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Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 1:04pm On Jul 01, 2017
Many numbers in the Bible have significance
The following are some examples.

One(1)signifies the one unique God.1Cor8:6.

Two(2) signifies fellowship.Eccl4:11.

Three(3) also signifies God because He is triune. One refers to God’s unity, and three refers to God’s completion.Matt28:19.

Four(4) is the first number that is built upon three. It is three plus one. Hence, four is the number of creation. Everything that relates to the creature is four in number. For example, there are four corners of the earth, four seasons, four winds, and four rivers that flow from the garden of Eden. The image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream has four sections. Four beasts come out of the sea. The living creatures that represent all creation are four in number. The Lord Jesus’ life on earth is recorded in four Gospels. Everything that is produced from God is four in number.

Five(5)is the number of man’s separation. The left hand has five fingers. So does the right hand. Of the ten virgins five are foolish and five wise. Five also signifies human responsibility before God. The ear is one of the five organs, the thumb is one of the five fingers, and the big toe is one of the five toes. Applying the blood to the right ear, the thumb of the right hand, and the big toe of the right foot signifies man’s separation to bear responsibility before God.

Six(6)is man’s number. Man was created on the sixth day. Seven is the number of perfection. Six is less than seven. This means that what man does can never match what God does.

Seven(7)is the number of perfection. This perfection refers to the present temporary perfection; it is not eternal perfection. Three is the number of God. Four is the number of the creature. The sum of the Creator with the creature is perfection. God plus man equals perfection.(3+4=7)But this is only three plus four; it is a temporary perfection. Everything temporal in the Bible is signified by seven. For example, there are seven days to a week, seven parables in Matthew 13, seven churches in Revelation, seven lampstands, seven messengers, seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls. All these refer to temporal perfection rather than perfection in eternity.

Eight(coolis the number of resurrection. Seven is a cycle. Eight is the first number after seven. The Lord Jesus resurrected on the eighth day. Hence, eight is the number of resurrection.

Nine(9)is three times three, a multiplicity of God’s number. God’s testimony is not only God’s word but God’s speaking to us.

Ten(10)signifies human perfection. The human number is completed at ten. For example, there are ten fingers to the hands and ten toes to the feet.

Eleven(11) does not have much significance in the Bible.

Twelve(12) is also a number for perfection, but this perfection refers to the perfection in eternity. There are two numbers for perfection: seven and twelve. Seven is divine perfection and has to do with today. Twelve is also divine perfection, but it has to do with eternity. The interesting thing is that in the new heaven and new earth, the number seven will be gone. The New Jerusalem has twelve gates, twelve foundations, the names of the twelve apostles, twelve kinds of precious stones, and twelve pearls. The wall of the city was a hundred and forty-four cubits, which is twelve times twelve(12*12=144). All these will remain forever. Thus, twelve signifies eternal perfection. Why is seven temporal perfection and twelve eternal perfection? Three plus four is simply God plus man(3+4=7),the Creator plus the creature. But three times four is the Creator multiplied by the creature(3*4=12). This means that the two are mingled together. There is a difference between addition and multiplication. In multiplication, God and man are no longer separate. It is a oneness between the creating God and the created beings. Such a oneness is eternal. Hence, the perfection signified by twelve is an eternal perfection.
You can add yours but no insults pls!!
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 6:23pm On Jul 01, 2017
Let me add to the above Numbers! wink

"1" is God’s number: "Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah" (Deut. 6.4); "there is one God" (1 Tim. 2.5). 1.represents independence, which admits of no other; it expresses the power of God.1 implies a sufficiency which needs no other; it shows forth the abundance of God.1 is the beginning of all numbers;it demonstrates the greatness of God.For He is the source of all things. He is unique.He is the Head of all things.
Passover marks the beginning of months;it is to be the first month of the year (Ex. 12.2). This points to the redemption of God. The redemptive work at Calvary heads up all things. That which God created on the first day was light;this is the power of God. The first book of the Bible is Genesis which reveals God’s power and glory. All the firstborn of the sons of the Israelites belong to the Lord,for they are holy to the Lord (Ex. 22.29).The first of the firstfruits of the ground must be brought into the house of God,for He should be served first (Ex. 23.19).
1 also speaks of harmony or oneness: "The dream of Pharaoh is one" (Gen. 41.25).
1 also signifies peace:"that they may be one, even as we are" (John 17.11). It shows a relationship.To sum up,we may say that since 1 is the foundation of all numerals,it is God’s number.All things begin at 1; God is the beginning of all things.1 is the fundamental unit, the summing up of all numbers; and hence God holds all things together in himself. No numeral precedes 1,and thus it represents the absolute God in heaven.
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 6:52pm On Jul 01, 2017
The Number "2"
"2" is the number of the Lord Jesus. He is called the second man (1 Cor. 15.47).He has two natures—that of God and man. His works fall into two stages—suffering and glory.In reading Leviticus,we find that a person who sins shall bring two turtle-doves or two young pigeons to God as his trespass-offering: one is to be offered as a sin-offering and the other as a burnt-offering (Lev. 5.7).A sin-offering is offered up for the sake of sin; a burnt-offering is offered up for the sake of the person.God forgives sin and accepts the person.This also is two-sided.All this represents the salvation of the Lord Jesus.2 is likewise the number of salvation.The second Person in the Godhead—the Lord Jesus—is the Savior of the world.
2 also speaks of addition, help and fellowship:"Two are better than one,because they have a good reward for their labor.For if they fall,the one will lift up his fellow;but woe to him that is alone when he falleth,and hath not another to lift him up.Again, if two lie together,then they have warmth; but how can one be warm alone?And if a man prevail against him that is alone,two shall withstand him;and a threefold cord is not quickly broken"(Eccl. 4.9-12).
2 is the number of testimony as well.The testimony of two different individuals is true. Please read Deuteronomy 17.6, 19.15,Matthew 18.16, 2 Corinthians 13.1, and 1 Timothy 5.19.The witness of God towards men is seen in the Old Testament and the New.The names of the disciples are given in twos (Matt. 10.2-4).The disciples went forth to bear witness two by two.The tablets of the testimony are two in number.During the Great Tribulation, there will be two dramatic witnesses (Rev. 11.3). The second Person of the Godhead is the Word of God and the Faithful Witness (Rev. 19.13; 1.5).
2 has another meaning: it speaks of division, difference and contrast. For instance, during the second day of creation, God divided the waters from the waters.The animals entered the ark in pairs (Gen. 6.19,20).A woman who bore a maid-child would be unclean for two weeks, doubling the days for bearing a male-child (Lev. 12.5).
2 has still another meaning:it is the number of production.2 is the first number after 1 is added on;it is therefore not a complete number.More numbers may be added onto it to make it perfect. The Holy Father and the Holy Son are not complete without adding the Holy Spirit to the Trinity.The husband and wife are joined in one, but in God’s eyes the family is not complete till children are added.
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 7:42pm On Jul 01, 2017
The Number "3"
"3" is the number of personal completeness.It is the number of the Godhead, it standing for the triune God.It is formed by 1 plus 1 plus 1.But if the 1’s are multiplied,the result is still 1.So that God is 3 in 1 and 1 in 3.In geometry two lines do not make a cube.Hence 2 is an incomplete number while 3 is the first complete number. It therefore represents God.A complete man is formed with spirit,soul and body.A complete family is composed of father, mother and children.A complete faith consists of knowledge,works and experience.3 is also a number of resurrection.The Lord Jesus is resurrected on the third day.The earth came out of the water on the third day.A person is born again through the preaching of the gospel which comes not in word only but also in power and in the Holy Spirit (1 Thess. 1.5).Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days. The restoration of the nation of Israel is also connected with the numeral 3 (Hosea 6.1,2).This number 3 is frequently related to God;such as when people are baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28.19).The benediction of the apostle Paul is also couched in the Triune formula of 3 in 1 (2 Cor. 13.14).The Lord Jesus was tempted three times;and He prayed three times in the garden of Gethsemane.Peter denied the Lord three times; he was asked three times by the Lord:"Lovest thou me?"; and three times he was told,"Feed my sheep" (John 21.15-17)."There are three who bear witness" to the Son (1 John 5.cool. In praising God,the seraphim cried one to another: "Holy, holy, holy"(Is. 6.3).The four living creatures are also found saying,"Holy, holy, holy" (Rev. 4.cool.The largest piece of furniture in the tabernacle is the altar, which is capable of containing all the rest of the tabernacle furniture.The altar stands for the cross which satisfies the righteousness of God.It is three cubits tall, signifying that the righteousness of the cross has reached the standard of God. When God judged men’s sin in Christ,the heaven and earth were darkened for three hours. According to Hebrews 9.23-28, the Lord Jesus appears three times:the first time He appeared to put away sin (v.26); the second time He appears before the face of God to intercede for us (v.24);and the third time He shall appear to them who wait for Him to the redemption of their body (v.28).
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 8:08am On Jul 02, 2017
The Number "4"
"4" is the number of the world. God apportions the world dominion to four kingdoms: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.The materials representing world power in Nebuchadnezzar’s image are gold, silver, brass and iron (Dan. 2).The world kingdoms in God’s eyes are like four beasts (Dan. 7). 4 as the number of the world may also be seen in this number’s relationships with the world.The world has four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter.It has four corners: east, west, south and north (Num. 2).It has four basic elements: earth, air, water and fire. It has four winds (Rev. 7.1). The river which flowed out of the earth’s paradise—the garden of Eden—was parted and became four heads (Gen. 2.10-14). The living creatures which represent the created world are four in number (Rev. 4.6).In Ezekiel we are told that the cherubim,which are the same as the living creatures,have four faces:that of the lion,ox,man, and eagle; and they have also four wings (ch. 1). Mankind on earth is described in a foursome: peoples,multitudes, nations,and tongues (Rev. 17.15).The heart conditions of men,according to the parable of the sower as spoken by the Lord Jesus,are of four kinds (Matt. 13.3-9, 18-23).The tribulations which come as judgment upon the world are also four in number: war, famine, pestilence and earthquake (Matt. 24.6,7 AV; cf. Luke 21).Those which bear witness to the Lord Jesus are the four Gospels which reveal the four aspects of Christ. At the height of men’s sin, the four soldiers divided among themselves the garments of the Lord Jesus (John 19.23).The altar set up for men is "foursquare"with four horns (Ex. 27.1,2).The fourth of the Ten Commandments is the first of the remaining ones that touch upon the things of the world (Ex. 20).The fourth clause in the so-called Lord’s Prayer is also that which commences to deal with matters pertaining to this earth (Matt. 6.9-13).The things God created on the fourth day were to rule over the days and nights on earth.The fourth book of the Bible,Numbers, relates the experience of the wilderness which is a type of the world.
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 2:08pm On Jul 02, 2017
Number "5"
The Lord Jesus uses five loaves to feed the five thousand hungry (Matt. 14.17);this expresses the Lord’s grace. David chooses five smooth stones to overcome Goliath (1 Sam. 17.40);this manifests man’s responsibility. The fifth book of the Bible, Deuteronomy,relates how God gives grace and how people are responsible afterwards.The fifth kingdom of the world will be the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ(Dan. 2.35,44; Rev. 11.15). All who desire to enter His kingdom and to reign with Christ have tremendous responsibility! Matthew 5-7 lays down the conditions.Deuteronomy,the fifth book of the Bible,speaks also of how the people must behave after entering the promised land,which is a type of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 5:12pm On Jul 03, 2017
Number "6"
Man was created on the sixth day (Gen. 1).Men should work for six days in a week(Ex. 23.12). A Hebrew serves as slave for only six years(Deut. 15.12).The land of Canaan is to be cultivated successively for six years(Lev. 25.3).Human history is altogether about six thousand years.Moses waited in the mountain for six days before God appeared to him(Ex. 24.15-18).The throne of Solomon has six steps to ascend(1 Kings 10.19).The hours of the day may be divided by 6.The sixth letter to the Church mentions the hour of trial upon the whole earth(Rev. 3.10).The sixth seal reveals the wrath of the Lamb upon mankind (6.12ff.).The sixth trumpet predicts the killing of one third of the world population(9.13ff.).The sixth bowl prepares the way for the kings of the world—under the instigation of the unclean spirits—to war against Christ (16.12ff.).The human name of the incarnated Word is Jesus, which in the Greek original is composed of six letters.Six times the Lord Jesus was attacked as demon possessed;how the natural man is always ready to attack our most holy Lord.
When man under the hand of Satan opposes God,his number is frequently connected with the number 6.Goliath is the first example mentioned:his height was six cubits and a span, and his spear’s head weighed six hundred shekels of iron (1 Sam. 17.4,7).The golden image of Nebuchadnezzar is the second example:its height was sixty cubits, and its breadth was six cubits(Dan. 3.1-3).The future Antichrist is the third example: his number will be 666 (Rev. 13.18).
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 10:59pm On Jul 05, 2017
Number "7"
The book of Revelation is a book of many sevens.it has seven visions,seven words of praising the Lord God and the Lamb, seven Spirits before the throne of God,seven golden lampstands,seven lamps of fire,the Lamb having seven horns and seven eyes,seven angels blowing seven trumpets,seven thunders,seven heads of the beast,seven bowls of God’s seven plagues,and seven mountains representing seven kings.the book uses "7" 56 times.this number 7 stands for dispensational perfection, which is temporary perfection.
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 11:33pm On Jul 18, 2017
The Number "8"
"8" is the number of resurrection. The Lord Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the first day of the week, which is the eighth day.Noah is the eighth person preserved by God (2 Peter 2.5) and he has a family of eight (1 Peter 3.20).They came out of the ark (the flood representing death) and multiplied and filled the new earth. God commanded Abraham to circumcise all the male children on the eighth day of birth(Gen. 17.11-14).The meaning of circumcision is the "putting off of the body of the flesh" (Col. 2.11).This agrees with "we are [God’s] workmanship, created in Christ Jesus" (Eph. 2.10).David was the eighth son of Jesse (1 Sam. 16.10,11), and he established the new Israel.The leper was cleansed on the eighth day(Lev. 14.10,23)and hence he was declared to be a new person.In the eighth year, the children of Israel sowed the land again (Lev. 25.22).Psalm 8 speaks of the kingdom of the Lord (cf.Heb. 2.5-9).The transfiguration of our Lord Jesus happened on the eighth day(Luke 9.28),which event foretells His power and His appearing (2 Peter 1.16-19)The disciples gathered to break bread on the first day of the week, which is the eighth day (Act. 20.7);this is a new day for gathering.On the eighth day, also,the disciples gave their offering(1 Cor. 16.1,2),
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 11:28pm On Jul 19, 2017
The Number "10"
"10" is the number of world perfection;it is also the multiplication of the basic number "5" by 2, and therefore it represents the total responsibility of men before God.A normal person has ten fingers and ten toes for work and for walking. For human rebellion,God punished the Egyptians with ten plagues.At the height of the power of the nations there will be ten kingdoms,which are suggested by the ten toes and ten horns(Dan. 2, 7.7;Rev. 17.12).There are ten commandments given to Israel as their responsibility before God.Ephraim represented the ten tribes of the nation of Israel and was therefore directly responsible to God;Ephraim was not included in Judah. After His resurrection, Christ appeared ten times.How great was the responsibility of those who knew His resurrection!
The church in Smyrna shall have tribulation ten days(Rev. 2.10). The disciples prayed for ten days before they were baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 1).The final conditions of the Christians are represented in the parable of the ten virgins(Matt. 25.1,2); among whom five are wise and five foolish but all are held responsible at the arrival of the bridegroom.The woman with ten pieces of silver(Luke 15.8-10) shows that the whole world (at the time of speaking this may have represented only the children of Israel) belongs to God.The ten servants received ten pounds to trade with until the Lord returned (Luke 19.13).They were not to be careless about that which they received. The first servant earned ten pounds, so he was rewarded with ten cities.God required the children of Israel to give one tenth; this proves the greatness of the Lord since everything was given to them by Him.Ten is a number used extensively in the tabernacle,the temple of Solomon, and the temple mentioned in Ezekiel; for all are in this world (Ex. 26.27;1 Kings 6; Ez. 40).
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 8:56pm On Jul 23, 2017
The Number "12"
"12"is the number of permanency.As the basic number"7"represents temporary or dispensational perfection,so 12 speaks of permanent perfection.7 is made up of the basic number "4"(man)added to the basic number"3"(God)—the joining together of the created with the Creator. 12 is 4 multiplied by 3,and therefore it is the created being united with the Creator. 7 represents the coming together of man and God, whereas 12 speaks of how God gives grace to man so that the created can be united to the Creator.The former number signifies the contact of the created with the Creator;it is perfect,yet it is only temporary; but the latter number shows forth the union of the created with the Creator,so that it is not only perfect but also permanent. Let us understand that both 7 and 12 come from the two numerals 4 and 3;except that 7 is the adding of these two numerals together,whereas 12 is the multiplying of them together. To add is to put together,to multiply is to unite in one.Hence the meaning of multiplication is deeper than that of addition. Here we see the importance of being united with God.
Other instances of the biblical use of the number 12 can be seen in the following.A year has twelve months.The nation of Israel was composed of twelve tribes.Mounted on the breastplate of the high priest were twelve precious stones (Ex. 28.21).On the golden table of shewbread were placed twelve loaves of bread(Lev. 24.5,6). Elim had twelve springs (Ex. 15.27). There were twelve men sent to spy out the land(Num. 13). Joshua put twelve stones into the river Jordan(Josh. 4.9).Elijah used twelve stones with which to build an altar(1 Kings 18.31,32). The Lord Jesus went to Jerusalem at twelve years of age (Luke 2.42).He chose twelve apostles and promised them the right to sit on twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Matt. 19.28).He healed the woman who had had an issue of blood for twelve years(Luke 8.43,44).He raised the twelve-year-old daughter of Jairus from the dead (Luke 8.42,54,55).The leftovers from the five loaves and two fishes after feeding the five thousand were twelve basketsful (Matt. 14.20).The Lord could have, had He desired, asked the Father to send twelve legions of angels to rescue Him (Matt. 26.53).
In reading the book of Revelation,we find that the number 12 is used more frequently than in any other book.There will be twelve stars making up the crown on the woman’s head (Rev. 12.1).The New Jerusalem will have twelve gates made of twelve pearls (21.21).At these gates there will be twelve angels(v.12),and the names written above the gates are to be the names of the twelve tribes of Israel(v.12).The city wall will have twelve foundations with the names of the twelve apostles on them (v.14).The tree of life is to bear twelve different fruits (22.2).In the light of all this, we need to notice that in the eternal kingdom of the new heaven and the new earth, all the numbers are to be twelve, none will be seven.In the first half of the book of Revelation,7 is frequently the number used because it speaks of the conditions of this temporary age. But for the eternal kingdom,12 is the number used.It is thus proven beyond doubt that 7 is representative of temporary perfection whereas 12 is representative of permanent perfection.
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 8:56pm On Dec 14, 2024
Praise God
Re: Numbers!! by ichuka(m): 9:27am On Dec 29, 2024
Jesus is Lord and God over all

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