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Religion / Re: Why Does God Permit Wickedness? by gideonjeta(m): 9:12pm On Aug 30, 2021
All responses are acknowledged!. God permitting wickedness is not because of indifference on his part. He assures us that he has a set time when he will call the wicked to account. (Hab. 2:3). We need to engage in righteous acts and not wicked acts if we are to be among the survivors when the time comes. (Hab. 2:4b; Zeph. 2:3).

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Religion / Why Does God Permit Wickedness? by gideonjeta(m): 12:23pm On Aug 29, 2021
The world we are living in today is a wicked world. People are engaging in wicked acts that will cause pain to others. This has led people to ask why God permits these wicked acts to go on?... Do you feel the same way? What do you think?
Religion / Re: Who Controls The World? by gideonjeta(m): 1:59pm On Aug 22, 2021
God controls the world and its affairs. Anything you see happening has already been written.

If God does not allow it, it cannot happen...

See the scripture below...

Psalms 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

Thank you for your response!. The Psalms you mentioned actually says God is the owner of the earth,but the question ask is who is controlling or ruling the world as at now?...

The Bible gave an answer(s). 1st John 5:19 says we originate with God but the whole world is lying under the power of the wicked one. The wicked one refer to in that verse cannot be God but Satan.

Thus, God owns this world but he is not the one controlling or ruling over the world as at now.
Religion / Who Controls The World? by gideonjeta(m): 10:28am On Aug 21, 2021
We live in a wicked and dangerous world. A world full of bad deeds and wicked individuals. This has led people to wonder and ask "who really controls the world--God,humankind or someone else?. So, if you are ask,who controls the world? What will your response be?
Religion / Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Fight In War by gideonjeta(m): 12:18pm On Aug 08, 2021
HI people,
So some preachers came to my shop yesterday and we had a very long discussion.
Then this topic of war came up.
I would love to hear from others. What does the bible say.
Is it wrong for a Christian to join the army and fight.
Please I peer bible teaches than personal views.
Op, Nelidee has just given you the breakdown of the answer you need. Let me just add to what he posted.
People go into war because of hatred. While on earth, Jesus demonstrated how to replace hatred with unselfish love, commanding: “Love one another, just as I have loved you.” (John 15:12) He also said: “Happy are the peaceable.” (Matthew 5:9) The word peaceable means more than enjoying a state of tranquillity. It means actively working to promote peace or being a peacemaker. So, if we are really followers of Jesus, we should learn to love one another and no need to engage in war or in fights.
Religion / Re: Deuteronomy 14:22-29 The Only Portion That Tells Us "How" To Tithe by gideonjeta(m): 4:09pm On Jul 25, 2021
I have just 4 scriptures to read from today:
1. Malachi 3:10- Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

2. (MAL. 3:8–9)
Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, “How have we robbed you?” In your tithes and contributions. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you.

3 Matthew 23:23 KJV
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
From the three scriptures above, you'll understand the importance of tithing in our lives and how much of blessings you'll receive by tithing.
It's self explanatory, I'm not here for preaching. As a normal Christian, we are required to tithe. In as much as it's a sin not to tithe, it also hinders your blessing.
but how are you sure you're tithing well? Who should eat your tithe? You think your pastors should eat your tithe? Just questions, and I don't answer any questions from my discretion. . The next bible verse might answer you:
4 Deuteronomy 14:22-28
Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year. And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always. And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy God hath blessed thee: then shalt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose: and thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household, and the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shalt not forsake him; for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee. At the end of three years thou shalt bring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year, and shalt lay it up within thy gates: and the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied; that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest.
Deuteronomy 14:22‭-‬29 tells us how to tithe, who'll benefit from your tithe and what part your Levites(pastors) play in your tithing...

I don't twist bible verses. Read your bible and share what you think. I might learn one or two as well

As part of their contribution to support true worship, the ancient Israelites were commanded to donate a tithe, * or a tenth, of their annual income. God told them: “You must without fail give a tenth [“tithe,” King James Version] of everything your seed produces in the field year by year.”—Deuteronomy 14:22.

The command to tithe was part of the Mosaic Law, a law code that God gave to ancient Israel. Christians are not legally subject to the Mosaic Law and so are not required to tithe. (Colossians 2:13, 14) Instead, each Christian is to contribute financially “as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”—2 Corinthians 9:7.
Religion / Re: The Rapture by gideonjeta(m): 4:04pm On Jul 11, 2021
The Rapture how sweet. Ride on @Righteousness2

Just imagine you are reading this post and you are just lifted up in the air.

Op, let me correct this "belief" you made, with support from the Bible. First of all, the word “rapture” is not found in the inspired Scriptures. Also, fleshly humans cannot just go to heaven as stated at 1 Cor. 15:50.

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Religion / Re: Need Clarity On Isaiah 45:7 by gideonjeta(m): 3:53pm On Jul 04, 2021
That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
Isaiah 45:6‭-‬7 KJV

Yes! God is the creator of heaven and earth, He is the Alpha and Omega, First and the Last. Glory to His name and his throne.

But my question lies on verse 7 of the chapter were it is said the He created evil. Bible scholars, kindly help me with more of your wisdom, knowledge and understanding in making the verse more explicit.

Thank you.

Op, consider the context of Bible verses and not just words. The chapter you are talking about refers to God's message of delivering Israel from Babylon through Cyrus. The Bible says about Jehovah God: “Perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; righteous and upright is he.” (Deuteronomy 32:3-5) Jehovah, however, can be said to create evil,(according to the KJV of that verse),because the term “evil” can be used to designate not only “moral badness or offense; wrongdoing; wickedness”, but also “anything impairing happiness or welfare or depriving of good; injury; disaster”. (Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary). In view of the foregoing scripture showing that Jehovah is just and righteous, it is obvious that the evil that he creates (in the context of that verse) must be that of calamity and disaster to Israel enemies.

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Religion / Re: Is Playing Sports Bet A Sin? by gideonjeta(m): 4:55pm On Jun 20, 2021
nice, but what if you are not addicted but just for fun

Luke 16:10 says in part someone unrighteous in small things is also unrighteous in big things. [/b][/b]There is no middle ground here.[b][/b] The Bible had stated in principle (DappaD had already stated few verses that I had in mind) that gambling or betting encourages greed,so engaging in it just for fun even if one is not addicted is still wrong.


Religion / Re: Do I Need Jesus If I’m Righteous? by gideonjeta(m): 5:01pm On Jun 06, 2021
Elihu's opinion is noted but did God rebuke is more important here is it not? What did God admonish Job for? Was it for the same reason that Elihu stated? undecided
Jehovah God did not rebuke Job but merely corrected or admonish him. Job had earlier said he was righteous than God ( Job 35:2). God went on to talk about some of his creation and that man's sense of righteousness or wisdom cannot be compared to that of God.( Job chapters 38,39) Job later accepted correction as I posted earlier.

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Religion / Re: Do I Need Jesus If I’m Righteous? by gideonjeta(m): 4:16pm On Jun 06, 2021
But Job was not acting righteous... he didn't even know Himself righteous. All he cared for was learning exactly why he was being punished by God. What was or is wrong with that? undecided

I am interested in learning why you decided that Elihu's talk was right even though God Himself never declared that so nor did God rebuke Job for trying to claim His innocence. undecided
Is it that you believe that we are all always guilty regardless of whether or not we live in obedience of God's commandments? undecided

Did you go through the Bible verse I quoted earlier in my post about Elihu reproving Job?... Job 32:1,2. It was stated that Job was declaring himself righteous and Elihu corrected him for saying that. God himself step in later and admonish Job. Job realised his error and repented ( Job 42:6).

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Religion / Re: Do I Need Jesus If I’m Righteous? by gideonjeta(m): 8:04pm On Jun 05, 2021
Interesting claims you make here. undecided

1. Why do you place Elihu's rebuke of Job above God's own response to Job? Did God Himself reprove Job for asserting His innocence? undecided

2. You mentioned the man versed in the Law who questioned Jesus Christ about the way to eternal life, this according to the Old Law, but without true understanding of who His neighbor is, and I wonder if you know that what Jesus Christ told Him was how to obtain righteousness/eternal life by following of the Old Law, and not Jesus Christ, the New Law - Luke 10 vs 25 - 37 . undecided

3. According to the Old Covenant, the Righteous live in submission to and obedience of God's Law, YHWH undecided

In Jesus Christ, the New Covenant, the Righteous live in submission to and obedience of God's Law, Jesus Christ.

Same God, same standard for attaining righteousness though different Laws. undecided

If you look at my last sentences and yours, our points are closely related. I am not in disagreement with what you say. The 1,2,3 questions you pointed out, I was pointing out instances in the context where some individuals in the Bible were saying or acting as if they are already righteous without standards from God.

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Religion / Re: Do I Need Jesus If I’m Righteous? by gideonjeta(m): 6:14pm On Jun 05, 2021
Jesus, the son of God, was sent to the earth to save the world from sin. His assignment had nothing to do with the righteous folks. However, righteousness is not enough to save a man or woman from committing sin. Everyone, including all righteous people, need Jesus as he is the only way to God.

The Pharisees, in the Bible, did not understand this simple truth. That was why they questioned the closeness of Jesus with sinners in Matthew 9:11.

They were surprised that he didn’t just talk with them, but he also ate with them.

Immediately he heard what they said about his relationship with sinners, he replied and stated a good reason for it: He came to call sinners so that they could repent and not righteous people.

Any righteous person, overtime, will realize the need for Jesus on earth, apart from gaining access to Heaven through him.

Noah was the only righteous person in his generation. Yet he later turned out to be a drunkard. Before the flood, God planned to destroy the world due to the sins of mankind. After his search, according to the book of Genesis 7:1, he found Noah to be the only righteous person on earth.

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One would have thought his righteousness would save him after the flood. His righteousness was only able to save him before the flood. Immediately after the flood, he showed how helpless a righteous man could be without Christ.

In addition, in the book of Job, God vouched for the righteousness of Job before Satan. He was even given the permission to test him out. Eventually, Job was found to be perfect.

However, in Job 42:6, he repented of his sin in dust and ashes. He was perfect, yet he repented. Considering the way God vouched for him, no man would think Job need to repent. After all, he was perfect.

He confirmed, too, that righteousness — perfect life — without Jesus Christ is nothing but a fallacy.

God knew the weakness of the righteousness of man before any man was called righteous. So, he prepared his only son to come and die so as to save the world.

If you are still thinking may be you need him or not in your life, you need to decide on time (now is the right time) because tomorrow may be too late.

If you are ready to give your life to him, you need to pray this simple prayer below. Then find any Bible believing church to attend on Sunday so as to build your faith in Christ till he comes back for you on the day of rapture.


I admit I’m a sinner, and I accept you Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal savior. Save me from sin and write my name in the book of life.

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In this wicked world that we live in,..No man can say he is righteous. Since God alone can declare a man righteous, attempts to prove oneself righteous on the basis of one’s own merit or by acceptance of the judgment of others as to one’s righteousness are of no value. Job was reproved because, though not charging God with any wrong, he was “declaring his own soul righteous rather than God.” (Job 32:1, 2) The man versed in the Law who questioned Jesus about the way to everlasting life was indirectly reproved by Jesus for his attempt to prove himself righteous. (Lu 10:25-37) Jesus condemned the Pharisees for seeking to declare themselves righteous before men. (Lu 16:15) The apostle Paul, in particular, showed that, because of the imperfect, sinful state of all mankind, none could be declared righteous through trying to establish their own righteousness. (Ro 3:19-24; Ga 3:10-12) Instead, he stressed faith in Christ Jesus as the true basis for such declaration of righteousness. (Ro 10:3, 4) The inspired letter of James complements Paul’s statement by showing that such faith must be made to live by works of faith.
Thus, to be righteous or to remain righteous, we need faith in Jehovah/Jesus and act according to his standards.

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Religion / Re: Jesus Said “i Am The Way...” But What Does That Really Mean? by gideonjeta(m): 4:40pm On May 30, 2021
Jesus said “I am the way...no one comes to God but through me” (John 14:6). But what does that really mean?

For years, I was taught that it meant Jesus was the only way to God. That is to say, if you did not “believe” in Jesus, you could not know God. And, of course, that raises an entirely different question. “What does it mean to “believe” in Jesus?”

Does it mean there are certain words you must say about Jesus? For example, as a child, I was taught what Baptist people called a “Sinner’s prayer.” I prayed it, recited it, and genuinely believed that, if I spoke these specific words, I would be “OK,” meaning, I would be “safe.” In other words, I spoke those words largely because I was afraid. I was scared. I lived, as do many believing people today, in fear, afraid of God...afraid of not being good enough for God...afraid of spending an eternity away from God...or, worse, afraid of suffering in a place called hell.

So I recited these words, and others, with vigor and with frequency. And, temporarily, it seemed to work. That is, I felt better. But, as is always the case when your religion is more about your “beliefs” than about your life—how you live—before long, I was afraid again. When those times of anxiety returned, and they did so often, I would not go through the entire “getting saved” routine again (if you were raised in an evangelical fashion as I was, you know exactly what this means), but I would secretly pray the “Sinner’s Prayer” again...and again...and again...and again still. In other words, no matter how much I would say, “I believed in Jesus,” the words alone never quite seemed to be enough. As a consequence, I lived with this haunting fear that, in spite of my religious vigor, I still might not make it.

This is many people’s daily religious reality. Is it yours?

One day, I finally just gave up. That is to say, I quit believing. I quit trying to “believe” enough to make it with God. I gave up the fruitless effort to find God through words, or confessions, or the “right” beliefs. And, when I finally gave up, that’s when the transformation seemed to happen. To this day, I do not know what to call it. I’m not even sure how to describe it. But the mystery of grace was born in me. All the fear I had known disappeared. Since that day, I have never felt separated from God again. And, this is not because I finally found the right set of beliefs. Further, it is not because I had finally attained to a higher level or better quality of believing.

Not at all. In fact, it might be precisely the opposite. Not until I quit believing did I start living. Not until I gave up trying...gave up searching for the “right” beliefs about God that I discovered the Source of Mystery within.

I have since come to know that spirituality...that is, knowing the Divine...has little if anything to do with what you believe. “Beliefs,” writes one of my spiritual mentors, “are a cover-up for insecurity. You only believe in things you do not know.” In other words, it’s not about words. And isn’t this what your beliefs are? Are beliefs not mere words, albeit carefully selected words that your denomination or group has determined are the “right” words, but words nonetheless? Spirituality is really all about how you live, not about what you say...about the WAY you live, not the WORDS you say.

Sure, you can go through your life, as many do and as I did for decades, arguing over what Jesus meant by these words “I am the way,” defending and debating your belief that he’s the only way to God. But I assure you no amount of arguing and defending over this question will make you feel one iota “safer,” or more “Christian,” or closer to God. Further, believing this will not make you more Christ-like in how you live. I know. I tried all-of-the-above for decades. Most likely, you will discover, as I did, that all the defending and arguing only makes you feel all the more frightened and insecure.

And, when you do, what will you do? Argue and defend your beliefs all the more. You see, I now know, whenever I meet someone who vigorously defends their beliefs, I am really meeting someone who is frightened...insecure...who really knows not what they believe...and, so, they cling to words, to concepts, to ideas, to beliefs, and so on. They have confused living for believing. As a consequence, the little ego in them clamors for something to hold to...something to give their frightened little self a sense of security...of permanence. So, while they may call their defenses “Christian apologetics,” what they are really debating and defending is an illusion.

But, of course, they are likely unconscious of any of this. Yet, the fact remains, they’re engaged in a delusional effort to overcome their inner fear of separation.

An effort so, so unnecessary, too.

Today, I realize that what Jesus was really saying is this: “I am the way,” as in, “I know the way.” “I’ve discovered it” which, by implication means, “you can, too.” Elsewhere, he put it like this: “I and the Father are one” and he prayed that we would discover the same as well (John 17). Which is precisely why he said continually, “Follow me.” In other words, it’s as if Jesus was saying, “If you believe anything, believe not WORDS but the WAY to Life itself. My way, like many other ways, will guide you into the Eternal. In fact, you cannot separate the way to God from God herself. The way to God IS God.”

My own suggestion is this: instead of believing in Jesus, why not live similarly after the manner of Jesus? A life of self-denial, of compassion, of trust and surrender? Why not give up believing there is anything you must believe, as in beliefs or dogmas or doctrines or certain words you must pray? Give up believing...give up the religious performance...give up the belief systems...give up the catalogue of things you don’t do, as well as the lengthy list of things you do, do...as in, religious practices you engage in and specific behaviors you try hard to avoid - and all because you’re afraid...not certain you’re good enough...trying hard to please God...to fit in with some dysfunctional religious group...and on and on. None of this is necessary and I assure you none of this will get you anywhere.

Why? Precisely because you are where you need to be already. And, where’s that? Right where you are. You are accepted already. You and the Divine are ONE already. If you live from this place of knowing, you will be free—free of the religious dysfunction so prevalent in virtually all religions, Christianity included...the nonsense of thinking “Our beliefs are right...you’re beliefs are wrong or, at a minimum, not as right.” “We’re the chosen ones...you’re not.” It is pure insanity.

Choose to be free—free of the fear of God...of feeling you’re constantly auditioning for his approval. Know and observe that the way of Jesus, not somebody’s words about Jesus, is the real meaning behind, “...no one comes to the Father but by me.” For me, the choice was clear. I could argue and defend and so hope to arrive. Or, I could live knowing I had arrived already. This kind of “believing” gives way to living—real living. Which is why Thomas Merton used to say, “When you are disposed to being alone with God, you are...no matter where you are: in the monastery, in the city, in the woods, in the streets. At the precise moment it would seem you may be in the middle of your journey, you have actually arrived at your destination already.”

For what more could you ask?

A person who wants to worship the Father, Jehovah God, must recognize Jesus’ vital role.

The phrase “I am the way” in that verse indicates Jesus provides “the way” to approach God acceptably. For example, those who pray to God must do so in Jesus’ name. (John 16:23, 24) It also indicates Jesus’ death makes it possible for humans to be reconciled to God, or restored to his favor. (Romans 5:8-11) Jesus also set a pattern of conduct that those who want to please God must follow.—John 13:15.

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Religion / Re: Is Happiness A Choice by gideonjeta(m): 8:35am On May 15, 2021

I have heard some people say that happiness is a choice. But how true and accurate is that statement?

I am asking because I think that happiness is a form of an emotion like sadness, anger and fear that are largely determined by circumstances.

Saying that happiness is a choice is making it seem like we have a control panel in our mind with which we are supposed to use to decide whether to be happy or not.

What are your thoughts on this?

Op, the happiness you might be referring to is the temporary kind. E.g enjoying marriage with a good wife, having lots of money, having a sense of fulfillment etc But the real happiness that is more important is deeper than that and that involves a choice. Jehovah God who created humans is a happy God.(I Timothy 1:11). He created us with the capacity to be happy. But Satan came and distorted the process and humans lost the real happiness. So to regain it, humans need to satisfy their spiritual needs by looking up to God for direction.

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Religion / Re: Where In The Bible was it Recorded As Sin To Marry Two Wives by gideonjeta(m): 1:27pm On Apr 19, 2021
Op... Jehovah God does not approve of polygamy but he permitted it for a while during the days of the Israelites. The standard God set in Eden with the first marriage was that of monogamy. Jesus Christ later reaffirmed that standard for his followers.​—(Genesis 2:18-24; Matthew 19:4-6.). God tolerated it for a limited time, while strictly regulating it to prevent abuses. (Exodus 21:10, 11; Deuteronomy 21:15-17) When Jehovah chose to end the practice of polygamy among his worshippers, he used his own Son to reaffirm the marital standard set in Eden. Jesus thus forbade polygamy among his followers. (Mark 10:8 ) Then, this truth became even clearer: The Law of Moses was fine in its time, but “the law of the Christ” is even better.​—Galatians 6:2.

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Religion / Re: Is Jesus Christ The Son Of God Or God Almighty Himself? by gideonjeta(m): 12:22pm On Apr 18, 2021
Op,... Jesus is not God Almighty. When he was here on earth,...he made some statements and perform some actions to prove this. Some of them are stated below. You can check it in your Bible.

What did Jesus say?

▪ “If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going my way to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28) Jesus acknowledged that he and his Father are not equals.

▪ “I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.” (John 20:17) Jesus did not speak of himself as God but spoke of God as a separate Person.

▪ “I have not spoken out of my own impulse, but the Father himself who sent me has given me a commandment as to what to tell and what to speak.” (John 12:49) Jesus’ teachings did not come from him; they came from the Father.

JESUS claimed to be the Son of God, not Almighty God. If Jesus were God, to whom was he praying while here on earth? (Matthew 14:23; 26:26-29) Surely Jesus was not just pretending to talk to someone else!

So Jesus is Son of God.
While growing up, I have had different sayings on the above.

Can Jesus be the Son of God and at the same time be the father or Almighty God?

Someone once told me that when Jesus came to the earth, it was God Almighty that came down because he has been taught that Jesus and God shared the same body as part of the Trinity (more confusion). Is there a scriptural backing to this teaching?

This scripture though got me thinking -

John 14:31:

"But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do."

If Jesus Christ is God Almighty or the Father, who is the father he is referring to that gives him commandments? (clarification needed here).

I honestly don't think anyone should be commanding Jesus if he is the Almighty God or the father.

Dear Nairalanders, what is the truth on the subject matter?
Religion / Re: Did The Bible Or God Forbids Gambling? by gideonjeta(m): 11:36am On Apr 02, 2021
People keep saying gabling is a sin and is bad but am yet to see a biblical stand on gambling being a sin, those that I ask are yet to convince me.

Pleaes I will like those in the house who are very conversant with the bible to enlighten us on this.

If the the bible condemns it then the explanation can really help a lot of people quit gambling.

The Bible makes no significant mention of gambling. Yet, it does offer a number of guiding principles that reveal how God feels about gambling.

The basic nature of gambling—winning money at the expense of others—is at odds with the Bible’s warning to “guard against every sort of greed.” (Luke 12:15) Gambling is, in fact, fueled by greed. Gaming institutions advertise big jackpots, while downplaying the poor odds of winning, because they know that dreams of wealth prompt players to wager large amounts to bet at games. Rather than helping a person guard against greed, gambling promotes the desire for easy money.

Gambling is based on an inherently selfish goal: winning money that other players have lost. However, the Bible encourages a person to “keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person.” (1 Corinthians 10:24)

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Religion / Re: What Does The Bible Say About Humility? by gideonjeta(m): 7:35pm On Mar 14, 2021
He must increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:30)

What is true humility -- and what is not true humility?

This really is part of the challenge: understanding what humility is… and what it isn't. I went a lot of my Christian life thinking that humility meant denying any compliments that anybody paid, or pretending that something I'd done well had not been done well. The last thing I wanted to be was proud. False humility takes those two forms. One is dishonesty: someone says, "You did a great job!" and you find some way to demean the job, pretending that it wasn't as good as it was. We all know isn't really true. But we don't want to be proud.

The other way is to be deceptive and is to pretend to be humble when we're really not. Inside, we know better. And others really know better as well. We use humble language, but we're really pretty proud of what we've done. (And very proud that they've told us!) There’s an old joke about the guy that writes the book, "Humility, and How I Perfected It." It's a sense that we're proud of our humility. That's obviously not what the Bible has in mind when it calls us to humility.

The Bible's reference of humility relates to man's relationship to God and to his fellowmen, as outlined in the Bible, and then practicing the principles learned. In other words, throw away your pride, acknowledge your mistake, set matters straight with others, and seek forgiveness. Jesus admonished that a person humbles himself before God as a child and, instead of trying to be prominent, minister to or serve his brothers.—Matt. 18:4; 23:12.
Religion / Re: When Does The Soul Get Into A Human? Before Or After Birth? by gideonjeta(m): 3:33pm On Mar 14, 2021
just wondering.

When does the soul links up?

is it before birth?

is it the moment of conception when the sperm fertilizes the egg?

is it when the child is born?


The soul is the entire creature, not something inside that survives the death of the body. When Jehovah God created the first man, Adam, the Bible says that “man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7, King James Version) Adam was not given a soul​—he became a living soul or person. So, as soon as conception happens in the womb, we (man) became a living soul.
Religion / Re: Does This Verse Mean Jesus Is God Himself? by gideonjeta(m): 2:25pm On Feb 20, 2021

Acts 7:59
And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”

This is like saying

...As he was calling on the President and saying, " Mr. Buhari, have mercy on me."

What do you think?

Acts 7:59 does not indicate that Jesus is God himself. The Bible shows that prayer is to be directed only to Jehovah God. Seeing Jesus in vision, Stephen apparently felt free to appeal to him directly, saying: “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Stephen knew that Jesus had been given authority to raise the dead. (John 5:27-29) So Stephen asked, or appealed to, Jesus to safeguard his life force until the resurrection.
Religion / Re: God Might Have Abandoned This World If At All He Exists. by gideonjeta(m): 8:46pm On Feb 13, 2021
OP, first of all, God exist and he has not abandoned this world. What you are describing is exactly what Psalms 10:1 says about why God has seemingly left the scene. However, have you considered the possibility that our expectations of God could be based on a faulty premise? To illustrate: Imagine a small child who is upset because his father has gone to work. The child misses his father and wishes he would come home. The child feels abandoned. Throughout the day, he repeatedly asks, “Where is Daddy?”

We can readily detect the flaw in that child’s thinking. After all, at that very moment, his father is working to provide for the entire family. Could our thinking be similarly flawed when we cry out, “Where is God”?

For example, some might wish for God to be an executioner whose primary function is to bring swift punishment on the perpetrator of some wrong. Others view God as little more than a celestial Santa Claus, whose role is to bestow gifts​—a job, a spouse, or even a winning lottery ticket.

Both of those views assume that if God does not bring justice immediately or if he does not grant the favor we ask, then he must be insensitive to our suffering and unaware of our needs. Nothing, though, could be further from the truth! The fact is, at this very moment, Jehovah God is working to provide for the entire human family, yet not in a way that many are asking for.

What is God doing, then? To answer that question, we need to look back to the beginning of human history when mankind’s relationship with God was severely damaged​—but not beyond repair.
Religion / Re: Hello monday by gideonjeta(m): 1:50pm On Feb 07, 2021
@Op... God exist and he care about us. God gives us what we need at the right time. "All his ways are justice.” (Deuteronomy 32:4) God is fair and impartial in everything he does. The fact that you don't have riches now does not mean he is blind to your predicament. He will bless your efforts and ensure that you get your NEEDS and not your WANTS. Just do what is good in the eyes of God and you will be given these things that you crave for. (Mathew 6:33).

Pls ignore my grammatical errors!

Being born into a religious and Christian family seems to have been the worst thing that has happuned to me.
Am a supposed Christian, who is falling apart due to life inconveniences.... Struggling for almost every thing in my life and none coming in form of a miracle or whatsoever, I've lived all my life believing in God, believing in the condemnation of other gods being tagged idol, I've faced alot of difficulties in my life, and each time, i consult a man of God. And the Issue will always lead to praying and fasting, doing midnights prayers and soo on and soo forth, but even after that, am still not moving!
The last one was jst dis January, after consultation,they said the powers from village and ancestral stuffs etc.
i was told to pray, fast. The truth is i always do these praying and fasting with utmost belief, but it all results to nothing, i ask mysef questions.
Everyday powers from here and there,but God is said to be the true God?
My dad have served the lord for a very long while, and I can honestly assure you that he has never saved up to a million in his account, ever since I was Born, we feed from hand to mouth, no savings,nothing!
I've come to wonder cause I've gotten feedup with the lifestyle, why do Christians suffer the most?
Why do God allow his[b] CHILDREN[/b] to suffer the most, why does it seem that Christianity makes one blind, this religious lifestyle of mine has made me decline opportunities which would have gotten me to a better place, now i seem a shadow of myself cry
My family have suffered for awhile and in everything I do, my major aim is to get my family liberated from poverty, but all to no avail!
Nothing works for me anymore, I've asked questions upon question but still,no answer.
Please, these wealthy people, do the worship a different God, being a believer deprives you of alot of things, being a poor Christian is the worst type of life anyone can imagine!
Everything would be vanity to you, but why?
Because you can't afford those,
How do i get mysef out of this Christian faith, i honestly want to do evil soo as to displease God cry cry cry
I've tried my best doing the right things, in as much I don't want to go short of his glory, but here i am fully short of his Glory, the only thing i could boast about is this life, the only thing a poor Christian thanks God about is the gift of life.
Life is not a gift actually, everybody would still die someday, being alive suffering and watching others die doesn't make you blessed, we die wen our time is due!
if i could trade this life for a better life I would, rather than wait soo I would have a better life at a place where I don't know "HEAVEN"
I've done alot of prayers, i read the Bible, i dont need someone to preach to me, i felt like dropping this, cause it seems like we've been deceived bout this Christianity of a thing,
Its not working!
Christianity is not working, we've abandoned the supposed gods to serve the living God.
But yet, the living God teaches us to accept suffering all in the name of being in the race to heaven,
Does the dead praise the lord?
My life seem to always deteriorate, things Goes from bad to worse,
I belive hard time never last, but as a Christian, there are things that shouldn't come our ways!
How many years do one have to wait for this appointed time of God?
Are we deceiving ourselfs?
I've watched alot of Christian die without getting "Gods time"
I don't know what it feels like to be comfortable, to have even the slightest of riches, but here i am
, always worried about they soo called evil from the village.
An atheist or a non believer, why do the progress?
I need help, I've become a shadow of my self!
Religion seems to have destroyed me,
I urgently need help!
cry cry cry
You might have seen most of my comments about traveling about and paying back later, if i see that I'll honestly do it,
I missed and opportunity bcus my believe tagged there deeds evil, but now, after looking into alot of things and doin my research, i dont think that evil is really evil!

Religion / Re: Where Do We Go When We Die? by gideonjeta(m): 12:24pm On Jan 14, 2021


So there's no after life after death?

No, there is none.
Religion / Re: Where Do We Go When We Die? by gideonjeta(m): 11:32am On Jan 14, 2021

Here are answers to the main question asked on the thread. I shall use Bible verses to give the answers.

The first man, Adam, returned to the dust when he died.--Genesis 3:19

The Bible tells us that when someone dies, “his thoughts” die. --Psalm 146:4

Humans who die will return to the dust. --Ecclesiastes 3:20.
Thus, Humans go back to the grave or dust where they are created. Your other little questions aside the main question have been answered thoroughly by maxindhouse. No need to overflogged it.
Religion / Re: Who Is The God Of This Earth? by gideonjeta(m): 3:20pm On Jan 07, 2021

Hebrews 1:3

[3]who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

Jesus Christ is Lord God Almighty

1 John 4:12a says no one has seen God at any time. If you are saying that Jesus is God Almighty, then you are saying that what was written in the Bible is wrong (for Jesus was on this earth many years ago and was seen by the jews). Jesus Christ is son of God and not God Almighty. If you are a Christian, reflect and meditate on these Bible verses 1 John 4:12a, 1 John 5:19. and the answer to the topic of the thread will be clear to you. This is going to be my first and last post on this thread. Thank you.
Religion / Re: Is It Safe To Say Prayers Are Useless? by gideonjeta(m): 8:49pm On Dec 20, 2020
I have a sister passing through a rough time, she married in 2018 as a virgin (confirmed by the husband) but trying to conceive now, her husband abandoned her, impregnated & married another woman. Told her she can divorce herself when she's ready.

My worry is that this my elder Sister is too calm, born again, can pray. She practically worships her husband.
Why is God not answering her prayers?
Why is God allowing my sister to go through so much pain in life?

I don't even know how to console her again.

First of all, I sympathize on your sister's ongoing issues. I want you to know that Jehovah God answers prayers.(Psalm 145:18,19; Jer. 29:12). In due time, she will receive answers to her prayers.
Religion / Re: Where Was Jesus From Ages 12 To 33? by gideonjeta(m): 7:51pm On Dec 20, 2020

Matthew 13:55 Say the carpenter's son
Mark 6:1-3 Says Jesus is a capenter

Still does not mean Jesus did not marry and had offspring.
Isaiah 53:10 Says: Yet it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.

Jesus Christ did not get married. The Bible makes clear that Jesus was not married, even though it does not specifically comment on his marital status.
Consider the following.

The Bible frequently refers to Jesus’ family as well as to women who accompanied him during his ministry and who stood by him when he was executed, yet it never mentions his having a wife. (Matthew 12:46, 47; Mark 3:​31, 32; 15:40; Luke 8:​2, 3, 19, 20; John 19:25) The most plausible reason why the Bible is silent on this matter is that he was never married.

Concerning those who remain unmarried so that they can do more in God’s service, Jesus told his disciples: “Let the one who can make room for it [singleness] make room for it.” (Matthew 19:10-​12) He set the pattern for those who choose not to marry in order to devote themselves more fully to God.​—John 13:15; 1 Corinthians 7:​32-​38.

Just before he died, Jesus arranged for the care of his mother. (John 19:25-​27) If Jesus had been married or had fathered children, he would have made sure that such close family members were provided for as well.

The Bible uses Jesus as an example for husbands, but it does not refer to the way he treated a human wife. Instead, it says: “Husbands, continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and gave himself up for it.” (Ephesians 5:​25) If Jesus had actually been married while on earth, would not his perfect example as a literal husband have been used in that verse?

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Religion / Re: How Do We Provide Comfort And Support For People Whose Loved One Dies? by gideonjeta(m): 6:23pm On Nov 30, 2020
Give them hope even if false hope?

The resurrection that Jesus Christ taught was of only those who are saved(have eternal life) as those who are not saved will not be resurrected, and of those who are resurrected, many will spend eternity in Hell.

I don't want to deviate from the thread, the Bible verse I stated in my previous post was Acts 24:15 which says in part there is going to be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous and it was Apostle Paul that said it and not Jesus Christ.
Religion / Re: How Do We Provide Comfort And Support For People Whose Loved One Dies? by gideonjeta(m): 5:31pm On Nov 29, 2020
@NairaPound, what eviana said is correct. Some activities can be done for the bereaved family, not only by calls, text. If the bereaved one wants to talk, listen sympathetically. You can also give the person the hope that he or she will see their loved again as Acts 24:15 stated there will be a resurrection.
What I have seen happen over and over again is that when a loved one dies, the initial reaction of religious folks is to bombard them with prayers, phone calls and some even generously contribute financially. I have observed most of this support ends around about 40 days and then we all return to our daily lives.

The questions on my mind are

do we think life returns to normal for the person/ families of those who have lost their loved one after 40days?
what are some things we can do to support them?
How long do you think they need support?

abeg no vex for the jam queshuns, d tin dey hot hot for mt bodi
Best of all, do something for the bereaved family, perhaps performing a chore the grieving one has not been able to care for, such as cooking a meal, caring for the children, or helping with funeral arrangements if that is desired. Such actions may speak louder than the most eloquent words. These activities can be done even after a long period of time (1 year or more).

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Religion / Re: Why Did No One Understood What Jesus Meant by gideonjeta(m): 8:36pm On Nov 27, 2020
Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, la′ma sabach-tha′ni?” that is, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
And some of bystanders hearing it said, “This man is calling Eli′jah.
My question is why did no one understood the language he spoke? Where did the language came from?

What you quoted is Mathew 27:46. The Language used in that verse or those words is contemporary Hebrew (that is, Hebrew language) with a little bit of Aramaic. The reason for the confusion by the crowd is simply because some are interpreting what he said in Hebrew and not taking the full concept (that is, a combination of Hebrew and Aramaic Language).
Religion / Re: Is It Right For A Christian To Join In Looting Palliatives? by gideonjeta(m): 2:03pm On Oct 26, 2020
Op, The post before my post is right. The fact that you were as it seems 'robbed' of some palliatives meant for you does not make it right to go and loot them. True Christians should not also act wickedly just like those that hoard the palliatives. Mathew 23:3, although refers to Pharisees, but it can still be applied in this instance, it is best we observe their wicked deeds but should not join them in doing what is bad before God. Stealing is Bad. The fact that they hoard palliatives does not make it right to go and loot them.
It's very clear that the government is wrong in keeping these much needed aid from the masses at the time it was needed the most.

Non Christians may do whatever they wish, However, is it right for a born again child of God to join in the looting? Especially as I saw Many people online saying "it is our food"

I would like to know your opinions please.

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