Education / Re: Mention One Crazy Thing You Did In Secondary School by kika23(f): 10:56am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Yes, and water scarcity  We had water, I was just so lazy!! *covers face* |
Education / Re: Mention One Crazy Thing You Did In Secondary School by kika23(f): 10:55am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Yeesss... I did too.
Well, get late to dinning hall at your own risk.
We had bullies then who'd turn all the food meant for a table (10-12 people).
We called the act [size=14pt]"Massacre"[/size] Our refectorians were bullies Ehn... In the name of punishment for not cleaning our tables, they'd take our night caps and brunch or even tea breaks.... Very evil seniors! I had friends among them though so on such days, I get lucky  |
Education / Re: Mention One Crazy Thing You Did In Secondary School by kika23(f): 10:50am On Feb 23, 2015 |
1 Like |
Education / Re: Mention One Crazy Thing You Did In Secondary School by kika23(f): 10:48am On Feb 23, 2015 |
ajibolabd: I Bleep a student teacher back then. Haaaaaa.... All these children  That teacher is a peter file (no oofience)  |
Education / Re: Mention One Crazy Thing You Did In Secondary School by kika23(f): 10:47am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Education / Re: Mention One Crazy Thing You Did In Secondary School by kika23(f): 10:46am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Dodge morning mass and morning prayers  |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 10:41am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 10:40am On Feb 23, 2015 |
How much can an An African woman take?  Much.... Not soooo much!! Remember there's a limit to everything!! |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 9:32am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Truckpusher: This is one reason I'm against men being emasculated with policies from the government giving manipulative women all the necessary tools to keep a man down and do whatever they like and this is one thing I like about the African marriage ,you can't just wake up one morning and chase your wife out of the house without bringing the wrath of the entire family upon yourself especially if the woman is innocent and the same thing goes for the woman.Though we are fast losing all that value, no thanks to western influence and copycats that won't stick to what they have. Those white people, No nonsense people. They can't take rubbish... The African woman is built to be strong! Thank God I'm African... |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 9:26am On Feb 23, 2015 |
AgapeCharis: Nnaa been  May God give us a good wife  And give me a good charm... |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 9:25am On Feb 23, 2015 |
I totally understand 
One among many reasons some ladies are so careful and selective in giving it out in the first place. Will he break it?
 Scary thought! |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 9:15am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Hmm...Tender heart right?  Exactly!!  |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 9:09am On Feb 23, 2015 |
do you know that some women can't even stay without sex for a few week? A friend of mine was once sleeping with a married woman whose husband spends like 3wks to sometimes a month on a business trip.the woman was demanding for sex everyday and even paying him. The problem is that most women knows the nature of their husbands job before marriage but they will still go ahead to marry and start keeping boyfriends because the man isn't always around.I have an uncle who's transfered to lagos while the wife is still in uyo schooling.I thought he was a saint untill I came to stay with him a few months.I'll see 5 different pretty girls sleep wth him every wk.I thought about it and said "well,the wife will be running things with other male students over there too" .they visited and I asked the made wahts up and she told me about the wife's sneaky moves too and how a male student will visit and she'll drive out with the guy and tell the maid that if her hubby calls her,she should tell him that she(the wife) went to vigil because her phone will be off..hehehe My dear, things happen everyday ooo! That's why I told my friend not to try it at all.... Chai!! Honestly I can't, I'd need him around most of the time, cheating breaks my heart.  |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:53am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:50am On Feb 23, 2015 |
1 Like |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:41am On Feb 23, 2015 |
A long term & wise advice from you, Kika. Some girls would close their eyes to that and regret later...
 Moderation is just the key!!  |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:39am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Truckpusher: You remind me of something .I met this French guy crying in the smoking/changing lounge and I got closer and got his confidence to ascertain what's going on because initially I thought he's been fired but nay ,this guy was crying because according to him; he had this agreement with his wife that anything after 5 weeks she's going to get it somewhere else and this poor dude would be staying behind for another two weeks as his back-to-back isn't coming for those two weeks and his job is delicate to operations .I consoled him but deep inside me I dey laugh.This is why sometimes when people bash Nigerian women/girls I laugh at them because some things you see with these foreigners our women can't pull such stunt though that doesn't make them a saint but with my experience give me my black woman anytime there is still room for some tolerance. Can you imagine?? That oil job mehnnn.. Good pay and benefits but......... |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:31am On Feb 23, 2015 |
There's one I know of. She is wealthy. Guys selling indecency CDs know her. .She buys them and watch... They're always wealthy but lonely!! They'd give anything to get laid once in a while. Not just about the sex, the need for companionship sets in too... So I have this friend and there's this guy that really likes her. She likes him a lot too and he's wealthy but the only reason she cannot be involved with this guy is because he comes in once in three months. By once I mean days... Not even a week! I quickly rejected it for her oo! I said "my friend, money is so not everything when happiness is not there" Money will make you happy for a while but it gets boring when HE is not there.. The kids need their papa around too...  1 Like |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:24am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:21am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:19am On Feb 23, 2015 |
For the man, I doubt! South African babes are way to beautiful and plumpy...
For the young lady, I can't say, even if she has related to me how hard it is.
Let's be a bit open here... That's where self servicing becomes a temptation.
Good point! Self servicing!!! |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:16am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Truckpusher: I got your drift perfectly but again you have to acknowledge the fact that some jobs initially didn't start that way but as operations demands keep coming your way with genuine reasons for one to do the needful after all that was what you signed up for will you then leave the job or divorce your wife to avoid infidelity?
If individuals respects the feelings of their partners cases of cheating would be left to those that has lost.
I'll prefer for any woman to walk out my life than cheat on me because I have no idea how I will react if faced with such dilemma - That could be the end of everyone involved including me. You see why I can't marry you?  |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:13am On Feb 23, 2015 |
I have gotten so close to some of them and all of a sudden feelings starts coming up.
I sense they're struggling and I back off.
It's not easy joor It's not easy at all, some women are stronger than some , so also are some men stronger than others but there is a limit to what a certain person can take. OK! The person you know that has stayed out for about 8 years.... She has just one kid. Yea? So for 8 years the husband has been faithful and has stayed without sexual intercourse? Or the wife? Well, impossible is nothing but it's difficult. I doubt it! 4 Likes |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:03am On Feb 23, 2015 |
2 weeks, OK. Anything more than that could be harmful.
Preach it for me biko  1 Like |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 8:01am On Feb 23, 2015 |
Truckpusher: It gets boring too when the money isn't coming around anytime soon.I guess this causes infidelity too abi? A cheat will always be a cheat though I agree that too much distance will only fastrack the events. Mo, imagine the husband works for more than a month or two or even three and then comes for a week break.... Money is good no doubt, but what's the use of money when loneliness gets to it's peak? Then she may buy companionship with that same money.... Moderation is the key ooo.... 10 Likes |
Family / Re: How Do Wives Whose Husbands Work In Distant Places Cope Sexually? by kika23(f): 7:50am On Feb 23, 2015 |
From the stories I've heard, this situation has led to so many breakups as a result of unfaithfulness ( mostly on the part of some wives, because the men may cheat too while away) ... It's rather a difficult one, in my opinion. I would prefer the two weeks in two weeks out kind of work (at most), anything outside this, naaaaaaaah! It's not just the money that's important, I need my man around too..  44 Likes 2 Shares |
Romance / Re: Laws Of Keeping A Woman by kika23(f): 8:52pm On Feb 22, 2015 |
Hahaha, thank God u are light skinned.. When will u be going to his Peckham and it's agrovick not agrovic (the latter sounds Serbian)  soon, he's coming back to "that Nigeria" very soon to take me to London  Pardon the spelling... |
Romance / Re: Laws Of Keeping A Woman by kika23(f): 7:22pm On Feb 22, 2015 |
Hi agrovic, Thank you much... Happiness is knowing you have an admirer  .... I kid. I really appreciate you  And mrcorck is the sweet e-darling.. The guy makes me laugh  |
Romance / Re: Laws Of Keeping A Woman by kika23(f): 4:16pm On Feb 22, 2015 |
nawtikid: Dis aint law, dis z constitution Loooooooool..... |
Romance / Re: Laws Of Keeping A Woman by kika23(f): 4:16pm On Feb 22, 2015 |
I can make over 85%. Yes I can. What a great Charm I'll be. Trust me. That'd be cool  |
Romance / Re: Laws Of Keeping A Woman by kika23(f): 3:40pm On Feb 22, 2015 |
What percentage ratio of the list should be attainable to become Charm? At least 60%  |
Romance / Re: Laws Of Keeping A Woman by kika23(f): 2:02pm On Feb 22, 2015 |
AgapeCharis: Lemme comply because you're lightskinned Lol Charis.... Thank you 1 Like 1 Share |