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Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 11:23pm On Aug 20, 2015
Muslims can be so dull... They actually think when we say Jesus is the Son of God, that God had s*x with Mary and begat Jesus. The Sonship of Jesus is a physical manifestation of the father in flesh. JOHN1:1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:2  He was in the beginning with God.
John 1:3  All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.
John uses the Greek word logos to describe Jesus "in the beginning," or before creation and time began. Logos means word, but specifically it means the spoken word or a statement. Jesus is God's spoken word,
John then explains that the Word (Jesus) was "with" God and "was" God. This statement yields two important conclusions regarding Jesus and the Trinity: Jesus is God and existed from the beginning as God, yet Jesus' existence is somehow distinct from God the Father. Jesus was "with" God and "was" God at the same time. This is the mystery of the Trinity: all three Persons in the Godhead are One God and yet all are distinct from one another.

Moving to verse 3, John says that it was the Word (Him) that created all things. From this statement, we begin to see why Jesus is called the "Word" by John. Consider these facts we learn from John's Gospel and elsewhere in Scripture:

First, we know from scripture that God the Father is Spirit (John 4:24), meaning He doesn't exist in physical form. So, there is no physical substance to God the Father. The Creation cannot experience the Father as He truly is, since we are bound to a physical dimension yet He is not physical.

Secondly, we know that God's Spirit is likewise invisible (John 3:6-. He can only be known by observing His work in the Creation.

On the other hand, Jesus is the member of the Godhead responsible for all physical matter. As John said, all things were made by and through Jesus. Paul says the same thing in Col 1:15-17. 

More over, Paul teaches in Colossians that Jesus is the "image of the invisible God." Therefore, He is the only Person in the Godhead Who has entered into and become a part of the physical creation. Jesus can be seen in a physical sense, because He is the One Who entered into the Creation and become a part of it (i.e., became incarnate).

Therefore, Jesus is the One within the Trinity Who is associated with Creation, both as its source and as an ambassador of the Godhead to that creation.

Next, consider how the Creation itself was established in Genesis 1. Genesis 1 teaches that the world was created by the spoken word of God (note the repeating phrase in Genesis 1, "Then God said...". So when God the Father determined to created the universe and everything in it, He "spoke" it into existence. But as John said in verse 3, Jesus was the One who made all things, therefore we can say that Jesus was God's logos, or spoken Word.

We can begin to understand this partnership (at least to some degree) by drawing an analogy to how our own thoughts and words reach into the physical word. When we desire to command something to happen in the world around us, we must first conceive the idea in our minds. No one can see our thoughts. They are invisible, yet they certainly exist. Without our thoughts, we could purpose to do nothing at all.

If our thoughts are to become visible in some way, they must move from the invisible realm of our mind and into the physical world. The progression from invisible to visible requires we transfer our invisible thoughts into a spoken command. The brain communicates our thoughts to our mouth where it becomes logos: spoken words.

Once the spoken word leaves our mouth, it enters the physical world and yields its intended effect. This simple analogy helps explain how God the Father worked with God the Son (i.e., the Word) to establish Creation.

This is John's meaning when he says that Jesus is the Word. He meant that Jesus is the physical manifestation of God the Father, just as a spoken word is the physical manifestation of our inner thoughts. Until Jesus took action and created the universe, there was no physical reality to God's presence. But when God "spoke" (i.e., when Jesus took action), the Creation came into existence.

Later, Jesus arrived in Person to meet with His creation, and as Jesus spoke His words to His disciples, He fulfilled the Father's purpose by providing a physical representation of the Godhead to His creation.  Hebrews says it this way:

Heb. 1:1  God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways,
Heb. 1:2  in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.
Heb. 1:3  And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power...

Paul reiterates this same thought in Colossians when he says:

Col. 1:15  He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
Col. 1:16  For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through Him and for Him.

Jesus is the Word because He was the means through which the Father brought all physical reality into existence and because He is the One Who represents the Father's invisible nature and character to that creation. Just as your spoken word is the physical manifestation of your thoughts and personality, Jesus is the "Word" of the invisible God to His creation. This is why Jesus said, "before Abraham was born, I AM!"(John 8: 58) because he existed as the WORD but that same WORD now became Jesus(the WORD became flesh)
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 10:18pm On Aug 20, 2015
Now u say the jesus of the bible is different from the quran...u know my brother...I should be telling u that,in islam we believe jesus will come back again during the last days,u know if jesus was to appear then,let's say u recognise,if u were to start calling him 'jesus christ',he won't even answer u,becos that's not his name,his mother didn't name him 'jesus',his mother named him 'eisho' 'ishur' in jesus own aramaic language,which is a dialect of the arabic language,in arabic he is called 'isa',in the modern hebrew is name is translated as 'eoshua' or yeshua,so I wonder where u got 'jesus' the name 'messiah' simply means the annointed in hebrew language,in the arabic language it is called 'mesi',again how u people translated it to christ is beyond me...the hebrew and arabic are the same language with differrect dialect,the jews say shalom alaykum,the arab say salam alaykun,u can see there language is practically the same,that is becos they all speak ibrahim language,now if anyone is gettyn 'jesus' wrong,it is u the christians...jesus ddint claim the son of God for himself alone,when he tot u how to pray he said say "our father,who hath in heaven",he is telling u God is everyone's father,since he created everytyn,he doesn't mean God actually beget a son!,to beget is an animal act,and God is far above that,in the verse u quoted,when they were about stoning him,jesus said 'is not written in ur law,that I have named yee Gods' he was quoting the psalm,where God tells the children of isreal he has named them Gods,so jesus was telling them,y will stone me for saying I am a son of God,when God himself already told u he has named u Gods,but this doesn't mean they were God,it simply a meteraphorical way of saying if u are Godly u are son of God,u are Godly,same way if u are evil,they say u are a devil,or son of the devil,it doesn't mean u are God or the devil...yes jesus said is his the truth,the way and life,am asking u a question wen moses was alive who was the way? The answer is moses,every prophet in his time,his the way,the truth and life,because if u want salvation u must follow them,for the people of lot,who was the way? Of course lot,and becos they didn't follow lot,God destoryed them,for noah poeple,who was they way?the answer is noah,becos they didn't follow him,God destroyed them,same thing for mohammad,he is the last prophet,whoever doesn't follow him,God will punish the person in hell...that's salvation as it was prophesied in old testament
Will this your Jesus come back as a Jew or an Arab?
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 12:09am On Aug 20, 2015
. This is what amazes me about u christians,anytime u are cornered and u have no route of escape u bring the spirit,well seems u have the spirit my brother,so enlighten me on it...let me pose u a story,suppose u go to a village and u see a man worshipping idol,immediately u ask him y is he doing such a thing,wasting his time,if the man then says "u know u can't really understand it,u have to just accept it and the spirit will come on u",will u my brother not say this man is deluded....same thing u are doing to me now,u don't have a clue about where u are,the only knowledge u have is dt of ur preachers,jesus never said worshipped me,never did he,we've been on this thread for a day now,and u can't me a direct quote from jesus saying I am ur lord,jesus didn't die,he ws never crucified,God confams that in the quran.."And they say 'we killed isa messiah,son of mary,the messenger of Allah,the certainly killed him not,but it was made to appear to them so,and those who differ therein are full of doubts,they have no certain knowledge and are full of doubts,they follow nothing bt conjecture,for certainly the killed him not'quran 4-157,this verse of the quran kills the notion of the jews priding themselve in saying they killed the messenger of Allah,it also kills the notion of the christians saying he died for their sins...think for a minute brother
Don't you get it!! The jesus of the Bible is different from issa of the quran.. Issa is gnostic jesus and not our own Jesus.

Jesus Said He Was Equal to God. Quotes from Jesus...

Jesus Said He Existed Before Abraham
"Your father Abraham rejoiced as he looked forward to my coming. He saw it and was glad."
    The people said, "You aren't even fifty years old. How can you say you have seen Abraham?"
    Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I Am!"

Jesus Said to See Him is the Same as Seeing God
Jesus shouted to the crowds, "If you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also God who sent me. For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark."

"No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!"
    Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied."
    Jesus replied, "Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don't know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking me to show him to you?"

Jesus Said He Could Forgive Sins
"...that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"--he then said to the paralytic--"Rise, pick up your bed and go home." And he rose and went home. When the crowds saw it, they were afraid, and they glorified God..."

He said to them, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins."

Jesus Said He Is the Judge and Can Grant Eternal Life
"For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will. The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father.

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live."

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."

"For it is my Father's will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life. I will raise them up at the last day."

Jesus Said He Was the Same as God
"The Father and I are one."
    Once again the people picked up stones to kill him.
    Jesus said, "At my Father's direction I have done many good works. For which one are you going to stone me?"
    They replied, "We're stoning you not for any good work, but for blasphemy! You, a mere man, claim to be God."

Jesus Said He Is Our Source for Life. Quotes from Jesus...

"I Am the Bread of Life"
Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."

"I am the way, the truth, the life"
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."

"I am the Light of the world"
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

"you will know the truth"
"If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

"have life, abundantly"
"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd....My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."

"I will love him"
"...he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.... If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him."

"I am with you always"
"...behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

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Religion / Re: 1 Million Likes For This Name by Medicis(m): 11:32am On Aug 19, 2015

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Religion / Re: 1 Million Likes For This Name by Medicis(m): 11:27am On Aug 19, 2015

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Religion / 1 Million Likes For This Name by Medicis(m): 11:23am On Aug 19, 2015

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Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 11:22pm On Aug 18, 2015
can you see yourself? Am telling you where jesus say to his follower christians to kill, rape and abuse children? Christians are different from israelites in which your book of poems address like these people of the book and the jews so am talking about the people of the book.
Lol... The terrorist doesn't even know the difference btw judaism and christianity.
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 10:19pm On Aug 18, 2015
@bolded, did you even know she was a wife to abram? or maybe i just informed you, thats not my biz anyway. the above verse you quoted does not show in any way how hagar wasnt a wife to abram. be intelligent bro, i'll keep saying that.
Did I even know?? Dumbo!!!!
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 6:46pm On Aug 18, 2015
@bolded, do you know what you are saying here? check out this verse of the bible "and sarai took hagar her made to Egypt, after abram has dwelt ten years in the land of canaan, and GAVE HER TO HER HUSBAND ABRAM, TO BE HIS WIFE"(genesis16:3), are you sure you read your bible or you just let your pastor delude you? I still maintain my opinion, learn how to post intelligently. lol your opinion is your right though.
Wetin dey do this one..And who told you I didn't know sarah gave her as wife to Abram but she still remained sarah maidservant.Genesis 16:8-10New International Version (NIV)

8 And he said, “Hagar, slave of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going?”

“I’m running away from my mistress Sarai,” she answered. NOTE: Ishmeal your father was born to Abram and and isaac was born after God changed his name to Abraham(father of many nations).
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 5:57pm On Aug 18, 2015
@bolded. Do you know what you are saying, you are saying muhammad made a statement in the bible? Seriously you need to learn how to be intelligent when making a post. note: when i say the bible can not(notice i didnt use cannot), i am not saying 100% of it are all false, as a muslim the only part of the bible i can believe is the part that agrees with the quran. savvy??
I never said muhammed made a statement in the bible. Maybe you need help with comprehension. There is no passage in the bible that agrees with the quran. Even your false prophet mohammed knows this.
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 5:39pm On Aug 18, 2015
I now clearly see your level of reasoning, you dont even know what you are saying, deluded right from your childhood. no matter the number the derogatory words you use, i wont do that with you today.
You and your fellow muslim brothers like bokoharam, isil,Isis alshabab are the deluded ones.The greatest mistake Abraham made was sleeping with his maid and its unfortunate that you and all your fellow terrorists are a product of that unholy union. Honestly, the world will be a better place without islam.

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Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 5:13pm On Aug 18, 2015
@scholar2800,(1) I asked if you ever wondered why it was first seen in the 3rd edition, why it never appeared in the old greek manuscript and why it is the only verse that explicitly shows the trinity, i will like to know your view about this.................(2) talking about scribes, isnt it possible for them to change the word of God for selfish gain( quran support this) jeremiah 8:8 also supports my statement, if this is the case can the scribes really be trusted? in otherwords can the bible be trusted?...............(3) jesus christ death prophesied in the same bible that cant be trusted............(4)paul uncertainty can be found in 1corithians7:40 " but she is happier if she so abide after my judgement, and I THINK i also have the spirit of God.
And muhammed was prophesied correctly in the same bible that can't be trusted. So you now know mohammed is a false prophet abi?
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 4:31pm On Aug 18, 2015
keep shaking your head. i just hope you come to know the truth one day, let me ask you this, have you honestly read all the bible??
Imagine a slave(seed of ishmeal) telling a Son(seed of isaac) and a prince the truth. What an irony. Maybe you don't know that the stories of Jesus and maryam in the quran were copied from the gnostics. Kindly do a research.
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 4:14pm On Aug 18, 2015
thats what you are made to believe from your childhood.
Really!!!! Have you ever had an encounter with Allah
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 2:14pm On Aug 18, 2015

My job here is to roll back, mock and degrade LETHAL MYTHOLOGIES to the dustbins.

I do that by first dismantling them each into their constituent St.Upid parts.
Your problem is that you think everything ends here, not knowing that even if you live up to 100yrs on earth, its a fraction in eternity and not even up to a day in the presence of God.
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 2:01pm On Aug 18, 2015
@plaetton Just can't imagine the look on your face the day you die anddiscover that there is life after death and you'll be like.. Mogbe!! Motiku!! Egbamio!! Temibami!! But it will be too late for you.
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 1:41pm On Aug 18, 2015

Well, if, as you imply, that the bible is mistranslated, that makes it Obviously imperfect, unreliable and misleading.
Don't You agree? undecided
You don't believe in God, so what's your business with his word?
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 1:38pm On Aug 18, 2015

New International Version
For there are three that testify:

New Living Translation
So we have these three witnesses--

English Standard Version
For there are three that testify:
New American Standard Bible
For there are three that testify:

King James Bible
For there are three that bear record in heaven,
the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and
these three are one.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
For there are three that testify:

International Standard Version
For there are three witnesses —

NET Bible
For there are three that testify,

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And The Spirit testifies because The Spirit is the

GOD'S WORD® Translation
There are three witnesses:

Which of them^ all is correct?

look for the one written by john in greek and you can do the the translation yourself.
Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 1:31pm On Aug 18, 2015
I was wondering, is salvation through the crusifiction(crusifixtion to christians) of jesus? was it really jesus that was on that cross, paul said anyone that dies on the cross is an accursed of God, so do you believe christ is an accursed of God?(astagfirulloh), numerous verses of the bible proves that jesus did not want to die, he prayed ernestly to God so he will not die, and my christian friends usually say he was sent to die for your sins. *sighs* smh.
***Shaking head*** I don't why muslims keep comparing Jesus of the Bible and quran. These are two different people entirely.

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Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 1:17pm On Aug 18, 2015
Trinitarians have since stopped the use 1john 5:7 in proving their trinity doctrine, Why? because they as well have found out that it is a fraud.

We still do. Your believe does not change the fact that there is a FATHER, SON(word) and HOLYSPIRIT and they are one.

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Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 1:12pm On Aug 18, 2015
lol, i did not say this the bible scholars did, research to confirm bro, ok let say i am lying, prove me wrong.
Despite all these, the Bible still remains perfect and beautiful in it's original form(greek/hebrew). The book of john was originally written in greek and not English, so you can easily translate it into any language of you choice. King james did write the bible, he only translated it.

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Religion / Re: The Lie Of 1john 5:7 and corruption of the bible. by Medicis(m): 9:50am On Aug 18, 2015
how does that refute the claim that 1john 5:7 was inserted into the "holy bible"?
were u there when they inserted it?


Religion / Re: Is There A Heaven, A Real Life-after-death? by Medicis(m): 10:01pm On Aug 07, 2015

I'm only sharing this cos you asked.
I'm not interested in proving any point, jus telling you what makes me undoubtedly sure.

My first remembered experience of a possible afterlife happened when I was saying my prayers one day in my mother's room. I was alone and it was very quiet, no distractions whatsoever. I was practicing the art of meaning what I say i.e meditating on every word in the prayer. I must have been there for about an hour. My eyes were closed and I knelt beside the bed. The prayer is one of those that has a chorus or response.

I gradually began to hear people responding to the chorus. I initiallythought i was imagining it or maybe dosing off to sleep but I wasnt. I keep my eyes tightly shut and continued my prayers and the voices got louder until they were in the same room with me. It became so much that I was almost scared to open my eyes. The next thing I knew peace flooded my entire being. It was like being on drugs or something and not having a care at all in the world, Like you had found a particular secret everyone has been looking for, like i stumbled upon that secret. Everywhere was suddenly bright and I found myself in a very very huge hall, the roof so high I could barely make it out. On both sides of me were angels standing like in a stadium, all white clothing and shiny white wings. They follwed the prayers along with me and chorused when the time for chorus came. There was an amazing form of holiness or peacefullness or something I cant quite explain. I was stunned at all I had seen around me and for a moment even forgot I was supposed to be kneeling and saying my prayers in my mom's room. I stopped the prayers immediately and the angels stopped as well. There was silence for a while and the looks on thier faces was like "Go on."

So I continued and they continued as well. In front of me was a very bright light, very bright but not blinding to the eyes or anything like that, just pure white bright and emanating radiance. Obviously there was something or someone inside that light but I couldnt see it. I said a few more of the prayers and they prayed along with me.

I dont know how long i stayed there but gradually the scene faded away and I was back in my mother's room again. I rounded off the prayer very reluctantly. It was like I shouldnt leave that place, like I had found something and I didnt want to let it go. But go it did.
Slowly the feeling of peace died down as the noise of the world surrounded me. I got up and went out still feeling like I had just left a very familiar place, a place I was supposed to be familiar with but couldnt remember why.

If I say I had visited heaven it sounds corny to me. I'm no one special as far as I know. I hardly go for outreaches or all those preaching stuff. I mentioned it to no one at the time and it has never repeated itself as intensely as it did that afternoon except maybe during my holy communion when I felt a similar thing. But I wont share that one.

Thats part of my conviction there. The other two are very private.

The thing I feel with atheists is that they have never ever had a supernatural experience. I'm not talking of hallucinations or dreams or make beleive, I'm talking real life spiritual events that you just cant explain like my mother calling me all the way from the US when I was very ill to tell me she had a feeling in her spirit that I wasnt well and decided to call to know if I was ok. If you have never had something like that happened to you then its easy for you to shake your head and say there is no god or afterlife. And I honestly wont blame you. How can you believe what you have never felt?

Nice one bro... When you've had an encounter with God, there is nothing anybody will say about God that'll make you not believe in his existence.

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Religion / Re: Why Many Christians Fall Out Of Faith. by Medicis(m): 9:35am On Aug 06, 2015
If you have truly had an encounter with God, there is really nothing anybody will say that will make you fall out of faith...... And that's why people like us can NEVER fall out of faith.

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Religion / Re: The Bible Is The Most Contradicting And Confusing Book Ever. by Medicis(m): 9:36am On Aug 01, 2015

I see burgundy.
ever heard of royal purple
Religion / Re: Atheism by Medicis(m): 1:32pm On Jul 19, 2015
Religion / Re: If Jesus Is God, How Can He, As God, Die? by Medicis(m): 9:58pm On Jul 18, 2015

Are you sure?
very sure
Religion / Re: If Jesus Is God, How Can He, As God, Die? by Medicis(m): 9:47pm On Jul 18, 2015

Which means he is not God almighty himself?
He is God aimighty himself.
Religion / Jacob And The Angel by Medicis(m): 8:37pm On Jul 18, 2015
JACOB'S wrong in receiving his brother's blessing by fraud was again brought forcibly before him, and he was afraid that God would permit Esau to take his life. In his distress he prayed to God all night. An angel stood before Jacob, Jacob presents his wrong before him in its true character. As the angel turns to leave him, Jacob lays hold of him, and will not let him go. He makes supplications with tears. He pleads that he has deeply repented of his sins and the wrongs against his brother, which had been the means of separating him from his father's house for twenty years. He ventures to plead the promises of God and the tokens of His favor to him from time to time in his absence from his father's house.

All night Jacob wrestled with the angel, making supplication for a blessing. The angel seemed to be resisting his prayer, by continually calling his sins to his remembrance, at the same time endeavoring to break away from him. Jacob was determined to hold the angel, not by physical strength, but by the power of living faith. In his distress Jacob referred to the repentance of his soul, the deep humility he had felt for his wrongs. The angel regarded his prayer with seeming indifference, continually making efforts to release himself from the grasp of Jacob. He might have exercised his supernatural power and forced himself from Jacob's grasp, but he did not choose to do this.

But when he saw that he prevailed not against Jacob, to convince him of his supernatural power, he touched his thigh, which was immediately out of joint. But Jacob would not give up his earnest efforts for bodily pain. His object was to obtain a blessing, and pain of body was not sufficient to divert his mind from his object. His determination was stronger in the last moments of the conflict than at the beginning. His faith grew more earnest and persevering until the very last, even till the breaking of the day. He would not let go his hold of the angel until he blessed him. "And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me." The angel then inquired, "What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed."
Religion / Re: If Jesus Is God, How Can He, As God, Die? by Medicis(m): 11:38pm On Jul 17, 2015
Thats because he is not God.
He is God.
Religion / Re: Where do Atheists go when they die? by Medicis(m): 8:51am On Jul 12, 2015
So you don't know that your mind is as a result of your brain

Mehnn no wonder they say theist don't really have brains embarassed
Ode!! Mr know it all. That's not my question.
Religion / Re: Where do Atheists go when they die? by Medicis(m): 2:32am On Jul 12, 2015

I don't have time to read that crap again, just need the answer from you?

I didn't refer you to any book when i answered you.
How does your mind look like?? I'll answer you when you answer this question.

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