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Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Holds A Bible, Visits Church In White House Vandalized By Protesters by aadoiza: 7:10pm On Jun 02, 2020
The American Media is the worst thing that has ever happened to this earth. Their power and ability to push narratives is unparalleled.

Donald Trump is what happens when a normal person without the Deep indoctrination of politics is given The seat of power over a country so volatile like America.

Both Sides of America left and right keep pushing narratives and there's almost no moderates again.

It takes only a clear mind to see that all these is just for politics, nobody really cares for any of the things they claim to support.

Trump has never read a passage of that Bible even though he claims to be a Christian

Democrats like Obama had 8 yrs to fix the police and yet they gave them military weapons plus other stuff they couldn't achieve.

Feb 2020 - Pls stay indoors to help our #beloved health care workers. #stayathome

June 2020 - Let Your Voice be heard!!!

American media chaii!! grin
You're enlightened, my friend.

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Education / Re: Drone Shots And Photos Of Covenant University CU! Architectural Wonders!! by aadoiza: 6:47pm On Jun 02, 2020
Star of david
Can you make a biblical reference to the star of David?

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Religion / Re: We Have Been Lied To The Earth Is Flat And Not A Globe by aadoiza: 1:08am On Jun 02, 2020
yes, science is lying because the moon eclipse cannot be caused by the shadow of the earth that is a well known fact. Eclipses of the moon through out the ages have occurred more than 50 times with the sun and the moon clearly visible in the sky, so the shadow on the moon cannot be from the earth.

There have been several celestial bodies seen in the sky during an eclipse. No one knows what these thing truly are.

The ancients predicted eclipses without the help of modern technology accurately and they believed a third celestial body known as rahu causes the eclipse of the moon.

Modern science with thier pride have refused to acknowledge these celestial bodies in favour of their convoluted theories, which when put under the very scrutiny of science principles fails woefully.
Well, I liked the eclipse topic when we were taught in secondary school, even though the idea of the Earth's shadow sitting its britches on the surface of the moon never made any sense to me. But I don't want you blaming science, which is just a knowledge about the physical world, not an entity, any more than you would religion for the misdeeds of its adherents, instead channel your grievances towards men who would not scruple to corrupt every Idea, every institution, and every aspect of our lives, not excluding our sexual lives and orientation. These are the men who should be castigated for their devilry and deception, for the rot and humbuggery they have brought upon our world.


Religion / Re: We Have Been Lied To The Earth Is Flat And Not A Globe by aadoiza: 12:35am On Jun 02, 2020
you should not give up and call me lost when you have not even tried to prove anything to me yet.

If you want to truly call me lost then I challenge you to just pick one just only one of my "lost" claims and prove it wrong.

If you don't do this then your just another unreasonable troll disturbing me foe nothing.

Next time tag yourself with that word for refusing the reality your own senses can attest to.
Emily, come o. A few days ago dem say dem NASA travelled with some, who are not NASA, people to the ISS in a shuttle. How would you disprove this?
Islam for Muslims / Re: How Do U View The Decriminalisation Of Homosexuality During The Tanzimat Reform by aadoiza: 12:30am On Jun 02, 2020
Tanzimat reform was under the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. It decriminalised homosexuality amidst a bunch of other reforms. How do you view this as a Muslim?

I'm not actually familiar with this event, but as far as Islam goes guidance is only from Allah and his Messenger SAW. Islam does not dance to the tunes of individuals, or civilisations. If Allah says it's lawful then it's lawful, and if He says it's forbidden then it's forbidden, no questions asked, no Yoruba Yoruba. As a matter of fact, Saudi can go ahead and declare homo lawful it still won't change a thing to true Muslims. Geddit?


Sports / Re: 5 Most Handsome Young Footballers by aadoiza: 12:06am On Jun 02, 2020
Money na fineboy.

Entertainers ball most in the present day world.
Talk about Movie stars, sportsmen, musicians, DJs, fashionstars, models, comedians and rest entertainers. They get paid huge for doing almost nothing.
Same goes to politicians and pastors in a country like Nigeria.
Business men too etc are not left out.

But at the tail end of the food-chain, you see the graduates, educated people, studying hard to later end up one day as fans, ass lickers and primary producers in the food chain. They produce what the top guys feed on.
The unfortunate thing here is, most of them have come to terms with being slaves under the entertainers. Many are there presently on Froggido/Burna/Wizkid's page, fighting, retweeting and wasting away their lives everyday.

By the way, the list is bullshiit... compiled by another Nairaland wack.
Nice shot. But careful with your brutal truth, lest they start calling you jealous
Islam for Muslims / Re: How Do U View The Decriminalisation Of Homosexuality During The Tanzimat Reform by aadoiza: 7:05pm On May 31, 2020

What discrimination are you talking about?
Yeeh! Pardon my mistake. I read the heading wrong.
Islam for Muslims / Re: How Do U View The Decriminalisation Of Homosexuality During The Tanzimat Reform by aadoiza: 6:05pm On May 31, 2020

Islam for Muslims / Re: How Do U View The Decriminalisation Of Homosexuality During The Tanzimat Reform by aadoiza: 6:02pm On May 31, 2020
The discrimination! must have been a mercy to them.
Romance / Re: American Killed By Police George Floyd Was A Porn Actor [pics] by aadoiza: 2:54pm On May 31, 2020
Sincerely, I don't give a damn about any death, it is none of my business. Those in america should protest as they like.

Here in Nigeria, a girl was raped in a church, no protest.

A police man shot a little boy here in Nigeria no outrage.

Our Nigerian police do worst than this.

What is my business with an American who don't give a damn about Nigerian problems.

More blessings to you. I still can't figure out what made our so-called educated people so foolish. Carrying oyinbo mata for head like say their lives depend on it.

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Religion / Re: Bible Points To Israelites In Sub-saharan Africa by aadoiza: 11:24am On May 31, 2020

Scriptures tell us that only a remnant of the children of shall be saved (Romans 9:37). Many Isrealites will be destroyed along with the rest. You're probably using NL or the level of awakeing in Nigeria to judge. There are far more people that know and are awakened to this truth around the world than you imagine. I am not going about by mere wishful thinking. YAHUAH orchestrated this. And he would that we awaken his people and warn them. I heard him clearly and began prophesying his judgements last year. It is also for my own salvation.

O Yes, they have succeeded in fooling the world using the media. They are the power in the world. They control governments, even the US. They control Hollywood, World Bank, Facebook, YouTube, entertainment, even the Christian TV stations and bible schools. BUT Esau's judgement has been written. There is an end to the time of the gentiles. MESSIAH will bring utter destruction to the kingdoms of ESAU. MESSIAH prophesied that Jerusalem shall be trampled upon by gentiles until their time is complete. MESSIAH spoke about their deception in Revelation 2:9 and He will bring an end to ESAU's reign when he returns. The learned ones among them know the bible has written about their judgement.

Luke 21:24
And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

OBADIAH 1:17 "But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance, And there shall be holiness; The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 The house of Jacob shall be a fire, And the house of Joseph a flame; But the house of Esau shall be stubble; They shall kindle them and devour them, And no survivor shall remain of the house of Esau," For YAHUAH has spoken.

That is why this preaching is so important, because it will prepare Israel to receive the king. This the the true Besorah (gospel) of the kingdom that must be preached before the end comes.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5
[3]For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
[4](For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holdswink
[5]Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

cheesy cheesy cheesy
Very shameful and annoying angry

Don't mind them. Show us your red man na, dem go carry half cast wey dem snap with filter come. grin

It is our prayer that YAH will be merciful and grant repentance; and save his elect from the coming destruction.
Interesting. You really have deep understanding of the Bible.

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Religion / Re: Bible Points To Israelites In Sub-saharan Africa by aadoiza: 1:44am On May 31, 2020

I believe Paul was one of us. He said so himself (Romans 11:1). First, recall that he was sent to the gentiles, not to Israelites. As such his teachings will apply more to gentiles. But because the Romans compiled the bible, they put books that apply more to them, gentiles. Letters to Corinthians, Romans, Philippians etc. How many NT letters are addressed to Israelites?

And he is the least Apostle; he said so himself, and not because he was humble, it's a fact. That's why he said, "I magnify my office." Some scholars don't even consider him as an apostle. I believe he was one.

We had translators who mistranslated his writings to suit an agenda and fake gentile teachers teaching lies as Christian doctrine. But reading the scriptures by the Spirit we can properly interprete and point out the lies of Christianity.

MESSIAH will return at the AWAKENING, repentance and cry of the true children of Israel, and that awakening has begun. Do not mind the blindness that pervades our country Nigeria, championed by blind Pastors. A great awakening has been on for decades. It is already shaking the US, and many have awakened in various African countries, especially in East, Central and southern Africa., Nigeria will be hit with a judgement that will cause many to awaken.

According to the scriptures, there will be a world war ongoing at the time of MESSIAH's return. And I believe we're close to the third world war. MESSIAH is coming particularly to save ISRAEL and to destroy the nations that enslaved our people.
All right. But, in all honesty, do you really believe the world, including Africans, would accept Jesus if he returns as a black man?
What I have been thinking now is: these people probably planted themselves in the middle east now to somewhat corrupt our subconscious with an alien identity of Jesus, so that when the Messiah finally returns he'd be easily denounced and discredited. I know it sounds crazy, but I wouldn't put any deviousness pass these people, and we know they think long term and plan well ahead.

White Jesus has been planted in our subconscious for so long, and for a reason, that our very own people hate to even entertain the idea that the Messiah might have actually been our ancestor.
Do you remember the white nomad wandering all over Africa a few years back? His pictures were recurrent on social media then, and people started saying stuff like: Jesus sighted in Africa, blah blah blah... But the people who are deceptively saying their own Jesus was red didn't find it offensive then that their fellow Christians were calling a white dude Jesus.

It would be a most arduous task to purge our subconscious of this staggering deception.
Religion / Re: Bible Points To Israelites In Sub-saharan Africa by aadoiza: 12:19am On May 31, 2020

Our black MESSIAH is the only hope and our repentance and preparedness for his return.

I don't think the Messiah will return in our lifetime, though.

I asked a question on one of your other threads, I think you missed it.
The question was: Was the famous Apostle Paul one of us, or one of Esau's?

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Religion / Re: Bible Points To Israelites In Sub-saharan Africa by aadoiza: 12:12am On May 31, 2020

R Kelly, Bill Cosby are all victims of the same powers that be. They are all wicked but once you're no longer useful to them as a black man they mess you up.

Didn't you see what they did to Coby? Even after his death the used that witch, Gayle King to try to mess up his remembrance with that stupid interview she did with his wife.
Bill Cosby was the standard the oyinbo people set for the African Americans in their midst to aspire, but they clipped his wings and he got a shattering fall to show him who's boss.
Pity, I doubt Africa will ever wake up.
Romance / Re: American Killed By Police George Floyd Was A Porn Actor [pics] by aadoiza: 11:47pm On May 30, 2020
of course but the white cop would be mad though if this floyd guy is always featuring in interracial scenes cheesy.u know not every white guy likes the issue of a black dude slamming a white girl on camera cheesy.
You are right. The white supremacists racists would find it utterly repulsive, especially if the black guy is on the very big side. grin
Religion / Re: Bible Points To Israelites In Sub-saharan Africa by aadoiza: 11:41pm On May 30, 2020

There's a play Michael Jackson did about Moses Pharaoh and Egypt. That one comes a bit close to what it should have been like.

Many don't know that Michael's destruction didn't just come because of the accusations of abuse. There are many powerful pedophiles in America that are untouched.

The problem was he became woke and began question the establishment. He began to say certain things and act in ways they didn't like. Example speaking to young people he said, everything you were taught are lies....your history books, all lies... Then began to sing songs like "..beat me, hit me you can never... All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us..."
Interesting. One of the things I know about these people is: the moment you break free from their clutches and start acting right, they would go to any lengths to demonise you before the world. And it's why I'm not buying the supposed punishment being meted out on R kelly for his paedophilic acts. I'm not saying he's innocent, but I believe he must have trampled on some big toes to warrant such disgrace.

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Religion / Re: Bible Points To Israelites In Sub-saharan Africa by aadoiza: 5:23pm On May 30, 2020
White people be like, "Egyptians were white".... SUN be like, "NEGATIVE". grin
Where the white people really embarrassed themselves was in the movie gods of Egypt. Man, all the said gods were caucasians. The whitewashing and caucauswashing for that film no be here o.
Religion / Re: Jewish Encyclopedia Says Modern Jews Are Not ISRAELITES But ESAU/EDOM by aadoiza: 5:17pm On May 30, 2020
SHABBAT SHALOM to all true Israelites scattered around the world! cheesy
The famous Apostle Paul was he one of us, one of Esau's?

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Religion / Re: Anyone Against Opening Of Churches Will Die – Bishop Oyedepo by aadoiza: 5:06pm On May 30, 2020
Who no go die before?
Islam for Muslims / Re: The Mosque Where Women Call And Lead Prayer by aadoiza: 5:00pm On May 30, 2020
Of course I'm not surprised. This is probably the least of abominations that will creep into Islam , so get ready for more.
Sports / Re: Jean-Pierre Adams: Footballer In Coma For 37 Years by aadoiza: 4:28pm On May 30, 2020
Hmm. Some people were probably not happy because he married a white woman.
Romance / Re: American Killed By Police George Floyd Was A Porn Actor [pics] by aadoiza: 4:05pm On May 30, 2020
It doesn't make him less of a human.

BTW, why do Nigerians like pokenosing into the affairs of USA and other developed countries? If we call out our Politicans, law enforcement officers and institutions this way, things will definitely change.

Misplaced priorities!
I thank God we still have people who reason like you. The Americans foolish Nigerians carry for head don't even know they exist. They probably don't even know if Nigeria is a name of a country or an animal. And even more foolishly, American politics thread is ever live on Nairaland for black slaves to go wankk on. Rubbish and ingredients!

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Romance / Re: American Killed By Police George Floyd Was A Porn Actor [pics] by aadoiza: 3:57pm On May 30, 2020
how will dat even bring any dirt to him cheesy.isnt america a porn society? cheesy
Your head dey there. Pornography is mainstream entertainment in America.

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Science/Technology / Re: Dinosaurs Cannibalized Each Other When Food Was Scarce 150 Million Yrs Ago (Pix) by aadoiza: 8:48pm On May 29, 2020

But these same heardsmen and farmers of ancient Times who had little or no idea bout the world or the universe in which they inhabited succeeded in changing the whole world while you whine about aimlessly like a swine!
grin grin grin
Islam for Muslims / Re: Can I read 3 “ ‘Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad” & claim completion of the Holy Qur'an? by aadoiza: 6:34pm On May 29, 2020
sorry forgiveness is only found in The Lord Jesus Christ and His finished works at the Cross.
Don't allow religion deceive you.
I hope it's not the white Jesus you are talking about.
Romance / Re: God Designed Men To Cheat, To Have Multiple Women & Not 1 Woman.. by aadoiza: 6:24pm On May 29, 2020
One of my uncles informed i and a couple of other teenagers that it's the biggest cause of erectile dysfunction. He further informed us that the nerve endings of a healthy penis has a unique way of responding when it enters a new territory grin
No two territories are of same terrain and weather grin
New territory is any territory you have never explored grin
This is good research. It should be peer reviewed grin


Religion / Re: Rome, Bantus And The Demon- White Jesus by aadoiza: 6:12pm On May 29, 2020
Oh o. How does that make you feel then, when outsiders say to your face that all Naijas are fantastically corrupt. Or someone tells you that all the Naija youths are lazy, they don't want to work, they sit on their backside, twiddling their thumbs, cup and plates in hand waiting for handouts, easy life and everyday partying popping champagne. You would say hell no, that is not right, that isn't a balanced report, that isn't an objective and correct representation of Naijas or their youth.

I feel nothing. Anyone can say anything, I don't care, as long as you don't call my name.

donnie has got you exactly where he planned to get, it shows how easily it is to recruit suicide bombers with falsehood, promise of martyrdom, 72 virgins, maids and slaves in after death. See you're been sympathetic with him because he has played on your emotional state with his poison, toxic dark and unholy gospel. I am not sympathetic with him, I am sympathetic to the truth. I support the truth be told, not support someone spewing lies, hatred and divisiveness et cetera

Me and emotional state on a faceless forum are two separate entities that will never meet. It's your emotional state he's capitalised on. Any thread he starts you pop thereupon and start throwing tantrums, while me dey relish your outbursts grin

It is out of place and worse, out of order to achieve what agenda you nurse with hate speeches, creating atmosphere of hostilities, putting down a fellow group of people, pitting one group of people against another, saying western influence is crap et cetera. Looking forward to white people become slaves and subservient to you .... Smh

Of course to people like you who detest the truth it's out of place to tell it. And to think that you believe in a book that says tell the truth and it shall set you free... aaah!!

When the white man was rewriting history, what was the black man doing, hmm? Shagging and humping the missus, hmm?

So it's now a crime to shag and hump our legally married misuses?
I think my work here is done. You have, at least, surreptitiously and subtly acquiesced, agreed, and accepted that your angelic oyinbo have rewritten the history, you hold so dear and call truth, in their favour.

It can now be established from the above line that: what you call historical truth is almost certainly false but you have wittingly chosen this version of history, and jettison all others, for it tickles your fancy. Thus, the OP is entitled to believe the version of history he deems true. QED

Thank you, my good friend, MuttleyLaff for making this easy grin

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Religion / Re: Rome, Bantus And The Demon- White Jesus by aadoiza: 5:31pm On May 29, 2020
[quote author=MuttleyLaff post=90091922][s]You are not making sense or talking reasonably my dear friend. Sorry no offence intended, but this is true. I don't understand how you guys easily on the fly, just out on a leg and start making wild accusations[/s]

Here we go again, another smh meaningless talk. So you are telling me now that all Caucasians are angelic and all Caucasians perpetrated that much evil, hmm? Bro, please go get yourself a siesta. Leave matter, if you aren't part of a solution and you're only here to stoke the fire

You have completely lost it. SMH

You brought up EnthronedbyGod, trying to smear me with that. I just brought up one of so many evidences of me giving him/her advance warnings.
I'm a Muslim, and we don't believe someone dying signifies punishment from God. Where are all the prophets of God today? They are dead and gone!! One day you will die too, whether you like it or not. All souls shall taste death.
Religion / Re: Why does Religion Pervert and Twist the Intellect of Christians - An Opinion by aadoiza: 5:05pm On May 29, 2020

I am not a religious person but I think this thread would only attract those with a strong desire to prove they are intelligent (those who debate to impress and not to educate). I don't think really intelligent persons would be inclined to comment or debate on here. If you want to attract intelligent people, you'd have to express yourself intelligently. The title of this thread is tactless. Asides from being outrightly supercilious, it also sells as a glaring decoy that anyone with brains would want to ignore.

I mean, intelligent people don't go around trying to prove they are intelligent. They simply follow intelligent threads and regardless of the content of this particular thread, a title that calls on people to come and prove they are intelligent doesn't present the thread as an intelligent one. It, in fact, undersells the thread.

I could be wrong, this is just my opinion.
Brilliant!! Brilliant!! Brilliant!!

It's only Nairaland's atheists and deluded freethinkers atheist wannabes who call themselves intelligent because they don't believe in God. Jeez!
Religion / Re: Rome, Bantus And The Demon- White Jesus by aadoiza: 4:07pm On May 29, 2020

Speak for yourself and the many like you who got hoodwinked.

It's you who are hoodwinked, not me. One oyinbo pepe in France even called for covid19 poison vaccine to be tested in Africa, though it's their people dying like fowls kiss And people like you would say these people love for Africa is divine grin grin grin.

Go over the thread, I lambasted each and every one of those reprobates.

Just like I warned and told donnie, I said to him/her to mark my words, that if he/she doesnt repent, the end of it won't be funny. Guess what?EnthronedbyGod is RIP and I am here, still standing, no shaking, no retreat.

In fairness to EnthronedbyGod, EnthronedbyGod unlike this mad hatter Mr d, wasn't preaching hate, but him/her and the other guy were flouting the second commandment by going about creating a graven image of God et cetera

Heavyweights, like donnie, I don't take prisoner. In a very forceful and determined way, without caring about him or who's been upset as people like aadoiza is, I deal with them, because they ought to know better and not be badly behaving the manner they are
Even if EnthronedbyGod is no more, you mah go be no more one day, that one no be issue. Everybody dies!!!
There's no hate here, oga. You just find it hard to believe your angelic caucasians could not have perpetrated that much evil tongue
Religion / Re: Rome, Bantus And The Demon- White Jesus by aadoiza: 3:53pm On May 29, 2020
Is it OK to hate every white people, if they aren’t a Bantu Israelite? Is it OK to hate every Chinese people, if they aren’t Bantu Israelite? Is it OK to have non Bantu Israelites, like myself or anyone else for that matter, as subservient maids and servants, treated and/or regarded as of lesser importance to a Bantu Israelite? There are the sort of dangerous ideologies Mr d dreams of

Baba d can do a cartwheel for as long as he wants. Have a black faced or black painted Jesus for as long as he wants, but just don't go upandan the forum churning out misinformation, disseminating false and misleading information, preying on people's vulnerability and emotion with painting every oyinbo are evil, be pitting a group of people against another set of group of people. If he isn't able or capable of toeing the line on the basis of good ethics, the morality of preaching love and unity in diversity, then he should just remain silent.
When they say Nigerians are corrupt nobody ever singles me out, even though I have never eaten from the National Cake or anyone's cake for that matter.

However, I don't think what you wrote above is the OP's intention. He's only stating what he believes to be true. And sometimes this sorta deal requires the claimant to be brutal in the presentation of their truth.

Nobody is saying we should hate all white people, but it's not out of place to point out the evil they or others have done to us, or to the world. But right now the OP is compellingly revealing what the white people have supposedly and/or actually hidden from Black History, and we rightly slag them off for it. So, mate, no racism here. OP's merely putting things in the right perspective.
Religion / Re: Rome, Bantus And The Demon- White Jesus by aadoiza: 3:07pm On May 29, 2020

Yes o, there's no telling how far crooked or deeply brainwashed black folks can go.



We have been begging him since to show us red people. After showing us fake Egyptian drawings, and paintings, he then shows us cows. grin


Many of us used to be like them. We took oyinbo words as golden, but today we see through their deception.

Hollywood is a major agent of deception. Even the so-called Jesus film shown in Africa from village to village is a strategy for effective penetration of this deception.

This same Muttley dey for EnthronedbyGod's thread last year when at some point the OP claimed to have seen Jesus in a vision. Then someone posted a picture of white Jesus whom he'd also seen in a vision and the OP agreed that the Jesus he had seen looked similar.
These people didn't freak out on that thread because the OP claimed to have see a white Jesus but they did for the OP claim to have seen God. And now some claims jesus was black, dem come dey freak out, dey spout so much bile, even calling the DSS on the OP.

The enslavement of our ancestors for 500 odd years seemingly pales in the light of the pervading mental slavery of our era.


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