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Programming / Re: Upcoming Bloggers Come In by babyvoice1990(m): 3:54pm On Feb 23, 2017
Done added
Programming / Re: Upcoming Bloggers Come In by babyvoice1990(m): 7:27pm On Feb 22, 2017


Added you
Programming / Re: Upcoming Bloggers Come In by babyvoice1990(m): 8:04am On Feb 22, 2017
This is me signing up!

Drop your whatsapp number
Programming / Upcoming Bloggers Come In by babyvoice1990(m): 6:50am On Feb 22, 2017
This is for upcoming bloggers who need to connect with other bloggers for assistance. it's completely free. We discus and solve problems. If you are interested, drop your whatsapp number and I will add you to the group. . Remember this group is for bloggers only. So you are expected to have an active blog....
Webmasters / Re: Bloggers Connect by babyvoice1990(m): 11:28am On Feb 20, 2017

You have been added wink
Webmasters / Re: Bloggers Connect by babyvoice1990(m): 10:06am On Feb 20, 2017

Will be added shortly
Webmasters / Re: Bloggers Connect by babyvoice1990(m): 9:34am On Feb 20, 2017
will be added shortly cool
Webmasters / Re: Bloggers Connect by babyvoice1990(m): 8:22am On Feb 20, 2017
You could also click https:///JOCbK7beyXD8STkX52Rujq to get added automatically
Webmasters / Bloggers Connect by babyvoice1990(m): 6:48am On Feb 20, 2017
winkThis is for upcoming bloggers who need to connect with other bloggers for assistance. it's completely free. We discus and solve problems. If you are interested, drop your whatsapp number and I will add you to the group. . Remember this group is for bloggers only. So you are expected to have an active blog....

Start to drop whatsapp numbers.. .. Bloggers only! cool
Properties / Sale Of Family Land In Nigeria (2) by babyvoice1990(m): 5:10pm On Dec 03, 2016
In my last article (sales of family land in Nigeria), I made it clear that alienation of title to a family land without the consent of the family head will make such transfer of title null and void and of no effect. But did you wonder what would happen if the family head transfers or alienate title of a family land to another without the consent of the principal members of the family?

Sales of family land by the family head without the consent of the principal members of.... Continue reading: http://www.ibejulekkilawyer.com/sale-of-family-land-in-nigeria-2/
Properties / Property Owners And Developers: This Happens After 99 Years Of The Grant Of Cert by babyvoice1990(m): 5:01pm On Dec 03, 2016
I sincerely and passionately invite legal minds to contribute to this subject matter. ‘God forbid that I alone know it all’

I am aware that property owners within Eti-Osa and Ibeju Lekki local government of Lagos State, even other parts of Lagos are in serious dispute with developers of the estate where their properties are situated. Some others have approached the... Continue reading http://www.ibejulekkilawyer.com/property-owners-and-developers-what-happens-after-the-99-years-of-the-grant-of-certificate-of-occupancy/
Properties / MISPLACED PROPERTY DOCUMENTS? This What To Do by babyvoice1990(m): 4:23pm On Dec 02, 2016
Misplace of document is not a very uncommon issue these days. Either due to the carelessness of the holder or neglect of the banker, documents are found missing. Having your original property documents has practical and legal reasons. You need the document to show evidence of ownership because this would be necessary if you are selling or refinancing your house or property, or transferring the title for estate-planning purposes... Continue reading: http://www.ibejulekkilawyer.com/misplaced-property-documents-what-to-do/
Properties / What You Need To Know About Women’s Right To Inheritance by babyvoice1990(m): 11:15am On Dec 02, 2016
In Nigeria, female child and widows rights to inherit their father/ husband’s property in most tribes and cultures are somewhat similar. Generally in the inheritance system, female child or widows are usually excluded or limited to inherit their father/ husband’s property. This principles or custom has raised arguments, debates on equality and discrimination of the female gender. However, some of this principles and customs have been changed or amended by the court of justice as we shall see below.
Properties / CONTACT US For Instant Land Verification Service by babyvoice1990(m): 11:09am On Dec 02, 2016
These are the services we render at Ibeju Lekki Lawyer;

Online platform where salient issues bordering on land acquisition, transfer of ownership in title, lease/To-let properties, recovery of stolen properties, and or encroachment by Omo-niles.

Property law series. (Articles)

Land verification services that will help investors to detect genuineness of land particularly properties within the New Lagos: Ibeju-Lekki, Eti-Osa, Lekki Scheme 1 & 2

+234 8034869295

+234 8020550410


Properties / What Do You Know About Trustees And Beneficiaries? by babyvoice1990(m): 1:35pm On Dec 01, 2016
Many questions have been asked as to who or what a trustee or beneficiary is, why they are appointed, and the roles they play in a trust relationship. Before we can understand what a trustee and beneficiary relationship means, we need to first know what a Trust relationship is.... Continue reading: http://www.ibejulekkilawyer.com/what-do-you-know-about-trustees-and-beneficiaries/
Properties / Secrets Of Making Money By Investing In A Vacant Land (part1). by babyvoice1990(m): 1:20pm On Dec 01, 2016
In my own view, the most important resources in the world from time in memorial is Land. It is the foundation of everything in the world and without it, man cannot exist. The mineral resources, the water, our transportation, the houses and factories we build, all depend on land. Therefore it is safe to say that land is the most valuable and economical asset all over the world... Continue reading:http://www.ibejulekkilawyer.com/secrets-of-making-money-by-investing-in-a-vacant-land-part1/
Properties / Pitfall To Avoid When Buying A Land by babyvoice1990(m): 1:49pm On Nov 30, 2016
Land is the basis of real estate investment and buying, keeping and selling vacant land is one of the most profitable investments that you can make. If your location is right and you buy at the right price getting a hundred per cent return on your investment within five to seven years is not unusual. However, there are pitfalls to avoid and challenges that you may face in your bid to make profit through this investment medium.... Continue reading: http://www.ibejulekkilawyer.com/pitfall-to-avoid-when-buying-a-land/
Properties / Before You Get Duped!!!: “omo-onile” Saga!!! by babyvoice1990(m): 1:40pm On Nov 30, 2016
In Lagos Nigeria, 80 percent of fraudulent acts in property and real estate businesses are perpetrated by land grabbers popularly known as omo-oniles. These land grabbers have defrauded, caused pain and problem to innocent people who wants to be land owners. It is funny that people still fall victim of these omo-oniles even after the Lagos state government has set up a task force to... Continue reading: http://www.ibejulekkilawyer.com/before-you-get-duped-omo-onile-saga/
Properties / What No One Will Tell You About Owning A Land by babyvoice1990(m): 5:29pm On Nov 28, 2016
There are some fundamental facts that individuals neglect to incorporate or are uninformed of when clarifying the procedures or things to pay special mind to when procuring a landed property. There are various documents to be considered for a proper land title registration, these are; Deed of assignment, certificate of occupancy and survey plan

In respect to land survey plan, a legal survey plan is a specific guide to a landed property made by.. Continue reading: http://www.ibejulekkilawyer.com/what-no-one-will-tell-you-about-owning-a-land/
Properties / Re: Rights Of Landlords And Tenants In Nigeria (part 1) by babyvoice1990(m): 12:07pm On Nov 28, 2016

What after the landlord have collected agreement fee from the tenant and refuse to enter any agreement with the tenant.

If the landlord has collected the rent and agreement fee and refused to enter any agreement with the tenant, that would be a breach of contract on the landlord's part. Please contact your lawyer. You can send us a personal email (ibejulekkilawyer@gmail.com) or call 08034869295 for further assistance.
Properties / Re: Documents To Ask For When Buying Land Anywhere In Nigeria by babyvoice1990(m): 10:47am On Nov 28, 2016

Please I will like to ask this question.
Can one buy a land from a lawyer who had a documented MOU signed by the family mandating him to do layout and survey plan on their behalf while he takes 1 plot from every acre he works on.

The thing is that the lawyer has ask us to pay but layout and survey is still in process.
What documents will I request from him.
Do I still need to inform the family about it.

In land investment, there are different types of investment. Some the document are already processed and there are good and perfect title to the land while the other the title are still under processing . This second type is very risk to invest in but if you get it right, highly profitable. There are instances where a lawyer is mandated by a family to finance the perimeter survey and layout in turn to receive one plot in one acre. this perimeter survey layout is not in anyway title to land and can not give you ownership to a land. my advice would be to conduct a 100 percent due diligent via your solicitor. This is the service we render at ibejulekkilawyer.com http://www.ibejulekkilawyer.com/about-us/. You can send us a personal email (ibejulekkilawyer.com) or call 08034869295 for more assistance.

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