Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:32pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Did they just released the pea-brained and never do well in your part of the world on cybedrspace? In saner climes idiiots like you would have been fed to the gas chambers. How about drumpf coming to rule your worthless nation. The gop is a party of racist and they gonna get the message by the midterms. News flash the gop death healthcare reform just failed in a gop dominated house. Shows y'all m0ron how worthless the gop is. Olodo Pls sleep |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:24pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
No, I'm not. Making things up doesn't improve your mooronic arguments.
No, I don't. He can be whatever he likes. I simply called him what he is. I don't care whether he changes or not. Doesn't affect my life.
I don't know about that as I hate a long list of things about hip-hop music and artistes and I don't know Jay Z songs, but hip-hop artistes follow the money and celebrity and show no moral scruples. I would imagine it's a game changer when that bigoted reality star they befriend for the money and fame intends to be President and his malevolence and cruelty and prejudice can affect millions. dont be afraid to own who u are....tribalist 
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:21pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Rich coming from a third world nitwits, that can barely feed well nor afford the basic necessities of life. The tool live thousands of miles away and can magically tells what's good for me. Indeed with m0ron like you abortion need to be legalized worldwide to cut off the human chaff. You come across as that worthless child, that wannnks off watching his parent make out from the keyhole. Like i said u know nothing. Olodo dont be upset, trump is two terms olodo....next time vote well. Vote republican. Dont be a slowpoke 1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:21pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Funny how all of you Obama supporters talk about sucking penis in every comment
We all know Obama did more for the homosexual community than any other during his tenure
Feel free to suck each other off in the USA. No come naija sha, na 14 years for here 1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:19pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Hey you m0ron, I was born and live here. 96% of us voted against the piece of trash. Stay in your hell-hole where live is short and brutish. Trump like sessions like bannon and Spencer loathe your kind, irrespective of how much you suck the Orange a33 of these losers they won't still spear you in a killing spree. Go get a lobotomy mate, your stupidity is definitely factory fitted. so what? you know nothing Trump until 2025 1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:15pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Garbage!!! 96% of us voted against him in the last election, since after election night he has been mia in New York. We don't take sh1t mofo, niggars are so ready to cut him down in a jiffy. you and your comrades are the reason police will shoot first and ask questions last Then your mom will come and be telling us how u were such a good boy and u were reading well in school... shut up...new york is the snowflake capital of America...we know you morons dont know what is best for you 1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:14pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Dude, people on this site are not idiots. You can find any group of folks in America who will say something you support.
Tell us the percentage of blacks in Chicago who voted for Obama, and then Clinton?
Was it not over 95%? Shut up and watch the video. A lot of these people dont even vote. They have no faith in the system. We are not talking about the middle class ones you happened to go to school with. Dont be an unfortunate. Try and gain some real knowledge. Obama did nothing for black people, its common knowledge. People were fed up of the establishment allowing refugees and immigrants to take preference over AMerican citizens. They want America first. America first. Are you hard of hearing? You are Nigerian abi. oya you too do Nigeria first na...olodo... the blacks u are here massaging their phallus, do they want to visit even your banana island Meanwhile u are ok with their New York ghettos and their cheap rent in Houston...slowpoke 2 Likes |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:10pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
[quote author=Kophschmerzen post=58669372][/quote]
Many black Americans support Trumps stance on immigration because they dont have opportunities either and want their neighborhoods sorted first. America first.
Sorry eh, its not because of Trump u did not see Visa, try and find a 90 year old grandma to fall victim of your online romance scam |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:05pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:04pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Illiterate. Being the first lady does NOT make you responsible for the president's policies.
It is because you have NOTHING on her that you are forced to use her husband's actions to smear her.
With Trump, we don't need to seek out anyone else's actions. HIS ACTIONS ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH TO CONDEMN HIM AS A RACIST 100 TIMES OVER. why did she feel the need to apologize. Crooked Hillary. More women voted for Trump than crooked hilary. Go and sleep snowflake 1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 11:03pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
What does this have to do with Trump's record as a racist? You're a mentally ill individual. Are u not a tribalist yourself? Physician heal thyself All the tribalism on this forum, did u find solution u want to cure trump of his racism. u must be a slowpoke. I know for a fact Jay Z shouted out Trump in his records for over a decade. Until he ran against Obama before their beef started. Did Jay Z not know Trump was racist when he was shouting him out on record bloody hypocrites, fake news watchers and ignoramuses all of u anti-trumpers U know nothing 2 Likes |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:59pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:58pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Obi1kenobi: I hate to agree with Rossikki of all people here, but you Trump defenders are a disgrace. You're either incredibly ignorant about his career and campaign trail track record with matters of race, or you must be living in a dissonant world of self-hatred sucking up to a man that pretty blatantly holds people like you in contempt. There are also those (I usually find them on Facebook) who are Trump supporters because they enjoy the notoriety of being contrarians. It makes them feel clever to oppose what seems like the popular consensus on Trump.
No, Donald Trump doesn't go around calling Black people niggas or subhumans. But this is the 21st century and even white supremacists are far more polished these days. Modern day racism is not that confrontational. But in word and deed, he has frequently exhibited subtle, but glaring markers of a racist. There is a reason Trump has energized white nationalists far more than any recent mainstream American politician and the sewers of extreme right wing media have never been more vocal in their support for any politician than Donald Trump. Does your Nigerian government hold u in contempt? So why removing the speck from trumps eyes, when the log in your eye is heavy What did Obama ever do for black people 2 Likes |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:56pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Hillary Clinton had no power to jail anyone, you dunce. Is Hillary Clinton the same as BILL Clinton?
In any case Hlllary said she ''regretted the use of the term, super predators'' to describe young black criminals in the 90s.
Has Trump EVER expressed regret for his open, and daily racism?? she was first lady and thus one of the most influential people in the world and she supported the policy Please boot your brain and update the software before u engage with your betters on NL she only REGRETTED when she ran for President and needed the slowpoke vote slowpoke = slow black people 1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:54pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
I'm amazed at that guy. People really don't know how to think. You go know say the guy can die for CNN. Amazed is understatement. So many blacks dont know their left from their right. Is it not a white country. No be white man kill indians finish before them import him cousins to come pick cotton from there. IS it their fault, oba of benin sent slaves there for a pint of cognac 1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:52pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
That will be your mouth. Empty waiting for white coc.k to get shoved in it. All this talk about MouthAction It seems like u like BBC in your own mouth Meanwhile Ted Turner keeps one in your posterior Threewayed by CNN and the black nighas u love so much....poor lad 1 Like |
Politics / Re: Can You Convince Me That Buhari Has Improved The Economy Since 2015? by Jengem: 10:50pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Even Lai Mohammed cannot tell such a lie |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:49pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Lol. Alright, stud. He wants to make black people happy He hasnt finished pleasing his born to rule masters in Naija He wants to make the niggas in Chicago and New York pleased. A slowpoke of decorated colours |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:47pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Oh lawd... here we go again with another self hating, trash talking black slave. Slave boy, just go away. Go and suck white coc.k and jump around like Tarzan with your 36 teeth shining so they can laugh and pat you on the head and shout 'Sambo!'. They love your type. Uncle Tom.
And no, I don't live in the states. Spit. u are the coon. The ignorant olodo who believes whatever he hears on CNN Name one person in your lineage that has achieved what white trailer trash has achieved. Nonsense 1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:46pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:39pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
This is why many black Americans hate Africans with a passion. You are so far up the white man's arsss, that you will gladly support a man who has a long history of open racism against blacks, even before he began running for president. A man who went out of his way to delegitimize that country's first black president. Do you know how pained and offended African Americans are by that? Do you care? Only 8% of them voted for Trump. But you? ''Oh. He's a great father!! He's a great man!!''.
TUFIA. WORTHLESS. oh shut ur mouth u want acceptance from black americans? why? because u live in america and need to be accepted. u went for undergraduate or masters and all of a sudden u wanna be a slave descendant by force. oh shut ur mouth where do u see blacks, that u see progress and development. is it borno? chicago? Do u think u could live in America if not for the whites that developed it AND MAINTAIN LAW AND ORDER? Why did u run from Nigeria being developed by ur fellow blacks? Ur own slowpoke is building house in the permanent site. who care if black americans like me or not? some of the vilest creatures on earth are in that bracket. Not to say that the white man is perfect but they developed america. what did your blacks develop? hip hop? r&b? 3 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:30pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
do yorubas in lagos rent to igbos did u open ur eyes to see the tribalism on nairaland before u went after racism is ur own mumu patented or copyrighted? Look even me that has airbnb, when i see some blacks that want to rent my pad for a few days, i decline politely. When i was in uni, some students went to a five star hotel and used feaces to stain the wall. needless to say black students. can u blame trump? can u afford trump? Rossikki: TRUMP'S RACISM
The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people
When Trump was serving as the president of his family’s real estate company, the Trump Management Corporation, in 1973, the Justice Department sued the company for alleged racial discrimination against black people looking to rent apartments in the Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island boroughs of New York City.
The lawsuit charged that the company quoted different rental terms and conditions to black rental candidates than it did to white candidates, and that the company lied to black applicants about apartments not being available. Trump called those accusations “absolutely ridiculous” and sued the Justice Department for $100 million in damages for defamation.
Without admitting wrongdoing, the Trump Management Corporation settled the original lawsuit two years later and promised not to discriminate against black people, Puerto Ricans or other minorities. Trump also agreed to send weekly vacancy lists for his 15,000 apartments to the New York Urban League, a civil rights group, and to allow the NYUL to present qualified applicants for vacancies in certain Trump properties.
Just three years after that, the Justice Department sued the Trump Management Corporation again for allegedly discriminating against black applicants by telling them apartments weren’t available.
In fact, discrimination against black people has been a pattern throughout Trump’s career
Workers at Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, have accused him of racism over the years. The New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine.
The first-person account of at least one black Trump casino employee in Atlantic City suggests the racist practices were consistent with Trump’s personal behavior toward black workers.
“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, told The New Yorker for a 2015 article. “It was the eighties, I was a teen-ager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”
Trump allegedly disparaged his black casino employees as “lazy” in vividly bigoted terms, according to a 1991 book by John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino.
“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”
“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
Trump told an interviewer in 1997 that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true,” but in 1999 accused O’Donnell of having fabricated the quotes.
Trump has also faced charges of reneging on commitments to hire black people. In 1996, 20 African-Americans in Indiana sued Trump for failing to honor a promise to hire mostly minority workers for a riverboat casino on Lake Michigan.
He refused to condemn the white supremacists who advocated for him
Three times in a row on Feb. 28, Trump sidestepped opportunities to renounce white nationalist and former KKK leader David Duke, who’d recently told his radio audience that voting for any candidate other than Trump would be “treason to your heritage.”
When asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper if he would condemn Duke and say he didn’t want a vote from him or any other white supremacists, Trump claimed that he didn’t know anything about white supremacists or about Duke himself. When Tapper pressed him twice more, Trump said he couldn’t condemn a group he hadn’t yet researched.
By Feb. 29, Trump was saying that in fact he did disavow Duke, and that the only reason he didn’t do so on CNN was because of a “lousy earpiece.” Video of the exchange, however, shows Trump responding quickly to Tapper’s questions with no apparent difficulty in hearing. ..
It’s preposterous to think that Trump didn’t know about white supremacist groups or their sometimes violent support of him. Reports of neo-Nazi groups rallying around Trump go back as far as August 2015.
His white supremacist fan club includes The Daily Stormer, a leading neo-Nazi news site; Richard Spencer, director of the National Policy Institute, which aims to promote the “heritage, identity, and future of European people”; Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, a Virginia-based white nationalist magazine; Michael Hill, head of the League of the South, an Alabama-based white supremacist secessionist group; and Brad Griffin, a member of Hill’s League of the South and author of the popular white supremacist blog Hunter Wallace.
A leader of the Virginia KKK who backed Trump told a local TV reporter in May, “The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes, we believe in.”
Ultimately, Trump won just 8 percent of the African-American vote, according to the NBC News exit poll. 1 Like |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:28pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Rossikki: Google it. Can't be bothered.
You are sick in the head. You think it is ok to reject a judge based on his RACIAL ORIGIN? You are an animal. Just like Trump.
CaeserVelli please dont argue with this slowpoke his own bible is CNN |
Politics / Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Jengem: 10:25pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
Rossikki: Dummy, he's a racist who believes you and your family are subhuman. By supporting him, you are agreeing that you are indeed subhuman. Tragic. shut up is it hillary the hypocrite that called blacks super predators and sent millions to prison in the 90s that is not racist? Trump only became a racist when he took on the democratic party. We know better. Trump is a good man and a great father Bill dey nack for inside oval office gerrarahia men We all know Nigerians in the US dont support trump because the african americans dont Is it that retard Maxine waters or that other rich black congressman always making noise that u now believe. Those ones are bereft of any idea and will call anything racist 1 Like |
Politics / Senate Wants N200 To Dollar Rate For Pilgrimages by Jengem: 6:41pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
K |
Culture / Re: Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa And Other Tribes Must Live As One - Emir Of Katsina by Jengem: 12:28pm On Jul 20, 2017 |
No need for nigeria to remain one especially with sharia addicts and jihadists
Poverty and illiterates running amok in the region u preside over 17 Likes |
Politics / Re: Meet The President Of Tomorrow His Excellence Engineer Dr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso by Jengem: 4:33am On Jul 20, 2017 |
President of northern region u mean
If kwankwaso win presidential election in nigeria, i will renounce my citizenship 5 Likes |
Car Talk / Re: Photos Of Bugatti Veyron Spotted In Lagos Today by Jengem: 8:57pm On Jul 19, 2017 |
This car that i threw away 2 Likes |
Romance / Re: Before You Vandalise My DM Exercise Caution by Jengem: 6:08pm On Jul 19, 2017 |
Nothing wrong with women making the first move jor |
Celebrities / Re: Dewy Oputa: Charley Boy Shows Off His Hot Daughter by Jengem: 4:40pm On Jul 19, 2017 |
Your daughter is a thot |
Science/Technology / Re: Deaf And Dumb Man Calls And Controls Giant Crocodile by Jengem: 11:38pm On Jul 17, 2017 |
Oh lala
Come out and play |
Politics / Re: MURIC Replies Christian Leaders, Accuses CAN Of Frustrating Teaching Of IRK by Jengem: 11:12pm On Jul 17, 2017 |
Princesaha: Wait oo....Ishaq Akintola, a Yoruba Muslim that have never talked about the killings of Yoruba farmers in Oyo, Ekiti, Ogun and recently in a town called Uso in Ondo state is now shouting and defending his Hausa/Fulani masters simply because he sees them as superior Muslims. Chai....This is nothing but a modern day slavery. Tufiakwa!!! The guy is an airhead |