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Politics / Re: Benue Owes 150 Teachers 4-yr Salaries by DRANOEL(m): 8:58am On Feb 24, 2012
the s.tupid bloody m.oron with his amala loving wife calls himself mr. infrastructure (building high class infrastructure for himself in abuja) while not doing anything in the state!
he can't pay teachers but he can send his half caste mistress on spending jamborees around the world
Politics / Re: 19 Northern Governors: The Certified Parasites by DRANOEL(m): 8:51am On Feb 24, 2012

Lasino, dranoel, stop beating about the bush and discuss the issues raised.
Northern Governors are parasites and ordinary Northerners are realising it.

and how am i beating about the bush?
i simply asked you what makes kano a parasite and ekiti viable?
between kaduna and ebonyi which is the parasite?

like i said earlier, apart from the states i mentioned early on, every other state is a parasite! stop hiding under the southern cloak
Politics / Re: 19 Northern Governors: The Certified Parasites by DRANOEL(m): 12:10am On Feb 24, 2012

If u want to reduce the point to the better performer bw, Northern and Southern Governors, u will still give it to the south.

You hear about Okorocha, Fashola, Chime, Amaechi, Akpabio etc all frm south,
You can name the performing Northern governors,
jonah jang collects 5bn monthly,akpabio collects 19bn,amaechi 19bn,fashola 9bn.

using ratios based on performance and income, jang is doing by far better than the rest! same goes for the man in jigawa!
Politics / Re: Don’t Create Unviable States –senator Oyofo by DRANOEL(m): 12:01am On Feb 24, 2012
we should be talking about merging kano with jigawa,
bauchi with gombe,
southern kaduna with plateau and nassarawa,
parts of niger with northern kaduna and katsina, kwara with yoruba kogi and parts of niger,
ekiti with ondo,osun with oyo,lagos with ogun
edo with delta,
bayelsa with rivers,
akwa ibom with cross rivers,
the south east can be reduced to two states,
benue parts of kogi and southern taraba merged,
adamawa with the rest of taraba merged,
borno with yobe merged,
zamfara with sokoto merged!
Politics / Re: 19 Northern Governors: The Certified Parasites by DRANOEL(m): 11:43pm On Feb 23, 2012
northerners are parasites blah blah blah blah!

ekiti brings more to the table than kaduna abi?
ebonyi contributes more to the federation account than kano shei?
osun is more viable than kogi right?

whether your southern egos agree or not the only non parasitic states in nigeria are: rivers,lagos,bayelsa,delta,akwa ibom,kano & kaduna!

every other state is a parasite (including insignificant oil states like ondo,edo,imo,abia etc)
Politics / Re: Wao,the Bill Gate Of Nigeria Is Finally Here! by DRANOEL(m): 10:18pm On Feb 22, 2012
so they're just inventing jet engine?
so so proud of the okoro man!. . . . . .next we will invent television and introduce it to the world grin
Politics / Re: Is 13% To Niger Delta Cause Of Northern Underdevelopment? by DRANOEL(m): 7:21pm On Feb 20, 2012

what is your buisness what we think about the oil in our land? is it your oil? better become productive like the middle beltans nothing free last forever, just an advice, even with the oil in the east , it still boast of the biggest market in the world ,trade, commerce, agriculture , manufactiring industries and of course nollywood while you sit around waiting for handouts.
hmmmmmn.trade,commerce,agriculture,manufacturing industries?

. . .  .and the biggest player in the sectors is aliko dangote closely followed by bua group!
Politics / Re: Is 13% To Niger Delta Cause Of Northern Underdevelopment? by DRANOEL(m): 7:08pm On Feb 20, 2012
you want me to go and start building groundnut pyramids?
will do that soon as you go and start planting more oil. . . .o' sorry i forgot you don't plant crude oil do you? you lazy lot just feel since oil is under your feet it equates to hard work
Politics / Re: Ojukwu's Burial Runs Into Trouble by DRANOEL(m): 6:57pm On Feb 20, 2012
whitney houston, one of the world's greats died,the whole planet was shocked and the world mourned. . . .she was buried within a week.

ojukwo died,didn't even get 2mins on cnn and you people are still parading he's manhood about
Politics / Re: Is 13% To Niger Delta Cause Of Northern Underdevelopment? by DRANOEL(m): 6:51pm On Feb 20, 2012
oga, just as awo was doing all that in the west the saudana was doing same in the north i.e abu zaria (the biggest university in w.africa),northern textile industries, etc.

while not totally agreeing with sanusi but the truth is while the ND With a small population is getting fat cheques from the central govt.,northern nigeria with it's large number is getting meagre. this has widened the gap and created room for bokoharamist!
Politics / Re: Ojukwu's Burial Runs Into Trouble by DRANOEL(m): 6:22pm On Feb 20, 2012
ojukwu and the sun that will never rise
Politics / Re: Aba To Shut Down As Ojukwu’s Body Arrives Feb 28 by DRANOEL(m): 5:56pm On Feb 20, 2012
biafra. . . . . .land of the un-rising sun
Politics / Re: The Arabic Inscription On The Naira Note by DRANOEL(m): 4:16pm On Feb 20, 2012

Friendly Advice:

1. Improve your English

2. Find-out about work-free days in Arab countries.

why i didn't reply him
Politics / Re: Kaduna Ministry Official Taken For Suicide Bomber Dies Of Gunshot Wounds by DRANOEL(m): 3:52pm On Feb 20, 2012

It makes no sense, seems like a well planned muder to me. Is it the first time he is coming to the government house?. Didn't the soldiers see his plate number?

is it by plate number? who told you boko haram doesn't have access to govt. plate numbers?
because he goes to govt. house doesn't free him from suspicion
Politics / Re: The Arabic Inscription On The Naira Note by DRANOEL(m): 3:34pm On Feb 20, 2012
why is sunday a work free day and not friday?
why do we have the "wazobia" tribes on the 50naira note and not the other tribes?
why do our soldiers shave their chin in line with western culture instead of aloowing beards like islamic countries?
Politics / Re: Ex Boko Haram Leader, Now Converted To Christianity, Fingers Ibb And Others by DRANOEL(m): 3:21pm On Feb 20, 2012

everybody knows this story is fake!
try selling another story,perhaps of ibb and atiku arranging the escape of kabiru sokoto. maybe nigerians will buy that one
Politics / Re: What's Was All The Hype About A South-south President by DRANOEL(m): 3:14pm On Feb 20, 2012

Southern presidency does not mean anything. There are 6 regions in Nigeria.

six regions created by who? and with what constitutional backing?
as i can remember abacha divided the country into six zones as part of his administration's policy to spread resources
Politics / Re: I’ll Do Same If In Ojukwu's Position, Says Niger State Gov Aliyu by DRANOEL(m): 2:53pm On Feb 20, 2012
just because abacha created geo political zones and mumbled certain people together doesn't make them one.
during the era of js tarka's umbc niger wasn't considered a part of the middle belt! people started calling niger middle belt after abacha's 1995 creation of north central!

gov. aliyu muazu is hausa. same with ibb and abdulsalam.
most nigerians (including media houses) always make the mistake of thinking once you are from niger you are either nupe or gwari!
Politics / Re: What's Was All The Hype About A South-south President by DRANOEL(m): 2:40pm On Feb 20, 2012
the same question applies to the entire south!
over the years we were meant to believe that nigeria's problems stem from the fact that the leadership has always been north. now we know better. southern leadership since '99 (remove the brief yar'adua era) and it is clear our problem is from a particular section of the country #THE RULING ELITE#
Politics / Re: Struggle For Biafra Was Right –dokubo-asari by DRANOEL(m): 9:08am On Feb 19, 2012

guy, make u no spoil show for here abeg. we get several middlebelts. the nine yrs of gowon na for Tiv middlebelt. the 8 yrs of IBB na for gwari/nupe middlebelt. Now it is the turn of Yoruba middlebelt. Yoruba middlebelt must rule! Saraki 2015! get down or lay down, b1thches grin. after Yoruba, then the Idoma middlebelt can step in. that's if David Mark is still alive then.

and since when did gowon (angas from plateau) become a tiv man?
some of you (unfortunately including most media houses) always make the mistake that since ibb is from niger he is either gwari or nupe. you seem to forget a large part of niger especially the minna axis is hausa. ibb is hausa from niger. same with abdusalam!
Politics / Re: S’east, S’south, Middle Belt Form Alliance by DRANOEL(m): 8:53am On Feb 19, 2012
a gathering of ediots! . . . .its because of guys like asari that we now have boko haram! unleash violence on the people and get paid with the presidency . . . .in between since the core north's occupation of the presidency brought us no good, i wonder what good the present occupant has done us
Politics / Re: Major Shakeup Looms In Police Force by DRANOEL(m): 7:43pm On Feb 18, 2012
sack all of them and replace them with the following. . .NIGER DELTA STYLE!

ig . . . .asari dokubo
dig . . . .ateke tom
dig . . . .tompolo
dig . . . .boyloaf
dig . . . .henry okah
dig . . . .alams

chairman police service comm. . .e.k clark

rank and file. . . . .rehabilitated militants
Politics / Re: Senator Joseph Waku Are You A Northerner? By John Okiyi by DRANOEL(m): 7:01pm On Feb 14, 2012
mr. john okiya, first off benue wasn't conqured by the hausa/fulani. hausa is not spoken in benue like errorneously implied.

too more important matters, waku spoke for himself as a person and the v.chairman acf. he made it clear why an attack on a church in the north will affect the igbos and why it was wrong for the igbos to start ordering their citizens back. we are all educated we all read the interview. you can't call a benue man middle beltan only when iy suits you!
Politics / Re: Reavealed: Ojukwu Had A Child With A Fulani Lady In 1965 by DRANOEL(m): 8:01am On Feb 12, 2012

Just like Obasanjo's father was an Igbo police man who used to live in Ogun State

Nigerians love rumour!

Ojukwu's record with women has never been examplary so I don't know the essence of this rumour!!!!

you say ojukwu's record with women has never been examplary and in the same sentence you say you don't know the essence of the rumour. . . . . . . .hmmmmn
Politics / Re: Reavealed: Ojukwu Had A Child With A Fulani Lady In 1965 by DRANOEL(m): 2:42pm On Feb 10, 2012

No wonder patience jonathan wanted his manhood to live on.Something tells me oju-iku go get big prick.

patience was right. . . . .the legacy of biafra's manhood lives on in all the geo political zones
Politics / Re: Reavealed: Ojukwu Had A Child With A Fulani Lady In 1965 by DRANOEL(m): 7:16am On Feb 10, 2012
so igbos and fulani have something in common after all grin
Politics / Re: Why Ikemba Eze Igbo Gburugburu, Ojukwu, Should Be Buried In The North by DRANOEL(m): 6:27pm On Feb 09, 2012

theres s much violent energy around you, why i don't you make good use of it by taking a trip to maiduguri?
Politics / Re: Tension As Policeman Shoots Driver In Onitsha…hoodlums Attack Hausas by DRANOEL(m): 6:15pm On Feb 09, 2012
. . . . . . .so next time an igbo thief is caught in osun the people should know what to do. . .brand all igbos thieves.

. . . . . . .next time an igbo rapist is caught in lokoja . . .we brand all igbos rapist.

. . . . . . .next time an igbo drug peddler is caught in lagos . . . .we brand all igbos drug peddlers

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