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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Music/Radio / Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? (8210 Views)
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Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by ElRazur: 5:11pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
wumiabo: A thread that is nothing but hearsay and allegation against a Nigeria artist. I think you will find by Nairaland music section standards, this is an achievement. Probably equivalent to having a PhD or something. ![]() |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by Holesher(m): 5:16pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
if den no get den no get, money has nothing to do with fame after all we all know them how many people know me I know get money I no get fame am still hoping for the two while they hope for one. |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by Wrex(m): 5:17pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
I think those guys need to step up there game.They need to move to lagos,get a better producer,bring out a hit song.I have virtually forgotten them |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by tatooboy: 5:20pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
@poster U sound very immatured to me, what do you do for a living? is the success of a man measured by the kind of pub he hangs out? u need to grow up, dont play God here, sef, keep praying that God either keeps you up if your up, otherwise, your downfall is imminent. shikena. |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by Genuflect(m): 5:22pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
I don't care whether they are broke or not. But these guys really messed up, promotion-wise. These were the same guys that people were comparing to 2face and other greats when they first came out. Olufunmi is a classic!! Their talents were (or are) undeniable. But now they have 4 albums out and their fame and respect are on the wane. Honestly, I don't know what they can do to salvage their career |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by ElRazur: 5:31pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
Genuflect, how is their respect down? It appears to me you are basing respect on number of album sales or how well they are known. Tell me am wrong. |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by Genuflect(m): 5:50pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
El razur, yes the respect for them dwindled. Their 2nd album was okay but their 3rd was lukewarm. And this 4th one sef, I didn't even bother. They have not been able to do anything as good as their first and even if they did, their management is not helping |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by kaydee(m): 5:53pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
methink their problem is they didn't stick to their initial plan. They shoulda continued without the pidgin |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by JoeGaruba: 5:59pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
There are two possible scenarios I can think of: 1. They were poorly managed/ did not manage their fortune and fame well and don't have much to show for their success. This would mean not only did they fail to develop their weakness(es) but also failed to improve on their strengths. It could be financial/talent/skill(or lack of it). There is a possibility that they might have been shortchanged by their PR/Promoters etc. They would not be the only victims of this. Besides, many people chill out after a winning streak. Just like the Snoozer Eagles will sleep in second half if they have a first half lead. ![]() 2. They might be laughing to the banks while we call them under performers. Like most posters have said and I agree, showing off how much you have or what you want people to think think you have is quite stupid. Living beyond ones own means can only bring more heartache. If the Honda prelude is still working/pumping and the accelerator is not stuck like the Prius, they will only get to the same destination maybe 5-10 mins later than the guy driving CLK. Its the same roads, traffic, police check point etc. Maybe they are saving for the time when their talents and skill would desert them. I guess some prefer to live now than later. This however does not explain the decline in performance. They like we all, need to constantly reinvent ourselves. Change (for the better, I hope) is the only constant thing in life we should strive for. A simpler approach to life will do as all a load of good. ![]() Peace |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by DatNiggaAk(m): 6:04pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
abeg leave them jare. me as i dey, i no fit leave Abuja go dey stay Lagos. Do you know if they would still be alive if they're in Lagos? if i would blame anyone for their decline or lack of presence in the industry, it's their promoters/managers (the Ukpong brothers) they need to have signed with Kennis waaayyyy baaaccckkkkk |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by BabyCakes(f): 6:05pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
In my own opinion I think its best to lay low and keep a low profile, There are so many haterz and dangerous kidnappers looking to reap from where they did not sow. Honda prelude or Kabukabu, they are not likely to be a target for kidnappers. Go ask Tuface, he is a typical example of how fame and fortune can be dangerous, But on the other hand, Styl plus may be broke, who cares?? They still have good music |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by harakiri(m): 6:13pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
@Poster If it was a girl that posted this, i would have understood but this coming from a man is shameful! This is a classic case of AMEBO! It's guys like you that laugh in the presence of your friends and stab them in the back. What is your business if Styl-plus is broke or not? If you are so worried about them, why not lend them some cash instead of exposing them on NL?If you feel ashamed of what they drive, why not show your worth by going to Coscharis Motors and dropping N23 million for a BMW 745li to boost their image? Yeye Amebo wey you be.Na to dey run people down una sabi.I know your type and i do my best to weed out amebos like you from my circle. How old are you by the way?I don't think you are up to 20 and you haven't seen anything in life that is why your mouth dey run like okro. If you know what the life of a man is like. . .then you would know that every man faces ups and downs in life.Men rise and fall.It's the order of things.There are lucky few who rise,rise and keeping rising but its rare.Everybody you see driving the latest SUV has a story of ups and downs to tell.If they drive Honda prelude or golf 3, its absolutely NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Tomorrow, when you see baba Fryo or Ras Kimono on okada, don't waste time to come here and post about your disappointment.O ni iranu oshi. Sound Sultan lives directly opposite my house in Amuwo Odofin.I don't look down on him becoz he drives a 1999 pathfinder coz i know that there is a time for everything in life. You need to grow up, stop gossiping and focus on developing your life.You might be online today yarning trash. . .next week, things can turn upside down for you and you won't be able to fund your internet browsing.You have a lot to learn boy! Grow up! |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by Nobody: 6:31pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
harakiri: tatooboy:Na wa for una oooo !!!!!! They are s'posed to be celebs for goodness sake!!!!!!!! Role models for that matter. we can'nt keep quite in the face of !!!sh like this. Deal with ir |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by harakiri(m): 6:42pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
ferari90: MJ was bankrupt before he died.Mike Tyson used to be one of the highest paid athletes but where is he now?Vanilla ice is surviving on his bicycle business that isn't doing good.A lot of American rappers came on stage,made some money and are dead broke today.A lot of them can't even afford to maintain the ferraris,lamborgini's and bentleys they bought during their hey days.They are back to driving chryslers and toyotas.Why do you think all these hip hop artistes keep bring out albums once or twice every year?It's because they paid ridiculous amounts in taxes and they need constant flow of cash to maintain their life style. Anybody can fall at anytime.It needs to happen to you before you can understand it.There was a time in my life when i believed i was on top of the world until everything came crashing down.I'm glad i'm back on my feet today and i'm thankful for my blessings.Don't take your being fortunate for granted.By the way, wetin u even dey drive sef wey u dey make all this mouth?If its not a Porshe Cayenne or BMW X6, you better shut the hell up! |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by eros(m): 6:47pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
I beg make una leave Styl-Plus alone oooooo. Broke or rich, let the brothers be. |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by kasilly(m): 6:49pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
ayettymama watch your english abi your teacher no teach you 4 school ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and 4 your information styl_plus don make a name no kill nairalanders with your vocab ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by latepa(m): 7:04pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
I don't think that they're broke because i still watch their recent video,they look so fresh and so clean ![]() |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by ElRazur: 7:13pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
@genuflect Thank god that is your view and not that of the general opinion. Respect do not equate to album sales. I think what you are talking about is "street credibility" or "street cred". Or to use the proper term, Mass appeal. As it stand to test and judging on what people are saying in their defence, these folks have a decent mass appeal. Yes their album may not have done well according to you, but it do not mean there is no respect for them like you are saying. @Op I am disgusted at your last reply. Role models are people whom kids and society can look up to in a positive light. Not about how many cars or joint they go. I am not sure you even know the meaning of what you are saying. Tuface et al may be good commercially, but he is not a good role model. |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by victorazy(m): 7:38pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
they are not broke. i used to see them close to my house at emeka anyaoku street garki abuja then, although zeal always fight with his Nigel princess, destroy properties which she will still replace, but believe me, they'r not broke. |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by midaskid(m): 7:59pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
Point of correction: Styl-plus not broke, they just ran out of lyrics. Lets face it they are tru with "Olufunmi", dealt with all d "Iyaba Saras'" we have finished "calling their names"after "4 yrs don waka" them no still "Runaway" rather dem say make we "Stay Alive" so probably d ink is just dry. |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by lalaboi(m): 8:12pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
midaskid: Tse u go write lrics for them? ![]() |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by midaskid(m): 8:19pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
lalaboi: Dem fit pay? |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by sulad82i(m): 8:49pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
hEY pOsteR, iF, u THinK ThOSe gUys ArE Br0kE, Y DonT u bUy LIkE 1mILLioN CoPiEs of their ALbuM since u like it so much && d0 uR pArT 2hElP tHem have a ChiK anD bE Ri$h |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by gidson12(m): 9:06pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
If an artist is broke, he's broke, its very difficult 4 an artist not 2 show it if he has it, might not b tru his ride. But u'll know, its not a thing to guess. So one way or d other any of d styl-plus guys would show it, 3 of dem can not have d same mentality. An d worst of all hw many shows are these guy invited 2 perform, rarely. deals, none. I think these guys either t break up, which would b better, so that they hit it hard as individuals or dey should pack their azzes 2 lasgidi, cos dats where d market is. Thank u |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by gidson12(m): 9:06pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
If an artist is broke, he's broke, its very difficult 4 an artist not 2 show it if he has it, might not b tru his ride. But u'll know, its not a thing to guess. So one way or d other any of d styl-plus guys would show it, 3 of dem can not have d same mentality. An d worst of all hw many shows are these guy invited 2 perform, rarely. deals, none. I think these guys either t break up, which would b better, so that they hit it hard as individuals or dey should pack their azzes 2 lasgidi, cos dats where d market is. Thank u |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by InesQor(m): 9:16pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
Vain and spurious claims in the OP. The fact that someone is not "living large" does not mean they are broke. It may mean they are very wise, you do not know the future that Styl-Plus is building for themselves. If two people in neighbouring plots of land start building a bungalow and a skyscraper at the same time; by the time the guy with the bungalow has started living in his house, the guy building the skyscraper is still digging foundations. You may laugh and snicker, but by the time the skyscraper is towering, standing tall beside the bungalow, no one will notice the bungalow anymore. As 9ice said, little money soonest spending is the theme song for many Nigerians' lives ![]() |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by ofokaofoki: 10:29pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
lol |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by victorazy(m): 11:01pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
midaskid: guy, u get talent ooo!!! |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by shilling(f): 11:20pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
lmao @ the posters analysis. midaskid: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by MissViola(f): 11:28pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
Hmm, What a life!Lol So because someone goes to a ''cheap'' bar, it is synonymous to being broke? Ok, lets assume that they are truely broke.Isn't there a saying that says ''cut your coat according to your size''? I think we should hail them for living according to their means!! |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by tayoast(m): 11:41pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
so, because they dont wear terry g's kinda bling bling, means they're outta cash?? Their last album was not impressive at all |
Re: Why Are Styl-plus So Broke.!? by Nobody: 11:56pm On Mar 16, 2010 |
op believes everything he sees on MTV cribs and rap videos ( tupca - i'm a self made millionaire! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() dude , this is naija - no laeing or buying on credit so you can form big boy seems ur role model is mc hammer - who is famous for blowing 5 million |
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