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Travel / Re: ThePhotoblogger's Amazing Documentary Of Ado Awaye, Oyo State by deturla: 10:41am On Aug 05, 2018
Nice one deedee

Gbayi Ziggy. How have you been bro?
Travel / Re: ThePhotoblogger's Amazing Documentary Of Ado Awaye, Oyo State by deturla: 10:40am On Aug 05, 2018
Quaint and original piece. May visit Ado Awaye somedays. How do you get there sir?

From where?
Travel / Re: ThePhotoblogger's Amazing Documentary Of Ado Awaye, Oyo State by deturla: 10:39pm On Aug 04, 2018
No doubt, Nigeria is a blessed country, with its vast area of greenery. There's nothing our lands cannot handle.

I like the picture with the plate of food. Very simple and truly original.

Indeed, it is experience alone that can quantify the value of peace, freedom, appreciation for life, and the simpleness of nature that rural life typifies.

I wished we focused our interests more in highlighting and connecting with the different rural communities of our country, instead of disengaging from them and treating people who live in rural areas with disdain.

After all, the fake and low-quality city life that the so-called urban areas in this country offer are just hell-hole slums.

Again, nice story!

Thanks a lot.

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Travel / Re: ThePhotoblogger's Amazing Documentary Of Ado Awaye, Oyo State by deturla: 9:42pm On Aug 04, 2018
Where are the pictures of the tourist attractions? The lake, the mountains, etc. Those would have sold the community better than the signature brown roofs grin


Pictures eventually loaded. Cool.
It is definitely a nice place grin. I love the serenity.

You should check out the place sometime. You'd like it.

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Travel / Re: ThePhotoblogger's Amazing Documentary Of Ado Awaye, Oyo State by deturla: 9:41pm On Aug 04, 2018
Nice one Deedee

Where you been dey since?
Travel / Re: ThePhotoblogger's Amazing Documentary Of Ado Awaye, Oyo State by deturla: 9:41pm On Aug 04, 2018
Really loved your writing and resplendent photography, there is a way you present something to people that will make them want more.

We need more of your breed of bloggers.

Thanks a lot for the feedback.

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Travel / Re: ThePhotoblogger's Amazing Documentary Of Ado Awaye, Oyo State by deturla: 7:02pm On Aug 04, 2018
A nice place.To make that place worth its visit ,they need to group Ado Awaye with other tourist attractions in close proximity. The lake is not as bigbal and awe inspiring as one thinks.

It is really not about the size. What we should be particular about is even sustainable tourism as it is.

Have you been there?
Travel / ThePhotoblogger's Amazing Documentary Of Ado Awaye, Oyo State by deturla: 2:32pm On Aug 04, 2018
Based on the dearth of well documented textual and visual content online on Ado Awaye, a unique and hugely abandoned town in Oyo State, thePhotoblogger continued his travel journalism with an amazing visit to this historical community.

We also learned that the Alado of Ado Awaye will soon be celebrating his one year on the throne after several years in which the Community did not have a monarch. We then decided to proceed to the town to pay him a visit and also explore the locality in terms of tourism and investment potentials.

Our Meeting with the Alado of Ado Awaye

If you are looking for one of the most accommodating and jovial monarchs in South West Nigeria, then Oba Ademola Folakanmi, Makuledoye II will not fall short of this accolades as he received us warmly and he proceeded to give a detailed history of the Ado Awaye town!

We drew him back to an interview he had with Guardian Newspapers in 2017 where he mentioned a lot about the vacant Alado stool and how he intended to revamp the old, sleepy town. You can read all about the exclusive interview with Guardian here. He still dwelled on the economic challenges of the town amongst others.

We also met with the Chairman of the Ado Awaye Community Executive, Mr Oladokun Nasiru Olaniyi,  who also dwelled on the situation of the community, present challenges and the importance of the media in facilitating exposure of the community and its potentials to the world.

First of all, what do you know about Ado Awaye?

Ado Awaye is a community name for two different ancient settlements merged together, ‘Ado’ and ‘Awaye’.

Ado-Awaye town is one which has its own unique but quite interesting history. In the beginning, the Ado people were immigrants from Awori land who were forced to settle on the OKE ADO Mountain due to the Dahomey war. These people were favoured by the gods as they were kept safe from the war. When the war had subsided, they descended the mountain to settle at its foot. The nearby Awaye people decided to settle with them and thus the name which they are called by today, ADO AWAYE, came out.

The history of this unique community continues with the coming of an Alaafin crown prince named Koyi in 1500 AD. While leaving Oyo in anger for Ota under the threat of losing his throne to his younger brother Ónigbogi, He got to a location and saw smoke coming from the top of a hill.  With a crown strapped to his loins, he moved towards the smoke and saw these people already living as one. They came to an agreement of making him their king.

Thus, He became the first Alado of Ado Awaye.

Located 20 kilometers west of Iseyin and having to its other bight the Republic of Benin, Ado Awaye is an awe-inspiring town and a home of inimitable wonders. This historical town in Oyo state is a pride to behold as it has an abundance of naturally occurring wonders leaving every visitor dumbstruck with awe.

What do you know about the Ado Mountain - History of the Ado Mountain

The higher you climb, the more spectacular the spread will be before your view. From one point of the hilltop, you can see Iseyin road as it curves and stretches northwards into the Ebedi Hills.

If you look carefully you will see the town of Iseyin too, as it lies to the north of Ado Awaye. It leans and tilts a little on a hillside.

From another part of this mountaintop, with the use of binoculars now, you would be able to see a small segment of the great city of Ibadan, at the farthest point where it seems the earth meets the sky.

Things you will find on the Ado Mountain

The Ishage Rock

Ìyàké Lake


The Elephant tree

Esè àwon Àgbà (Footprints of the elders)

Esè kan Aiyé Esè kan Òrun (A step between heaven and earth)

Maje Kankan Shrine

Ese kan Iku (Verge of Death)

In our interview with the Alado of Ado Iwaye, we were told the numerous challenges of the town since they were without a monarch for 35 years, the tourism and agricultural challenges were also numerous. This we tried to document in the video you would watch below.

We also explained how you can get to Ado Awaye from anywhere in the world. This also we have well documented on the blog.

It was an amazing journey for me and my team, and sincerely, the content posted here is just not enough. Head over to the blog for an exhaustive and well-documented content.

I hope you enjoy this story and get to visit Ado Awaye later in the future. Who knows whether you might even invest in the community.




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Romance / Re: Shocking Discovery! What University Slay Queens Are Doing With Kayan Mata by deturla: 6:07am On Jul 31, 2018
Orishirishi. lemme goan do small ofofo thru d link

Hello, I've been trying to reach you. Can we exchange numbers or email?
Romance / Re: Shocking Discovery! What University Slay Queens Are Doing With Kayan Mata by deturla: 6:07am On Jul 31, 2018
awon oma jati jati, no more alum na kayan mata. mtcheeeew.

Remember what I told you about UNILAG girls that year?

Them no allow me get savings for Lagos. Won't ever forget 2014. cry cry cry
Travel / Re: My Sad And Funny Lagos Experience by deturla: 9:53pm On Jul 30, 2018
Omo the antidote is to became wahrah Like everybody..... Not only in Oshodi ooo, anywhere you enter if you do like bohloh dem Don observe you already.....

Everything depends in the way you carry yourself, wey you look, way you walk.... You have to look mean, angry and just fucking pissed with everybody....anybody match you or push you asap scream "alaye happen,... Believe me those Agbero no want fight,they just wanna sample you... EVERYTHING NA VOICE... anybody voice you voice Your Own back asap....

Eg... Conductor pls gimme my change.... (in conductors mind buttie leleyi)

Caption this.... Tap him from where you sitting(frown somehow and look irritated)oga changi dah...(conductor be like alaye I never get change cool down)see the difference homie...
On the street you have to be "unruly because they don't play by the rules.....


You are the Real Lagosian!

1 Like

Romance / Shocking Discovery! What University Slay Queens Are Doing With Kayan Mata by deturla: 4:54pm On Jul 30, 2018
I have been hearing about the Kayan Mata aphrodisiac for quite a while online - Nairaland, Facebook and recently Intagram, and so we decided to write an investigative content on it on the BLOG!

First of all, what do you know about Kayan Mata?

Kayan Mata is a range of naturally prepared aphrodisiacs originally used in the northern parts of Nigeria to help ensure the newly married ladies satisfy their husbands in bed and also so these ladies can have a healthy and satisfactory sex life. Kayan Mata translated to English means “women’s things” or “women’s property” and the Hausas have been using this range of natural sex or love boosters for over 5 centuries now and they have been passed on from generation to generation.

Let me not bore you too many stories as we have Kayan Mata Part 1 and Part 2 for you on the blog provided you want to do an extensive read!

To the issue of the day:

One of the blog readers, decided to reach out to me on WhatsApp, because she did not want to drop comments on the blog and told me about what her University mates are beginning to do with the aphrodisiac! What was meant to be a natural herb has been (or seemingly) turned into something else.

Our conversation is in the images below.

I just hope all these married men sleeping with Univesity girls up and down know what they are getting themselves into?

Counselor| The.PhotoBlogger

cc: lalasticlala, mynd44, Ednut1, Mathematical, vizkiz

Webmasters / Re: How To Avoid Dead Niches/markets by deturla: 4:12pm On Jul 29, 2018

Deturla will prove you wrong on this..

Very disheartening that the op is myopic abouy a certain niche he know little about.. knowing about all the niches will only get you so far and is most likely to partially help in choosing the right platform

Any blogger/enter-prenuer who has had prior experience in the niche would know how monumental it is for an entrepreneur to select a photo-graphical niche. Depending on the area of concentration and specialization that you select, NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY/ SPORT/ PHOTO-TRAVEL and all, your niche will either be a hit with your targeted audience or it will flop like the hundreds and thousands of unprepared and misguided bloggers who tried to tap into the market of over-saturated niches..


shocked shocked shocked
Webmasters / Re: How To Avoid Dead Niches/markets by deturla: 9:11am On Jul 29, 2018
Choosing a dead niche or market is a real worry for most entrepreneurs.

And rightly so.

You will lose a lot of time,effort and money if you go down the wrong niche.

Luckily, there's a simple way to avoid going down a wrong niche.

Here's how:

You have to understand that markets are just demonstrated cashflows.

What's a demonstrated cashflow? :

A demonstrated cash flow is simply something people already spend money on to solve a problem or fulfil a need.

I think people define a market in a wrong way and that's why they have problems finding a profitable niche.

For example, yesterday, someone told me he was going to start a niche site.

I asked him what niche he was going into.

Here's what he said:


For me, this is a wrong way to look at a niche or market.

Photography is not a market.

Or at least I won't call it one.

It's just too broad.

A market is something that has a demonstrated cash flow. Simple.

What are people already spending money on that indicates they have some problem that you can help them remove or need something you can provide?

So photographers learning how to use expensive software to edit their images is a market.

Expensive image editing softwares is a demonstrated cash flow. Photographers that spend money on these type of softwares may then spend more money to get better editing their images.

People who pay monthly for web hosting may spend money on web design.

People who pay monthly for Shopify may spend money on a course on how to generate more ecommerce sales with Facebook ads.

To be in a profitable niche is to follow demonstrated cashflows.

Bro, can you share your email.

I want to pass an urgent information across.


1 Like

Politics / Re: Ex-Governor Of Ondo State, Olusegun Mimiko Returns To Labour Party (Pictures) by deturla: 2:15pm On Jun 14, 2018

Why you dey book FTC??
Romance / Re: Is My Girlfriend Selfish Or She Is Right? by deturla: 10:32pm On Jun 09, 2018
hr might be lieng about d 5m sha. Have faced sometin lik dis before. Met one babe at an event , we bcam friends and wanted to date her o. This babe pman get money and foots most of her bills. D sis earns 500k in a bank bt when she bashes d car she uses na pman dey pay cheesy. D babe told me if we marry na me go dey foot all bills (her wigs lasan na 60k), say her money is hers mine is ours. Ontop my small salary. I just flee o. One prince don engage am now grin

The fact say you never give me this gist makes me believe that....NA LIE YOU DEY TALK!

Fashion / Re: For The Beardgang - Let's Talk About Beard Oil And ACNE by deturla: 1:58pm On Jun 06, 2018
Spreads mats
Awaits beard gang of Nl cool

Please guys with no hair bring jotterand pen..several notes to take here grin

Mynd44 you’ve got a beard right ...I’m sure u have “thinking”

Why do you love the beard gang so much? grin grin
Romance / Re: Happy Nairalanders Having Fun At A House Party. by deturla: 10:11pm On Jun 05, 2018
Ahan! I didn't know about this o

Hi Buddy, its been a minute.

How's life with you?
Romance / Re: Happy Nairalanders Having Fun At A House Party. by deturla: 10:09pm On Jun 05, 2018

Do I? Erm, well, one can never be too sure about these things but I suppose it wouldn't hurt. ...And it's entirely suppository.

We have a category where we feature the #beardgang community. Fun and totally harmless. You'd like it.
Romance / Re: Happy Nairalanders Having Fun At A House Party. by deturla: 10:08pm On Jun 05, 2018

I am surprised too and positively so. I guess he's doing it entirely for fun.

It's good too. There's a dearth on the internet of websites- articles even- detailing the challenges and how-tos of growing and maintaining (full-on) beard as an African male (which has a different texture from other types of hair) so it's refreshing.

At the very least, it's one more website to refer newbies to the BeardGang to if I am too lazy to explain such things to them when they ask me.

Not a fun blog but a business blog.

Should I shoot you an email or WhatsApp will be fine for the feature?
Romance / Re: Happy Nairalanders Having Fun At A House Party. by deturla: 10:04pm On Jun 05, 2018

oshey OG beard gang ..

now I saw something about a website for the elite beards cheesy

Do you mean this?

Romance / Re: Happy Nairalanders Having Fun At A House Party. by deturla: 1:18pm On Jun 05, 2018

That's obvious. Yes, heavily-bearded I am.

There's a website for the BeardGang? I'm curious and I'd sure check it out.

Yes, there is a website now. Will you mind being featured?
Romance / Re: Happy Nairalanders Having Fun At A House Party. by deturla: 11:35am On Jun 05, 2018

Hope he is not Skinny like me ooh ? cheesy
Good morning Aunty mi

Kross, you and this woman.

Hmmmn... angry angry
Romance / Re: Happy Nairalanders Having Fun At A House Party. by deturla: 11:32am On Jun 05, 2018
This feels like déjà vu. There's always the polarizing back-and-forths when pictures from these get-togethers are uploaded. It always happens.

Whichever side of the divide you are on, you'd have to admit it takes a great deal of courage and confidence to allow your pictures get uploaded to supposedly anonymous viewers/internet users (Nairalanders, this time) even when being needlessly trolled is an eventuality.

That in itself makes this - everything this embodies- a success; a celebration of the courage to remove the mask of anonymity and let the internet see you as you are.

Kudos, guys. smiley

P.S: Only one guy represented the fully-bearded gang well - the interviewer. Whoever he is - thumbs up. cheesy

Thanks man.

Are you bearded as well? Please respond to this Quote, and let's talk on WhatsApp.

Romance / Re: Happy Nairalanders Having Fun At A House Party. by deturla: 9:24pm On Jun 04, 2018
60k pere!!!

Romance / Re: Happy Nairalanders Having Fun At A House Party. by deturla: 9:04pm On Jun 04, 2018

Thanks for having us on there.



Romance / Re: My Fiancée Freely Hangs Out With Guys, Please Help Me by deturla: 4:22pm On Jun 04, 2018
What a freaking life of double standards.

So a lady in a relationship can't have male friends again because she is in a relationship. Right?

Bia, OP Don't you have female friends as well? Biko, free the babe, let her enjoy her new found friendship.

Your kind husband sef, you will cage the babe like a church rat when you are married to her.



After putting on my glasses, I see the part where she visits guys. That to me is a NO NO! Have you tried discussing with her? Letting her know how you feel and scolding her for this new attitude?

Do you also keep a lot of female friends and visit female friends as well? You need to check you both through and true to know if there is any reason for her doing this.

All in All, its your relationship, you know what to do eventually!



Webmasters / Re: 8 Easy Ways To Evaluate Failed Content by deturla: 1:36pm On May 29, 2018
Alot of bloggers have good content but dont know SEO. Thats why they dont have the rankings the need.

Webmasters / Re: 8 Easy Ways To Evaluate Failed Content by deturla: 1:35pm On May 29, 2018
Blogging don cast. Only a few are actually making money.

Go and sit down. Lazy bone.

Which blogging don cast?
Travel / Re: Tarkwa Bay Island In 2018 – Shocking Story Of An Amazing Community by deturla: 5:21pm On May 23, 2018
deturla, you want to tell me that you visited tarkwabay and you did not visit the lighthouse? you did not take a hike to Abagbo community close to tarkwabay? You did not take it further by following the NNPC pipeline and hiking to Tomaro community? No tell me say you waste that visit o. The beauty of these islands lies hidden away from the well troded paths.
You gave a accurate description of the island. I have discussed and posted on this thread to correct an error made by a media publication about tarkwabay and tomaro islands. (you will remember my posts on that tomaro thread na)
I am glad I live on the other side of Lagos a lot of Lagosians will never get to see.
Good work you are doing.


Wanted to reach out to you before embarking on the documentary trip, but could not find your mobile number anymore.

We wanted to reach the NNPC pipelines but we were informed that these places were heavily guarded with huge presence of the Nigerian Military on there.

Remember the pipeline blast that happened years back? We thought otherwise.

Meanwhile this documentary caught the eye of some willing investors online. We will be heading back to Tarkwa soon enough and hopefully I get to visit these mentioned places.

Many thanks for your feedback. Cheers.


Travel / Tarkwa Bay Island In 2018 – Shocking Story Of An Amazing Community by deturla: 1:43pm On May 23, 2018

This Tarkwa Bay Island beach is very popular with swimmers and water-sports enthusiasts. It also has a welcoming resident community. As it is far removed from the normal hustle and bustle of which Lagos city is noted for, you cannot but fall in love with this beautiful island. And unlike most public beaches in Lagos, this beach is not often noisy or overcrowded. This makes it a great place for some alone time with your significant other or perhaps a fun day out with your friends.

A lot has been said about the Tarkwa Bay Island Beach when you visit the Social Prefect and NaijaSingleGirls’ blogs about their visit and experience, but it is shocking to know that no one has really talked about the village that haboured the beautiful Tarkwa Bay Island Beach.

So, I picked up my cameras and decided to pay the Tarkwa Bay Island Village a visit. Despite the fact that I took quite a number of pictures detailing the lifestyle of people in the community, I also met with and interviewed the Baale of Tarkwa and the revelations were as enthralling as shocking:


History of Tarkwa Bay

Away from being a tourist attraction for both locals and foreigners, the Tarkwa Bay Island village which reeks of abandonment from the government of Lagos State holds an amazing story and history.

Tarkwa Bay used to be very unorganized with no definite pattern but this village has taken a new shape with the amazing organization of the residents in ensuring the village is more organized that in previous years.

Tightly packed shacks dot the landscape. Just few of the building are made of block and most of these were erected by the European sailors and slave merchants, who used the place either for leisure or as transit camp.

Wikipedia’s incorrect information on Tarkwa Bay Island

From being a natural island with amazing natural beaches which was different from Wikipedia’s incorrect information that Tarkwa Bay was an “ARTIFICIAL BEACH” to the sojourn of Queen Elizabeth III and General Yakubu Gowon’s residency, this village reeks of amazing history that can’t be found in any books.

Before we get to the pictures, this interview with Chief Olatunji Maxwell and Chief Prince Saheed Onisiwo will make you fall in love with Tarkwa and also let you into a world that was left undocumented for a long time. A story of love, hate, abandonment and acceptance!

The residents though, are fun loving. Every evening, residents and visitors of the Island moves out to have fun at the local gin stalls and beer parlous.

Nights at Ajegunle, in Tarkwa Bay, can be much busier than Abule and Okunayo, which are also other parts of the island. The fun spots play current tunes from within the country and elsewhere. Popularly played is the music of Timaya- a Bayelsa state born hiphop artiste.

The youths on the beach area in touch with current trends also. They dress in jeans, T-shirts, canvas and loafers which are sold in the local boutiques there. Like their mates elsewhere, they are also crazy about European football leagues. Any time there is a match, you will surely find them at the various viewing centres. Such teams as Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United, Barcelona FC and Real Madrid have them as fans. There is also a local football field, where the youths display their skill.

Tarkwa Bay Island is just same as everywhere else in terms of people and lifestyle. The community being mentioned as a Sodom & Gomorrah is very unfair and belittles the amazing history behind a community that has been self sustaining for several years.

Tarkwa isn’t a Sex Haven of any sort! – Stop this propaganda!

Expensive community

Largely due to the how it is located, life on Tarkwa Bay is expensive. On the island is an acute case of suffering and smiling. Bottles of beer, sachet of water among other necessities, fall under this category.

The other oddities

Other oddities to note are the lack of adequate public or private toilets in Tarkwa Bay. When nature calls, the norm is to answer at the shoreline where they are being swept away by waves that comes and goes. Also on the island are quite a number of lunatics.

When Politicians visit

Even though they lack social amenities this does not in any way suggest that government and politicians are ignorant of the existence of Tarkwa Bay. During election, politicians defy all odds just to get in touch with the community. They will strip themselves of their ego, smartly bringing themselves t the level of these communities so as just to canvass for their votes, with promises of goodies and social amenities. But regrettably, these promises fade away like the sands carried off by the waves.

Churches and NGOs to the rescue

Unlike the government which has abandoned the people of Tarkwa bay, churches are in one way or the other trying to deal with their spiritual welfare. This congregation includes the Cherubim and Seraphim, Assemblies of God Church, International Pentecostal Holiness Church, Bible Life Church and Evangel Pentecostal Church, Our Lady of Tarkwa Bay Catholic Church. A number of their activities and impacts are evident in life on the beach presently.

Last words on the documentary of Tarkwa Bay Island

Finally, as you can see there are in-born and associated problems in the Tarkwa Bay Island and also amazing investment opportunities in this community. As an NGO, this is the perfect opportunity to extend your arm of help and assistance to this unique island and as an investor, move away from the hustle of Lagos to a more serene environment where you can invest with amazing ROI for your money.

I've got more amazing pictures on the blog. Please check them out as well. I am sure this content will blow you away!


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