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Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 2:05pm On Apr 05, 2011 |
Here is a link to up clear up some of the claims and counter claims. http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mentalhealthinfo/mentalhealthandgrowingup/learningdisability.aspx |
Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 1:49pm On Apr 05, 2011 |
aribisala0: Jesus freaking christ. Disability and Difficulties are used interchangeably in certain settings. It is not uncommon to see learning difficulties grouped under "disabilities" and vice versa. On most forms in the UK, the section that requires one to explain any present disabilities is also used for learning difficulties. Again, you appear to be suggesting those with learning difficulties (or disabilities) have low IQ. Do you have any proof to the effect? Steve Hawking suffers from a very dilapidating disease (Motor neurone disease), yet he is one of the finest brains to ever come out of UK. Probably not a single person on here can match his level of IQ. You see, try to post fact and back it up, as oppose to just trying to post things that are irrelevant and 95% attempt at bickering. |
Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 12:41pm On Apr 05, 2011 |
soulsynger: It is hard for anyone to give you a diagnosis over the internet. You would need to see someone who knows what they are talking about - an Expert. Your fiance may be having minor speech impediments or something totally unrelated to learning difficulties. Seek an expert advice, and with these kind of things, please do not take with your read here and use it to "self diagnose" it is a very dangerous thing to do. Good luck. |
Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 12:38pm On Apr 05, 2011 |
aribisala0: You are supposed to be someone who was trained in the UK, and as such have a bit of class. To see you post such utter non-sense like this is disappointing. Your comment is clearly directed at me after I pointed out your misleading claims in another thread here - https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria?topic=636873.msg8036996#msg8036996 You see, this is not politics but a science debate. Fact is paramount and as such, should not be afraid of challenge. Clearly, you would rather bicker over some non-sense than debate or post facts. Mind set like yours is not healthy. |
Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 12:33pm On Apr 05, 2011 |
baeyy: Smh. Again, saying people with learning difficulties have lower IQ than normal is just an absurd thing to say. One of the spectrum that learning difficulties covered is Asperger syndrome. Some of the people with this type of difficulties have very High IQ. Can you please explain this to me? Julian Asange (the guy behind wikileaks) has been suggested to have learning difficulties, yet using his intelligence (which is clearly within or above normal) and skills, he's been able to hold the powerful nations to ransom with impunity. Again do you mind explaining that? A guy in the UK hacked into Pentagon computers and it was later revealed he had learning difficulties too. Here is a link to his story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8458004.stm Clearly, you and I most likely do not have the sort of High IQ he possess to pull off such a feat. Yet you are here associating learning difficulties with low IQ. Jesus flipping Christ. I work in a clinical setting part time and doing my Second degree part time too. I bet using your views and some of those in here, my IQ must be pretty much zero, simply because I have learning difficulty like dyslexia? My original point that you have missed was that, if you look back on people who made big contribution to the field of Science, Medicine et al, some of them do display symptoms that are readily associated with people with learning difficulties. There are suggestion that even the man regarded my many as having one of the highest IQ DO HAVE LEARNING DIFFICULTIES - EINSTEIN. (See link http://www.ldail.org/einstei.cfm) So for you to make such claims is just absurd. You see, the examples I gave so far flies in the face of your claims. On a more common ground, I do agree some people with learning difficulties may be impeded by their disability and as a result have low IQs. Same way people without no disablity or learning difficulties do have low IQ. However, to put forward the notion or the very idea that people with learning difficulties have low IQ is just inaccurate. |
Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 5:32pm On Apr 04, 2011 |
Actually, that is not entirely true as there is not enough known about this condition (due to covering a large spectrum) Some inventors, physicists, chemists and what not that made contribution to science and medicine are said to have shown symptoms that may be described as learning disorder, yet this people have shown learning capabilities that are faster and above the capabilities of "normal" (most). |
Health / Re: Anxiety Is A Common Disorder Among Nigerians by ElRazur: 10:21am On Apr 02, 2011 |
You said "Anxiety is a common disorder among Nigerian" and yet, your write up reflected very limited number of people with "Anxiety". Do you not see how your thread title is misleading? It is like meeting a Nigerian or two with Dementia and then claiming it is a common disorder amongst Nigerian. Surely, you can see how generalising your statement was? The bottom-line is that your original claim based on the interpretation of your experience is at least misleading. There is very little statistical data to warrant such claims. If you are raising awareness, I have no problem with that. However, I just feel the context in which you have used the thread title do not stand up to scrutiny. |
Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 10:10am On Apr 02, 2011 |
snowdrops: I'm sorry, but in a debate and things that are science related, you just do not expect people to "accept what you say as the biblical truth" You made a very bold claim and a quick check showed that you were off the mark. I don't know about you, but perhaps explaining to all of us as to how "Mental health comes into Autism and Dyslexia" would be the next thing to do? |
Health / Re: Anxiety Is A Common Disorder Among Nigerians by ElRazur: 7:50pm On Apr 01, 2011 |
Just one concern with regards to your post. Your thread title is a little bit misleading because you dealt with only a limited number of people to even suggest that anxiety is a common disorder in Nigeria. Just my two cents. |
Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 7:46pm On Apr 01, 2011 |
snowdrops: This may be of interest to you.
www.psychminded.co.uk/news/news2005/sept05/Buchanan-Barker">http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:m7FM8Kj2ECIJ:www.psychminded.co.uk/news/news2005/sept05/Buchanan-Barker%2520comment.htm+is+dyslexia+a+mental+disorder&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&source=www.google.co.uk |
Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 7:37pm On Apr 01, 2011 |
Outstrip: Autism and learning difficulties like Dyslexia are all grouped together from what I know. snowdrops: A quick google shows that it isn't. But it would be interesting to see your explanation further on this. What do you mean ICD? "International Statistical Classification of Diseases" Again, a quick read shows it have less to do with mental health. Erm, I never made the assumption or said anything about mental health issues = Running around wearing nothing. Perhaps, this is your field and what not, please shed more light if you can. |
Health / Re: Nigerian Dr. Who Couldn't Even Perform Cpr Worked In 14 Hospitals In Uk by ElRazur: 7:27pm On Apr 01, 2011 |
dominique: I am saying it is entirely possible. Most doctors do not use all the skills they were trained for. While the Doctors are expected to have certain set of skill - this is reflected in their training and qualification, the lack of practice or putting it into use would rob them of the skill over time. By low dependency, I was referring to places where the chances of needing a CPR is most likely very low. For example, STD check up clinic, you local locum and no admission wards. Again, I am not defending his actions, but I honestly feel the way it is reported is distorted so as to make headlines. I'm sure there are more events to the story than meet the eyes. |
Health / Re: Nigerian Dr. Who Couldn't Even Perform Cpr Worked In 14 Hospitals In Uk by ElRazur: 1:28pm On Apr 01, 2011 |
There is no big deal here. Jeez. Not defending him, but yes it is entirely possible for a doctor to work in a hospital and have very little knowledge of CPR. If I work in a low dependency ward where the chances of CPR are low for a greater part of my career, then yes I would start to forget my basic CPR training. As per the "scrub up" thing, again different hospital have different policies on how to carry out Proper "Hand washing". (It usually encompasses 6 steps, and may be more if you work in a surgical unit) A lot of people seem to think Doctor are like magician or miracle workers who knows everything, or are expected to, at least. I'm sorry but that is a very wrong assumption and perception to have. |
Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 1:19pm On Apr 01, 2011 |
snowdrops: This have nothing to do with mental health in my opinion. Social services? May be. As they can provide needed social amenities or services that may be needed as part of Multi-service team, but that is about it. Most Autistic people and those with dyslexia function well in the society without any mental institution intervention. |
Health / Re: Dealing With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disorders In Nigeria by ElRazur: 8:56am On Apr 01, 2011 |
PrincessMo I think you will find that dyslexia is actually more deeper than the definition or explanation you have posted. It is one of those area of health/genetics science that despite various research into it, there are very little answers. There are research which suggest a link to Autism as it is all on the same broad spectrum learning difficulties and what not. Anyway, let me speak from my own view and my experience. I was diagnosed with Dyslexia during my First degree, and for me it was just a matter of learning about it and learning to deal with it. My type of dyslexia affects mainly how I process figures and mental arithmetic, etc. This translate to having problems dealing with Maths and what not. (This was evident in my years in primary school, I was below par in maths) Having said that, there are areas I considered my strength and this strength I would attribute to having dyslexia - For example, I consider myself to be very creative and more of a hands-on technical person. After my diagnosis - I was seen by an Expert - the support I received are having extra time to do my course work and extra time in exam. I must however stress that I do not use these privileges at all due to the fact that my First degree included very little maths, I write very fast and I just really do not see the point. I am currently studying part time for a second degree, and I feel at this point in my life I have either managed to over come it, or learnt to live with it. I had a test done again, and the conclusion was that I know longer fall into someone that's got dyslexia. (I do however question the test as it was too basic, compared to the first one I had years ago) On the other side, there are many who feel there is no such thing as Dyslexia and it is more down to the fact that people are lazy etc. Speaking from my experience, I can see why such people may feel so because the dyslexia test is probably easy to fake by students looking to get the extra time to do their work etc. In my case, I felt it is a real condition, and as such, many more people need to be made aware of it more. Also the consequences associated with it if it goes undetected. |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 7:19pm On Mar 31, 2011 |
life_style: AMD gives you more bang for your money. Just a quick illustration, is it worth paying say 3million for a car with say "intel engine that sprint from 0-62mph in 5 seconds and same car but with an "amd" engine that goes from 0-62mph in 5.9 seconds and cost 1.5milla? You see, for what I want to achieve the AMD is more than enough. |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 1:19pm On Mar 26, 2011 |
^^^ Thanks for the confirmation. Check your mail for the completed works. |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 7:22pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
^^ Thanks for the confirmation. |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 7:14pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
Weird. It is showing on my phone. I hope you don't have "load forum image" turned off by default? |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 7:10pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
Weird. I used image shack. Are you browsing from a fone? Looks like it may not be optimised for fone? I'm on a pc and all is fine on my end. Can anyone using a pc confirm please if they are able to see the images? |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 6:59pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
ifyalways: Once I save up enough for a good owambe party. |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 6:57pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
Here is my PC information page. Uploaded with ImageShack.us My window index is low simply because I used a lesser grade Graphics card. Every other thing was 5.0 and above. (See photo below) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Can a mod please sticky this? Ejo sir or ma. Thanks. |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 6:51pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
So I took a deep breathe, connected it to the TV (monitor still in the box, but I was really tired) and boy, it was all worth it when She came alive and breathe. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Any question, make una fire away. Here is what my PC based music studio looks like now. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Here is my sound card and the external Optical drive I use. Uploaded with ImageShack.us |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 6:46pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Fitted Graphics card. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Wifi card. Uploaded with ImageShack.us The mess I made lol. I am starting to get tired and there isn't much photos as I wanted to finish things up. Here other tit bits Uploaded with ImageShack.us Windows 7 32 and 64bit. I installed the 64bit version as it enables me to use the 8gig of ram I have on board. The last photo is when I put it all together - fitted the 500g (x2) hard drive and the 8 gig ram. Time to switch it on. . . . I was a bit apprehensive, because it may all fry up and never work. |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 6:31pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
ifyalways: That's out of my hand. Maybe you should use a PC? I have no idea to be honest as to why you ain't seeing anything. I have loaded close to 20 photos or so. |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 6:30pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
CPU fan fitted. Uploaded with ImageShack.us It should be noted that there is a paste on the CPU. It is called "Thermal paste" and I believe it helps to make sure there is an even contact on the CPU or something. (Please look this up as I am not an expert, I may be wrong) Uploaded with ImageShack.us It is a massive fan as you can see, but it is needed and would be kept for future use when I am upgrading. Here is my Graphics card! (see below) Ideally, the On-board graphics card (the one on the motherboard) is more than enough but, I opted to have one installed as I would be using dual monitor output at some point in the near future. This card is therefore more than adequate as I am only doing Music (and to a lesser extent, Photo editing in photoshop) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 6:17pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
Processor. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Where it is going on the Motherboard. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Fitted! Uploaded with ImageShack.us After fitting the processor, the CPU COOLING FAN was next on the item. Just for comparison sake, here the two fans that I bought - Well one came with the Processor and I bought an after]market one so as to give better cooling performance. Uploaded with ImageShack.us I originally opted for liquid cooling (different from fan cooling) but I found out that it is more nosier, so I opted for the FREEZER 13 giant CPU cooler. I mean, it is clear to see that it is better than the one that was supplied with the AMD Processor. |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 6:02pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
Here is what it looks like from the back. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Before I forget, there is a cover at the back of the PC case that one have to remove, so that all the inputs connectors can then slot into place. A gentle push and this cover would come right off. See below. Here is the main brain of the computer - The processor. It is where everything takes place. This one is a Quad-core processor. With each processor running at 3.0mhz. So thats a whopping 4 cores of beauty to play with. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Fitting the processor is simple, but one have to be careful so as not to put it the wrong way round! This may damage the pin. The image below shows where the processor would be going on the motherboard inside the PC case. Uploaded with ImageShack.us |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 5:47pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
Up next, is the motherboard. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Before fitting the motherboard into the PC case, it is important to put little screws called "spacers" into the motherboard section inside the PC case, this would make sure there is no back flow of electricity and hence not short-circuit your computer's motherboard when you plug it in the first time. These tiny "spacers" screws would lift the mother up and stop it from been in contact with the pc case which is all metal. Again, when I didn't do this on my old pc, the computer just would not start. Period. Uploaded with ImageShack.us And here is what the motherboard looks like after fitting it into the PC case. Uploaded with ImageShack.us |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 5:37pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
Like I said, I was really tired. But the moment I put everything out, I just couldn't resist the building any more. The geek in me was screaming like a little boy with joy and asking me to do it. So I obliged! So to get things started (after checking and I was happy all was as ordered and intact) I whipped out the PC case. It is a CoolMaster system. Well built, durable and appears to be what I want exactly. The next thing to do from here is to discharge myself of any "Electricity" (static) that may be present on me and hence damage the computer during installation, so I touched the sides of the PC case so as to "discharge" me of any static. It should be mentioned, that one could buy a wire (can't remember the name) to do this, but I did it the easy and cheap way to achieve same result. Anyway, below is the PSU (Power supply unit). I opted for a silent one so that, when I am recording vocals, the microphone won't be picking up frequencies or vibrations from the PC. (This was something I didn't do on my old computer pc) Uploaded with ImageShack.us This is what it looks like after putting it together. Uploaded with ImageShack.us More photos and thoughts to follow. . . . |
Computers / Re: Putting Together/building A Music Pc. (PICTURES ADDED! PROJECT COMPLETED I HOPE) by ElRazur: 5:20pm On Mar 24, 2011 |
How I build my music pc After taking time off work to have the parcel delivered, I waited all day and no one turned up. I was mad and the geek in me was even madder! Needless to say, I phoned up the delivery office and I was given the option to come and pick it up. Before you could say El f****ng Razur, I jumped in my car and drove down. Heck, I was weaving in and out of traffic like james bond (Kids, don't try this at home ). All in hope of catching my parcel before the delivery office shuts for the day! Anyway, I made it on time and duly signed for my parcel and loaded it into the car. Jeez, it was one heavy box! Uploaded with ImageShack.us More post to follow, All of a sudden, the geek in me started to smile and as I begin my journey back home, I found myself nodding to the music playing from the stereo. When I got home, I flipped open the package and there it was! All brand new, well packaged and smiling at me. Everything was tight-packed and all was well protected, at least that explained why the package was a bit heavy. It must be mentioned that I was tired at this point - due to doing some stuff and preparing for a photo-shoot, I have to do for someone the next day, but I couldn't resist emptying the package and just to make sure all my orders were up to date. Damn, they all look beautiful. |
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