Religion / Re: What Is The Real Name Of The Islamic God? by aadoiza: 10:09am On Mar 03, 2021 |
I think it was Prophet Mohammed's hatred of the Jews (especially) that which gave rise to the Hadith by Muslim of Muslims killing the Jews at the end time that has caused all these justifications and labeling. Pro
Unlike you, most Christians who read the Hadiths never bother to ask if the Hadith is strong or weak (Just as we generally treat snakes, all snakes are dangerous poisonous or not). For me, I regard hadiths by Muslim andbBuhari as credible.
I think the same argument goes for the corruption of the Bible. Neither the Qur'an nor Prophet Mohammed insinuated that.
The prophet' hatred of the Jews? How did you form this ridiculous opinion? Okay!
We know the mind of God through the scriptures. God shows us only what we needed to know and we can thus say 1. Nothing by God is an accident or a mistake. 2. God knows the end even before the beginning 3. God knew that man would turn evil even before God decided to create him. 4. God had made a solution for man's Failures before creation of the world.
Rev 13:8: "And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." How do you know God's mind(s) from reading a book written be men? If the supposedly begotten son of your God had written it, then your submission might have had a solid basis but as it is, it's purely conjectural, and as budaatum would say "making up crap in your head" 1 Like 1 Share |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 9:54am On Mar 03, 2021 |
What does inherent racism mean? It means when racism is a core part of you. |
Religion / Re: We Have Been Lied To The Earth Is Flat And Not A Globe by aadoiza: 9:49am On Mar 03, 2021 |
Everything on earth has it even the air. This is some wild theory you just made. What i infer from this is that the atmosphere is also moving with the earth which means the earth is a closed system, right? 1 Like |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 9:40am On Mar 03, 2021 |
budaatum: I did not gloss over you though.
Whatever |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 9:38am On Mar 03, 2021 |
Ehen, this is what I have been saying based on your ability to think you will obviously listen to this addicted person knowing fully well that he is not lying. Now finally for the last question, most of them are irrational and don't want to listen, left work me I'll listen because those people have the experience and I can simply do some research to substantiate their claims, of course it might seem like hypocrisy but when someone who has the experience advises you it is best you listen, [b] then do your research[b] and think about your next challenge as in this case, go abroad and face those challenges or stay back. Those emboldened lines just about do it for me. If you as much as sense hypocrisy and dishonesty in the messenger, you seek your counsel elsewhere. |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 9:29am On Mar 03, 2021 |
Actually, it should be: is there a man with no flaw? Inherent racism is no flaw as far as I'm concerned. |
Religion / Re: Blake: I’d Rather Miss Olympics Than Take COVID-19 Vaccine by aadoiza: 1:53am On Mar 03, 2021 |
I care less whether or not Trump supports or takes the vaccine. I voiced my opinion ever since March 2020 right here on this platform; ever before I knew what trump or Bill gates thought about the vaccines. So take a chill pill and stop fooling around.
Let's thank our saviour massa bill gate and his fellow schemers for giving us our potion of the vaccines and for being shifty friends of Africa. I hear your foolish leaders threw a party when they received the vaccines. 1 Like 1 Share |
Religion / Re: We Have Been Lied To The Earth Is Flat And Not A Globe by aadoiza: 3:23pm On Mar 02, 2021 |
The aeroplane already has an initial speed of 1000mph due it's presence in the inertial frame of reference which is the earth. The 700mph speed is in addition to the 1000mph it already possesses. You can see this when you are in a train, the speed of the train moving forward does not stop you from moving backward or even forward at whatever speed you choose. Hmm. What you are saying is: even though the plane is in midair, it is still being propelled by the supposed movement of the earth? 2 Likes |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 3:15pm On Mar 02, 2021 |
Someone may be guilty of environmental pollution by design. He may not have the moral right or obligation to counsel otherwise. The responsibility maybe should be conferred on those who TRULY believe in environmental sanitation, not a hypocrite. That will not stop intelligent individuals from listening to him and cleaning up their yard unless they are ignorant and want to dwell in filth and die of diseases.
But you of course you miss the point and seem to think those listening to the message are the hypocrites and what else you've called us here.
And even though you've now been shown the error of your reasoning, not "thank you for educating me you very wise and intelligent people", but a weak deflection of responsibility for your inability to reason right!
You will learn, aadozia. You will learn even if you cover your eyes so you can claim you were not taught. Because that is why we read such books. So those like you who can not read can be taught. You glossed over the 'pastor and mumu followers' example I gave only to flex your weak muscles over the weak one. What an archetype of a pathetic bully you are. Yeye dey smell |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 3:06pm On Mar 02, 2021 |
, this your argument doesn't hold water, so you'll do drugs because the person is a hypocrite, good for you You're saying this because you already know the implications of drug abuse. What if you didn't know. The problem you lot have got is your thinking is one-dimensional. Lemme give a more practical example to clear up your confusion. If you often visit the travel section of this forum, you'd have stumbled upon some threads and and many more posts by foreign-based nigerians that advised the "abroad or nothing" gang to stay back because over there is not as easy as they think. And the most line of responses to this innocuous advice we get from this desperate gang is: "why are you still abroad", "Nigerians don't want to see their brothers rise", "you are enemy of progress", "so you japa from the shit-hole and you want us to remain", "bad belle dey worry you" etc. In your own opinion, why do most of them respond in such hostile fashion? |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 2:45pm On Mar 02, 2021 |
You dragged it out because we already acknowledged that the messengers are flawed. Show me where you acknowledged this. |
Religion / Re: What Is The Real Name Of The Islamic God? by aadoiza: 2:42pm On Mar 02, 2021 |
Let me give you the Hadith and it's interpretation from an Islamic website Hadith by Muslim "By He in whose hands my soul rests, Jesus, the Son of Mary, is to descend amongst you as a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pig, abolish Jizya and wealth will increase to such an extent that one prostration will be more valuable than the whole world and all that it contains."
Explanation: Here is a quote from the website:
Here is another view:
Depicting Jews – and sometimes also Zionists – as "the descendants of apes and pigs" is extremely widespread today in public discourse in the Arab and Islamic worlds.
For example, in a weekly sermon in April 2002, Al-Azhar Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, the highest-ranking cleric in the Sunni Muslim world, called the Jews "the enemies of Allah, descendants of apes and pigs."[1]
Unfortunately, even if we have to look at it in its literal interpretation, there exist some huge problems 1. God created the pigs with their nature not to avoid filth. Was that a mistake in creation that should be wiped out? 2. The pig is not the only "unclean" animal that is eaten. Another is the Rabbit/Hare and the Carmel Lev 11:4,6,8: "Nevertheless these shall you not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he chews the cud, but divides not the hoof; he is unclean to you. … And the hare , because he chews the cud, but divides not the hoof; he is unclean to you. … Of their flesh shall you not eat, and their carcass shall you not touch; they are unclean to you."
Why single out the pig for extermination? What is the offence of the pig?
Yes Muslims hate the Jews, but your claiming that the "pigs" in that hadith narration is a lie—and certainly one of the numerous concoctions in all these books of ahadith. Even this particular narration, without the false interpretation, is still very much debatable in some quarters. I remember Mundir Markaz in Agege, Lagos, condemning the Hadith a few years back. He also cited some of your points as to why the hadith should not taken seriously. I don't give a hoot about some bloody Sunni clerics, or their proclamations. I'm on my own, so I dont follow any stupid sect nor do I imbibe the ways of the contraption called the Muslim world. You'd be making a valid argument if you show me where Allah SWT called the Jews pigs in the holy Qur'an or his prophet SAW referred to them as such.
God know that the Jews are rebellious band hard-hearted yet, He chose them from among the tribes of the world.
About crucifying the Messiah: It was meant to be 1. Jesus even forgave them for this wickedness Luk 23:34: "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." 2. It would have been counterproductive if the Messiah wasn't killed as prophesied 1Cor 2:7-8: "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world to our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory." 3. The Messiah was the sacrificial LAMB of God John 1:29: "The next day John sees Jesus coming to him, and said, Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world."
Without the shedding of Blood, no forgiveness of sin is possible Heb 9:22: "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."
My answer to this would make this spiral into a religious argument, which is something I have promised myself never to involve in again. Are you saying that God made a mistake for choosing Israel?
How should I know how God's mind(s) function(s)? Did He make a mistake when He created the Garden of Eden and decided to plant the forbidden tree therein? Only He knows what He does and why He does them. Whatever explanation we come up with on His ways are mere conjectures. |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 8:46am On Mar 02, 2021 |
I actually steelmanned your example to make it more compelling. It's not any more compelling than it's sensational. Nope. I am trying to show you where we agree and where we have taken it further. If you guys had been this forthcoming I doubt we'd have dragged it this long. |
Crime / Re: Young Man Burnt To Death For Stealing Wrappers In Benue State (graphic Photos) by aadoiza: 12:14am On Mar 02, 2021 |
Nigerian are cowards. The only show their aggression when it's not necessary. Politicians have been toying with your destinies for ever but you foolish cowardly nigerians haven't deemed it necessary to direct your aggression to the looters. Cowardly lot!!! 2 Likes |
Religion / Re: The Gods Of Ancient Sumer by aadoiza: 11:45pm On Mar 01, 2021 |
The only thing giving them leaverage is the blindness of our people. That's why they'll do all they can to keep it that way. The judgements will increase as we awake. Even covid19 so far has failed to achieve its purpose on their main target- The children of YAKUBI/Jacob below the Sahara..
4 million doses of poison vaccine to be delivered to Nigeria tomorrow. |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 11:42pm On Mar 01, 2021 |
There is nothing wrong with that, so because this person that defecates openly tells you about the importance of cleaning your environment you wouldn't do it, even when he tells you it will make your surroundings close to mosquito free. Is this not one of the main reasons most atheists call christians mumu when their pastors tell them to forgo material things and that their rewards are in heaven while those pastors carry material things for head, buying private jets and making use of all sorts of expensive things. This is interesting. So if a drug addict tells you to stay away from drugs and opens your mind to unknown effects from these drugs you will still take them? Why not. If it's so bad why is he still doing it? Except the word "HYPOCRISY " does not exist any longer. |
Religion / Re: What Is The Real Name Of The Islamic God? by aadoiza: 11:28pm On Mar 01, 2021 |
shadeyinka: How are you my friend!
Are all Jews evil? Certainly not BUT it seems the hatred of Muslims and Allah is total for Israel. Yahweh promised the Prophet David to love Israel and establish them forever .
2Chr 9:8: "Blessed be the LORD your God, which delighted in you to set you on his throne, to be king for the LORD your God: because your God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, therefore made he you king over them, to do judgment and justice."
Yahweh promised that Israel would be saved.
Isa 45:17: "But Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation: you shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end."
Rom 11:26: "And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:"
The scripture above shows what will happen when Jesus Christ comes back again. All Israel is to be saved: this is the promise of Yahweh!
Contrast with: al-Bukhari (3166). the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Hour will not begin until you fight the Jews, until a Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him – except the gharqad (a kind of thorny tree).’
Do you know that one of the duties of the Islamic "Jesus/Isa" after killing the Dadjjal is to kill the "pigs": (the Jews)
It is strange that Allah wants the exact opposite for Israel: to slaughter them all.
Would one still say that Allah and Yahweh are the same? Bros mi I dey alright. Thanks. The jew have had more than enough time to retrace their steps, but they always falter. These same Jews, after being given all the promises of salvation, still we went ahead to kill Jesus. Six hundred odd years after, they made similar move on the holy prophet of Allah but were humiliated. Two thousand years after killing the Messiah, their children are boasting on YouTube over what their ancestors did, even calling the Messiah a bastard. On the jesus coming to kill pigs narration, I have never come across where the pigs were translated to mean the jews. |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 11:11pm On Mar 01, 2021 |
Is this not the receptivity I mentioned? Is environmental sanitation wrong because the person who says it is a hypocrite? The bottom line is, someone guilty of environmental pollution—not by accident, but by design, has got no moral right or obligation to counsel otherwise. That responsibility should be conferred on those who TRULY believe in environmental sanitation, not a hypocrite. |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 11:02pm On Mar 01, 2021 |
Maybe you should read it again because I did answer no.
. You answered no only after reformatting the question to suit your view Don't be so quick to dismiss things because they seem at odds with what you want to hear, that is exactly what you being accused of. Is it not funny you accuse someone exactly of what you are guilty of. Abi is it not the same thing every contributor on this issue is doing, putting their foot down to what seems odd to them? |
Religion / Re: We Have Been Lied To The Earth Is Flat And Not A Globe by aadoiza: 1:22am On Mar 01, 2021 |
kkins25: kindly highlight them For now I can only remember the one on how an aeroplane travelling eastwards is supposed to get to its destination if the earth is moving away from it. 2 Likes |
Religion / Re: We Have Been Lied To The Earth Is Flat And Not A Globe by aadoiza: 1:15am On Mar 01, 2021 |
kkins25: kindly highlight them I don't know the exact post or page, but it was the point I found most pondering. Oh you meant for me to highlight the points here? 1 Like |
Religion / Re: We Have Been Lied To The Earth Is Flat And Not A Globe by aadoiza: 12:48am On Mar 01, 2021 |
Which ball earth? Did you miss the thread title?
You are about to be educated, lol. Though I'm certain this has been covered in thread already. No I didn't miss the thread, but I think this is one of the few points he made that wasn't countered, or maybe it was but I just missed it. 1 Like 1 Share |
Religion / Re: The Gods Of Ancient Sumer by aadoiza: 12:21am On Mar 01, 2021 |
I'm referring to judgement and destruction right here on earth, not eternity yet.
They're not winning. They think they're winning but all they're doing is for our good so that those that didn't believe will now believe and awake. Of course we hope the judgement comes sooner, that's why we're preaching this message. There's a particular number of Bantus/negroes that should awake before the real destruction comes. Look around you, man, people can't even go out without muzzling themselves. Is It not the same Babylon that made it so? Every science that goes against unnecessary masking of healthy people has been thrown in to the gutter. Who made it so? Babylon. You cannnot call yourself a man even with glaring presence of that giant muscular shaft down there. Who made it so? Babylon. A professor in an american university was fired for simply saying man can't get pregnant. Who's behind it? Babylon. Many more of such misfortunes have been institutionalised around the world, but you would have me believe they are not winning? 1 Like 1 Share |
Religion / Re: We Have Been Lied To The Earth Is Flat And Not A Globe by aadoiza: 12:00am On Mar 01, 2021 |
My question is: if the ball earth is spinning eastwards at roughly 1000mph, how does an aeroplane travelling at less than 700mph in the same direction gets to its destination? |
Religion / Re: What Is The Real Name Of The Islamic God? by aadoiza: 11:41pm On Feb 28, 2021 |
Taqqiya means deception!
You can't say the affirmative that you worship Yahweh because you don't know any Yahweh, you only know Allah!
This means that even though Allah was given almost attributes of Yahweh, they are not the same person.
I play not with words o!
Yahweh has made a promise to love Israel forever 1Kin 10:9: "Blessed be the LORD your God, which delighted in you, to set you on the throne of Israel: because the LORD loved Israel for ever, therefore made he you king, to do judgment and justice."
Unfortunately, Allah has sought to destroy Israel. al-Bukhari (3166). the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Hour will not begin until you fight the Jews, until a Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him – except the gharqad (a kind of thorny tree).’
Would you truely agree that Allah and Yahweh are exactly the same Personality?
If the God of the Jews is the God of the Muslims, why do Muslims hate the Jews with a passion? If only you knew the evil the Jews have wrought. Abi you think say those Americans who hate them with passion do so for hating sake. |
Politics / Re: Pictures Of Boko Haram Training Kids Shared By HumAngle by aadoiza: 11:35pm On Feb 28, 2021 |
The way the media cover the activities of these terrorists, it's as though they do so to glorify them. |
Religion / Re: The Gods Of Ancient Sumer by aadoiza: 11:32pm On Feb 28, 2021 |
BABYLON refers to the religious, political, and socioeconomic systems that govern this world. These were deliberately put in place and there ate those who are dedicating to upholding these systems. Revelation 17 &18 speak of the harlot, the woman who sits upon many waters (nations). This specifically refers to ROME (Christianity) and her many children (world religions). She is called Babylon and she is in control of how we view the world today. They have taken control of education, religion, the media... everything. Today it'is normal to believe and live a lie and abnormal and even a crime now, to believe and follow the truth. TRUTH is the new hate speech. This wicked system was prophesied to be. Revelation 17:2 says the kings have committed fornication with her and the people of the world have become drunk of the wine (lies) of her fornication (idolatry).
However, the end of Babylon was also prophesied in Revelation 18. The judgment of Babylon is written and it will not fail. If you look at the world today, its obvious the systems they trusted in are all failing, Politics, democracy has failed so they are now moving towards dictatorship. They are using covid19 as ploy to shut down, reset and put everyone and everything in the hands of government (actually, the few who believe they own the world). Science and medicine has failed it has been hijacked and now used as a weapon. The religious systems have been exposed for what they are.
These people know the bible more than you and me, and they know their judgment is imminent as they noticed our people had begun to wake up. So, the plan is to shut down and act fast so as to beat the time, distract the world with their PLANdemic, and cause many to fall. They don mean well with that vaccine. It is wicked and the thing that blinded our leaders is the white savior mentality. Thats why I always call out white Jesus. That is their greatest weapon against us. If our leaders knew who they are, they will recognize their enemy and reject their offers. The vaccine will alter the DNA of the children of Abraham and they'll be lost forever. Not to mention the mind-controlling effect. So we will be right back in the days of NOAH, full sing with an impure population or Nephilim / zombies. Many of us are ready to die than take the damned vaccine. Now it's time to protect your family because even the government has sold out.
The wicked know that our awakening is their judgment. They know we are the people of the book and that when we awake and return to YAH, he brings judgment upon our enemies. Their judgment has been written. The whole book of Obadiah is about YAH's judgment of EDOM (Rome/ Babylon). They know that we are the children of YAKUBI/JACOB and that we've been destined to rule in the coming age while they become our slaves. What we need to do now is endure and wake our people up.
2 Esdras 6:9-19 For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows. Revelation 13:10 "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints."
My number 1 book is the bible. It is the light that shines in this dark world. Despite the adding and removing, we are still able to find truth with the help of the Spirit.
Many know about the origin of the whites but are hush-hush about it. The first man Adam was made from mud. Mud is color brown to black simple. If the white man wasn't the original man, where then did he come from. The scriptures also give us clues. Remember our enemies were in charge of the scriptures for centuries and have added and removed stuff they didn't like. Its the reason they removed the book of Enoch from their canon. It gave away too much. For example, it proves the color of the fallen ones/ Nephilim is white in the story of NOAH's birth. His father was frightened because this was unusual! NOAH looked white (an albino). Like the child of the angels (fallen ones) the book of Enoch states. So they hate the book of Enoch. They even thought of removing JUDE (because it cited Enoch) and the book of revelation because it exposes much, including fake Jews (Revelation 2;9,3:9).
“After a time, my son Mathusala took a wife for his son Lamech. She became pregnant by him, and brought forth a child, the flesh of which was as white as snow, and red as a rose; the hair of whose head was white like wool, and long; and whose eyes were beautiful. When he opened them, he illuminated all the house, like the sun; the whole house abounded with light. And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, opening also his mouth, he spoke to the Lord of righteousness. Then Lamech his father was afraid of him; and flying away came to his own father Mathusala, and said, I have begotten a son, unlike to other children. He is not human; but, resembling the offspring of the angels of heaven, is of a different nature from ours, being altogether unlike to us.” — Book of Enoch 105:1–3
I'm really hoping there truly will be judgment upon these people here on earth 'cos from all practical indications they are winning. |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 11:11pm On Feb 28, 2021 |
Receptivity? Aadozia has not read a single word in the book, so how can you be talking to him about receptivity, lol. And he sure is not going to receive from buda, he thinks, so he covers his eyes so he will not see.
My Lord, I will invite you when he does see though just so we can laugh at him. You know I plan to make him because my life depends on it. You see life for outside again, buda. If you hadn't read the humbugery of a book you wouldn't have known what receptivity entails. SMH HellVictorinho, these are the type of programmed lot to which "unnecessary" statement was referring. |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 11:04pm On Feb 28, 2021 |
More like if you had shit stained hands and was handing me a cookie would I eat it, no I won't but that is not the case here. Rational thought doesn't get "stained" by the messenger however our receptivity to it might be negatively affected but again that is a different thing. You should have answered yes or no rather than conjuring up this circumlocution. Anyone with a tad bit of rational thought in their head would be found swimming in the cesspit of racism. |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 10:53pm On Feb 28, 2021 |
What is your point? Although the last sentence wasn't necessary but I wrote it anyway 'cos of the implicit servile reverence for oyinbo ideology oozing from our erudite lecturers here. |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 10:45pm On Feb 28, 2021 |
You are obviously here to twist words, I wonder how that relates with philosophy and discourse. I'm an giving an instance on why the "who" matters more but you're pretending to only see word-twisting. Someone who enjoys practising open defecation is giving a lecture on environmental sanitation, and you expect me to listen to them? Abi what does hypocrisy mean these days. |
Religion / Re: Being And Time - Martin Heidegger' by aadoiza: 5:41pm On Feb 28, 2021 |
What is rational is rational no matter who is saying it. It is not the message per se but the deep-rooted contradiction which forms the essence of the messenger. If I cooked delicious fried rice for you in a face-me-i-face-you pit latrine of old would you eat it? |