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Romance / Re: Happy Birthday To My Friend Ramsey Noah, Who Is More Handsome Btw Us?(pictures) by khia: 10:16pm On Dec 19, 2021
Both are unattractive.

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Fashion / Re: Bone Straight Hair From Cyhair VN: What You Need To Know? by khia: 6:28am On Dec 10, 2021
This is disgusting. undecided Vietnamese hair, love your own God given natural hair.
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 12:38am On Dec 05, 2021

Go back and take a look at your previous posts.

My posts are to the prejudice Nigerians on this site who make derogatory statements about Black Americans, I just take what they say about BA and change it to Nigerians, then they want to cry.
Romance / Re: Help, Where Can I Fvck A Dwarf Or Deaf And Dumb In Lagos? by khia: 9:20am On Dec 04, 2021
I’ve been craving for this ever since a kid

Please do they have a whatsapp group i can bomb?

This is so childish. If you want to screw a dumb person just look in the mirror and masturbate.
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 9:01pm On Dec 03, 2021

I used insinuating becos it was the word that I remembered at that time, the fact is that you see AA 's as superior to Africans.

Well, I have already expressed my feelings about the issue so maybe you are projecting your feelings on to me and you are the one who sees Black Americans as superior.
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 9:40am On Dec 03, 2021

That's what you are insinuating.
If that was my opinion I would say so, no insinuating needed.
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 7:01am On Dec 03, 2021

Your problem is to bash Africans why claiming AA are better, is that not the same racism you accuse whites of? You feel AA are superior to Africans.

You feel AA 's are superior to Africans, there must be a reason if it is true , becos they are both clothes sewn from the same wrapper.

Are AA better than Africans becos they have lived among whites for very long time and have learnt a lot?

Or the are just good on the own?

Where have I ever stated Black Americans are Superior to Africans, that's ridiculous, but we sure aren't inferior to them nor to whites nor to any other race?

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Phones / Re: Americans Are Dragging Jack Dorsey On Twitter. Captions. by khia: 9:40pm On Dec 02, 2021
Yeah, right. Run along, child.

You called me here, now you get lost and keep off of my mentions. Handle your suffering in private.
Phones / Re: Americans Are Dragging Jack Dorsey On Twitter. Captions. by khia: 9:27pm On Dec 02, 2021
Why isn’t Khia in the mix? I knew that one was a Nigerian faking what he’s not.

Why should I give a damn about this dude, whoever he is? By the way I'm a woman.

Don't call me into stupid threads like this.
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 8:48pm On Dec 02, 2021

Answer the question, Is Ghana a 2nd World country?

Ghana is doing better than Nigeria, at least they are progressing regardless if they're a 2nd world country or not.

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Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 8:40pm On Dec 02, 2021

That's a lie, so said Wikipedia and many other sites, try another one.

Everyone knows Wikipedia is an unreliable source, it can't even be used as a source of information in Universities because the information isn't always the truth.
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 8:36pm On Dec 02, 2021

And they returned as AA.

Are you telling me you cannot see the fact, that those Liberians are still AA?
They have been out of the US since 1820 that's 200 years, they are full blown Africans.

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Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 2:55pm On Dec 02, 2021
[quote author=blueAgent post=108140458][/quote]

They were Africans who were sold into Slavery by your ancestors to the West.
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 7:31am On Dec 02, 2021

Total crap.

Some of the black Americans were resettled in Liberia and the formed that country which got its independence in 1847, yet it is worst than a 4th World country.

I can see the achievements of your AA.

Those Liberians are Africans not Black Americans.
Foreign Affairs / Re: 15-Year-Old Student Opened Fire In U.S. School, Killing 3 And Injuring 8 (Pics) by khia: 4:49am On Dec 02, 2021
This kind of news should make American the most unsafe place to leave, even the sane minded behave like terrorist.

What makes you think he/they are sane Minded?
Romance / Re: Meet The Hottest Naija Babe In Yankee (pictures) by khia: 12:56am On Dec 02, 2021
Why isn’t she married? She isn’t a spring chicken.

Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 12:52am On Dec 02, 2021
BLACK on BLACK again!

When are you guys going to realize there are good and bad people everywhere.

In the case of Blacks, we have been so repressed for so long in the barrel, we pull one another down.

Apart from China and Russia that exploited their local serfs before Revolution, all the countries you mentioned above became rich on African slave labor.

Even Switzerland until recently still live on African loots as safe heaven.

Did you miss the recent confession of a French President that without African loot, the Country would collapse.

Find out what they did to Haiti after they were forced to give Independence.

No different to the history of Britain and Gold Coast on Gold Standard.

You guys need to educate yourselves, this is only NAIRALAND.

Exactly!! I ignored the question because I thought he was only joking and couldn't be that ignorant but apparently he is.
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 12:16am On Dec 02, 2021

Do you have anything to contribute Apart from negative stereotypes exchanges between Blacks and Blacks?

I have met better Blacks from everywhere.

Look closely at my replies and you will notice they are the same stereotypical propaganda about Black Americans posted by Nigerians, I only changed the nationality.
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 12:13am On Dec 02, 2021

That one is a waste of time

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, he just needs to be reprogrammed. cheesy

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Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 12:08am On Dec 02, 2021

Clown, what a useless senseless statement.

The countries I mentioned are they not first World countries?

Which poor white country can any African country compete with?

They sold the best skilled that can only achieve 3rd World countries like Haiti,Liberia ,Jamaica and the violence and destruction by AA in US?

Black Americans are Africa's greatest achievements and also her greatest loss. Africa is suffering because of the sins of your ancestors. You're reaping
what your ancestors sowed.
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 12:04am On Dec 02, 2021

Is Ghana even a 2nd World country?
Is there a nation in Europe Ghana can compete with in terms of development?

Am not an advocate of Nigerians been this or that , my argument is blacks weather AA or Africans produce similar level of development when left to their own ability.

You only believe this because of your ignorance, try researching the PROGRESS of Black people instead of obsessing over the oppression/suppression of blacks.

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Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 11:57pm On Dec 01, 2021

Who disputed them?

Can you show evidence?

You can research the information just like you were quick to research the information on you being a complete mor.on simply because of your race.

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Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 11:36pm On Dec 01, 2021

You are a big fool, Am sure you do not read much.

Did Germany, UK,Switzerland, Russia,New Zealand, Australia,Canada ,Norway ,Sweden,Finland and many more white developed Countries use blacks?

Even the US was never built by blacks stop fooling yourself.

If blacks can build first world nations what is stopping them in doing it in other nations were they are 100 % blacks?

All white countries aren't first world countries and the reason Africa can't build first world countries is your ancestors sold your best skilled and most intellectuals to the west. SBT!! sad
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 11:31pm On Dec 01, 2021

AA has failed in Detriot,and many more cities in US with majority blacks, they have homicide rate higher than Iraq and Afghanistan during war times.

Yet Nigerians have failed the whole country but love to brag about being the giant of Africa.

You should learn some tips from Ghana on progressing. grin
Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 11:20pm On Dec 01, 2021

Which bush have you been living in?


Who made up those tests and what bush have you been living under? Those racist tests have been disputed since the 1970's.

This is what I meant about Nigerians believing everything the white man says without question. You have to be better than this.
Foreign Affairs / Re: 15-Year-Old Student Opened Fire In U.S. School, Killing 3 And Injuring 8 (Pics) by khia: 10:11am On Dec 01, 2021
It's disgusting how most Nigerians will read this and NOT condemn, ridicule, disgrace, demean, dehumanize, criticize, humiliate, shame, blame, degrade and make the whole white community responsible like they would do if a Black American committed this atrocity.

Just watch how they will find excuses for his demonic behavior and how sympathetic and compassionate they can be towards this spoiled and evil demon simply because his skin is white.

SMH @ the many, many COONS.

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Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 9:45am On Dec 01, 2021
It would be a shithole if it were ran by a black man, tell me a country ran by blacks that is a 1st world country undecided

Tell me a first world country that established itself without the agony of Black people. Tell me a first world country that it's citizens actually got off of their lazy white asses and built the nation on it's own. undecided

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Romance / Re: Why AFRICANS Hardly Marry BLACK Americans by khia: 2:50am On Dec 01, 2021
Shut da fvk up ya slowpoke undecided I'm sure you would be rearing goats if you were born in Africa, just be thankful for those same whites y'all AA thinks are your enemy, America won't be shit if it were run by AAs angry
You African Americans are your problems and not Whites, be humble boy don't bite the fingers that feeds you embarassed

You're confused, what you meant to say is the US would be just like Nigeria if it was ran by Nigerian immigrants. grin grin
Romance / Re: My Experience After Taking meth by khia: 8:36pm On Nov 30, 2021

Honestly, I find your curiousity to be quite unnecessary. There are already testimonies online by ex meth addicts and most of the things you said can be found on YouTube.

If you do it a second time, you may be hooked for life, so you would do well to flush it down the toilet and pray you don't feel the urge to take it.

One more thing: stop experimenting with drugs, it will lead you to dark places eventually. Shalom!

It's not his curiousity it's his CONFESSION to all of you.

He's a junkie coming out, which is a good thing for him. When a junkie gets sick and tired of being a junkie (usually when they hit rock bottom) they will seek help and one of the first steps they have to take is to admit that they are a junkie and CONFESS it.
Romance / Re: My Experience After Taking meth by khia: 8:27pm On Nov 30, 2021

My guy from Surulere who is a pharmacist gavd it to me. He used to sell it to Moto park Agberos until he was arrested August last year.
He stopped it but na me disturb am make him give me make I try am

Yeah, just like a poster said prior your friend is a street pharmacist aka ** Illegal Drug Dealer** and you are one of his junkie clients.
Romance / Re: My Experience After Taking meth by khia: 8:24pm On Nov 30, 2021
have you taken LSD?

I was taught that you smell colors and see sounds with it

Acid is LSD.
Romance / Re: My Experience After Taking meth by khia: 8:17pm On Nov 30, 2021
Lies Lies Lies! Have you killed anyone yet? Because that's what all those who take that stuff do. A clear and clean example is the IPOB/ESN/UGM. That's what they do. They take the dangerous substance, they go mentally unstable and then go ahead to kill innocent Igbos. If you haven't killed anyone then i don't believe a crap of what you said. Your post is just a sponsored post against taking that hard and dangerous drug.

Meth doesn't make all, some, alot, or a few of it's users killers.

The op isn't lying, he knows what he's talking about because he's an addicted junkie. Leave him alone so that he can finish himself off.

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