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Family / Re: My Wife And Mother Hate Each Other by Daughterboard(m): 2:27pm On Jan 18, 2020
If a serious issue involves my mother and my wife and it could be resolved amicably. Then I would stick with my mother. The law of God says we should honor our fathers and my mothers. In my own opinion, my parents come first and are not expendable.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Inmate Escaped U.S. Prison In 1979, Recaptured On New Year's Eve by Daughterboard(m): 4:49pm On Jan 03, 2020

The system Is working but that guy beat the system.

If he didn't get into crime again, he would never ever have been found.

Since 1979, and they are just busting him now. Imagine how many more that are out that haven't been found

He attempted to beat the system!
Romance / Re: My Wife Is Emasculating Me by Daughterboard(m): 11:57am On Jan 01, 2020
Continue the hustle and be faithful to your family.

Remember that no condition is permanent. This is a test of life.

Please do not be bitter in your heart so as not to fail the test and lose the final reward of your steadfastness.

Watch and pray and it shall be well with you.

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Romance / Re: My Girlfriend Family Rejects Me Because I'm Disabled by Daughterboard(m): 7:24pm On Dec 31, 2019
Let the rich get married to the rich
let the poor get married to the poor
and let the disable get married to the disable...

Stigmatization has been part of humanity since God knows when.

The world will never accept your indifferences, no matter how hard you'll try.
You have to realize this else you'll constantly hurt yourself.

We live in a world where by:
Graduates believe they're of more important than non graduate.

Uni grad believe they're of more important than Poly grad.

Rich believe they're of more important than the poor.

The whites believe they're better than the blacks

The tall believe they have more advantages of getting laid than the shorts.

The fair skin believe they're more attractive than the brown skin.

The long dîcks believe they can please women than the short dîcks.

let me stop here, conclusion is we live in a fück up world.
I realized this long ago and I've stop giving a fück about people.

If they denied you their daughter, look else where... women ain't gold, they're everywhere like MTN network.

You can't never be accepted by all

True talk!
Romance / Re: Guys, What Were The Things You Did To Impress A Girl? by Daughterboard(m): 10:11am On Dec 31, 2019
I can't remember any dull moment in my life. I have always love to associate with girls right from my primary school days. I had a lot of adventures. Ladies love to take care of me and do things for me.

My motto was 'always do it to them before they do it to you'
Health / Re: Lump In The Chest- Graphics Pix Attached by Daughterboard(m): 8:09pm On Dec 17, 2019

If it is not cancerous then why is he scared of surgery? The afflicted endures more pain in trauma, the dead would wish for a moment of pain and a lifetime of health.
Let him think twice

I'll be scared too.
Health / Re: Lump In The Chest- Graphics Pix Attached by Daughterboard(m): 8:07pm On Dec 17, 2019
Please Medical personnel in the house, I will need your help. A friend has this lump in the chest close to the neck, he has gone for different test. He was later asked to do CT scan which he did and they said it is Tumor.

The issue now is the guy is so scared of going for the operation, I want to know first the likely cost of such operations, any side effect, any alternative to the operations. Any suggestion is welcomed.

Pls don't tell me that this is not hospital, we have exhausted our knowledge that's why I'm asking for suggestions from people that might have seen such cases and how it was handled.

Please I need your help on this.

Omo mehn! This is serious. I can't imagine the discomfort. I sincerely pray for divine solutions for your friend.
Health / Re: How Do I Get Rid Of This Growth On My Back? by Daughterboard(m): 3:38pm On Dec 17, 2019
This has been on my back since last year. Its not painful but its disfiguring. I can't pull my shirt in public without feeling embarrassed.
I have applied many creams and ointments but non worked.

You need to see a qualified doctor ASAP.

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