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Properties / Re: Design Competitions In Nigeria by mahal(m): 4:43pm On Sep 04, 2009
Info of such are usually shared by few privileged firms and hardly published in the national dailies. however the NIA occasionally post some in their website, and again just a few firms know about them.
Properties / Re: Any Architects In The House? by mahal(m): 9:41am On Aug 31, 2009
I was curious, What if we had a compulsory 1-2 year run, through Post University College of Architecture like we have the "law school" in designated regions of the country, where one could obtain his professional NIA seal and induction into the profession at completion of the theoretical and Practical courses prescribed.
It may just help in bringing Architects closer, imbibe seriousness in the feild, create teaching jobs for experienced architects as lecturers and curb the rigors of obtaining the seal to mention but a few.
Well, just a thought.
Education / Re: UNILAG: ASUU And NASU Went On Rampage Over Resumption by mahal(m): 3:17pm On Aug 30, 2009
The Federal Government does not care how long the students spend at home.
Nigerian students should shape their future for themselves,
They have 5 days before the all important Nigeria - Tunisia match,  they could start by embarrassing the Federal Government by stopping that match undecided
Properties / Re: Home Plans For Bungalows In Nigeria? by mahal(m): 11:51am On Aug 24, 2009
mahalarchitectsltd@yahoo.com, info@mahalgoldfingers.com smiley
Properties / Re: Home Plans For Bungalows In Nigeria? by mahal(m): 5:38am On Aug 23, 2009
, not comfortable with my name being referenced in a beef or any sort of hostility
i thought this thread is all about "Home Plans for bungalows in Nigeria" a thread that has lasted 2 and
half years. Lets be civil and continue without the bad blood, it doesn't lead anywhere.
the world is such a small place, you may never know what we gain from each other tomorrow.

1 Like

Food / Re: Jollof Rice Vs White Rice, by mahal(m): 6:10pm On Aug 22, 2009
hate them both angry
Properties / Re: Home Plans For Bungalows In Nigeria? by mahal(m): 4:41pm On Aug 22, 2009
A three bedroom bungalow with:
All rooms ensuite
Visitors Wc

1 Share

Properties / Re: Home Plans For Bungalows In Nigeria? by mahal(m): 4:37pm On Aug 22, 2009
A 4bedroom and 2 bedroom flat unit.

Properties / Re: Home Plans For Bungalows In Nigeria? by mahal(m): 4:27pm On Aug 22, 2009
illustrations of a 3 bedroom semi-detached flat

Properties / Re: Home Plans For Bungalows In Nigeria? by mahal(m): 4:25pm On Aug 22, 2009
A 5 bedroom bungalow with added penthouse suite


Properties / Re: Home Plans For Bungalows In Nigeria? by mahal(m): 4:22pm On Aug 22, 2009
Bungalows are quite interesting projects, have done loads of them,
however, land constraints tends to take away freedom of flair, expression and flexibility.
some illustrations of recent and old one's i ve done, (3d illustraions only)

Properties / Re: Home Plans For Bungalows In Nigeria? by mahal(m): 4:02pm On Aug 22, 2009


Mahal, pls. kindly suggest something in the alternative for the size of land, that will still be able to meet the demand of rental duplex 3-bedroom bungalow and maybe 4-bedroom personal residence.
A 200 ft by 100ft perfect rectangular plot would be very suitable, if it's bigger than that, fine.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: God Has Blessed Me With A Good Bank PHB Job 2009 by mahal(m): 3:43pm On Aug 22, 2009
It is well!
Politics / Re: Soludo Was Chairman Of AFC. They Owe N32Bn by mahal(m): 4:42pm On Aug 21, 2009
What kind of country is this??
We are all criminals, Even if all the stadia in country
was used a prison for corrupt nigerians, there would be no one left to lock us in cry shakes head and walks away, thinking of how to run away from this damn country
Properties / Re: Home Plans For Bungalows In Nigeria? by mahal(m): 11:37am On Aug 21, 2009
maybe Larez is only trying to tell you that the plot would be tight going by your scope,

From your brief / scope of design compared to the size of plot,
you may not have enough greenery or any green areas left. that wouldn't be nice especially if your client is the one that loves good
outdoor spaces. bungalows usually consume a lot of landspace since they tend to develop horizontally, and for a,
5 rooms all ensuite? with a home office/ study
All rooms cross ventilated
1 living Room
1 family room
Perhaps with a Kitchen, pantry, store and laundry,
This should be a palace.

It's quite a challenging design, but the truth is, with the other scheme added, undecided
Gaming / Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by mahal(m): 10:10am On Aug 18, 2009

On PS3

Resistance 2
Resident Evil


Call of Duty - World at war
Call for Juarez
Toca Racedriver 3

How can i get X-plane8 iupke? how heavy is it? would you sell a copy? is it on PS3?
Business / Re: Petrol Station Attendants; The New Money Makers by mahal(m): 8:10am On Aug 18, 2009
Every Nigerian is a potential Criminal.
Education / Re: ASUU Vows That Universities Will Remain Shut by mahal(m): 12:01pm On Aug 14, 2009
i think the FG should increase Tuition fees by 1200%

It would help run the schools effectively like other foreign schools.
come to think of it, some federal Universities still accept a paltry N12,000 (ie about $80)
how would the schools improve with this? there's so much rot in the system
just take a stroll thru our schools and see for yourselves, year in and out, nothing is done to improve the system
I think Nigerian students should give ASUU all the necessary support they can in this face off with the FG,
Students in most Asian, European and Islamic countries control and and play a major role in the country's
democracy and affairs and in most cases have championed changes in policies and the leadership of the country,
But it seem nigerian students are more inclined to rushing thru the system whether they grab anything or not, graduating and jumping into one
commercial bank or the other. angry
well, just my opinion,
Events / Re: For Those Born In June by mahal(m): 8:07pm On Aug 11, 2009

Mine is June 7 grin but no one like me, if any feel free to call Tolu on 08052036972 cheesy is gone for 2009 but yet we are still alive we can celebrate cool
Me too, June 7th, my dad, 8th
Properties / Re: Quantity Surveyors, Architects Etc. Please Help! by mahal(m): 11:23am On Aug 04, 2009
i have this designed 3 bedroom Bungalow, all rooms en-suite with an Ante-room, chapel, Laundry and store,
but it may cost you b/w N4.8 - 5.5 million Naira depending on the location or builder, wink

Properties / Re: Any Architects In The House? by mahal(m): 11:26pm On Aug 03, 2009
for some Journals and Publications on Nigerian Architecture
Thanks to Dr. (Mrs.) Bogda Prucnal-Ogunsote
Properties / Re: Any Architects In The House? by mahal(m): 11:23pm On Aug 03, 2009

ANYTHING about the world of Architecture that exists in Nigeria[/b].

Mr. Top, You may find this useful, all about:
Dr. (Mrs.) Bogda Prucnal-Ogunsote, Department of Architecture, Federal University of Technology, Akure.

sdngnet.com/, /Classification%20of%20Nigerian%20Architecture.pdf
Properties / Re: Any Architects In The House? by mahal(m): 3:10pm On Aug 03, 2009

There are very good firms in Lagos where you can do your year out placement. if I have your email I can send you contacts of people I know in such firms as AT Onajide, ACCL. You seem to prefer Lagos. Otherwise, If you want Abuja, I can give contacts in Habitat Associates. It's one of the topmost firms in Nigeria. Alternatively, you can simply send emails to these firms through their websites. They may be happy to consider you. I have just mentioned the places I have contacts in. There are other very good firms such as FMA (Femi Majekodumni Architects), ECAD Lagos.


a few i can remember,


You should also know that millions of other students in Architecture in Nigeria are looking for placements too
in the good firms, so you should be prepared to proof urself with perhaps a good portfolio
and skills that may be needed so as to give you an edge over others.

amongst the lot, i was really impressed by
Romance / Re: Teen Pregnant After ‘swimming In Pool’ by mahal(m): 12:31pm On Aug 03, 2009
It's possible for a fertile girl to get pregnant by swimming through a pool filled with seminal fluid instead of water.
i believe this was what happened in her case.
Art, Graphics & Video / Re: Archicad Users Forum by mahal(m): 11:30am On Aug 01, 2009
ArchiCAD, Art*lantis

Properties / Re: Any Architects In The House? by mahal(m): 3:46pm On Jul 31, 2009

Reasons are ;

- hmmmm and the worst of all is d infiltration of all sorts of quack expitrates,

Well, i don't fully agree that they are quacks, i am really impressed by their works
from The Palms, Nnamdi Azikiwe International, MM2, Julius berger Head office, National Assembly,
The NCC headquarters, However, not being members of the NIA could cut them down to that. and so are millions of
OND, HND, BSC, MSC graduates that have failed to get their seals.
Properties / Re: Any Architects In The House? by mahal(m): 3:29pm On Jul 31, 2009

Let me say somethin from d nija perspective, as a practicing architect here, im afraid nigerian Architect are heading towards extinction. sad

Truly- opal, God wont allow that to happen,
what's the way out/?
Politics / Re: FG Reverses On Warri PTI Upgrade by mahal(m): 1:22pm On Jul 23, 2009
Nigeria:  there's always the discrimination btw The University grad and the Polytechnic graduate,
Politics / Re: FG Reverses On Warri PTI Upgrade by mahal(m): 1:10pm On Jul 23, 2009

According to him, “the people who run the economy of a country are not necessarily people with degrees from universities. This is why we give emphasis to the PTI to train people that we need. Our oil industries are suffering because we don’t have the right manpower.

Nonsense!!!! angry
Politics / Re: Controversy Trails Planned Re-sale Of Nitel, M-tel by mahal(m): 12:55pm On Jul 23, 2009
Nothing works with the Nigerian Government and PDP leadership.
Business / Re: Gtbank Seeks To Wind Up Virgin Nigeria by mahal(m): 12:53pm On Jul 23, 2009
What's the fate of hundreds of employees under VN?
Politics / Re: FG Reverses On Warri PTI Upgrade by mahal(m): 12:49pm On Jul 23, 2009
billions of dough have been spent re branding the PTI in warri, new vehicles, Infrastructure, buildings, vancancies etc, why leave it now?

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