solid somewhere has collected what he thought was his... Since you cheating cannot cross his mind he's there thinking that there is something he did now...
You'll now eat your cake, learn your lesson and return to your man like that..
You're now part of the reason why guys advise their buddies to always a guy to have a backup and why guys who don't have are fools.
Yes. Your boyfriend has been made a fool of by you and a MARRIED man...
Where is the love
You have just remind me of what happened to me few years ago.Something I try not to remeber so that I could be worthy of my wife.Although,she is a woman but she doesnt bear the same name with the one before her.
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by biolabee(m): 7:10pm On May 13, 2013
U called? grin

me Ke? i fit cant cheesy grin
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by SAFO(m): 7:22pm On May 13, 2013
Hey guys, I just stole a Monster energy drink from the store. Never stole anything in my life, I'm perplexed. Wow never thought this could happen to me, I'm in shock.

Don't ever say this couldn't happen to you because this could be you too. grin


Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by freecocoa(f): 7:33pm On May 13, 2013
SAFO: Hey guys, I just stole a Monster energy drink from the store. Never stole anything in my life, I'm perplexed. Wow never thought this could happen to me, I'm in shock.

Don't ever say this couldn't happen to you because this could be you too. grin
grin you dey mind them?abegi.

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Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by Nobody: 7:36pm On May 13, 2013
freecocoa: grin you dey mind them?abegi.
free coke! u dey run? hahahah
Re: I Cheated On My Boyfriend With A Married Man - Please Advise by SAFO(m): 7:37pm On May 13, 2013
freecocoa: grin you dey mind them?abegi.

... Ehn sis I want to share my own now. Maybe I can help someone in that same predicament grin grin grin

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