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Is Jesus Enough? - Andrew Wommack / What Pleases God? - Andrew Wommack / Spiritual Authority - Andrew Wommack (2) (3) (4)

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.. by jiggaz(m): 8:29pm On Aug 14, 2015
Re: .. by Nobody: 8:57pm On Aug 14, 2015
Brother, Thank you a lot for sharing this with us.But I will like to point out some loopholes in this teaching of yours for the enlightenment of others.

If all you said were you be so, why then did Apostle Paul warn the church in Galatians that they will not inherit God's Kingdom if they continue in their sinful ways Gal 5:19-21 despite they believe in the atoning blood of Christ? Don't you think this is in direct contradiction with the teachers views of "Salvation"?

Bro, you keep quoting Hebrews, will you permit me to direct your attention to this verse you overlook in the book of Hebrews? Here is it, Heb 10:26-29 " For if we sin willfully after we have received the
knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a
sacrifice for sins[/b[, but[b] a certain fearful expectation of
, and fiery indignation which will devour the
adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law
dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three
witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you
suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled
the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the
covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing,
and insulted the Spirit of grace?

I will like you to answer the question in bold.
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 10:11pm On Aug 14, 2015
Brother, Thank you a lot for sharing this with us.But I will like to point out some loopholes in this teaching of yours for the enlightenment of others.
If all you said were you be so, why then did Apostle Paul warn the church in Galatians that they will not inherit God's Kingdom if they continue in their sinful ways Gal 5:19-21 despite they believe in the atoning blood of Christ? Don't you think this is in direct contradiction with the teachers views of "Salvation"?
Bro, you keep quoting Hebrews, will you permit me to direct your attention to this verse you overlook in the book of Hebrews? Here is it, Heb 10:26-29 " For if we sin willfully after we have received the
knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a
sacrifice for sins[/b[, but[b] a certain fearful expectation of
, and fiery indignation which will devour the
adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law
dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three
witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you
suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled
the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the
covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing,
and insulted the Spirit of grace?

I will like you to answer the question in bold.
Brother there are so many contradicting verses and chapters in the Bible and its because we read Bible like an ordinary book and thereby reading it out of CONTEXT..... It takes the leading of the Holy Spirit to understand... There are different circumstances for different chapters and verses in the Bible..... The article i posted is self explanatory enough..... Everything is explained there. Its only left for you to believe or not..... Pray for God to open your eyes to understand the message of Grace. Good nite.
Re: .. by Kei144(m): 8:06am On Aug 15, 2015
2Co. 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ has already made every believer in Christ rich. In fact, every believer in Christ is extravagantly rich. And any pastor who preaches principle of prosperity to believers in Christ does not believe in the grace of God.

1 Like

Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 12:31pm On Aug 15, 2015
2Co. 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ has already made every believer in Christ rich. In fact, every believer in Christ is extravagantly rich. And any pastor who preaches principle of prosperity to believers in Christ does not believe in the grace of God.
Ok.... but i am somehow lost here...
Re: .. by Kei144(m): 2:55pm On Aug 15, 2015
Ok.... but i am somehow lost here...

Don't be lost, brother. my previous post is in support of your OP. Jesus took away our sins, our sicknesses, our poverty. So, right now we are holy, perfectly healthy and very rich. It is not proper for any believer to pray for holiness, healing or material wealth. All that a believer needs to do is believe that s/he is holy, healthy and rich; they will all become reality.


Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 4:34pm On Aug 15, 2015

Don't be lost, brother. my previous post is in support of your OP. Jesus took away our sins, our sicknesses, our poverty. So, right now we are holy, perfectly healthy and very rich. It is not proper for any believer to pray for holiness, healing or material wealth. All that a believer needs to do is believe that s/he is holy, healthy and rich; they will all become reality.
Alright.... nice one.
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 2:18pm On Aug 16, 2015
Dis article is by Pastor Andrew Wommack
Would God send His only Son to bear our sin, becoming sin itself, and then judge Him without mercy for that sin if His sacrifice wasn’t enough? No! Yet, many Christians act as though it wasn’t enough and continue to believe God is withholding His blessing because of their sin. It’s time to learn the truth.
Over the years I have ministered to thousands of people directly who just won’t let the Bible get in the way of their theology. Religious traditions and widely-accepted teaching have become the basis of their beliefs, rather than the Bible. The results are obvious: Their relationship with Christ is profiting them little or at the very least less than God intended.
These are people who have accepted Jesus as their Savior. Yet, they can’t get healed, they’re unhappy, depressed, fearful, and full of unbelief. That shouldn’t be! As you read, I encourage you to allow the Bible, God’s Word, to get right in the middle of your theology.
Let me start by making this radical statement. If you’re conscious of sin, then you truly don’t understand the grace of your salvation through Jesus. It sounds radical, but it’s true. That is totally different than the way most people think. I’m not saying this to hurt anybody, because I understand; I struggle with the same thing.
It’s different than what most of us have been told. But this is what God’s Word declares. God is not imputing, or laying to our account, our sin.
Second Corinthians 5:19 says,
“To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation,” (emphasis mine).
Sin consciousness has been ground into us. Grace is not the way of the world. Your employer doesn’t hire you by grace and promise to pay no matter what you do; they have expectations of performance. In marriage, spouses don’t always love each other unconditionally. Even in most Christian families, children are either rewarded or punished based on their performance.
In this earth almost everything is based on performance, and because it is, it always forces us to focus on our weaknesses. That performance mentality then transfers into religion where we’re taught to focus on our sin. However, where God is concerned, it’s just the opposite. In fact, sin isn’t even an issue with God. Why? Because our sin is not being imputed, or charged, to our account. It’s being charged to Jesus’ account, and He already paid the bill.
I know a lot of churches that would throw me out for saying that, but it’s what the Bible teaches. It’s time to let the Bible get in the way of wrong theology. Hebrews is one of my favorite books of the Bible. I wish I had space to put the whole book into context because it has a lot to say about how God dealt with sin.
Hebrews 9:11-12 says,
“But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternalredemption for us,” (emphasis mine).
If words mean anything, think about these words: Jesus entered in once! Do you know what once means in the Greek? It means once. It means He doesn’t do it over and over again. Every time you sin, the Lord doesn’t have to wait until you repent and then get that sin under the blood.
Most Christians believe that when you’re born again, you get your sins forgiven up to that point. Then, every time you sin after becoming a Christian, you’ve got to run to the Lord with that sin and confess and repent, or you could be lost. If not lost and on your way to hell, then at the very least, God would not fellowship with you, and He certainly wouldn’t answer your prayers.
If that were true, then everybody would be on their way to hell. There isn’t a person on this earth who doesn’t have either a known or an unknown unconfessed sin. Or, if sin just means the loss of relationship with God and unanswered prayers, then God wouldn’t have a single person qualified to receive an answer to prayer or fellowship with Him. Was Jesus enough or not?
This is a huge issue. It’s the reason many believe God isn’t healing them or prospering them. They say out of one side of their mouths that He loves them and sacrificed His Son, Jesus, for their salvation, and then out of the other side, they say that He is still judging them for sin. Those are incompatible!
Hebrews 9: 13-15 goes on to say,
“For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance,” (underlines mine).
It isn’t God who is condemning us when we sin; it’s our own consciences. We haven’t purged our consciences with the truth of what Jesus has done with sin. Satan knows that and is using it to condemn us and destroy our faith and confidence in God by reminding us we don’t deserve God’s blessing.
Praise God, He isn’t giving you what you deserve; He is giving you what Jesus deserves.Jesus paid for sin one time, past, present, and even the sins you will commit in the future. How can that be, you ask? I don’t know exactly, but let me tell you this, Jesus only died one time for our sins two thousand years ago, so you better hope He can forgive your sins before you commit them.

Hebrews 9:25-28 says,

“Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with the blood of others; For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement: So Christ wasonce offered to bear the sins of many,” (emphasis mine).

God knows the end from the beginning and He knew all the sins of the whole world. Jesus paid for all those committed before His sacrifice and for all that had not yet been committed. He made the payment once and it will never be made again. The price for sin, all sin, has been paid!

We have received an eternal inheritance (Heb. 9:15) that cannot be taken away. Your inheritance is not temporary; it’s eternal. You aren’t disinherited and you don’t lose the benefits of being part of the family because of sin.

To understand this, you have to see yourself as God sees you. In your born-again spirit, you are as clean and holy and pure as Jesus is. Religion has you looking at your flesh. It has you searching the soulish realm of thoughts, attitudes, and feelings. But that is not what God is looking at. He is looking at your spirit, the part of you that’s become a new creation.

Second Corinthians 5:17 says,

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

And in John 4:24 we read,

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

What part of you is new? It’s not the flesh and it’s not the soul; it’s your born-again spirit. When you go to God in prayer and say “O God, I’m so ungodly and so unworthy, please forgive me, please answer my prayer,” you are not in the spirit; you are in the flesh. Your spirit is righteous, holy, and pure. Sin does not affect your spirit.

Am I saying sin is okay? Absolutely not! When you sin, you give Satan an open door to the soul, your mind and emotions, as well as opportunity to destroy your physical body. It’s just stupid to open yourself up to the devil.

Some of you may still be thinking, Well, I know God died once for all men, but His sacrifice still must be applied whenever we sin. Let’s allow God’s Word to get in the way of this wrong theology again.

Hebrews 10:10-12, 14 says,

“By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ

once for all. And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified,” (emphasis mine).

This is not talking about your physical body or your soul; it’s talking about your born-again spirit. Your spirit is identical to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is sinless! Your soul and your body can be defiled by sin, but your spirit never can; it’s sealed forever.

Maturity in the Christian life isn’t about trying to grow your spirit up; it’s trying to educate, or renew, your mind to what you already have in your spirit. Your spirit is already perfect! You already have the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, long-suffering, and the rest. Your spirit is always happy, always rejoicing, and always healthy.

God loves you even though you’ve messed up, even though you aren’t perfect. He loves you not because of your performance but because of Jesus’ sacrifice. If you can ever get a revelation of what I am teaching, it will change the way you see God forever.

I have just completed a series that I know will help you settle this issue once and for all. This teaching series will give you a confidence in God that you have never experienced before. Self-condemnation will come to an end your faith will explode. It’s called The War Is Over

Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 8:14pm On Sep 05, 2015
the matter
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 7:59am On Sep 06, 2015
Believers don't really know what they have and who they are in CHRIST. I don't really blame them cos they have been brainwashed by our PASTORS dat their sins are forgiven up to the point of their Salvation, but that after dat, they lose their Salvation if they sin again.... That is not TRUE!!!! Dis comes from a faulty foundation!!!! This is be-littling what CHRIST did on the Cross....

The death of CHRIST on the Cross wiped out your Past, Present & Future Sins.... Christ's death on the Cross is the ultimate sacrifice for the Sins of the whole world. ... He even overpaid for it and now mankind is no longer in enemity with God. All you have to do is to receive Jesus CHRIST as your Lord and personal Saviour, and also believe in your heart truly dat he died for your sins and was raised on the 3rd day..... Salvation in CHRIST is your one way ticket to Heaven.

Salvation is even beyond your escaping Hell Fire, it is also about your relationship and intimacy with CHRIST.... God is love...

Change how you view God and see your life transform for the best. Right Believing brings Right Living. Stop living in Bondage, Guilt & Condemnation..... Jesus is Lord...
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 2:30pm On Sep 06, 2015
Believers don't really know what they have and who they are in CHRIST. I don't really blame them cos they have been brainwashed by our PASTORS dat their sins are forgiven up to the point of their Salvation, but that after dat, they lose their Salvation if they sin again.... That is not TRUE!!!! Dis comes from a faulty foundation!!!! This is be-littling what CHRIST did on the Cross....
The death of CHRIST on the Cross wiped out your Past, Present & Future Sins.... Christ's death on the Cross is the ultimate sacrifice for the Sins of the whole world. ... He even overpaid for it and now mankind is no longer in enemity with God. All you have to do is to receive Jesus CHRIST as your Lord and personal Saviour, and also believe in your heart truly dat he died for your sins and was raised on the 3rd day..... Salvation in CHRIST is your one way ticket to Heaven.
Salvation is even beyond your escaping Hell Fire, it is also about your relationship and intimacy with CHRIST.... God is love...
Change how you view God and see your life transform for the best. Right Believing brings Right Living. Stop living in Bondage, Guilt & Condemnation..... Jesus is Lord...
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 5:54pm On Sep 09, 2015
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 7:50am On Sep 13, 2015
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 12:44pm On Feb 16, 2016
Re: .. by Amberon: 8:45pm On Feb 16, 2016
you are right. it is this grace perverted gospel that sends millions of Christians of hell. "Once saved, always saved" bullcrap. Yes, Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sins but if we there's no forgiveness without confession. 1 John 1: 8 If we say that we have no sin , we deceive ourselves , and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins , He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we have not sinned , we make Him a liar , and His word is not in us.

May God save us from false preachers.
Brother, Thank you a lot for sharing this with us.But I will like to point out some loopholes in this teaching of yours for the enlightenment of others.

If all you said were you be so, why then did Apostle Paul warn the church in Galatians that they will not inherit God's Kingdom if they continue in their sinful ways Gal 5:19-21 despite they believe in the atoning blood of Christ? Don't you think this is in direct contradiction with the teachers views of "Salvation"?

Bro, you keep quoting Hebrews, will you permit me to direct your attention to this verse you overlook in the book of Hebrews? Here is it, Heb 10:26-29 " For if we sin willfully after we have received the
knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a
sacrifice for sins[/b[, but[b] a certain fearful expectation of
, and fiery indignation which will devour the
adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law
dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three
witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you
suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled
the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the
covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing,
and insulted the Spirit of grace?

I will like you to answer the question in bold.

Re: .. by Amberon: 8:48pm On Feb 16, 2016
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 7:40pm On Feb 17, 2016
you are right. it is this grace perverted gospel that sends millions of Christians of hell. "Once saved, always saved" bullcrap. Yes, Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sins but if we there's no forgiveness without confession. 1 John 1: 8 If we say that we have no sin , we deceive ourselves , and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins , He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we have not sinned , we make Him a liar , and His word is not in us.

May God save us from false preachers.
You can call it whatever you like and you can also have opinion on it, i care less. Opinion is like an ass.hole, everybody has one. And please, i don't entertain your likes on my post. By your likes,i mean Self Righteous - Hypocritical - Pharisees like you who's only job is condemnation and pointing out false preachers.... Please carry your hypocritical self out of here cos you are derailing my thread. I am through with you!!! And please don't quote me cos i care less about your useless opinion!!!
Re: .. by promisechuks: 8:52pm On Feb 17, 2016
You can call it whatever you like and you can also have opinion on it, i care less. Opinion is like an ass.hole, everybody has one. And please, i don't entertain your likes on my post. By your likes,i mean Self Righteous - Hypocritical - Pharisees like you who's only job is condemnation and pointing out false preachers.... Please carry your hypocritical self out of here cos you are derailing my thread. I am through with you!!! And please don't quote me cos i care less about your useless opinion!!!
1 BILLION LIKES!!!!!!!!!
Re: .. by Amberon: 9:28pm On Feb 17, 2016
Last time I checked, Nairaland was a "faceless public forum". I want to believe you know what means. You do not own any section of Nairaland, neither do you own this thread.

I have every right to comment on any length and breadth of NL just as every other person. And not even your sorry a$$ can stop me. As long as you keep perverting and twisting the gospel of Christ that is centered on Love, grace, righteousness and holiness, then expect a response from me.

And if you cannot commune like an intellectual fellow without throwing tantrums like a toddler then my condolences goes out to you Sire.
You can call it whatever you like and you can also have opinion on it, i care less. Opinion is like an ass.hole, everybody has one. And please, i don't entertain your likes on my post. By your likes,i mean Self Righteous - Hypocritical - Pharisees like you who's only job is condemnation and pointing out false preachers.... Please carry your hypocritical self out of here cos you are derailing my thread. I am through with you!!! And please don't quote me cos i care less about your useless opinion!!!
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 10:32pm On Feb 17, 2016
Last time I checked, Nairaland was a "faceless public forum". I want to believe you know what means. You do not own any section of Nairaland, neither do you own this thread.
I have every right to comment on any length and breadth of NL just as every other person. And not even your sorry a$$ can stop me. As long as you keep perverting and twisting the gospel of Christ that is centered on Love, grace, righteousness and holiness, then expect a response from me.
And if you cannot commune like an intellectual fellow without throwing tantrums like a toddler then my condolences goes out to you Sire.
I don't own this thread? Then you are a stupid foool!!! Dat means you are new here..... I opened a thread and you came to argue with me & i told u off and you still have the guts to insult me?? May thunder strike you to pieces!!! Nairaland is a public forum and u came here to insult your father? i don't blame you!!! I don't do hypocritical Christianity and don't quote me!!! ... i wont warn you again.....
Re: .. by Amberon: 10:40pm On Feb 17, 2016
empty vessel.

I don't own this thread? Dat means you are new here..... I opened this thread and i don't entertain your likes here and i am not here to argue with anyone...... Please just look for another thread to comment on cos we dont share the same view on certain things.... i wont warn you again .....
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 10:46pm On Feb 17, 2016
empty vessel.
Mannerless idio.t!!! I don't blame u.... Nairaland has given a none-entity like u the guts to be insulting his father!!! Someone that cannot stand up to me in real life, i don't blame u..... I am through with you and i wont warn you again!!! Foo.oool!!!!
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 10:58pm On Feb 17, 2016

1 BILLION LIKES!!!!!!!!!
My brother, i have to tell him off!!! What makes me laugh is dat these Pharisees here masquerading as Christians cannot keep a Single law if they encounter the Law of Moses in its entire form.... Forming Holiness when in actual fact, they are the worst hypocrites!!! They are the problem we have in Christianity... Making the Christian life too hard for unbelievers to accept CHRIST because of their stu.pid man-made rules that they themselves can never keep!!!

CHRIST has died on the Cross and said IT IS FINISHED thereby making Salvation easy for mankind but yet, they want to merit it with their yeye self righteousness which is a filthy rag before God..... Since they negate the finished work of CHRIST on the Cross, they will continue to live a defeated life cos the blessings of the New Covenant cant manifest in their lives . The Devil is just playing with their destiny..... I can see how you were trying to explain to them in the other thread yet they stuck to their guns!!! My brother you get time sef, ignore them!!! I don't even notice them on this section sef.... My own is just to post grace articles so that people will know the Truth .... I am Happy that the Grace Revolution have taken over the world..... God has raised Great men of God that preaches Grace radically and without fear !!! Just like Apostle Paul did in the Bible !!! My bro, please just ignore the Pharisees here, their opinion is useless and it doesn't matter at all!!!!
Re: .. by Amberon: 1:21am On Feb 18, 2016
On the contrary, you and I do NOT operate on the same frequency. In actual life, we'd never cross paths. You rant like a convulsing child. Learn courtesy, then proper communication and comprehension skills first before quoting me next time. Your comment reeks of mediocrity and infantry.

Only senile schizophrenics throw insults rather than converse intellectually like adults. I will not give you the privilege of reading or replying your next comment.

Mannerless idio.t!!! I don't blame u.... Nairaland has given a none-entity like u the guts to be insulting his father!!! Someone that cannot stand up to me in real life, i don't blame u..... I am through with you and i wont warn you again!!! Foo.oool!!!!
Re: .. by Amberon: 1:28am On Feb 18, 2016

You pose as a christian but you are a time bomb waiting to happen. Someone who fears opposing views. Someone gave an opinion and instead of a simple enlightening response, insults and bragging followed.

A train wreck is a better sight than your jargon!
My brother, i have to tell him off!!! What makes me laugh is dat these Pharisees here masquerading as Christians cannot keep a Single law if they encounter the Law of Moses in its entire form.... Forming Holiness when in actual fact, they are the worst hypocrites!!! They are the problem we have in Christianity... Making the Christian life too hard for unbelievers to accept CHRIST because of their stu.pid man-made rules that they themselves can never keep!!!

CHRIST has died on the Cross and said IT IS FINISHED thereby making Salvation easy for mankind but yet, they want to merit it with their yeye self righteousness which is a filthy rag before God..... Since they negate the finished work of CHRIST on the Cross, they will continue to live a defeated life cos the blessings of the New Covenant cant manifest in their lives . The Devil is just playing with their destiny..... I can see how you were trying to explain to them in the other thread yet they stuck to their guns!!! My brother you get time sef, ignore them!!! I don't even notice them on this section sef.... My own is just to post grace articles so that people will know the Truth .... I am Happy that the Grace Revolution have taken over the world..... God has raised Great men of God that preaches Grace radically and without fear !!! Just like Apostle Paul did in the Bible !!! My bro, please just ignore the Pharisees here, their opinion is useless and it doesn't matter at all!!!!

1 Like 1 Share

Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 7:21am On Feb 18, 2016
My brother, i have to tell him off!!! What makes me laugh is dat these Pharisees here masquerading as Christians cannot keep a Single law if they encounter the Law of Moses in its entire form.... Forming Holiness when in actual fact, they are the worst hypocrites!!! They are the problem we have in Christianity... Making the Christian life too hard for unbelievers to accept CHRIST because of their stu.pid man-made rules that they themselves can never keep!!!
CHRIST has died on the Cross and said IT IS FINISHED thereby making Salvation easy for mankind but yet, they want to merit it with their yeye self righteousness which is a filthy rag before God..... Since they negate the finished work of CHRIST on the Cross, they will continue to live a defeated life cos the blessings of the New Covenant cant manifest in their lives . The Devil is just playing with their destiny..... I can see how you were trying to explain to them in the other thread yet they stuck to their guns!!! My brother you get time sef, ignore them!!! I don't even notice them on this section sef.... My own is just to post grace articles so that people will know the Truth .... I am Happy that the Grace Revolution have taken over the world..... God has raised Great men of God that preaches Grace radically and without fear !!! Just like Apostle Paul did in the Bible !!! My bro, please just ignore the Pharisees here, their opinion is useless and it doesn't matter at all!!!!
Re: .. by promisechuks: 8:09am On Feb 18, 2016
On the contrary, you and I do NOT operate on the same frequency. In actual life, we'd never cross paths. You rant like a convulsing child. Learn courtesy, then proper communication and comprehension skills first before quoting me next time. Your comment reeks of mediocrity and infantry.

Only senile schizophrenics throw insults rather than converse intellectually like adults. I will not give you the privilege of reading or replying your next comment.

Just see the way you talk, a christian claiming to have the power to keep laws. Convulsing child? What an abuse?

You see why your righteousness is nothing but a filthy rag before God, since you claim you have to live rightly before you can be righteous before God.. You can't ALWAYS keep away from doing the wrong because of your imperfection, but still you can't tell yourself this truth.

Though, you fight against people preaching grace, still you can't tell yourself the truth that you are not righteous. That's why I see people like you as pharisees.

With the belief you have against grace, do you think you will go to heaven after calling someone a "convulsing child"?

That's why I keep on saying that man's righteousness is nonsense before God, you only need the grace of God that can give the real righteousness of God by faith.

Please, GRAB the grace of God, don't continue to joke with your life like this, because may be after committing another one, if you eventually did'nt have the opportunity to apologise to God as you think that it is right, you will probably end in hell.
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 8:20am On Feb 18, 2016

Just see the way you talk, a christian claiming to have the power to keep laws. Convulsing child? What an abuse?
You see why your righteousness is nothing but a filthy rag before God, since you claim you have to live rightly before you can be righteous before God.. You can't ALWAYS keep away from doing the wrong because of your imperfection, but still you can't tell yourself this truth.
Though, you fight against people preaching grace, still you can't tell yourself the truth that you are not righteous. That's why I see people like you as pharisees.
With the belief you have against grace, do you think you will go to heaven after calling someone a "convulsing child"?
That's why I keep on saying that man's righteousness is nonsense before God, you only need the grace of God that can give the real righteousness of God by faith.
Please, GRAB the grace of God, don't continue to joke with your life like this, because may be after committing another one, if you eventually did'nt have the opportunity to apologise to God as you think that it is right, you will probably end in hell.
My brother plz don't bother with him. That's what i always see here on Nairaland, teenagers insulting their uncles..... Internet and social media have given mannerless children the right to insult their elders. i dont blame him sha. Someone that claims RIGHTEOUS and instead of commenting on my thread with courtsey, he started with insults...... You can see the self righteous Pharisees and their attitudes here, at the end they will still condemn other Christians to Hell. who is fooling who? i always pity them. If not for CHRIST, no one will smell heaven no matter their good works.

I am always nice and open to people who converse intelligently here even if we don't share the same view. I am nice to everyone cos i am a liberal person BUT when someone comes with CONDEMNATION like the Pharisees here always do, i always go Gangster mode on them!!!! I don't spare them at all cos they are not better than me or anyone else. It is only CHRIST that makes the difference in our lives, nothing more nothing less and i will always give Him the glory cos He cant share it with no man.

So my bro, i just overlook his insult cos this is a faceless forum. In real life he cant try it, na cane i go use finish am like the little boy that he is.
Re: .. by Amberon: 10:26am On Feb 18, 2016
dear promisechuks

pls endeavor to not be hypocritical in passing judgments. Did you not see all the insults the op hurled at me? including his own father? why are you being bayass?

Now concerning the grace Gospel. I know how important the grace of God is and I thank God for his Grace. Infact I endorse the grace gospel, so clearly you are getting me wrong. Pls try to understand me properly.

I never condemned the grace gospel, I only said the op is preaching a perverted version of it. Saying that we don't need to confess our sins as Joseph Prince always says is wrong. I quoted 1 John 1:9 which clearly says that confession is necessary for forgiveness and the O.P started cursing.

Per the bolded, I never said I have power to keep the laws. Nobody has any power of their own, it is only by the grace of God that salvation is attained. Get me right.

Just see the way you talk, a christian claiming to have the power to keep laws. Convulsing child? What an abuse?

You see why your righteousness is nothing but a filthy rag before God, since you claim you have to live rightly before you can be righteous before God.. You can't ALWAYS keep away from doing the wrong because of your imperfection, but still you can't tell yourself this truth.

Though, you fight against people preaching grace, still you can't tell yourself the truth that you are not righteous. That's why I see people like you as pharisees.

With the belief you have against grace, do you think you will go to heaven after calling someone a "convulsing child"?

That's why I keep on saying that man's righteousness is nonsense before God, you only need the grace of God that can give the real righteousness of God by faith.

Please, GRAB the grace of God, don't continue to joke with your life like this, because may be after committing another one, if you eventually did'nt have the opportunity to apologise to God as you think that it is right, you will probably end in hell.
Re: .. by Amberon: 10:45am On Feb 18, 2016
you are too full of yourself. You're a sorry excuse for a church goer. Read your previous replies and you'll see that you insulted me first. You keep bragging and I wonder where it will lead you to.

The only pharisee here is you because you twist the word of God and instead of raising intellectual points, you resorted to hurling insults. Where did you see me claiming to be righteous? spot it or forever hold your peace.

You could not even hide the rage in you. Is that how you go about threatening and flogging people who you preach to?
My brother plz don't bother with him. That's what i always see here on Nairaland, teenagers insulting their uncles..... Internet and social media have given mannerless children the right to insult their elders. i dont blame him sha. Someone that claims RIGHTEOUS and instead of commenting on my thread with courtsey, he started with insults...... You can see the self righteous Pharisees and their attitudes here, at the end they will still condemn other Christians to Hell. who is fooling who? i always pity them. If not for CHRIST, no one will smell heaven no matter their good works.

I am always nice and open to people who converse intelligently here even if we don't share the same view. I am nice to everyone cos i am a liberal person BUT when someone comes with CONDEMNATION like the Pharisees here always do, i always go Gangster mode on them!!!! I don't spare them at all cos they are not better than me or anyone else. It is only CHRIST that makes the difference in our lives, nothing more nothing less and i will always give Him the glory cos He cant share it with no man.

So my bro, i just overlook his insult cos this is a faceless forum. In real life he cant try it, na cane i go use finish am like the little boy that he is.
Re: .. by jiggaz(m): 7:49pm On May 06, 2016
good evening
Re: .. by promise101: 10:59pm On May 06, 2016
you are right. it is this grace perverted gospel that sends millions of Christians of hell. "Once saved, always saved" bullcrap. Yes, Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sins but if we there's no forgiveness without confession. 1 John 1: 8 If we say that we have no sin , we deceive ourselves , and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins , He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we have not sinned , we make Him a liar , and His word is not in us.

May God save us from false preachers.
You foolish anti-grace preacher!

If you really know that John was talking to believers in that verse, please reconcile it with 1John 3:9.

1john 3:9;"Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God."

You sounded so foolish by saying that there is no forgiveness with no confession.

How does confession wash away you sins?

The bible made clear that there is no remission of sins without shed of blood. We were NOT forgiven because we confess our sins, but because a blood has been shed on your behalf.

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