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Education / Re: 100k For Lucky Student Nairalanders. by Hkenny: 10:15pm On Sep 18, 2017
Education / Re: 100k For Lucky Student Nairalanders. by Hkenny: 9:40pm On Sep 18, 2017
ORIGINS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT African Americans became increasingly restive in the postwar years. During the war they had challenged discrimination in the military services and in the work force, and they had made limited gains. Millions of blacks had left southern farms for northern cities, where they hoped to find better jobs. They found instead crowded conditions in urban slums. Now, black servicemen returned home, intent on rejecting second- class citizenship, as other blacks began to argue that the time was ripe for racial equality. Jackie Robinson dramatized the racial question in 1947 when he broke baseball's color line and began playing in the major leagues. A member of the Brooklyn Dodgers, he often faced trouble with opponents and teammates as well. But an outstanding first season led to his acceptance and eased the way for other black players, who now left the Negro leagues to which they had been confined. Government officials, and many other Americans, discovered the connection between racial problems and Cold War politics. As the leader of the free world, the United States sought support in Africa and Asia. Discrimination at home impeded the effort to win friends in other parts of the world. Harry Truman supported the civil rights movement. He believed in political equality, though not in social equality, and recognized the growing importance of the black urban vote. When apprised in 1946 of lynchings and other forms of mob violence still practiced in the South, he appointed a committee on civil rights to investigate discrimination based on race and religion. The report, issued the next year, documented blacks' second-class status in American life. It asserted the need for the federal government to secure the rights guaranteed to all citizens. Truman responded by sending a 10-point civil rights program to Congress. When Southern Democrats, angry about a stronger civil rights stance, left the party in 1948, Truman issued an executive order barring discrimination in federal employment, ordered equal treatment in the armed forces and appointed a committee to work toward an end to military segregation. The last military restrictions ended during the Korean War. Blacks in the South enjoyed few, if any, civil and political rights. More than 1 million black soldiers fought in World War II, but those who came from the South could not vote. Blacks who tried to register faced the likelihood of beatings, loss of job, loss of credit or eviction from their land. Lynchings still occurred, and Jim Crow laws enforced segregation of the races in street cars, trains, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, recreational facilities and employment. DESEGREGATION Blacks took matters into their own hands. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was determined to overturn the judicial doctrine, established in the court case Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, that segregation of black and white students in schools was constitutional if facilities were "separate but equal." That decree had been used for decades to sanction rigid segregation in the South, where facilities were seldom, if ever, equal. Blacks achieved their goal of overturning Plessy in 1954 when the Supreme Court -- presided over by an Eisenhower appointee, Chief Justice Earl Warren -- handed down its Brown v. Board of Education ruling. The Court declared unanimously that "separate facilities are inherently unequal," and decreed that the "separate but equal" doctrine could no longer be used in public schools. A year later, the Supreme Court demanded that local school boards move "with all deliberate speed" to implement the decision. Eisenhower, although sympathetic to the needs of the South as it faced a major transition, nonetheless acted quickly to see that the law was upheld. He ordered the desegregation of Washington, D.C., schools to serve as a model for the rest of the country, and sought to end discrimination in other areas as well. He faced a major crisis in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. Just before implementation of a desegregation plan calling for the admission of nine black students to a previously all-white high school, the governor declared that violence threatened, and posted Arkansas National Guardsmen to keep peace by turning the black students away. When a federal court ordered the troops to leave, the students came to school, only to encounter belligerent taunts. As mobs became hostile, the black students left. Eisenhower responded by placing the National Guardsmen under federal command and calling them back to Little Rock. He was reluctant to do so because federal troops had not been used to protect black rights since the end of Reconstruction, but he knew he had no choice. And so desegregation began with soldiers standing in classrooms to ensure the rule of law. Another milestone in the civil rights movement occurred in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama. Rosa Parks, a 42- year-old black seamstress who was also secretary of the state chapter of the NAACP, sat down in the front of a bus in a section reserved by law and custom for whites. Ordered to move to the back, she refused. Police came and arrested her for violating the segregation statutes. Black leaders, who had been waiting for just such a case, organized a boycott of the bus system. Martin Luther King Jr., a young minister of the Baptist church where the blacks met, became a spokesman for the protest. "There comes a time," he said, "when people get tired...of being kicked about by the brutal feet of oppression." King was arrested, as he would be again and again, but blacks in Montgomery sustained the boycott and cut gross bus revenue by 65 percent. About a year later, the Supreme Court ruled that bus segregation, like school segregation, was unconstitutional. The boycott ended. The civil rights movement had won an important victory -- and discovered its most powerful, thoughtful and eloquent leader in Martin Luther King Jr. African Americans also sought to secure their voting rights. Although the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteed the right to vote, many states had found ways -- whether by a poll ("head") tax or a literacy test -- to circumvent the law. Eisenhower, working with Senate majority leader Lyndon B. Johnson, lent his support to a congressional effort to guarantee the vote. The Civil Rights Act of 1957, the first such measure in 82 years, marked a step forward, as it authorized federal intervention in cases where blacks were denied the chance to vote. Yet loopholes remained, and so activists pushed successfully for the Civil Rights Act of 1960, which provided stiffer penalties for interfering with voting, but still stopped short of authorizing federal officials to register blacks. Relying on the efforts of black Americans themselves, the civil rights movement gained momentum in the postwar years. Working through the Supreme Court and through Congress, civil rights supporters created the groundwork for an even more extensive movement in the 1960s. Outline of American Histo
Education / Re: 100k For Lucky Student Nairalanders. by Hkenny: 9:10pm On Sep 18, 2017
#1 +18519 +35 Best Answer X^2+x-6=0 Guest Dec 1, 2015 #2 +5 Solve for x: x^2+x-6 = 0 The left hand side factors into a product with two terms: (x-2) (x+3) = 0 Split into two equations: x-2 = 0 or x+3 = 0 Add 2 to both sides: x = 2 or x+3 = 0 Subtract 3 from both sides: Answer: | x = 2 or x = -3
Education / Re: 100k For Lucky Student Nairalanders. by Hkenny: 1:59pm On Sep 18, 2017
Sports / Re: Is Movingbet A Scam Site by Hkenny: 10:46pm On Jul 20, 2017
My cash is trapped in movingbet. They are big time scammers

1 Like

Religion / Re: Must Read!!why And How I Became A Satanist by Hkenny: 4:58pm On Jul 14, 2017
o.k,am also one,nice meeting you.
welcome .
Religion / Re: Must Read!!why And How I Became A Satanist by Hkenny: 1:39pm On Jul 14, 2017
o.k are you a Satanist too?
Religion / Re: Must Read!!why And How I Became A Satanist by Hkenny: 9:56am On Jul 14, 2017
what's the meaning of RTR pls?
reverse torah ritual
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 7:25pm On Jun 28, 2017
bro, I hope it's not a form of Ponzi or hyip, cause there's this one guy that is paying 10% profit, how on earth is that possible?
bro my advice is to invest with the one you see comments on the most and then you have no need to worry about any thing.
Adverts / Re: Get Paid Posting Threads, Replies and Blog Comments by Hkenny: 7:04pm On Jun 28, 2017
I just registered using pioneerauthor as my referral ...kennytutor is my username please I await ur guide to get started.
Adverts / Re: Get Paid Posting Threads, Replies and Blog Comments by Hkenny: 6:39pm On Jun 28, 2017
Please send link for registration to kennyexcel12@gmail.com and please include your username.
Politics / Re: Is It Right For President Buhari To Address The Nation In Hausa? by Hkenny: 9:46pm On Jun 25, 2017
Drop the words in hausa n I will translate it in mp form in english


Religion / Re: Must Read!!why And How I Became A Satanist by Hkenny: 12:19am On Jun 19, 2017
Have you guyz done ur RTR?
Pets / Re: Love Cats So Much , Where Can I Get One by Hkenny: 10:59pm On Jun 16, 2017
Is been a while boss,welcome back.

1 Like

Romance / Re: Did You Have Sex In Secondary School? Share Your Story by Hkenny: 11:23pm On Jun 15, 2017
Men were just lookin at diff colours of pants beneath d desk. No time for s*x in sch den , lie say most u guyz nor look babe pants?
Sports / Re: Is Movingbet A Scam Site by Hkenny: 6:03pm On Jun 07, 2017
They are scam, how can they be reported to appropriate authority?
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 12:02pm On Jun 05, 2017

I can't find the $30 investment thread on the website, the only amazing's thread that i stumbled on was "5% daily profit for uninterrupted 30 days", & the minimum amount is $100 OR #50,000 while Max amount is $1000 OR #500,000. Pls, kindly assist by giving me a guide on how to locate the $30 investment thread. Also, i got to discover that the investment is in bitcoin as said in your mention, I don't have a btc wallet but i have the naira equivalent, can i still proceed with the investment? If yes, how do i go about it? Pls, I'll really appreciate your assistance. Thanks in anticipation gesture
oh bro the $30 investment is for those who started early with him , if you have started early with him with the $30 you would have still be receiving by now but it is only for those who started with him earlier and he is still paying them . In other words new invetsors can't invest in the $30 investors any more. The 50k is the one that is up n running now and and if it is up to a month or so only those investing with him at present can be the one to receive . If you don't have such cash to start you wait till he comes up with another cheaper investment plan ..thanks.
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 9:28am On Jun 04, 2017
My account had been activated. I started the investment with amazing on June 1 and got my first return on June 2 and also expecting today's return. It is real and is real. God bless u.
bless you too. Good to know you are happy .
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 9:27am On Jun 04, 2017
I just registered. Hope my account would be activated soon
you should have been activated by now if not so send email to the admin board they will activate your account.
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 9:24am On Jun 04, 2017
Yes am happy to see the testimony above, it is indeed a good thing to see a fellow man happy . Please don't drop your your number here to avoid being scam by gullible people just register with the name above n invest with the investor called Amazing.
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 8:46am On Jun 01, 2017

I will let u know once my account is activated and also share testimonies.
if you registered yesterday evening your account would have been activated by now if not so send email to the board admin requesting for your account to be activated [faster method] .As for testimonies it is a sure thing.
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 9:56pm On May 31, 2017

Can I get the Amazing's number (the guy that owns the investment idea? verification is slow. I cant login until admin activate my account. I prefer calling to waiting for . Thanks.
if your account have been activated click on his name amazing his details will show , you are to send him pm and request for his number. Only those who are ready to invest is allowed to contact him...thanks.
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 7:52pm On May 31, 2017

Shall get back to you if it is genuine
you will definitely have testimonies upon testimonies to tell.
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 5:11pm On May 31, 2017
But I still advice you wait till the admin activate your account so that when you are fully activated you can get paid easily with out any obstruction .
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 5:08pm On May 31, 2017
Education / Re: .. by Hkenny: 4:47pm On May 31, 2017
Politics / Re: 2019 Presidency: Who Among These 9 Candidates Would You Vote For? by Hkenny: 2:00pm On May 31, 2017
Tracyomo as presido.
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 10:09pm On May 30, 2017
Phone am using don't whatsapp. this is the name t.a.l.k.n.a.i.r.a dot com replace the dot with [.] N no space between . The investor to invest with is Amazing , please remember me when you start earning . You will see testimonies here every single day.
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 9:27pm On May 30, 2017
NL just removed web name leavin .com
Investment / Re: Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 9:17pm On May 30, 2017
Nice idea I wil do just dat .
Investment / Money Investment Is Real For The First Time In Nigeria. by Hkenny: 8:53pm On May 30, 2017
Hello my people I have been with this naija investment website for for about ten months now and they are still paying its members , the site is very reliable because the people who carry out the investment are thoroughly screened with their information and they drop tangible properties like land, houses etc as collateral before you are called a verified investor, infact before you can scale tru the website screening and them confirming you as verified investor you must have gone true their strict screening infact the site is superb, I have been an onlooker seeing people receiving daily income to their account , the investment trending now is the investment of 30$ to receive 3$ daily for 30 days . The investment is in bitcoin, if you really want daily pay this is for you, also I told you earlier I have been an onlooker cuz I have no money to start investing so I plead with you if you start investing and you receive your daily income please and please anytin you can give to me to enable me start I will appreciate . NL frawn at dropin website link here . I don't know the best way to give you the link please suggest how I drop the link to you.... Testimonies will be droppin here on daily returns you will get . It is a must you come give ur testimonies here lols. Please suggest how I send you the link thanks.
Religion / Re: Ex-satanist Radically Saved And Baptised Into The Kingdom Of God by Hkenny: 12:48pm On Mar 31, 2017

Not here. cool
already spoke with hin

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