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Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 12:53pm On Dec 30, 2020

Pls, I need more clarification. For those with 2nd class upper, whose degree certificate was issued not later that 1st January 2018, what category do they fall into?

All 2nd class upper holders currently fall under category B,even if the certificate was issued before,on or after 1st January,2018.
The few people that fall under category A without the "class" difference are those going for their phD and those with the DAAD scholarship.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 9:40am On Dec 30, 2020

Yes I graduated 2019 with first class. I booked appointment in May but couldn't get a date after 6months being oct 1st I have to cancel and rebook since everything would be wiped away, then I found out none of the first class students has gotten AD and only cat b were getting with scholarship, I said maybe I should consider booking in cat B since all the AD screenshots have been seeing around that time is all cat B and scholarship students.
I rebooked early morning 8:20 am 1st oct. So I believe if the embassy starts issuing dates to cat B I would be among the first but someone claimed yesterday he booked under cat A and didn't ticked on scholarship students but got an appointment. Pls how true is this?

Do u think I should cancel and rebook now that is late cuz AD might start coming by January

You booked under wrong category and they stated it clearly you won't be granted access to the visa section.
If truly they're giving appointment dates to category A applicants after few days of booking(as regards to what someone posted here,that his friend's appointment is on 19th January,2021),i suggest you cancel and rebook the appointment immediately.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 7:21am On Dec 30, 2020
Hello guys pls is the embassy given out AD to first class students.. pls guys let me know cuz I re booked under cat B with the hope that I will get an AD since cat B haven't been given for a long time now and secondly that I booked under cat A since but couldn't get an appointment date. Pls help a brother?

Are you a first class student?
If you're,you can only book under category A if your degree certificate was issued to you after 1st January 2018 till date.
If not,you fall under category B.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 8:13am On Dec 29, 2020
A friend of mine just booked an appointment for CAT A and in less than 20 minutes he got an appointment date. But in the mail, it's written than both the first-class and 2nd class upper graduates can apply for CAT A meanwhile on the website, only first-class is written on the website.

Which means there's hope for category B students.
As from October 2020,they were only giving appointment dates to scholarship students.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 5:54am On Dec 27, 2020

Pls @elninoarmando, can u kindly reach out to me on emmaanagba@gmail.com. I'd like to confirm certain things from you... Many Thanks!

Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 7:41am On Dec 26, 2020

Please when applying for either a BSC or master degree Programme, do you need primary school certificate/testimonial for the interview.
I know its basic but just asking, you know how German embassy can be

Go to the visa page of the German consulate Lagos and download the study "check list".
Everything required for student's visa application is there.
Be checking it from time to time because they do update it with new information.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 11:21pm On Dec 25, 2020

Yes exactly,
I'm qualified to seek for Bachelors admission with my HND,
but my question is if it's restricted to the course I studied in my HND which is elect elect or I can apply for courses in the same faculty.

No,you're not restricted to only electrical/electronics engineering.
You can also apply for courses that are related to it.

Have you opened the link i sent you above?
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 10:18pm On Dec 25, 2020


This it!


Just click on the link above and choose(click) on the information/question related to you from the options in the boxes.
It'll help narrow your search to all the schools offering electrical/electronics engineering related courses.
Once it provides information on schools,locate their websites,it'll lead you directly to the schools' page.
Carefully search for whatever you want.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 10:10pm On Dec 25, 2020


This it!

I've opened the link.
They're only trying to tell you that your certificate is accepted for and you're qualified to seek admission into German schools.
What you have to do now is to search for schools and check their admission requirements.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 6:28pm On Dec 25, 2020

I'm going for bachelors degree, I have electrical and electronic engineering (HND) and after checking if I'm eligible to do a bachelors programe the site said I'm qualified for direct subject-restricted admission.

Which site?
You should be checking requirements in schools and not sites.
Check www.daad.de,you can get comprehensive information on schools,courses offered and requirements if Germany is your target.

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Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 5:20pm On Dec 25, 2020
Please guys, I studied elect elect and after checking my eligibility on the requirements database, I saw that I'm qualified for direct subject-restricted admission. Does that mean that it only elect elect that's I'm qualified to pursue?

Your question isn't really clear.
Which course is that?
From experience,you're not limited to studying only electrical/electronics engineering.
There are courses related to it that you can also go for.
You just have check the requirements of the course you're applying for.
For example,most schools in Germany accept B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical/Electronics Engineering for M.Sc/M.Eng in Mechatronics.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 7:32am On Dec 24, 2020
Hello please do I start sending transcript to uni-assist even though the school I Wana apply have not started accepting application for studies?

The earlier,the better.
Your documents should get to uniassist at least 8 weeks to the start date of your school's application.
This is to allow enough time for evaluation and in case any inconvenience/challenge occurs,you'll also have enough time to beat it.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 6:48am On Dec 24, 2020

I got appointment in October Cat B

So,when are you starting your studies or when is your start date?
I guess your application was initially for winter 2020?
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 6:41am On Dec 24, 2020

My start date is April 2021

Sorry if i'm being inquisitive.
I just need clarity.
This appointment given to you,is it for your Winter semester 2020 application,which COVID-19 has disrupted the start dates of so many schools,thereby making them to extend their enrollment/start date to next year.Or,is it for the Summer semester 2021,which normally starts around March/April.
I want to know if they've started giving AD to summer semester 2021 category B applicants or they're still dealing winter semester 2020 counterparts.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 10:40pm On Dec 23, 2020

I didn't upload a certificate of enrolment. Before I canceled my old appointment I sent a letter of presence but didn't get a response.

After booking my new appointment on the 3rd of oct, I didn't do anything at all. My AD is tied to my new booking.

Guy,for which semester nah,Winter 2020 or Summer 2021?
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 10:14pm On Dec 23, 2020
Please guys I have CGPA 2.91 mechanical Engineering what is my changes of getting admission into German university for masters thanks.
It'd be rare.The minimum Germany accepts is 2.5 CGPA on their scale,which is around 3.00 CGPA on Nigerian scale.
You have to search intensively.
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 10:09pm On Dec 23, 2020

I cancelled my previous appointment and re-booked on 3rd Oct

Wow! Congratulations!!
For which semester please,Winter 2020 or Summer 2021?
Which study start date did you put down?
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 8:05pm On Dec 23, 2020

Please do you know any school in Europe that will accept that fr direct masters.Aside Cyprus and Ukraine
I'm not really certain on a particular country,but,you really need to devote your time and energy in searching for schools and sending of e-mails to the international office/facaulty/department of schools once you see that they're offering your course or related course.You also need to be patient.
Always Google "list of universities for international students" or "list of universities teaching in English" on the country you're making the search.
I suggest you check Malta,Poland,Czech,Russia, Belgium,Portugal,Iceland,France and Spain.
Sweden,Finland and Denmark are costly.
You can also check Germany,but,it'd be rare to get a school there with that CGPA.The minimum Germany accepts is 2.5 CGPA on the German scale,which is around 3.00 CGPA on the Nigerian scale.
God's grace all the way.

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Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 7:44pm On Dec 23, 2020

Sorry 21st.
When did you book?
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 4:26pm On Dec 23, 2020
Good day people . Please I’m new here . I have a question . I want to migrate to canada via study route . But my major issue is my CGPA i had 2.70 on a 5 point scalein human physiology (2:2) My questions are
1) can I get masters directly (even if it is in unpopular university)
2( how much should I budget for this ?
3) which school should I apply to ?
Canada doesn't accept 2:2 for direct entry into master's studies.
You have to apply for their post-graduate programmes.
After finishing the programme,you can apply for master's.

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Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 3:22pm On Dec 23, 2020

On 20th dec.

elninoarmando,yes in Nigeria.
20th December was on Sunday ooo.
Is it for Winter 2020 or Summer 2021?
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 3:19pm On Dec 23, 2020

I got appointment in October Cat B
That's for winter semester 2020 i guess?
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 3:17pm On Dec 23, 2020
bro it’s not only you I have applied for an appointment since February it wasn’t given so I cancelled and applied again in September they haven’t still given me an appointment Up till date ��
If you're in category B and booked in September,just forget it.You won't be given any appointment date.
All category B booking are deleted on 31st March and 30th September every year.
New booking starts from 1st April and 1st October every year.
You can go to the visa page of the consulate to confirm what i've written.

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Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 8:39pm On Dec 22, 2020

In Nigeria?
Travel / Re: General-german-student-visa-enquiries Part 8 by Elninoarmando(m): 2:38pm On Dec 21, 2020
Good afternoon everyone.
Please,does anyone know if the consulate have or when they will increase the number of visa appointments?
I'm asking based on this attached file.

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