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Autos / Re: AXXXX by Ipfreely: 8:21am On Mar 28, 2018

This is wrong on all levels, cyber bullying and blackmail of the highest order, is it cos u pained he didn't leave the copart lot sticker on, so you can get ease of access to his vin?

Even if he's sold a thousand accident cars before, you have no right to blackmail this ad unless u have sufficient proof of it being an accident vehicle as well
. Seun hasn't made it mandatory to post vin, it's still at the discretion of buyer to do so or not, till he does, you will have little success bullying or blackmailing people to do your bidding

If you're serious about enforcing the rule then get the admin to make it mandatory or you approach the seller as a neutral buyer and get the vin and do whatever check u want to do

I know a lot of those who are scared of u visiting their threads will keep mute for fear of being given same treatment too, but I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of you and your folks

Not necessary at all. Where there's a will, there's a way.


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Autos / Re: AXXXX by Ipfreely: 8:19am On Mar 28, 2018
Gazzuzz thebigkendo
Autos / Re: AXXXX by Ipfreely: 8:17am On Mar 28, 2018
This is a Flooded Vehicle

Mileage 114,522 miles

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Autos / Re: Honda Civic by Ipfreely: 8:04am On Mar 28, 2018
Typical. I'm not really surprised.

Being outside Nigeria? I never said I was. I simply said we aren't all in your location.


The above is the exact quote making excuses and attempting to distinguish between major and minor accident. An accidented vehicle is an accidented vehicle.

I stopped taking you seriously when you threatened to get Cosplay banned within 24 hours of he didn't provide proof of your selling accidented vehicles. That was an emotional response to pressure and you revealed yourself in ways I'm sure you didn't and don't even realize.

Your rants and your posts are my daily humour, watching these people go back and forth with you. And I know that you love the way it makes you seem tough and like a man against the mob.

You're not either of those things, sorry to blow up your illusions.

You sell salvage vehicles. That's not a bad thing, really. It's alright as long as you disclose their history.

The world isn't against you, you've just convinced yourself that it is and that you're the second coming.

You have a great day over there.

I know I will.

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Autos / Re: Honda Civic by Ipfreely: 7:30am On Mar 28, 2018
Come on down off your high horse please.

This all started when you were called out for displaying an accidented vehicle for sale.

As I recall when you were confronted your arguments and positions shifted like those of a politician in Nigeria, first you claimed the bumper was only removed, not accidented, and you went on trying to make excuses till you eventually latched onto the personal attacks by Cosplay as your reason for your position.

Don't kid yourself, you're not some crusader against tyranny and oppression, you're simply one of the gallery. I've stayed out of your silliness because I see right through your pretence and saviour complex. It's also why I don't bother to address you.

Don't make the hubristic mistake of assuming that you're one of the good guys and you're so moralistic. You're really not. It's pretty clear what your so-called stand against 'bullying' is all about.

I had to find this link so people don't fall for your saviour complex.


You sold 2 vehicles? Good for you...Is this the part we throw a ball for your achievements? Or you assume we don't have lives off nairaland and we all get paid to leave comments here? We don't all sell cars, we're not even all in your location.

It's alright to want to boast of your achievements but don't make the mistake of assuming that you're even close to anyone here in financial or societal standing. That would be even more hubristic.


Autos / Re: I Have SOLD this Cleanest American Used Toyota Camry LE by Ipfreely: 6:24am On Mar 28, 2018
Great job u r doing sir. Plz cud u confirm this for me plz? 4t1bf28b71u179619
Cc cosplay


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Autos / Re: SOLD! SOLD!! Toks 2014 Ford Explorer Xlt...28k Mileage by Ipfreely: 12:34am On Mar 28, 2018
Good Luck
Autos / Re: Honda Civic by Ipfreely: 12:24am On Mar 28, 2018
Ive been offline for a while now since I came online I've been SMH for all of us.
Not because I like shaking my head but because someone showed u proof of his inhumane acts towards u and Becos he did it willingly everyone just obliged. Well I'm still learning sha afterall some one said we are kids because we decided to do the right thing in a wrong era

Only thebigkendo is trying but when u r not being encouraged by ur fellow crusaders u tend to join the winning team
Me sha I'm finding it a tad difficult to let it go!

I just can't, how will someone show me where he went to babalawo with my name and I'll keep quiet?

Ipfreely I'm not really motivated by ur "fair play tactic " and I'm sure this is part of their plan to divide us!

When divided we cannot stand firm, and personally; I like to finish what I start.... Dunno about u guys.

PS I'm a demeanor and now demeakid

Fair play? Towards who? Valarinz and his merry band of mutineers? cheesy grin

I have no problem with conspiracies. I have my own merry band of conspirators right here. Divided ? What on earth are you on about?

Let them plan and plot and scheme. We have quite a few tricks up our sleeves.

Tempus Fugit
Autos / Re: SOLD! SOLD!! 2009 Lexus ES350 Toks. 53k Mileage by Ipfreely: 11:49am On Mar 27, 2018

Jobless kid, Now you have found something to bring him down grin grin grin

The exact word was 'rats'. I think I'm a proud rat.

Are you?
Autos / Re: SOLD! SOLD!! 2009 Lexus ES350 Toks. 53k Mileage by Ipfreely: 11:47am On Mar 27, 2018
I actually don't understand this dealer. He already indicated it was a copart vehicle. Then he proceeded to falsely claim the VIN was available, then he deliberately provided photos that made it impossible to verify his claims, then ultimately responded, asking for physical inspection for the VIN to be provided.

What part of that marks him as an honest or trustworthy individual?

I'm still not convinced that this vehicle is actually there in Lagos.

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Autos / Re: SOLD! SOLD!! 2009 Lexus ES350 Toks. 53k Mileage by Ipfreely: 11:29am On Mar 27, 2018
Been requesting for the VIN for days now.

Autos / Re: SOLD! SOLD!! 2009 Lexus ES350 Toks. 53k Mileage by Ipfreely: 11:28am On Mar 27, 2018


Don't be fooled by the seeming outward clean appearance and low mileage of this vehicle.

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Autos / Re: SOLD! SOLD!! 2009 Lexus ES350 Toks. 53k Mileage by Ipfreely: 11:16am On Mar 27, 2018
when buying any Car, go with an expert or if u are one go with an extra person for a second perspective, after physical inspection, ask for the VIN and do a carfax or Autocheck report. if everything checks out..negotiate with the seller to get a good price

Is this Vehicle in Nigeria?
Phones / Re: With True Caller, Is Our Privacy Really Secure? by Ipfreely: 10:56am On Mar 27, 2018

"Below", but no field? Where exactly would you type the number in that image?

cheesy grin

Visit the website via the Link. The photo was just an illustration.
Phones / Re: With True Caller, Is Our Privacy Really Secure? by Ipfreely: 10:09am On Mar 27, 2018

Does Unlisting really work? Tried it a few times and my name kept popping up

It does. Follow the instructions. If you've installed the app or you're logged into it elsewhere you'd need to logout or uninstall the app or limit its permissions on android.
Autos / Re: SOLD! SOLD!! 2009 Lexus ES350 Toks. 53k Mileage by Ipfreely: 10:06am On Mar 27, 2018
This is a 2009 Lexus ES350 tokunbo car that just arrived Tincan. Vehicle will be cleared this week and ready for a new home. Posted below is the pictures of the car before shipping.

See VIN on one of the pictures.

Mileage: 53,006
Location: Lagos.
Asking Price: N4.1m very negotiable

Interested person can call 08160599745. You can take delivery upon inspection

***Vehicle now out of Tincan Port...New pictures loading

There is something very wrong with this advert. 9 days after the post was made and the vehicle was cleared and out of the port, photos of the vehicle in Nigeria are still unavailable and the seller clearly lied about the VIN.

I encourage due diligence in dealing with the advertiser.
Politics / Re: Bill Gates' Visit To Nigeria Features On CNN; His Comments On Nigeria Goes Viral by Ipfreely: 9:53am On Mar 27, 2018
Bukharin has reduced Nigeria to a total state of mockery among the committee of nations. what a dullard

Comity of nations.

Phones / Re: With True Caller, Is Our Privacy Really Secure? by Ipfreely: 8:28am On Mar 27, 2018

But u won't be able to use it again

Read my second post.
Phones / Re: With True Caller, Is Our Privacy Really Secure? by Ipfreely: 8:16am On Mar 27, 2018

Depending on what you do for a living, a lot of potential customers this day will have no business dealings with you if true Caller says your name is "X" and it turns out your true name is "Y". I have seen it happen countless times.

I for feel more comfortable when I speak with a stranger whose name matches his true Caller identity, else I'm usually very sceptical.

The technology has its downside though just like most manmade this I know, but it's the new normal(technology), embraces it with its folly or get left behind.

The idea isn't new. Reverse phone lookups have been around since the internet was developed.

The data harvesting on such a grand scale is what's relatively recent.

Unlisting is the smarter and more effective alternative. Getting the number saved with a different name may seem clever but is potentially damaging.
Phones / Re: With True Caller, Is Our Privacy Really Secure? by Ipfreely: 8:13am On Mar 27, 2018
Am to deliver a job to a client in Abuja, we discuss on phone and she sent me her address. So i keep on calling her untill i get to her place. am not surprised, she has already know my name without anyone informed her.but guess what? After we have finalised the bussiness, She ask me, is your name realy Ole (thief)? i said No my name is Ola! not Ole(thief). Immediatly i realised some one who store my name through truecaller must have done a great damage to my name by writte Ole instead Ola. This force me to download the app and re-writte my name correctly. Lesson for everyone!

Real consequences of our often ill informed online choices.
Autos / Re: Honda Civic by Ipfreely: 8:11am On Mar 27, 2018
You should be the moderator of this section I like your simplicity and personality keep it up bro.

Thanks for the endorsement but I'm far too busy for the sort of hands-on policing that needs to happen here.

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Phones / Re: With True Caller, Is Our Privacy Really Secure? by Ipfreely: 8:03am On Mar 27, 2018

So if we all do this, how will truecaller be effective?

I'm not certain what your question is, but if you're asking how Truecaller would be effective if users didn't accept to have other people's information sent to a third party who actually sells that information to other parties, then I think the answer's plain as day.

It wouldn't.

But because millions of users don't think about the apps they install and the permissions they give these apps, Truecaller will continue to grow.

This is Data Mining on steroids.


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Phones / Re: With True Caller, Is Our Privacy Really Secure? by Ipfreely: 8:02am On Mar 27, 2018
If you are a genuine person you shouldn't have any problem with trucaller. If any number call me and the name doesn't TALLY in my two Identity apps. I will never pick the call. So on my own side here, it really protect me and my privacy.
If you need privacy, don't use phone.

That's your prerogative and your choice. But what about the unsuspecting contacts on your contact list whose contact and other information gets uploaded to their servers without their permission? They don't get a say in the matter? Their own privacy doesn't deserve to be protected as well?
Phones / Re: With True Caller, Is Our Privacy Really Secure? by Ipfreely: 7:39am On Mar 27, 2018
In addition, if you'd like to run a search via Truecaller but you're not comfortable with your contacts being uploaded to their servers, then there are a couple of workarounds:

-Use Truecaller via a web browser. Don't install the Truecaller app. That limits its access to your locally stored data.

-Always uncheck the Enhanced Search box. This ensures that your contacts are never uploaded.

Phones / Re: With True Caller, Is Our Privacy Really Secure? by Ipfreely: 7:30am On Mar 27, 2018
To unlist any phone number from Truecaller, visit


Once unlisted it stays unlisted even if the number gets updated on their central database from another source.

Truecaller is a gross invasion of privacy. However reverse phone lookup has been around for eons. It's not exactly a new idea. Just far more effective and virulent.

Its access isn't limited to phone numbers. It extends to actual photos, facebook and other social media or indeed address and other information for all contacts stored in contact files.




Autos / Re: I Have SOLD this Cleanest American Used Toyota Camry LE by Ipfreely: 7:25am On Mar 27, 2018

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Autos / Re: . by Ipfreely: 5:40am On Mar 27, 2018
please desist the said vin as its nit the VIN of the above listed car. as company and safety policy, we only allow client to check vin during inspection of our cars. thanks

That's the VIN of this vehicle.

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Autos / Re: Toyota Corolla 2003 At Awoof Price by Ipfreely: 10:07pm On Mar 26, 2018
Toyota Corolla 2003 toks for urgent sale
Price 1.6m slightly negotiable
Accident free
Call Kayode on 08109429090
Location airport road
No form of payment till u come for inspection.... thank u


Autos / Re: Clean And Neat Toyota Camry 2008 by Ipfreely: 9:53pm On Mar 26, 2018
pls update the status of this vehicle �

This was a scam.

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Autos / Re: Honda Civic by Ipfreely: 9:08pm On Mar 26, 2018

Like I stated earlier bro, just my opinion.... No hard feelings...

Certainly, certainly. None at all. I can tell that you're a gentleman. I picture you tapping away at your device, Cuban in the other hand, with some Van Morrison in the background cool
Autos / Re: Honda Civic by Ipfreely: 8:56pm On Mar 26, 2018
But seriously Do MODS get "data money".. I want to be a Mod oh.. How do I become a mod? shocked shocked shocked

Do I need to campaign?

May I be your diaspora campaign manager?
Autos / Re: Honda Civic by Ipfreely: 8:54pm On Mar 26, 2018

I don't see SEUN making cosplay a mod because nairaland revenue driven by traffic, which comes only when people visit the site or create threads. And also, agitating for cosplay to become a mod kind of give flesh to the suspicion that many people have about cosplay, that all he has been doing is just because he wants to become a mod by fire or by force and sincerely, that will not help anyone's case.

Let's slow down on the mod issh, clear the issues first before we start talking about becoming a mod. Let's know the modality or modalities to adopt for the auto section first and let's strike a balance between the car dealers, mods, SEUN and every other person that wants sanity in the auto section. Without sanity, people will forever believe that all you've been doing was just because you wanted to call them out so that you can become a mod, sample the opinions of car dealers, the nairaland management itself and end users before you start clamoring for a mod, thanks.

As far as I'm concerned it's the dealers and nefarious characters that have that opinion.

Besides I think I'd be comfortable with an individual who constructed standard schools and clinics and police stations, effectively raising the standard of living of his people, in an effort to be crowned king of his town.

As long as those contributions are useful to his society, then I really don't think that his intentions matter, and I don't think that the pregnant lady going to the clinic or the indigent kids getting an education in those schools would care either.


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