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Business / Re: Dear Company/ Business Owners by Debellacreation: 9:04am On Mar 28, 2022
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."

----Napoleon Hill

Good morning and happy new week business owners!!!
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 9:01am On Mar 28, 2022
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."

-----Napoleon Hill

Good morning everyone
Literature/Writing Ads / Re: Bade Brokenness Goodbye by Debellacreation: 5:10pm On Mar 27, 2022
send it to toyinadeleke007@gmail.com


If you need a copy too, just drop your email address and I will contact you.

You can get your own copy at a discounted price.
Literature/Writing Ads / Bade Brokenness Goodbye by Debellacreation: 5:40pm On Mar 25, 2022
When I started bag making in 2015, I was very limited in the things that I knew. Why?

I couldn't afford the training fee that most bag makers were charging at the time. But I really wanted to learn it.

I loved bags, but I couldn't afford to buy as many as I wanted. That was my initial motivation for learning bag making. My plan was to learn it and then make as many bags for myself as possible.

I must tell you, I really struggled, it was difficult. Until one day someone decided to teach me the basics out of pity. I have been doing bag making ever since and I have not regretted it for a day in my life.

Last year, I made over a million from bag making and I will make even more this year. So if you have been looking to learn a new skill or you are interested in learning bag making, keep reading.

Early this year, I was thinking of how I can share my knowledge with others without meeting them physically. Something that would last for a long time. So I decided to write a series of ebooks on bag making to make it easier for bag makers to be and people interested in the craft to learn quickly and Start making money from it.

This series will teach you how to make bags with little or no supervision.

Volume 1 is a step by step guide to making a leather tote bag. It is written in simple language and easy to follow.

Because of the economic situation, I am giving it out at a token.

If you need this book, just send "i need the book" to my mail.

It's time to say bye to being broke.

1 Like 1 Share

Fashion / Make Over 100k Monthly With This Skill by Debellacreation: 4:46pm On Mar 25, 2022
When I started bag making in 2015, I was very limited in the things that I knew. Why?

I couldn't afford the training fee that most bag makers were charging at the time. But I really wanted to learn it.

I loved bags, but I couldn't afford to buy as many as I wanted. That was my initial motivation for learning bag making. My plan was to learn it and then make as many bags for myself as possible.

I must tell you, I really struggled, it was difficult. Until one day someone decided to teach me the basics out of pity. I have been doing bag making ever since and I have not regretted it for a day in my life.

Last year, I made over a million from bag making and I will make even more this year. So if you have been looking to learn a new skill or you are interested in learning bag making, keep reading.

Early this year, I was thinking of how I can share my knowledge with others without meeting them physically. Something that would last for a long time. So I decided to write a series of ebooks on bag making to make it easier for bag makers to be and people interested in the craft to learn quickly and Start making money from it.

This series will teach you how to make bags with little or no supervision.

Volume 1 is a step by step guide to making a leather tote bag. It is written in simple language and easy to follow.

Because of the economic situation, I am giving it out at a token.

If you need this book, just send "i need the book" to my mail.

It's time to say bye to being broke.

1 Like 1 Share

Jobs/Vacancies / How To Not Go Broke In 2022 by Debellacreation: 3:33pm On Mar 25, 2022
N:B- This is not for those looking for instant millions.

I know you are reading this because you want to expand your sources of income or looking for a source of income. That is very good.

One of my mentors shared with me how he never runs out of cash. He said there are 3 sources but it won't make me millions in the first month but I will always have cash to spend.

I will share one of them today then continue later.

Number One is Affiliate Marketing.

This is a business model where you connect buyers to sellers with the aim of getting a commission. It might be 10%, 25% or as high as 50% sometimes. Best part is you can start with zero naira in your account.


To help you make extra money this year, I currently have a book for sale. For every book you sell, you make 25% profit.

It is a "Do it Yourself" Manual for people interested in crafts, that has made me over 300k in profits.

As an affiliate, if you are able to sell up to 10 copies per month, you are eligible to get a copy of the book for free and one month data subscription of any network.

For more information, send "I am interested" to my email address on my bio.

Don't Forget to check by for the remaining 2 sources.

It's time to bade sapa goodbye.
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 10:27am On Mar 25, 2022
Good morning everyone, good news!

After so many corrections, adjustments, designing and planning. We finally launched our first ebook on Tuesday march 21st 2022.

Our "Do it yourself series" is finally out.

Volume 1 is a step by step guide to making a leather tote bag. It is written in simple language and easy to follow. This is our way of sharing knowledge with bag makers to be and guiding anybody in making their own bags without stress.

With this book, you can make your own bag in 2 hours or less. Best part is a leather tote can be used as an office bag, church bag, shopping bag and many more.

I am grateful to everyone for the encouragement so far. Thank you so much

Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 8:58am On Mar 22, 2022
Your story and journey is truly inspiring. I am learning. God speed.

Thank you so much!!!
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 5:29pm On Mar 21, 2022

Congratulations to you
Wish you the very best

Could you please let us know about available grants and business fundings?
Thank you

No problem. Most of the grants I applied for are already closed. As soon as I am aware of any other Available one, I will post it here.
Business / Re: When A Bride Want To Gift Something Different For Her Wedding by Debellacreation: 12:21pm On Mar 21, 2022
Good afternoon brides, it's another week to send in your orders. Let's help you wow your guests.
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 12:18pm On Mar 21, 2022
Good morning everyone, so I said earlier that one of my action plans in building a multi million naira brand in 2 years is to apply for as many grants as possible.

Well, in the past 5 days I have applied for 3 separate grants.

I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. Let's see how this goes.

Whatever the outcome I will keep you updated.

Good afternoon everyone, remember I said I applied for different grants last week.

Well I qualified for the first stage for one of the grants. There are about 5 stages and I have just scaled through one. I still have a long way to go but I celebrate my little wins.
Business / Re: Cooperate Bulk Gifting/sourveniers by Debellacreation: 9:55am On Mar 18, 2022
Good morning business owners, we are ready to take your orders
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 9:53am On Mar 18, 2022
"The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”


Good morning everyone
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 5:28pm On Mar 17, 2022
Good news everyone!!! I got a slot to showcase my products during this upcoming trade-fare. It's happening in Abeokuta towards the end of the month till the first week of April.

This is our first ever trade-fare exhibition and I am so excited.

Because it's our first time, there are a number of things that I must get in preparation for the tradefare. I made an estimate for all the resources that I would need for the exhibition and it was quite a lot (truth is, running a business is not child's play) .

Although I don't currently have that kind of money that I need, my usual slogan is "where there is a will, there is always a way". So I am working towards raising the amount that I need in 2 to 3 days. Let's see how this goes.

If things eventually work out, you will be the first to know here.

Business / Re: When A Bride Want To Gift Something Different For Her Wedding by Debellacreation: 10:47am On Mar 17, 2022
We meet all your sourvenier needs
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 10:41am On Mar 17, 2022
Good morning everyone, so I said earlier that one of my action plans in building a multi million naira brand in 2 years is to apply for as many grants as possible.

Well, in the past 5 days I have applied for 3 separate grants.

I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. Let's see how this goes.

Whatever the outcome I will keep you updated.

1 Like

Business / Re: Dear Company/ Business Owners by Debellacreation: 1:19pm On Mar 16, 2022

Thank you Sir, we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Business / Re: Dear Company/ Business Owners by Debellacreation: 11:32am On Mar 16, 2022
Good morning business owners, we are ready to take your orders.
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 11:30am On Mar 16, 2022
"The path to success is to take massive, determined action".

-------Tony Robbins

Good morning everyone
Business / Re: Cooperate Bulk Gifting/sourveniers by Debellacreation: 10:34am On Mar 14, 2022
It's a new week. We are at your service!
Business To Business / Re: Everything Sourveniers by Debellacreation: 10:33am On Mar 14, 2022
It's a new week. We are at your service
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 10:33am On Mar 14, 2022
“It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently.”

---Anthony Robbins

Good morning Everyone

1 Like

Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 2:23pm On Mar 11, 2022
Good morning everyone, so I am taking a survey to help my brand serve our amazing clients better.

Would you please help me answer the questions below?
Thank you so much!!!

1) Are you a male or female?

2) How many bags do you own?

3) What type of bag do you own the most?

4) how much was the most expensive bag you ever bought?

5) Are you a " Quality over Quantity" person or vice versa?
Would you spend #100,000 buying one high quality bag or #100,000 on 5 bags of lesser quality.

6) Can you describe your Ideal bag?

7) Bags, shoes or clothes...which do you spend on the most?

cool what are your colour preferences in bags. Black or other colours?

9) Is brand a huge factor when shopping for bags?

10) what the most important feature in a bag to you?

Good afternoon everyone, please your responses will be really appreciated. Thank you!!
Business To Business / Re: Everything Sourveniers by Debellacreation: 11:38am On Mar 11, 2022
Good afternoon everyone
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 11:36am On Mar 11, 2022
" Creativity takes courage! "

Good afternoon everyone

1 Like

Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 12:10pm On Mar 10, 2022
"Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.” – .

Good afternoon everyone
Business / Re: Cooperate Bulk Gifting/sourveniers by Debellacreation: 8:43am On Mar 09, 2022
Good morning, we are ready to take your orders
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 8:40am On Mar 09, 2022
"If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will
have to settle for the ordinary."

----Jim Rohn

Good morning everyone
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 10:12am On Mar 08, 2022
Good morning everyone

Happy international women's Day to all the amazing women out there.

I celebrate women making history
I celebrate women changing the narrative of womanhood.
I celebrate women giving out love to their world.

I celebrate the bold, beautiful, ambitious women.

Thank you for doing what you do, cheers!!!!
Business / Re: Cooperate Bulk Gifting/sourveniers by Debellacreation: 8:54am On Mar 07, 2022
Good morning business owners
Business / Re: My Journey To Building A Multi-million Naira Brand In 2 Years by Debellacreation: 8:42am On Mar 07, 2022
I feel glad to read about your stunning passion for production, and I must tell you the line you have tolled in bag production is good ..

Your energy is good and well charge, possibly we can do business. I am a business analyst and I have worked for different organizations and institution .. what is your view about covering the whole 36 state of the federation in bag productions ?, And how much awareness have you created in major cities like port Harcourt, Lagos, Ibadan, Anambra, illorin just to mention a few..

Since it is just barely two years, and you have gotten thus far then a applaud your doggedness and don't forget your niche and brand is highly important. However, I won't mind doing business with you sometimes later. Cheers mate

Amazing!!! Thank you so much for the encouraging words.

We can work something out one of these days. You can contact me directly via mail or through my number below.

Better still, you can drop your number and I will contact you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Good morning

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