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Politics / 10 Point Agenda For President Jonathan by babalobi(m): 9:27pm On May 07, 2011
Movement for Revolutionary Change (MRC) www.movementforrevolutionarychange.org 10 point agenda for the President Jonathan Goodluck 2011-2015:

By 2015, regular power supply must be available continuously for a minimum of 16 hours every day in all parts of Nigeria; and for 24 hours daily, for all Industrial locations in capital towns in Nigeria and Abuja.

By 2015, demand for Motor Premium Spirit (fuel) must be met 100% locally either through government owned refineries or private owned refineries.
By 2015, the year of the Millennium Development Goals, No Nigerian child should die of preventable disease such as Cholera, guinea worm, Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Malaria.

Between now and 2015, the President should revisit reports of all past religions, sectional and political crises , implement the recommendations and bring all culprits to book. By 2015, Nigerians of various religious shades, political believes and ethical affiliations should have imbibed the culture of tolerance and should not be drawing daggers at themselves

By 2015, closed factories and industries should roll back to Nigeria because of the existence of basic infrastructure such as roads, water supply, transport and telecommunications. Industrial concerns that have relocated to neighbouring countries should start coming back, and foreign Investors should be excited to come and set up business in Nigeria. In the same vein, queues at foreign embassies in Nigeria should have shortened as Nigerians are happy to stay in NIgeria and Nigerians in diaspora should be willing to resettle home due to better opportunities.

By 2015, Hunger must have been substantially banished in Nigeria and Nigeria should have become a net exporter of Rice and many other cash crops and fisheries.

By 2015, no Nigerian resident should be unnecessarily afraid of being kidnapped in broad daylight anywhere in Nigeria.
Between now and 2015, the construction of massive fastback railways between major cities such as Lagos, Kano, Maiduguri, Abuja, Port Harcount, Onistsha etc should be nearing completion.

By 2015, education should be made free and compulsory for the first ten years or until the age of 15, No Nigerian child should be denied educational opportunity due to lack of funds. Those willing to pursue secondary and tertiary education should have access to funds as loans or grants. Massive Adult literacy schemes should be initiated for the nomadic fulanis, almajiris and area boys

1By 2015, unemployment must become a crime in Nigeria. Every youth must be able to secure a work. Every Nigerian graduate must be able to secure a profitable employment in the private or public sector after the National Youth Service; and the Government must commit itself to paying unemployment allowance for those unable able to secure a job

Politics / Re: Two Years Remembrance Of Yar'adua by babalobi(m): 12:47pm On May 05, 2011
Adieu Yar'adua
Religion / Holiness And The Danger Of Prosperity Gospel by babalobi(m): 12:44pm On May 05, 2011
Sentimental Gospel is the type of gospel that appeals to the audience feelings and emotions. It is the type of gospel that places emphasis on physical, material, financial, and marital prosperity, but absolutely void of convicting the congregation of sin and the need for urgent repentance.
It is the type of gospel being preached by modern day pastors today. As a matter of fact, thousands of pastors have been made millionaires as a result of their focus on this aspect of gospel.
They would preach about healing, prosperity, love, having a positive mindset, casting out demons, deliverance, and so on. They would tell their congregations that God love them no matter what, they would crack jokes and everyone is made to laugh throughout entire church service. Week after week, month after month, year after year: no messages on holiness, nothing is said about God’s impending judgment on sin, no mention of the need for women to dress appropriately, no emphasis on living a life of righteousness and godliness. What a shame!

Dearly beloved, if you attend a church that doesn’t challenge you to live a holy life, then you are in the wrong church. The building might look gigantic with custom made musical instruments and equipment. The pastor might appear very loving and charismatic; the members might look friendly and caring: yet you know that something is missing. You know that the messages haven’t helped you a bit to change your sinful lifestyle. You still live and dine in adultery, sexual immorality, hatred, evil thoughts and deeds, abortions, gossiping and so on.
Yet you feel comfortable in that church because your pastor, bishop, reverend or whatever he is called never mentioned those things. Of course, how can he preach on divorce when he himself is divorce? How can he preach on adultery when he is life is ravaged with lust for other women? You need to think twice if you really want to make it to Heaven on the last day.

I am reminded of the beloved Billy Graham who preached nothing but salvation from sin. His messages cut through the hearts of thousands of people on a global scale and many have been brought to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes, when I watched some of his classic messages I breakdown in tears and have to go on my knees for deeper recommitment to God.
That’s what I am talking about. That’s the kind of pastor and evangelist you want to be affiliated with. But guess what, pastors like that are very, very difficult to find. Churches like his are very difficult to find. Now, what is the danger of sentimental gospel? What is so wrong with preaching sentimental gospel?

Is it wrong to preach about healing, prosperity, love, having a positive mindset, casting out demons, and deliverance? Absolutely not! You see, the preachers of sentimental gospel tend to put the cart before the horse. They strip out the core or the center of God ultimate requirement: Holiness. The Bible explicitly and implicitly says “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).
Think about it and provide reasonable answers to these questions. Will your financial, material, marital, and academic prosperity take you to Heaven? Will you get to Heaven because you are healed or in the healing ministry? Can you get to Heaven because you are a positive thinker? Can you get to Heaven because you are a demon caster? Will you get to Heaven because you are a deliverance minister?

Read up this article @ http://christonline./2008/06/03/holiness-and-the-danger-of-prosperity-gospel/
Visit http://christonline.info for sermons and prayer points
Religion / How Can I Live A Holy Life In The World? by babalobi(m): 1:39pm On May 04, 2011
Some Bible Facts About The World

1. There is what we call the evil world system – Galatians 1:4 “ who gave himself for our sins, that might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our father:”.
And in Ephesians 2:12, that at that time ye were without Christ being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world.” So there is this present world system that is without God there is so much deception in this world now that can even ensure believers to be part of it and this present evil world system is already judged by God.
2. The Bible talks about the elements of the world – Galatians 4:3 “Even so we, when were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:” what does it mean? We mean the elementary principle that governs the world. All these worldly principles lead to spiritual bondage and this is where we need to be very careful beloveth, so that we can know where we are and what we should be doing. We should also know that God wants us to be doing, so that we will do what God wants us to do.
3. The Bible talks about the rudiment of this world-Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiment of the world and not after Christ” (We can also read that in Galatians chapter 2 to save our time). These are the regulations on which the world structure is resting. These are different from the principles and structures from the kingdom of God.
4. The Bible talks about the tradition of men – Read the passage above. This tradition of men is rebellion against law of God.

Read up @ http://christonline./2008/07/19/how-can-i-live-a-holy-life-in-the-world/
For sermons and prayer points visit, http://christonline.info
Religion / Re: Is It True: Wearing Trouser/Pants Is Condemned In The Bible? by babalobi(m): 10:26am On May 03, 2011
As a Christian woman, you should spend more time in developing your spirit than your body. You should spend more time in building your character to be Christ like than in building an expansive ward robe.
See: http://christonline.info/blog/?p=2961
Religion / What Is The Modest Christian Dressing? by babalobi(m): 10:23am On May 03, 2011
1 Peter 3 King James Bible

1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.

3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price

Does the Bible oppose wearing of Jewelers or putting on hair stlyes? The answer is No. What the Bible teaches in all the passages that dwells on Christian clothing is modesty.

This simply means what should wear should glorify God. What you wear on your head or wrist should not beautify you and glorify God. The Bible also teaches that you should place more emphasis on your inner character than you outer dressing.

Read more @ http://christonline.info/blog/?p=2961
For sermons and prayer points visit, http://christonline.info/blog
Religion / Christian Sermon: Maximising Your Talents And Potentials by babalobi(m): 11:44am On Apr 21, 2011
Memorise: "And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey" (Matthew 25:15).

Read: Matthew 25:14-30

In this story, three servants were given talents to trade with before the return of their master. The one who got five talents invested them and got additional five. The fellow who got two talents occupied with them and got two more. But the servant who received one talent went to hide it. Let us learn a few lessons from this story. The first thing to note here is that whether five, two or one talent, nobody is born empty. There is none without a talent. You may have just one talent: there is something God has deposited on your inside. You were not born just to add to the number on earth. There is something in you that needs to find expression. God sent you on an errand with something to meet the needs of this world. May you not frustrate this heavenly mission on earth in Jesus' name. It is better one was never born than to live on earth without discovering one's purpose for coming.

At the return of their master, the servants were summoned to render accounts on the talents that were entrusted to them. Another lesson we learn here is that God will hold you accountable for whatever He has deposited in you. You will account for every talent. If God gave you an ability to sing but you refused to sing, someday you will account for it. If you have the ability to play musical instrument(s) but you feel too big to do so for the Master, you will account for it. Whatever the Lord has deposited in you which you fail to use, you will surely give a comprehensive account someday.

Read the rest of the story here, http://christonline.info/blog/?p=7254

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Religion / Should I Give My First Salary As Firstfruits Offering? by babalobi(m): 12:54pm On Apr 20, 2011
Two weeks ago, a read in a National daily in Nigeria, that there was uproar in a local church because the Pastor requested members of the congregation to pay their first salary of the year- for the month of January as first fruit offering to the Church.

Yesterday, I attended a Church service, where a similar request was made by the Presiding Pastor. He reminded all working members of the need to give their first month full salary to the Church as first fruit, and for Businesses- the profit of the first month. The Pastor reminded them that this is a Biblical injunction.

I must admit that this is the first time that I heard of Churches requesting members to give their first month Salary as first fruit. Before now the injunction in most Churches is that the first Salary of a new Job should be given as first fruit. And I am aware that most practicing Christians do this

In an earlier post, I outlined the main scriptural passages that dwell on the giving of firstfruits. For the benefit of all those that missed that posting, the scriptural passages are reproduced below:
@ http://christonline.info/blog/?p=2875
For sermons and prayer points visit http://christonline.info/blog
Religion / Trinity: Do You Know God As Your Father? by babalobi(m): 10:31am On Apr 15, 2011
In the Old Testament, there is a reaching out toward God as Father. He is spoken of as a Father in the sense of Creator. God compares Himself to a father “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him” (Psalm 103:13) (see also Isaiah 63:16; Jeremiah 3:4 and 19,
Hosea 11).

In prayer, God is addressed as Jesus Lord, Lord God Almighty, My God and the like 6:9) but not as Father. There is a dramatic change when Jesus came to earth to show us the Father.

On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus distance from prays an amazing prayer for Himself, for His
disciples, for all believers and especially for a unity among His followers that mirrors the unity in the Godhead. As you read through religious the prayer in John 17, ask yourself what it reveals of our intimate relationship with God. What does Jesus call God?

Quite simply, Jesus calls God Father. That comes six times (vs 1, 5, 11, 21, 24, 25). Jesus speaks as a mature son to his Father and his prayer shows the unity and intimacy they enjoy as he prays for the unity of all believers.

- so that they may be one as we are one (vs 11)
- that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you (vs 21)
- that they may be one as we are one. I in them and you in me (vs 23)

More article @:http://christonline./2008/06/04/trinity-do-you-know-god-as-your-father/
For sermons and prayer points visit http://christonline.info/blog/
Religion / Christian Dressing, Dress For Christians by babalobi(m): 12:05pm On Apr 14, 2011
2 Samuel 11:2-5:One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone to find out about her.

The man said, “Isn’t this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite?” Then David sent messengers to get her.

She came to him, and he slept with her. (She had purified herself from her uncleanness.) Then she went back home. The woman conceived and sent word to David, saying, “I am pregnant.”

This passage did not directly discuss the proper dress Christians should wear, but it will aid us in taking decisions on this subject.

It is obvious from this passage that King David fell into sexual sin because he saw a beautiful woman naked. In other words, if King David had not seen the unclothedness of Bathsheba when she was bathing, he would not had sent for her and slept with her.

Our physique especially facial features are therefore the most important point of attraction for the opposite sex. It is not clear whether Bathsheba knew she was likely to be seen by others while bathing, which should have aided her to protect her privacy.

Read up the story and others @
Religion / Re: The Truth About Christ Embassy Healing School by babalobi(m): 11:44am On Apr 14, 2011
It is the Lord that heals.
For sermons and prayer points for healing visit:
Religion / Re: Members Of Church Of Satan Meets Here by babalobi(m): 5:51pm On Apr 12, 2011
"Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen. That ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me" (Is 43:10).
God has called you to believe in Him and to be His witness. To what extent are you His witness? Is it by following the devil? Jesus Christ is calling you to come back to Him today.

Visit our site for Christian sermons and prayer points:
Religion / Should Christians Lust For Political Power? by babalobi(m): 5:31pm On Apr 12, 2011
TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 15:1-14, 18:5-10, 14-15, MRK 10:35-45, COLOSSIANS 3:1-17, 1JOHN2:15-17

Lust is a strong desire to have something (power, money, set etc.) which is not a need at a given time. The lust for power is an evil desire or carving to attain to positions of authority so as to manipulate, control or use people and /or resources for selfish ends or interests.
Surprisingly, Christians also lust for power even though the bible says in I John 2:16 that “the lust of the flesh (craving of sinful man) and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life (boasting of what he has and does) comes not from the Father but the world” and that we should “do nothing out strife (selfish ambition) or vainglory (conceit)”. Philp2:3
As we examine the lives of some bible characters that rose to positions of great power and authority, I pray that God will grant us the grace to overcome in this area of life in Jesus name. Amen!

1. a. Did Absalom crave for power? Why? (2 Samuel 15:4, 10)
b. what characteristic are people who lust after power most likely to have? List them.
(2 Samuel 15: 1-4, 2 Samuel 16:20-23, 17:14, 14-15)
2. a. As Christians should we desire these characteristics? Explain your answer.
b. what things should we seek after and from which source?

See more here http://christonline./2008/07/10/should-christians-lust-for-political-power/
Religion / Solutions To Poverty by babalobi(m): 2:10pm On Apr 06, 2011
King James Bible 1 John 1: 2
''Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth''.

Be modest, don’t be extravagant
Plan your income. Make a budget and adhere to it. Don’t spend your tomorrow’s budget today.
Make positive confessions. Don’t say that you a Poor man. No one is destined to be poor. Your confession should reflect where you are going not where you are now.
Buy what you need, not what is in vogue. Don’t follow the mob to do wrong. Focus on necessities.
Avoid wastes.
Be investment conscious. Save and invest in shares. There is always a rainy season and a dry season. Plan for the dry season.
Read more here: http://christonline./2008/04/09/solutions-to-poverty/
Religion / Re: Could It Really Be That A Person Can Be Born Gay? by babalobi(m): 12:31pm On Apr 06, 2011
No body is born Gay. Romans 8:1 says after you received Jesus, the condemnation over your head was taken away, and the blood of Jesus declared you innocent. The Bible said before you were born, you are already a testimony. The death of Jesus Christ has done this. So accept and believe in Him.

Read more articles and prayers on this here
Religion / How To Cope With Life Challenges by babalobi(m): 3:20pm On Apr 05, 2011
Daniel 6:10-11 Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. Then these men went as a group and found Daniel praying and asking God for help.

If you are making progress as a child of God, there is no day you will not face challenges.

Every breakthrough will move you into another challenge.

If you believe in the one you are following. You know He's ability , then you will have peace.

See more here, http://christonline.info/blog/?p=9644
Religion / Solomon: Was King Solomon Really A Wise Man Or A Foolish Man? by babalobi(m): 9:48am On Apr 05, 2011
King Solomon as a tragedy!

The life of the famed King Solomon is a paradox. He poured his love on God early in his life, but later on devoted his heart to worshipping idols. He was on talking terms with God early in his life, but he spent his adulthood in conversations with Satan. God specifically promised Solomon that he would die at a good old age, but Solomon died at the age of about 60, which by all standards is premature. His kingdom was fully established in his hands when he ascended the throne, unfortunately the twilight of his reign was characterized by intense opposition which eventually led to the balkanization of his kingdom.

But the greatest tragedy of Solomon is that though he was divinely impacted with wisdom becoming the wisest man that ever lived, this wisdom turned into foolishness as he forsook God and served idols. The concluding part of Solomon’s life was a story of avoidable sin resulting from compulsive sexual indulgence, crass materialism, unbridled idolatry, and intense hatred.

Lets us soberly meditate on the tragedy of Solomon through this tabular explanation of the paradoxes of his life here:
Religion / Re: If God Is So Forgiving And Loving Why Did He Feel It Necessary To Create Hell? by babalobi(m): 5:54pm On Apr 04, 2011
Hell is created for unrepented heart and is real. Every christian should strive to escape it.
Read more of this here http://christonline.info/blog/?p=2919
Religion / How Should A Christian Dress Up? by babalobi(m): 2:03pm On Apr 04, 2011
Read more articles at www.christonline.info


“And when Jehu was come to Jezereel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face and tied her head and looked out of the windows”. - II Kings 9 vs. 30.

“And thou shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty” -Exodus 28 vs. 2

“And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their unclothedness; from the loins even unto the thighs shall they reach” -Exodus 28 vs. 42.

How should a Christian dress up? What is the appropriate manner of dressing for Christians of both genders? Should there be a Christian dress code? These are questions that generate so much controversy and debate in and out of Christian circles, yet the questions are so difficult to answer simply because there are no clear cut scriptures concerning Christian dressing.

What is generally agreed however is that Christians should dress with modesty. But where does the line of modesty begins and ends? The three scriptures quoted above may assist us in answering this question.

The first passage taken from II Kings 9 vs. 30 portrays what is commonly described as Jezebelic dressing. Shortly after Prophet Elisha anointed Jehu King of Israel, he sought to consolidate his powers and cleanse the land of whoredoms. His first target was the Joram, the substantive king whom he slayed. The next target was Jezebel, the queen mother.

But as Jezebel heard of Jehu’s approach, she painted her eyes, adorned her head and looked down from the window with the intention of enticing and seducing her potential killer. Jehu ignored her seductive dressings and lustful glances, and ordered her to be thrown down to death.

The significance of this passage, for the purposes of this write-up, is that your dressing can be seductive and enticing. The Bible, describes Jezebel as having many witchcrafts, therefore if you dress like Jezebel – painting up your face and wearing various adornments in order to entice men then you are really under the influence of witchcraft.

“And thou shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty” – Exodus 28 vs 2.

Another passage that may guide us in deciding how we dress up as Christians is Exodus 28 vs 2.

Here, a standard was set for garments to be worn by Aaron – a priest of the Lord Almighty. This instruction is relevant to all Christians who are Priests of the Lord. According to this passage, there are three characteristics of priestly garments.

First, the garments must be Holy. Second, the garments must glorify God. Third, the garments must add to your bodily beauty. The essential points you need to note when wearing any attire, rings or adorning are that:
• Does it enhance your holiness, such that it leads people to Christ rather than leading people to commit sin?

• Does it glorify God – are people likely to admire you as a human being created by God or think you are another animal.
• Lastly, does what you wear make you beautiful in terms of cleanliness, smartness and fitting?Another passage that should guide to Christian dressing is Exodus 28 vs 42, which preaches against wearing clothes that exposes our unclothedness.

“And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their unclothedness; from the loins even unto the thighs shall they reach” -Exodus 28 vs 42.

God created man with higher intelligence than animals; therefore God does not expect us to walk around without clothing’s to cover our bodies. The instruction here is specific. Your garments, attires or clothing must cover up your unclothedness. Therefore, short dresses that exposes most parts of the body is not permissible among Christians.

Read the rest of the article here
Religion / Re: Obama's Unbiblical Declaration by babalobi(m): 1:56pm On Apr 04, 2011
Read our past articles on Obama's Christian views

Obama and Gays, Is Obama a good Christian?

Prayers for Obama, Payers for America
Religion / Audio Sermon: I Shall Not Die But Live! by babalobi(m): 12:22pm On Feb 17, 2011
God has a responsibility and covenant to protect you any where you go.

Read 2 Samuel 8 vs 6 and 14

Listen to this  Audio sermon to learn the secret of divine protection. Listen   http://christonline.info/blog/?p=9485

Listen to other audio sermons here    http://christonline.info/podcasts.html
Autos / Re: Mitsubishi Outlander Jeep 2006 N2m by babalobi(m): 9:34am On Dec 11, 2010
Sorry, sold for 1.9m two months ago
Autos / Re: Toyota Sienna Xle 1999 1.3m by babalobi(m): 11:24pm On Sep 08, 2010
Lets talk on phone pls
Autos / Re: Mitsubishi Outlander Jeep 2006 N2m by babalobi(m): 10:27am On Sep 06, 2010
Mitsubishi Outlander, tks
Autos / Re: Toyota Sienna Xle 1999 1.3m by babalobi(m): 10:23am On Sep 06, 2010
The Price is disclosed in the heading- 1.3m
Autos / Toyota Sienna Xle 1999 1.3m by babalobi(m): 10:32pm On Sep 05, 2010
Light grey
Power side mirror
Power door
Power seats
59,000 mileage
Rugged Leather seats
Lagos cleared
Price 1.3m

Serious buyers should call 08167351005 or email: babalobi@gmail.com

Autos / Mitsubishi Outlander Jeep 2006 N2m by babalobi(m): 10:12pm On Sep 05, 2010
Remote Starting
52,000 mileage
Dark Ash colour
Shipped from Canada
Tin can cleared
Available for inspection in Lagos
Price 2m

Serious buyers should call 08167351005 or email: babalobi@gmail.com

Jobs/Vacancies / Research Assistants- Short Term Vacancy In Anambra State by babalobi(m): 2:22pm On Oct 31, 2009
Our NGO is implementing a project in Anambra state and has a short term vacancy for Research Assistants for a month duration, starting November 2, 2009.

The Research Assistants will be required to administer questionnaires in the following towns in Anambra state -Achala, Awka, Neni, Ukpo, Agulu, Obosi, Oba, Onitsha town, Atani,, Iteje, Omor, Aguleri, Usugbe, Umunze , Oko, Ekwualobi, Okija, lhiala, Oraifite , Nnewi, and Amichi

Interested applicants who should be resident in any of the stated towns, and willing to commence work immediately should send a short bio to: blfnigeria@yahoo.com
Jobs/Vacancies / Survey Assistants- Short Term Vacancy In Anambra State by babalobi(m): 6:19pm On Oct 24, 2009
Our NGO is implementing a project in Anambra state and has a short term vacancy for Survey Assistants [/b]for a month duration, starting November 2, 2009.

The Survey Assistants will be required to administer questionnaires in the following towns in Anambra state -Achala, Awka, Neni, Ukpo, Agulu, Obosi, Oba, Onitsha town, Atani,, Iteje, Omor, Aguleri, Usugbe, Umunze , Oko, Ekwualobi, Okija, lhiala, Oraifite , Nnewi, and Amichi

Interested applicants who should be resident in any of the stated towns, and willing to commence work immediately should send a [b]short
bio to: blfnigeria@yahoo.com
Politics / Re: Bayo Ohu, The Guardian's Reporter, Murdered by babalobi(m): 3:58pm On Sep 28, 2009
The Publicity Secretary of the Afenifere Renewal Group, Mr.Yinka Odumakin wants the Comptroller-General of the Nigerian Customs Service, Alhaji Abdullahi Inde Dikko, investigated over likely complicity in the murder of Nigerian Journalist-Bayo Ohu

Politics / I Will Come To Nigeria Very Soon, Obama Promises by babalobi(m): 6:50am On Jul 17, 2009
Nigeria’s foreign Minister, Chief Ojo Maduekwe yesterday claimed that he has received a pledge from President Barack Obama that he will visit Nigeria ‘very very soon’

Literature / Nigerian Wins Caine Prize For African Writing by babalobi(m): 5:35pm On Jul 07, 2009
Nigerians in Nigeria and in diaspora, continue to excel in various endeavours through solo efforts, bringing accolades to the beleaguered country. This is in sharp contrast to the failure of public leadership and governance at home.

The latest distinguished Nigerian is no other person than E C Osondu, who last night won the £10,000 2009 Caine Prize for African Writing, the 10th year of the prize.

His story, “Waiting”, from the October 2008 issue of Guernicamag.com, was pronounced “powerfully written with not an ounce of fat on it—and deeply moving” by chair of judges, New Statesman chief sub-editor Nana Yaa Mensah at the awards ceremony held at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, United Kingdom, yesterday

Read the story at: http://assemblyonline.info/?p=1427

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