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Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 - Religion (38) - Nairaland

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 1:10pm On May 25, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
FRIDAY MAY 25, 2018


"He that covereth his sin shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy" (Proverbs 28:13).

A songwriter aptly explains today's reading verse:

You cannot hide it from God (x 2),
You may cover your sin that nobody may know,
You cannot hide it from God.

Importantly, the scripture reading informs us of what happens to those who conceal and refuse to forsake their evil practices. Those people who cover their sins from the knowledge of others seem to forget that God is an all-seeing God. Not only does He see all that happens, He knows the very intent of our hearts. Therefore, the wisest thing for a sinner to do is to uncover and confess his sins to God to receive pardon.

Also, the text highlights that to receive mercy and pardon from God goes beyond a mere confession of sins as many do nowadays. Apart from confession, sin must be forsaken, never to go back to them. Today, if you need God's mercy and pardon, confess your sins and promise to follow the Lord to the end.

Chɑllenge: "You can hide your sins from man, but not from God."

Prɑyer: "God, help me to forsake every evil, in Jesus' name."

Quote: "Apart from confession, sin must be forsaken"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Psalm 51:1, 2

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:19pm On May 26, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2018


"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise" (Proverbs 20:1).

Some researchers comment that alcohol, "can result in high blood pressure, liver damage, heart disease and has been connected to stomach and breast cancer... (and) poisoning leading to a coma or death." Most people are aware of the dangers of taking alcohol, yet they indulge in the deadly habit or serve others with it. Someone said, "The road to hell is paved with empty wine bottles."

God knows that alcohol, like a poison, is harmful to human health. That is why He forbids us from taking it. But it is unfortunate that many youths today are becoming addicted to alcohol. They drink themselves to stupor in parties and ceremonies. A Youtube video recently showed a church in a nation in Africa where innocent worshipers are deceived that taking beer and liquor will help in casting evil spirits from them. Others say they take alcohol to forget their sorrows, yet, they end up in deeper sorrows. The Bible text of today says that such deceived people are not wise. The Holy Bible declares that no drunkards shall inherit God's kingdom (Roman 6:9-10).

Chɑllenge: "A drunkard is exposed to danger on earth and eternity."

Prɑyer: "Lord, help me to hate alcohol."

Quote: "No drunkard shall inherit God's kingdom"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Habakuk 2:15,16

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:07am On May 27, 2018
Higher Everydɑy

�TEXT: JOHN 3:1-12

��"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God" (John 3:3).

The online Oxford English dictionary has simply defined 'visa' as a stamp or mark put on your passport by officials of a foreign country that gives you permission to enter (their country). In other words, a stranger needs a visa as a permit to enter a foreign country.

Nicodemus, a Jewish leader, secretly came to Jesus in the night to obtain the only permit to the heavenly county. He must have been tired of his self-righteous religious activities like fasting, Washing of hands, burning of incense, memorization and recitation of Mosaic laws, which could not stop him from committing sin. He came secretly to be set free from sin. The answer he received from the Lord Jesus then is still the answer for all sinners today. The Christian youths who are taught that infant baptism, confirmation, church attendance, singing in the youth choir, etc. Without the new birth experience will qualify them for heaven are deceived. As a sinner, repent and surrender your life to Jesus to obtain the visa to the Kingdom of God.

Chɑllenge: "Genuine conversion is the only permit to heaven."

�� Prɑyer: "Oh God, help me to retain my visa to heaven in Jesus' name."

Quote: "Repent and surrender your life to Jesus's kingdom"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: ACTS 2:37-42

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 12:29pm On May 28, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
MONDAY, MAY 28, 2018


"Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish" (Matthew 25:1, 2).

The parable of the ten virgins depicts the two types of believers in every congregation. While some are ready for the coming of the King of Kings, others are lukewarm and busy with the things of the world. The hymn writer poses these questions to the church of Christ:

When the bridegroom cometh will your robes be white?
Pure and white in the blood of the Lamb?
Will your soul be ready for the mansion bright,
and be washed in the blood of the Lamb?

Beloved, are you still passionate about Christian fellowship, prayer, evangelism and holy living? Are you living in preparation for the rapture of the saints? Christians living like the foolish virgins will be disappointed when Christ comes to take His saints home. Decide to live for Christ daily like the wise virgins. The youth that is still living in sin is in danger of hellfire. Are you born again? He is a fool also that rejects the free offer of salvation through Christ, the Saviour of the world.

Chɑllenge: "Are you a wise or a foolish virgin?"

Prɑyer: "Lord, keep me burning till Christ comes."

Quote: "Live for Christ daily like the wise virgins"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Matthew 25:1-13

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:07pm On May 29, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2018


"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" (1 Corinthians 6:19).

The story of landlord and tenant relationship will help us understand the Bible text of today. The landlord who is the owner of his house always gives rules to every tenant before renting out his house to him. After the tenant has agreed to abide by the rules of tenancy, he allows the tenant to move in. The landlord is still the owner of the house, while the tenant cannot deface the house or turn it to his personal property.

The analogy above clearly shows that God owns our bodies, and we are tenants in our bodies which are temples of God. This understanding is very important because many people today do anything they like with their bodies, the temples of God. Apart from polluting God's temples with immorality, alcohol and hard drugs, they tattoo their bodies with demonic incisions. Regrettably, youths are more involved in the pollution and desecration of God's temples. Do you pollute God's temple? You must repent. Know that you are not the owner of your body. It belongs to God.

Chɑllenge: "What do you do with your body?"

Prɑyer: "Lord, make and keep me holy in Jesus' name."

Quote: "Do you pollute God's temple?"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: 1 Corinthians 6:15-20

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:23pm On May 30, 2018
Higher Everydɑy

TEXT: JAMES 5:13-18

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16).

The story of four young men many years ago in a foreign land fits into our discussion today. The wicked king Nebuchadnezzar had ordered the Chief Guard to kill all the wise men in Babylon because they could not recall his dreams for interpretation. Daniel, Hanniah, Mishael and Azariah the Jews were among the wise men to be slaughtered. So Daniel approached the king that he should give him time to recall and interpret his dreams for him.

The next step Daniel took was amazing. The Bible says, "Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, his companions: That they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon (Daniel 2:17-18). Daniel went to his brethren to pray together on the problem. What a great testimony that God answered them and revealed the impossible to Daniel! Do not worry about your problems; share them with trusted brethren or fellowship leaders.

Chɑllenge: "When last did you pray for another person?"

Prɑyer: "Lord, give me grace to pray for others."

Quote: "When saints pray for one another, miracles happen"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: COLOSSIANS 4:2-4; JAMES 5:16-18

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:19am On May 31, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2018

TEXT: MATTHEW 20:27, 28

"And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:27, 28).

The concept of leadership in the Kingdom of God is the opposite of the practice in the world. This is the lesson Jesus is imparting to all His followers. The leader in the world is a boss that lords it over all. He is to be served by all. He to enjoy while others suffer. His is just to issue out orders that all must obey. But Jesus says occupying leadership is to position in the church or fellowship is to become a servant to serve others as He practically demonstrated to His disciples.

What is the lesson for us? As a leader in your school or youth fellowship, God has chosen you to serve your brothers and sisters. Praying for them, visiting the weary, lending a helping hand, teaching and counseling them, are some ways of serving the people of God. Leaders in God's kingdom are humble; they are not proud like the leaders in the world. They are ready to sacrifice their talents, treasures and time to help the people under them like Jesus. Pray for God's grace to make humility your lifestyle.

Chɑllenge: "Are you ready to serve others?"

Prɑyer: "Give me grace oh Lord, to serve others like Jesus did."

Quote: "Leaders in God's kingdom are humble"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Matthew 20:25-28

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:39am On Jun 01, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
FRIDAY JUNE 01, 2018

TEXT: JOHN 8:1-11

"And they heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst" (John 8:9).

A Greek philosopher, Sophocles, once said: "No accuser so powerful as conscience." The statement summarizes the plight of the Jewish elders that brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus. Her accusers wanted Jesus to order that the woman be stoned to death as it was written in the laws of Moses.

The wisdom of Jesus rattled them. The Lord Jesus, whose sole aim of coming to the world is to rescue the lost, declined their request. He could see hypocrisy standing tall in their hearts. They were accusing the woman of the sin they too were not free from. So, Jesus allowed their conscience to judge them as He said, "...... He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." Convicted of their hypocrisy by their consciences, they all left one after the other. Though their consciences judged them of their own sins, they did not repent before Jesus. Are you like the scribes and the pharisees who accuse others of sin, yet they too are sinners? Repentance sets guilty consciences free.

Chɑllenge: "Conscience acts as the police of the heart"

Prɑyer: "Keep my conscience alive, oh Lord!"

Quote: "Repentance sets guilty consciences free"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: JOHN 8:4-11

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:59am On Jun 02, 2018
Higher Everydɑy


"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter" (Proverbs 25:2).

According to some sound statistics, until 1900, human knowledge doubled approximately every century. However, by the end of world War II, knowledge was doubling every 25 years. Today, human knowledge is doubling on the average every 13 months. According to IBM, the build out of the "Internet of things" will lead to the doubling of knowledge every 12 hours. The growth in knowledge is attributed to increased world population, number of educated people and particularly, those working in research laboratories. Inventions in fields such as science and technology will prove the point. The irony, however, according to General Omar Bradley, is that "We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount....... The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants." Any wonder there is insecurity globally?

Our text declares that God is the source of knowledge. It is humankind that should search for knowledge for their own good. Christian youths should have passion for studies to acquire knowledge that will help achieve good educational goals.

Chɑllenge: "How do you read? What do you read?"

Prɑyer: "Help me Lord to seek the right knowledge"

Quote: "A world of nuclear giants and ethical infants"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: DANIEL 12:4

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:52pm On Jun 03, 2018
Higher Everydɑy

TEXT: JOHN 8:38-44

"Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of Myself, but He sent Me" (John 8:42).

There may be no accepted scientific method of proving whether a person is a child of God, like using a DNA evidence to reveal a person's paternity, but the Bible provides some spiritual parameters for finding out. Check out these moral qualities of God which every child of God must possess. First, God is not a sinner and as such sinners cannot be His children. Consider the followings: Any one born of God does not commit sin ( 1 John 3:8 ); anyone who commits sin is of the Devil ( 1 John 3:9 ); to have God as your Father you must keep off everything unclean or sinful (2 Corinthians 6:17,18). Second, God is love, and you cannot be His child if you are not loving ( 1 John 4:7.8 ).

Our text shows that Jesus had personal intimate relationship with His Father. Many self-acclaimed children of God refer to God as 'Father' during their prayers, but is God really their Father? To have a father-son relationship with God, you must be born again into His kingdom by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

Chɑllenge: "What type of relationship do you have with God?"

Prɑyer: "Wash me oh Lamb of God, and make me God's child today"

Quote: "You must be born again into God's kingdom"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: 1 JOHN 3:4-11

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 7:41am On Jun 04, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
MONDAY, JUNE 04, 2018


"And Joseph answered Pharoah, saying, it is not in me: God shall give Pharoah an answer of peace" (Genesis 41:16).

As a songwriter rightly wrote: "All the glory must be to the Lord, for He is worthy of our praise. No man on earth should give glory to himself, because all the glory must be to the Lord." Joseph the dreamer had been known to be an interpreter of dreams. He interpreted the dreams of fellow prisoners while in the prison and they happened just as he had said. Soon after, Joseph was invited by king Pharoah to interpret his dreams. There he displayed a rare virtue of humility. Unlike many people that would brag and boast, Joseph recognised God as the source of his ability to interpret dreams. He gave all the glory to God before the king and his subjects, that he was just an instrument in the hands of God.

Joseph's behavior is a big lesson for all youths. He was not like the youths who would attribute their success or feat to their ability, determination and hardwork. Such students, rather than acknowledge the divine enablement that God has given them, resort to pride. Learn to acknowledge God in your success.

Chɑllenge: "I will acknowledge God in everything I do."

Prɑyer: "Lord, help me to return all glory unto you always."

Quote: "Acknowledge God in your success."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Psalm 34:1-10

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 12:59pm On Jun 05, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
TUESDAY, JUNE 05, 2018

TEXT: JOHN 12:49

"For I have not spoken of Myself; but the Father which sent Me, He gave Me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak" (John 12: 49).

Today's text shows Jesus' reliance on God the Father who sent Him on errand to the world. It implies that own personal agenda. He came to do only what God assigned Him to do. As such, Jesus relied on God the Father in everything He did during His earthly ministry.

There are many preachers and pastors today who claim they are of Christ, but their messages contradict the gospel and life of Christ. They spread their erroneous opinions. Christian youths must beware of such false prophets and preachers. God is not glorified in their ministrations. They use social media, including audio - visual resources, to spread their damnable teachings. As we receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, He becomes our Master. We must not do anything without consulting Him. We must seek His counsel on all issues and be ready to do his Will.

Chɑllenge: "Jesus must be honoured in my life every day."

Prɑyer: "Lord, help me to return all glory unto you always."

Quote: "The one you obey controls your life."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: John 17:24-26

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:39am On Jun 06, 2018
Higher Everydɑy


"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:5,6).

We live in a world where a number of successful people regard themselves as self-made. They talk of self-drive and ''I can spirit" They believe in their ability to make it in life and always ascribe their achievements to their self-efforts. The youths of today are being deceived to believe that they can make it without God's assistance.

Today's text enjoins us to always trust God, seeking His infinite wisdom, and not relying on our frail minds and limited knowledge. Only God can never fail. Beloved, you need to always trust the All-Knowing God who is infinitely good, for your success. Allow Him to guide and control your life. Do not use your limited knowledge to plan and make decisions for your life. You can get counsel from God through His word, His servants and personal prayer of guidance in your education and career plans. You will have boldness to approach God for help if you are His child. Do that now by giving your life to Jesus. Learn to return all the glory to God as you succeed through His help.

Chɑllenge: "Without God, I am nothing and I have nothing."

Prɑyer: "Lord, help me to always acknowledge you in my achievements."

Quote: "Learn to return all the glory to God."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Psalm 29: 1 - 2

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 3:46pm On Jun 07, 2018
Higher Everydɑy


"Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences" (2 Corinthians 5:11).

Daily, you come in contact with sinners as colleagues, classmates, hostel mates, roommates, neighbours, teachers, etc. Watching their lives closely, you see them commit a lot of sins as though they are normal acts. They lie, fight, curse, cheat, fornicate and backbite. The list is endless. What most Christians see is their sins. We do not see the eternal fire of hell that lies ahead of them.

Apostle Paul and his contemporary saints were not like many of us. They knew the certainty and the horror of God's judgment on sinners. They knew that the sorrows of hell were endless. The pathetic fate of all sinners moved them with compassion everywhere to warn them of the danger of hell fire. Paul was so addicted to rescuing the perishing that he pronounced a curse on himself if he failed to preach the Gospel. Do you witness to your sinning mates? Do you warn them of God's terror? God has sent you to that school or community, to warn sinners.

Chɑllenge: "Do you care for the dying sinners?"

Prɑyer: "Oh God, make me a preacher of the good news of Christ's saving grace."

Quote: "God has sent you to warn sinners."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: John 17:24-26

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:58am On Jun 08, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
FRIDAY, JUNE 08, 2018

TEXT: PSALM 37:30,31

"The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment. The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide" (Psalm 37:30,31).

An awful story of a chick that became a prey to a hawk would best illustrate the text of today. The Mother hen made signs as usual for her chicks to run under cover or come under her feathers. But the stubborn chick would not budge. So the hawk dived down and picked her with its sharp claws. The stubborn chick yelled and struggled in vain as she was flown into the region of death.

We are living in the last days when satan is busy using the challenges of life and the alluring things of the world to daily tempt many believers out of the precious faith. The psalmist gives us weapons to overcome satan's tricks, to keep us from sliding back to the world. We must daily share the good news, warn sinners about the judgment to come and keep God's word in our hearts and obey it. As a youth in the Lord, if you take to the counsel, you will not become a prey to the devil and perish like the stubborn chick.

Chɑllenge: "Daily ask God for grace to overcome sins and temptations"

Prɑyer: "Lord, help me from backsliding."

Quote: "The Bible keeps those who read and obey it from sin."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Psalm 37:30-40

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:24am On Jun 09, 2018
Higher Everydɑy

TEXT: MARK 16:15

"And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15).

Bob Streblow told a story of a young teenage boy of 18 years, who had the vision of a drunkard Mr. Pegelow, at the gate of hell. In reality, he was moved with passion when he saw him later at the Milwaukee Road Depot in his stench and offensive odour. He dragged and carried him in his white shirt, with a black knit tie and a pair of nicely shined shoes to the church. At church, God visited Mr. Pegelow and was transformed greatly before he eventually died and went to glory.

Like this teenager, God expects every saved youth to go out there and fish for souls who are on the verge of going to hell. You could save so many Pegelow lost in alcohol, drugs, cultism, prostitution and all forms of social vices. If this young man did not go after Mr. Pegelow, caring less of the stench and filth on Mr. Pegelow, he would have gone to hell. What about you? Why don't you go out and fish some souls today?

Chɑllenge: "Any soul can be reached for Christ while there is still life"

Prɑyer: "Lord, help me to go out to preach and win souls for Jesus."

Quote: "Fish for some souls today."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Matthew 28:19-20. Luke 10:1

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 9:07am On Jun 10, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2018


"But as for you, you thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive" (Genesis 50:20).

In the Bible, Ruth was a poor Moabite widow who went with her mother-in-law to live in Bethlehem, a Jewish town where the inhabitants considered Moabites as outcasts. But she never knew that God was going to turn her situation around. She did not wallow in self-pity and moan about being a poor young widow of the wrong race in the wrong place. Unknown to her, it was God's supernatural strategy to lift her up from zero to heroine,

Ruth had everything going against her; because she trusted in the favour of God, she did not only become the wife of Bethlehem's richest man when Boaz married her, but she also became the great-grandmother of David and had her name included in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. That is God's supernatural strategy for any youth who trusts in God. Joseph was sold by his wicked brothers to get rid of him, but unknown to them, it was God's supernatural strategy to preserve Israel and to fulfill his plans of lifting Joseph up from Zero to Hero.

Chɑllenge: "You too can experience God's supernatural strategy"

Prɑyer: "Lord, fulfill your plans in my life."

Quote: "Supernatural strategy to preserve Israel."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Ruth 3:3-12

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:11am On Jun 11, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2018


"Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? Thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal?" (Romans 2:21).

In our text, several charges were brought against the Jewish Rabbi and the Pharisees; they were hypocrites, though they taught others, they did not teach themselves; they were blind leaders of the blind. They were ignorant of the law they claimed to teach. They understood neither what they taught nor what they affirmed. They were ignorant of the righteousness of God, of whom they boasted.

Are you like these hypocrites? Anyone who teaches others and does not practice what he or she teaches is like a blind man, who has a lamp in his hand, gives light to others but he himself walks in darkness. Are you a hypocrite? Do you peach to others whereas you fail to preach to yourself? While you preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that one must not commit fornication, do you commit fornication? Are you in a sinful relationship and are preaching to others? You cannot be warning others of the danger of sin and secretly you are sinning. Repent of your hypocrisy today and surrender your life to Christ.

Chɑllenge: "There is judgment for the hypocrites"

Prɑyer: "Father, forgive me of my hypocrisy in Jesus' name."

Quote: "Repent of your hypocrisy today."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Romans 2:1-6, 21-24

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:46am On Jun 12, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2018


"Let the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord" (Colossians 3:16).

Ludwig van Beethoven lived from 1770 - 1827. He was one of the most famous classical music composers; he completed his famed ninth symphony in 1823 being completely deaf. He was an innovator; he widened the scope of sonata, symphony, concerto and quarter. He combined both vocals and instruments in a new way that pulled crowds to God. His personal life was marked by a struggle against deafness and some of his most important works were composed during the last 10 years of his life, when he was quite unable to hear. He died in 1827 at the age of 56. His songs were soul saving and soul inspiring. According to John & Carolyn Murphy, "Satan has infiltrated the musical artists, producers and distributors of western secular music. This music proclaims messages of immorality, lust, sex, rebellion, anti - Christian, anti - Christ and even murder and suicide".

The word of God admonishes us to sing hymns and spiritual songs unto the Lord. Faced with challenges? Lift up your voice and worship God in hymns and songs and your burdens will roll away.

Chɑllenge: "Draw sinners to God through your songs"

Prɑyer: "Lord, use me to sing inspiring godly songs."

Quote: "Supernatural strategy to preserve Israel."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Psalm 150:1-6

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 1:45am On Jun 13, 2018
Higher Everydɑy


"Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men" (Proverb 22:29).

Beverly clearly, one of the most popular authors of children books was a diligent reader, who grew up in Yamhill, Oregon, a small town where there was no public library. As a little girl, her mother arranged for books to be sent to the town from the state library. Beverly looked forward to each weekly shipment. Her diligence in reading these books resulted in a lifelong love for books and later became a writer. This made her one of the most popular authors of children's books. Beverly distinguished herself through diligence in reading books.

What about you? You too can distinguish yourself in your life goal through diligence. Distinction is not reserved for a privileged few but for all diligent and purposeful people. As a Christian aiming to serve God, you must be diligent. In his book, The character of the Lord's worker, watchman Nee wrote, "Everyone who is ever used of God labours and works diligently in his service. He is always on the alert lest he squanders his time or strength." Beloved, avoid frivolity and idleness.

Chɑllenge: "Work hard to achieve all round distinction"

Prɑyer: "Oh God, I want to be diligent; help me, in Jesus' name."

Quote: "You too can distinguish yourself."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Proverb 6:4-10

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:26am On Jun 14, 2018
Higher Everydɑy

TEXT: Deuteronomy 1:6,7A

"The Lord our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying, You have dwelt long enough in this mount: Turn you, and take your journey, and go to the mount of the Amorites" (Deuteronomy 1:6,7a).

Pierre Auguste Renoir lived from 1841 to 1919. In his childhood, Renoir worked in a porcelain factory where his artistic talents afforded him the opportunity to paint the designs on the fine China. Renoir was a painter. Some of his inspiration was the bank of the Seine River in the Paris basin of northern France. Late on his career, he suffered from a crippling arthritis; his condition was so bad that, he had brushes tied to his hands so he could paint. Though, Pierre had a crippling arthritis disease, he continued painting portraits and he lived a purposeful and fulfilled life. Wonderful!

No matter the ugly situation you find yourself in today as a youth, be rest assured that through determination, you will get to your destination. You too will fulfill your destiny and make a mark on the shores of life. You might have stayed so long in a particular class because of disabilities or difficult situations. God's will is that you move forward in life. Pray and He will grant you your heart desire (Jeremiah 29:11).

Chɑllenge: "Do not stop mid-way: press on and achieve your goal"

Prɑyer: "Empower me oh God to reach my goal, in Jesus' name."

Quote: "God's will is that you move forward."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Philippians 4:6-9,13

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:37am On Jun 15, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2018


"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord" (Isaiah 54:17).

In the long - drawn intermittent warfare between Israel and her neighbouring Arab nations, Israel has over the years learnt to protect and defend herself against planned and sudden attacks. She uses all the armed forces and sophisticated military technologies. Many missiles and rockets have been launched into Israel, particularly from Palestine, but they could not achieve their aim of doing great damage. In frustration, the Palestinians had to dig tunnels into Israel to attack from within Israel. These tactics have also failed. When God declared, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper," this is just like it. You are heavily defended.

There is a weapon against all weapons of the devil; it is the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is above all names and powers. It is a strong tower which keeps you safe if you run into it. No matter the arrows or missiles of the devil against you, they shall not prosper for all power is given unto you as a child of God. If you are not a child of God repent now.

Chɑllenge: "Decree against all weapons of darkness against you"

Prɑyer: "I destroy every weapon against me, in Jesus' name."

Quote: "The name of Jesus is above all names."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Philippians 2:9-11, Psalm 37:17; 125:1-3

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:42am On Jun 16, 2018
Higher Everydɑy


"And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:36).

The lamb as a symbol for Christ has its origin in the Old Testament. For many years man worshiped God by sacrificing animals. The sacrifice of a lamb also played an important part in the Exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt, a land symbolic of suffering and bondage. John, the Baptist introduced Christ as the lamb of God to the audience to underscore the pivotal position of Christ in the salvation plan of man. Without the shedding of His blood there would be no salvation for humankind. What a gilt for humanity!

It is expected of true believers to reflect on the lamb's sacrifice with a high sense of solemnity and humility. Those who trivialize the sacrifice of Christ by their sinful lifestyles and rebellion against God's injunction to man to accept Him as Saviour shall surely regret their actions all through eternity if they do not repent now. It is therefore pertinent for all believers to tell others about Christ as the only Saviour. John's presentation of Christ is a Challenge to youths who always shy away from evangelism - the kingdom's priority.

Chɑllenge: "Tell others about Christ as the only Saviour"

Prɑyer: "O God, help me to reverence the only Lamb of God Jesus."

Quote: "Solemnly reflect on the Lamb's sacrifice."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Matthew 1:18-21

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 6:02pm On Jun 17, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2018


"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live: yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20).

Christians are highly favoured people because of the attachment they have to Christ. We are crucified with Him by our unbroken identification with Him and His word. This is demonstrated by our continued obedience to Him and His purposes. Paul knew how to please the Lord after his conversion. He crucified his ambition, desires and convenience with Christ and did the will of God always. Kenneth Scott Latourette says: "The primary source of the appeal of Christianity was Jesus - His incarnation, His life, His crucifixion, and His resurrection." Crucifixion is the death of the old man and resurrection is the new life and new way of thinking in Christ.

Believers who profess they have given their lives to Christ must live the crucified life of consecration and submission to God who freely gave His only begotten Son to be their Sin bearer. In case you have not known Christ experientially, you need to do that now. It simply means repenting of all sins and cleaving to Jesus as your new Lord and Saviour

Chɑllenge: "We are crucified with Christ"

Prɑyer: "Lord, help me to live a crucified life."

Quote: "Live the crucified life of consecration to God."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Matthew 1:18-21

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 9:52am On Jun 18, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2018

TEXT: MARK 14:36

"And He said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from Me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt" (Mark 14:36).

"Christ removed self as the force in His perfect life. It was, 'Not My will, but thine be done,'" commented Ezra Taft Benson. Christ Jesus, being our perfect example, always sets the pace in doing whatever He wants us to do. The will of God is so important that Jesus taught us to pray for it to be done here on earth as it is being done in Heaven in His model prayer for His disciples (Luke 11:2). Jesus had a great agony in His heart when He was to be crucified for the sin of the whole world, but the love He has for humanity compelled Him to submit to the will of the Father.

Believers should do the will of God at all times whether it is convenient or not. In plain language, the will of God means the desire of God. If you are opposing the will of God, be it: salvation, righteousness, love, evangelism and fellowship, it means you have not discovered the essence of your creation. Fortunately, knowing and doing His will is very easy. It starts with a lifetime decision to accept Christ as your Saviour.

Chɑllenge: "Believers should learn to do the will of God always."

Prɑyer: "Lord, give me grace to do your will, in Jesus' name."

Quote: "The will of God means the desire of God."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Acts 21:10-14

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:38am On Jun 19, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2018


"Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty" (Psalm 104:1).

God's goodness in our lives is too big to mention; and that puts on us the responsibility of appreciating Him without having to debate this obvious fact. Look at it from the salvation of our souls to the innumerable blessings He has bestowed on us freely. No wonder the awe struck song writer says:

Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God has done,
Count your blessings, name them one by one;
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

The submission of Henri Nouwen corroborates the song writer's lyrics when he stated, "Perhaps nothing helps us make the movement from our little selves to a larger world than remembering God in gratitude. Such a perspective puts God in view in all of life, not just in the moments we set aside for worship or spiritual disciplines. Not just in the moments when life seems easy." We demonstrate our unconditional gratitude to God by sharing testimonies of His goodness in our lives.

Chɑllenge: "For your gratitude to be acceptable you must be born again."

Prɑyer: "Accept my worship and gratitude, oh God!"

Quote: "God's goodness in our lives is too big to mention."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Luke 17:11-19

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:26am On Jun 20, 2018
Higher Everydɑy


"And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on Him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me that ever I did" (John 4:39).

The Samaritan woman who is the heroine under consideration in our study today had a bad past life of sins and trespasses; but a time came in her life that she decided to change the narrative. This question comes to you! Have you repented of your sin like this great woman who has become an icon and a reference point? If you have, then you need to share the testimony of your salvation to help others to come to Christ. Apostle Paul always shared his salvation experience with his audience. The testimony of this Samaritan woman brought many to Christ.

"We are called upon to enter into controversy with those who hold false theories. Controversy is unprofitable. Christ never entered into it. 'it is written' is the weapon used by the world's redeemer. Let us keep close to the word. Let us allow the Lord Jesus and His messengers to testify. We know that their testimony is true." This is Ellen G. White's counsel to all believers in Christ. Share your salvation experience; and you will win some for Christ.

Chɑllenge: "Share your salvation experience; and you will win some for Christ."

Prɑyer: "Lord, help me to testify of my salvation to encourage others"

Quote: "Let us allow the Lord Jesus and His messengers to testify."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: 2 Corinthians 3:1-6

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 9:14am On Jun 21, 2018
Higher Everydɑy


"But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way" (1 Corinthians 12:31).

There are many ways in the religious space, but there is only one excellent way - the way of endowment of universal love. The God kind of love (agape) would enable the church to operate the gifts of the spirit in harmony by holiness, peace, long-suffering and humility. The Corinthian Church was enmeshed in strife, competition, and self - aggrandizement. Paul, by the Holy Ghost, wrote to correct them on the danger of these vices that tended to promote ego amidst them. The strength of the church lies in the diversity of gifts and talents God has given every believer for the edification of the church. Pride belongs to the broad way of hatred and certainly not the excellent way. You must keep your spiritual eyes on things that are lovely and unifying in the church of God.

Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to love one another and also prayed for their unity (John 15:12, 13; 17:23). You must decide to follow the excellent way today because important choices have time lines. If we delay the decision to serve God in His excellent way, the opportunity may elude us forever.

Chɑllenge: "Your spiritual gifts are valueless without the more excellent way."

Prɑyer: "Help me, oh God to continue in the more excellent way in Jesus' name"

Quote: "Pride belongs to the broad way."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Romans 12:4-10

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 9:09am On Jun 22, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 2018


"My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O King, have I done no hurt" (Daniel 6:22).

The Christian life comes with persecutions and sometimes they could be life threatening. Believers of all ages must face persecutions. In fact, your Christianity will have a question mark if it is free from persecutions. It simply means you are a hypocrite or a backslider. John Wesley, a legend of the Christian faith was beaten by a mob as evidenced in this quote: "I began asking," what evil have I done?.... and continued speaking for above a quarter of an hour, till my voice suddenly failed."

Daniel in our text: was thrown into the lions' den because of his commitment to God. However, God delivered him and He still delivers today. Youths are depend on God whenever they face persecutions from parents, teachers and others. It must be noted that punishment for wrong doing is not persecution. Like Daniel, Wesley was delivered. Hear him: "And said l," Sir, I will spend my life for you! Follow me and not one soul here shall touch a hair of your head." Hallelujah!

Chɑllenge: "Youths are to depend on God whenever they face persecutions."

Prɑyer: "Lord, deliver me when I am persecuted"

Quote: "Punishment for wrong doing is not persecution."

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: 1 Timothy 1:10-12

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 9:14am On Jun 23, 2018
Higher Everydɑy

TEXT: ESTHER 4: 1 - 17

"Go, gather all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast you for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law; and if I perish, I perish" (Esther 4:16).

A time came in the life of the Jews in Shushan when somebody needed to take a godly risk in order to save them or they perish. The deliverer that rose to face the arduous task was Queen Esther. She rescued her people because of her faith and uncommon courage. She provided the needed leadership that brought succour to her people. The words of Harry S. Truman capture the courage of Esther quite aptly: "Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better."

You have to be strong and courageous like Esther to save the dying sinners around you. The devil has caged many youths in the prison of drugs, fornication, gambling, substance abuse, exam malpractice, cultism and so on. You need to arise like Esther to save them. Ensure you are saved yourself so that you can have the boldness to show others their transgressions. Arise dear faithful and righteous youth, and help save our people!

Chɑllenge: "She rescued her people because of her faith and uncommon courage."

Prɑyer: "Use me, oh Lord as instrument of deliverance like Esther"

Quote: "Help save our people!"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Exodus 3:9-12

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 3:59pm On Jun 24, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2018


"Salt is good: but if the salt have lost its saltness, wherewith will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another" (Mark 9:50).

"During my days of deepest grief, in all of my shock, sorrow and struggle, I sat at the feet of God. I literally spent hours each day reading God's Word, meditating on scripture and praying. I intentionally spent a significant amount of time being still before God," Rick Warren confessed. This testimony shows how deeply this man of God lives his life for Jesus. He continued by saying, "God gave us the gift of life in heaven. Many people are given this gift, but they never open it. They never do anything with it." we are the salt and the light of the world and Jesus expects us to affect the world positively.

It is appalling that many modern Christians are not representing Christ well. We have more churches in our communities today than ever but the life of salt which Christ expects to sweeten the world and preserve it from decay is absent in many Christians. If you are Christ's follower, you must show the true nature of salt in your school and neighbourhood so that you can help change lives and win them for Him.

Chɑllenge: "Jesus expects us to affect world positively."

Prɑyer: "Lord, Grant me grace to be the salt of the world"

Quote: "We are the salt and the light of the world!"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Matthew 5:13-16

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Re: Higher Everyday — Purposeful Team Players – Part 1 by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:44am On Jun 25, 2018
Higher Everydɑy
MONDAY, JUNE 25, 2018


"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as you know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Labouring for the Master includes all we do as believers for God's glory and the good of all men. The opportunity to serve the Master is available to all saints. The Lord desires that we give ourselves unreservedly to his service. We can serve within the church as ushers, choristers, electricians, satellite transmission technicians, security operatives and Home Success Fellowship workers. Believers should also, be heartily involved in witnessing, visitation to prisons and orphanages. People like Evangelist Bill Graham, T. L. Osborn and Mary Slessor, served the Lord from their youth. You can distribute tracts, Christian magazines and support Evangelistic outreaches by giving money and other resources. You can pray and intercede for the success of home and foreign missionary efforts.

The Lord is searching for faithful labourers. If you are already serving, be more committed, giving your very best. "It pays to serve the Lord; but don't serve the Lord because it pays - for if you serve the Lord because it pays, it then may not pay," said Robert C. Letourneau.

Chɑllenge: "A search for spirit-filled believers of honest report to serve."

Prɑyer: "Help me Lord to labour for things that matter in eternity"

Quote: "It pays to serve the Lord"

Bible Reɑding in one Yeɑr: Acts 6:1-6

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