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Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:59pm On Sep 16

No! John didn't say we KNOW ALL THINGS.

If not provide where John claimed such.

But John recorded and part of Jesus Apostles who ACKNOWLEDGED Jesus as ALL KNOWING.

1John 2:20
And ye have an anointing from the Holy One, and ye know all things.
John said we know all things

This is why I ask : What does only the Father know indicate ?
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:57pm On Sep 16


Do you agree?


So someone that's not ALMIGHTY GOD cannot know all things ?

I've done that several times go back and read from it.

Like I said, when you jump into this thread with your ranting, one will think you have something tangible to add but only to start going in circle like your deluded colleagues.

What does " Only the Father knows " mean ?
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:47pm On Sep 16


This single statement is the reason you said the blessed Apostles word are JUST FALLIBLE MEN WORD.

Don't forget!
We know all things too, so this rant hold no water buddy

Explain this first " Only the Father knows" ?
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:46pm On Sep 16

Not that I agree with Watchtower as MANY TRANSLATIONS before the coming of NWT and after the coming of NWT did translate it to express the true meaning.

I only brought NWT in because I know you hold no other translation above your NWT.

So, denying your NWT and using other translations is hypocrisy on its own.

So, stop the lie Mr lying liar.

You didn't agree with Watchtower, So did John said we know all things or not ?
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:40pm On Sep 16

They NEVER MADE MISTAKE and you know the implication that was the reason you want to count it as MISTAKE.

Also, thise statements were in the VERY PRESENCE of Jesus Christ which Jesus ACKNOWLEDGED THEM, if it was a MISTAKE Jesus is the one in the right place to CORRECT THEM.

Now you after years of Jesus ENDORSEMENT.

That is why I'm telling you that, your submission was TOTALLY WRONG.

because of:
1. The disciples in whom Jesus made that statement later ACKNOWLEDGED Jesus AS ALL KNOWING.

2. Jesus who made that statement was around when the disciples ACKNOWLEDGED His INFINITE KNOWLEDGE OF ALL THINGS yet He didn't correct them but ENDORSED THWIR BELIEVE.

So, it you who has never been in disciples shoe and I've said it before that you are the one who don't understand Jesus not that the disciples made any MISTAKE AS YOU CLAIMED.

Floww23 said you dumb, don't tell me it's true

" only the Father "

Explain this statement ?
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:39pm On Sep 16

See another broad day lie.

I provided WATCHTOWER TRANSLATION which is the TRANSLATION YOU PUT YOUR FAITH ON to show you that what that verse means is not ALL KNOWING as in INFINITE UNDERSTANDING OF THINGS.

It was your deluded colleague who was using KJV which he never even TRUST in the first place to proof it was ALL THINGS.

I never thought it was a mistake because I'm not someone like you who deny God's word.

But here is the implication, it was YOUR OWN ORGANIZATION WHO YOU AGREED TO BE JESUS MOUTHPIECE THAT SAYS the understanding of that verse is not ALL KNOWING but in the car of Jesus where disciples acknowledged Jesus as ALL KNOWING no where one was translated as mere knowledge.

Come with another lie.

Do you now agree with Watchtower that all things doesn't mean all things ? Because I don't understand this rant grin
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:38pm On Sep 16

You didn't answer my question.

Why did you say it CONTRADICT Jesus?

It is the truth not ALL KNOWING as in case of Jesus.

That is why no translation ever translated John 16:30 and John 21:17 as they way 1 john 2:20 was translated.

Stop lying

You this shameless liar.

Eeyah so you are agreeing with them that John is mistaken to say all things ? Because it surely appear in the text!
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:23pm On Sep 16
he didn't see everything wrong in that statement small time now Muslim on nairaland forum will see this.

They will say christian are being mad

You have just one assignment: point what is wrong in his analysis? He backed his reasoning with Matthew 23:46, unless you lots mean that statement of Jesus is FALSE. That guy is on point as long as Matthew 23:46 is True
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:20pm On Sep 16

Now, you agreed that the Apostles did.

Why did you called it a word of FALLIBLE MEN?

Why did you say it CONTRADICT Jesus statement.

Why did you support your deluded colleague that it was A MISTAKE?

@Bold, Did Jesus not say only the Father knows the day and hour ? Why didn't others claimed to know all things also know the day and hour ?


You see why you people are so shameless and always displaying your HATRED TOWARDS THE TRUTH.

Not all truth, point of correction. He said we know all things. Is he mistaken?
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:13pm On Sep 16

Don't allow him to deviate, that is there tactics after their lying mouth got exposed.

He didn't only endorsed what his fellow colleague said but him also made similar CLAIM which shows they HATE ANYTHING ABOUT JESUS

Below in the screenshot are his own words.

Notice how he keeps repeating the word FALLIBLE MAN and HOW THEY CONTRADICTED JESUS.

So they know exactly what they are up to.

If John said we Christian know all things ND you have the audacity to claim it means just knowledge of truth. It means you also agree he is mistaken. If you believe he is saying the truth, admit it that we know all things.
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:12pm On Sep 16
so for you nothing he said is wrong

Point what is wrong?

Did Jesus himself ever open his mouth and said he knows all things? No, his apostles did. Same apostles said We Christians know all things.
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:07pm On Sep 16

Now, grasping straw man after his lying mouth has been exposed.


This thread will continue to be a testament on how you people HATE JESUS CHRIST.

The person who hated Jesus Christ is the one who said he lied when he said only the Father knows all things.
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:05pm On Sep 16
is it not your fellow JW that said this?

Tell me what exactly is wrong in his statement if Only the Father know all things ?
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:53pm On Sep 16
so there is nothing wrong with the screenshot ok the bible is contradicted

Only the Father knows the day and hour , if Christians or Jesus is said to know all things , it's either they are the Father or their knowledge is limited.
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:50pm On Sep 16

Lying liar!

You know the meaning of KNOWING ALL THINGS and the implication of using such word for Jesus Christ.

Reason why you and your deluded fellow said the disciples MADE MISTAKE.

The MISTAKE they made HERE is using such WORD FOR JESUS.

Now, you want to turn around and be claiming nonsense.


Emusan We also know all things, the same implication apply to us. grin
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:03pm On Sep 16
Jesus!!! ,na who right that screen shot below ? Na mistake?

There's nothing wrong with the screenshot, anyone who doesn't know the day and hour doesn't know all things. If peradventure such is said , it not absolute.
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:02pm On Sep 16

When lie got exposed.
The same deluded person, you agreed with that the Apostles made mistake for saying Jesus knows ALL THINGS.

Now, 1 John 2:20 a mistake to you because it's not ABOUT JESUS CHRIST.

Which reinforced people point you guys hate anything Jesus but just deceiving yourself of FOLLOWING THE SAME JESUS.

Since Matthew 24:36 is irrelevant now, Emusan I hope you agree We know all things as written in 1John 2:20 ?

Whatever your conclusion is.

At leat you couldn't counter the fact that 'ONLY A PERSON can know THOUGHT'.

And you admit it means that Spirit person was transferred to an Earthly womb from Above like Jesus Christ? grin
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 1:24pm On Sep 16

FRAUDSTER everywhere.

The same you and your deluded ones are the one who first claimed the Apostles were WRONG and made MISTAKE but all of a sudden you revert back to ANYBODY CAN BE SAID TO NO ALL THINGS.

if your brain is not paining you, you should to KNOW ALL THINGS means ETERNAL KNOWLEDGE which is ONLY ATTRIBUTE OF GOD ALMIGHTY.

And the reason why you deluded people wanted to shift the blaim on the Apostles.

Shameless lying liar people.

Barristter07 don educate you with 1John 2:20. Deal with it. ShebiMatthew 24:36 isnt relevant, We know all things Buddy grin


So, where was the spirit before God gave it?

You can't DENY that the spirit God gave returned to God at death.


The challenge you people have been running away from since.

Thanks you for the Bold now, That means this Spirit person was transferred by God from heaven to an Earthly womb Shey? grin grin grin
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:02pm On Sep 15

And the person was Transported to womb on Earth?

grin grin grin grin Guyyyyy
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:59pm On Sep 15

Point out where I said Jesus lied.
False accusation!



Just as the truth you're afraid of is staring at you in John 16:30, 21:17


See delusion, when you people can't even comprehend simple thing then you want to be taken serious.

Anybody can be said to know all things, the evidence is all over this thread .

The bone of contention is that Concerning the day and hour , only a single person know the day and hour. Matt 24:36

The SPIRIT OF HUMAN IS A PERSON that has been my point.

My challenge has been, you proof how INANIMATE OBJECT can have ABILITY TO KNOW THOUGHT, which you people are running around like headless chicken with since.
Persons have abode

Spirit persons live In heaven and God transfer this person to earth like Jesus Christ? In your bid to defend a lie , you are making Jesus pre existence a Joke. So it's a General thing to everyone ? Emusan brain dey pain you o grin grin
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:22pm On Sep 15

If that is the definition of a person to you then you're don't understand what you want to discuss with me.

Go and study more about that, after you fully understand it then you can join the discussion.

@color part, I never say anything about HUMAN preexistence.

Who and you, is discussing that?

Floww23 no leave his neck , e wan run grin grin

So the spirit that God gave is no longer person ?
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:18pm On Sep 15

Scripturally, Jesus knows ALL THINGS
The main point is, Jesus apostles in whom Jesus made that statement in their presence later CONFESS that Jesus KNOWS ALL THINGS not just a mere statement but also in the PRESENCE of Jesus who made the earlier statement and Jesus ENDORSED THEIR BELIEVE.

Do you know why you and your deluded people have been trying to claim the APOSTLES MADE MISTAKES and WRONG?

That was because your saw the truth steering you face to face and you don't have any other option than to deny it.

Jesus is not the Father , Jesus said only the Father know the day and hour. Who are you to say Jesus lie ?

God's says Holy spirit knows THE MIND OF GOD AND THE THOUGHT OF GOD.

The Father alone knows the day and hour, Holy spirit don become the Father now ?

Till know you people have not proved to me how inanimate object can have the ABILITY TO KNOW ONE'S THOUGHT.

No wonder you people have shouting PERSONIFICATION since because you're so afraid of the truth.

The truth you are afraid of is staring at you at Matthew 24:36

God gave the spirit and Returned to God who gave.

God gave every human on earth SPIRIT, so every SPIRIT existed WITH GOD BEFORE HUMAN WERE BORN.

The fact is human spirit is a person because HE HAS ABILITY TO KNOW ONE'S THOUGHT.

Proof me wrong on this first.

This challenge is going more than 2 pages now.

In your bid to prove a lie , you arrive at Prehuman existence like Jesus Christ , Oshey. No wonder Dem call you Mormon grin grin

If you are correct , Jesus lied when he said he alone came from above. Na everybody come from above, them just transfer us inside our Mothers womb . Brain is paining you Emusan
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 6:02pm On Sep 14

We are spirit person's from ABOVE , Yes ?

Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 6:01pm On Sep 14

Of course, you're the one arguing.

My point based on scriptural evidences are:


2. The Holy spirit knows the mind of God and the THOUGHT of God.

But as far as the day and hour is concerned, scripturally , Only the Father knows.

This is the main point . Jesus don't know, holy spirit doesn't know, Whatever make the holy spirit know means Two persons are knowing which is a Lie. Except of course holy spirit is not a person.

God gave the SPIRIT and the Spirit RETURNED to God after death.

Good! You can only Return to where you came from. And God is in heaven.

If it's a spirit person, Emusan do you admit this means we existed as persons in heaven before birth?

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Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:30pm On Sep 14

Yes! I believe that STATEMENT just as the Disciples of Jesus did.

If you believe that statement , Case closed. Nobody else know the day and hour.

The spirit PERSON is from God and was GIVEN BY GOD.

Defend your gullibility to the end : The Spirit person of each individual existed before the human birth?


Since you already removed the delusion of PERSONIFICATION from your head, then take scripture for its word.

The scripture says Human spirit HAS THE ABILITY TO KNOW THOUGHT which means the spirit is a PERSON.

If you disagree without your delusion of PERSONIFICATION, first proof how INANIMATE OBJECT CAN KNOW THOUGHT.


Defend your gullibility above and we would see if there is personification or not.
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 1:45pm On Sep 14

I've already discussed this multiple times you just want to be dragging me back.

Chill, the statement said " only"
Let me repeat it again

" ONLY "

According to the dictionary, Only when used in a sentence means THERE ARE NO OTHERS in that class.

So Jesus said ONLY the Father knows, ( which automatically means Jesus don't know and holy spirit don't know );

Do you Emusan believe this statement that Only the Father knows ? Yes or No!

Good let the scripture speaks for itself.

So, you can see that without PERSONIFICATION delusion, the scripture is talking about PERSON.

No INANIMATE OBJECT has the ability to know THOUGHT only a person does.

God gave human SPIRIT and that is why the scripture is very correct that the same SPIRIT RETURNED TO WHO GAVE IT.

You decide where God is.


The spirit return to God

God dwell in heaven.

Spirit return to where it came from.

Implication: The spirit person lives in heaven before he was given .

The question arises: So this person's exist in heaven before their birth? Adam existed in heaven before he was created ?
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 3:21pm On Sep 13

That is why you people have been calling Jesus and His apostles a liar.

The fact is, the disciples in whom Jesus made that statement in their presence knows more than you and that is why God used them because THEY ARE TRUSTWORTHY not a liar.

Jesus said only the Father know the day and hour , do you believe this ?

My focus is @color....

When you're okay, let me know.

For now you have not answer my question.

Can INANIMATE OBJECT have the ability to know THOUGHT?

Remove the PERSONIFICATION first so that you will see road and be okay then the discussion can continue cheesy cheesy grin cheesy grin

Okay I remove the personification, you are agreeing people are in heaven before they are born ? Ecc 12:7, Cos spirit of man can't return to to a place it hasn't been before.
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:56pm On Sep 13

So in your hiding place, you didn't read that and you jumped into what you don't know shocked shocked


How far can you people go just to make God and His word a liar?

There only exist a contradiction of such opinion not endorsement, Show this thread where Jesus open his mouth to claim he knows all things ? None exist

Do you agree that INANIMATE OBJECT can't KNOW THOUGHT.

See diversion tactics cheesy grin cheesy grin grin cheesy grin

Inanimate object can know thoughts , can cry, can clap, can express Joy when personified.

If it's not personified - You agree people exist in heaven before birth. Which is false

If it's not personified - You agree thoughts of men don't perish at death, another False
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:42pm On Sep 13

Let me repeat to your dull ears again

Jesus made that statement in the presence of His disciples and the same disciples BELIEVED JESUS KNOWS ALL THINGS

Where your Antichrist doctrine failed is that Jesus ENDORSED their BELIEVE.

Definitely it's you have problem to understand Jesus not His disciples which scripture confirmed that Jesus KNOWS ALL THINGS.

Do you know how many diversion you people have created on this simple scriptural fact?

Where is the endorsement?

Nowhere Jesus ever open his mouth and contradict himself at Matthew 23:46. Keep peddling the opinion of fallible men

When you see the @color then know the know the TRUTH but decided to change it.


It doesn't even have a thought, Barristter07 has emphasize this

The Body was from the ground and retuned to ground the spirit if from God and RETUNED TO GOD.

Or you won't to deny that the spirit didn't RETURN TO GOD?

God is in heaven. To return means it has been in heaven prior, Do you accept that people exist in heaven before their birth on earth ?
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:28pm On Sep 13

The scripture clearly said Jesus KNOWS ALL THINGS

Was that opinion of a FALLIBLE MAN?

The fact that you people trying to spin this to mean the Apostles were WRONG and lair shows how desperate you people are to make God a liar.

Any statement that contradict the words of a Perfect Jesus that wasn't born into sin is from a Fallible person.

Jesus said He doesn't know the day and hour, is it Jesus that's lying?

My challenge is very simple:

NO INANIMATE OBJECT have the ability to know THOUGHT.

Untill you can proof this to be FALSE, stop taking us back to already done and dusted points.

Since I've thrown this challenge, you people keep turning your blind eyes away.

Can't you proof me wrong?

Nobody asked you stories Mr storyteller

Nobody turn a blind eye, the answer is that a force was personified.
The consequence of saying otherwise is to admit people exist in heaven before their birth

Can you return to where you haven't been? Is English this hard ?

Just admit peope exist in heaven before Dey are born if you want to peddle this fabrication
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:24pm On Sep 13

grin grin grin then He lied. He said only the Father knows when they are two that knows

"Return to God"

This statement above is the proof that what God gave man isn't a person but a force . Do we exist as persons in heaven before birth and needed to return ? Or it's just a reference to breath of life ?

Before u can be said to return to a place, you already been there. Cc: Captivator


You can't return to where you haven't been. This person must have existed in heaven before man was created . Adam exist before Adam. Silly
Religion / Re: JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 by CAPTIVATOR: 2:00pm On Sep 13

That is why already dusted.

The son doesn't know , verified and documented statement from The son himself , anything that contradict this is an opinion of a Fallible man.

I repeat NO INANIMATE OBJECT have the ability to know THOUGHT.

Untill you can proof this to be FALSE, stop taking us back to already done and dusted points.

That is why I asked : Since the spirit of man is a person that return to Heaven, Do you accept it means we existed in heaven before birth? Very simple question

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