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Investment / Re: Making Money Online In Nigeria? How Real Is It? by donlet(m): 11:22pm On Sep 25, 2021
At a period when most of the stuffs you see online is scam disguised as business opportunities. I just found what i think doesn't invlove cam in any way. Why i'm sharing this is because i'm a personal proof that this works and there are lot of people who are acheiving results with it.

It doesn't take to much of your time,

it's not too complicated or hard to learn

it doesn't require experience or investment.

If you have just 5 minutes, i will advice you check this out and you could also start earning upto 107k per week


I dont know a thing about making making money online, but i see a lot of articles on net claiming they made some mouth watering amounts online, but are willing to share there secret for a small amount of money.

some of us are interested in this venture but are discouraged because we dont want to get scammed.

so am asking on behalf of everyone; can this so called internet gurus be trusted? is making money online as easy and rewarding as they claim?
Nairaland / General / Re: 14 Legit Ways To Make Money Online In Nigeria- 2020 (earn Money Online) by donlet(m): 11:15pm On Sep 25, 2021
Thanks for sharing this post, it's quite educative. Few days ago, i stumbled on what i think is the easiest way for people who have tried so many things online that doesn't work for them to finally start earning upto 107k per week. But you don't have to believe me. Click on the link below to check it out and judge for yourself


There are several ways to make money online in Nigeria with little or no capital investment. It doesn’t matter if you are unemployed, full-time employee with a major corporation, a stay at home mom, a university student, or a job-seeker, fashion designer, or any job. All you require is knowing how to use the internet.

The internet has made life so easy that you can get a business for yourself in minutes, hours and days within the digital scale with no too much stress. No matter where you live, as long as you have an internet connection, you can always make money online. In this article, we would implore some legit ways to make money online. https://www.schooldrillers.com/ways-to-make-money-online/

1. Website development

Learn how to develop websites, start by learning HTML & CSS and then you can go with how to build wordpress sites.

You will find Many online tutorials for free . All you have to do to be patient and learn how to do it step by step and work hard on it and you will have it…

Once you learn you can make Money through the freelancing websites or even work with big companies from home… And you can build complete websites and sell it on Envato Market.

2. Online Books publication

Okadabooks is an online website in Nigeria that makes it fast, easy and free to publish books online. This is not limited to books alone but also short stories, reviews or anything worth reading. The best part is that Okadabooks allows users to monetize each book published which means you get paid when any of your publications are downloaded or read.

3. Sell Designs & Creatives Online

Do you have some basic design experience? Printivo Online Store is a marketplace that allows anyone to upload and sell designs to customers. Each time a Printivo customer makes use of your design or orders a print with your design you get paid 15% of the value of the design by Printivo.

4. List on Property Websites

Do you know of any property available for rent or building for sale in your area where you live? You can always earn a quick agency fee by posting available properties in your area on property websites such as Tolet, Jumia House & Private Property. All you have to do is to register as an agent and you are good to go.

5. Start a Blog or a Vlog

Yes, good old blogging is still chugging along in 2017. By providing valuable content on a regular basis you attract like-minded prospects who are interested in information and products related to your niche. The more traffic you have the more money you can make by monetizing your blog. For Vlogging, you can get started by creating a Youtube channel as a platform for distributing your video contents.

6. Sell on E-commerce Websites

Another legit way to make some extra cash online in Nigeria is by selling on e-commerce websites. Jumia, Konga, PayPorte are all e-commerce websites that allow a merchant to list and sell products online for free. This list of websites exposes your product to a huge chunk of online audiences that you will not be able to access offline making it easier and faster to sell and make more money online.

7. Affiliate Marketing

If you’ve got a good presence on social media or perhaps you even have a blog or website, you can start bringing in money immediately by promoting all sorts of companies, products, services and offers online. You can even apply to affiliate programs of some notable brands in Nigeria such as Konga and Jumia Affiliate Program.

8. Offer Professional Services Online

Another way to make quick and legit money online is by freelancing. Most freelancing websites allow you to leverage your skills to earn some quick cash online. Common skills in demand for online services like these include content writing, social media management, website design, graphic design, search engine marketing, etc.
9. Become a Virtual Tutor

Another way to make money online is by teaching others what you know. You can become a virtual tutor and engage in one-on-one tutoring sessions or even host Webinars to help people directly with any number of topics. Nigerian websites like Tutors NG allows users to monetize their knowledge by creating online learning materials for others in need of specific knowledge.

10. Online Surveys

An increasingly popular way to make money online in Nigeria is to fill out online surveys. This can be done in your spare time. Research companies are always recruiting new members to answer surveys and test new products. For a few minutes of filling online surveys, you can make some quick cash as a reward.

11. Apps & Websites Testing

The main aim is to improve online experiences for everyday internet users. Internet companies are always looking for real people like you, to test out new or existing mobile apps and websites so that website owners, coders, and designers can see and evaluate the obstacles that real people experience with their products. Most of the companies reward the testers in cash for each app or website tested (Check out User Testing).

12. Email Marketing

Build up an email list and sell courses and ebooks based on that topic!

You can easily Build an email list by offering a free Book or course from your own products and let the user download it from their email.

Or using many tools online to build this list like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, others.

Now that you have a list provided them with value, it’s time to think about the ways you can make money with your newsletter.

The most important thing to remember when exploring ways to monetize your email list is to make it relevant to your audience.

You can use your list and make money by:-

Affiliate marketing
Sell your own products
Get paid to send your subscribers to other sites
Sell sponsor ads
13. Language Help

If you know more than one language you can help others by:-

Why not build an online course and sell it on udemy.com or any other sites which sell courses… Or perhaps, Work as freelancer translator on freelancer.com, upwork.com.

14. Write an Ebooks

Write an in-depth ebook about something you love and are good at. Sell it on Amazon, affiliate programs, Facebook, Instagram and other ad platforms!

If you are good at anything, it’s researching and writing. With the Amazon Kindle store, anyone can publish an eBook and make money.

And the Kindle app is now available on almost any device (laptops, iPads, smartphones and yes, Kindles) so your global market is huge!

List your book for £1.49 – £6.99 and you earn 70% of the sale. Considering Amazon is the ultimate selling machine (and remember people are looking to spend), that is a fantastic deal.

The key to success with eBooks is to create value, and write non-fiction. Simply bundling information you have researched and compiled on a common problem (eg. ‘secrets’ to finding a job) and then presenting it in an easy to digest format (an eBook) justifies someone spending a few quid on it.

Another big tip is to have a great cover designed so it stands out, and once your book is live on the Kindle store it’s really important to get some reviews so it shows up higher in results. Encourage readers to leave an honest review at the end of your book.

The best thing about this lucrative idea is that once you’ve invested the time (say 20 hours), you’ll earn a passive income for years to come.
Source: Read more tips here. https://www.schooldrillers.com/ways-to-make-money-online/

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Business / Re: Learn A Skills Or Handwork Today And Start Your Business This Year by donlet(m): 4:42pm On Sep 24, 2021
Wow, you have a very huge list. I also found a training about affiliate marketing some days back and based on the testimonies i'm seeing i believe it's quite effective.
It's all about making 107k per week just pressing your phone through affiliate marketing.

If you have just 5minutes, i will advice you check it out


You can now learn this better tangible skills or handwork online from our training institute.we have been in this training field since 2006,we have trained countless number of students.we have more than 600 Training program already,we are still adding more,get professional training from us now and become expert.

You can enroll for our training program like -:

1. satellite dish installation training
2. solar inverter installation training
3. mobile phone/tablet repair training
4. laptop/Notebook Computer Repair training.
5.iphone,iPad and iPod repair
6. CCTV installation training
8. Plasma/LCD Television Repair Training.
9. LCD Monitor Repair Training
8. Digital Photography Training
9. Home Studio Recording Training
10. Digital Filmmaking Training
11. Complete Ethical Hacking Training
12. Blogging For Money Training
13. Complete Copywriting Training
14. Online Business Training.
15. Beginners Online Money Making Training.
16. Beginners Sewing Training
17. Digital Marketing Using Google Tools Training.
18. iPhone Photography Training
19. Online Writing Training
20. Article Writing Training
21. Google Ads Training
22. Testing Electronic Components Training.
23. Android Application Development Training.
24. Computer Hacking Training
25. Window And Internet Hacking Training.
26. Wordpress Hacking Training
27. Wifi Hacking Training
28. Wordpress Search Engine Optimization Training.
29. Beginners Hacking Training
30. Email Hacking Training
31. Website design Training
32. Wordpress Security Training
33. Wordpress Theme Building Training
34. Building Online Store Training
35. Solar Panel Building Training
36. Microsoft Word Training
37. Digital Marketing Training
38. Wedding Videography Training
39. Amazon Kindle Book Publishing Training
40. Web Photography Training
41. Social Media Marketing Training
42. Crypto-currency Master Training
43. Cryptocurrency Investing Training
44. Beginners Forex Trading Training
45. Advanced Forex Trading Training
46. Beginners Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Training.
47. Beginners Day Trading Training
48. Advanced Day Trading Training
49. Beginners Web/Google Analytics Training
50. Lithium batteries Training (how to build your own battery packs)
51. Graphics Design Using Adobe Illustrator CC Training
52. Professional WordPress Training
53. Complete Coding Training
54. Beginners WordPress Training

And many others,we will be updating latest training program on our training institute website.you can visit our training website through the link in my signature or profile
Business / Re: How To Detect A Scam Business Website by donlet(m): 4:35pm On Sep 24, 2021
I like this thread. We need to sanitize the market place here in Nigeria!

At a period like this when 98% of most business opportunity is almost scam, few days ago, i stumbled on what i believed is the easiest way for anyone to make money online without investment or previous knowledge.

But you don't have to believe me.

Click on the link below and judge for yourself

Business / Re: 8 Ways To Raise Capital For Business In Nigeria by donlet(m): 4:02pm On Aug 30, 2021
One of the major factors making business establishment rather difficult is the issue of finance. Many Nigerians do not know how to Raise Money for Business in Nigeria and this tends to hamper business progress.

Those among them already operating one business or the other are forced to remain perpetually on small scale level due to lack of funds to expand such businesses. In this write-up anyway, you will get to learn one or two things you can do to raise funds for your business right here in Nigeria.

Personal saving

You can save up some money to run your business instead of relying on anyone for help. You do not need to save much each time. Just saving a little at a time can amount to much at the end of the day. The best way to get fund via this way is to start saving early.

Start saving from the very first day you conceive the idea and it would have amounted to so much after some times. Some are of the opinion that starting with your own savings will prompt you to manage the money very carefully and this can help build up your business within a very short period of time.


This is yet another way to raise funds for your business in Nigeria. All you have to do is to go into partnership with someone ready to foot the bills to establish the business, while you bring the business idea to the table. The two of your will work based on agreed business formula.

This method had been known to work quite fine over the years. You do not need to depend on the partner alone for the fund. The two of you can team together to raise the funds based on percentage sharing.

Crowd funding

Many people are now into crowd funding as a means to raise funds for business. Truth is crowd funding is not so popular yet in Nigeria as there is yet to be a website set up for that purpose. Be that as it may, it is already being used by many offline. There is however possibility that it will grow more popular online as the years go by.

Crowd funding can come in form of cooperative societies. Another form of crowd funding is via family members and friends. You can equally raise funds through religious groups. . All you have to do is exploit your membership of such a religious group and you will be able to raise funds for the business before long.

Entrepreneurship programme

You can equally enroll in many of the entrepreneurship programs in Nigeria to raise funds for your business. There are many of them there in Nigeria and you can easily join any. What these people do is to listen to your business idea and find out how feasible it is. Then they will consider sponsoring the business based on agreed terms.

They assess your business proposal and those of other members in the program. You are sure of getting the desired fund to finance your business if your business proposal is acceptable. Interestingly, these organizations may not even ask you to pay back what you are being given as business fund.

Sales of assets

There is no point in keeping items you do not need urgently. Why not just sell them off to raise funds for the business? When the business begins to prosper and make good profit, you can always buy those items back. If you have landed properties, you can sell them to raise funds.

Also, there are some items, like cars, electronics and other stuffs you can sell off to raise funds. Raising funds this way will give you peace of mind and you will never have to worry about paying back along with interest. You will be able to do your business with peace of mind and grow at your own pace.

Online business

If the truth must be told, online business costs far less than many of the brick and mortal businesses people do. For one, you will never have to spend so much money to rent shops. You only need to put together a wonderful website and this puts you in good position to get the desired loan. Here is a free phone number budgeting loan, so you can find the best loan for your situation.

A functional business website will only cost just a fraction of the amount you would spend on resting and fitting a brick and mortal shop. Additionally, a website will help take your businesses beyond the limited scope of your environment to far beyond.

You can also raise funds for your brick and mortal business via the internet. There are so many things you can do online to raise funds.

Get an employment

You can also get job to raise funds for your business instead of borrowing or waiting for someone to help you. All you have to do is to do is to simply mange your finances and keep aside particular percentage every month.

You will also have to give yourself a target of how long you want to take to raise the fund needed for the business. You can give yourself a target for 2 years to raise the required fund for the said business.

Visit development bank

Development banks do not charge as much interest rate as other banks. In actual fact, you can also get fund for your business. Many of these development banks have programs in place that can help fund small and medium scale businesses. Examples of such banks are Agricultural Bank and Bank of Industry.

One other thing that makes them helpful is that they do not ask you for collateral in order to give you the required loan for your business. Microfinance banks too are helpful too. Some of them give loans to small scale business and they allow you to make repayment over a given period of time.

Most of the time, they too do not ask for collateral to give you the loan required to establish this business. Bank loan too is yet another means of raising funds for your business. The only problem is that banks always ask for collateral. You can approach these banks if you have collateral you can present for the loan.

Source: http://wakanda.ng/raise-money-business-nigeria/
Last week i stumbled on how #entrepeneurs can easily get Capital of upto 10 Million Naira without stress.

But you don't need to believe me.

Just click on the link to access the info

Business / Re: 8 Ways To Raise Capital For Business In Nigeria by donlet(m): 4:00pm On Aug 30, 2021
One of the major factors making business establishment rather difficult is the issue of finance. Many Nigerians do not know how to Raise Money for Business in Nigeria and this tends to hamper business progress.

Those among them already operating one business or the other are forced to remain perpetually on small scale level due to lack of funds to expand such businesses. In this write-up anyway, you will get to learn one or two things you can do to raise funds for your business right here in Nigeria.

Personal saving

You can save up some money to run your business instead of relying on anyone for help. You do not need to save much each time. Just saving a little at a time can amount to much at the end of the day. The best way to get fund via this way is to start saving early.

Start saving from the very first day you conceive the idea and it would have amounted to so much after some times. Some are of the opinion that starting with your own savings will prompt you to manage the money very carefully and this can help build up your business within a very short period of time.


This is yet another way to raise funds for your business in Nigeria. All you have to do is to go into partnership with someone ready to foot the bills to establish the business, while you bring the business idea to the table. The two of your will work based on agreed business formula.

This method had been known to work quite fine over the years. You do not need to depend on the partner alone for the fund. The two of you can team together to raise the funds based on percentage sharing.

Crowd funding

Many people are now into crowd funding as a means to raise funds for business. Truth is crowd funding is not so popular yet in Nigeria as there is yet to be a website set up for that purpose. Be that as it may, it is already being used by many offline. There is however possibility that it will grow more popular online as the years go by.

Crowd funding can come in form of cooperative societies. Another form of crowd funding is via family members and friends. You can equally raise funds through religious groups. . All you have to do is exploit your membership of such a religious group and you will be able to raise funds for the business before long.

Entrepreneurship programme

You can equally enroll in many of the entrepreneurship programs in Nigeria to raise funds for your business. There are many of them there in Nigeria and you can easily join any. What these people do is to listen to your business idea and find out how feasible it is. Then they will consider sponsoring the business based on agreed terms.

They assess your business proposal and those of other members in the program. You are sure of getting the desired fund to finance your business if your business proposal is acceptable. Interestingly, these organizations may not even ask you to pay back what you are being given as business fund.

Sales of assets

There is no point in keeping items you do not need urgently. Why not just sell them off to raise funds for the business? When the business begins to prosper and make good profit, you can always buy those items back. If you have landed properties, you can sell them to raise funds.

Also, there are some items, like cars, electronics and other stuffs you can sell off to raise funds. Raising funds this way will give you peace of mind and you will never have to worry about paying back along with interest. You will be able to do your business with peace of mind and grow at your own pace.

Online business

If the truth must be told, online business costs far less than many of the brick and mortal businesses people do. For one, you will never have to spend so much money to rent shops. You only need to put together a wonderful website and this puts you in good position to get the desired loan. Here is a free phone number budgeting loan, so you can find the best loan for your situation.

A functional business website will only cost just a fraction of the amount you would spend on resting and fitting a brick and mortal shop. Additionally, a website will help take your businesses beyond the limited scope of your environment to far beyond.

You can also raise funds for your brick and mortal business via the internet. There are so many things you can do online to raise funds.

Get an employment

You can also get job to raise funds for your business instead of borrowing or waiting for someone to help you. All you have to do is to do is to simply mange your finances and keep aside particular percentage every month.

You will also have to give yourself a target of how long you want to take to raise the fund needed for the business. You can give yourself a target for 2 years to raise the required fund for the said business.

Visit development bank

Development banks do not charge as much interest rate as other banks. In actual fact, you can also get fund for your business. Many of these development banks have programs in place that can help fund small and medium scale businesses. Examples of such banks are Agricultural Bank and Bank of Industry.

One other thing that makes them helpful is that they do not ask you for collateral in order to give you the required loan for your business. Microfinance banks too are helpful too. Some of them give loans to small scale business and they allow you to make repayment over a given period of time.

Most of the time, they too do not ask for collateral to give you the loan required to establish this business. Bank loan too is yet another means of raising funds for your business. The only problem is that banks always ask for collateral. You can approach these banks if you have collateral you can present for the loan.

Source: http://wakanda.ng/raise-money-business-nigeria/

Last week i stumbled on how #entrepeneurs can easily get Capital of upto 10 Million Naira without stress.

But you don't need to believe me.

Just click on the link to access the info

Business / How To Access Upto To 10million Naira Funding For Your Business In 3 Months by donlet(m): 11:16am On Aug 25, 2021
Every business start with just an ideas.

But to tranform an idea into a profitable business,
you need to have a business plan and funds to execute the plans.

So it simple! If your business get all the funds required
to execute your plans, your business grows and flourish

But if your business doesn't get the right fund to execute
your business plans, your business will die a natural death.

One problem that gives entreprenuers sleepless nights in Nigeria
is lack of fund to execute great ideas.

Getting funds for a business in Nigeria is like, finding a needle in a haystack.

Very difficult!

As difficult as it is for one to get fund to execute a business ideas,
any great business ideas that is being pitched correctly to the right investor, will get funding

So the question is How do you present your business to an investors so that,
they will be left with no other option than to invest in your business.

There are 3 ways you can get funds for your business

- Loans from banks, microfianance banks, bank of industry etc
- Grants
- Angel Investors or Venture Capitalists.

Most entreprenuers knows about those 3 ways of getting funds for business, but what they don't know
is exactly how to get funds through those 3ways.

If you want your business to grow and get the funds to scale the business, there are certain things
you can do that will make investors give you the fund you need.

I will summarize the steps you need to get funds for you business into just 3 steps.

- Get your business ready
- Write excellent business Plan
- Pitch your business to investors and convince them to give you the fund.

If you don't want investors to keep telling you, we will get back to you later,
then you need to know exactly what you should write and pitch.

You must know what business consultants that will review your application for fund will be looking for.

I just found a Nigerian entrepreneur like you, who despite the difficulty in getting funds for businesses in Nigeria
has found a way to be getting the required funds for his business every single year.

His name is Odusote Mayokun CEO of Edulight Consulting.

- 2017, he was able to secure a loan from Bank of industry for Edulight at 9% pa interest rate
- 2018, he got Tony Elumelu grant of $5000 and start a second business called Learn station
- 2019, he got a venture capitalist to give fund to start webhosting company smewebhost
-2020 he got a grant of $1500 from facebook.

So, this guy is hosting a free webinar for entrepreneurs on how to access upto 10 Million
Naira in the next 3 Months to grow your business.

If you are really serious about getting funds to grow your business, I will advice you
click on the link below to reserve your spot for the webinar


Career / If You Don't Earn Enough Income As A Teacher Why Not Create An Online Course? by donlet(m): 12:11pm On Aug 24, 2021
Teachers in Nigeria don't earn enough money right?

It's a fact!

When i was younger, i know some landlords will not give thier houses to tenants that are teachers.


1. They don't earn good salary

2. Government sometimes owe them salaries

But teachers supposed to be the highest paid profession because they are the ones that
taught the Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers etc

In our society today, once you say you are a teacher, people will not respect you.
most people will look down on you just like a broke person.

Teaching used to be one of the professions our Parents are proud of.
In those days when you graduate you immediately get a job, car and quarters for you to live with your family.

Even though the pay might not be too much then, people were happy and they teach with enthusiasm

There are still some people who are keenly interested in teaching but are being discouraged because of the pay.

Low pay, imagine a graduate being offered 15,000 Naira salary as a teacher.

This is an insult but some still take it thinking half bread is better than none

But technology has evolved, you don't need to wait for private schools to employ you and pay you peanuts.

You can create online courses, sell and keep all the profits.

If your course is an instant hit, you could sell 100 copies of a 10,000 Naira ebook within 7days of launch

That will be you smilling to the bank with a 1 Million Naira in just 7 days and you can do this over and over again!

But is creating an online course difficult?

It's not.

As easy as writing few pages of ebooks using your microsoft word and covert to pdf


USe your smartphone to record yourself teaching your skill.

You might even use a powerpoint slide to explain in details.

All these doesn't take time and it's what could increase your income astronomically.

Earning enough money will improve your self esteem and you will be able to afford good things
in life just like every other profession.

You could get a beautiful wife, build houses, buy cars just like doctors.

inlaws will not deny you the right to marry their daughters again.

Anyway, if you interested in learning how to launch your first online course based on your
skills and experience, i will advice you click on the link below to learn more

Business / You Will Stop Being A Liability The Moment You Start Doing This Business! by donlet(m): 9:11pm On Aug 07, 2021
If your husband or partner has started seeing you as a liability, you will notice it from his behaviour towards you.

He might not come out to say it to your face but from reactions when you ask for money you will know.

Even sometimes he might delibrately delay your request for money saying there are more pressing needs for money.

A good way to stop being a liability is to find something you can be doing to earn some income if you are not currently employed or you are a full house wife.

If there is a predictable income business that can put 750k into your bank account every single month, will it make your life better?

considering the fact that,

You won't have to deal with insults from your husband or boyfriend each time you ask for money. This will make your marriage and relationship with your partner more enjoyable.

You won't have to ask money from your husband or boy friend to buy the latest designer shoes, dresses, wigs etc

You won't have to ask money from your husband or boy friend to settle your parent bills, your sibling bills.

You will be able to buy cute dresses for your Kids

You will be able to buy latest jewelries and mobile phones.

You might even buy a car and start investing in properties in the name of your kids.

And the business is what you can do from home at your time.

You don't need to rent a shop

You don't need to talk to anybody

You don't need to import or stock products

You don't need to travel to work

You don't need to face any tough or annoying boss

I found one of such businesses which i will advice you click on the link below to learn more about it

Politics / Re: DSS Produces 12 Igboho’s Aides In Court, Bars Journalists (Pictures) by donlet(m): 11:21am On Aug 04, 2021
Thank God they complied and bring them to court. Let hope they can regain their freedom soon
Politics / Re: Court Restrains DSS, Malami From Arresting Sunday Igboho by donlet(m): 11:18am On Aug 04, 2021
Interesting let's see how it goes
Career / As A Fresh Graduate Is Relocating To Canada For Msc Better Than Getting A Job by donlet(m): 7:48am On Aug 04, 2021
As a fresh graduate in Nigeria after the NYSC, is relocating to canada through study Visa to do Msc and possbily getting a canadian PR after graduation better than trying to get a job here in Nigeria.

We all know it quite difficult to get job here but the cost of education in canada too is a factor one has to consider.

What is your take on this?

Let's share opinions.

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