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Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria - Agriculture - Nairaland

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Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by Praying4Nigeria: 6:32am On Apr 03, 2024
It's quite interesting that the Nigerian-ridiculing mentality that it is easier to succeed in another man's Country as 2nd class Citizen (instead of Developing in our own Fatherland and Developing our Fatherland) is now being shattered daily. Here is my friend that returned to Nigeria to start Agriculture and has now started enjoying Agric Prosperity .


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Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by Praying4Nigeria: 6:32am On Apr 03, 2024

Short Agric Videos that you will forever be grateful that you watched or downloaded.
I think we should all also talk about others that we know who have turned their fortune around by going into Farming. One thing is sure, it is almost impossible to go into Farming with mindset of Producing massive quantity that would feed People and remain poor.

Below are video of other Youths that invested into Aspects of Agriculture that they deeply leaned about and today they are doing well financially:




Another man ran back from UK because their Government Taxation wanted to finish his Destiny as it currently leaves many Nigerians in UK with next to nothing to build meaningful Life. Now the Man is a Millionaire in Nigeria after starting Pig Farming, See:


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Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by Praying4Nigeria: 6:38am On Apr 03, 2024
Interesting, how to start Big Farming from almost nothing:



Making Millions from Homestead Soiless Farming:


kiss kiss These Youths now have no Reason to Involve in Crime as the are regularly making money from Agriculture through which they are also Proactively Positively Contributing to Development of Humanity:


22 Year Old builds biggest Farm to feed massive Population, while many of his Age that stumbles of such money which he used would have wasted it to carry many girlfriends and then probably relocate to Canada, America, etc.




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Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by DonBenny77(m): 7:21am On Apr 03, 2024
He may have returned broke financially but rich with ideas. He learned most of the farm practices over there

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Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by Praying4Nigeria: 7:34am On Apr 03, 2024
He may have returned broke financially but rich with ideas. He learned most of the farm practices over there
My brother, he actually leaned most after he returned and started the farming in Nigeria. Everything you see in the video was built by learning through other Nigerians in the Agric field and through YouTube Agric Tutorials.

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Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by WesternPanzer: 7:52am On Apr 03, 2024
As much as this is a good initiative, NDIGBO SHOULD BE CAREFUL before putting their resources and life savings into this business or any business in Nigeria.

Please don't rush back home saying you want to invest because Nigeria is a criminal enterprise with no economic or political stability.

You may invest 100 thousand euros into this business later to discover that Naira has been devalued again after 5 years which means all you efforts has been wasted.

Anyone who invested 100 thousand euros in Nigeria in the last 10 years have lost at least 60,000 of that money. But if that same money was left in the account or even invested in the country it was made for more stable currency, the story would have been different.

Please don't rush back home to invest your hard earned dollars ot euros that will guarantee you a good age. The HAWKS IN Nigeria may destroy it.

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Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by Praying4Nigeria: 8:04am On Apr 03, 2024
As much as this is a good initiative, NDIGBO SHOULD BE CAREFUL before putting their resources and life savings into this business or any business in Nigeria.

Please don't rush back home saying you want to invest because Nigeria is a criminal enterprise with no economic or political stability.

You may invest 100 thousand euros into this business later to discover that Naira has been devalued again after 5 years which means all you efforts has been wasted.

Anyone who invested 100 thousand euros in Nigeria in the last 10 years have lost at least 60,000 of that money. But if that same money was left in the account or even invested in the country it was made for more stable currency, the story would have been different.

Please don't rush back home to invest your hard earned dollars ot euros that will guarantee you a good age. The HAWKS IN Nigeria may destroy it.
My brother, pls don't say such. It is more wiser of him to have returned and using his LifeTime Productively to benefit Nigeria by eliminating Hunger from the Land and employing some Youths that joblessness might have turned to Armed Robbers, who knows how many Lives would be lost if those youths he employed stayed Jobless for too long. Also, take Note that this is Farm is in Igbo Land, so all the Solutions he has provide so far is being enjoyed by Igbos first before later trickling down to others.

We all saw the video here yesterday of how so many Nigerians with functional Brains are sleeping on bare streets as Asylum seekers in Ireland, let alone other Millions of such in other Countries. The Yorubas would no more shout "Ebi npami o!" If they follow this guys path of Growing what they Eat instead of lazily waiting on others like the North or Government to feed them. Farming is the Profession that our CREATOR gave Adam and Eve.

Regardless of Tribes, Nigerians wasting away their LifeTime and Destiny abroad should be encouraged to massively returned Home and start Agriculture in their Fatherland.

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Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by Peakdesign23(f): 9:05am On Apr 03, 2024
Congratulations to him.

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Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by Vischy: 9:13am On Apr 03, 2024
My brother, pls don't say such. It is more wiser of him to have returned and using his LifeTime Productively to benefit Nigeria by eliminating Hunger from the Land and employing some Youths that joblessness might have turned to Armed Robbers, who knows how many Lives would be lost if those youths he employed stayed Jobless for too long. Also, take Note that this is Farm is in Igbo Land, so all the Solutions he has provide so far is being enjoyed by Igbos first before later trickling down to others.

We all saw the video here yesterday of how so many Nigerians with functional Brains are sleeping on bare streets as Asylum seekers in Ireland, let alone other Millions of such in other Countries. The Yorubas would no more shout "Ebi npami o!" If they follow this guys path of Growing what they Eat instead of lazily waiting on others like the North or Government to feed them. Farming is the Profession that our CREATOR gave Adam and Eve.

Regardless of Tribes, Nigerians wasting away their LifeTime and Destiny abroad should be encouraged to massively returned Home and start Agriculture in their Fatherland.

God bless you bro, Agriculture is life. It's time for Nigerians to return back to agriculture because white collar jobs can't carter for everybody .

Doing so will create more jobs for youths and reduce hunger.

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Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by Nbote(m): 9:26am On Apr 03, 2024
So in other words you are us9jg their stories to sell your agric tutorials youtube page

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Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by DonBenny77(m): 10:59am On Apr 03, 2024
My brother, he actually leaned most after he returned and started the farming in Nigeria. Everything you see in the video was built by learning through other Nigerians in the Agric field and through YouTube Agric Tutorials.
Maybe not all the farming practices but that move helped his brain. If him no go him for no see value in agric, him for no know say you tube dey valuable him for no use him brain. Don't discourage anyone from Japa...
Re: Video: My Friend Left Europe Suicidal, Became Multimillionaire Farmer In Nigeria by flokii: 12:18pm On Apr 03, 2024
Africans need serious re-orientation.. It amazes me when I see people make "japa" prayer points in churches, praying for visa to go live in the White man's land. I don't think there is any fo0lishness as high as that.

If the Whites didn't develop their own lands through hardwork and patriotism, will those running there find the place attractive?. Common sense is truly not common.

My own prayer is for God to give African leaders the foresight to see the great potentials in the African continent and wealth that lies herein. I say bold that the African continent is the richest on the planet with vast mineral and natural resources that serve as raw materials for production activities in other continents. Why should I leave a rich continent to go live in poorer ones by virtue of natural endowments?.

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