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Lekywhite's Posts

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Business / Re: What's The Best Way To Market Goods And Services In Nigeria by lekywhite(m): 2:03pm On Oct 25, 2007

Well, you have heard about it now and i will appreciate if you spread the news and patronise the best online market place, just give it a trial and see how your goods will be delivered to your door step or see how your product will be given a boost for quick sales

Still expecting your call

Business / Re: What's The Best Way To Market Goods And Services In Nigeria by lekywhite(m): 5:19pm On Oct 23, 2007

Thanks for your contribution and the assistance you want to render, but i just want to point it out that what actually described as cost effective is not really cost effective, putting into consideration that you will pay those that will do distribution, the cost of printing the handbill is also there, transportation to move from one location to the other should be considered.

im sure you cant do this all by yourself, u will need to hire people to do it for you and at the end of the day there are cost to it.

What i have proffered to me is still less effective compared to what u are suggessting, pls dont be offended, i have exeperienced this and thats why i recommend, try it and see that it wont cost you as compared to pasting posters, or distributing handbills here and there. this can be done at the comfort of your home or a cafe and list your product to the site. I just hope u can get the picture of what i am saying, visit www.tokunbo.com.ng for further details
Business / Do You Have A Product To Sell? by lekywhite(m): 3:45pm On Oct 23, 2007
Hello everyone,

I just want to draw your attention to a web portal that has been taken care of my products and services. it is a market palce for buying and selling of goods and services all at very reasonable fees.

Please check the portal out - www.tokunbo.com.ng,  im sure you will have one or two things to buy or sell.

Business / Re: What's The Best Way To Market Goods And Services In Nigeria by lekywhite(m): 3:34pm On Oct 23, 2007
well, if your cd is original and not pirated then i have a solution for you. you can pu them up for auction at our market place as low as 10 for advert rate and you will be surprised the rate at which you will sell even more than what u expected. visit tokunbo.com.ng for details or contact me on 08023321825
Jobs/Vacancies / 1st Business And Information Technology Achievers Peak (bitap) by lekywhite(m): 6:49pm On Oct 11, 2007
Hello Nairalanders,

This is to inform every youths that wants to get motivated about how to turn their business ideas into reality through the use of information technology and thus turning their I.T skills into profit making.

If you are interested, please send a mail of interest which will include a short bio-data of yourself (Name, Occupation, Age, E-mail Address and Telephone) to info@ybizii.org to be one of the participants at the upcoming 1st Business and Information Technology Achievers Peak (BITAP) Forum slated for November 14, 2007.

A confirmation mail will also be sent to you which will also specify the venue of the events and the other relevant details for the event.

Please be notified that admission is strictly by invitation based on those who showed interest and we have just 30 seats left which was decided to made open to the public.

So if you are interested then you have to be fast in sending a mail to receive your confirmation mail which will serve as the ticket to the event.

Looking forward to seeing nairalanders there.

Career / 1st Business And Information Technology Achievers Peak (bitap) by lekywhite(m): 6:47pm On Oct 11, 2007
Hello Nairalanders,

This is to inform every youths that wants to get motivated about how to turn their business ideas into reality through the use of information technology and thus turning their I.T skills into profit making.

If you are interested, please send a mail of interest which will include a short bio-data of yourself (Name, Occupation, Age, E-mail Address and Telephone) to info@ybizii.org to be one of the participants at the upcoming 1st Business and Information Technology Achievers Peak (BITAP) Forum slated for November 14, 2007.

A confirmation mail will also be sent to you which will also specify the venue of the events and the other relevant details for the event.

Please be notified that admission is strictly by invitation based on those who showed interest and we have just 30 seats left which was decided to made open to the public.

So if you are interested then you have to be fast in sending a mail to receive your confirmation mail which will serve as the ticket to the event.

Looking forward to seeing nairalanders there.

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: How Can I Get An NGO Job? by lekywhite(m): 10:26am On Jul 04, 2007

well its good as you want to follow your heart, but what im not clear is do you want to startup your own NGO or you want to work with one? whichever the case maybe well you have to be careful about it.

I work with an NGO that basically use IT as tool and are thematic areas are Health, Education, Capacity building and Advocacy, and im also thinking of floating mine soon, if you are thinking along this direction then we could work together.
Autos / Benz 230 For Sale by lekywhite(m): 9:26am On Mar 19, 2007
Any nairalanders intrested in buying a second hand Mercedeze-benz 230, its still in good condition as i have just done the body work and the engine too.

i decided to put it for sale as i have just gotten another one.

Anyone that has intrest please give me call at 08023321825 or mail me at palove002@yahoo.co

[size=16pt]Price: =N=200k[/size](negotiable but not beyond =N=180k)

Politics / Re: Nigerian NGOs Are Thieves! by lekywhite(m): 9:34am On Feb 26, 2007

The way you accused your former employee sounds as if you had an issues with him, well i wont say you are wrong about but then its not all Nigerian NGOs that are thieves so u should have specified this particular NGO rather than categorising all as thieves.

I worked for an NGO also and everything here is transparent with virtually all the members knowing how the money comes in and where it goes.

let me ask you a question, if your former ED had given you a million out of the 23m that the donors gave to the NGO, would you still come and accuse them in this forum? im sure that is the issue.
Jobs/Vacancies / Link For Job Opening by lekywhite(m): 9:19am On Jan 31, 2007
Hi guys, u can also check this link (http://www.leap-forte.org/careers.html) for job openings and other relevant information
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Wangonet Cisco Networking Academy Has Resumed Lectures by lekywhite(m): 12:35pm On Jan 12, 2007
Sory guys that i didnt put the contact information as per WANGONET CISCO ACADEMY, here are the other information requested for:

Office Address

West African NGO Network.
2nd Floor Icon House
999F Idejo Off Adeola Odeku Victoria Island
Lagos - Nigeria
234-1-2610990; 2624505; 7746734


Male Participant - N100,000

Female Participant - N50,000

This is to encourage more female participants
Certification And Training Adverts / Wangonet Cisco Networking Academy Has Resumed Lectures by lekywhite(m): 2:48pm On Jan 11, 2007
At last WANGONET CISCO ACADEMY will be resuming lectures after some months of recess by 29th January 2006, Registration of students are also in progress.

The Networking Academy program is a recognized blended e-learning model that integrates high-quality face-to-face teaching with the multimedia delivery of challenging curricula and embedded assessment over the Internet. The program has grown to more than 10,000 Academies in nearly 150 countries with a curriculum taught in 9 different languages. 17 of these Academies are located in Nigeria. WANGONeT is one of the most recent entries to this listing

WANGONeT Cisco academy is focused on enabling participant master the internet technology skills needed to support IT development needed for economic growth.

WANGONeT Cisco Academy objective is not only to help you obtain your CCNA certification, but to help you develop the knowledge and skills to live up to that certification title.


The CNAP1 is a four semester program designed to give students basic knowledge in internetworking. The four semester courses are:

First Semester Curriculum: Networking Essentials and Cisco Networking Fundamentals

o OSI model and industry standards
o Local Area Network theory and technologies
o Network topologies
o IP addressing, including subnet masks
o Basic network design

Second Semester Curriculum: Cisco Router Theory and Router Technologies

o Beginning router configurations
o Routed and routing protocols
o Introduction to LAN switching

Third Semester Curriculum: Cisco Advanced Routing and Switching

o Advanced router configurations
o LAN switching
o Access lists
o Advanced network design

Fourth Semester Curriculum: Cisco Wide Area Networks and Project Based Learning

o Wide Area Networks
o Frame Relay, ISDN and PPP
Religion / Re: What's Least Amount You Can Give As Worship Offering On A Sunday Service? by lekywhite(m): 12:05pm On Nov 07, 2006
I dont believe it thatbe a whole general seun will not want to give more than 0 Naira to God, you must be kidding right?
Romance / Re: Can Any One Help Me by lekywhite(m): 2:40pm On Oct 25, 2006
To say the truth, i dont think you love your boyfriend has u confessed, if you do, u shouldnt have gone to the extent of allowing someone else to deflower you, except you didnt tell us that he used jazz on you to have his way.
well my candid opinion is this, confess your shameful act to your boyfriend and forget about him as in break the relationship, because even if he forgives you that stain is there and he might not genuinely forgive you, he will only use the opportunity to eat on you and then finally leave you. so befeore he does such try to opt out and then bear the pain of loosing him forever.
Religion / Re: What's Least Amount You Can Give As Worship Offering On A Sunday Service? by lekywhite(m): 8:15am On Oct 20, 2006
Omogenikky i appreciate ur wisdom, thanks for the correction
Religion / What's Least Amount You Can Give As Worship Offering On A Sunday Service? by lekywhite(m): 8:18am On Oct 19, 2006
The bible says "give and it shall be given back unto you, " - luke 6v38, going by this saying what is the least amount you can give as worship offering on a sunday service and why?

Well as for me, on a good day i.e when im boxed up, N500 is ideal and on the other days i.e when im financially handicapped, i will give N200, though both are still small compared to what i get from God, but all the same i have to work with what my faith can carry.
Religion / What's Least Amount You Can Give As Worship Offering On A Sunday Service? by lekywhite(m): 7:51am On Oct 19, 2006
The bible says "give and it shall be given back unto you, " - luke 6v38, going by this saying what is the least amount you can give as worship offering on a sunday service and why?

Well as for me, on a good day i.e when im boxed up, N500 is ideal and on the other days i.e when im financially handicapped, i will give N200, though both are still small compared to what i get from God, but all the same i have to work with what my faith can carry.
Politics / Re: State Of Emergency In Ekiti? by lekywhite(m): 7:41am On Oct 19, 2006
President Olusegun Obasanjo this morning annouced a state of emmergency in Ekiti state to put a stop to the three government claiming power in the state.

A new administrator has been appointed in person of Rtd. Major General Tunji Olurin to rule the state for the next six months.
TV/Movies / Re: Cool Commercials & Faulty Commercials by lekywhite(m): 12:09pm On Oct 12, 2006
Raymond, im sure you take guiness stout thats why you feel Michael Power adverts are good, well let me tell you my own opinion, most adverts of Michael Power makes looks stupid and unreal to me, can you imagine the current one, where they had to simantle a bus to beat a terrible traffic in order not to miss a football match, its sensless and un very unreal.
My favorite is the baba blue advert that was done inside the court - its passes a kind of message about cold and catarrh, while the ones that i find more faulty is that of flucordey - its very wack and poor in quality
Adverts / Re: Car 4 Sale by lekywhite(m): 3:23pm On Oct 11, 2006
It will be good if you can tell us the price, and if posible the picture displayed here so that we can know what we want to bargain for.
Politics / Which Is Your Best Political Office Aspirant's Poster by lekywhite(m): 1:28pm On Oct 06, 2006
The era of politics is here and politicians are warming up for one position or the other, the streets of nigeria is filled with

various posters of office seekers. lets talk about this posters now, which one have you seen on your street that you think is

attractive and can convince people to give their vote to the politician involved?

The following politicians poster are facinating and attractive to win my vote:

1. Femi Pedro - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)

2. Musiliu Obanikoro - Lagos state Governorship aspirant ( PDP)

3. Jimi Agbaje - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)

4. Ganiyu Olawale Solomon - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)

5. Remi Adiukwu Bakare - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)
Politics / Which Is Your Best Political Office Aspirant's Poster by lekywhite(m): 1:27pm On Oct 06, 2006
The era of politics is here and politicians are warming up for one position or the other, the streets of nigeria is filled with

various posters of office seekers. lets talk about this posters now, which one have you seen on your street that you think is

attractive and can convince people to give their vote to the politician involved?

The following politicians poster are facinating and attractive to win my vote:

1. Femi Pedro - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)

2. Musiliu Obanikoro - Lagos state Governorship aspirant ( PDP)

3. Jimi Agbaje - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)

4. Ganiyu Olawale Solomon - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)

5. Remi Adiukwu Bakare - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)
Politics / Which Is Your Best Political Office Aspirant's Poster by lekywhite(m): 1:24pm On Oct 06, 2006
The era of politics is here and politicians are warming up for one position or the other, the streets of nigeria is filled with

various posters of office seekers. lets talk about this posters now, which one have you seen on your street that you think is

attractive and can convince people to give their vote to the politician involved?

The following politicians poster are facinating and attractive to win my vote:

1. Femi Pedro - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)

2. Musiliu Obanikoro - Lagos state Governorship aspirant ( PDP)

3. Jimi Agbaje - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)

4. Ganiyu Olawale Solomon - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)

5. Remi Adiukwu Bakare - Lagos State Governorship aspirant (Action Congress)
Education / Re: National Youth Summit 2006 by lekywhite(m): 9:39am On Oct 03, 2006
Omofineboy, here is the info you requested about the venue of the summit.

Date: Thursday November 9, 2006

Time: [/b]10.00am

Blue Pearl Hall, 50/52 Toyin Street, Opposite Water Parks, Ikeja - Lagos, Nigeria.

Creativity the Power of Change.

Gate fee: Free for the first 500 participants

Participation for the event is by the filling of forms on-line:www.leap-forte.org/register.html
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Volunteer Ushers Needed by lekywhite(m): 1:53pm On Sep 25, 2006
you can check the website for more details: www.leap-forte.org or go straight to www.leap-forte.org/summit
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Volunteer Ushers Needed by lekywhite(m): 1:50pm On Sep 25, 2006
The venue is - bluemoon hall at ikeja lagos (opposite water parks)

Fees: free for the first 500 participants to register online. After registration a confirmation ticket will be sent to your box as a form of entrance pass into the venue.
Education / Government College Lagos - Eric Moore 1992 Set Log On Here! by lekywhite(m): 12:16pm On Sep 25, 2006
All nairalanders that finished their secondary education from Government College Lagos - eric moore (suru-lere) 1992 set should leave their details here for future contact and reunion in the folowing order:

1. Name

2. Class in 1992

3. Present Location

4. Contact Phone

5. e-maill address

6. Present Working place

Here is mine:

1. Name - Lekan Peters

2. Class in 1992 - s.s.3A (science Class)

3. Present Location - Dopemu Lagos.

4. Contact Phone - 08023321825

5. e-maill - walenchy1@yahoo.com

6. Present working place - west african ngo network, victoria island lagos
Education / National Youth Summit 2006 by lekywhite(m): 11:05am On Sep 25, 2006
Event:National Youth Summit 2006

Date: Thursday November 9, 2006

Time: 10.00am

Theme: Creativity the Power of Change.

Gate Fee: Free for the first 500 participants

Participation for the event is by the filling of forms on-line:www.leap-forte.org/register.html

Participants at the event will discover how to:

1. Use their creative capabilities to make the world a better place and their place in the world better too.
2. Take up leadership roles in the areas of ICT, Business and Entrepreneurship.
3. Manage small and medium scale business.
4. Develop the entrepreneurial integrity through impartation of success habits at the event
5. Maximize Profit.

For further information please visit the site:www.leap-forte.org
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Volunteer Ushers Needed by lekywhite(m): 10:34am On Sep 25, 2006
Volunteers needed as urshers for the National Youth summit 2006 (organized by Leap-Forte Initiative) - qualifications: university undergraduate of any discipline, male and female within the age 20 - 23, apply online by sending a single page resume to info@leap-forte.org.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
Info: ushers will be compensated - but can really say the terms (either financially or other means)
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Volunteer Ushers Needed by lekywhite(m): 10:33am On Sep 25, 2006
Volunteers needed as urshers for the National Youth summit 2006 (organized by Leap-Forte Initiative) - qualifications: university undergraduate of any discipline, male and female within the age 20 - 23, apply online by sending a single page resume to info@leap-forte.org.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
Info: ushers will be compensated - but can really say the terms (either financially or other means)
Jobs/Vacancies / Volunteer Ushers Needed by lekywhite(m): 10:32am On Sep 25, 2006
Volunteers needed as urshers for the National Youth summit 2006 (organized by Leap-Forte Initiative) - qualifications: university undergraduate of any discipline, male and female within the age 20 - 23, apply online by sending a single page resume to info@leap-forte.org.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
Info: ushers will be compensated - but can really say the terms (either financially or other means)
Nairaland / General / House Help Needed! by lekywhite(m): 3:03pm On Sep 13, 2006
Hi Nairalanders,
I need a female house help of age between the range 12 - 16 of either yoruba or igbo and must be a christian - monthly salary (N5,000)
Anyone that has intrest or know of someone that has intrest should email me at palove002@yahoo.com

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