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Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 3:52am On Jan 31, 2012 |
[size=13pt]Major-General Buhari was selected to lead the country by middle and high-ranking military officers after a successful military coup d'etat that overthrew civilian President Shehu Shagari on December 31, 1983. At the time, Buhari was head of the Third Armored Division of Jos. Buhari was appointed Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and Tunde Idiagbon was appointed Chief of General Staff (the de facto No. 2 in the administration). Buhari justified the military's seizure of power by castigating the civilian government as hopelessly corrupt.[/size] [size=18pt]General Buhari's Maiden Speech: - 1st January 1984[/size] In pursuance of the primary objective of saving our great nation from total collapse, I, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari of the Nigerian army have, after due consultation amongst the services of the armed forces, been formally invested with the authority of the Head of the Federal Military Government and the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is with humility and a deep sense of responsibility that I accept this challenge and call to national duty. As you must have heard in the previous announcement, the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1979) has been suspended, except those sections of it which are exempted in the constitution.The change became necessary in order to put an end to the serious economic predicament and the crisis of confidence now afflicting our nation. Consequently, the Nigerian armed forces have constituted themselves into a Federal Military Government comprising of a Supreme Military Council, a National Council of States, a Federal Executive Council at the centre and State Executive Councils to be presided over by military governors in each of the states of the federation. Members of these councils will be announced soon.The last Federal Military Government drew up a programme with the aim of handing over political power to the civilians in 1979. This programme as you all know, was implemented to the letter. The 1979 constitution was promulgated. However, little did the military realise that the political leadership of the second republic will circumvent most of the checks and balances in the constitution and bring the present state of general insecurity. The premium on political power became so exceedingly high that political contestants regarded victory at elections as a matter of life and death struggle and were determined to capture or retain power by all means. It is true that there is a worldwide economic recession. However, in the case of Nigeria, its impact was aggravated by mismanagement. We believe the appropriate government agencies have good advice but the leadership disregarded their advice. The situation could have been avoided if the legislators were alive to their constitutional responsibilities; Instead, the legislators were preoccupied with determining their salary scales, fringe benefit and unnecessary foreign travels, et al, which took no account of the state of the economy and the welfare of the people they represented. As a result of our inability to cultivate financial discipline and prudent management of the economy, we have come to depend largely on internal and external borrowing to execute government projects with attendant domestic pressure and soaring external debts, thus aggravating the propensity of the outgoing civilian administration to mismanage our financial resources. Nigeria was already condemned perpetually with the twin problem of heavy budget deficits and weak balance of payments position, with the prospect of building a virile and viable economy. The last general election was anything but free and fair. The only political parties that could complain of election rigging are those parties that lacked the resources to rig. There is ample evidence that rigging and thuggery were relative to the resources available to the parties. This conclusively proved to us that the parties have not developed confidence in the presidential system of government on which the nation invested so much material and human resources.While corruption and indiscipline have been associated with our state of under-development, these two evils in our body politic have attained unprecedented height in the past few years. The corrupt, inept and insensitive leadership in the last four years has been the source of immorality and impropriety in our society. Since what happens in any society is largely a reflection of the leadership of that society, we deplore corruption in all its facets. This government will not tolerate kick-backs, inflation of contracts and over-invoicing of imports etc. Nor will it condone forgery, fraud, embezzlement, misuse and abuse of office and illegal dealings in foreign exchange and smuggling. Arson has been used to cover up fraudulent acts in public institutions. I am referring to the fire incidents that gutted the P&T buildings in Lagos, the Anambra State Broadcasting Corporation, the Republic Building at Marina, the Federal Ministry of Education, the Federal Capital Development Authority Accounts at Abuja and the NET Building. Most of these fire incidents occurred at a time when Nigerians were being apprehensive of the frequency of fraud scandals and the government incapacity to deal with them. Corruption has become so pervasive and intractable that a whole ministry has been created to stem it. Fellow Nigerians, this indeed is the moment of truth. My colleagues and I – the Supreme Military Council, must be frank enough to acknowledge the fact that at the moment, an accurate picture of the financial position is yet to be determined. We have no doubt that the situation is bad enough. In spite of all this, every effort will be made to ensure that the difficult and degrading conditions under which we are living are eliminated. Let no one however be deceived that workers who have not received their salaries in the past eight or so months will receive such salaries within today or tomorrow or that hospitals which have been without drugs for months will be provided with enough immediately.We are determined that with the help of God we shall do our best to settle genuine payments to which government is committed, including backlog of workers’ salaries after scrutiny. We are confident and we assure you that even in the face of the global recession, and the seemingly gloomy financial future, given prudent management of Nigeria’s existing financial resources and our determination to substantially reduce and eventually nail down rises in budgetary deficits and weak balance of payments position.The Federal Military Government will reappraise policies with a view to paying greater attention to the following areas: The economy will be given a new impetus and better sense of direction. Corrupt officials and their agents will be brought to book. In view of the drought that affected most parts of the country, the federal government will, with the available resources, import food stuffs to supplement the shortfalls suffered in the last harvest. Our foreign policy will both be dynamic and realistic. Africa will of course continue to be the centre piece of our foreign policy. The morale and combat readiness of the armed forces will be given high priority. Officers and men with high personal and professional integrity will have nothing to fear. The Chief Justice of Nigeria and all other holders of judiciary appointments within the federation can continue in their appointments and the judiciary shall continue to function under existing laws subject to such exceptions as may e decreed from time to time by the Federal Military Government. All holders of appointments in the civil service, the police and the National Security Organisation shall continue to exercise their functions in the normal way subject to changes that may be introduced by the Federal Military Government. All those chairmen and members of statutory corporations, parastatals and other executive departments are hereby relieved of their appointments with immediate effect. The Federal Military Government will maintain and strengthen existing diplomatic relations with other states and with international organisations and institutions such as the Organisation of African Unity, the United Nations and its organs, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, ECOWAS and the Commonwealth etc. The Federal Military Government will honour and respect all treaties and obligations entered into by the previous government and we hope that such nations and bodies will reciprocate this gesture by respecting our country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Fellow Nigerians, finally, we have dutifully intervened to save this nation from imminent collapse. We therefore expect all Nigerians, including those who participated directly or indirectly in bringing the nation to this present predicament, to cooperate with us. This generation of Nigerians, and indeed future generations, have no country other than Nigeria. We shall remain here and salvage it together. May God bless us all. Good morning. 3 Likes 1 Share
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 12:38am On Feb 01, 2012 |
[size=18pt]3rd January 1984 ITN News (video clips) Buhari moves fast to rescue economy with prompt debt repayment few days after military take over[/size] Look at Nigerian economy after takeover by military rulers who have just paid off $50m loan; [flash=500,500][/flash]
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 1:45am On Feb 02, 2012 |
[size=18pt]05 January 1984 - ITN News (video clip) GEN. BUHARI PRESIDES AT SWEARING IN OF MILITARY GOVERNORS AND WARNS THEM OF PENALTIES FOR CRIME AND CORRUPTION. (video clip)[/size] [flash=500,500][/flash] Nineteen military governors were formally appointed by the new Head of State, Major-General Mohammed Buhari, and other members of the country's Supreme Military Council (SMC) in Lagos on January 4 to run Nigeria's federal states. General Buhari attended the official swearing-in ceremony, which came four days after he led a bloodless coup ousting former President Shehu Shagari. Speaking at the ceremony, Buhari reminded his new governors of their duties.All were chosen, he said, for their ability to discharge their responsibilities in the best interests of the country.He went on to warn them that crime and corruption for personal gain, one reason for the coup, would be ruthlessly punished. General Buhari added the corruption and hoarding in the private sector would not be tolerated.He ended his speech by telling the assembled governors they were answerable to the country's military chiefs of staff and subject to redeployment at any time. All former state governors have been given a week to report to police. General Buhari has pledged to revive the country's economy and also to end the armed robberies in major cities that have become commonplace in the last few years.The fate of former top officials in the Shagari administration is still to be decided by the new military government, and Shagari himself is being held in custody. |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by BlackPikiN(m): 1:50am On Feb 02, 2012 |
Ayotolla Buhari should perish in the hottest part of hell fire! Buhari watched and looked the other way when helpless Youth corpers serving their father land were killed by his supporters in the North! Thunder fire Buhari anywhere he dey now. Dan iska! 1 Like
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by BlackPikiN(m): 2:26am On Feb 02, 2012 |
Buhari should go and kick the bucket! He's an hediot! |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 2:50am On Feb 02, 2012 |
^^Did you know Buhari's wife is a christian? His driver is also a christian His running mate in recent presidential election was a christian pastor. Nigerians can see through your lies ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by BlackPikiN(m): 3:03am On Feb 02, 2012 |
^^^^Buhari should rot in the hottest part of hell fire! He's a killer. the blood of those innocent corpers will forever hang on his stopooid neck! |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 3:32am On Feb 02, 2012 |
^^blood of the corpers should be on head of those that blatently rigged the elections and on those that failed to provide adequate security for the citizen. And on those that have failed to bring any of the killers to book 1 Like |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 3:33am On Feb 02, 2012 |
5th January 1984 - ITN News [size=18pt]New military ruler General Buhari holds his first Press Conference and promises to stamp out corruption.[/size] [flash=500,500][/flash] He says he has uncovered widespread corruption and will bring the guilty to trial, he will also negotiate an IMF loan to ease the severe economic crisis. Deposed President Shagari and his aides will remain in detention,
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by ezeagu(m): 3:45am On Feb 02, 2012 |
Buhari did not win. It has been a year. Buhari did not win. It has been a year. Buhari did not win. It has been a year. Buhari did not win. It has been a year. Buhari did not win. It has been a year. Buhari did not win. It has been a year. Buhari did not win. It has been a year. Buhari did not win. It has been a year. Buhari did not win. It has been a year. Buhari did not win. It has been a year. |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 7:52am On Feb 02, 2012 |
^ Buhari was real winner of 2011 elections, Jonathan and PDP rigged elections |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 7:57am On Feb 02, 2012 |
06 January 1984 - ITN News [size=18pt]BUHARI OUTLINES NEW SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC POLICIES AND CRITICISES PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT.[/size] Nigeria's new leader, General Mohammed Buhari, outlined his social and economic policies on January 5.Speaking at his first news conference five days after assuming power in a bloodless coup, the general said priority would be given to clearing the backlog of foreign debt while improving the lot of the ordinary people. He confirmed that his government would pursue negotiations for a 2.5 billion US dollar loan from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), started by the ousted civilian government of President Shehu Shagari.He said the money was needed to bail Nigeria out of a severe economic crisis caused by a slump in the country's main export, oil. About 90 per cent of Nigeria's foreign earnings come from oil. Earlier, General Buhari said economic mismanagement had prompted his takeover, and that Nigerians had to watch helplessly as President Shagari's government mishandled the economic crisis, causing high inflation.He said promised economic improvements were applied inadequately and imported food supplies to supplement domestic output were hoarded by corrupt officials or sold at very high prices. General Buhari also condemned the previous system of import licenses, allotted, he said, by favour, and not to the manufacturers and genuine importers who needed them.He said the people had been misled by the government and criticised it for failing to deal firmly with rising crime. General Buhari has also confirmed that Nigeria would remain a member of OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum Export Countries)
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 6:34pm On Feb 02, 2012 |
[size=18pt]8th January 1984 - The NY Times Buhari steps up search for all Politicians and Officials who have failed to report to a Police Station.[/size] LAGOS, Nigeria, Jan. 7— Nigeria's new military Government is stepping up searches for former politicians and officials of the civilian Government that was overthrown in a coup a week ago. The new regime is making television appeals for news of the whereabouts of former officials and other Nigerians who are wanted for questioning and is urging citizens to telephone the police if they have information about those who are being sought.
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by juman(m): 9:05pm On Feb 02, 2012 |
Hmmm 1984. I remember in 1984 in Ilorin when General Idiagbon came to Eid al-Adha praying ground, come see soldiers everywhere. ![]() |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by ezeagu(m): 9:07pm On Feb 02, 2012 |
So because your candidate did not win, the election was rigged? What exactly are you likely to achieve? |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 9:54pm On Feb 02, 2012 |
^ It is common knowledge that there were wide scale rigging. |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 10:31pm On Feb 02, 2012 |
[size=18pt]10th January 1984 - The NY Times 4,000 EX-GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS SURRENDER TO BUHARI'S ANTI-CORRUPTION PROBE[/size] Western diplomats reported today that as many as 4,000 officials of the ousted national and state governments had turned themselves in to the police as part of the new military Government's investigation of corruption. The diplomats said most of the former officials were released, some after their passports were confiscated. But about 400 were reportedly still held under what was described as ''military protection.'' At the same time, the Western diplomats and Nigerian sources said, many of the former officials who were on what the military Government of Maj. Gen. Mohammed Buhari called its ''most wanted list'' have managed to flee the country. Some who were abroad during the military takeover have decided to remain there. [size=18pt][/size] 1 Like
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 3:36pm On Feb 03, 2012 |
;d |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 9:00pm On Feb 03, 2012 |
[size=18pt]16 January 1984 - ITN News GENERAL BUHARI PRESIDES AT ARMED FORCES REMEMBRANCE DAY.[/size] This year's celebrations were said to have been kept deliberately low-key by the new military administration in view of the nation's ailing economy 1 Like
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 9:07pm On Feb 03, 2012 |
If you are finding this thread informative, please help me beg the mods to put it on the front page ![]() |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 4:45am On Feb 06, 2012 |
[size=18pt]17 January 1984 - ITN News GENERAL BUHARI ORDERS HOARDED GOODS TO BE SOLD AT LOW PRICES.[/size] Warehouses in the Nigerian capital, Lagos, where soldiers found hoarded supplies of rice, sugar and car tyres, were thrown open on January 13, and good sold at low prices. Large crowds gathered outside the stores several hours before the sale was due to start. Police with whips controlled the crowds, ensuring that buyers only obtained their assigned rations -- one sack of rice, 50 kilos of sugar, and two car tyres each. The tyres, which fit Peugeot cars, had been selling at four times the price under the government of President Shehu Shagari, toppled in a military coup on New Year's eve. The goods on sale at six locations in the Nigerian capital, were either very scarce, or subjected to sharp price increase before Major-General Mohammed Buhari took over in the bloodless coup. The sale, the latest in a series of actions by military governors in Nigeria's 19 states, reflected the new regime's efforts to fight the profiteering and corruption associated with the previous government. Meanwhile trading was said to have slumped on major markets in Lagos, as dealers awaited the announcement of new prices by the federal government. Wholesalers said they were not buying new goods for fear having to sell them at a loss. Prices of locally-manufactured consumer goods soared last year following a prolonged shortage of raw materials caused by a sharp drop in foreign earnings from oil -- the country's main source of foreign exchange earnings. Armed soldiers raided markets soon after the coup, forcing traders to cut prices, but the new government said the raids were unauthorized and had been stopped.
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by dynamicsvoice: 2:35pm On Feb 06, 2012 |
See Photos from actress Eucharia Anunobi's ordination |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 2:53pm On Feb 06, 2012 |
^^ ![]() ![]() |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 4:57am On Feb 08, 2012 |
[size=18pt]19th January 1984 - The New York Times Buhari Cabinet installed - only 7 of the 18 Ministers are career military men[/size] Nigeria's new leader, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Buhari, swore in the members of his Cabinet today, warning them that the ruling Supreme Military Council ''will keep a keen and watchful eye on your performance, your style of life and general public conduct while in office.'' He said the new administration, which came to power after the overthrow of the civilian Government of President Shehu Shagari on Dec. 31, ''will not tolerate fraud, indiscipline, corruption, squandermania, misuse and abuse of public office for self or group aggrandizement and other vices which characterize the civilian administration of the past four years.'' Of the 18 ministers named, only 7 are career military men. The proportion surprised some Western diplomats here but essentially accorded with statements by Mr. Buhari in an interview on Tuesday in which he said ''only a small number'' of military officers would be named to top political posts. [size=28pt]The Buhari Cabinet [/size] Head of State : Muhammadu Buhari 1984–1985 Chief of Staff :Tunde Idiagbon 1984–1985 Defense: Domkat Bali 1984–1985 Agriculture : Bukar Shuaib 1984–1985 Trade : Mahmud Tukur 1984–1985 Communications: A Abdullahi, Lt Col 1984–1985 Education: Yarima Ibrahim 1984–1985 Finance : Onaolapo Soleye 1984–1985 Abuja: Mamman Jiya Vatsa 1984–1985 Health: Emmanuel Nsan 1984–1985 Internal Affairs : Mohammed Magoro 1984–1985 Foreign Affairs : Ibrahim Gambari 1984–1985 Minister of Information : Sam Omeruah 1984–1985 Transportation: Abdullahi Ibrahim 1984–1985 Energy : Tam David-West 1984–1985 Justice: Chike Offodile 1984–1985 Works: Patrick Koshoni 1984–1985 [size=18pt][/size]
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by norrisman: 8:22am On Feb 08, 2012 |
Very interesting. Bigoted Nigerians will fail to see that none of the men in that ministeral list isvstupendously rich (to my knowledge). Afterall, they were only civil servants. Compare and contrast that list with ministers, governors and senate leaders of today, who have no known mega businesses or are owners of patents of a successful product but are able to post bail of N500 million. 3 Likes |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by egift(m): 11:39am On Feb 08, 2012 |
Keep it coming. Am glad Jonathan is the winner and Nigerians are receiving loads of "fresh air" daily. Billion missing here are there - yet no one is heading to jail. Most people supporting him are only hoping they too will be lucky for their portion of the loot someday. 3 Likes |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by egift(m): 11:44am On Feb 08, 2012 |
If we had Buhari, over 50% of looters would have taking emergency medical leave outside the country. While others will be hiding. We should have been talking development and recovery of looted funds and not Billions missing daily. Nigerians, luck! Hope you make a better choice next time and don't fall for another promotion ad. 5 Likes |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by egift(m): 11:50am On Feb 08, 2012 |
As an Igbo man in Nigeria, here are my top two country men: Am glad the had a good relationship. [img][/img] ![]() ![]() ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 1:16pm On Feb 08, 2012 |
egift and norrisman, I agree with your comments. |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 7:56pm On Feb 08, 2012 |
[size=18pt]21st January 1984 - The NY Times Buhari's new Government Recovers stolen Millions From Ex-Ministers[/size] . .LAGOS, Nigeria, Jan. 20— Nigeria's military Government has recovered millions of dollars in currency hoarded by former officials and is trying to retrieve millions more smuggled out of the country, a member of the new regime says. Brig. Tunde Idiagbon told reporters Thursday that the stockpiles of money ranged from $56,000 found at the home of former Vice President Alex Ekwueme, to $4.5 million at the residence of the last civilian governor of Kono State, Alhaji Sabo Bakin Zuwo. [size=18pt]28TH FEBRUARY 1984 - ITN NEWS LEBANESE AND INDIAN COMMUNITIES IN NIGERIA UNDER ATTACK BY NEWSPAPERS.[/size] The large Indian and Lebanese communities in Nigeria have been under attack by the leading Nigerian independent newspaper, accusing them of economic sabotage.The Guardian editorial followed another one last week in the National Concord. The Indian and Lebanese communities have been accused of bribing bank officials to illegally move foreign currency out of Nigeria, and hoarding goods.The economic success of the Lebanese and Indian communities has been the subject of some jealousy.Between the two communities, they own numerous factories and small businesses. The new military government which seized power on December 31, 1983 has promised to fight corruption and bring down food prices. Indians and Lebanese are alleged to be some of the power behind corrupt middlemen. Long jail terms for economic sabotage are being mentioned in the national press. |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by omoalaro: 8:31pm On Feb 08, 2012 |
The Buhari Cabinet When Nigeria was working, we had 15 Ministers, Now with over 40 ministers, Nigeria is not working. They have succeeded in planting deep hatred and divisions among us . 3 Likes |
Re: Buhari - Nigeria's Head of State 1983-1985 by Nobody: 8:41pm On Feb 08, 2012 |
Abi ooh! |
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