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Romance / Re: Dirty Erotic Oneshots (18+) by MultiTv007: 5:36pm On May 30, 2020
n o n c o n s e n s u a l ( iii )

The next thing I was aware of was us curled up on his couch, my body pressed tight to his, one of his hands stroking my hip through the blanket while the other was sliding through my hair. As I shifted, slowly opening my eyes, he looked down at me, face tight with worry.

"Leah, love, what happened?" He asked, hand squeezing my hip lightly. "And why the hell weren't your parents there?"

My voice was dry as I tried to get out the words I needed. "Nightmare. Business trip." He frowned but nodded, shifting me so that I was sitting up in his lap, head tucked into his chest.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head hard, a soft whimper escaping as red flashed through my mind, and he made soft comforting noises, hands stroking lightly.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Distract me?" I asked softly, pulling back just enough to look at him through teary eyes. "Music, tv, anything."

He nodded, running his fingers through my hair. "I'll have to set you down to put on a movie. Is that okay?" I nodded slightly, clutching my blanket tighter around myself. He shifted me carefully off his lap and stood, my eyes following him across the room as he set up a movie. Within moments I was scooped back up and trembling in his arms. He started to shift the blanket to a more comfortable position and then suddenly cleared his throat.

"Leah, darling, would you like more clothing?" He asked softly, making me look back up at him in confusion. It took a moment to

realize that I'd fallen asleep in just my panties last night, and hadn't put anything else back on this morning. I thought about it for a moment, weighing my desire for a t-shirt with the fact that he'd have to leave me for a couple minutes to get clothes.

Finally I shook my head, though my face flushed, and said, "No, I'm okay with the blanket. I-I don't want you to leave me." He smiled softly, but neither of us said anything else, turning to watch the movie he'd put on. It was cute and funny, and helped a little bit, but red kept flashing through my head, making me shake.

It wasn't until I felt his hand on my bare hip that I realized he'd been slowly shifting the blanket around so that he was under it with me. I didn't say anything, allowing myself to enjoy the feel of his hand on my skin, his other arm wrapped around my shoulders, holding me up and against his chest.

His hand slowly drifted across my stomach, fingers tracing along the edge of my panties. My stomach tensed and his fingers stilled for a moment before sliding back to my hip. I was almost sad, until he started tracing patterns up my side, up over my rib cage, lightly brushing across the side of my breast. I shifted then, at the edge of what I could reasonably allow, only to feel his grip tightening.

"I know what you're thinking Leah. I know what's going through your mind. But I want you to be quiet and let me distract you," he murmured into my ear, fingers trailing up and down my rib cage.

"But I-" Before I could get anything more out he shushed me, the hand on my shoulder sliding around to cover my mouth.

"No. No arguments," he ordered, voice firm but not forceful. "If you're going to argue, I'm going to keep my hand here. Do you understand?" I shook my head forcefully, both trying to argue and to shake his hand off. It tightened down and he sighed, lightly pulling so I was facing the tv again. "Watch the movie Leah."

I don't know how he expected me to watch the movie with his fingers drawing maddening designs across my side. When they kept to a, slightly, more appropriate area, I slowly got back into the movie, despite his hand still firmly over my mouth. It was only when I relaxed against him again that his fingers began to move, knuckles brushing against the underside of my breast.

My breath came quicker and my nipples started to harden, but his hand never moved higher, stroking the sides and undersides of my breasts for a couple minutes until I was starting to tremble. His fingertips finally began to draw circles around and around, inching closer to my nipples until they were aching. And then his thumb brushed across one and I inhaled quickly, body arching against my will to thrust into his hand.

He chuckled, warm hand cupping my breast and squeezing gently while his rough thumb slid back and forth across my nipple. It was impossible now to watch the movie, especially since my eyes had drifted shut, mind and body focused solely on the heat of his touch.

My breathing was a little rougher through my nose, but I no longer minded his hand over my mouth. It allowed me to more easily accept what was happening, knowing that I couldn't fight it, couldn't even protest. If I was being honest with myself, and honesty was required in his house, I also liked how vulnerable it made me, in an entirely unrelated way.

Another sharp inhale as his fingers started to roll my nipple between them, tugging lightly. I squirmed and whimpered, my thighs rubbing together. He chuckled again, squeezing and tugging slightly harder.

"Put your hand on my wrist," he murmured in my ear. When I didn't move he repeated it, more command in his voice. My hand shook as I curled it around his wrist, feeling it tense at my tentative touch. "Good girl." My heart thrilled at the praise. "Now I want you to

tap two times when it becomes too much, okay?" I nodded a bit, briefly considering tapping now. I didn't think that was what he meant though.

"Good girl," he murmured again, his fingers endlessly teasing my nipple, making me squirm in his lap. It took a moment, but I realized that his grip was slowly getting tighter, the squeezing and tugging getting rougher until it began to hurt. My hand tightened on his wrist and he paused briefly, but I didn't tap. Instead I arched my back, pushing my breast up more firmly into his hand, begging for more.

His growl rumbled in my ear and his hand squeezed my breast almost painfully, fingers abusing my nipple. The pain grew and shot down through my body, centering on the heat between my legs and making my already wet pussy drip. The harder he squeezed and pulled the wetter I grew, my thighs rubbing together restlessly, breathing so hard and quick through my nose that I thought I might faint.

Slowly his fingers eased up, drawing a needy whimper from my throat, until they were simply brushing across my breast with soft strokes.

"Well that was unexpected," he said, voice tinged with amusement. When I glanced up at him there was a grin on his face. "I wanted to see what your pain limit was, and I'll be honest, I really expected you to tap out fairly quickly. But you are just full of surprises, angel."

The pet name set butterflies flitting around in my stomach, my face flushing redder than it already was. I liked the sound of it too much, my mind at war with itself, torn between continuing to fight and surrendering everything to him.

"I'm going to move my hand now, okay?" He said, interrupting my train of thought. "You're going to be a good girl, and not start arguing

again, right?" When I didn't answer, his eyes and voice hardened slightly. "Right?"

With a soft whimper I nodded. He stared at me for a moment, as if to decide whether or not I'd actually keep to that, before slowly removing his hand from my mouth. I sucked in a deep breath of air, my eyes slipping shut as I started to breathe normally again. They flickered open again at the feel of his thumb down my nose and across my cheek, his warm smile making my heart thrill.

"Why?" I asked after a moment, my voice a whisper.

"You said to distract you." His grin was brilliant and made my cheeks flush.

"N-no, I mean, all of it. Why? Why me? W-why are you so... insistent that this is right?" I covered my face with my hands as I asked, not entirely sure I wanted to know the answer.

He gently tugged my hands away and held them against his chest. "I think that's probably a conversation for another time angel," he said, making me frown. His fingers caught my chin, tilting my head back, our faces so close together now that I could feel his breath hitting my face.

His eyes flicked down to my lips and I knew that he was going to kiss me. Rather than fighting it, I leaned up, meeting his lips halfway. His mouth was so gentle on mine, his kiss light and comforting, taking and demanding nothing. It was over sooner than I liked, and I just barely resisted following as he pulled back.

"I think we should probably get some food into you now," he murmured, wrapping me back in my blanket and setting me carefully onto the couch next to him. "Is oatmeal alright?" I nodded and watched him make his way off to the kitchen. My mind was muddled, fingers coming up to touch my lips, missing the feel of his on them.

My mind must have drifted off, because a warm bowl was being pressed into my hands sooner than I expected. His hand ran through my hair as I pulled it against my chest, simply enjoying the warmth for a moment.

"I'm going to head back to your house to grab you some clothes and lock up. Is that alright? Will you be okay here?" He asked, tilting my face up again. I nodded, smiling shyly at him. "Good girl. Are your keys in your backpack?" I nodded again and returned to my food, listening to his footsteps as he left the house.

The moment I was sure he was gone I sighed and let my head drop back against the couch. What was I doing? I may have resisted there at the beginning, but by the time he released me I probably wouldn't have protested had he stripped off my panties and-

"No." I pressed my hands to my eyes, verbally stopping that train of thought. Determined to resist harder, both against myself and against him, I dug into my food.

As I finished, wondering idly why it was taking Daniel so long over at my house, the red flashed through my head again, making me cry out and surge forward, bowl flung across the room. I trembled there on the floor for a long moment, arms wrapped around myself, tears flowing down my face.

I felt myself sinking, sinking, the red overtaking my mind, filling my ears, covering my sight, smothering my breath. I flailed, drowning in it, losing myself again, skin beginning to burn everywhere it touched. A sob burst from my chest and I thought the pain would tear me apart, until a voice broke through the haze.

It murmured, one word, indecipherable through the red. I caught hold of it, pulled it closer. The closer it came, the more the red receded, until I could hear his voice whispering 'angel' in my ear. I clung to it, clung to the meaning behind it. There were so many reasons things couldn't work between us, but I brushed past them for

the moment. He saw something in me, something that made him pursue me, want to capture me.

I may not be sure if I wanted to be captured by him, but at the very least I could prove myself worth the effort.

Using that thought, and the sound of his voice in my ear, I pushed until the red began to evaporate. Until I could open my eyes again, could take in a lungful of fresh air, could climb up off the floor.

My legs shook, but I stood, wrapping my blanket back around myself as I did. As I looked around, all traces of red had gone, and I sobbed with relief, pressing my hands to face. I'd done it.

The sobs turned to laughter and I brushed the tears from my face with the corner of my blanket. I hear the front door open, and then Daniel came back into the room, a thoughtful look on his face. It became worried as he saw me standing, my eyes red from crying.

"Oh, angel, are you okay?" He asked, dropping my backpack by the couch.

I laughed again, and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay."


We curled up and watched movies for the rest of the day, after he promised to keep his hands to himself. I was able to relax, to keep my thoughts at bay and simply enjoy. When Alicia got home from school I was swept up in a whirlwind of hugs and tearful exclamations of love and what was her version of comforting words. I laughed and allowed her to fret, reassuring her over and over that I was alright now.

She fretted over me for the next couple of hours, practically feeding me herself when we sat down for dinner. I was bundled

carefully into her bed not long after, and fell into a blessedly dreamless sleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

The next day when I woke up, I felt more refreshed than I had in a long time. There were no hazy, half remembered nightmares plaguing me, only a strange lightness and enough energy that Alicia shoved me out of bed for waking her up. That energy was curbed slightly when I bounced downstairs to see that Daniel had already left, but I shook myself. No, it was for the best.
Romance / Re: Dirty Erotic Oneshots (18+) by MultiTv007: 5:33pm On May 30, 2020
n o n c o n s e n s u a l ( ii )

Calloused fingers tweaked my nipples, drawing a startled moan from my lips. "That means I'll be your first. Bleep that's hot."

My eyes widened and I began to struggle again as I realized what he intended. "No!" I yelled, arching and twisting my body helplessly, knowing that I was nowhere near strong enough to escape until he let me. Which he didn't seem inclined to do. I opened my mouth to yell again but the sound was swallowed by his lips, pressing hard to mine as his free hand curled into my hair, preventing me from pulling away.

And then we heard a noise from upstairs, the sound of feet hitting the floor. We stared at each other, wide eyed, listening to the soft thumping, the sound of a door being opened, and then all of a sudden we were a flurry of movement. My shirt was pulled quickly back over my head, tangling me as I attempted to get my arms in. By the time we heard the stairs creak he had me re situated so that I was curled up in his arms again.

"Is everything okay down here?" Alicia asked as she stumbled into the room, rubbing her eyes. "I heard a yell." Seeing us, she frowned. "Another nightmare?"

I glanced nervously up at Daniel before pushing out of his lap. "Y-Yeah. Sorry I woke you up."

She wrapped her arms around me for a moment before tugging me towards the stairs. "No problem. Let's go back to bed."

My eyes found Daniel again, catching the frustrated look on his face, before we were out of sight again. Moments later I found myself curled in a pile of blankets and pillows with my friend, sleep blurring the edges of my vision. My last thoughts were of him, of that awed look on his face when he'd stripped my shirt off. I'd never felt

so desirable before in my life, and despite my reservations, a big part of me wanted to feel it again.


The next morning I woke up early, scrambling to get myself ready and off to school before I could run into Daniel. His darling wonderful daughter however complained repeatedly about me waking her up so early and fell promptly back to sleep, leaving me to anxiously pace across her room. My stomach had started to rumble, but I didn't want to chance going to get food without Alicia by my side.

Finally, the hunger chewing at my stomach overwhelmed my anxiety, and I crept down the stairs as quietly as possible. I'd almost made it when a sound in the hallway made me spin.

"Leah, we need to talk."

I swallowed nervously, trying to creep backwards towards the kitchen, but he was in front of me before I could take more than a step, hands curling around my shoulders to hold me in place.

"We need to talk about last night," he said quietly, probably so his voice wouldn't carry up the stairs.

"No, we don't. I-I think we should just forget it happened," I said as I trembled in his grip. He growled softly and spun me so that my back was to the wall.

"We can't just forget that it happened," he snapped, frustration clear in his face. I flinched away and his eyes softened. "I'm sorry Leah, I didn't mean to scare you." One of his hands released my shoulder to brush gently across my cheek. "But it happened, and it needs to be addressed. I'm sorry I tried to force myself on you while I was drunk."

My eyes shot up to meet his, startled. That certainly hadn't been the response I was expecting. I was relieved of course. What had happened was inappropriate. For so many reasons. An apology meant that it wasn't going to happen again, right?

For some reason that thought actually kind of hurt. Did he only desire me when he was drunk? Was he just Hot, and I was the closest available person? Just some mishap to be discussed and then filed away, never to be mentioned again?

I told myself very firmly that that was for the best. Any fantasies I may have about him should stay exactly that. Fantasies.

Why didn't I believe that?

"I forgive you," I murmured after a long moment of silence. "You were drunk and I was there and things got out of hand."

"It won't happen again, I promise." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead as I closed my eyes and held back tears. "Next time I try and seduce you, I'll make sure I'm sober."

My eyes shot open, head snapping up to look at him. "Wh-what?"

"I got out of hand. I'd planned on finally seducing you after you graduated, but I lost my head last night. Now that it's happened though, I can't wait until then. I don't want you running off." His eyes were serious and determined, and I trembled under his stare like a deer in headlights.

"B-but, y-you, we can't, it's n-not ri-" His hand moved across my mouth, stemming the flow of my stuttering.

"We can, and it is right. You want this and I want this, and that's all that's important."

"But Alicia-" I started around his hand, only to have it press down harder.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," he said, and I realized how completely serious he was about this. For a moment, my heart thrilled, and a fire was lit in my stomach, but I quickly and ruthlessly stomped both into the ground.

We both started to say something, but were once again interrupted by the sound of Alicia coming down the stairs. While he was distracted I ducked away from him and darted into the kitchen. She appeared a moment later, without him, and gave me an odd look.

"You gonna eat that apple or just stare at it?" She asked, making me realize that I'd snagged an apple from the counter without noticing.

"Um, eat it. Come on, we're going to be late for school." She rolled her eyes and grabbed an orange before following me to the front door.


"So what's going on between you and my dad?"

Alicia's voice startled me from my thoughts and I turned wide eyes to look at her. "Wh-what do you mean? Th-there's nothing going on."

She rolled her eyes, turning in her chair so that she was facing me. "Oh come on, don't pull that crap with me. I know how big of a crush you have on him."

My eyes darted around the room, to see if anybody had overheard, but being so close to the end of the year, our classes

were basically everyone playing on their phones and talking.

Including the teachers.

"I do not have a crush on your dad," I whispered harshly and nervously.

She laughed, the sound briefly drawing the attention of a couple people. "Oh, shut the Bleep up Leah. You've had a crush on him for like forever. You're not exactly subtle about it."

My face flushed and I didn't bother to respond, knowing my blush had given me away.

"I'm also not dumb. The two of you ran from the hallway real quick this morning." Her eyebrow arched as I tried to deny it, my stuttering making my argument much less convincing. "Uh huh? And what about last night? I know sex when I see it."

I sputtered. "We were not having sex!"

A grin split her face. "But something happened." I automatically flushed, making her grin larger. "Ha! I knew it."

"It was nothing," I muttered, trying to turn away from her and focus on my book again. It was promptly snatched from my hands and smacked against my head.

"Don't give me that shit Leah."

"Alicia, he's your dad," I said, stressing the last word, rubbing my head.

She shrugged. "So?"

I paused, startled by her nonchalant answer. "...so? He's your dad. I could never-"

"And why not? I know you're still a virgin." I flushed and started to interrupt her, but she just continued, talking over me. "And who better to introduce you to sex than an older, more experienced man? Especially one who cares about you. He could totally make your first time actually enjoyable, unlike mine." She made a face and we both laughed, remembering the guy who'd apparently cum within thirty seconds of shoving inside of her.

I sobered up after a moment. "But he's your dad. It wouldn't be right."

"You keep saying that like it means something." She leaned forward, putting her hands on my shoulders to keep me from escaping. "I can objectively say that I have a handsome dad. And you're fucking gorgeous even if you won't admit it. Shut up, I'm not done," she snapped when I opened my mouth to argue. "I know you like him. And I know he finds you attractive. I've seen him watching you when he doesn't think anyone is looking."

My mouth fell open. "B-but don't you at all care?"

She shrugged. "Not really. I mean, he's kinda hot. If he wasn't my dad, I'd Bleep him."


Her head fell back and she roared with laughter at my expense. My head fell to the desk and I groaned. After a moment she began to calm down and delicately patted my head.

"You're so cute and easy to fluster." She grinned. "If I was into women I'd Bleep you too."

I'm pretty sure I had a crazy person for a best friend.


On our walk home I turned down an invitation to come have dinner with her and her dad that evening, citing a desire to have a quiet night at home. She gave me a look that said she didn't believe my reasoning, but she didn't press the subject more. We parted ways in front of my house with a wave and I hurried inside, dropping my bag by the front door.

I immediately made my way to the living room and turned music on, covering the silence that permeated my house. After that it was off to the kitchen to have a snack and plan dinner, taking comfort in my daily ritual, using it to fend off the thoughts that had plagued me all day. A bowl of popcorn in hand, I stepped outside and dropped onto the back step, saying hello to the stray cat who'd adopted me when I moved in.

"What am I supposed to do Popcorn?" I asked, scratching the mangy creature behind his ears. His meow was decidedly unhelpful, though he did crawl up into my lap to cuddle. After a moment it occurred to me that he was only after my snack, so I scattered a few pieces on the ground for him.

My mind idly wandered back to last night, to how his gaze made me feel desirable, how his touch ignited a fire within me that I'd never experienced before. I wanted to feel that again so badly, it was almost a need. An ache, that resonated through my whole being.

Just as I started to seriously consider allowing him to seduce me, a loud meow startled me from my thoughts. I looked down to see Popcorn staring at me, all of his snack gone. I scattered a few more kernels on the ground before retreating back into the house, shaking my head.

The rest of my evening was spent trying to distract myself. I drowned my thoughts with music and busied myself with chores, before finally curling up with a book to while away the last few hours before bed.

All of my efforts to distract myself went down the drain the moment my head hit my pillow. As my eyes closed I saw his face again. Not from last night, but from this morning, as he told me with utter seriousness that he was planning on seducing me. My heart leaped in my chest at the memory and I rolled to my stomach, pressed my face into my pillow, and screamed into it for a moment.

There were so many things wrong with this situation. He was twice my age. He was Alicia's dad. He was... I couldn't think of a third reason. I'm sure there were some, but my brain never seemed to work quite right when it came to him.

Without realizing it, my fingers had slipped across my chest to toy with one of my nipples through my shirt. I snatched it away like I'd been burned and very firmly put my hands above my head. This however brought on fantasies of Daniel pinning my hands to bed, so that he could tease my body in any way he wanted.

With a groan I gave up trying to be good and whisked my shirt off, hands immediately cupping my breasts. My fingers pinched and teased my nipples and I imagined it was Daniel. I saw him as he was last night, the awe in his face when he saw my small chest, as if it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. I pinched my nipples harder, remembering how his calloused fingers had felt there.

Slowly, one of my hands drifted down to the edge of my panties and paused there. I could see Daniel between my legs, watching hungrily, demanding that I touch myself for him. My hand did so without conscious thought, rubbing down over the outside of my panties and finding that they were already soaked. I rocked my hips, grinding against my hand, until I needed more, my body crying out for attention.

No longer feeling shy, I moved my hand and slid it back down inside my panties, gasping as I grazed across bare flesh. My hand rubbed softly across the outside of my lips for a long moment, before one of my fingers delicately parted them and slid inside of me.

I was so wet that it went in with ease and I quickly added a second. In my mind I could hear him telling me to Bleep myself for him, to make myself cum while moaning his name. Unable to resist his orders in my fantasy, I started to thrust my fingers, hips rocking instinctively against them.

My other hand was nearly abusing my nipples at this point, moving from one to the next, squeezing just hard enough for pain and pleasure to begin to blend. When flames began to build in my stomach, the fingers inside of me moving faster, breath coming quicker, that hand trailed down to rub furiously at my clit.

There he was, demanding I cum for him. I did so in an explosion, moaning his name as my body bowed off the bed, fireworks bursting behind my eyes. Exhausted, I slumped down against the bed, after a much longer time than I'd expected. I'd never cum quite that hard before. My body was flushed with pleasure, breathing heavy and quick, and I could in that moment admit that it was because I knew what his hands felt like on me.

Too tired to contemplate my emotions anymore, I wrapped myself around my pillow and promptly passed out.


It was so dark. Always so dark. And then the pain came. A burning ache that spread over everything, that overwhelmed and tore the world apart. Oh, Bleep, the pain. It shredded the mind. Tore chunks from the flesh.

And then red. Pooling and slithering across the skin. Blinding as it trickled from above. Dripping and splattering, specks landing on lips. Oh, god, what was this? Why did it taste like blood?

Limbs flailing, nails scratching at the walls, tearing up fingertips, burning as the red turned to flames. And the screaming, rattling the

brain, echoing around until everything was consumed by it, breaking the throat, shredding vocal chords.

And then... pounding?


The screaming cut off the moment my eyes opened. My throat was raw, my body lead against the bed, unable to move. There was that pounding again, my name being yelled. I forced my body to roll from the bed, collapsing to the floor as my shaky legs refused to hold me up. My blanket came with me, wrapped around as if it could shield me from myself.

Slowly, oh so slowly, I made it to my door and dragged myself to my feet. Thank god my house was one story. Stairs would have been an insurmountable challenge. The pounding came again and I realized finally that it was someone at the door, demanding entrance. With shaky hands I managed to unlock it and pull it open mid knock.

It was Alicia standing there, a wild look in her eyes. The second the door was open she shot forward, wrapping her arms tight around me.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice sounding rough, broken to my ears.

"You never showed up to walk to school. I came over to get you and I heard you screaming," she said, her cheek pressed to my hair, sounding as if she was holding back tears. "Was it the nightmares?"

I nodded, body shaking and nearly collapsing to the floor as they flashed through my head again. She caught me, barely, and slowly lowered us down until I was cradled in her lap.

"Dad, dad I need you to come over here," she said shakily, into what I assumed was her phone. It was dropped to the floor a

moment later and I felt her arm wrap back around me. "Leah, god, Leah why are you home alone?"

"Parents out of town," I murmured tiredly, tucking my face into her chest. "Business meeting." She murmured comforting words into my ear, too low to make out, for a long moment. Finally I heard footsteps, and then a soft curse, and a new body was dropping beside us.

"What happened?" He asked, taking me carefully from Alicia's arms.

"I came to get her and she was screaming in her sleep," she said, her voice shaking.

He nodded and told her to go on to school, that he'd take care of me. Reluctantly, she left, leaving me curled comfortably in Daniel's arms. He hefted me up and stood, closing the door behind him as he carried me back to his house. The walk was a blur, my mind focused on him, trying to ease the ache in my head.

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Romance / Re: Dirty Erotic Oneshots (18+) by MultiTv007: 5:31pm On May 30, 2020
n o n c o n s e n s u a l ( i )

With a strangled cry, I shot straight up, knocking my blanket onto the floor and causing my friend to grumble in her sleep. My body trembled, hunching into a ball as I fought off the nightmare that had woken me. It was a couple minutes before I finally calmed down enough to stretch my legs out, forcing myself to take slow deep breaths. My hands rubbed at my eyes, trying to ease the slight burn of tears unshed. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and stood up shakily, propelled towards the door in search of water for my dry throat.

"Everything is okay," I muttered to myself as my still sleepy eyes searched the dark hallway for monsters. Smothering a yawn, I slipped quietly down the stairs, feeling the last vestiges of my nightmare shake off now that I was up and moving. Curiosity drew me towards the sound of the tv in the living room, wondering why Alicia's dad would be up so late. I poked my head in, spying him sprawled across the couch, holding a beer in one hand, the other hand on his-

"Oh!" A startled cry escaped me as my brain finally registered what was happening, and my body quickly propelled itself backwards and down the hall towards the kitchen. Once safely away, I leaned on the counter, taking shaky breaths as the scene rolled over and over in my head. I'd had a crush on Alicia's dad for a long time. He was in good shape for an older man, or for a younger man honestly, with laugh lines around his mouth and the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. His head was covered in thick black hair, only just starting to grey, showing mostly in the nearly silver wings above his ears.

Being the best friend of his daughter, I'd never even entertained the idea of anything actually happening between us, as he seemed

to think of me as a second child. He had, however, ruined me for guys my age. They lacked the maturity, the caring nature, even the authority that I've come to desire because of him.

"Leah? What the hell are you doing up?"

The sound of his voice knocked me from my musings and my eyes found him blocking the doorway. Unable to help myself, I glanced quickly down at his crotch, but his jeans were back where they should be.

"I-I, um, I was getting some water?" The statement came out sounding like a question, as my eyes glued themselves to the floor tiles to avoid looking at him. There was a long silence before he spoke again.

"How much did you see?" He asked with a sigh.

"Nothing!" The word came out too forcefully to sound believable.

"Leah." His voice was hard, that tone that made me tremble, made my heart race, and my eyes found themselves unwillingly meeting his. "We do not lie in this house, do we?"

"No, sir," I whispered, eyes dipping back to the ground. He sighed again, before moving towards me until his legs appeared in my line of sight. A rough finger hooked under my chin and tugged it up, forcing me to meet his gaze. This close to him, I remembered finally that I was standing there in only a pair of panties and a t-shirt that barely covered my ass. A blush spread across my pale cheeks, bright enough that I'm sure it could be seen even with the lights off.

"Leah, how many times have I told you to call me Daniel?" His hand cupped my jaw, thumb brushing across my red cheek. I only barely resisted the urge to nuzzle into his touch.

"I-I'm sorry, but it's hard. My parents drilled 'Ma'am' and 'Sir' into my head," I murmured, shifting from foot to foot, hoping to escape this uncomfortable situation soon.

The hand on my jaw slid down slowly, fingers trailing across my throat, tracing my collarbone and rubbing across the shoulder exposed by the looseness of my shirt. A small step brought him closer, until I was practically pinned to the counter, having to crane my head back to meet his eyes.

"I love how respectful you are," he says, voice dropping to a tone I'd never heard before. It was low, raspy, growly, making little shivers run up and down my spine. "But every time I hear the word 'Sir' come from those pretty little lips, it does things to me." His hand tightened on my shoulder, startling a whimper from me. The sound seemed to shake him and he quickly cleared his throat and stepped back. I exhaled, only just realizing that I'd been holding my breath since his voice had dropped.

"Get your water and go back upstairs Leah," he ordered as he turned and strode quickly from the room. The moment he was out of sight I collapsed to the floor, legs trembling too much to hold me up. What the Bleep was that?


The rest of my night was uneventful, and I managed to leave in the morning without running into Daniel again. My whole next week was spent agonizing over it, until I finally decided to put it from my mind. It had to have been a fluke, or even a dream. There was no way it had actually happened. Either way, I spent the next couple of weeks avidly avoiding him.

Nearly a month later, only a week before our last day of senior year, I found myself staying the night with Alicia again. I'd worried that things would be awkward between her dad and I, but he seemed not to remember our encounter in the kitchen, relieving my mind and

allowing me to relax and enjoy the evening. We ate dinner together, reminiscing about the all the mischief Alicia had gotten into, and subsequently dragged me into, throughout high school. More than once, her dad bemoaned the fact that I hadn't been his daughter instead, since I was the good girl, until Alicia pointed out that she would have corrupted me either way.

I'd moved into the house next to hers almost 2 years ago exactly. She must have seen me move in, because she was over the next day, demanding that I come swimming with her. We'd basically been inseparable ever since.

Our night ended with a cheesy romantic comedy that had us both giggling endlessly while her dad escaped to his office, saying that he needed to keep his masculinity intact. Somewhere towards the end of the movie, I started to drift off, body melting into the couch, and within moments I was passed out.

I woke up with a cry a couple hours later, body covered in a sheen of sweat, blankets tangled around my legs. The palms of my hands were pressed to my eyes, both to keep tears from flowing and to rub away the images from my nightmares. I trembled, knees coming up towards my chest, struggling to calm down, when a sudden noise made me cry out again.

"Shh shh shh, Leah, what's wrong?" The voice was familiar, calming me enough that I could lower my hands, though tears still threatened to fall. "I heard you yell, what's wrong sweetie?" Strong hands gathered me up gently, shifting me around until I was settled on his lap, head tucked into his chest.

"I-I had a n-nightmare," I whimpered, hands clutching desperately at his shirt. Long fingers stroked through my hair, slowly calming me down until I was no longer trembling.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, to which I simply shook my head. He didn't press the issue, instead continuing to stroke my

hair soothingly, his other hand wrapped around my hip. After a while, the horror of my nightmare passed enough that I could relax, and I started to grow aware of something hard pressing into me from below. It took me a moment, but when I finally realized what it was my face flushed, and my body shifted awkwardly.

"Th-thank you for calming me down. I should probably head off to bed." I started to shift around to get up, but his arms tightened, holding me in place.

"Shhh, sweetie, no need to thank me, that's what I do. But if you go back to sleep now, the nightmare could come back." His big hand squeezed my hip, making me aware of how tiny I was compared to him. "I wanna make sure you're aaaalllll better first." His fingers threaded through my short hair before tightening, not enough to hurt but enough to limit my ability to move. My head was slowly pulled backwards, forcing my eyes to meet his, and as his breath hit my face for the first time, I had a realization.

"You're drunk," I accused, eyes narrowing slightly.

He grinned, a big dopey grin. "A little bit. And you're beautiful." A flush spread across my cheeks at the compliment. I didn't get many of them. I mean, I suppose I'm an attractive girl, in a waifish sort of way. I'm about five foot two and very slender, with chin length blonde hair and big green eyes and skin that refuses to hold a tan. However, as attractive as I may or may not be, Alicia was my best friend. She was bright and vivacious, curvy and stunning and flirty, while I was her pale, shy shadow. This didn't lead to much in the way of male attention.

"S-sir, you should really let me go. This isn't appro-"

"Mmm, say that again," he murmured, pressing his lips to my ear.

"Wh-what?" My voice was weak, his touch making butterflies flit in my stomach.

"Sir. I love the way it sounds coming from your lips." He shifted me around so that I was straddling him, my hands pressed to his chest, trying to push away. His grip was too firm though, hands tight on my hips.

"Please, this isn't appropriate, you need to let go," I said desperately, pushing harder on his chest as one of his hands slid up to wrap around the back of my neck.

"Who cares? I know you want this." Those blue eyes that I so loved were hooded, and I barely recognized the look on his face. "I've seen the way you look at me." He drew me closer until our noses touched. "Like there's nothing you want more than for me to pick you up and ravish you."

His words lit a fire in my stomach and my body trembled. I couldn't deny what he said. I'd fantasized about him taking me, many times, even gotten off to it. There was a difference between fantasy and reality though, and some things were better left to fantasy.

"I can see the gears turning in your head Leah," he murmured, lips brushing against my ear again. "Stop thinking so much and just enjoy. I know you want to."

I shook my head back and forth fiercely in denial. The hand on the back of my neck slid into my hair and tightened until a pained noise escaped my lips.

"We don't lie in this house Leah." His voice was stern, eyes hard as he forced me to look at him.

"I-I'm sorry Sir," I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes. His face softened, the grip of my hair loosening, and he slowly kissed the tears away.

"Good girl. You've fantasized about me fucking you, haven't you?" The coarse term made my face flush, bright enough that it could be seen even in the low light.

"Y-yes sir." The words just barely dragged themselves out, my eyes squeezing shut.

"Mmm, that's a good girl. Now, I don't think we need this anymore."

My eyes opened as he released me, but before I could scramble out of his lap my shirt had been stripped, leaving me topless in front of a man for the first time in my life. A squeak escaped me and I quickly covered my breasts with my arms.

He frowned, wrapping his hands around my wrists and jerking my arms away. "Now now, none of that." His eyes widened as he took in the sight of my pale chest, my breasts barely a B cup, though perky, with small pink nipples. They tightened into little peaks under his gaze. "Bleep, you're so fucking sexy."

Blush spreading down my chest, I struggled to free my wrists, but he very easily maneuvered me so that they were pinned with one hand behind my back. This left his other hand to cup my breast, the touch making me gasp. That dopey grin split his face again, hand gently squeezing my breast, almost massaging it. The sensation made me squirm on his lap, which only served to push my hips closer to his, and once again I felt the evidence of his arousal, thankfully separated by multiple layers of clothing.

"Please, please, stop," I pleaded, shaking my head back and forth. "Please, I can't- I haven't- I've never-"

His hand stilled, confusion in his eyes as they met mine. "Have you ever been topless in front of a man before?"

I shook my head, fighting back tears. His eyes widened and he sputtered for a moment in apparent shock, before finally grinning. "I'm assuming that means you're untouched everywhere." I nodded, body slumping, hoping now he'd finally get the idea that it was wrong for him to be touching me like this.

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Romance / Re: Dirty Erotic Oneshots (18+) by MultiTv007: 5:30pm On May 30, 2020
i n c e s t

It was the last day of my summer holiday staying with my dad and the sun was shining through the gap in the curtains as I slowly awoke and stretched lazily. I got out of bed, showered and went to get dressed.

I pulled on a white lace thong and matching 34C bra smoothing my hands over my toned body as I looked in the mirror. I chose a strappy pale yellow short summer dress that contrasted nicely with my soft tanned skin and let my golden sun kissed hair flow loose and wavy down my back. I slicked on some black mascara and swept a dab of blusher over my cheekbones before making my way downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

My dad was already up, eating toast and reading the paper at the breakfast bar. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and his favourite blue shorts which made me cringe a little. They're shorter than what's in fashion at the moment but he likes them and wears them anyway. He's in good shape for a 46 year old so I guess he can pull it off.

I said good morning to him and helped myself to coffee and popped some toast in the toaster. We talked about what we'd do that day and eventually agreed to go down to the lake, rent a boat and spend the day relaxing and making the most of the hot weather. Unfortunately his car had broken down the day before and his mate Richard who was once a mechanic was due to come round tomorrow evening to take a look at it for him.

I didn't bring my car with me since it would have been a six hour drive so I got the train down for the week instead, which meant we didn't have our own transport and would have to get the 162 bus to

the lake.

After breakfast we packed a bag of food and drinks and set off for the bus which takes just under an hour to get to the lake. We didn't have to wait long until the bus arrived but it was packed and really hot with it being a Saturday and such gorgeous weather. My dad managed to get a seat near the back right by the rear door.

I tried to follow so I could stand near him but there were so many people it was difficult to get through. With more people getting on and off the bus I was moved back and forward with the crowd and by the time the bus started moving again I'd ended up stood right in front of my dad but with my back to him. I tried to turn around but there were too many people crushing against me so I had to stay where I was and we set off for the lake.

The bus stopped at some traffic lights and as it accelerated again I tried to move my foot to get better balance only to find there was nowhere to move it amidst all the other feet and people's bags. I overbalanced and started falling backwards and felt my dad's strong hands grab my waist as I fell.

I ended up sitting on his lap facing forwards away from him. I felt really awkward as we don't have a touchy sort of relationship so sitting on his lap isn't something I'd usually do. I tried to get up but there were so many people and I had no leverage, I heard my dad from behind me telling me it was okay; I could just stay where I was.

We sat for 10 minutes or so, me still feeling slightly awkward about it. As we rounded a bend the lady in front of me moved position again and stood on my foot by accident. She looked over her shoulder and apologised but I just said it was fine and scooted further back on my dad's lap, I felt him tense up and thought he must be feeling awkward like I was.

As the bus swayed on I suddenly felt something brush the underside of my thigh close to my lace covered pussy, I thought I was

imagining things at first but then I felt it again. To my horror I realised that the only thing it could be was my dad's cock. I must have accidently rubbed on him when I moved back causing his cock to stir. I stayed as still as possibly my face flushing with embarrassment. Why was this happening, I was his daughter, surely he couldn't be getting turned on!

As the bus continued, with each bump and turn of a corner the rubbing pressure on the underside of my thigh increased and I could feel my dad trying to move backwards into the seat. I didn't know what to do so I remained as still as possible and pretended I hadn't noticed anything was wrong but I was alarmingly aware of the fact that my short dress wasn't covering my pussy underneath me as it had rode up a little when I sat down.

There was only the sheer lace fabric of my thong and the thin material of my dad's shorts between me and his hard cock which was still rubbing an inch to the left of my pussy lips every time the bus moved.

Suddenly the bus lurched to one side as it took a corner and I was jolted to the left on my dad's lap. With the sudden movement my body was ground down causing his hard cock head to push sideways on my thong, pushing it to the right of my pussy lips.

I felt panic rising as my pussy was now completely exposed and the head of my dad's cock was pushing horizontally between my pussy lips, only separated from me by the thin material of his shorts. I gasped, it felt so big, my boyfriend's cock is 6 inches and not very thick but my dad's felt as thick as my arm and it was at least 8 inches long.

I'd only just turned 18 last month and lost my virginity to my boyfriend shortly after. I felt so ashamed as I felt my pussy lips swell and my tight hole become moist. How could this be happening? My pussy became really sensitive and I could feel every twitch and slip of his hard cock as the bus continued on.

I then heard my dad's voice in my ear, through clenched teeth, he quietly told me to get up. I tried but there was nowhere for me to go, all the floor space was covered in either other people's feet or their bags and the people were packed in tight around us making standing impossible. I looked over at the person next to us thinking he must have noticed something by now but he was facing away, talking to someone across the aisle.

My dad remained tense and still behind me, I wondered what must be going through his mind and whether our relationship would be strained after this embarrassing nightmare was over. I looked at my watch; we only had a further 20 minutes to go. I willed it to go faster.

A few minutes later we came to a section of straight road that had speed bumps to stop people driving too fast but the bus driver barely slowed below 30mph and as we hit the first speed bump I was jolted up and my upper body went forwards so I was almost bent double.

As the buses momentum pushed me back into my dad's lap, to my horror my ass pushed his thin shorts high up his legs and his hard protruding cock was pushed horizontally between my silky wet pussy lips, the head rubbing on my clit causing me to shudder. I heard him gasp behind me but he remained stock still, probably in shock.

I didn't know what to do, I couldn't stand up because of the throng of people and there was nowhere else to go. My pussy was becoming more and more wet because of the constant stimulation and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

Before I realised it we reached the next speed bump, the driver barely slowed and we hit it hard. I jolted up and forwards again and as the bus sped on the momentum drove me back, I tried to reach out and grab someone to stop myself falling back but I missed and my swollen wet pussy lips were roughly parted as my dad's hard bulbous cock head pushed through my tight wet opening.

I stifled a yelp as my pussy was forcefully and painfully stretched open. His cock was only a couple of inches inside me so I try to squirm around to dislodge it but I immediately stopped as all it did was push him deeper.

I couldn't believe this was happening! From behind me I heard a suppressed grunt through clenched teeth and then nothing. I was so embarrassed and scared of what might happen next. My dad's cock was huge and it was only half way inside me!

All too soon we hit the next speed bump, I was thrown up again, my dad's cock sliding almost all of the way out of me before I was thrown back again. I clenched up, preparing for what was to come but it made no difference as every hard pulsing inch of my dad's cock was forcefully plunged inside my tight gripping pussy walls until the head must have been up near my stomach. It was so thick and hard, I gasped, my eyes wide, staring straight ahead as every nerve set on fire in my stretched throbbing pussy. There was a stifled groan behind me.

I knew we'd hit the next speed bump any second and quickly grabbed my dad's bare thighs. We hit the speed bump hard and I was thrust up again, my dad's cock sliding all the way out of my pussy. I dug my fingers into his thighs trying to break my fall and move myself at the same time.

I fell back to his lap and to my relief I felt his hard cock head jab at my opening but then slide along my exposed pussy so it was horizontal between my pussy lips. I no longer had my dad's cock in my pussy but instead it was rubbing insistently at my clit each time the bus moved, the vibrations from the engine taking my arousal to a new level.

When was this ever going to end! My pussy was dripping wet and my swollen lips were gripping the length of my dad's horizontal throbbing cock. I was so aroused but felt disgusted with myself at the same time, this was so wrong, I couldn't think of anything worse.

I was still gripping my dad's thighs and as the bus hit another speed bump I was thrown up again, I tried to control my fall as I did before but the lady stood in front of me lost her balance for a second. My instinct took over and I raised my hands to steady her so she wouldn't fall and crush me.

I immediately realised my mistake as I was thrust back onto my dad's fully erect thick cock, my swollen wet pussy lips giving way to him as he penetrated my sore tight wet hole once again. I felt him stretch me, fill me as I shuddered, letting out a moan. I dropped my head in embarrassment.

With each sway of the bus my body was being moved backwards, forwards, and side to side effectively making me grind down on my dad's throbbing cock buried deep in my overstretched wet hole.

We stopped at a set of lights and I thought this would bring some relief to the constant swaying and jolting of the bus but the idling engine under where we sat caused a new sensation and our tense bodies hummed and vibrated causing further stimulation to my full aching pussy. I didn't know how much more I could take. I was flushed and sweating and so wet between my legs and the underside of my thighs where my dad's cock had spread my juices.

As each speed bump came and went we were thrust apart and thrown back together, my dad's hard cock deeply penetrating my silky wet pussy and stretching my smooth inner walls as we both quietly gasped and grunted.

I was so turned on but didn't want to be, I tried to think of other things to take my mind off what was happening but it was impossible, I couldn't ignore the hard 8 inch cock that was stretching my pussy walls and setting my nerves on fire.

I felt a slow tingle come over my body and desperately tried to hold off the inevitable, what sort of person orgasms on their dad's cock!?

It was no good, as the momentum caused my dad's cock to repeatedly force into me, I tipped over the edge, my toes curled, I dug my fingernails into my dad's bare thighs, dropped my head so no one would see the look of ecstasy on my face and my whole body shuddered as I clenched tight around his cock.

A wave of pure pleasure washed through me as my body spasmed. I immediately felt my pussy being stretched further as my dad's pulsing cock engorged, I heard him grunt 'no, no, NO', then there was a sudden warm gush deep inside me as his swollen cock pumped his hot fertile seed into me, my pussy spasming and milking every last drop of cum from his thick twitching cock.

We both sat still, not daring to move as our sweaty bodies remained pressed together at the hips and we panted, trying to regain our composure. I was so mortified, I'd effectively just ridden my dad's cock until we'd both cum together and his now softening member was still wedged deep inside me!

I squirmed a little and felt it move, I squirmed some more and it slowly slid out through my wetness causing me to shudder from the sensitivity of my used pussy. His cock remained there, the softened hot length of it pressed horizontal between my pussy lips as his cum slowly dripped from my aching tight hole onto him.

The bus stopped and some people in front of us got off leaving a small gap. I struggled up on shaky legs, pulling my dress down as I stood. I turned around, my dad was pulling down his shorts which were crumpled and wet with my juices and his cum.

I stood panting for a moment then reluctantly looked up and looked him in the eye. He stared back at me, his face unreadable, eyes dilated black.

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Romance / Re: Dirty Erotic Oneshots (18+) by MultiTv007: 5:29pm On May 30, 2020
c h e a t i n g

It took a long time to find a babysitter for my infant child, but when my wife called one day to say she had found the perfect girl, I was thrilled that we'd finally be able to go out once again. My wife was beautiful, she had nice D cup breasts and a delicious body, but our sex life had been sapped by the arrival of a baby. At 25 we were both overwhelmed by the responsibilities of children and careers and we hadn't had much time for each other.

Our first date in a year occurred a week later when we went out to a movie and dinner. The babysitter was a stunningly beautiful 18 year old named Victoria, who was getting ready to attend college the next year. Victoria was every man's fantasy, a chirpy, big –breasted, thin girl with a gorgeous face and long, Italian brunette hair.

The first time I saw her I nearly had an instant erection. My wife had found her through a co-worker, apparently she was an in-demand babysitter, and at least from my perspective, I could see why. She arrived in a short black skirt and a low cut top, and after making arrangements with my wife we both left her to sit with the kid.

At the movie and dinner I enjoyed my alone time with my wife, but Victoria stayed in my mind. That night, my wife drove Victoria home, and I jerked off while she was gone.(to my disappointment). When my wife got home I threw her into bed and make passionate love to her, but again Victoria was nagging me with thoughts of her sumptuous body.

Over the next several months Victoria babysat for us about every two weeks, and the routine continued. I gradually got to know her through our short, two minute encounters. One night, my wife drank

too much wine and asked me to take Victoria home instead. I obliged, and realizing I needed to write Victoria a check for her work, I quickly sat down at the kitchen table and opened the checkbook.

As I was writing Victoria walked by, accidentally dropping some of her makeup on the floor. I couldn't help but stare as she bent over to pick it up, giving me a view to die for. Her pleated skirt was just the right length, rising just high enough to give me a peak of a sexy black thong. I had an instant hard-on, and suddenly she caught my gaze and blushed. I continued writing, but we both knew that I had been looking and enjoying the view.

I drove her home after her little bending over incident, but she seemed extra interested in me in a way that she hadn't happened before. She laughed at my mini-jokes that weren't funny, she smiled at me, and I swear that she pressed those sexy breasts together just to give me a view as she sat in the passenger seat.

In the weeks that followed the flirting continued, I even caught one glare from my wife, but I figured it was just playful fun. About eight weeks after my gaze, I drove Victoria home again. This time Victoria started asking about the health of my marriage and my sex life. I told her that I loved my wife, but our sex life was a bit boring.

She said that was too bad, and then she told me about her sex life. Apparently she had a boyfriend who had gotten pretty serious, and the implicit message was that she wasn't a virgin. They had a hard breakup three months back, and now Victoria was out on the prowl, looking for a decent man. She finished her story as we pulled up to her house, and I said "Ok, See ya next time."

As she got out, she smiled, her red bra was visible all the way around her low cut tank top, and she climbed out of the car. This time though, she gave me a deliberate view of her red panties. They were see through boy shorts that hugged her beautiful ass, and I nearly burst in my pants. We smiled at each other as she walked away; I rushed home to masturbate and Bleep my wife.

~~in a strip club~~

The last night with Victoria had left me terribly Hot all the time, and when my wife left for a business trip the next weekend, I decided to hit the strip club and maybe satisfy my desires. I sat in the back for most of the night, watching the hot girls strip away, but Victoria wouldn't leave my mind. I had gotten one ripoff of a lap dance, and I was about to leave when a beautiful brunette walked to the stage.

Thinking that I could fantasize about Victoria by watching her, I went to sit down in front. As I sat down she turned around, she had the same proportions of Victoria and the same beautiful hair. She turned from putting her nighty down and I suddenly realized that it was Victoria! I had wondered how she afforded the designer clothes and purses that I saw her wear each night, and I realized that babysitting wasn't the only thing she did.

Victoria was wearing a gorgeous black bra- and panty set, a thong with a little bit of jewelry connecting everything. Victoria jumped on the pole and started twirling around. I was nervous that she'd see me, and I nearly ran away, but my desire to see her body was too great. I wasn't the only guy drooling over her at the front, and paid attention to the others for most of the dance.

Just at the end, she stood in front of me, bent over and gave me a great view of her thong covered pussy. She smiled and leaned over to me on her knees, her gorgeous D cups hanging right in front of me. Just then, she realized who I was. She looked surprised, but she quickly grinned and gave me mischievous smile.

"Hi" she softly said.

I said "good evening Victoria," trying to maintain my composure. I wasn't sure if I should be embarassed for being there, or she should for being a part-time stripper.

She shyly asked, "would you like a private dance?" and she obviously wanted me to say yes.

I responded sure, and she soon came off the stage. She led me to the back where the lap dances where, but she took me to the private area where you usually had to pay more. I started to get out some money, but she quickly said "this one's on the house."

I sat on the couch, and without saying a word, she sat on my lap. She was still wearing the sexy black thong and bra she had earlier striped off, and soon she began grinding into me. She pressed my head into her chest, her nipples were already falling out of the bra. My hard on was tenting my pants, and she gave out a slight moan as she ground her panties against it.

Like a pro, she brought one hand up and undid her front-clasping bra without a hitch. Her gorgeous breasts spilled out, bouncing right in front of my face. She smiled and pushed her nipples against my lips. After licking them, I whispered too her "I want you so bad Victoria, I want to Bleep you so much." She leaned into my ear and said, "I need this cock too"

She continued to grind into me, and the moans started to increase in frequency. She then stood up, turned around, and bent over, giving a perfect view of her sweet lips. She slowly pulled down the thong as I rubbed my cock through my jeans. I made it stand up for her as high as it could in the restrictive environment, and she smiled as she backed up.

She sat on my cock, facing away from me, and started rolled the pole against her pussy. Her moans became louder and louder, and soon she was obviously trying to get off. She took my hand and

placed it on her breast, and she asked me to touch her nipples. I obliged, and soon her hands were rubbing against my jean-covered cock.

She glanced over to the open entry way, turned around and decided to go for it. She unzipped my pants and freed my dick, and her smile lit up when she saw my eight inches. She whispered that she had never had a man bigger than 6, and she quickly gave it a suck. She got my head all wet with her spit, and she stood up and sat on me again. She rubbed my dick between her legs and asked me, "Are you ready to Bleep this tight pussy?"

"Oh yes please baby" I gasped back.

Then, in one move, she took my dick and plunged it in her hole. She was so warm and wet I couldn't believe it. She gasped with delight as she started moving it around in her pussy. I told her to rub her clit while I squeezed her nipples, and with her free hand she started to cup my balls.

She bounced up and down and whispered in my ear, "We have to be quick or I'll get fired," and with that, I grabbed her and gave her about 15 long, hard and quick thrusts before she exploded in orgasm. My cock moved all the way in and out of her sweet, wet pussy, and with each thrust she gave out a sexy moan.

She tensed her pussy told begged me to cum in her, and I quickly exploded all over her insides. She giggled as an enormous amount of cum shot into her, and she looked at me with that mischievous smile and said I sure had a lot of cum. She sat up, and as my dick fell out of her she whimpered. I quickly put it away, and she sat back down on me grinding against me and whispered dirty thoughts for another half hour. I told her how great she was and asked her what time she got off, and perhaps she'd like to come over later for a little more fun.

She said sure, but she didn't get off until four am, but she'd love to

come by tomorrow. With that, we agreed on our plans and I got up to leave. I gave her a peck, and she whispered to me:

"By the way, maybe you could put that big cock in my ass tomorrow, if your ok with that?"

She grabbed my dick again. "I really need someone to Bleep me hard back there"

You bet, and I gave her one last squeeze. We smiled as I began to fantasize about the next day.

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Romance / Re: Dirty Erotic Oneshots (18+) by MultiTv007: 5:27pm On May 30, 2020
c o u p l i n g

My sweaty hands held tight onto the backs of my knees as my virgin pussy opened to my Lush Daddy. His hard, black cock forced its way into my white pussy, the pain shooting up my spine.

I opened my eyes and saw a blurry picture of the roof in the back seat of his old Porsche. Chris' lips caressed my cheeks softly, kissing my tears away. "You okay baby girl?" he asked me with genuine concern in his deep, sexy voice.

Unable to find my voice, I nodded my head weakly. Chris was a lot bigger than I had originally anticipated and his large cock had stretched my poor pussy over its boundaries.

Chris kept his hips still for a few minutes to let me adjust to his invading member before he began shallow strokes. His full length gently rocked into my sleeve, his thrusts picking up speed and depth.

Within a few minutes, every crevice of my pussy was filled with my daddys cock.

"Ohhh yes daddy," I sighed to him, one hand releasing my leg to rub my sensitive clit. By now my hips had started thrusting, our groins slapping together loudly.

My daddys hands landed on my hips to pull me closer to him with each push. I felt my pussy tighten around his girth and throatily moaned for him.

"Oh Bleep daddy, Im about to come all over your cock. Make me cover your cock daddy! Im coming Oh Bleep! Im coming daddy!"

Chris pounded harder into my milking cunt, his hips powerfully fucking through my mighty orgasm. My newly opened hole stretched with an unfamiliar feeling before I felt him release his load into my womb.

My eyes shot open as he pulled his cock out of me, my first load of cum slowly dripping out of my pussy and down my slit.

Chriss cum leaked down to my puckered rose bud and slipped even father to the towel he had brilliantly placed under my naked body.

Bringing my head up, I saw that Chriss thick cock was still fully erect, his hand stroking the length slowly. "You made daddy come so hard baby girl. You know what he wants now?" he rasped out as his gaze was glued to my gaping pussy.

"What do you want from your little girl daddy?" I huskily asked him, my pussy still hungry for more of his hard cock.

I jumped as I felt a finger rubbing against my asshole. It was now clear to me what daddy Chris wanted his little girls anal cherry. "Do you want daddys cock in your tight ass you filthy little slut?" he asked as his finger slipped into my brown ring and began to saw in and out.

Though I wouldve rather had his cock in my wanting pussy, I remembered our Lush cyber sessions and how he would put his fist into my gaping cunt. Taking a chance that he would finger my pussy as he pumped my ass, I eagerly nodded my head.

Remembering all that I had read about from ass-fucking stories, I tried to relax my whole body and let Chris replace his finger with his mushroom-capped cock head.

A small burn accompanied his entering prick, but the pain quickly faded and turned into pleasure.

Chris steadily bleeped my ass as the car softly rocked me. His hips pumped into my tight ass quickly as one hand left my hip to force three fingers deep into my cunt.

My back arched as his thumb deliciously brushed against my hard clit, my inner walls quivering with the onslaught of an approaching orgasm. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as his thumb worked harder and faster on my button.

"Oh yes daddy! Pound your little girls tight asshole!" I begged ass his fingers curled into a spot I had never felt with my own fingers. Chris had found my center of gravity and my body couldnt thank him enough.

My eye sight was beginning to go black, unable to bear thee ecstasy that i was feeling from his pounding cock.

He continued to massage my center of gravity as his throbbing cock made quick, shallow thrusts into my ass. I kept calling him daddy and was rewarded with hard thrusts that almost knocked the breath out of my lungs.

A strong throb in my aching pussy made me scream in pleasure. "Oh shit! OH Bleep daddy! Oh God, Im coming! Bleep, Bleep, Bleep, Bleep. Bleep my Hot asshole daddy! Yes, Chris, yes!!"

I cried to him as my cunt exploded with a torrent of cum. Chris leg his fat cock explode in my ass as his lips clamped onto my stiff nipple.

My juicy pussy milked and rippled over his fingers as if I was being bleeped by a large cock. My body was jerking uncontrollably as Chriss cock head shot his strings of hot cum into my worn bowels.

"Oh thank you daddy", I sighed with content as we tried to capture our breaths.

Chris rewarded me with a soft thrust of his hips, just as he would in our online chats. My laugh started his and we kissed as his softening pole slipped out of my ass.

Chris pulled his cum-covered hand from my soaked pussy and brought it to my lips. Obediently, my tongue snaked out of my lips to clean his hand.

"Good girl", he cooed with smiling lips, his head resting on my bare chest. I shivered as I felt his warm breath float across my hard nipple.

We spent a few more minutes holding each other before getting dressed and heading back to the hotel he was staying at.

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Romance / Re: Dirty Erotic Oneshots (18+) by MultiTv007: 5:26pm On May 30, 2020
As both parts slid all the way into her holes, wriggling inside of each of them, Angie couldn't help but start to feel aroused at the unexpected and strange new sensations that the creature's tongue was eliciting from her body. She wiggled a little as the tongues probed her holes, her pussy starting to get wet with her musky sweet juices.

Once she was wet, the creature pulled its tongues out of her, satisfied, and as it pulled them back into its mouth the tongues merged back into one forked tongue.

Smiling, the creature told her, "Don't worry, you'll enjoy this quite a lot... and I can do something your puny human males can't." It glanced down at its crotch, and Angie's gaze followed it.

She gasped as the monstrous cock pointing out of its groin split, just as the tongue had, into one very large cock on top and a slightly smaller one beneath it. Grinning, the creature watched as Angie's mouth opened in a silent scream as it pulled her body towards it, her legs spread wide, holes open and vulnerable.

In two swift thrusts, the creature had her body impaled on its cocks, as she moaned and gasped with the pain of her pussy and ass stretching around the large shafts. She felt stuffed full, like a pastry with too much filling, her ass in particular was screaming protest at the invasion.

Laughing, the creature began to thrust in and out of her body, making it flop and jerk on the bed as the huge cocks pummeled her holes, big breasts bouncing wildly on top of her body. Reaching forward, the creature took hold of her breasts, using them to pull her body on and off its cocks and she cried out as the pain shot though her breasts now too.

On and on the creature pumped, it seemed like it would never end, the cocks just pounding in and out of her holes at a bruising pace, her breasts burning as its hands squeezed and twisted while they pulled at her body. She felt like a rag doll as it handled her.

When her orgasm finally hit, she was shocked... it hadn't seemed possible that she would be able to orgasm with all the pain the creature was causing, but her pussy and ass had finally adjusted and the fullness of her holes caused her to cum harder than she ever had in her life.

Her pussy creamed all over the huge cock, that continued to pump her, harder and harder as she came. The glorious orgasm felt like it was going to go on forever, with the creature pounding away at her holes, forcing yet more pleasure from her body.

Then, eventually, the immense amount of pleasure became painful as her pussy flesh became more and more sensitive and the creature continued to press in and out, slapping against her over stimulated clit.

Angie's screams became slightly different now, pleading the creature to stop as her body went into sensory overload. Finally, unable to handle the continuance of the creature's unending thrusts, Angie passed out.

When she woke up her ass and pussy were burning, sore inside and out, and green slimy fluid was leaking out of them. Gagging a little, she ran to the bathroom to wash herself.

Afterwards, looking in the mirror, she wondered if maybe she'd been a little hasty in making her wish... or if maybe it was something she'd do again.


Romance / Dirty Erotic Oneshots (18+) by MultiTv007: 5:25pm On May 30, 2020
s u p e r n a t u r a l

Angie stalked into her apartment, slamming the door. The 23 year old buxom brunette was extremely tired of bad men, bad dates, and bad sex. It didn't seem like there was one guy out there who actually knew how to please a woman... or if there were, they were all already taken by other women.

Being single was just so frustrating!!! Tonight had been another example of a crappy blind date, who took her to a bad restaurant, and then back to his apartment where he heaved and bucked on top of her without so much as a pleasured moan from her!

Not only that, but he'd been completely oblivious to the fact that his performance had fallen far short of stellar, afterwards he'd actually wanted to be complimented and cosseted. Bleep that. She'd left after he'd started telling her what a frigid bitch she was for not being able to enjoy his lackluster jack-rabbit fucking.


"Dammit," she muttered. So much for hopes that a date would finally mean an orgasm that she wouldn't have to give herself, and now her damn vibrator was out of batteries, AGAIN.

Looking up at the ceiling she exclaimed loudly, "What I wouldn't give for one decent Bleep! Just one, I don't even care who it's from at this point, just one damned decent Bleep that gets me off!"

Tossing the useless vibrator back into its drawer, she got into bed and used her fingers to get herself off. Considering her less than happy state, it wasn't really the best orgasm in the world. Muttering, frustrated, she tossed and turned, finally falling asleep completely naked.

At midnight the air at the foot of her bed stirred, slowly forming into a tall, dark figure. Black as night, the creature chose to take the form of a large, muscular and handsome man, but it couldn't do anything about the glowing red of its eyes.

A minor detail. It yanked the covers from the sleeping beauty, and grabbed her ankles as she suddenly started awake, unsure of what was happening.

Seeing the dark form looming over her, the red of its eyes glowing maniacally at her, she screamed in complete terror.

"Now that's not very nice," the creature had a low, hissing voice, "Here I am, to fulfill your wish and all you can do is scream at me."

Gathering her courage Angie asked, "My wish?"

"One 'damned' decent Bleep that gets you off, yes I believe that was your wish," the creature smiled evilly as her mouth worked without actually making a sound, "And here I am to fulfill it."

Angie found that she couldn't struggle, or scream anymore as the human-looking creature lowered its hands to her breasts, squeezing them hard and caressing the nipples to bring them to hardness. It grinned at her as her body responded without her will.

The poor girl felt ready to faint, although she was half sure that everything happening was a dream, so she didn't know how it would be possible to pass out when she was dreaming.

The creature spread her legs wide, and started to lower its head, a long forked tongue flicking out of its mouth towards her pussy as it bent down, making Angie want to scream in terror. It seemed as though the noise in her head was just one long terrified scream as the long tongue licked her from her ass to the top of her pussy.

Then the creature's tongue split at the fork as she watched in

horrified fascination, the thicker part of its tongue slid into her wet pussy hole, the thinner part working its way into her tight ass.


Romance / Re: Quest Of The Shield Sexy Maiden (erotic Comic Story 18+) by MultiTv007: 2:52pm On May 30, 2020
A sexy maiden in a sex adventure


Romance / Quest Of The Shield Sexy Maiden (erotic Comic Story 18+) by MultiTv007: 2:48pm On May 30, 2020
A sexy maiden in a sex adventure
This is a story of a sexy maiden that’ll get in saga when she’s pictured to be part of the king’s harem. When she gets there, she meets the prince and he offers the opportunity to stay with him. And that’s when the naughty stuff begins, she’ll meet a witch called Fiona, these two will live so many sex adventures on their way, in every place they go together.

Literature / Re: Selene: The Moon Goddess (erot!c, Romance 18+) by MultiTv007: 10:32am On May 30, 2020
Chapter 12
Still on the ground, I turn toward his voice. Across the
room, the first thing I see are Endymion’s luscious jades,
as green as the thick, dense forest of Arkadia. Relief
blossoms inside of my stomach. My heart flutters, elated to
be here, within his presence.
I smile small and meek, as his eyes are always the first
thing that captures my attention. From the very first time, I
fell in love with his emerald pairs, so beautiful and full of
life. But now, his eyes have darkened with worry and his
brows are drawn together.
Behind him morning light spills in from the tall windows,
lighting up the spacious area. Endymion stands from
behind a desk and walks around it, his eyes locked on my
“What has happened to you?”
“I-I wanted to say hi.” My voice is a whisper.
With the light shining from behind Endymion, it creates this
radiant glow outlining his physical form.
He asks, “What are you doing here?”
“I shouldn’t be here.” I drop my eyes, knowing that this was
a mistake.
“Selene, you’re here to say ‘hi’ when I know that something
is clearly wrong.”
Coming here was a horrible slip because the Erinyes will
come after me.
“This was a mistake,” I murmur.
They are coming.
Endymion offers a hand to me, which I take. Upon pulling
me up his eyes are staring down at me, and he wipes
away the dampness from under my lashes. He’s talking to
me but I’m not hearing his words. I see his mouth moving
but the sound isn’t reaching my ears.
I was feeling a concoction of raging feelings. I am more
than happy to be within his presence, but I am terrified
now. If I avoid the Erinyes, the Horai without a doubt will
stop me from returning home. I will be punished and this
time there will be no Pan to save me.
I will suffer one hundred lashings.
Endymion lifts my chin, and I finally hear the urgency laced
within his words. “Selene, you need to tell me what is
going on.”
Instead of answering him, I throw myself against his chest.
“Hold me,” I beg, and inhale deeply, filling my lungs with
his familiar aroma. Closing my eyes, I cling to his shirt
knowing that this is likely the last time I will ever see him
I will never get a chance to see his face again or feel his
warm embrace. Hear his voice and smell him. My fingers
tighten on the fabric, as if the tighter I hold, it would
guarantee that I would never leave Endymion’s presence.
I wish it worked like that.
At first, I don’t feel his warm embrace—it’s only for a
second or two, and in that time it felt longer, more dragged out. It felt like forever waiting for Endymion to wrap his
arms around me.
I sob into Endymion, hiccupping, and in another heartbeat,
he closes his arms around me. Despite the heaviness in
my stomach, it flutters; when he squeezes only a fraction
tighter, I sink into him. If it were possible, I wish he could
absorb my body. To hide me from the Horai and Erinyes.
With my luck, they would mistake Endymion for me and he
would be whipped.
He rests his chin on the top of my head. “Tell me who hurt
“No one hurt me,” I lied.
Withdrawing from our embrace, he steps back and grasps
my face, making me look up at him. “You’re disappearing
on me again.”
My heart aches. “I shouldn’t have come here.”
“Yes, you should have.”
“It’s too dangerous.”
“Selene, I swear I will call upon the wrath of Zeus if you do
not start talking.”
The wrath of Zeus will only get you punished.
I shake my head. “I need to go.”
“No, you need to start talking.”
At that moment, there is a knock on the door and
Endymion calls out to whoever is on the other side that they should go away. The door opens regardless, and a
woman with long blond hair enters the space.
“I doubt that was meant for me,” she muses, and upon
seeing Endymion and me, she pauses. Brown eyes study
what she had walked in on, but when she attempts to
speak Endymion cuts her off.
Endymion commands, “Leave.”
His arms hug me closer to his body.
“Leave?” she asks, insulted. “Endymion, who is she?”
His voice is a boisterous demand. “I said to leave!”
The woman flinches with a frown. “That’s her, isn’t it?
She’s the reason why you disappear at nights.”
“Arianna, do not let me tell you again.”
Glaring, Arianna holds her chin high. “Do not think for a
moment this ends here.” Then she turns on her heel,
leaving the room but slamming the door behind her.
Exhaling, I ask against his hard, masculine chest, “Who
was she?”
His fingers combed through my hair. After a moment of me
listening to his heart beating, Endymion replies cautiously,
“I am to wed Arianna.”
My body freezes and my breath hitches. “She’s the
beautiful damsel that waits in your bedchambers.”
“We are to be wed in a few days.”
Days... I pull away from him. “You lied to me.”
And you lied to him.
Endymion does not try to stop me from withdrawing. “I had
not denied there was anyone; I only told you that I wanted
you in my chambers.” Which wasn’t a lie, but still.
You were with Pan, moments before coming here.
The god had touched your pussy and had you screaming.
You had Pan’s cock in your mouth and his hot juices on
your face. He smeared his cum on your flesh, branding
you as his.
“I’m sorry, this was a horrible mistake.”
Who am I to judge?
Endymion shakes his head. “It is not a mistake.”
“No, how do you figure that?” I snap. Then I feel instantly
horrible because look at what happened between Pan and
me. I don’t have the right to feel displeased, but those
feelings are nonetheless present.
What would Endymion say if he found out about Pan?
I can’t imagine that he would be pleased.
With an ache gnawing on my heart, Endymion continues.
“Selene, it’s a wedding of convenience, nothing more.
Arianna has influences in other areas in which I do not. I
don’t love her, but I love you.”
“She is the reason why you never wanted to show me your
“I will end things with Arianna if you will wed me.”
This time Endymion’s question is not hypothetical. It’s real
and has settled a heavy silence between us. The air
surrounding us has thickened, crackling with intensity, and
I don’t know what to say. How can I answer when so much
has happened with myself, and now with Endymion’s own
little secret?
There isn’t a doubt in my mind that I still want him, more
than anything, but to abandon my home and family… I’m
still having a hard time coming to terms with that reality.
I shake my head, “You are promised to another woman.”
I should return home and accept the punishment. Move on
with my life, and leave Endymion with his mortal woman.
Leave Pan to his nymphs.
“Selene, am I that horrible of a man that you cannot fathom
being wed to me?”
No, never!
“You’re a cruel mortal for making me feel this horrible. This
can never work.”
He closes the small distance that I had created. “Selene, I
can be cruel and wicked because I want you to want me. I
want you to need me and I will find a way to manipulate
your pretty little mind into consuming me, every day, all
day because I love you and I believe this can work.”
Not knowing what to say, I stutter. “I-I am a goddess of the
Endymion’s stare is intense. “And I am King of Elis.”
“Your wedding is in a few days.”
“I will suffer the consequences and call it off. You’ve had
my heart from the very first time I laid eyes on you.” He
takes my hand within his own.
I shake my head. “This is absurd.”
“I’ll tell you what is absurd, the fact that I know you love me
and you do not trust what is between you and me.” He
places my hand on his chest, and I feel his heart pounding.
“From the moment I saw you, I fell in love with you.”
“This has nothing to do with trust or love,” I inform,
withdrawing my hand.
“Love is trusting blindly.”
“Love shouldn’t be this complicated.”
“Sometimes it is, and I am willing to fight for you and me.
Why aren’t you willing to take that risk for me, Selene?
What must I do to prove to you that I want this, I want you?
If I could, I would live in your skin with you, to breathe the
same air as you. To think just like you. To understand how
and why you keep stopping yourself from giving yourself to
me—and I don’t mean physically.”
Unable to give him a reply, I’m turning away from
Endymion when a deafening scream booms from outside.
The Erinyes is here!
With wide eyes, I look at Endymion. “It’s here.”
He hurries toward the window ledge and looks out. “What’s
“The Erinyes,” I answer, and my skin pricks.
“I’ve heard stories about them, but I didn’t think that they
were real.” He looks back at me. “Why are they here?”
“They’re here for me.”
His dark brows draw together. “Why?”
I’m unable to finish that sentence because Endymion
curses, stumbling backward. Flying outside of the window
is the Erinyes. It steps onto the window ledge, gray hands
grabbing the inside of the castle walls. It shoves its head
inside and its head angles toward me. I have never
understood how it sees without eyes.
The Erinyes doesn’t look like any mortal or immortal. To
start, its flesh is gray and it has no eyes, slits for nostrils,
and a wide mouth full of sharp teeth and no lips. It has
blazing hair, like how fire burns with large flames, except
its flames are black. Large powerful wings that you can
hear flapping behind it.
It commands, “Selene, you must return to Mount
“I know that,” I snap.
It doesn’t respond but I know it’s watching me. Ringing
screams vibrate in my ear canal. My fingers curl back into
my palms while my heart pounds frantic in my chest.
I don’t want to face the Horai.
From the corner of my eye, I notice Endymion pacing off to
the side. He’s taking small, careful steps and the Erinyes
steps off the window ledge into the spacious room.
Standing to its full height, the Erinyes is a few inches taller
than me but it should not be underestimated.
Fear takes hold, churning my stomach. The reason why
the Erinyes makes me very nervous is that I know what it’s
capable of. If a mortal provokes the Erinyes, it has the
ability to subdue them, by slipping into their mind and
mentally projecting unimaginable pain. How it
accomplishes that is by grabbing onto their head and
piercing their skull with its nail-like claws.
Endymion is reaching for something, and when I focus on
his object of desire, I see a long, sharp two-edged sword.
Instant panic overtakes me because provoking an Erinyes
will make it lash out. To take an Erinyes’ life will get you
one day in the underworld. One day in which would feel
like an eternity.
The Erinyes can only do this to mortals.
Two very imperative reasons why mortals should fear them
—they are not ones to be messed with.
I should go with it because there is no other option. But my
limbs don’t budge. There’s a small defiant part of me that
wants to fight, to stay, despite knowing my chances are
bleak. I want to fight and not be at the mercy of the Horai,
let alone the Erinyes.
Was Endymion correct?
Do we have something worth fighting for?
Go back to Mount Olympus, warns a voice in the back of
my mind.
What’s the point of going back, when I know my soul will
forever cry out for earth? My heart will never rest.
I continue to watch Endymion as he grabs the leather hilt,
and I scream at myself, Leave now before it’s too late!
If I call out to him, that would draw in the Erinyes’ attention.
If I don’t, there’s a chance that Endymion might strike
down the Erinyes and will suffer a day in the underworld.
But for him, it would feel like an eternity.
Fight, one of my many voices urge.
What would I be fighting for? To suffer mental anguish or a
day in the underworld?
Or one hundred lashings?
Or an eternity of my heart crying?
Or, fight for the chance to be happy? For love.
Suddenly the door bursts open, and Endymion’s guards
charge into the room, toward the Erinyes. Immediately I
intercept, already foreseeing how this situation will go
down. I assume they saw the Erinyes perch on Endymion’s
window ledge from the outside. After all, when it screeched
from the sky, it would have caught their undivided
There are about half a dozen mortals with swords inside
the room.
I swallow down my nerves and with my back to the men, I
stare at the Erinyes. “I’ll go with you.” My heart throbs and I
can hear Endymion calling out to me, but I ignore him.
“Right now, take me back to Mount Olympus.”
The Erinyes takes a step toward me. I hear one of the men
speak to Endymion, “Your majesty, what would you have
us do?”
“Do not let her go,” are his condemning words.
Rough hands grab my arm from behind and haul me
I scream behind the man, pushing him. “Do not touch the
Erinyes!” But I believe my words fall on deaf ears because
a few guards step toward the Erinyes with raised swords.
You should have left.
The Erinyes will not physically harm the mortals—as in
killing them—but mental anguish is not any better.
“I want to leave!” I shout at the men continuing to push
forward. But more hands hold me back. I fight against
them, wiggling and yelling, “You do not understand!”
Someone shoved me back and struggling to regain my
composure, I recognize Endymion’s aroma as I falter into
I turn to face him. “Tell them not to attack it.”
“Forgive me, Selene, but I cannot allow you to leave with
“You are making a horrible mistake.”
“Not fighting for us is a horrible mistake.”
This is not fighting for us? How can it be?
The guards command that the Erinyes leave but it doesn’t
budge. Its head has changed angles, and it is now facing my direction. All it wants is me.
Something inside of me clicks. Pushing past Endymion, I
take off and run across the room and out of the door.
It will follow me, I know it will because it needs to bring me
back to Mount Olympus. I broke the law that Zeus had set.
The law was set with my blood, there was no avoiding it
I hear Endymion calling my name but I don’t stop running.
If I can get the Erinyes away from the mortals, I will go with
it back to Mount Olympus. I need to go, to spare Endymion
and his guards. I refuse to have anyone else suffer
because of my actions.
It was hard enough, watching Pan get whipped, even
though he made it happen. I cannot fathom Endymion
suffering mental torture or seeing the aftermath of one day
in the underworld.
I hear the distraught voices of the guards, so I know the
Erinyes is following me. The mortals are scrambling to stop
it, but if only they would listen.
Looking back, I see Endymion exiting the room and the
Erinyes smashes through a wall. With his sword, he strikes
the Erinyes in the arm and it shrieks. Vexed it hits
Endymion, sending him flying across the hall and his
guards attack it. The humans don’t stand a chance.
I yell out, “I’ll go back with you if you can catch me!”
The Erinyes cranes its neck in the direction of my voice
and starts toward me, so I take off. I run down the hallway,
dodging the servants and people. Reaching the top of the stairs, I grab onto the railing and the sharp claws of the
Erinyes pierce into my arms.
I cry out terribly and I don’t get a chance to catch my
breath, let alone fully absorb what is happening before I’m
heaved into the air. The tenderness on my arms swells to
new extremes and I hear the powerful thrashing of its
wings above me.
Ichor drips from my wounds as the Erinyes flies higher
toward the ceiling and suddenly we’re on an axis, tipping.
The Erinyes shrieks as we are both hauled back to the
ground and collide with the hard surface. The Erinyes
indirectly releases my arms and I sucked in a pained
breath. I hear another hair-raising scream.
I push myself off the ground and look up to see Endymion
and another guard taking on the Erinyes. “Don’t kill it!” I
yell out. But like before, my words are ignored.
They strike it on the leg; its wing extends over its shoulder
and hits the guard away. At that same moment, Endymion
strikes the Erinyes in the stomach. It doubles over with
another scream. Leaving his sword lodged in the flesh,
Endymion swivels on his heel and runs toward me. The
Erinyes falls to its knees and quickly, Endymion grabs onto
my throbbing arm. Discomfort expands straight to my
shoulders and down to my fingertips.
Endymion pulls me with him, but I make sure to plant my
feet. It still doesn’t help with the aching wounds.
I cannot go with him.
When my arm escapes his grasp, he pivots and finds me
standing behind him.
On a strained breath, I say, “Endymion, I have to go back
with it.”
He shakes his head. “With that? No.”
“This isn’t an argument. I may be a goddess but I have
rules, and one of them is that I am to never come to earth.
Every time that I had, I was at risk of the Erinyes coming
for me.”
His green eyes fall to the bleeding wounds on my arms. “It
hurt you.”
I suck in another breath. “And worse will happen if you
continue to put up a fight. Endymion, let me go.”
“Selene.” His dark brows draw together.
I match his stare. “Endymion.”
My attention is stolen when we both hear the shrieks from
the Erinyes. On its knees, it is now pulling out the sword,
which was lodged into its flesh.
Pushing back against Endymion’s chest, I warn him, “I
promise you that everything will be okay.”
That isn’t a lie. Once I leave the Erinyes will no longer be a
threat to the mortals, and once I return home everything
will be as it was. I will simply be the moon goddess.
Your heart will never be the same.
Nevertheless, I’ll be able to watch the earth and Endymion
from the heavens.
Endymion peers over my shoulder, at the Erinyes. “Only if
you promise me that I will see you again.”
You will never see me again!
Staring into his beautiful emerald gaze, I can feel the tears
brimming my bottom eyelids. “I will return once everything
“Promise me,” he urges.
The tears spill over—I can’t.
I look behind Endymion, to see more of his guards
charging to protect their king against the intruder. Another
loud shriek booms throughout the halls and everything
from here on out happens fast.
I feel the gush of wind up against my back. Endymion
grabs me and pulls me against him as we both go crashing
into a wall, dodging an attack. The Erinyes uses its wing to
lash out against us.
Managing to dodge the strikes, the wings hit the wall
behind Endymion and me, which breaks and crumbles the
stone barricade beneath the pressure.
Morning light spills in from the hole that the Erinyes had
created, and another strike of its large black wing
collapses another part of the wall. The guards advance
and unexpectedly the Erinyes charges toward us, grabbing
hold of Endymion, who is also holding on to me.
The Erinyes leaps out through the gaping hole, taking
Endymion and me with it. The three of us take a brutal
stomach-churning dive downward.

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Literature / Re: Selene: The Moon Goddess (erot!c, Romance 18+) by MultiTv007: 10:19am On May 30, 2020
Chapter 11
I hear the familiar voice but I don’t respond.
I’m lost in thought, lost in memories.
Lost in what could have been.
“Selene.” There it is again, but I don’t answer.
I feel different, more than before.
More than ever.
I feel lost.
With a sigh, I turn to the voice and find Pan staring at me
with a frown. I’m sitting in a river, cleansing myself after
what happened. I can’t return home with a torn chiton and
smelling like sex. Not just any sex—Pan has a distinct
sharp scent. It’s not a bad smell, just overpowering.
After what happened, Pan had picked me up and carried
me here. Since my chiton was already torn because of
him, there wasn’t much undressing. I sat in the river with
my knees drawn up to my chest.
Why do I feel lost?
Staring into his gaze, I feel broken. “Yes,” I answer and
Pan was the one who broke me.
“You didn’t hear me calling?” Slowly I shake my head, tracing the pad of my thumb.
“You were lost in your thoughts.”
The deep words resonate inside of me. For as long as
you’ll have me, I will always bring you back, was what
Endymion had said.
I choke back a sob.
Turning away from Pan, I look out on the river and my
surroundings. The river is enclosed with beautiful plants of
all sizes and colors. The smell is wonderful, the sight
absolutely breathtaking, but in the mood I am in I can’t
appreciate it.
I say to Pan, “I will never be yours,”
“It makes no sense to fight the inevitable,”
“I hate you,”
“The mortal has you confused,”
I shake my head, “You can blame the mortal all you want.”
Pan extends a hand to me ignoring my words, and I slap it
I stand up on my own.
In the distance I see an orange glow coming toward us and
when the nymph reaches Pan, she hands him something
clearly thick and white. Pan speaks to her in their
language, then the nymph disappears.
When she is no longer in sight, I ask, “What is that?” “I got a present for you, Calista,” He holds up the gift—a
hooded white dress. “It’s made of the purest wool.” I notice
the fine golden details on the chiton as well. “Lift your
arms.” His voice vibrates against my wet flesh and I
comply, feeling the instant warmth of the fabric as it graces
my shoulders and loosely hugs my body.
Pan fixes the hood over my head while I turn back and
stretch my arms through the wide sleeves.
“The only reason why I am wearing this is that I cannot
return home naked.” I make sure to tell him that, so Pan
understands that he is not forgiven.
With a scowl Pan bites out, “Selene, this will mostly likely
be our last night together.”
The fact that he actually said my name has me stalled, and
I’m staring at him like his words weren’t English. “I meant
what I said, Pan.”
Upset, he saunters away from me and runs a hand through
his long, black hair that reaches down to his collarbone. He
pivots on a hoof. “Seriously, over a human!” he all but yells
at me, running my blood ice cold.
I flinch with his sudden temper. “No, it’s because of you.”
“Selene!” Another roar attempting to intimidate me, and he
narrows his predatory glare.
I equal his stare. “Pan.”
“That damn mortal has that much of a hold on you?”
Stepping toward the god, I argue. “Your jealousy destroyed
whatever was between us.” I don’t even have the slightest clue what was ever between Pan and me.
Pan charges toward me with sheer rage blazing in his
eyes. I pace backward, frightened and he stops maybe a
foot away from me. His massive body towers over me as
he glares down. I can feel his heat, I can feel his fury at my
“You will always be mine, Calista.” There’s a sliver of hurt
and I’m shocked when his voice softens. “You stopped
seeing me,”
Breathing unevenly, I manage to speak. “I did not mean for
that to happen.” I didn’t mean to stop seeing him
altogether. It just happened.
The creases on Pan’s forehead deepens. “The mortal
would have never made you happy.”
He does. I feel safe like Endymion is where I belong. “You
do not know that.”
Pan laughs loud with a damnable undertone. “I do, Calista.
I know every inch of your body. Does the mortal?” He
steps into the little space between us. My neck reclines as
I gaze up at his full height, my heart thundering. His
imposing bronze horns are lethal. “He’s what you want, but
does he know what you need? Does the mortal know how
you love to be kissed and where? Does he know how to
touch you just right, to have your sweet little cunt doused
with want?”
My thoughts are in a haze, and I’m on a grief-stricken cliff
teetering on the edge. I’m trying not to think about
Endymion, trying my hardest not to let myself get lost in
the sadness of never seeing him again.
“That is far from the point,” I tell Pan.
“Your pretty little cunt is by far not beside the point,
especially when another man—a mortal—wants to take my
place.” Using the back of his hand, he caresses down my
cheek and I draw back.
“Besides,” Pan continues, “You honestly think that a mortal
would want a goddess? You’re simply a notch on his
majesty’s belt. He needs a mortal woman within his reach,
not within the heavens.”
I step further back. “You do not know Endymion.”
“He’s a fucking man, who is a king. Mortal or immortal, all
males like to Bleep, Calista.” Was that why Endymion never
initiated anything? He said that I deserved more than an
abandoned temple.
No, shaking my head, I’ve had about enough.
I snap back. “And you are a god of the wilderness and has
a horrible reputation on Olympus.” His pale blues gleam
dangerously and his lips curl back in a snarl. I don’t know a
lot about his reputation—Zeus had only told me one thing
about Pan—and yes, I took that one thing and fucking
owned it. “Yeah, I heard the rumors,” I say to taunt him, like
how he’s been crawling under my skin. “You messed with
the wrong goddess, who turned herself into those reeds
that you we—”
I’m not able to finish my sentence because Pan has his
fingers around my neck but not in a sensual way. My toes
are barely touching the ground beneath me as he seethes.
I can’t breathe.
I grasp at his hand, fighting for him to let me go, but his
grip is fierce and unyielding.
Without dropping me, he leans right in my face and
murmurs, “Do not talk about what you do not know.” Then
his grip loosens, dropping me. I fall to my feet, which
collapses beneath me while I try to inhale deeply and fast.
“Selene, you are my gift. It’s not every day that an
exquisite goddess decides that a mere mortal is worth
spending time with.”
Endymion’s face flashes before my mind’s eye and the
next thing I know, I am no longer in Pan’s presence. I am
no longer outside amongst the foliage but in a room, sitting
on a soft carpet. The same position when Pan had
dropped me and had me gasping for air.
“Selene?” I hear Endymion behind me.

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Literature / Re: Selene: The Moon Goddess (erot!c, Romance 18+) by MultiTv007: 1:39am On May 30, 2020
Chapter 10
It wasn’t long before Pan couldn’t hold back his screams.
His shrieks became deafening and I had to hold myself
back from covering my ears. It was not because it was too
loud—it was simply hard to hear. It was distressing to know
that he had purposely protected me, and he was suffering.
I forced myself to watch; I didn’t allow my gaze to drift
away or to close my eyes. I owed him that much to watch,
as he was punished.
When it is was over, Pan’s entire body is dripping with
pearly ichor and his flesh is severely slayed. He seems
unconscious, with his head hanging and bobbing from side
to side. My hands tremble, unsure about what to do. Many
times I wanted to do something—anything—to help, but
what could I do?
I am simply the moon goddess. I thought about my ability
to manipulate water, but I can’t use it beyond the mortal
The Horai snaps their fingers and informs me, “He will
need your help. You may take him home.”
Uncertain about their response, I ask, “To Earth?”
All three nod their heads, “If you do not return, we will send
the Erinyes.” And just like that, the three sisters are gone.
Pan stirs. “Calista…” His raucous voice is heart-wrenching.
My lip trembled, unsure of what to say. I’m upset with him because of what he did. I do not know if I should be yelling
at him or embracing him for his valiant actions.
I take in his bloody back, staring at the many painful lines.
Ichor drips from the open flesh wounds. When they heal,
his body will have more scars because of me.
Why did Pan do this?
I want to scream at him, but instead, my gaze becomes
blurry. I blink rapidly, forcing down the sudden frantic
Leaning over Pan, I ask him if he’s okay. I need him
When he stirs with a deep groan, I’m thrilled that he’s able
enough to communicate. Maybe not with words, but
anything at this point is better than nothing.
He whispers again, “Calista…”
“I’m here,” I answer, and guide him as he tries to push
himself off the ground. His arms are shaking terribly.
Without warning his hands slip out and his front drops to
the ground. Another painful groan erupts.
On a count to three, we try again while his entire body is
quivering. Somehow we manage to get him to stand up,
and I dip under his arms to provide him with whatever
support he needs. With his body weighing heavily on me, I
allow my thoughts to think of Pan’s home on earth. Within
moments, we are no longer standing outside of the
Olympian gates. We are now in the thick forest of Arkadia.
Pan’s home.
I feel the dense foliage beneath my bare feet and a
thousand sounds crash over me from all directions. The air
is laden with moisture, and every turn and crevice stands a
tall tree wrapped in thick, green moss. There is not a clear
path around me or above me. Every turn is crammed with
flora and fauna, of all different sizes and colors.
Arkadia is a beautiful province filled with mountains and
few to none mortal life. Which is why Pan chose this area
to live in. He’s a god who likes to be alone; he doesn’t care
for gods or mortals alike. At the same time, he does like to
drink wine and enjoy good music from time to time. Pan
doesn’t mind socializing, but it has to be on his own terms.
Pan and his nymphs enjoy this land, without being
bothered by the mortals.
Around us, I see the luminous glow of the nymphs lurking
in the shadows of the forest. I hear voices—they speak a
diverse language that only the Nymphs and Pan can
Pan makes incoherent sounds above me and when he
falters to the side, he takes me with him.
His massive physique smashes into a tree, and his
excruciating groans vibrate at the back of my neck. He
drags me down further to the ground, and I drop stuck
under his bulky arms. We flounder against the thick
umbrage, both of us on the ground.
From his suffocating arms, I untangle myself, staring down
on the god. My breathing is uneven and I’m frustrated, not
knowing what to do.
Blood is everywhere on the foliage and on my hands; I try
to wipe it clean on my chiton.
“Why did you do that?” I ask with a huge lump that has
been lodged in my throat from when I had seen the
lashing. I don’t expect him to answer—he can’t, even if he
wanted to.
On a sigh I closed my eyes, wishing for the images and his
screams to stop. I can hear and see him as if it was
happening again, right in front of me. I open my eyes to
focus on his face and Pan’s thick, black brows furrow
together with excoriating pain.
When the tension is gone, Pan looked at peace but only
for a few stolen seconds. It’s rare to see the god in such an
innocent state. In the back of my head, I keep thinking that
he would open his eyes and smile wickedly at me. Then
Pan would tell me that it was a bad trick. But that doesn’t
happen. Instead, there are more incoherent sounds as his
entire body tenses with the discomfort.
What am I supposed to do?
Reaching down, I push aside a few black strands covering
his eyelids and my own eyes are again becoming misty.
On a deep inhale, I manage to hold down turbulent
emotions. From my peripheral vision, I see the blue glow of
a nymph creeping closer toward us.
She’s glowing blue because she’s a water nymph and
she’s unclothed. Nymphs don’t like to be dressed in gowns
like other gods and mortals; they prefer to roam the earth
naked. Nymphs look like any other woman—mortal or god
—with our feminine physique. The only exception is that
they have abnormally wide black pupils and pointed ears, and they glow. Their skin is bare of all hair except for the
head, and they lack details on their breast. Every part of
their skin seems smooth and soft. No imperfections.
I lift my eyes to see that the nymph is holding something.
I walk toward her, “What is that?”
I don’t know why I asked her that question when she will
not reply to me. If she will answer, it will be in a language
that I won’t understand.
I look down and see Pan’s flute, which he never takes off.
But he took it off now.
And how did he know that the Horai had caught me?
Pan took off his flute, meaning that he knew he was
coming to my rescue.
Did he plan to save me?
If he planned to save me then he knew that I was going to
get caught but how?
The nymph says something in her foreign language and I
also see a small bottle in her grasp. Without a word, she
nudges her hand toward me, hinting that she wants me to
take it and I do. The nymph doesn’t wait, she is quick to
disappear. The dense forest swallows her petite frame
without a trace and I glance down on the bottle.
I don’t want to believe my thoughts, but they seem true.
Turning the cap I bring it to my nose and take a whiff. It
smells horrid. I peek inside and see a clear liquid, so I assume that Pan is to drink it. I close it back and start
toward the unconscious god.
Dropping to my knees beside Pan, I part his lips and pour
the liquid into his mouth, then wait for something to
happen. I can only assume the nymph gave me something
to heal the god of the wilderness. After all, the nymphs are
very fond of Pan.
Impatiently, I settle back on my rear and continue to study
With the ring gone, you can never see Endymion again.
My gaze sweeps over my hand, the one with the missing
ring, and my stomach swirls and contorts into a frenzy of
dread. This is my last visit on earth, and that awareness
blooms a frantic pulse inside of my chest. I stand almost
immediately, knowing my next thoughts should be of
Endymion. I guard myself because the moment I leave
Arkadia, the Horai will send the Erinyes after me. I was
warned, and they will keep to their word.
How can I never see Endymion again?
Before I can blink and not be in Arkadia, Pan groans. I
allow Endymion to slip from my mind, and my attention is
on the god who took on my punishment.
Kneeling back by his side, I’m relieved. “Pan…” Tears are
streaming down my cheeks; I do not know if they are for
his pain, or for Endymion, or for both. The familiar twinge
in my heart gnaws more fiercely this time and I can’t
I close my eyes, while hot tears spill down my cheeks. I
wipe them away just as quickly as they escape.

Why am I crying? This is the second time tonight.
“Calista.” Pan’s voice is hoarse and quiet.
I open my eyes to find his pale blues staring at me. My lips
tug at the side, even more relieved. I ask through shaky
words, “Are you okay?”
I know that’s an illogical question.
Why would he be?
Another awful groan and shifting up, I help Pan to sit up
against a tree. He closes his eyes as another wave of
soreness ripples through him. “I will be…” he breathes in
the twinge. “In a few moments.” His low tone starts to work
on my nerves, not in an irritating way, but in the way that I
love to hate.
How is that possible? Pan seems to have that effect on
me, but I don’t know why.
Veering back, I create some space between us because I
can feel the invisible stronghold. It’s not as strong as when
he’s healthy, but it’s here now that Pan is conscious and
focused on me.
Ask him about the ring, reminds a voice.
“Why did you do that?” I ask, hoping that whatever carnal
desires that lives and breathes between him and I stays on
the sidelines. This isn’t the time and place.
“Why”—he breathes in excruciating misery—“does that”—
another grunt—“need an answer?”
“Because that was uncalled for.” My voice is uneven when
I don’t look away from his gaze. “You lied.
“I protect what is mine,” he says through clenched teeth.
On the front of his chest and stomach, I see the open flesh
wounds closing.
“I could have…” I pause, unsure of my words. I couldn’t
have dealt with the lashings, but I hold my ground in this
argument. “I could have handled it.” Now I feel even more
obliged to the god.
Sitting up more straight, Pan parts his lips and I suddenly
feel nauseated. “Calista, are you crying for me?” His voice
isn’t laced with pain; instead, he sounds darkly humorous.
Which only confirms that Pan is feeling more like himself—
not a good thing.
I do not know what to say to him because I’m upset for
many reasons. It could be because I thought he was
severely hurt and wouldn’t recover so quickly. If I had
known that Pan’s nymphs had a vial on hand, maybe I
wouldn’t be as upset and as guilty as I am.
Nevertheless, I do feel horrible, and it won’t go away. I’m
also upset because my ring is gone and I think he may
have something to do with it.
After confirming that his body is, in fact, regaining back his
strength; Pan extends a hand and wipes at the dampness
on my cheek. Warmth spreads from the bare contact, and
my nerves fray with alarm.
“Gods do not shed tears, Calista.”
“I know,” I murmur, addled and still feeling my damn lip
trembling. More tears uncontrollably slip through my lashes
and I turn away, embarrassed.
This is ridiculous. Why am I crying?
Why do I feel embarrassed?
I have nothing to hide, to that extent.
This is… this whole thing is foolish.
These mixed-up feelings are trying to destroy me.
Pan leans down against me and whispers against my
cheek, “Tears of a goddess.” His deep, riveting whisper is
tantalizing. Qualm tickles under my skin with his
admiration. “Forgive me, but I’m finding your tears utterly
“My tears?” I ask, uncertain I heard him correctly. But when
his tongue darts out and licks my cheek, I know my ears
weren’t deceiving me. I tense. “Do you want to bottle them
up?” I ask on an accelerated beat.
My heart nearly jumps out of my chest, when I thought I
heard Endymion chuckling amongst nature’s orchestra.
I turn back to face Pan, our faces inches apart. With a slow
nod of his head, he says, “I don’t like to share.” I can taste
his breath on my lips, and his tone dripping with an
ominous warning hadn’t gone unnoticed.
Was I hearing things? Making up tones and false meaning
in my head?
“It’s the sweetest and richest red wine that I would bottle
and sell.” Endymion’s words are a ghost of a whisper. I
withdraw from Pan, creating needed distance between us.
“My ring is gone,” I inform him, hoping to thwart his
Pushing myself off the ground, I stand up and toss Pan’s
flute on his lap. He looks up at me and settles his gaze.
“Calista, you’ve been playing a dangerous game.” His eyes
are the contrast of ice and heat.
“What?” I ask and my veins go cold.
“Why can’t you see you belong to me?”
My hairs stand straight, “You’ve told me this many times.”
“You do not believe me,”
I nod my head, swallowing the excess salvia. “Pan what
did you do?”
“What did you do?”
“I-I didn’t do anything,”
“Then I also did nothing,” he answers me and looks down
on his flute. After a few awkward moments, he brings it up
to his lips. A soft aria blends into the ensemble of the
wilderness. The melody swirls around me and lulls me into
a quiescence state. My skin pricks, flushing with fervor.
Pan’s sweet melody caresses my skin and awakens
ravenous waves of ecstasy.
My body remembers and reacts. I feel the wetness
between the folds of my sex. My breasts all a sudden feel
heavy, and my nipples perk. The hard nubs feel sensitive
brushing up against my chiton, and I sucked in a tense
Standing to his full height, Pan overshadows my petite
physique. With the flute still pressed against his lips, he doesn’t stop playing. His tune is like honey to my ears and
a secret song to my naughty pussy.
I draw my thighs together, hearing Endymion. “Greedy
Why does my body betray me this way?
I want Endymion, not Pan- at least not anymore.
I don’t want to feel the ravenous hunger but it can’t be
The god narrows his gaze and halts the music. He lets go
of the flute and it drops from his grasp, swinging low
around his neck. Pan takes a lethal step toward me and
fear jolts through my veins. I try to step back, but he grabs
onto the front of my dress and hauls me toward him.
“Calista.” His deep voice booms in my ear canal. “Don’t run
from me.”
“I’m not running, it’s —”
“I’ve watched you with him for many nights,”
“Pan,” my voice is a whisper. “What did you do?”
“I’m a jealous god, and I told you that you were mine.”
He growls, “I hinted to Eos that I haven’t seen you and
when she tried to find you herself, she found out that I was
speaking the truth. Your sister brought her worries to Zeus
and you already know how the story ends.
I feel like Pan knocked the air right out of my lungs, “The
story doesn’t end well for you either,”
Pan releases his hold on the fabric, gaze dropping to my
chest. Pan rubs his thumb across my silk-clad breast until
he reaches the hard nubs and strokes over it. “I can deal
with Zeus,”
I push his hand away, “I am not yours,”
He smiled wickedly, “The mortal has you confused. Tell me
Calista, did you give yourself to him,”
“You don’t have the right to ask me that,”
“You are my right,” and rough hands grab my breast. I
moan, it slipped out and I hate myself. I have always been
reluctant with Pan but with Endymion, he makes me feel
safe I had wanted him but I froze when he was asking for
permission. Afraid of the unknown.
How absurd does that sound?
Now, I will never see Endymion again unless I want to be
at the mercy of the Horai or the Erinyes.
With a disheartened thought, I choke on air, as a
resonating growl erupts from Pan’s throat. He tears the
front of my strapless dress open and my breast spill out.
Not missing a moment, he dips down and takes me into his
I’ll never see Endymion’s emerald eyes as vibrant as this
Fire licks my flesh, blazing a fury of spasms in the pit of my
stomach. I gasp, faltering into Pan. My hands grasp onto his massive shoulders and I cling to him for dear life.
I cling to my last few moments on earth.
Pan’s stark pungent scent hits my nostrils and I close my
eyes, breathing heavily.
I will never smell Endymion’s aroma again.
My fate has officially been sealed, I am forever to be the
only the moon goddess. Nothing more.
I whimper broken, “More.”
On command, Pan comes up for air and crushes his mouth
against my own. His tongue slides right into my mouth, not
waiting for an invitation. His hand grabs the back of my
neck and jerks me right up against his massive chest. His
hardness presses against my stomach.
“Open up for me,” Endymion’s words whisper around me. I
can taste him, feel his tongue teasing the outside of my
Pan tightens his grip on my hair and deepens the mad kiss
filled with teeth clashing and an ample exchange of saliva.
He pulls on my hair, tilting my head back, and nips down
on my bottom lip.
I suck in a pained breath, gazing into his fierce ice blues.
“I want more of your precious tears, Calista.”
“Do whatever pleases you,” I answer with a dull ache
gnawing on my center, my sex throbbing fervently.
What I want, I can no longer have.
A deep, aroused growl emanates from Pan’s throat. “Music
to my ears,” are his hot words against my lips. Releasing
my hair, his hand doesn’t go far. Pan latches onto the
length of my neck and his other hand roams between my
thighs. His blunt fingers find the wet folds of my sex and
my hips thrust forward.
Pan rubs against the already sensitive clit.
Literature / Re: Selene: The Moon Goddess (erot!c, Romance 18+) by MultiTv007: 1:31am On May 30, 2020
Chapter 9
Outside, Endymion and I said our farewells with a kiss that
had my heart thundering against my rib cage. I could have
sworn it wanted to leap out of my body and pounce into
Endymion’s hands. It knows where it belongs.
I want to stay.
Let me stay.
Please stay, are the whispers of my heart. Its own intimate
song that seems to only get louder and more vocal the
more Endymion and I see each other.
Disheartened after our embrace, I turn away from him and
close my eyes. Focusing on my home, on a soft exhale I
open my eyes, expecting to see Mount Olympus. Instead, I
see the golden Olympian gates.
Why am I here?
“You deceived us,” I hear a voice behind me and I suck in
a nervous breath. It was the Horai, three daughters of
Glancing down on my hand, I confirm that the ring is still
there. On a sigh, I turn to find the three sisters behind me.
The sisters of law and order. All three of them look alike
with pale skin, not as ashen as my own with a flush of
color. They have brown hair and striking blue eyes.
“Zeus made himself clear,” The Horai speak in unison.
“You were not to walk the earth. How long did you think
you could continue to deceive us?" “I want to speak with Zeus,” I say but I know that won’t
“Zeus told you that there would be consequences.”
“I can ex—”
One of the sisters snaps her fingers and my ring
disappears. “The decree was given,”
“Give that back,” I demand and looking between the three
sisters, I don’t know which one took the ring.
Another one of the Horai snaps her fingers and from the
thick mist uproots chains that latch on to my legs. From the
sky falls two more chains, which latch to my wrist and
stretch my limbs apart. I do not know what is securing the
tether but when I pull, they don’t budge.
“Let me go!” I yell, trying to set myself free. I pull and tug,
and it’s no use.
“As per discussed, you will be punished.”
Rattled, I shake my head. “No, this is absurd.”
“One hundred lashings.”
One hundred lashing, echoes through my mind. This has
to be a mistake. The circumstances of the punishments
were never disclosed.
I jerk against the chains but it does not budge.
Within one of the Horai’s hand a black strap appears, the
length of it is excessively long. She curls her fingers around the base and with cold eyes, narrows her gaze.
Hard bumps rise on my flesh.
Shaking my head, I demand. “Call forth Zeus, this has to
be a mistake.”
The Horai reply in unison, “The rules were clear and you
The one with the whip, raises her hand, dragging the whip
along the ground and pulling it toward her. I realize that
this is actually happening and she will strike me.
Fear seizes my body.
I close my eyes, expecting to feel the harsh assault when I
hear his familiar mighty voice.
“Stop!” It’s loud and prevailing since I haven’t felt a striking
Releasing a shaky breath, I open my eyes to see Pan’s
massive form walking toward the sisters. I catch sight of
his giant, bronze horns that curl back. He’s walking toward
us with such lethal confidence, it’s hair-raising.
The one that holds the whip, speaks out. “Why should we
listen to you?”
“Because it is I who lured the goddess to earth.”
What? No!
“Pan!” My voice is shaking—why is he saying this?
The Horai snaps their fingers. The chains are no longer
holding my limbs, but now they have snagged onto Pan’s wrists and legs. I falter to the ground, my knees taking the
harsh impact, and I rub my wrists where the chains held
tight. Within moments the chains tighten, stretching Pan’s
limbs apart.
I know what he is doing, but I don’t know why he’s doing it.
Forcing myself to stand up, I walk toward them, my hands
balled at my sides. “Wait!”
Up ahead, Pan moves his head from side to side.
“Calista…” His voice wasn’t raised or whispered, but there
was a warning on his tone which brought me to a halt
I beg, feeling a heavy burden on my chest, “You can’t do
this, please don’t do this!”
Everything around me slowed down to a point. I watch the
whip rise into the air and the single whip splits into three
individual straps, connected only at the base. The three
thongs strike Pan along his bare chest. Striking ivory lines
appear on his flesh and a milky substance streaks down
his front.
He grunts terribly.
“Wait!” I yell again.
One of them looks back on me, “You should not interrupt
the punishment.”
Another strike and Pan lets out an agonizing grunt.
I wince with his misery. “He’s lying. I was not with him.”
“Whether that may be true, we do not know who to
believe.” The crack of the whip sends a chill down my spine and it’s a sickening sound.
How long will Pan last without screaming?
I shake my head, my gaze unable to look away. “This is
not fair.”
“Selene, life is not fair,” replies the Horai in unison. “But
there are consequences and you will learn from them
regardless of who suffers.”
The Horai are kind enough to inform me that I can leave,
but how can I leave?
I chose to stay and I watch the thongs mark fresh lines on
Pan’s flesh. They crisscross and embellish his skin on top
of old scars.
Pan closes his eyes, wincing but within moments his pale
blues are staring at me, holding my gaze.
Why did he do this?

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Literature / Re: Selene: The Moon Goddess (erot!c, Romance 18+) by MultiTv007: 10:21am On May 28, 2020
Chapter 7
Days later
Appearing on earth, my bare feet graces the luscious, soft
grass, tickling my heels. Cool air fills my lungs and my
sight meets a vast ocean in the distance with a full moon
up in the sky. The moonlight glistens on the surface of the
Mount Latmus comes into sight and walking toward it, I
enter its gaping entrance. I pace through the dank,
impenetrable blackness and narrow path until I see an
orange glow. I step into the passage and into a bubble of
warmth. Lit candles burn, scattered around the entire area.
The candles are well used and had melted from our
previous visits. Old wax withers against the sides, melting
on top of new curves and garnishing the rugged rocks
beneath them.
The candles line the inner, circular wall and set my flesh
ablaze with the sudden leap from cool to tepid. My eyes
settle on a man, who stops mid-action from spreading a fur
blanket on the cold, ridged ground of the cavern. When he
notices my presence, he raises his eyes and locks his
gaze with my own.
I smile and Endymion smiles back.
Stepping further into the room, I glance around.
“Endymion, you’re here early.”
“No, you are here early,” he muses, now smoothing out the
fur blanket, which is covering most of this spacious area.
Straightening to his full height, he saunters toward me and grabs my waist. He pulls me into his clothed masculine
I gasp with the sudden gesture and my heart begins
humming. I catch sight of his crooked smile before
Endymion’s hands reach up to grasp my face. He dips his
head to claim my mouth and sweeps his tongue along my
bottom lip. I open for him, entangling our tongues. I melt
into his aroma, tasting him and relishing in his flavor and
scent. Even down to his calloused hands holding the sides
of my face, I want his fingers to leave marks. I want him to
brand me, much like how Pan has somehow managed to
own my body.
Endymion’s lips are now on my neck, and his chaste
embrace takes me away from my thoughts and into the
here and now. His kisses are light but torturous.
When he withdraws there’s an empty coldness that claims
my raw flesh. I reach for him, wanting to draw him back, to
fill the void but he doesn’t budge. With his lips inches away
from my own, I can taste his deep-throated chuckle.
He delicately brushes his lips against my own, teasing. I
snag his bottom lip between my teeth and bite down lightly
and then release him in another heartbeat.
Endymion rubs his nose against my own. “You are always
so greedy.” He knows that I want him but he doesn’t give
I pout, “It isn’t fair that you deny me.”
“It isn’t fair that we have sex here,” he answers, still
standing in front of me.

With his knees slightly bent, his pelvis is pressed above
my own. I can feel his desire for me and my sex thrusts
forward, eagerness pampering my delicate folds.
Endymion’s hands are on my waist, which isn’t helping the
silent cry of my sex. He’s right, I am greedy—but recently,
only for him. I’m nervous nonetheless, but Endymion
makes me feel safe. Pan couldn’t manage to make me feel
that way.
Why does Endymion make it sound like a bad thing?
Wanting him?
Enticing emerald eyes capture my gaze, and I stare into
his eyes
Why does he deny himself? Me?
Frowning, I attempt to pull away but his grip on my waist
tightens, holding me in place. He laughs. “You’re upset
because I don’t want to sleep with you.”
“That’s not why I’m upset,” I lie, trying to wiggle out from
his grasp.
His hands are ferrous and strong. “I have something for
you”—I pause, I love surprises—“but first you have to
close your eyes and no peeking.”
I ask, “What is it?” while I allow the grievance of his sexual
denial to slip from my mind.
Endymion leans into me and whispers, “Close your eyes.”
His aroma hits my nostrils again for the hundredth time, yet
it’s like the first time I inhaled him into my lungs. I hadn’t
smelled anything like him before we met. Now, it’s a smell I know I will never forget. A scent that breathes happiness to
my soul and relieves worries of all kinds.
On a sigh, I close my eyes and don’t stop the deep
inhales. I want to remember his scent, so when I’m back
home it’s the only thing that my lungs will know.
Endymion releases his hold, each finger ascending and
leaving me to feel bereft, like a part of me is missing. I
keep my eyes closed. He kisses me on the forehead
before his presence disappears. I hear him moving around
the cavern; he’s doing something. I hear more movement
and then his hands brush against my own—Endymion is
now guiding me forward. I follow without hesitation until my
bare feet touch the fur blanket he had spread on the
“Sit,” he says softly and I comply kneeling. “No peeking,”
and I rest my hands in my lap. “I want you to try something
for me.” His voice is deep and intimate; every word that
graces his lips is dominating and confident.
“What am I trying?”
“Do you remember you told me a few nights ago, that you
do not eat?”
“I can eat,” I correct quickly. That wasn’t a lie, I can eat and
taste but I do not go hungry.
Endymion says, “I stand corrected. Besides, your taste
buds are going to love me.”
“I do not crave food,” I remind him. Thus, what is the point?
He commands with gentle words, “Open your mouth." I comply, parting my lips. Within seconds, something firm is
passing through my lips. I take a small bite and taste the
sweet juices spouting into my mouth. The liquid dribbles
down my chin and before I can react, Endymion’s thumb is
swiping there.
“I’m going to enjoy this,” he muses, his voice thick with
I smile. “You can indulge in other ways.”
No response, except for, “Open.” Endymion continues to
feed me varies fruits of all kinds of textures and
sweetness. A few selected fruits he would caress along my
lips, teasing me and no doubt himself. I take part
regardless, slipping out my tongue and stroking whatever
he was trying to feed me.
My taste buds don’t need attention, but so far this mortal is
refusing anything more than a few kisses. Now he’s
pampering me with flavors.
He chuckles and says, “I didn’t think it would be so difficult
to watch you eat fruit.” My eyes flutter to open but he says
quickly, “Keep them closed, and”—there’s a hesitant pause
—“lie down.”
I frown. “Endymion, I swear if you’re thinking about—”
He cuts me off with a deep kiss, and his tongue licks at my
bottom lip as if asking for permission. I allow him entrance
and his tongue slips in, eagerly searching for my own.
Once united, they go at each other in a violent manner and
as swift as it began, Endymion presses a hand to my

“Lie down,” Endymion’s voice is deep and domineering.
His words resonate a fury of feather-light tickles in my
I fall back and adjust myself with my knees bent and feet
flat on the blanket. The hem of my chiton falls to my upper
Endymion’s fingers caress the top of my feet and he warns
me to keep my eyes shut. My heart begins drumming
again, unsure of his next move and I feel his fingers rising
up my leg. His touch is light, barely brushing the pad of his
fingers against my flesh. But the residual tingles flush on
the surface of my legs. Goosebumps scatter across my
inner thighs and my sex pulses with eagerness. Instinct
has me drawing my thighs closer.
Biting down on my bottom lip, I can feel my senses
heightened as Endymion pauses on my knees. His stare—
one I cannot physically see but feel through the darkness
of my eyelids—is like a heavyweight smothering me with
his ravenous hunger.
Excitement kindles into a small ball, growing rapidly with
the single thought of Endymion finally giving in to his
desires. My body tenses while he lingers, not moving on
my knees. On an impatient exhale of my own, he expands
his fingers over my kneecaps. A shiver cascades down
and around my thighs, closer to my sex. Fervid tingles
fester at the lips of my greedy heat. My inner walls clench
on itself, throbbing around emptiness. Each desperate
clench a silent cry to be filled.
“Endymion, you’re cruel,” I whine with closed eyes.
“I’m the worst."

His raspy words fiercely lick at my skin, arousing an
insatiable need for more. More of his gentle, secure
touches that unravel me. More of his kisses, and more of
his intense stare that I cannot see but feel scorching my
Endymion kisses my knee. “Open up for me,” his warm
breath tickles my sensitive skin and I spread my legs for
him. His fingers move toward my inner thighs. More. His
light touch is the worst as he brushes up against my folds.
More. My chest rises more quickly now, with my mouth
parting ever so slightly as if trying to draw more needed air
into my lungs.
His kisses move from my knees.
His facial hair brushes against my sensitive inner flesh and
scratches the surface of my rounded thighs. He loops his
arms under me, grabbing my buttocks, with the heel of my
feet hovering above his shoulders. Endymion pulls my
aching wet sex right toward his face.
He takes a deep whiff and a whimper escapes my lips. An
aching cry of being so close, yet so far. I arch my hips
forward, a slight nudge, and amidst the darkness of my
eyelids, I hear his damn chuckle. It’s weakening and
frustrating. I grunt sitting up, about to open my mouth,
when he delivers a wicked lick. And as if struck by Zeus’
lightning bolt, I surge backward.

Endymion’s hungry licks ravish my sex. Over and over,
and my toes curl against his expansive shoulders.
“You taste fucking amazing,” he murmurs. “Why haven’t I
had you before?” He places his lips back on my sex.
A raucous scream explodes out of me.
You haven’t had me because you were a difficult mortal.
Waves of exhilarating bliss build me higher. Another
shrilling scream erupts into the temple, echoing.
What is this mortal doing to me?
More strokes of his tongue. My body tenses and I squeeze
my thighs around Endymion’s head.
Rough hands grasp my bottom, holding me in place. His
tongue slips down from my sensitive nub and into my folds,
penetrating my wet core. He’s sending me right over the
I rock imperceptibly against his tongue. Endymion
continues to penetrate me, teasing the outer and inner
areas of my sex. Sucking and kissing. Nibbling and
blowing softly on the delicate flesh.
Heavy flat licks breathe fire through my veins, with sharp
intensified sensations building on the precipice. I buck
against his face and moan into the intense carnal
atmosphere. He’s relentless, increasing pressure and amping up the speed. My body tenses as if all the muscles
inside of me are trying to withdraw, to clam up and to hide
from his oral onslaught.
Endymion shows no mercy.
Within moments the floodgates burst open, expelling warm
liquids from my sex. Waves of blinding white bliss ravage
my body.

Follow more stories on our WhatsApp Status 08118433330.. We also run Face of the week competition. Give away, Erotica & Romance stories.

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Politics / Re: COVID-19: Inter-state Lockdown Breaks Down by MultiTv007: 10:40am On May 24, 2020
Lol... Let's see
Literature / Re: Selene: The Moon Goddess (erot!c, Romance 18+) by MultiTv007: 5:33pm On May 23, 2020
Contact me through WhatsApp and get the complete story through pdf format. 08118433330

Chapter 6

The following night my brother and I are racing through the Olympian skies. Everything is moving at a fast pace and the skies are sweeping by me in a blur. My sight is invaded with images and streaks. Massive structures, of white and golden blurs. I am unable to make out a single shape because of the speed of my horses.
My chariot curves around the Mytikas flushed with green trees and a beautiful waterfall that cascades down the side of the mountain. Colors and aromas interlace together, as I don’t slow down my chariot. I make a call my two horses understand and whip the reins. They drive forward at full speed, dashing through the sky. At a distance, I see the shimmering Olympian gates.
I take a chance to look behind me and see my brother catching up to me at an astonishing speed.
Helios yells out, “You will not defeat me!”
With a smile, I focus ahead and without halt allow my horses to rush through the gates, bursting them wide open. I let the mares take a steep dive, straight toward the earth. Animosity raises my neck hair with anxiousness. I balance my feet with a horrible sinking feeling inside of my stomach and my nerves boost the adrenal glands into full throttle.
Excitement consumes my body.
I hear Helios yelling my name. He hates it when I take such dramatic dives; it gives him a fright, which is why I love to do it.Down below, I see the luscious lands fast approaching. A
quick pull of the reins and I’m lifted back into the air. My
carriage is soaring, flying in the sky and Helios passes me
—I whip the reins to speed up.
Helios had won the first round and truthfully I was
distracted. Or maybe I let him win on purpose.
While Helios and I were getting our horses ready I found a
sack on the ground of my chariot. Opening it, I found a
green ring and a letter with Pan’s handwriting. It states that
the ring is his gift for me and it will allow me to go to earth
unnoticed. Pan must have gotten the ring knowing that we
were going to get caught eventually.
Either way, I kept on getting distracted because the ring
was green. I could not stop thinking about the human’s
eyes. How captivating and vibrant they had seemed.
Glancing back down on my hand, I think about Pan’s letter.
Was it true and I could walk the earth without Zeus or
Gaea finding out?
I want to test it, are my curious thoughts and I know that’s
a big risk but I can’t fight off the urge.
Maybe I can see the human again?
What if it doesn’t work?
It has too, I tell myself. After all, why would Pan give me
something that doesn’t work? Simple answer, he wouldn’t.The downside, if it doesn’t work then the Erinyes would
come after me. If I made it back to Olympus before the
Erinyes got a hold of me, I would have to deal with the
Horai. Either option is not good. Both options will get me in
trouble, and I would like to avoid that at all cost.
Every move he makes is for his own pleasantries. Is what
Zeus has warned me but how true could that be when Pan
showed me the mortal realm when I asked? He took a
chance on me, despite knowing that Zeus and Gaea were
against me leaving Mount Olympus.
How selfish could one be when they are risking the wrath
of Zeus?
Zeus and Gaea are the selfish ones. They are the ones
keeping me and my siblings confined, afraid of the
Why can we not experience the mortal realm and still keep
the balance?
I don’t understand why it has to be one way or another.
On a heavy exhale, I glide through the sky no longer
seeing Helios’s chariot. At the corner of my eye, I see the
ring glistening and I pull on the reins. The chariot turns with
the swift gesture and in the back of my mind, I am trying to
talk myself out of my next plan of action.
I know that I am wrong for continuing to plow through the
sky with one intent, but I can’t see myself going anywhere
else. I look down on the ring once again and I remember
the human had wanted to see me again.
Hovering in the sky, I see the vast ocean with the
moonlight shining on the surface. I see the mortal standingon the shore, while his horse is off to the side. I watch him
swinging his hand and see something skid across the
What is he doing?
I watch him do it again, and I realize that he is skipping
rocks along the surface of the water. When he does it
again, I lift my hand and a heavy wave comes up and
throws off the balance of the rock. He tries again and I
have the water return back his rock. He does it again and
this time I have the water part, so his rock falls straight to
the sandy ground.
Endymion turns with that last one and arches his head
back, to look up at my chariot in the sky.
He has a frown furrowing his brows but it doesn’t stay
there for very long because he smiles and I smile back. I
lower the chariot taking a chance on the ring, and when my
horses land on the ground, I’m holding my breath.
Endymion comes over to the back of the carrier and
extends out a hand, “I was thinking about you.” I take his
hand and it’s warm.
“Why?” I ask although I was also thinking of him.
Why was I thinking of him? The ring is one reason but is
that enough? Shouldn’t there be more of a reason?
I step off my chariot and Endymion releases my hand but
not before his thumb gently rubs the back of my hand. The
small space where he had caressed me is hot and tingling.
Holding my gaze he says, “I thought maybe you could see
me up in the heavens and join me on this wonderful night.”I could have seen Endymion if I looked on Gaea’s mirror.
That is how she shows my siblings and I, the visions of the
earth. I don’t tell him that.
Instead, I ask, “What were you doing?”
Endymion raises his eyes, “Skipping rocks on the water.”
“It helps me to think. Have you tried it?”
I shake my head, and he gives me a small smile. “Come,
I’ll show you.”
Walking back to the shore, the lazy tide wets my feet.
Endymion looks for the perfect rock and when he finds it,
he positions himself and flicks his wrist. The rock skips
across the ocean surface. When I try it, it sinks. I try
another few times and I get the same results. Becoming
fed up, I use my other hand to manipulate the water to
guide the rock on the surface. Endymion catches on and
lets me know that he is aware of what I am doing.
Giving up, I sit down in the sand and bring my knee’s up to
my chest. “Why do you like this?” I ask.
“The night is soothing, the water is relaxing and-” he
pauses skipping another rock. His last one goes pretty far.
Endymion doesn’t finish his sentence and so I ask
something else. “Why do you leave your home during the
nights,” Humans sleep during the night.
He continues finding rocks and skipping them across the
ocean. “My father died a few months ago and he taught
me how to skip rocks.” Endymion begins and I rememberthat when humans die they do not return back to life.
“When he died, his responsibilities became mine. He died
without truly doing anything for himself. Everything was for
the kingdom, or for me, or someone or something. Never
once had my father done anything selfishly. I do not want
that to be me because my father wasn’t truly happy.”
Zeus had said that Pan only had selfish motives, which is
bad. “To do something selfishly, isn’t wrong?”
“Yes, and no.” Endymion answers and holds onto a rock in
his hand.
“How can it be both?”
“To do something that makes you happy isn’t wrong, as
long as it is not at the expense of other’s.”
I pondered on his words for a while and I begin tracing the
pad of my thumb with my index finger. “And you do not
want to be like your father who was not selfish,”
Endymion nods his head before skipping the rock on
water, “I want to be happy.”
“But you want to be selfish?” I ask and continue the tracing
“Innocently so,”
“I don’t understand,” I tell him while the water reaches my
Endymion chuckles and striding toward me, he sits down
beside me. “Tell me why a goddess would want to leave
her home in the heavens?”
“I was curious,”“Curious about what?”
“About life outside of what I know, or-” What I thought I
I don’t say that, I can’t because the mortal wouldn’t
How could he?
Endymion nudges me with his arm, “You’re searching,”
“I am not,” What would I be looking for?
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of, you are like me.”
Like him? I look up at the human with a frown and his eyes
capture my eyes. “I am not like you,”
“I don’t mean that figuratively,” and he frowns. “But what is
wrong with me? Is it because I’m human?” Endymion
demands becoming enraged and I don’t understand the
sudden shift in his mood.
“That was not what I meant,” I say.
“Do you have a problem with humans? Do all gods have a
problem with humanity? Because there are a few temples
that I can dismantle.” His tone is frightening and I shift
away from him, confused on how we got here when he
gives me a huge grin.
The human was trying to be funny.
That was not funny.
“I can’t dismantle any temples,” Endymion lets me know
still smiling from ear to ear. “Honestly, that would be thefastest way for the people to lose faith in me. They love the
gods but I think it’s more of a one-way relationship.”
One way relationship? I let his words settle on my mind for
a while.
I know that Zeus and Gaea have kept my siblings and I
secluded because they are afraid we will get distracted.
They fear that we will neglect our responsibilities and both
Earth and Mount Olympian will be thrust into eternal
How is that a one-way relationship?
Still frowning, Endymion’s smile fades. “I was only jesting,”
“Why do you say that?”
“Say what?”
“That it’s a one-way relationship,”
He watches me before answering, “Forgive me, I did not
mean to upset you.”
“You didn’t upset me,” I lie shuffling my behind further
away from Endymion.
“Says the pouting goddess,”
“I am not pouting,”
Another smile of his, “It’s adorable.”
I’ll show him adorable. I move one hand and command a
fraction of the ocean to rise up and I drop on top of
Endymion’s head.He groans wiping his face. “You’re upset,” he says with
eyes closed.
“The gods have you mortals in mind, more than you will
ever know.”
Clearing his face, he opens his eyes. “My apologies,”
“Some gods are purposely kept away, unable to
experience the freedom that you take advantage of
because physical pleasures are a distraction.”
“Again, my apologies.”
“Some gods will unknowingly live an eternity without
knowing what they are protecting.” I’m thinking about Eos
and Helios. My siblings who haven’t become enraptured
with earth. They don’t desire it, like me.
Why only me?
Once again I begin tracing the pad of my thumb with my
index finger.
“That sounds like a lonely existence,” the human says to
me and my first thought is that he’s right.
Instead, I say, “It’s not lonely because I-” I have two
siblings who share the same fate as me. I don’t say that,
although it almost slipped out.
Endymion was right. It is lonely, to be the only one out of
Eos and Helios to be fascinated with the mortal realm. I
feel like the odd one out, when before it was like my
siblings and I were the same. In one sense we still are, but
in another, I can feel the difference.
I’m drifting.I squeal when I feel something touching me on the bottom
of my foot, and I realize that it’s Endymion’s finger. “You
get lost in your thoughts a lot,”
I pull my feet closer toward me, “The gods care about the
mortals.” I tell him again.
“I believe you,”
He reaches over and drags just one finger along the
bottom of my foot and I giggle. “The goddess is ticklish,”
I try to retreat back but he grabs onto my ankle. Endymion
begins tickling me relentlessly and a surge of unwanted
happiness takes over. A burst of laughter erupts and I kick
trying to set my foot free but he won’t let go. The water
reaches us, splashing Endymion and me, as I wiggle and
scream for him to stop.
Eventually, he stops with his hands settling on my thighs
and my dress is hiked up to my waist. I’m breathing
heavily, while short breaths of laughter escape me and his
touch is warm.
Endymion is watching me, like how Pan stares with eyes
drenched with desire. Pan’s eyes reflect dark hunger, but
the mortal’s gaze doesn’t glisten with darkness. Endymion
is looking at me like he needs me, like how he needs to
breathe and eat.
A flush of shivers sweep across my flesh and gathers
down to my center. I feel Endymion’s hand leaving my
thigh, and he withdraws back. Whatever just happened
between us, disappeared and he stands up. He extends a
hand out to me and I take it, wondering if I imagined what I
saw in his eyes.Endymion pulls me up, right into him and not wasting a
moment he swoops down and claims my mouth.
His tongue sweeps across my lower lip and I moan softly,
opening for him. His tongue finds mine and we kiss for a
while lost in each other while his arms wrap firmly around
my body.
Too soon Endymion pulls away, but he doesn’t go far. His
lips are a breath away from my own, “I need to return.”
“Right now,” I ask and lean back into his lips.
Endymion kisses me back, “The sun is rising and I will be
missed.” Pulling back I see far in the distance, that the sky
is changing colors. Meaning that the sun should be rising
soon. “Tomorrow,” he says.
“Tomorrow, can we go somewhere more secluded?” I ask
as an extra precaution. I have the ring but maybe not being
out in the open would help ease my mind.
Endymion takes my hand and pulls me away from the
shore. Now walking in a field of grass, he stops and points
to a tall colossal hill. “That mountain is Mount Latmus, and
it has an abandoned temple inside. Meet me there,”
With a nod, Endymion gives me one last kiss and when he
tries to leave I grab onto him and kiss him again. I love the
feel of his lips and the taste of his salvia.
“You’re a greedy little goddess,” he teases prying my
hands from around his neck.
“Tomorrow,” I confirm and release my hold.Endymion walks back to the shore, where his horse had settled down resting. Rising his animal, he climbs on its back and takes off into the night.
I watch him until I can no longer see Endymion and then I head back to the shore. Climbing into my carriage, I take off into the sky and return home.

Contact me through WhatsApp and get the complete story through pdf format. 08118433330

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