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Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 2:00pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
I know this topic will shock many people who believe in the propaganda that the use of condom is a formidable prevention against HIV but unfortunately,using a condom does not prevent you from contracting HIV but only reduces the chance of contracting it. Now read this and i doubt if you will ever read this anywhere else because the condom industry is a huge one and facts like this may not be widely disseminated but here i give it to you to ponder over. -Human immunodeficient Virus(HIV) is very virulent and can pass through through unnoticeable and painless skin abrasion on the penile shaft as well as the vaginal region. -The viral load is present in cervico-vaginal fluid and of-course in the blood. -We will agree that in most cases if not all,the condom no matter how carefully worn still exposes some part of the penile shaft and this is where the problem lies because in most cases,the vaginal secretions come in contact with this exposed region of the shaft. -This means an automatic entry of the virus from the vaginal fluid into the man especially when there are some abrasions on the penile skin which of-course is so delicate and easily bruised. -If the man also has the virus and he happens to have any form of abrasion on the penile shaft then the woman can easily contract the virus once the Unclad part of his shaft touches the walls of the vaginal. This is just a simple illustration to show that condoms are no guarantee prevention against HIV. Staying faithful to one sexual partner who is HIV negative and will not be silly enough to indulge in careless sexual act with an infected individual remains the best way to prevent HIV. The bottom line is that no one is really safe and we all stand the risk of contracting it as the Virus has a transient period between when it is contracted and when it can be detected in the blood so you may meet someone who is tested negative today and later may test positive. GOD HELP US. 39 Likes 1 Share
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Bacteriocin(m): 2:00pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
K |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by passionate88: 2:01pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Na now u know? |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by hemartins(m): 2:01pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
your illustration tho 16 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by sirnature: 2:04pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
, |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 2:05pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
passionate88: I have known this long ago and i have always preached it but there is no harm letting many other people who are ignorant know abi no be so? In-fact i don't use condom to make love as i prefer to remain faithful to one woman and hopes she no go out go carry am come. 14 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Nobody: 2:13pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
I hear |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Mznaett: 2:18pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Hmmm,,that's the hardest truth ever 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by misspicy(f): 2:23pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Ok,i know this from time immemorial buh that ![]() 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 2:25pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Mznaett: This is why i don't do casuals and funny enough will never use a condom because 1.It does not guaranty real pleasure 2.It does not really prevent HIV So i would rather stick to one hot partner and hope that she does not bring me one. 4 Likes |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 2:27pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
misspicy: Best way to illustrate without crossing the line ![]() It will amaze you that many have never taught about this. |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Nobody: 2:27pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Toks2008: 13 Likes 1 Share
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 2:32pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
@BUTCHCASSIDY And unfortunately people tag me as too picky because i always want to go for a chic that will not make me fantasize about another girl. The best thing is for a man to go for a lady who is physically and sexually appealing to his eyes then stick to only her and do the hell outta her in marriage tho. 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by misspicy(f): 2:34pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Toks2008:Yes....and u would be shocked that many still dont use condom at all,some men be feeling like,kingkong.... ![]() |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 2:37pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
misspicy: Lets face it, using a condom is like licking a candy with the wrapper.Do you feel the taste? The problem is when a guy or lady keeps different sexual partners thinking using a condom is a big life saver. 3 Likes |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by ronald4lif(m): 2:37pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Toks2008: Risky one. This means you're placing your life in someone's else hands. Don't you think is more risky to contract the virus by having unprotected sex with one supposedly faithful partner than with condom with more than one girlfriend? 34 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 2:43pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
ronald4lif: I don't keep girlfriends dude. I go for a lady and take the risk. You can't run from risking sex with one partner because you must marry one day. I don't even do a lady i don't see myself marrying. 6 Likes |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by misspicy(f): 2:55pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Toks2008:To an extent a condom is really a life saver,because half a bread is better than none,meaning a little level of protection is better than none as long as people have failed to see the effect of having multiple sex partners,to some guys it shows their sexual power 4 Likes |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by ronald4lif(m): 2:59pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Toks2008: Since you can't have sex with a lady you can't marry I take it that the pregnancy factor won't be an issue should it occur. For someone like yourself who can be loyal to one girlfriend and indulges with her only they can have unprotected sex hoping that she's equally faithful. But not the case for a guy who engages in flings once in a while. Unprotected sex is never an option to such people, even with their main girlfriend's. The thing is, there would always be a risk factor to sex. Whether unprotected with one loyal girlfriend or protected with more than one woman. The safest way is abstinence. The idea of which is more risky or not is debatable. And one can never be too certain of the faithfulness of a partner to the extend of taking the risk of having unprotected sex with them. Marriage is the only exception for me to indulge in unprotected sex, faithful partner or not. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 3:03pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
misspicy: Yea i totally agree that it reduces the risk of infection but i believe to the old school of taught that believes in sexual chastity even when we know that a chaste partner can contract the infection from a randy partner but honestly i think its foolish to use a condom to commit fornication because its going to be double wahala. you no enjoy am and na sin against GOD lol! But i wil not in anyway use a condom for sex.NEVER not even for a guy who is addicted to MA so wats the use of using condom sef. |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 3:07pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
ronald4lif: The embolden is why i don't use condom because i don't do causal sex. Its either i do it with a lady i would marry,my wife or abstain. I hate casual sex with every drop of fluid in me. I can't recount how many casual sex i have turned down because i don't see these ladies as the type i can marry. Its about principle. 3 Likes |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Nobody: 3:27pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
I jst have a simple question to ask.if ur theory is tru, dat means if d vaginal fluid of an infected lady touches any part of d skin, nt necessarily d penile shaft, hiv can still b transmitted rite? dats if dis ur theory is tru cus d skin on d penis is same as d skin on any part of d pls enlighten me more. P.S Doc nnamdi 3 Likes |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 3:35pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
nnamdiokere45: Thanks Doc The viral load varies according to different body fluids. In saliva and sweat the viral load is not that sufficient to infect but in the blood and vaginal fluid the load is quite much. The virus cannot enter the body through the skin unless you have a wound, a rash, or abrasions which could be hardly noticeable and yes if the fluid touches any part of the skin WITH ABRASIONS which can be so tiny yes it can pass especially the HIV subtype 02_AG/A which is the most virulent and spreading fast. |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Nobody: 3:38pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Toks2008:thank God u cleared urself. so if no abrasion or wat so ever on d exposed part of d penile shaft, condoms r safe rite? |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 3:44pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
nnamdiokere45: Definitely. That was why i wrote that condom only reduces the risk but DOES NOT PREVENT. The penile shaft is the most delicate and that is the place we are prone to having hidden abrasions due to many reasons. Those who self-service,through shaving and even innocent scratching and so on. BTW I had my first degree in Microbiology so i am an authority in this field. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Nobody: 3:49pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Toks2008:ok.was jst observing sha.I hardly comment bt wen I saw d heading on ur topic, I had to enquire so mayb I cld learn more.d head doesn't suit d point ur try to create.condoms protects if used effectively n consistently. am a medical practitioner in a hospital in owerri. 3 Likes |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 3:54pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
nnamdiokere45: Doc you and i know that the diagrammatic illustration is exactly the case in most cases except you get a condom that covers the scrotal sac so apparently there is no way one can effectively wear it that it will not slide down especially when really enjoying the act without pulling it up intermittently. Honestly condom is a pleasure killer. |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Nobody: 4:00pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Toks2008:lolz...wer wld u gt dat kind of cd.dis guy self u na break i dey abeg 1 Like |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 4:07pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
nnamdiokere45: Thanks for dropping by and do have a great sunday ahead. |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by collinsVP: 4:29pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
nnamdiokere45: Thanks for squeezing out clarity from the thread Doc. Without any abrasion either on the penile shaft or any other part of the skin, you are save with condom provided that you consistently and effectively used it. 1 Like |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by djeezy(m): 4:33pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
Nice thread. |
Re: Why Condom does not guaranty HIV prevention. by Toks2008(m): 4:40pm On Aug 15, 2015 |
collinsVP: You have no idea the minute abraison we all have almost all the time. Even innocent washing and rough bl. The best bet is sexual fidelity to a hiv free partner. |
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