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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Business / Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial (4115 Views)
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Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 1:38am On Dec 09, 2013 | That link above is the link to my first thread. I discontinue it because NL bots keep banning me for no reason (I hope this one will be different, I hope). It's tireing. Plus, NLders aren't contributing to the thread only about 3 or 4 NLders contribute to the thread; they are not encouraging me to write more about the info. In the first thread, I talked about two types of online businesses. 1. Information Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. I didn't really enjoy that thread because people are not contributing to it. Please, lets make this new thread interesting by making positive comments only. And any question should be writen well, any abbreviations should be common and easy to understand. NOTE: Please, don't ask me to pm you, cos I might and might not. Cos I gat too much schedules and even the time spend on NL is scheduled. Thank You. Starting Your Own Business From Scratch: How to Make Your Forst #100K Within 30-60 Days Online. Guaranteed! Actually, you can make more that 100K. But it's not as easy as it sounds, especially if you're just starting out in online business. Many said they've done all sorts of online businesses before including affiliate marketing (the one I want to talk about now - in full) that it's not real and it's a lie. If you think making 100K within 30-60 days from any online biz or A.M is: Get a clickbank account, get your hoplink from clickbank market place.., and post that (your) affiliate link all over the internet is all that require. Then I suggest you think again or better still, go get an offline job where you work like crazy and earn you normal 15 or 20K/month. I think that'll be better. Hence, starting any online business - no matter how new it might be or how they tell you how you will run into millions of dollars within few days is not real. This is real business and you must get ready for it. I wish you success. If you're ready for this. Just contribute to this thread. And I'll post as long as possible. No fluffs. And of course, you can make your first 100K within 30-60 days. I'll guide and teach you. I promise. But first, you must want to get started. 1 Like |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by Greatken007(m): 5:40am On Dec 09, 2013 |
i was thinking u should av given a background infor such as the first for steps one should follow in starting of, what are the challenges and how do one overcome such,what is the marketing all about?what is the purpose and aim 1 Like |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by Adekunlerichard: 6:28am On Dec 09, 2013 |
Can u give me full details about this online business, thanks and God bless |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by libertyfather(m): 10:38am On Dec 09, 2013 |
Am with you sir |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by drblack3: 11:56am On Dec 09, 2013 |
Following |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by Goldenboy842(m): 2:54pm On Dec 09, 2013 |
Pls make d info brife n practisable. Tnks boss |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 6:32pm On Dec 09, 2013 |
It's All About, "Affiliate Marketing." Affiliate Marketing or A.M for short is a forever standing online business and it will never die away. We all might have heard about AM in one way or another and ways people take to make money via it. We all know clickbank, cj, amazon, and many other affiliate sites (there are many of them). But clickbank is the most common. Don't imagine there is anything so technical about the whole thing, if you knew the secrets you could make money via it too. To start, you must realize this is a business and I advise you have a long term goal for it. (You can also do it part time) I will repeat some of the things I mentioned in my first thread, but with some slight differences. Things You'll Need: (In any order) 1. Creating your website 2. Hosting Aacount 3. Domain Name 4. Autoresponder Account 5. Clickbank Account 6. Virtual Address 7. Virtual Phone no. 8. Article Writing Skill 9. Marketing/Advertising strategies Others: 10. Sales letter writing skill 11. Ad copy writing skill 12. And other small tiny bits... All the above are what's required to start-up your affiliate marketing business. Most of them you can get done within few hours, others... well, require you "WORK" (and don't be intimidated with the word "work", it's easy to do if you know what you're doing) Your Plan Should Look Something Like This: 1. To open a clickbank acc I'll need a virtual address and phone no. 2. I'll need to register with graphcard and vtn (i.e. VirtualTerminalNetwork) 3. I'll register on clickbank First Step Done. Give yourself a point. Next Steps: ... PS: Some people say they don't like graphcard and vtn that people should be using payonner card or some other alternatives. It's a good suggestion; but these alternatives too come with their own headaches. In fact, by the time you get your affiliate funds via payonner their fees alone... sigh! other means of getting virtual address and phone no: Londonpresense and others... But the point is, if you're able to get you affiliate cheques either via graphcard and vtn or not does not matter at all. Many have use graphcard and they are very ok, for me at least. I'll continue this shortly. Please give your contributions. |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by expert101(m): 7:09pm On Dec 09, 2013 |
This is good way to make money and just one of them. As an affiliate you have to sell other people's products to earn commissions. What about starting your website set up an autoresponder, build a list...then SELL! On a second - you can create a site that solves problems and issues people a having. Advertise it then Monetize and smile to the bank. Have a nice day. 1 Like |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by ayomboy(m): 8:48pm On Dec 09, 2013 |
Thanks |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 7:37am On Dec 10, 2013 |
Ok. Now that we have created our virtual address and phone no and also created our clickbank account thus, step 5, 6 and 7 is out of the way. Next steps... Getting our hosting account and domain name. To get our hosting we'll use hostgator and choose the deluxe plan. To get our domain name we'll first need to select or know the kind of niche we're going into, meaning, we'll need to go to our clickbank account and browse through the category section. (choose a category that resonate with your personality. I mean, choose a market that you know you can easily promote). For example, under the self help category we have different dropdown lists: general, self esteem, marriage and relationships,.. and more. So choose a category that you know is easy for you and that you can easily write about without getting fraustrated writing about that topic. Are you getting my point? For another example, I could write articles about self esteem problems, tips, solutions and other interesting facts about self esteem without worrying about what to write. So, now that you know the market (category) and sub-category (the drop-down lists) on clickbank you want to go into, it's time to brainstorm lists of domain names you will register that has to do with your selected sud-category. For instance, I could write good articles about self esteem niche so my domain name to register might look something like this; selfesteemdoctor dorthe korme and similar domain names like that. Just brainstorm, but make sure it resonates with the kind of market you are going into. Lets go to godaddy or namecheap to register our domain name. Once you register the domain name available, it's time to create our website. Creating Your Website You can use textpad text editor, browse google for free templates, unzip it, customise your site as you'll like it with good colors, (to get ideas of how to create your self esteem site, google out sites about self esteem and see how they create theirs, and that will do.) Once you've created your site within an hour or two, upload it to your hosting acoount you get from hostgator (point your domain name with your hosting account and website) you'll see how to do this in your hostgator account it's dead easy! Alright, we've come a long way. You've created your website, hosting account, domain neame, virtual address, phone no, uploaded your site to your hosting acc, pointed your domain with your hosting acc and site. Phew... Next Steps... Pls, give your genuine contributions. Time to go. My dangote spagetti is cooking... Later. |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 12:04pm On Dec 11, 2013 |
Now that you have completed some of the important steps to your affiliate marketing startup. You have: 1. Gotten a virtual address 2. Virtual phone no 3. Created your site 4. Gotten an hosting account 5. Gotten a domain name And everything is half set. Next Steps... Log into your clickbank account, click settings, edit your payee name form field with, "LFR COMMUNICATIONS INC". It's easy to do. Once done, you need to sign-up for an autoresponder account. There are many of them but it is imparative you go for a good one. Let me use getresponse for example. Once you sign up with getresponce, create your list, build your webform, generate the html code for the form, insert it into your website html page, click save or update. Now, the only thing available on your website is your webform, right? Ok. Next... Loginto your clickbank account and pick a product (remember the domain name you created? You are using that.) in our example; self esteem is our niche market or subniche market. Pick a product under self esteem to promote. Now, there are couple of things you must do. Sort the product in clickbank marketplace under "gravity", shoot for gravity between 60-100, visit the vendors website (try and make sure the site doesn't have an optin form(like the one you have on your own website) but if the product is something you know you feel comfortable with and it has an optin form, don't worry, just promote it all the same). Read the sites sales page to gather information. (There is still more talk about this)... But in a snap, try to make any content that will be on your website be a product review. So the informations you will get from that site plus other info you can gather over the internet as reviews are what you will put together on your self esteem site as a review for that product. Do you get my point? Now that you have writen your preview, go back to your cb account on that same product you want to promote and click promote. A pop-up window will show with your affiliate link or ID, copy it, go back to your site, open the html page and insert the link there... something like this... |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 12:30pm On Dec 11, 2013 |
{Starting point of your article product review} and in the middle of your article, let say you write.. if you're going through these heartache self esteem problem you can check this "overcome self esteem the easy way" page, it's really loaded to the gils. Although, I have not personally use all the formular contained there but it worth checking out... "overcome self esteem the easy way" is a link and that link is your affiliate ID hidden under the html page of your website. When you copy that your affiliate link from the product you're promoting on clickbank, towards the end of that your affiliate link you will see.. [your affiliate html links... >Click Here<> Just replace the "Click Here" with "overcome self esteem easily". Get it? Make sure you write other posts too on your website at least 5. Once all these is done, you've completed 75% of the process. Now, unto traffic generation. Everything is set, your next step is driving traffic to your site. There are different methods, but I will only mention a few. PS: All these steps might take you more time to read than doing them. In fact, once everything is set right, you can get everything done within a few hours. And within a week... Just open your CB account and see the amount you have made for the week. You can set your threashold to even $1000 in your cb acc, and once your earning has reached that amount to request for a withdrawal. Click bank will send your affiliate check to graphcard, graphcard will cash the check on your behalf and lock it into your graphcard account. Log into your graphcard acc and click withdraw... and within days graphcard will send your fund into your vtn acc. Inside your vtn acc is your Nigeria bank acc no, vtn will just directly pay your cash into your nigerian bank acc. If you have an atm card, smile to the bank! You can even get all these my explanations in video formats and in mp3. It'll make the whole process damn easy for you. What do you think? pls give your concerns... Driving traffic is the next step. The most important step, don't miss this one. Will be back Cheers! |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by Opiosko: 9:21am On Dec 13, 2013 |
Sound good to be true. Bwt, the domain and website of a thing, will the blog name be the same as ur clickbank name,or can one jst dedicate lets say a page of his blog for the product review? Lest i forget, thanks a lot for sharing...Jah bless ur soul. 1 Like |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 11:20am On Dec 13, 2013 |
Opiosko, You see, if you check my first thread... it's says... building your own business.... There are four most important component your online business must do for you... If you miss them, you'll be wandering in the dark. There is one great thing I love about affiliate marketing.. and especially also for beginners. You can make money from all over the world without worring where your traffic came from. Onlike info. marketing that can only make you money in Nigeria if you don't have payment processor for global payment... (much more on this)... When you want to create your cb username (also ID) you must choose right, it has nothing to do with your blog or site... it is wise to choose IDs like.. discount567 or cheap4521 and others like it (more on that, too) Reason: when customers are checking out on your vendors website and probably (not always dough) they see John Garry or other real names... it might be a turn off for them. So, when or if they see discount567... they thought, "Wow, discount??". As for your blog name or domain, it depends on the type of niche you are venturing into. Did you get the point? One of the best ways to learn is to follow best approaches of the masters and do what they do. Get all the video format, mp3 and pdfs (eBooks) on how this whole thing works. Devote one week to the learning and follow the instructions afterwards. Doing things like trial and error format will not get you far. Instead, it will be a prudent thing to get the whole package plus the training mentorship program till you make money into your bank account. I will not give up until you make your first money online! After which you can rinse and repeat the process yourself. Akin Alabi is giving away N1m for his questions on his blog just as linda ikeji does. There are lots of online millionires in Nigeria now than ever before... Make it a point to join the league, too. You Can! |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 11:31am On Dec 13, 2013 |
I'm afraid this is going to be my last post (not really), maybe. As you may know already there are hundreds of ways to drive traffic to your blog or site both free and paid. But as a beginner in affiliate marketing, I will mention just two ways you can drive traffic to your site/blog. Paid and free methos. Paid Method: As a beginner in AM, you might probably not have much to spend on paid traffic means. But if you can, I suggest: PPC Advertising: PPC means pay per click, they include: Google adwords, fb, bidvertiser, site scout, 7search, blogads and more... But before you use this method, you must know how to do proper keyword research using wordtracker |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by libertyfather(m): 2:05pm On Dec 14, 2013 |
Like you said earlier, I think putting all in a CD , or a kind PDF file will do a lot of good...looking forward for that thnks |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 5:46pm On Dec 14, 2013 |
libertyfather: Like you said earlier, I think putting all in a CD , or a kind PDF file will do a lot of good...looking forward for that thnks You can get most of them in video formats, mp3 and pdfs, too. For only2445 Plus, Full mentorship and follow-up. Meaning: I won't give up until you make your first profits (money). Afterwards, you can rinse and repeat the whole process. But, Be snappy! Coz' only 70 persons will benefit from this special offer, and it's almost filled up (last time I check, about 57 persons already subscribed!). |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 6:36pm On Dec 14, 2013 |
PPC Contd: Wordtracker is a free keyword research tool but I suggest you upgrade to the paid version which have more analytical power than the free version. After your proper keyword research under your specific hot niche market. You can go ahead and open your ad words account. (there is more about this, explaining via writing will not help much. You must see it all in action yourself.) Next steps... Free Traffic Generation Mean(s). Article Marketing: Since most of the traffic to your site will be coming from all around the world. It is imparative you go with article marketing. Using: Ezinearticles Goarticles articlecity suite101 triond hubpages and many more... Starting with ezinearticles. Guys in ezine have high class when it comes to accepting your articles. But if you follow their simple guidelines, you should be ok. to be contd... |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 8:09am On Dec 15, 2013 |
Ezine Contd... After you submit your first article... Hey, did I mention creating your website and inserting your cb affiliate ID within the pages? It's pretty simple, let me check previous posts... Ok, I've said that. After you submit your first article and you are accepted don't stop writing articles NOTE: Since this niche market is based on what you enjoy doing (except for those who are very vast and can write on any topic under the sun. These people can go into any niche market and write about that topic enjoying it). Since this topic is based on what you enjoy doing you should write every week 3-4 times in a week to ezine articles. Genuine valuable/informational articles that you wrote yourself. To ease your article writing stress (you know there are many more article directory you will still write to, to drive traffic) you can use a software product called "article spinner".... I.e. if you write one article now and submit it to ezine you can submit the same article to another article site but not in the original form you wrote. This article spinner will spin and change the important parts of your article..., so it will be different from the original one. You can do this upto say 5times to one original article and submit those to other article directories. PS: Some say it is not that good to be using article spinner but in my opinion, what about those who are not keen with writing, esp. a lot?... then I suggest when you have spin your first article frpom the original one try edit the spinned article a little by adding new lines of words (sentences) to the article, new grammer and other editting forms. You can and should do this to all 5spinned articles. Reason: to be on a very safe side coz if these article directories found out that you are using or you copy one article from one place, you will run into copright issues and that is not healthy for your business. So write genuine articles, spin and edit... Write often, too. Now that you have been writing articles to drive traffic to your self esteem site/blog it is time you start thinking about your commishs! (commissions) If you can write like this all the time consistently, persistently with new posts on your blog/site. I can pretty assure you that within a month you can start to see your commissions in your cb acc. And if you set your threshold to $1,000..., once your commish reach that amount... cb will send the check to your graphcard address and graphcard will cash the check on ur behalf, send it to your vtn acc (if you click withdraw), vtn will send your money into your Nigerian bank account (dom acc). Depending on the current exchange rates; your $1k (if 150-$1) will be about #150,000k or less like #148,542 or something coz of transaction fees with graphcard and vtn. If you have been taking steps or youwant to start, kindly post your progress here so others could benefit from it also and so it can make me smile and happy too. ![]() Best of Luck taiwodare |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by dokadotswsc: 11:19am On Dec 16, 2013 |
Hello Everyone, Dokadots Retail Clothing Store (url: is looking for websites and blogs to join our affiliate marketing program. Every referred visitor through the product link on the affiliate’s website who purchases a product on our website earns the affiliate 10% commission on the sale. Other benefits include: • Nothing to stock, no inventory of any kind. • You do not need any special knowledge of the industry. • You do not make cash collections. • You do not need to ship products and do not need additional employees. • Increase ad revenue for your website by simply including the link Interested affiliates can call +2347060951584 or send an email to for enquiries Thank you. |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by govaz(m): 9:19am On Dec 17, 2013 |
Hello Taiwodare,thanks for sharing your knowledge of affiliate marketing here.Now if I want to register with Godaddy or Hostgator,what payment system do I use and how do I access it.Once more God's Blessing Unlimited For You. |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by simeonabio(m): 2:15pm On Dec 17, 2013 |
i used my gtb mastercard to register on for web hosting. It was successfull. 1 Like |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by inforesource: 11:04pm On Dec 17, 2013 |
Steps: 1) Visit any UBA bank(you don't need to hav acc. with UBA) 2) Request for AfriCard VISA form(make sure u have a valid ID, wait for few days for approval) 3) Load Your card 4) go to n register a free acc, and there u are good to go. I hope this helps. govaz: Hello Taiwodare,thanks for sharing your knowledge of affiliate marketing here.Now if I want to register with Godaddy or Hostgator,what payment system do I use and how do I access it.Once more God's Blessing Unlimited For You. |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 1:42pm On Dec 19, 2013 |
govaz: Hello Taiwodare,thanks for sharing your knowledge of affiliate marketing here.Now if I want to register with Godaddy or Hostgator,what payment system do I use and how do I access it.Once more God's Blessing Unlimited For You. I explain everything in my two weeks course. And just as simeobi said, you can use your GTB mastercard. It's really simple. Note: You must activate the card first from gt, get your token too, you'll be sent some instructions into your email inbox, follow it and activate your card on their website. PS: All these processes are actually simple. Your goal should be (and where your WORK lies) is making your first money from this program. Never lose sight of it. NOTE: If you can't go through all these processes, you can contact me and I'll make your purchase for you on godaddy without any charge! Just the price of the product you want to get plus maybe gt text/internet charge which is just #100. |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by nairacodedcom(m): 5:15pm On Dec 25, 2013 |
@OP. You are doing a nice job. God bless you. I have been involved in ClickBank for a while and earned some cash (I left ClickBank to focus more on SFI), am happy you are sharing your experience for free. Starting ClickBank can be tasking for some, and its 'NOT TOTALLY' free if you want to start well with Autoresponder, hosting, domain and other stuffs. I discover that if you make the right investment into A.M you will get the benefits of it. If not, you might spend a year without selling, if you don't want to work hard and smart at it. 1 Like |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 12:29pm On Dec 26, 2013 | You are right. If you check my main site page I fully discuss starting your own business from scratch and not some kind of random article writing and expecting thousands of $$$$ @the end of the month, that's not how it work. But no matter the amount of money you invest into autoresponder, hosting, domain... etc etc... without a keyword research tool you will work too hard for peanuts, monthly. SFI? Nice online business, thinking of going into it someday, coz it's a good practice to get solid first in one type of biz b4 you move on to start and develop another. When you're strong in your SFI quest do not hesitate to post it here on NL for others to benefit, ok? And, let me know about it too. ![]() |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by mintyx(m): 3:51pm On Dec 29, 2013 |
taiwodare: key word reasearch tool? pls xplain more on this at ur convenience |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by taiwodare(m): 8:10pm On Dec 29, 2013 |
mintyx: Keyword Research is one of the most important resources in an online business especially afiliate marketing/info marketing and related others. The work of this tool is to enable you corner a market or niche more easily and make your money. This is what I mean... There are various people coming online to seek for solutions to their pending problems and which they need a solution FAST! Hence, they visit a search engine (common google) and type their keyword there to see websites/blogs and or an information that will solve their problem... Your job is to enter a niche (a focused (HOT) niche) e.g. marriage is a general niche market and it's too broad. You then break it down, e.g. how to solve conflicts in marriage or raising teenagers in marriage and so on... those keywords are sub-niche markets under marriage. Now, when you type your sub-niche market keyword into your keyword research tool it gives you almost full lists of these keywords of people who want a solution to their marriage conflicts... then after you've done your proper keyword research you then go to any affiliate site e.g. cb and find a product that deals with this keyword, conflicts in marriage for example... you promote it using the lists of keywords you've gotten from your keyword research tool and bid on those keywords using an advert tie sin method. Thus, when these people search for these related keywords again your advert will show up to them... and then you'll have a better chance of them buying your aff product (very high chance!) So, this tool is very important coz you will not be promoting products that will give you small small sales but HUGE ones! At least, from my own experince. Though, when you start it might take some time before you really get it right but like most things in life, it takes time before things go the way you plan or want it. Did you understand my points? 1 Like |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by adim2(m): 6:07am On Dec 31, 2013 |
following sir |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by velly001(m): 2:07pm On Nov 11, 2014 |
m lost here looks like gibberish |
Re: Free Affiliate Marketing tutorial by velly001(m): 9:59pm On Nov 11, 2014 |
nairacodedcom:i jes registered under sfi(ur signature), can u put mi thru? |
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