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Religion / Demon Eater: My Demonic Astral Adventure by Divinerspell: 12:51pm On Sep 20, 2015
Yo, what's up? The name's Lucy. I won't tell you my last name, mostly because this is the internet and you can never be too careful.

Anyway I thought I would like to share my discoveries here on this paranormal website, if you people didn't mind. First off I'll tell you a little something about myself, and how it relates to the story that I'm about to tell you.

One of my hobbies is mostly astral projection, and lucid dreaming. I've always been fascinated by dreams and with the notion of astral projection ever since I was a little kid. So I started studying it, and trained myself so that I would be able to do it once I got the hang of it.

Now most people would just scoff at this, and claim that dreams are nothing but the random firings of electrical impulses in the brain... And that it was just a way for our minds to process past events. And that astral projection was complete bunk.

I think there's more to it than that. And my experiences in the past few months have only served to cement that. However, if you're one of those skeptics who refuses to believe no matter what, then you're free to believe that I'm nothing but a crazy chick.

Anyway... Moving on with the story. A few months back after I had my 17th birthday, I finally felt confident enough and thought I was ready for astral projection. Most of the experts on astral projection that I spoke with told me that I should hold off it until I was old enough, since a small kid was most especially defenseless in that state, which made them attractive for demons to prey upon

I mostly listened to them, and decided to stick to lucid dreaming and train my “dream powers” until I was old enough. I finally turned 18, and I also had a summer job as a baggier at a grocery store. So I felt that I was mature enough to take on astral projection. This is when the real story starts.

I had been mostly experimenting with how far I could go with astral travel... And I discovered that I could go into other people's dreams, although I had no real power over their dreams in any way at all. I could only observe unless the dreamer themselves were aware of me.

I started off slow, by entering my dog's dreams... Mainly because I always wondered what she was dreaming about. I have to say, a dog's dream is kind of confusing when you try to put it into words. It was mostly a blur of images, strong smells, lights, the occasional sight of blood and the sensation of wind going on all at once. It was like the primal wolf part of the mind was clashing with the domesticated part of the mind, yet working together in harmony to create this dream that appealed to every dog. It was kind of overwhelming at the time. When I woke up, I'd have this weird urge to go out for a run, or the need to hunt something and just sink my teeth into tender flesh.

So I decided that I'd just try to enter the dreams of other humans instead. I randomly selected this random girl who lived down the street, and went to the same school with me. We never really met, we just kind of saw each other around in real life.

And in this girl's dream, I stumbled across this demon who was tormenting her.

It was just this cliché nightmare. Nothing special... it was that one dream that almost everyone seems to have, you know? The one where you're naked at school for some reason, and everyone's laughing at you in the classroom. I found myself naked too as well in this girl's dream, but I didn't really care about that.

I watched as this so-called teacher was tormenting this poor girl for being naked, even though she had been fully clothed when she first came to school. He kept on taunting the girl, saying how every part of her was completely ugly. The way the teacher tormented the girl... geez. This girl was just a normal-looking girl who had little love handles on her tummy but wasn't fat. In other words, completely average. So because of this I thought the teacher-demon person was completely overdoing it and probably giving her serious self-image problems. I couldn't help but comment aloud how cruel the teacher was.

This caused the teacher to turn around and look at me. This was when I noticed his eyes. They were completely black and there was no pupils at all. He smiled wickedly when he noticed that the girl he had been tormenting wasn't the only naked one in the classroom. So he focused on me, and tried to torment me and make me feel bad for being naked as well.

However, I just didn't plain care that I was naked, much to his frustration. I have to admit that I had way too much fun trolling the demon and felt amused as I watched him become more irritated at my casual reaction to everything he said. It was then he started to reveal his true self at this point. His skin had turned a greenish-white color, with dark green veins showing up under the skin.

The girl looked at the two of us with some confusion during this time, as if she wasn't sure what was going on. Then she realized: “Oh! This is a dream!” with that she completely disappeared.

This caused the demon “teacher” to become even more enraged, now that his prey was gone for the night. He turned around to glare at me. “Look at what you did! Now I won't even meet my quota for the night... you will pay for this.” with that he completely shed his human form, and took on a more nightmarish appearance.

Since the dreamer who made this dream place was no longer with us, the school backdrop could not be substantiated, and thus it disappeared into nothingness. We now seemed to be just floating this black void.

The demon was hissing at me angrily, going on and on about how he had apparently worked hard on that girl and that he was supposed to be harvesting her tonight. Whatever the hell that meant.

I wasn't really intimated by the demon, since how I was of the mind that with astral traveling and lucid dreaming, nothing could truly hurt you provided that you kept your wits about you. Willing yourself to be stronger, smarter, et cetera was so much easier than you think. Just by merely thinking it, you basically turn on “god mode”, to coin a video game term.

So because of this, I just acted bored with the demon and told it that I wasn't really interested in listening to it whine about how hard it worked. I said something along the effects of “Bye, loser” as I willed myself back to my physical body so that I could wake up. I saw the face of the enraged demon staring at me and I heard him whisper “You will pay. Oh yes you will.” just right before I woke up.

I didn't really think too much of it, and I didn't even think I would meet the demon again the next time I slept. But I did.

The next time I slept, I was pulled into a dream of my own. I let it, since how I decided that it would be nice to take a break from astral projection for a while. I was in this old childhood home of mine, and I went outside and saw that it was summer time. I saw myself as a little girl of 6 years old running around, and I was chasing my older brother, who was 9 years old.

My great-grandma was sitting outside, watching us playing. And I couldn't help but smile. She had died a long time ago, so I missed her something terribly. I wondered if this was one of my memories or something... Or maybe it was just a pleasant dream. I couldn't help but smile again at this idyllic scene, and let down my guard because of it. BIG, big mistake.

It was then the demon appeared, and he was there at the far edge of the backyard. I noticed him and frowned. “WTF, what are you doing here?” I wondered.

My younger self and my brother noticed him, and ran to him as he waved them over. He bent down and whispered something to them. They nodded, and then told grandma that they were going to get her lemonade since how it was so hot outside. They then ran inside the house.

I was going to walk towards the demon and ask him what he was up to, but instead I found myself moving back into the house against my will. The demon was now following me, literally grinning from ear to ear. I tried to speak again, but found that I couldn't. I was now paralyzed, and the only movement I had now was the demon moving my body about like I was nothing but a puppet.

I was forced to watch as my younger self helped my brother pour poison into the lemonade that they were making for our great-grandmother. They took it out to her, and she happily drank it, and called them her favorite grandchildren.

But her happiness quickly turned to horror as she clutched at her throat. She was taking a while to die, so my brother took a shovel and hit her hard over her head. It didn't knock her out for some reason, and only caused a large bloody wound on her head.

She was begging the kids to stop as the two of them dragged her slowly back into the house.

There inside the house, they started using all kinds of kitchen utensils to torture her. I won't go into details here, other than to say it was highly graphic and disturbing.

They just kept on butchering parts of her body, and it took an agonizingly long time for her to finally die. My younger self finally ended the torture by stabbing my grandmother's eyeballs and saying in this flat, clinical tone: “I think she's dead now. She didn't even react as I stabbed her eyes out.”

Their hands and clothing now bloodied, they just skipped over to the demon who was now standing next to me. And they raised their hands in a demanding pose, and said: “You said you would give us candy if we were to do it. I want the candy NOW.”

The demon nodded, still smiling. “You did well. I'm most pleased.” with that he gave them this large bowl full of candy. They went to sit at the table, giggling at how much candy they got. They munched away, ignoring the corpse of their grandmother that was lying just a few feet away.

The demon turned to face me. “This is your memory... it is real, not fictional. You're such a terrible person... Killing your favorite grandmother for candy!”

Now, if I had been fully cognizant and aware, I would had realized right away that this never happened in reality at all, and that it was just a dream... But something the demon did completely clouded my mind to the point where I just believed him like a gullible fool.

So I started sobbing like an idiot, while the demon berated me and told me that I was going to hell for having killed my great-grandmother. It then went on to list every wrong that I ever had done, whenever it was true or not.

I finally woke up, and feeling sick to my stomach, I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I then cried for a few seconds by the toilet as I was going over what had done on in the dream. It was then I realized that nothing like that ever had happened in reality. That my great-grandmother had actually died peacefully in her bed and that she had never been murdered.

It was then I realized that I had been used by the demon for some reason. The nausea and depression inside me gave away to full-blown, hot rage. Fucking hell, nobody uses me like that!

I was pretty much angry for the rest of the week, and I was planning my revenge on the demon the whole time. After all, I couldn't let him get away with doing something like that to me, could I?

So I chose to bide my time, reinforcing my own mental defenses and exercising all of my astral powers that I had, just to make sure that I was ready to take him on.

After two weeks of that, I went astral traveling again and I found him again in the dreams of that girl from before.

It turns out this demon was very predictable, and stuck to his old habits of verbally and mentally abusing his victims in their dreams.

Apparently the girl had dreamed that she was in a happy relationship with some guy only for him to leave her for some anxeroic-looking woman. The demon was telling her how worthless she was, that nobody would ever want her, because she was too fat and ugly, etc.

The demon was so focused on milking every drop of misery and despair out of her that he didn't realize that I had come in again just like before. I sneaked up on him, and started stabbing him in the back repeatedly.

However, that didn't kill him like I had hoped it would. He just whirled around, hissing angrily.

“You again! Why do you insist on disturbing me?”

I just waved my bloody knife, which was now a sword, and replied: “Because you bleeped around with me. Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY EVER DOES THAT WITHOUT PAYING FOR IT!.” I raged.

At this point the demon laughed and made a comment about how humans always took things so personally. He was only doing his job, after all.

I saw red, and I attacked again. He reverted back to his natural form, and started clawing back at me.

At this point I started transforming... I was turning myself into something that looked like a hell-hound, but with the claws of a bear.

It was a battle between beasts now, with sharp teeth and claws tearing at each other. It was a close battle, but I managed to win the battle by the virtue of my hard-boiled rage which I focused completely on him.

In the end, I managed to devour most of him, and how he was nothing but a half a body lying on the ground, bleeding profusely.

I stood over the demon, who was now wheezing, gasping for breath. “Any last words before I kill you and eat the rest of you?”

He just laughed weakly, and only had this to say: “You should have been a demon instead of a human... Your ferocity and rage is truly impressive...”

He grew silent, and I put my bear-like paw over his head, and pushed down with enough force to make it splatter all over the floor. I roared victoriously, and then started eating my kill.

I reverted back to my true human form slowly, and I realized that I was naked once again, with the demon's blood all over me.

I looked around, and saw that the girl from before hadn't exited her dream at all. Instead she was staring at me as if I had come out of her worst nightmares.

“You know...” I remarked to her casually, as if I hadn't done anything out of the blue. “You shouldn't listen to other people so much, especially when it comes to telling you your own self-worth. You're actually worth much more than you think you are. If you can love yourself, then you won't allow anybody to abuse you, both mentally and physically ever again. Just something to think about.”

With that, I left.

I have to say, that felt really good... Just ripping that demon apart and eating his flesh. I would have thought that it would be rotten or some suchlike, but it actually tasted pretty sweet and delicious. Kind of like a red sweet, salty pork but better.

It's something I wouldn't mind eating again. So to the people here, have you ever gone demon-hunting while astral projecting? I'm thinking of taking it up full time and wouldn't mind a few tips and tricks to help me start off.


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Religion / Re: How To Open Your 3rd Eye by Divinerspell: 12:15pm On Sep 20, 2015
Hello cmoney22222, Qpetz, you can start from here:

1. Avoid Fluoride

Pay close attention to the water in your life; tap water, cooking with tap water, toothpaste are all obvious a NO. However, other bad influences include inorganic fruits and vegetables, red meat and any sodas and artificial drinks because they are produced with impure water as well. It doesn’t just apply to what you ingest, either! Taking showers without a filter can be detrimental as well. Going cold from all these things can be tough, so you can begin with any of these things and slowly work your way up.

5. Try Sungazing

The sun is a powerful ally for you to have. Start gazing at the sun during the first 15 minutes of sunrise and last 15 minutes of sunset to boost your pineal gland.

6. Meditate and Chant Regularly

Chanting causes the tetrahedron bone in the nose to resonate, which causes stimulation of the pineal gland. When it stimulated, it secretes more beneficial hormones that regulate your body and can even keep you looking younger. The sound “OM” resonates with the Fourth Chakra, known as the Heart Center, the seat of Unconditional Love. Chanting OM opens you up to Universal and cosmic awareness. You can chant up to 5 minutes, 10 minutes or however long you desire to.

I will be expecting your observations and questions as you start your 3rd eye opening daily exercises
Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 12:09pm On Sep 20, 2015
Here is mine. Read.

Hello Qpetz, divination for this palm include the following:

Divination 1: Somebody close to you will try to have sex with your life partner. Be alart and know the kind of friends you introduce to your life partner.

Divination 2: The spirit shows me that you are scared of being alone. You find it difficult to control your mind when you are alone. Thoughts of sex increases.

Divination 3: This is a time of difficult decisions for you. There are alots of things going through your mind that you can handle.

Divination 4: The spirit warns you against extravagance life style. The spirit shows me a relationship and partnership problems. Confusion surrounds you at the moment, yet I see you standing at a crossroads. Is it time to move on?

Divination 5: The death of a loved one will change you greatly. This death will be fast and sudden. I see you crying and putting on black clothes.

Divination 6: You want to change things that cant be change. It is time to move on...

Divination 7: Your quest and hunger for spirituality had made you dabble into occult and they are lots of unseen consequences for you. Be careful, the spirits are wise!

Divination 8: Your heart is filled with hatred for a particular religion. It is time to invite the spirit of love and let go the spirit of hatred.

Divination 9: You will work for God in the future. I see people contacting you for spiritual help in the future.
Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 11:23am On Sep 20, 2015
Divinerspell pls do my own smiley

Hi delirious

THE PAST: Exciting news of an engagement, the spirit shows a break-up in communications. Relationship problems seem apparent and distrust of those close. The number 5 indicates a love has ground to an halt.

THE PRESENT: You will be helped from an unexpected source. Now this is interesting as the spirit foretells the opposite of the last one. It predicts a stable partnership where both parties support and trust one another. The spirit is the spirit of union and being a heart signifies happiness and joy...

FUTURE DEVELOPMNET: Beware of an act of revenge. Are you planning a trip? Safe journey is guaranteed. The spirit is hinting creativity potentials in you. Entertainment crops up in this part of your future with the indication of arts... I see you yearning for peace and relaxation almost like you wish a weight would be lifted off of your shoulder.

WHAT YOU DONT EXPECT: Do not be drawn into a love quarrel. Unexpected opposition to your plans but stick to your goals and all will be fine.

PEOPLE AROUND YOU: A journey with romance at the end. Loss and sorrow. There is a friendship that is coming to an end here. Dont listen to the advice of others as it is not practical and could result in plans going wrong, burdens and obstacles.

OBSTACLES & OPPOSITION: A new friendship. Again, friendship is brought up here and highlights the previous divination. It seems that something is holding you back from what is right for you. If you are not happy? Look to what is making you feel like that.

DIVINATION OUTCOME: Repayment for some kindness in the past. The previous divination have mainly described up and downs but dont give in. Because this divination is almost like a reward for all you have gone through. Everything that is annoyed and bothered you will fade away with due time. With time, there will be good money in the bank that will make life far more enjoyable and you will be looking more adorable.
Religion / Re: How To Open Your 3rd Eye by Divinerspell: 10:42am On Sep 20, 2015
Okay. So where do I start from?

You can start from anywhere you feel comfortable with. A journey of a thousand steps begins with one step
Religion / Re: How To Open Your 3rd Eye by Divinerspell: 9:45am On Sep 20, 2015

Your process is complicated. The chemicals though...

Do you think to open the 3rd eye was an easy process without the guardian of a spiritual mentor? You should respect spiritual personalities that had their spiritual eyes opened.
Religion / Re: How To Open Your 3rd Eye by Divinerspell: 9:42am On Sep 20, 2015
what are the spells or the charms for immediate opening of the third eye.. What are the benefits of Astral Projection, is it possible for me to give someone my number through Astral Projection, I do have Astral Projection but most times i get back to my body almost immediately am out, what's the way through? Attimes i see Demons Angels Jesus, even God when at sleep am I Astral projecting or just dreaming?

The spells and charms to open third eye belongs to another esoteric category entirely. Maybe I will create a new thread for that when I have time

I would like to advise you to ask your astral travel questions on my astral travel thread "How To Do Astral Travel: Visit Other Worlds Today: https://www.nairaland.com/2610860/how-astral-travel-visit-other#38192437
Religion / Re: How To Do Astral Travel: Visit Other Worlds Today by Divinerspell: 9:37am On Sep 20, 2015

He's not.



Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 9:36am On Sep 20, 2015

Hello oluwaisaac, your divination include the following:

Divination 1: I am being shown wealth and prosperity. There is also an unexpected money coming your way. Being a 1, I see the start of something that will be a success as long as you pay close attention to your career.

Divination 2: I am seeing creativity and office. I wouldnt be surprised if you are a graduate of some sort. This season is filled with high expectations.

Divination 3: Your sweethearts love will never grow less but you are scared of your sweetheart love.

Divination 4: I see someone close to you who is depressed and hypertensive.

Divination 5: I see obstacles that go as quick as they appear - annoyances.

Divination 6: You will receive a message on your phone that will make you to change your plans. News regarding money is coming that will clarify something close to your heart.

Divination 7: I see troubles and problems lifting, happy times for your family.

Divination 8: A warning against extravagance. Be on the look out for some controlling factor in your life as it may attempt to cause you problems. This factor is fueled with jealousy and will wish you bad tidings.

Divination 9: A change of occupation in the near future. I see all your hard work paying off with 100%. Congratulations, there is business success ordained for you and a dream made into a reality.

Divination 10: You will soon be living under a new roof. Double check all associations related to business as this spirit talks of meetings, contracts and partnerships but there will be separations and disagreements involved.

Divination 11: Some anxiety over a member of the family. You should seek council of a lawyer. These are times when tact is your best policy as some important opportunities will present themselves.

Your number is 1 and you are being told to have faith in the coming months. Big things are going to happen that may leave you confused and you may be swamped with offers of help and advice. Take time out and consider such offers, do they really have your best interests at heart. You will be surprised by just how many times you make the right choice.
Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 9:30am On Sep 20, 2015
Pls ohh! Do my own.

Hi Jameselias, your divination include the following:

Divination 1: Wedding of an old friend will mean a parting. The spirit points to a strong relationship that did not lead to marriage. You hate a rather bossy life partner who likes to control and give order.

Divination 2: The spirit describes you as a hard working person who has not reached most of your goals... There will be a surprise gift coming your way soon, unexpected but warmly received.

Divination 3: Someone you once loved turns out to be a flirt and this hurts. Look out for trouble that arrives from the hands of a younger person of the opposite sex.

Divination 4: I see loud cry in your neighbors house and I see large gathering in this neigbors house. Something is about to happen in your neigbors house, inform them!

Divination 5: I see good news coming your way that will put your mind at rest over some matter thats been bothering you.

Divination 6: A friend you trust will play you for a fool. There is a guy in your circle of friends who likes to show off, who is very witty and entertaining. The problem here is that he can not be trusted to keep his mouth shut. Look out for someone with black hair and big d*ck. The spirit is also suggesting that you need to pay less attention to such people. Dont get drawn in, simply walk away.

Divination 7: You will have to choose between friends. Someone will betray you and it looks linked to divination 6. Their back stabbing aimed at causing ripples could explode into a tidal epidemic. Follow divination 6 advice and this negativity will be diminished.

Your number is 12. The number 12 is the seeker, the thinker and the searcher of Truth. The 12 doesn't take anything at face value; it is always trying to understand the underlying and hidden truths. The 12 knows that nothing is exactly as it seems and that reality is often hidden behind illusions. It seems that in the up coming months you will being seeing through alot of illusions that are closer to you.
Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 9:26am On Sep 20, 2015

It remains to be seen. The parts involving the past and present were off though.

Hey finofaya, thanks for your feedback!
Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 9:25am On Sep 20, 2015

Well....70% accurate.

You're good.

Are you an amateur/professional?

Hello MzNelly, thanks for your compliments. I am a professional diviner whose chakras and kundalini had been 100% activated and i am doing free divination on this forum. I am happy divining for you and other members of this forum.

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Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 9:24am On Sep 20, 2015
I sent you 2 emails & would appreciate if you can reply soon...

Hi runnazz, I had replied your email. Check your inbox and get back to me.
Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 6:22pm On Sep 19, 2015
[quote author=sun104 post=38139977][/quote]

Hello sun104, how accurate was my palm reading?
Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 6:20pm On Sep 19, 2015
Hello, Divinerspell. What does the future hold for this palm?

Hi finofaya, how accurate was my palm reading?
Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 6:19pm On Sep 19, 2015

Thanks. smiley

You are welcome, so how accurate was my palm reading?
Religion / Re: How To Open Your 3rd Eye by Divinerspell: 6:16pm On Sep 19, 2015
Or the person could simply eat multiple grams of psilocybin mushrooms and await the ensuing punishment.

Only when you abuse the mushrooms that is when you get the bad side effect just like everything else that is abused
Religion / Re: How To Open Your 3rd Eye by Divinerspell: 6:12pm On Sep 19, 2015

Have you started the 3rd eye opening process i listed here?
Religion / Re: How To Do Astral Travel: Visit Other Worlds Today by Divinerspell: 6:06pm On Sep 19, 2015

LoL.. Astral Spy..

Have you started the astral travel assignment now?
Religion / Re: How To Do Astral Travel: Visit Other Worlds Today by Divinerspell: 6:05pm On Sep 19, 2015
i kinda feel OP is crazy

No I am not crazy. There are alot of things that scientist don't understand and one of such things is DEATH. Quantum physics is also a mystery to scientists. You have the chance to learn astral travel for free now while you are still alive so that when you permanently drop your physical body (DEAD), you already know where you are heading to. It is a pity you don't know there is life after death and there is life before birth. You don't know how life is after death and before birth. Keep on feeding your physical body while your soul starve. Do you know how many souls are stranded after death and before birth? Souls like yours that feed their body are stranded till eternity after death.


Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 5:51pm On Sep 19, 2015
Divinerspell, do my own cheesy cheesy

Hello MzNelly, your divination include the following:

Divination 1: Your family problems will be solved if sacrifices are carried out. The spirit suggests happiness at the end. The spirit warns you not to develop an over inflated ego in relation to love matters.

Divination 2: This spirit warns you to pay close attention to all of your assets. Devourer is coming...

Divination 3: The spirit will lead and guide you to a very influential man whom will make you stable and secured financially. This man has black hair, average in height, takes alcohol, has a funny walking step and has a health problem. He is involved heavily with wealth acquisation.

Divination 4: A quarrel with a friend is certain. Get prepared, a positive and negative news are coming... The spirit suggests you will have to sacrifice something in order to avert the bad news and improve your situation. A business plan is going on but there will be some minor set-backs in the future.

Divination 5: I see loss of a friend. A friend you trust may not be all they seem which could incure un-needed burdens. You will achieve success after a very daunting challenge.

Divination 6: The spirit suggest you guard your finances from fraudsters who only wish to use you.

Divination 7: A surprise visit will bring a change of plan. You will experience a fresh start in your relationship and luck is on your side now and you have got far stronger foundations to stand upon.

Divination 8: You should look for alternative ways to achieve your goals as your current approach is riddled with obstacles that could do alot of damage.
Religion / Re: How To Do Astral Travel: Visit Other Worlds Today by Divinerspell: 5:01pm On Sep 19, 2015

Did you smell fish in your out of body experience (OBE)?
Religion / Re: How To Do Astral Travel: Visit Other Worlds Today by Divinerspell: 4:43pm On Sep 19, 2015

Astral travel is something that can be learned. Try this astral travel assignment when you get home today:

Step 1: Relax

Relax your mind and body. You may choose to meditate or perform a series of very deep breaths. In and out, always very slowly. Make sure you inhale deeply and that your breaths are not shallow.

If you know a good body relaxation meditation, use it. If not, you can tense your muscles and release them one at a time. Work from your toes to the top of your head.

Step 2: Get Into A Hypnotic State

After you feel fully relaxed, you need to enter a hypnotic state where your mind is at the edge of sleep and no further. Now lie down and focus on an object. Stare at it until you can visualize it perfectly even with your eyes closed.

Step 3: Get Into A Deeper State Of Relaxation

Now it is time to enter a deeper state of relaxation. Your eyes are still closed and you are still visualizing your chosen object. But now you look around you with your eyes closed. Gaze into the darkness. After a while you may see light patterns dance across your eyes. Just ignore them and they will go away. Once they disappear you have entered a deeper state of relaxation. You will be so relaxed that you are no longer aware of your physical body. Once you reach this level, it is time for step 4.

Step 4: Enter A State Of Vibration

This is the most vital step and it is when you enter into a state of vibration. This state may take longer if you are new to this. When you do begin to feel the vibrations, your astral body has begun to leave your physical body. Just acknowledge this and feel the vibrations. Dont be scared, just enjoy the vibration!

Step 5: Control The Vibrations

Focus on the vibrations as they travel throughout your body. Using your willpower, control them with your mind. As you feel them, try to control the frequency of the waves as well as stopping and starting them. Once you master changing the frequency and you are sure that you can induce them when needed, you are ready for step 6.

Step 6: Imagine The Rope

Here is where you will exert your control and willpower. Imagining that there is a long rope hanging right above you. Without opening your eyes or moving your physical body, visualize yourself reaching up towards the rope. Once you grab a hold of the rope, bring your hand back into your physical body, slow down the vibrations and end the session. After you become fully alert and awakened, move on to step 7.

Step 7: Rinse And Repeat – Now Let’s Do The Whole Body

Now that you have done a partial separation you are ready to try the whole body. Repeat the previous 6 steps but this time, don’t stop at just one hand. Imagine your other hand coming out of your physical body and reaching for the rope. Slowly place hand over hand on the rope as if you were pulling yourself up. You may feel a little dizzy at this point and the vibrations will buzz at a higher frequency. Often people here feel paralyzed or shrink back into their physical bodies. But concentrate on climbing the rope. Don’t stop until you feel your entire self separating from your body. Finally you are free! You will find yourself hovering over your body at this point.

I will be waiting to read your astral travel experiences and questions

* Do you want astral travel mentor or do you want to rapidly improve your astral travel skills and travel anywhere or become an astral spy? Your perception about life will change after your first successful astral travel. Divinerspell charms and spells allows you to safely travel out of your body at will: divinerspell@yahoo.com


Religion / How To Do Astral Travel: Visit Other Worlds Today by Divinerspell: 3:46pm On Sep 19, 2015
There has been a lot of confusion about Astral travel, so I figured I would explain what it is and how to do it. Dreaming, is an unconscious astral travel. When you sleep, your soul leaves your body. It literally leaves our 3D physical reality. This is caused by your pineal gland. This is what propels your soul out of body when you sleep and when you are about to die or have a ‘near death experience’ (OBE).

The thing is, you do not have control over what your soul does when it leaves your body while you sleep... Your subconscious controls it.

The difference between normal sleep and astral travel is when you astral travel, you are able to consciously control your soul and where it goes.

Astral travel is basically just Conscious Sleep. When you start to fall asleep but wake up right before it happens, you can literally feel your soul coming back into body.

That is why you sometimes feel like you are falling. The ‘head exploding sensation’ (as some people describe it), is the first step to starting an astral travel.

That is one of the signs you know that you are doing it right. You feel pressure in your brain and your body starts to tingle. Then, your whole body goes limp and if you can control it, your soul will leave your body shortly after.

Let me put it this way so it is easier to understand... If I were to astral travel and I wanted to communicate with someone that is sleeping, it would be difficult for me to do so.

I could easily find that person in the ‘spirit realm’ aka 4th dimension but I wouldn’t really be able to have a deep conversation with that person because they would appear drunk to me. That is because they are not really conscious.

If I spoke to them, they may remember me being in their dream a little bit but they wouldn’t remember most of it. However, if two people are astral traveling at the same time, they CAN INDEED meet up in 4D, have a conversation together (they can even have sex! Yes, Astral sex is a REAL THING! Google it!) and both people will remember everything that happened.

Through astral travel you can do MANY, MANY things. You can speak with friends and family that are living, friends and family that are long dead, your spirit or animal guides, beings from other dimensions, extra-terrestrials that tend to reside in other dimensions such as the Pleiadians and Andromedans or you can just fly around and see the world like Superman.

I realize this probably sounds crazy to people who are new to this concept but I have done it myself so I know you can do it too. NOTHING has expanded my awareness and my consciousness like astral travel has. I hope you give it a try.

Before we get into techniques of astral travel, you should know that there are hundreds if not thousands of different techniques to get your soul out of body. We are all unique. One technique that works for some people, may not work for others. I recommend you try one for little while and move on to a different one if you don’t succeed.



Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 3:19pm On Sep 19, 2015
i will hook u up on facebook but then i prefer talking on phone pls just beep me or send me an sms to let me know it's u then i will call u. Thanks
my no. Is 08103423934: expecting ur call

Hello Jameselias, I will be expecting your message on facebook
Religion / Re: How To Open Your 3rd Eye by Divinerspell: 3:16pm On Sep 19, 2015

But if a person is not taking care of his or her 3rd Eye, all of these benefits are cut off. Calcification of the pineal gland will definitely occur without regular detox.

Most people’s pineal glands are heavily calcified by the time they are 17 years old, so much so that they show up as a lump of calcium during an MRI.

Calcification is the build up of calcium phosphate crystals in various parts of the body. This process occurs because of toxins in everyday products that you use.

There is some speculation that cell phones are also part of the problem, thanks to high concentrations of radiation and a closed 3rd Eye is no joke.

In Hindu tradition, it is known as “Anja Chakra” and is credited with bringing confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, pessimism, jealousy, envy and one sidedness to a person’s life.

The good news is that there is something you can do about it. Just because your pineal gland is calcified doesn’t mean the door can’t be reopened. There are powerful spells and charms that can open the third eye immediately.


Religion / Re: How To Open Your 3rd Eye by Divinerspell: 2:47pm On Sep 19, 2015
Satanist are here again. *runs out*

What is Satanic about my post? Didn't you read the topic before clicking on it? Let us try and respect each other religion. Thank you!
Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 2:43pm On Sep 19, 2015

Judging by your palm, I can state that masturbati0n is in your near future. grin

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin


Religion / Re: How To Open Your 3rd Eye by Divinerspell: 1:01pm On Sep 19, 2015

1. Avoid Fluoride

Pay close attention to the water in your life; tap water, cooking with tap water, toothpaste are all obvious a NO. However, other bad influences include inorganic fruits and vegetables, red meat and any sodas and artificial drinks because they are produced with impure water as well. It doesn’t just apply to what you ingest, either! Taking showers without a filter can be detrimental as well. Going cold from all these things can be tough, so you can begin with any of these things and slowly work your way up.

2. Try a Pineal Gland Detoxifier / Stimulant

Hydrilla verticillata, chlorella, spirulina, blue-green algae, Iodine, zeolite, ginseng, borax, D3, bentonite clay, chlorophyll and blue skate liver oil are all ingredients that will help your pineal gland begin to purify once again.

3. Add These To Your Diet

Raw cacao, goji berries, garlic, cilantro, citric acid (i.e. lots of lemons, such as consuming regularly with water), watermelon, bananas, honey, coconut oil, hemp seeds, seaweed, and noni juice are fuel for your 3rd Eye, as they have natural detoxifying and body-nourishing properties. Raw apple, cider, vinegar is also a key food, as it is filled with malic acid; be sure to consume it raw. Some ways to ingest it include drinking with purified water, 8 tablespoons of ACV and 2 tablespoons raw, local honey. You will notice a surefire health effect as well!

4. Start Using Essentials Oils

Many can be used to help stimulate the pineal gland and facilitate states of spiritual awareness, meditation, astral projection and so on. Good choices include lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, parsley, davana, pine, pink lotus and mugwort (a word of caution regarding mugwort: excess use of Mugwort has a neurotoxin effect if inhaled directly, so be careful!). Essential oils can be inhaled directly, burned in a diffuser or nebulizer and added to bath water.

5. Try Sungazing

The sun is a powerful ally for you to have. Start gazing at the sun during the first 15 minutes of sunrise and last 15 minutes of sunset to boost your pineal gland.

6. Meditate and Chant Regularly

Chanting causes the tetrahedron bone in the nose to resonate, which causes stimulation of the pineal gland. When it stimulated, it secretes more beneficial hormones that regulate your body and can even keep you looking younger. The sound “OM” resonates with the Fourth Chakra, known as the Heart Center, the seat of Unconditional Love. Chanting OM opens you up to Universal and cosmic awareness. You can chant up to 5 minutes, 10 minutes or however long you desire to.

7. Collect Crystals

Crystals are another powerful tool but keep in mind that there are specific ones that you should use to target the pineal gland. These amethyst (in wand form), laser quartz (wand), moonstone, pietersite, purple sapphire, purple violet tourmaline, rhodonite, rose aura and sodalite. However, what is really important is the color; any indigo, violet or dark purple gemstone or crystal can be used to stimulate the Pineal Gland and open, balance, or align the 6th and 7th Chakras. Placed directly on the 3rd eye or brow chakra for 15-30 minutes a day or every other day will help remove calcification of the Third Eye. A recommended exercise for pineal gland stimulation and health is to take an amethyst obelisk crystal or an amethyst wand, point it at the Third Eye (point of the wand should touch your skin) and look up directly at the sun with your eyes closed. Try practicing this every day for about 5-10 minutes. What occurs is that the sun’s rays will penetrate through the base part of the obelisk or the end part of an amethyst wand and beam directly into the Pineal Gland, thereby stimulating it. You can also use the laser quartz in wand form, too. Quartz crystal benefits every single chakra.

8. Massage with Magnets

Attach a magnet that sticks by adhesive to the part of your skin above your Third Eye for a few hours throughout the day, which will also stimulate and decalcify it. Magnets cause the body to become alkaline, especially the part of the body where the magnet is attached. Any strength or gauss, of magnet will work, but only use magnets on the head area during waking hours. The energy from the sun will magnify the strength of the magnet’s effect.

As with most solutions regarding people’s bodies, there is no “one size fits all” fix. You can try all of these things, or a mixture. Just be sure to be dedicated and committed to doing these things regularly, or you will likely not see any results that could change your life. Be intentional, and the things you will see will far out-reward any work you put in.

Religion / How To Open Your 3rd Eye by Divinerspell: 12:42pm On Sep 19, 2015
The 3rd eye is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake / sleep patterns and seasonal functions. It is shape resembles a tiny pine cone and it is located near the centre of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

It is also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium or the 3rd Eye, with the latter being the aspect most spiritually-minded people focus on.
This Third Eye activates when exposed to light and has a number of biological functions in controlling the bio-rhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland which directs the body’s thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process. All in all, a very important gland

A list of the benefits and abilities the 3rd Eye brings include clarity, concentration, perspicuity, bliss, intuition, decisiveness and insight, as well as:

* Enabling Aura viewing, seeing energy, seeing beings and seeing with eyes closed

* Effective astral projection

* Lucid dreaming

* Enhanced imagination

* Better sleep quality

* Clear channels and ability to feel energy more efficiently


Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 11:20am On Sep 19, 2015
Hello, Divinerspell. What does the future hold for this palm?

Hi finofaya, your divination include the following:

PAST: Some advancement is predicted for you. Did a relationship break-up in the past as the spirit suggest this. It also shows a strong desire or wish to find true love. The spirit speaks of letting go of something you held close to your heart.

PRESENT: Somebody will help you out from troubles. There is somebody being shown here who is very supportive to you. There is also mention of romantic fantasy surrounding you at the moment.

FUTURE: A person will be present in your future whom will cause you trouble. This person will be very nasty in your future. Avoid this person at all costs as the person will enjoy interferring with your life.

WHAT YOU DONT EXPECT: Unexpected money from a loved one... The spirit of money and prosperity will begin to look up for you. This may be a time when you can wipe the slate clean.

PEOPLE AROUND YOU: Somebody you have always known, adores you. You have some good friends around you who will keep their eyes on you.

OBSTACLES: Beware of quarrels. It is clearly shown that you are finding it difficult to complete things. Your mind is lost with thoughts and worries.

OUTCOME: A broken relationship is predicted. This spirit is revealing that you are going to say goodbye to the past and start again. You will be sweeping away the clutter in mind, body and spirit. You are going to make big CHANGES to your life.

3 is your special number. This is a karmic number in all that as passed is what you are right now. You feel restless and this will urge you into a change that may take sometime to adjust to but in the end is where your supposed to be heading anyway.
Religion / Re: Free Palm Divination Here by Divinerspell: 10:31am On Sep 19, 2015
Can we talk offline pls?

Yes off-course, my email is divinerspell@yahoo.com and my page is www.facebook.com/divinerspell

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