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Education / Why You Should Balance Optimism With Realism. Be An Optimistic Realist. by Ayietim(m): 6:44pm On May 25, 2022
Is it wrong to hope for a better future? No it’s not wrong, as a matter it’s healthy to go about the present with a positive attitude and confidence about the future.

It’s also the right approach to relationships with others. One finds it easy to live with others by adopting the lifestyle of easily discarding stereotypes and continuing to trust after a betrayal of trust.

But this lifestyle is dangerous too because it’s stretching reality beyond the practical.

Therefore, striking a balance between reality and optimism is the right approach to live life in a manner that guarantees self preservation. You should know who to stop trusting and what not to hope for.

You should realize that some people will never change and some dreams are impractical.
Be an optimistic realist, accept present situations, use opportunities they present you to equip yourself in a way that gives you confidence about the future and adequately prespares you for it.

William Arthur Ward defined an optimistic realist as;

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”


Investment / Top 21 Bill Gross Quotes On Investment. by Ayietim(m): 4:31pm On May 16, 2022
William H. Gross was born in 1944. Bill Gross called the “king of bonds” in the investment world is a legendary bond investor who founded Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO).

Top 21 Bill Gross quotes on investment.

When the tide goes out, you get to see who’s swimming naked. PIMCO has had its bathing suit on for a long time.

2. Accountants, machinists, medical technicians, even software writers that write the software for ‘machines’ are being displaced without upscaled replacement jobs. Retrain, rehire into higher paying and value-added jobs? That may be the political myth of the modern era. There aren’t enough of those jobs.

3. Finding the best person or the best organization to invest your money is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll ever make.

4. Slow growth and inflation have a tendency to accompany large deficits and increasing debt as a percentage of GDP.

5. The U.K. and almost all of Europe have erred in terms of believing that austerity, fiscal austerity in the short term, is the way to produce real growth. It is not. You’ve got to spend money.

6. Bonds as an asset class will always be needed, and not just by insurance companies and pension funds but by aging boomers.

7. Bond investors want growth much like equity investors, and to the extent that too much austerity leads to recession or stagnation then credit spreads widen out – even if a country can print its own currency and write its own cheques.

8. Both from the standpoint of stocks and bonds, an investor wants to go where the growth is.

9. Whether a tops-down or bottoms-up investor in bonds, stocks, or private equity, the standard analysis tends to judge an investor or his firm on the basis of how the bullish or bearish aspects of the cycle were managed.

Religion / What Is The Joy Of Being Conscious?- by Ayietim(m): 10:20am On May 16, 2022
Here is a spiritual
practice that will bring empowerment and creative expansion into your life. Make a list of a number of everyday
routine activities that
you perform requently. Include activities that you may consider uninteresting, boring,
tedious, irritating, or
stressful. But don’t
include anything that
you hate or detest
doing. That’s a case
either for acceptance or for stopping what you do. The list may include traveling to and from work, buying groceries, doing your laundry, or
anything that you find
tedious or stressful in
your daily work. Then,
whenever you are
engaged in those
activities, let them be a vehicle for alertness. Be absolutely present in what you do and sense the alert, alive stillness within you in the background of the
activity. You will soon
find that what you do in such a state of
heightened awareness, instead of being stressful, tedious, or irritating, is actually becoming enjoyable.

To be more precise, what you are enjoying is not really the outward action but the inner dimension of consciousness that flows into the action. This is finding the joy of Being in what you are doing. If you feel your life lacks significance or is too
stressful or tedious, it is because you haven’t
brought that dimension into your life yet. Being conscious in what you
do has not yet become
your main aim.

Investment / Top 31 Ray Dalio Quotes On Investment And Life. by Ayietim(m): 6:08pm On May 14, 2022
Raymond Thomas Dalio was born on August 8, 1949. He is an American billionaire investor and hedge fund manager, who has served as co-chief investment officer of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, since 1985

Ray Dalio is regarded as one of the greatest innovators in the finance world, having popularized many commonly used practices, such as risk parity, currency overlay, portable alpha and global inflation-indexed bond management.

Source – Wikipedia.


Top 31 Ray Dalio Quotes:

It all comes down to interest rates. As an investor, all you’re doing is putting up a lump-sump payment for a future cash flow.
2. The greatest gift you can give someone is the power to be successful. Giving people the opportunity to struggle rather than giving them the things they are struggling for will make them stronger.

3. If you’re not failing, you’re not pushing your limits, and if you’re not pushing your limits, you’re not maximizing your potential

4. I saw that to do exceptionally well you have to push your limits and that, if you push your limits, you will crash and it will hurt a lot. You will think you have failed—but that won’t be true unless you give up.

5. When growth is slower-than-expected, stocks go down. When inflation is higher-than-expected, bonds go down. When inflation is lower-than-expected, bonds go up.

Romance / There Is Always Something Left To Love. ― Gabriel García Márquez by Ayietim(m): 3:16pm On May 14, 2022
Is the beauty gone?
love never dies,
look beyond the superficial,
there’s always something left to love.

Is the money with the fame lost?
but true love can’t be bought,
if it was true love,
then there’s still something left to love.

You want to walk away after the last fight?
True love endures all except threat to life,
If it’s just a storm in a teacup,
then there’s still something left to love.

Don’t park up and walk away
when it seems as if the physical attraction has faded,
and when it seems as if everything else has died,
don’t give up!
there’s always something left to love,
because true love doesn’t die.

Education / How To Celebrate Small Wins And Why. by Ayietim(m): 10:55am On May 14, 2022
By rolling out the drums.

and treating yourself to a hug of self love;

realIties of life are the tall trees in the woods,

consistency of inspiration is the strength and the hope;

celebration of small wins born the hope and the courage,

to soldier on through battles, fear and rage,

it’s not going to be easy but you’re going to make it

so keep on celebrating the small wins as you move closer to the big win.

Programming / Top 25 Bjarne Stroustrup Quotes (inventor Of C++ Programming Language). by Ayietim(m): 2:26pm On May 12, 2022
Bjarne Stroustrup was born on 30 December 1950. He is a Danish computer scientist, most notable for the invention and development of the C++ programming language. He is a visiting professor at Columbia University, and works at Morgan Stanley as a managing director in New York.
Source – Wikipedia.

Top 25 Bjarne Stroustrup Quotes:

The first law of computer science: Every problem is solved by yet another indirection.
2. C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.

3. C++ is designed to allow you to express ideas, but if you don’t have ideas or don’t have any clue about how to express them, C++ doesn’t offer much help.

4. The most important single aspect of software development is to be clear about what you are trying to build.

5. The most fundamental problem in software development is complexity. There is only one basic way of dealing with complexity: divide and conquer

6. There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.

7. Do not proceed with a mess; messes just grow with time.

8. It’s easy to win forgiveness for being wrong; being right is what gets you into real trouble.

9. A program that has not been tested does not work.

10. Proof by analogy is fraud.


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Politics / Re: Tribalism: A Tribalist Is Not Well Educated by Ayietim(m): 3:13pm On May 07, 2022
Weldone @ OP
Nice piece. FP worthy

Thank you very much.

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Politics / Re: Tribalism: A Tribalist Is Not Well Educated by Ayietim(m): 3:05pm On May 07, 2022
Good bless you for this post op.

Thank you. God bless you too.
Politics / Tribalism: A Tribalist Is Not Well Educated by Ayietim(m): 2:52pm On May 07, 2022
They are not part of us’’ attitude is ingrained in most of us. We prejudge others before we meet them and interact with them. In most cases, negative stereotypes stop us from getting to know people whose comtent could contribute positively to our lives. Then we lose.

How do you stop prejudices from closing doors of opportunity against you?

Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones. – Charlotte Bronte.

Prejudices could be eradicated by education. That education starts by answering the following questions objectively:

What am I being asked to believe or accept?
It’s never late to challenge most of the things you’ve believed and accepted without proofs. Have you ever stopped and considered the possibility that you may have unjustly hurt some people in the past by judging them on false standards?

Wouldn’t you want to make amends by ensuring that in future everyone you meet is given a fair chance before they’re judged?

2. What evidence is available to support the assertion?

What you’ve accepted without evidence can also be rejected without evidence.

Christopher Hitchens gave this advice in more beautiful words,

“What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.”

So where you don’t have a piece of evidence to support an assertion, dismiss it. There’re no truer piece of evidence than experiencing people’s actions first hand .

When an opinion about others sounds too extraordinarily different from how you know regular human beings behave, ask for extraordinary evidence.

After all,

“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” – Carl Sagan.

3. Are there alternative ways of interpreting the evidence?

When you reject a stereotype and give yourself the permission to assess people independently and objectively, ask yourself if there’re alternative ways to interpret the evidence you have.

Try to understand how places of birth, cultures, thoughts and moments cause people to react differently to the same situation.

It’s therefore important to assess alternative ways of interpreting a piece of evidence before reaching a conclusion.

4. What additional evidence would help to evaluate the alternatives

Before you reach a conclusion, seek additional evidence. This may mean creating another environment to have a second chance to look at things from different perspectives. This second chance may present different evidence.

5. What conclusions are most reasonable?

The conclusion reached must be the most reasonable. It must a conclusion that would give you the opportunity to assess people most objectively and most independently.

Finally, there is always an exception and so, treat and assess everyone on the basis of personal interaction. And,

Never judge others…unexpected events can change who a person is. Always keep that in mind. You never know what someone else is experiencing within their own life – Colleen Hoover.


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Romance / How To Break The Trauma Bonding And Escape An Abusive Relationship by Ayietim(m): 3:58pm On May 03, 2022
The trauma, now and then comes back to haunt and torment you,

Yet, you’re still bonding, still wrapping your arms around your tormentor in an abusive relationship, that has broken your spirits and your bones,

You have the power to free yourself from occassional show of love and you can free yourself at any moment you say, ‘this is not how the story is going to end.’

If you’re reading this now, it means that you’re still living despite spending so many years in hell.

And it also means, you can still carry yourself to where the door is and stumble through

to where you could love yourself, give yourself the best and always remind yourself that you’ve only this one life to live, this and no more.

Business / Why Is It Important To Distinguish Between Needs And Wants In Budgeting? by Ayietim(m): 3:40pm On Apr 30, 2022
Budgeting is the systematic process of preparing detailed short term plan of actions expressed in monetary values.

The plan quantified in monetary terms prepared ahead of a defined period should show expected income and expected expenditure.

A budget should also fulfill a planning purpose and a control purpose (underlined by the comparison of actual result to budgeted).

A negative variance occurs when actual results are more than budgeted. To avoid this, the budgeting process must separate ‘wants’ from ‘needs’.

What are wants?

Wants are not needed for survival.

They are those things we would like to have but we can do without them (wants are things we don’t require them).

Examples of wants are high end cell phones, expensive cars, expensive shoes, travel, social media subscriptions, entertainment etc.

What are needs?

Needs are what we require to survive.

Examples of needs are food, shelter, water, medication, clothing and transportation.

Why is the distinction between wants and needs important to effective budgeting and budgetary control?

A lot of people hardly live within their budgets. So many people consistently overshoot their budgets because they spend more money on things they want and spend very little on their needs.

The consequences are the inability to consistently save a portion of their income to provide for themselves sufficient food, a home and improved net worth. And a recurring negative variance.

To solve this problem, the next time you prepare your personal budget, write down your wants, your needs and apportion monetary values to all of them.
Keep in mind to regularly update your need and want lists. The reason is, some things you consider wants today may become needs tomorrow.

Don’t forget that the whole essence of making the distinction is to help you save money, invest and grow financially.

Romance / What Does Every Relationship Need? by Ayietim(m): 7:03pm On Apr 29, 2022
Every relationship needs an argument every now and then.

It’s an argument borne out of either a misunderstanding or a stumbling upon of a partner’s secret that tests the strength of a relationship.

Where two partners are past the game stage and are in the commitment zone of a long term relationship, they end arguments and arguments don’t end their relationship.

Every relationship has its peaks and valleys. As a relationship grows older and longer, partners, gradually begin to climb peaks, reach summits and descend into valleys.

At the peak, the union is blissful. You know why? It’s because the relationship is freed of interferences by nosey family and friends and, by jealousy, anxiety and suspicion.

But being the journey that it is, the relationship is still going to encounter differences that would take it down to valleys. For couples committed to a long term, they would realize that life at the peak is more preferred.

And so they would always continue to work hard to resolve all differences and climb back to the peak.

The up and down journey would continue until the partners accept the reality that valleys would remain an occasional place to visit but peaks would always be the preferred and cherished home.

Politics / Elections Season: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain With You by Ayietim(m): 7:00pm On Apr 28, 2022
Fall in love with your candidate, your party and your passion
but know where to draw clear lines of demarcation
between what, which and who works and those that don't work.

know where, who,and how to ask questions,
know when to go back to the drawing board and pick other options.

Follow your heart but take your brain with you,
fall in love with your heart but let your your brain guide you
to choose wisdom over foolishness,
especially when foolishness wants to give you a repeat of a heartbreak.

This time be wise,
once beaten, twice shy.
You may not survive to tell the story about the same mistake made multiple times,
a word is enough for the wise.

Investment / Is Index Fund The Best For Beginner Investors? by Ayietim(m): 5:22pm On Apr 28, 2022
What are index funds?

An Index fund or an index tracker is a mutual fund or an exchange traded find (ETF). So before defining what an index fund is, it is important to understand what a mutual fund and exchange traded fund are.

What is a mutual fund?

This is a pool of money collected from investors and invested in securities. These securities include stocks, bonds and short term instruments like treasury bills, certificates of deposit (CDs), commercial papers, bills of exchange and others.

While Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are made up of assets such as s, bonds, commodities, forex, oil, future stocks

What then is an index fund?

An index fund is a mutual fund or exchange traded fund (ETF) designed to follow predefined rules so that the fund can track the members of a financial market index (a market index is a speculative portfolio of investments representing a segment of the financial market) index fund is also known as “index tracker”

Index funds follow their benchmark index independent of what happens in the market.

Why are index funds recommendable?

Index funds offer the option of immediate diversification. One purchase of index funds comes with a portfolio of diversified companies. A share of one index fund grant ownership of sometimes, hundreds of companies to a single investor. An added benefit maybe the option of enjoying dividend policy flexibility.

It has a low operating cost. Little is charged for higher benefits accruable...

Investment / What Is The Difference Between Basic And Diluted Earnings Per Share? by Ayietim(m): 3:41pm On Apr 28, 2022
:An increase in the number of common shares outstanding dilutes (reduces) earnings per share.

For instance, if company ABC has an outstanding issue of preferred stock that is convertible into shares of common stock at a rate of three shares of common stock for two shares of preferred stock. The conversion would increase the number of common shares outstanding and possibly dilute earnings per share.

Why would the conversion affect earnings per share (EPS)?

To calculate earnings per share, only the common stock are considered. EPS is computed by dividing the common shareholders’ share of the company’s net income by the average number of common shares outstanding.

A common stockholder keeping an eye on the EPS of a company, would want to know what effect the conversion of preferred stock would have on EPS of common stock. A concerned stockholder would look at two figures to assess the potential dilution that may occur.

These figures are:

Basic earnings per share
2. Diluted earnings per share.

Basic earnings per share is computed on the basis of the weighted average number of common stock actually outstanding during the financial year. The potential dilution represented by the convertible preferred stock is not included in this figure.

Diluted earnings per share includes the effect that conversion of the preferred stock would have on the basic earnings per share.

Education / Reasons Why You Should Be Bold. by Ayietim(m): 3:15pm On Apr 28, 2022
It is natural, almost normal,

not to be confident in a situation or with a subject, you know nothing about,

under the circumstances, you tend to be confused, you attract nothing exciting except sympathy,

consequently, you may not be given a second chance to prove that you can actually do it,

but the reverse is likely to be the case, when you are bold,

some people may feel incline to overlook your flaws, see you as strong and a model they should follow,

more would make excuses on your behalf and regard your weakness as a common human imperfection,

when you are bold, you command respect and attention,

so boldness is better,

it makes you stronger.


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Education / How Brands Can Use Data Driven Storytelling For Business Expansion. by Ayietim(m): 8:04pm On Apr 27, 2022
What is data storytelling?

It’s a storytelling skill that is used to break down hard to understand data to an easy to understand narrative.

A data driven storytelling is a tool for analyzing and filtering large data to present a position with a high engagement and a significant conversion rates.

What are the qualities of a good data driven storytelling?

 What best defines a data driven storytelling is the speed at which a layman audience takes an action on the basis of information supplied.
For the information supplied to win new clients, data information shouldn’t just be boring numbers and analytical tools. Complex data should be explained using relatable examples. There should be a correlation between data and content (story).

Therefore, real life examples which resonate with audience should be used to work figures into a story. This is an effective way to create a data visualization that benefits the audience without them exerting too much mental energy.

2, Show a great enthusiasm about the story.  If you want to evoke the desired emotion in your audience then you must feel the story deep within you and manifest that feeling.

Your audience has to see and sense your excitement and hear same in your voice to be excited too. It may be difficult to get this result if you are not passionate and comfortable with your data and visualization tools. And if you haven’t researched your audience very well.

3. Be emotional. Where the data paint a dismal picture, use your tone to convey the disappointment....

Education / The Human Capacity For Survival And Renewal Is Awesome.” ~ Isabe by Ayietim(m): 7:05pm On Apr 25, 2022
“We don’t even know how strong we are until we are forced to bring that hidden strength forward. In times of tragedy, of war, of necessity, people do amazing things. The human capacity for survival and renewal is awesome.” ~ Isabel Allende

Your real strength is discovered,

when in tough times you get tougher,

and look to no one but within,

to explore the stronger sleeping being,

then send it to places you’re too weak to reach,

to get you everything you want and need.;

you would be surprised at who you truly are,

a being born to survive, dominate and conquer.

Education / Cash Management – What Is Optimal Cash Balance? by Ayietim(m): 4:30pm On Apr 25, 2022
Financial managers are responsible for cash management. This responsibility demands that the financial manager maintains adequate balances of cash and marketable securities. And also see to the efficient operation of cash management at the lowest cost possible.

What are cash and marketable securities?

Cash is the currency on hand and in the demand deposit (checking account) balances maintained at the bank.
Marketable securities are short term securities ranging from overnight loans to maturities of less than a year. They are securities that are quickly converted to cash.

The financial manager has a job to establish optimal cash balances that minimizes idle cash balances that earn nothing and also maintain sufficient cash balances that meet anticipated and unanticipated cash needs.

Before the financial manager could establish optimal cash balances successfully, they have to examine the following considerations and costs:

Select a planning timeframe within which to estimate cash inflows and cash outflows expected to occur expected to occur in each sub period within the time frame. This would require the construction of a cash budget with a forecast on the collection of accounts receivable,
2. The cash budget should be constructed to predict times when shortfall could be expected. This is important because every shortfall incurs costs. These costs could be transactions costs associated with raising cash. Or they could be costs associated with deteriorating credit rating.

3. There are also costs associated with having excessive cash balances. Too much idle cash is a indication of missed investment opportunities. Ideally, every fund should be invested, if only temporarily, at a positive rate of interest....More at:

Celebrities / Turn Your Wounds Into Wisdom. – Oprah Winfrey. by Ayietim(m): 4:16pm On Apr 25, 2022
The beginning of wisdom is knowing who you are
and when you’ve wisdom, you can tell the stories of your scars
and learn to create the world of your experience,
and build a world where mistakes are few and not expensive.

So turn your wounds into wisdom,
let go of the ugly past and choose the freedom
to enjoy the present in the absence of hurts that are long gone
and count your life not by tears but by smiles
but repeat not wrong choices that stole your joy in the past.

Literature / Live Everyday As Your Last Because... - Jonathan Swift. by Ayietim(m): 2:49pm On Apr 22, 2022
Live everyday as your last,
be thankful for today and be alive to this golden and rare chance you have,
many who made plans for today but postpone actions are no longer around to see it,
maybe they would’ve overcome procrastination and fears
and gone ahead to take the risk to live their dreams.
if they knew the number of days left in their ‘lodging’

Few among many who’re here today are wiser and more courageous,
they know that a day not fully invested is wasted and gone,
so they fear no one, no failure, they take their chances as they come,
win some and lose some, they rise and fall
and never stay down when they can still get up
and run and catch up with every dream they live for.

In this latter group you must belong,
the former comes not,
they pretend to live and life swallows them up
where the former group hides, the latter group shows up
and offers themselves and their talents generously
to the world that saves only action takers in its memory.

Education / What Is The Learning Curve Theory? by Ayietim(m): 2:01pm On Apr 21, 2022
A worker is likely to gain experience, become more efficient and faster as they carry out a repeated performance of a job task. Human beings improve skills, gain experience, exposure and specialize as they repeat the performance of a particular task. This is known as the learning curve effect.

A worker with the no previous experience and knowledge is untried the first time they perform a new operation. As the worker repeats the operation and becomes more familiar with it, their labor efficiency increases and their labor cost per unit decreases. After the passage of time, the regular rate of decline in cost per unit is established and used as a basis to predict future labor cost..

The learning process begins at the point the first unit comes off from the production line. And each time cumulative production is doubled, the average taken to produce a unit of cumulative production is a percentage of the average time of the previous cumulative production.

What is the learning curve theory?

The learning curve theory says that whenever a repetitive task is performed, the average time spent to produce a unit falls by a specific percentage as the activity level is doubled. For example, there is a learning phenomenal of 80% for a 20% decline in average time and a 75% learning phenomenal for a 25% decline in average time.

The learning curve is the mathematical expression of the phenomenon that when a complex and labor intensive procedures are repeated, unit labor times tend to decrease at a constant rate.

Education / How Can I Be Happy And Contented In Life? by Ayietim(m): 6:57pm On Apr 18, 2022
Nothing more makes the heart hapoy than having whatever you want whenever you want.

It therefore means that if you could have complete contentment every moment of your  life then happiness is yours to keep. Because in contentment is every source of happiness.

Then what does it take to achieve complete contentment?

1. Be happy for seeing today because there was someone with better plans for today but didn’t make it,

2. Be satisfied with little things of life because many don’t have those little things you take for granted,

3. Live every moment to the fullest leaving no space to worry and be anxious about the next moment. The value of the next moment is a product of the quality of investment you make now,

4. Look back to nothing, yesterday is history. Yesterday can’t be changed and,

5. Don’t stop working towards being the best of you as only the best of you equates complete contentment.

Education / How To Live A Good Life. by Ayietim(m): 9:05am On Apr 18, 2022
The right to a good life is yours,
the decision to exercise it any how you want is also yours,

this means you can choose to be in full control
or you can surrender it by choosing to;

not to think for yourself
and deciding to live according to the dictates of fear and friends.

Whichever choice you pick
don’t lose sight of this:

Life is either a misery or a bliss
depending on the level of control you’ve of it.

Archishop Vincent Nichols submits;

“The only thing that I am ambitious about is to live a good life. Full stop.”


Education / How To Make The Best Decision For Yourself. by Ayietim(m): 1:24pm On Apr 17, 2022
Few people are paid good money to make decisions on behalf of companies and on behalf of many others. This is an evidence of the crucial role decision making plays in the human existence.

The quality of life you have is a product of the quality of decisions you make for yourself. So, the better you get at making decisions for yourself, the better the quality of life you have. Now, what are the steps you should take to make the best decision for yourself every time there’s a need for one?

1. Have a clear head.

Have a clear head before you begin the process of making the best decision for yourself. Why is this important? if you really want to make the right decision, you must give your brain the permission to filter out distractions.

The head must be cleared of thoughts and worries that interfere with sound decision making.

2. What are your goals?

If you have life goals and take a decision that doesn’t align with them, you would find yourself under pressure to change it sooner rather than later. Decisions are taken and implemented to achieve goals. So you would to have to change decisions which take you away from set goals. And this change would come after time and resources have been wasted implementing a bad decision.

Therefore clearly defining your life goals would save resources, time and get the best out of every decision effort

3. Objectivity.

You must be as objective as possible every time you’re in the process of deciding the best option to pick among many. Although every personal decision is about you and what’s best for you but you should strive to go with the option that saves time, money and promises the highest possible reward. Don’t be emotional rather be scientific....

Education / How To Overcome Shame. by Ayietim(m): 4:57pm On Apr 16, 2022
Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before–more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle.” – Charles Dickens

The feeling of shame is powerful. It has stopped many from returning to make an attempt to succeed where they failed.

The reason the feeling of shame works against success is, it often arouses the fear of failing again and the likelihood of being shamed again. So naturally for many, they choose to avoid a return to where they were humbled and forgo whatever reward that may lie beyond that spot.

But one doesn’t have to surrender to the feeling of shame and lose the chance to achieve their life goals. It’s possible to overcome shame. No one is perfect and everyone once in a while, no matter how great they are, makes mistakes they’re ashamed of.

Those who overcome shame know one absolute truth. Which is, the world forgives and gives a second chance to those humble enough to ask for forgiveness and courageous enough to ask for a second chance.

It’s within your natural rights to ask for forgiveness when you wrong someone and try again when you fail because in most cases you’re going to get both.

In few cases, which you wouldn’t be forgiven or be given a second chance to make amends, the heaviness on the heart caused by the feeling of shame would be lifted. Then you would feel lighter to overcome shame faster.

Finally, find in Brené Brown words, the reason to overcome shame,

We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.

Romance / Why Can’t I Stay In A Relationship For Long? by Ayietim(m): 1:42pm On Apr 10, 2022
Have you been wondering why you can’t stay in a relationship for long? You may find the answer below.

Love is jealous, it doesn’t share its space with anything except people who’ve made up their minds to give love and ask for nothing in return. Sadly, those who can give love unconditionally and altruistically are not many anymore. The consequence of the dearth of givers of love is the prevalent of short-lived relationships.

Every human being desires to be in long relationship that has a fountain of ever flowing love, peace and happiness at the heart of it. Unfortunately, only few have access to this special and beautiful relationship.

These few are ordinary people who do only one thing right at the beginning and throughout the life of their relationships. What is that? They set out to give love, share love and not to focus primarily, on having a share in the wealth and influence of their partners.

Celebrities / Re: Nkechi Blessing & Husband Opeyemi Falegan Break Up, Spill Their Dirty Secrets by Ayietim(m): 9:17am On Apr 07, 2022
But let's be sincere for once, What exactly is happening to marriages these days
Is it because we are now in computer world that makes marriage not to last compared to the days of our parents
Pls I need clarification on this

Because many people no longer marry who they love. Many marry to share fame, money, influence and not to share love.

Love is the foundation of every successful marriage. Do you know why? Because love endures everything that challenges relationships. Love always WINs!

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Religion / Re: Why Are We Here? by Ayietim(m): 4:53pm On Apr 05, 2022

Simple: because your maker will it so. Exactly as Mr Toyoda willed the Corrolla into existence.

Religion / Why Are We Here? by Ayietim(m): 3:24pm On Apr 05, 2022
Why are we here?

The universe has kept every
plant and animal in different places,
to teach humans that
when they follow a path
that consistently fuels their passion
they cease to be friends with failure
and become inseparable from success..

Each of us is called
to serve the world
with what we have,
brought in, packaged in clenched hands;
regrettably, most of us are lost
following the few who’re focused on moving forward,
occasionally, interrupting their forward strides
only to look back and give crumbs to their followers;
it’s a world soiled and crushed
by human selfishness, that promotes ‘me’ over ‘us’.

There’s good news folks,
we’re liberated by love,
the love for self and love for all,
it’s this love that frees
out of clenched fists;
nature’s gift to humanity
and returns to the giver, peace
and a life emptied of regrets.

Celebrities / He Who Takes Offense When No Offense Is Intended Is A Fool. – Brigham Young. by Ayietim(m): 2:17pm On Apr 04, 2022
Aren’t problems of life too numerous for us to keep adding to them when we should be focusing on keeping life as hassle free as possible?

What’s the point of picking an offense where none is intended? Is it to massage the ego and prove to loved ones that we’re strong enough to protect them?

What if the aftermath of a thoughtless action fueled by pride is the destruction of what took years, hard work, tears, sweat and blood to build? And the one we take the senseless action to ‘protect’ decides to get on with their life without us, who would be there for is in our tough times?

Wouldn’t it be wiser to take no offense when an offense is either intended or not and choose to focus on the path that increases our usefulness to us and to those who look up to us?


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