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The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 3:53pm On May 28, 2015 |
Read all about it here ==> Also see this thread. ==> See other related topics: 4 Likes 3 Shares
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:47am On May 29, 2015 |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:25pm On Sep 10, 2015 |
Is Lebanon a Christian country? Syria seems to have gotten under America's skin for a long time. Could this be the reason for America's stance to Syria's plight today? Let's find out. ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 12:43pm On Sep 11, 2015 |
Who are the enemies of Allah? Could history be repeating itself again? The Marines pulled out leaving the refugees defenceless, does this ring a bell? 2 Shares
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:50pm On Sep 12, 2015 |
So Coptics, Byzantines and Orthodox are basically Roman Catholics and not Christians. ![]()
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 11:09am On Sep 14, 2015 |
The Middle East is still boiling.
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:37pm On Sep 15, 2015 |
Dr. Rivera reveals what he learnt in one of the secret briefings he had in the Vatican as a Jesuit priest. Discover why the Vatican was so desperate to have Jerusalem as a Roman catholic city even though they settled for Lebanon. Who did they use as proxy in this devilish plan?
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:07pm On Oct 08, 2015 |
A brief historical background when Israel was under the iron hand of Rome. The religious nuts wanted to put Jesus to death just as they did to Alberto Riveria for saying the truth. There is nothing new under the sun. ![]() 1 Share
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:17pm On Oct 10, 2015 |
Enter, The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! ![]() 2 Likes 3 Shares
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 1:22pm On Oct 12, 2015 |
History Outline. Christianity spread to Africa. Jews became refugees. Christians persecuted both by Jews and the Roman Government. Islam set up to torment true Christianity. 1 Like 2 Shares
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:03pm On Oct 13, 2015 |
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church. That the statues of Jupiter and Venus are now called the statue of St. Peter and Virgin Mary respectively is preposterous. 1 Share
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 9:43am On Oct 14, 2015 |
See how the Roman Government metamorphosed into the Roman Catholic institution today. Also see who the ancestors of the Jews and the Arabs turned out to be. 1 Share
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by maverickboy: 5:22pm On Oct 14, 2015 |
A liar promoting his mentors. |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 11:16am On Oct 15, 2015 |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 11:39am On Oct 15, 2015 |
The RCC owes a lot to Augustine who was an African by the way. And the most incredible story of how Islam came to existence.
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 9:37am On Oct 19, 2015 |
Big Claims! Islam claims that Abraham and Ishmael built "the House of God" beside the well (Zamzam) which saved the life of Ishmael and his mother, Hagar. Guess what the RCC, Jews and Muslims have in common, where do they face? ![]() 1 Share
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by basilico: 10:04am On Oct 19, 2015 |
There is a story that the Kaaba was once destroyed by flash floods before Muhammad became a prophet. He was involved in its reconstruction. Implies - He used to worship at the Kaaba with its 360 idols that he later destroyed It does not make sense why Allah 'revealed' himself to his prophet @40 years after worshiping there all his life. But Muslims twist the story to favor Muhammad being the one who was incharge of the project. |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:38am On Oct 19, 2015 |
basilico: The original "Kaaba" was purportedly smaller than the one presently in Mecca. I learnt that Muhammad eventually got rid of the 360 idols except for that of "allah" as depicted below. 1 Like
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:33pm On Oct 21, 2015 |
The history of the "Kaaba". What it used to be before it became the "Kaaba" it is today. Find out who was the hero in Mecca. 1 Share
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by parisbookaddict(f): 8:28pm On Oct 21, 2015 |
OLAADEGBU: OLAADEGBU: Hey friend.. Do proper research and quote scholars and academic books and valid sites..u keep posting silly conspiracy theories on very sensitive topics. This is one thing i find u guilty of. When u post cartoons and make unfounded statements you end up discrediting yourself. |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by parisbookaddict(f): 8:33pm On Oct 21, 2015 |
basilico: Muslims will say anything to make it appear moharmad started a new religion which "completes" prior revelations (judaism and Christianity) while it is a fact he built upon the pagan believes and practises of his tribe while copying from christian and jewish and even hindu scriptures in his effort to be king cum prophet of Arabia. . 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 11:40am On Oct 22, 2015 |
parisbookaddict: I'll advise you to put your attachment to the Roman catholic church aside and address the facts on the ground. It's only then will you be able to see and know the truth that will set you free from the clutches of traditional religion and come to the knowledge of the truth. You cannot change the truth but the truth can change you.
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by parisbookaddict(f): 1:10pm On Oct 22, 2015 |
OLAADEGBU: I prefer to be sure of what I say before I post and make statements. I have noticed u are very careless in ur posts even when u confront muslims.. I respect and admire orthodox Christianity.. this includes catholics, coptics, oriential and eastern orthodox churches who over the centuries protected christianity from the various heretics and heresies. they have been consistent in their teachings with the exception of the reign of 3or 4 evil popes. Jesus makes it clear christianity will be attacked but evil will never prevail. you on the other hand condemn the orthodoxs at every opportunity especially the Catholics who compiled the same bible u use to attack them... I dont agree with nor understand Catholic practices especially the veneration of saints and the reverence of saints bodies , prayers to mary but I will never present conspiracy theories and try to present it as facts like you do.. it is wrong.. present facts, if u must attack the church then talk about their actions during the crusades, Spanish inquisitions and other fact based stories of their history and not concocted nonsense.. I have deep respect for the pope and his efforts at condemning homosexuality, abortions, capital punishment, amoral capitalism, and his consistent calls for environmental sustainability.. how many western protestant church authorities still stand by true biblical teachings. Anglicans have embraced homosexuality, some american evangelicals have also embraced gays, abortion mills called planned parenthood etc, feminism , pastors the world over live like kings while their flock like peasants..especially in ur home country u should be more sincere in exposing (with facts) issues with christiandom today and not posting silly comics condemning a church.. 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by mahdino: 1:24pm On Oct 22, 2015 |
OLAADEGBU: WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT MOHAMMAD[b][/b] “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” (Deut 18:18) What is Prophecy? The Dominee replies: “You see, prophecies are word pictures of something that is going to happen in the future. When that thing actually comes to pass, we see vividly in these prophecies the fulfillment of what had been predicted in the past.” I said: “What you actually do is that you deduce, you reason, you put two and two together.” He said: “Yes.” I said: “If this is what you have to do with a ‘thousand’ prophecies to justify your claim with regards to the genuineness of Jesus, why should we not adopt the very same system for Muhammad?” The Dominee agreed that it was a fair proposition, a reasonable way of dealing with the problem. I asked him to open up Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse 18, which he did. I read from memory the verse in Afrikaans, because this was my purpose in having a little practice with the language of the ruling race in South Africa. “N Profeet sal ek vir hulle verwek uit die midde van hulle broers, soos jy is, en ek sal my woorde in sy mond le, en hy sy sal aan hulle se alle wat ekhom beveel.” (Deut 18:18) The English translation reads as follows: “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” (Deut 18:18) Prophet Like Moses Having recited the verse in Afrikaans, I apologized for my uncertain pronunciation; the Dominee assured me that I was doing fine. I inquired: “To whom does this prophecy refer?” Without the slightest hesitation he answered: “Jesus!” I asked: “Why Jesus? his name is not mentioned here” The Dominee replied: “Since prophecies are word pictures of something that is going to happen in the future, we find that the wordings of this verse adequately describe him. You see, the most important words of this prophecy are ‘soos jy is’, ‘like unto thee’, or ‘like you’ – like Moses; and Jesus is like Moses.” I asked the Dominee: “In which way is Jesus like Moses?” The answer was: “In the first place Moses was a Jew and Jesus was also a Jew; secondly, Moses was a Prophet and Jesus was also a Prophet – therefor Jesus is like Moses and that is exactly what God had foretold Moses – ‘soos jy is’.” “Can you think of any other similarities between Moses and Jesus?” I asked. The Dominee said that he could not think of any. I replied: “If these are the only two criteria for discovering a candidate for this prophecy of Deuteronomy 18:18, then in that case the criteria could fit any one of the following Biblical personages after Moses:- Solomon, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Malachi, John the Baptist etc., because they were also all Jews as well as Prophets. Why should we not apply this prophecy to any one of these prophets, and why only to Jesus?” The Dominee had no reply. I continued: “You see, my conclusions are that Jesus is most unlike Moses, and if I am wrong I would like you to correct me.” Three Unlike So staying, I reasoned with him: “In the first place Jesus is not like Moses, because, according to you, Jesus is God, but Moses is not God, is this true?” He said: “Yes.” I said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses!”. “Secondly, according to you, Jesus died for the sins of the world, but Moses did not have to die for the sins of the world. Is this true?” He again said: “Yes.” I said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses!”. “Thirdly, according to you, Jesus went to Hell for three days, but Moses did not have to go there. Is this true?” He answered meekly: “Y-e-s!” I concluded: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses!”. “But Dominee,..” I continued: “..these are not hard, solid facts, they are mere matters of belief over which the little ones can stumble and fall. Let us discuss something very simple, very easy that if the little ones are called in to hear the discussion, would have no difficulty following it, shall we?” The Dominee was quiet happy at the suggestion. Father and Mother “Moses had a father and a mother. Muhammad also had a father and a mother. But Jesus had only a mother, and no human father. Is this true?” He said: “Yes.” I said: “Daarom is Jesus nie soos Moses nie, maar Muhammad is soos Moses!” Meaning: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like Moses!” (By now the reader will realize that I was using the Afrikaans language only for practice purposes. I shall discontinue its use in this narration). Miraculous Birth “Moses and Muhammad were born in the normal, natural course, i.e. the physical association of man and woman; but Jesus was created by a special miracle. You will recall that we are told in the Gospel of St. Matthew 1:18 “..before they came together, (Joseph the Carpenter and Mary) she was found with child by the Holy Ghost.” And St. Luke tells us that when the good news of the birth of a holy son was announced to her, Mary reasoned: “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee”(Luke 1:35). The Holy Quran confirms the miraculous birth of Jesus, in nobler and sublimer terms. In answer to her logical question: ‘O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?’ The angel says in reply: ‘Even so, Allah createth what He willeth: when He hath decreed a plan, He but saith to it ‘Be’, and it is’ (the Holy Quran, 3:47). It is not necessary for God to plant a seed in man or animal. He merely wills it and it comes into being. This is the Muslim conception of the of birth of Jesus. (When I compared the Quran and the Biblical versions of the birth of Jesus to the head of the Bible Society in our largest city, and when I inquired: “Which version would you prefer to give your daughter, the Quranic version or the Biblical version?” The man bowed his head and answered: “The Quranic.”)(see Christ in Islam for the author). In short, I said to the Dominee: “Is it true that Jesus was born miraculously as against the natural birth of Moses and Muhammad?” He replied proudly: “Yes!” I said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like Moses. And God says to Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy 18:18 ‘Like unto thee’, ‘Like You’, like Moses and Muhammad is like Moses.” Marriage Ties “Moses and Muhammad married and had children, but Jesus remained a bachelor all his life. Is this true?” The Dominee said: “Yes.” I said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like Moses.” Jesus Rejected by his People “Moses and Muhammad were accepted as prophets by their people in their very lifetime. No doubt the Jews gave endless trouble to Moses and they murmured in the wilderness, but as a nation, they acknowledged that Moses was a Messenger of God sent to them. The Arabs too made Muhammad’s life impossible. He suffered very badly at their hands. After 13 years of preaching in Mecca, he had to emigrate from the city of his birth. But before his demise, the Arab nation as a whole accepted him as the Messenger of Allah. But according to the Bible, “He (Jesus) Came unto his own, but his own revived him not”(John 1:11). And even today, after two thousand years, his people, the Jews, as a whole, have rejected him. Is this true?” The Dominee said: “Yes.” I said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like Moses.” “Other Worldly” Kingdom “Moses and Muhammad were prophets as well as kings. A prophet means a man who receives Divine Revelation for the Guidance of man and this Guidance he conveys to God’s creatures as received without any addition or deletion. A king is a person who has the power of life and death over his people. It is immaterial whether the person wears a crown or not, or whether he was ever addressed as king or monarch: if the man has the prerogative of inflicting capital punishment, he is a king. Moses possessed such a power. Do you remember the Israelite who was found picking up firewood on Sabbath Day, and Moses had him stoned to death? (Numbers 15:13). There are other crimes also mentioned in the Bible for which capital punishment was inflicted on the Jews at the behest of Moses. Muhammad too, had the power of life and death over his people. There are instances in the Bible of persons who were given gift of prophecy only, but they were not in a position to implement their directives. Some of these holy men of God who were helpless in the face of stubborn rejection of their message, were the prophets Lot, Jonah, Daniel, Ezra, and John the Baptist. They could only deliver the message, but could not enforce the Law. Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, also belonged to this category. The Christian Gospel clearly confirms this. When Jesus was dragged before the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, charged for sedition, Jesus made a convincing point in his defense to refute the false charge: Jesus answered: “My Kingdom is not of this world. If my Kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now is my Kingdom not from hence”(John 18:36). This convinced Pilate (a pagan) that though Jesus might not be in full possession of his mental faculty, he did not strike him as being a danger to his rule. Jesus claimed a spiritual Kingdom only; in other words he only claimed to be a prophet. Is this true?” The Dominee answered: “Yes.” I said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses but Muhammad is like Moses.” No New Laws “Moses and Muhammad brought new laws and new regulations for their people. Moses not only gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites, but a very comprehensive ceremonial law for the guidance of his people. Muhammad comes to a people steeped in ignorance. They married their step-mothers and buried their daughters alive; drunkenness, idolatry, and gambling were the order of the day. There was hardly anything to distinguish between the ‘man’ and the ‘animal’ of the time. From this abject ignorance, Muhammad elevated the Arabs, in the words of Thomas Carlysle, ‘Into torch-bearers of light and learning. To the Arab nation it was as a birth from darkness into light. Arabia first became alive by means of it. A poor shepherd people, roaming unnoticed in its deserts since the creation of the world. See, the unnoticed becomes world notable, the small has grown world-great. Within one century afterwards Arabia was at Granada on one hand and at Delhi on the other. Glancing in valor and splendor, and the light of Genius, Arabia shines over section of the world..’. The fact is that Muhammad gave his people a Law and Order they never had before. As regards Jesus, when the Jews felt suspicious of him that he might be an impostor with designs to pervert their teachings. Jesus took pains to assure them that he had not come with a new religion – no new laws and no new regulations. I quote his own words: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law of the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot of one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.'(Mathew 5:17-18). In other words he had not come with any new laws or regulation he came only to fulfill the old law. This what he gave the Jews to understand unless he was speaking with the tongue in his cheek trying to bluff the Jews into accepting him as a man of God and by subterfuge trying to ram a new religion down their throats. No! This Messenger of God would never resort to such foul means to subvert the Religion of God. He himself fulfilled the laws. He observed the commandments of Moses, and he respected the Sabbath. At no time did a single Jew point a finger at him to say: ‘”Why don’t you fast’ or ‘why don’t you wash your hands before you break bread’, which charges they always levied against his disciples, but never against Jesus. This is because as a good Jew he honored the laws of the prophets who preceded him. In short, he had created no new religion and had brought no new law like Moses and Muhammad.” “Isn’t this true?” I asked the Dominee, and he answered: “Yes.” I said: “Therefore, Jesus is not like Moses but Muhammad is like Moses.” How they Departed “Both Moses and Muhammad died natural deaths, but according to Christianity, Jesus was killed on the cross. Is this true?” The Dominee said: “Yes.” I averred: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses but Muhammad is like Moses.” Heavenly Abode “Moses and Muhammad both lie buried in earth, but according to you, Jesus is in heaven. Is this true? The Dominee agreed. I said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses but Muhammad is like Moses.” Ishmael the First Born Since the Dominee was helplessly agreeing with every point, I said: “Dominee, so far what I have done is to prove only one point out of the whole prophecy – that is proving the phrase ‘Like unto thee’ – ‘Like You’, like Moses’. The Prophecy is much more than this single phrase which reads as follows: ‘I will raise them up a prophet from among their bretheren like unto thee..’ The emphasis is on the words “From among their brethren.” Moses and his people, the Jews, are here addressed as a racial entity, as a whole, and as such their brethren would undoubtedly be the Arabs. Abraham had two wives, Sarah and Hagar. Hagar bore Abraham a son, his first born, ‘..and Abraham called his son’s name, which Hagar bare Ishmael.’ (Genesis 16:15). ‘And Abraham took Ishmael his son..’ (Genesis 17:23). ‘And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.’ (Genesis 17:25). Up to the age of thirteen Ishmael was the only son of Abraham, then God grants him another son through Sarah, named Isaac, who was very much the junior to his brother Ishmael. Arabs and Jews If Ishmael and Isaac are the sons of the same father Abraham, then they are brothers. And so the children of the one are the bretheren of the children of the other. The children of Isaac are the Jews and the children of Ishmael are the Arabs – so they are bretheren to one another. The Bible affirms: ‘And he (Ishmael) shall dwell in the presence of all his bretheren.’ (Genesis 16:12). ‘And he (Ishmael) died in the presence of all his bretheren.” (Genesis 25:18). The children of Isaac are the brethren of the Ishmaelites. In like manner Muhammad is from among the brethren of the Israelites because he was a descendant of Ishmael the son of Abraham. This exactly as the prophecy has it – “From among their bretheren” (Deut.18:18). There the prophecy distinctly mentions that the coming prophet who would be like Moses, must arise not from the Children of Israel nor from among themselves, but from among their brethren. Muhammad therefore was among their bretheren! Words in the Mouth The prophecy proceeds further: ‘..And I will put my words into his mouth..’ What does it mean when it is said ‘I will put my words in your mouth’? You see, when I asked you (the Dominee) to open Deuteronomy chapter 18, verse 18, at the beginning, and if I had asked you to read, and if you had read, would I be putting my words into your mouth? The Dominee answered: “No.” But, I continued: “If I were to teach you a language like Arabic, about which you have no knowledge, and if I asked you to read or repeat after me what I utter i.e. “Say: ‘He is Allah the One and Only; Allah, the eternal absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him.’ (the Holy Quran 112:1-4) (I read them in Arabic). Would I not be putting these unheard words of a foreign tongue which you utter, into your mouth?” The Dominee agreed that it was indeed so. “In an identical manner”, I said: “The words of the Holy Quran, the Revelation vouchsafed by the Almighty God to Muhammad, were revealed. History tells us that when Muhammad was forty years of age he was in a cave some three miles north of the City of Mecca. In the cave the Archangel Gabriel commands him in his mother tongue: ‘Eqra!’, which means ‘Read!’, or ‘Recite!’ Muhammad was terrified, and in his bewilderment replied that he was not learned!. The angel commands him a second time with the same result. For the third time the angel continues. Now Muhammad, grasps that what was required of him was to repeat! to rehearse! And he repeats the words as they were put into his mouth: ‘Read! In the Name of the Lord and Charisher, Who Created. Created man from a (mere) clot of congealed blood: Read! and thy Lord is the Most Bountiful, He Who taught (the use of) the pen, taught man that which he new not”. (the Holy Quran 96:1-5). These are the first five verses which were revealed to Muhammad, which now occupy the beginning of the 96th chapter of the Holy Quran. The Faithful Witness When the angel departed, Muhammad rushed to his home. Terrified and sweating all over he asked his wife Khadija to ‘cover-him up!’ He lay down, and she watched by him. When he had regained his composure, he explained to her what he had seen and heard. She assured him of her faith in him and that Allah would not allow any terrible thing to happen to him. Are these the confessions of an impostor? Would impostors confess that when an angel of the Lord confronts them with a Message from on High, they get fear-stricken, terrified, and sweating all over, run home to their wives? Any critic can see that his reactions and confessions are that of an honest, sincere man. During the next twenty three years of his life, words were ‘put into his mouth’, and he uttered them. They made an indelible impression on his heart and mind; and as the volume of the Sacred Scripture, the Holy Quran, grew, they were recorded on palm-leaf libre, on skins; and in the hearts of his devoted disciples. Before his demise these words were arranged according to his instructions in the order in which we find them today in the Holy Quran. The words (revelation) were actually put into his mouth, exactly as foretold in the prophecy under discussion: “And I will put my words in his mouth.” (Deut 18:18). Unlettered Prophet Muhammad’s experience in the Cave of Hira, and his response to that first Revelation is the exact fulfillment of another Biblical Prophecy. In the Book of Isaiah, chapter 29, verse 12, we read: ‘And the Book is delivered to him that is not learned’ (Isaiah 29:12). ‘The Unlettered prophet’ (the Holy Quran 7:158). And the Biblical verse continues: ‘Saying, read this, I pray thee:’ ‘And he saith, I am not learned.’. ‘I am not learned.’ is the exact translation of the Arabic words which Muhammad uttered twice to the Holy Spirit, the Archangel Gabriel, when he was commanded: ‘Read!’). 1 Like |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:23pm On Oct 22, 2015 |
parisbookaddict: If you were sure of what you are saying you wouldn't have jumped to the conclusion that Rivera's testimony is conspiracies. parisbookaddict: Jesus is the One protecting His Church not traditional religions as you erroneously believe. Do not misconstrue the Roman Catholic Church with Christ and His Church, they are mutually exclusive. parisbookaddict: No one will see or enter the Kingdom of heaven because they are Roman Catholics or Protestants. You will have to be born of water and Spirit, that is, to be born of The Word of God and be led by His Spirit before Jesus can set you free from your religious attachments. It is only after this will you be in a position to differentiate between the truth and propaganda/conspiracy theories. If you are led by the Spirit of God you will know whether the OP is telling the truth or not. parisbookaddict: Condemning the fruits of an evil tree would not solve the problem it is attacking the evil from it's roots. When did you ever hear the Pope preach the gospel truth that leads to the salvation of mankind. When he address the US congress I did not hear him preaching the gospel to them and that's if he knows what the gospel message is. parisbookaddict: That is why I told you that traditional religion will and cannot save you only Jesus does. parisbookaddict: Where do you get your facts from, the Roman Catholic Church? ![]() |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by parisbookaddict(f): 10:00pm On Oct 22, 2015 |
OLAADEGBU: Like the secret computer in the Vatican that monitors all protestants. .and how the vatican assassinated president kennedy..or how the vatican started ww1 and 2 . lol.. how do u manage to read those comics without busting out a bit more research on him and his claims..
If u know anything about how God works u will know he uses people in leading and protecting his people eg using moses to free the isrealites, david to defeat the philistines , mary to birth his word Jesus, the US to fight islamic terrorists. .etc.. so whats ur point. . I dont know how u understand mutually exclusive but to u your own..
My friend.. yes your denomination of christainity doesnt determine ur justification. So why do u condemn orthodox Christianity irrationally. .as long as u satisfy the requirements as stated in the bible..but is this our argument? ? No.. i simply said u post a lot of false information..
Really ![]() Is that christian behaviour. . We dont lie or use al taqiyyah. .u are always in a hurry to post information u are not sure of and it discredits u.. I haven't seen the video.. i am aware that u speak to the congress with an agenda for a specific lenght of time..i hope he used it wisely. .
I get my facts from careful study and research gotten from authentic scholarly sites and not conspiracy theorists as u do.. 1 Like |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by channelz: 10:40pm On Oct 22, 2015 |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 7:30pm On Oct 23, 2015 |
parisbookaddict: And how you got the evidence that debunks his claims. ![]() parisbookaddict: And how you want to convince us that God used the Vatican to save Christianity when it was the same institution that caused the problem in the first place. ![]() parisbookaddict: Rather it is the Roman Catholic institution who wants to eliminate orthodox Christianity. Get your facts right. parisbookaddict: I posted the source of that news which said that the corpses that was piled up might have been done either by slaves or bulldozers but your eagerness to accuse me would not allow you to see that but to be the accuser of the brethren. parisbookaddict: You haven't seen the video but you are eager to accuse me of telling lies. This is atypical of the accuser of the brethren. parisbookaddict: Atheists get their facts from atheist websites, JW's get their facts from their Watch Tower organisations, Catholics get their facts from Catholic sites and if you are an ardent sincere seeker of the truth you will know where and how to establish your facts. Where do you get your facts from? ![]() |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by OLAADEGBU(m): 7:32pm On Oct 23, 2015 |
channelz: Yes. Have you got a problem with that? |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by channelz: 9:14pm On Oct 23, 2015 |
OLAADEGBU:Nope... I like the approach; you haven't insulted her thus far |
Re: The Prophet (Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Revisited) by parisbookaddict(f): 5:23pm On Oct 24, 2015 |
OLAADEGBU: u have decided to throw so much redherrings and repetition in the discussion..I am not going to keep repeating myself and argue when I have already made my point clear.. my friend speak the truth and stop deceiving people with conspiracies and fabricated discredits u. I wont be discussing this with u any further.. pray and ask for Gods grace to help u stay truthful rather than post falsehood in ur criticisms. |
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