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The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by DeepSight(m): 10:55am On Jun 10, 2011 |
God is love. One can also say that God is the source of love. All creatures of God irrespective of race, religion, sex, nationality etc can absorb of this love of God and dispense it accordingly. In the case of human beings, what absorbs this love from God is the human spirit. This love will permeate the spirit, its clocks including the outermost shell, the physical body. Thus he who absorbs the rays of love will manifest love including love for all creations of God. Now, the recognition of this love as coming from God depends on the various radiation connection between the spirit and the various shells surrounding the spirit, the last shell being the physical body and its coordinating center, the human brain. In many of us, this radiation connections are not straight, thus the shells enveloping the spirit are not conscious of the impressions that vibrates in the spirit. Thus a man may believe himself to be an atheist because that is what his brain tells him and yet his spirit is in the recognition of God. Irrespective of his brain telling him that God does not exist, the emanations of the spirit including love still permeates his mind and body resulting in expressions of genuine love. Thus although from a human standpoint, such a man is considered by himself and others to be atheist, spiritually the man is a theist. In a similar vein the brain and the mind may be trained or indoctrinated or programmed to believe in God but their spirit has no recognition of God. In this case, this believer is actually an atheist even though he believes himself to be a theist. However because he, that is, the spirit has no connection with God, he cannot absorb the rays of love and manifest it. Thus, in spite of his intellectual believe in God, he still manifests the works of the flesh including hatred, anger, lust, gossip, avarice, fear, etc. The species of a seed determines the fruits that it will bear. Thus all genuine love and human beings who indulge in it believe in God even when they are unconscious of it while on earth. Thus, all human beings who indulge in genuine love are of God and all those who indulge in hatred are not of God. By there works or fruits, you shall know those who stand in the will of God and those that oppose it or do not recognize it. This is an infallible yardstick to know who belongs to God and those who are not. Therefore the love of God manifests in the love of all creations of God. On earth, it is possible for an atheist to love God without being spiritually conscious of it. However if such atheist continues in the manifestation of the love of God, either later in this earthly life or in the beyond on in another earthly life the emanations of the love of God that vibrates in his spirit will also permeate his earthly brain such that he also becomes conscious of the existence of God while in the physical body. What counts is how our spirit is close or far away from the will of God. Religion, nationality, sex, class and similar things that we think are very important while on earth are worthless once we drop this physical body. In my view, there is no difference between the pope, the Christian, the mystic or an atheists when it concerns the will of God. Murder is murder whether perpetrated by a pope, a theist or an atheist. Genuine love is genuine love whether it came from an atheist, a pastor or an agnostic. Sometimes we think too much and thus think nothing. If we look around even on earth, we should find that the natural laws which are the manifestation of the will of God in nature does not give a hoot about all these artificial constructs. If a bud-hist sows yam in a fertile soil, he will reap yam. The same goes for an atheist and the theist. In an earthquake or epidemic or accident, both theists and atheists are saved and killed. A deeper look on why these things are the way they are may open our eyes to the working of God. Best wishes. The above in red was written and posted sometime ago by the wisest man on Nairaland, M_Nwankwo. For me, it is one of the best posts I have ever seen on this Forum. I just feel compelled to share it and highlight it again for reflection. |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by MyJoe: 11:02am On Jun 10, 2011 |
Deep Sight:Send that into everyone's handheld device with a note to read and meditate on it after dinner. |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by DeepSight(m): 11:06am On Jun 10, 2011 |
^^^ Honestly, its so incisive. It strikes the chord of truth. He clearly has deep sight. Sadly I don't use a BB. Brand loyalty. |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by mnwankwo(m): 10:49am On Jun 11, 2011 |
Deep Sight: Hi Deep Sight. Thanks for your kind words. If fellow discussants find my words spiritually enriching, then the gratitude that vibrates in their souls must be directed to GOD. I have no deep sight. I simply pass on what my spirit is able to draw from the laws of GOD. As always, stay blessed. 3 Likes |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by Nobody: 2:40pm On Jun 11, 2011 |
Good quote there. But i find it hard to grasp the explanation of radiations, inner cloaks and their relationship to the human brain and the physical body. As a scientist and also a student of mysticism, i am forced to imagine the radiations as light rays that moves in straight lines but all rays must have a source. In this case, it is God. But are the rays coming from within? Or without? My best guess in within. Then this must affirm the mystical assertion that God is within us all. Is this the implication of your quote? Thanks. |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by DeepSight(m): 3:53pm On Jun 11, 2011 |
Lol, Nwankwo! You may be modest, but you don't just have deep sight, you have deepest sight. By the way, I was also just playin a pun on my user name. |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by mnwankwo(m): 2:19pm On Jun 12, 2011 |
agi-tuedor: Hi agi-tuedor, No, my quote does not imply that God is within us. God as you correctly sensed is the source of the radiations but the radiations are not God. Now, there is God and the emanations (radiations) of God. All that is not God is the radiation of God or precipitated/cooled off/ condensed from the radiations of God. Simply put, all that exists outside of the unsubstantiality of God has its origin in the radiations of God. Thus the proximity of God (divine realm) and all creations have its origin in the radiation of God. Thus all creations including spiritual, animistic and material creations originated from the radiation of God. Thus creations are the work of God, that is, they originated from the emanations of God but not directly from God. A crude analogy is to consider the sun and the rays of the sun. The rays of the sun is an emanation of the sun but it is not the sun itself. At cosmic distances from the sun, its rays animates life in this blue planet. Now the emanation of the sun is transformed into the food we eat, the vitamin D in our bodies, the solar power we use to power our homes etc., yet the rays of the sun and objects or applications developed from the rays of the (food, vitamin D, solar panel) etc do not contain the sun or even a particle of the sun. Now, the radiations of God is or carries within itself reflections or images of what is in God. Love for instance is in God and thus his radiations carry within themselves reflections or images of this love. Thus, the spirit of man is a radiation of God and intrinsic within the spirit of man is a reflection of the love that is in God. This reflection or image that is in the human spirit links the human spirit to other higher gradations of the images of love and finally to the the source of love that is God. It is also radiations that connect the varied reflections of the love of God to the unsustantiate love that is in God. Thus, the human spirit being a reflection or image of the love of God is hardwired to love. If this image or reflection (in this case the human spirit) does not love, then it looses its connection with the source of love (God), and will wither and die. It is for this reason that love is the only thing that is required for the spiritual maturity and evolution of souls. Thus man bears the radiation of God but do not have God within himself. A creator cannot be within his creation. No painter will be in his paintings, no inventor in his inventions and no author in his books. Yet the inventions, the books, the paintings express or give form to the volition of their creators and give glimpse of what is the volition of their creators. In a similar vain, the works of God, that is the creations is a reflection of the will of God and by experiencing creation, we will come to sense the will of God. When we sense what is the will of God and leave accordingly, then we will be uplifted to the pure realms, that is the spiritual kingdom of God and will come to a recognition of God. To recognize God simply means to recognize the will or ways of God. It is impossible for a creature to know God personally but it is possible for a creature to be permitted a knowledge of God. No radiation of God can exist as a conscious entity in the "proximity" of God. If you follow my descriptions above, I am confident you will see why it is so. In a crude analogy, all creatures on earth owe their biological existence to the energy of the sun and yet if any of these creatures including man in his physical body moves towards the proximity of the sun, they will cease to exist, they will vaporize without a trace. Stay blessed. |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by Nobody: 10:40pm On Jun 12, 2011 |
Wow! Very elucidating! I understand better. Probably, the saying should be that the radiation of God is within man or rather that man is exactly part of the radiations. In certain mystical practices particularly meditation, people become aware of this radiation in the form of bright light of different colours and the inner eye opens to see it. Thanks for the explanation. |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by mnwankwo(m): 11:46am On Jun 13, 2011 |
agi-tuedor: Thank you for your kind words. Yes, man is a part of the radiations of God. Stay blessed. |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by Jenwitemi(m): 11:39pm On Jun 13, 2011 |
Nwankwo's idea if God is strikingly reminiscent of the SUN with all the talk of radiations and emanations and light rays and absorptions and stuff. There are people who worship he sun, probably the oldest religion on the planet. Ofcourse, God is within us all and not without, for there is nothing outside of us. We're all the projecting consciousness that project all we perceive and interact with. But that is just his own conception of God which he is entitled to. After all, there are many other concepts of what God is. agi-tuedor: |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by mnwankwo(m): 7:53am On Jun 14, 2011 |
Jenwitemi: Each individual has the responsibility to believe what he perceives to be the Truth. It is not for me or anybody else to tell people what to believe. I offer my views when asked and these views are based on my experiencing of creation, both physically visible and invincible. If seekers find that what I said is in tune with their spirits, then they may consider to investigate it further. On the contrarily, if what I say does not resonate deep within their souls, then they should discard it. Those who genuinely believe that they are God are entitled to their belief and I respect that even though I disagree with it. Stay blessed. 1 Like |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by Nobody: 2:49pm On Jun 14, 2011 |
Man is not God but there are some element of God or God's radiation in man. This have be percieved by some advanced mystics and saints as divine light and sound. It is within all, we just have to look and listen within to perceive it. This light and sound is the sustainer of all the planes of existence. I also agree with the assertation that the outward universe is a reflection of the inner world within man's consciousness. Mr Nwankwo is right, just that he extended the scope by separating God from His radiations. The beautiful analogy of the sun and solar rays makes it clear. Thanks. |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by oaroloye(m): 8:37pm On Feb 13, 2017 |
SHALOM! DeepSight: IF GOD IS THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS, AND GOD IS LOVE, THEN OF COURSE HE IS THE SOURCE OF LOVE. How long did it take you to figure that out? All creatures of God irrespective of race, religion, sex, nationality etc can absorb of this love of God and dispense it accordingly. NO, THEY CAN'T. In the case of human beings, what absorbs this love from God is the human spirit. WHAT- YOU THINK THAT IN OTHER CREATURES, THE LOVE OF GOD IS ABSORBABLE ELSEWHERE THAN THE SPIRIT? This love will permeate the spirit, its clocks including the outermost shell, the physical body. Thus he who absorbs the rays of love will manifest love including love for all creations of God. NOW YOU ARE TALKING COMPLETE RUBBISH. . 1st JOHN 4:8. 8. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is Love. ANY THINKING PERSON OUGHT TO KNOW THAT WHATEVER THE SAINT JOHN MEANT BY "LOVE," IT CANNOT POSSIBLY BE THE SAME THING THAT SINNERS MEAN BY "LOVE." This is something that SINNERS cannot POSSIBLY know about. . JOHN 14:1-18. "LET not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2. "In my Father's House are many Mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3. "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 4. "And whither I go ye know, and The Way ye know." 5. Thomas saith unto him, "Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know The Way?" 6. Jesus saith unto him, "I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: no man cometh unto The Father, but by me. 7. "If ye had known me, ye should have Known my Father also: and from henceforth ye Know Him, and have seen Him." 8. Philip saith unto him, "Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us." 9. Jesus saith unto him, "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen The Father; and how sayest thou then, 'SHEW US THE FATHER?' 10. "Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The Words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth The Works. 11. "Believe me that I am in The Father, and The Father in me: or else believe me for the very Works' sake. 12. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, 'HE THAT BELIEVETH ON ME, THE WORKS THAT I DO SHALL HE DO ALSO;' and Greater (Works) than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 13. "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my Name, that will I do, that The Father may be glorified in The Son. 14. "If ye shall ask any thing in my Name, I will do it. 15. "If ye love me, keep my Commandments. 16. "And I will pray The Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever; 17. "Even The Spirit of Truth; whom the World cannot receive, because It seeth him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. 18. "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." IF THOSE WHO "LOVE," ACCORDING TO THE SINNERS DEFINITION OF THE TERM "LOVE" CAN KNOW GOD, THEN WHAT YAHSHUA SAID ABOUT BEING THE ONE AND ONLY WAY TO GOD: THE FATHER CANNOT BE TRUE. Therefore, he was not talking about THAT sort of "LOVE." . LUKE 10:17-24. 17. And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, "Lord, even the Devils are subject unto us through thy Name." 18. And he said unto them, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven. 19. "Behold, I give unto you Power to tread on Serpents and Scorpions, and over all the Power of the Enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." 20. "Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your Names are written in Heaven." 21. In that Hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in Thy Sight. 22. "All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and Who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him." 23. And he turned him unto his Disciples, and said privately, "Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: 24. "For I tell you, 'THAT MANY PROPHETS AND KINGS HAVE DESIRED TO SEE THOSE THINGS WHICH YE SEE, AND HAVE NOT SEEN THEM; AND TO HEAR THOSE THINGS WHICH YE HEAR, AND HAVE NOT HEARD THEM.' " Only Yahshua, The Son of God can enable us to KNOW GOD: THE FATHER. . 1st JOHN 5:1-5. WHOSOEVER believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth Him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. 2. By this we know that we love The Children of God, "WHEN WE LOVE GOD, AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS." 3. For THIS is The Love of God, "THAT WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS:" and His Commandments are not grievous. 4. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the World: and this is The Victory that overcometh the World, "EVEN OUR FAITH." 5. Who is he that overcometh the World, but he that believeth that Jesus is The Son of God? LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING THAT YOU DID NOT HITHERTO KNOW (OR, IF YOU DID KNOW, YOU WERE DELIBERATELY DECEIVING US The Ancient Greeks had TWELVE DIFFERENT WORDS (at least,) which the LAZY OYINBOS TRANSLATED into their BARBARIC language: "LOVE." How can TWELVE DIFFERENT WORDS all mean the SAME thing? Well, not in GREEK- because that if a very precise and sophisticated tongue, with words having exact meanings that cannot be confused with something else. ELEVEN OF THOSE WORDS ARE USED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. I went to the trouble of explaining this on NAIRALAND months ago, but my Message FELL BY THE WAY SIDE. Such topics are not popular amongst Nigerian Christians. THE ONE DEFINITION OF THE TERM "LOVE" THAT SINNERS AND HYPOCRITES KNOW AND BELIEVE IN: EROS, MEANING ROMANTIC LOVE, IS NOT USED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. Therefore, Christians think that God deals in ROMANTIC LOVE, when He has nothing at all to do with it. Therefore, they have warped and convoluted ideas made up to explain how GOD LOVES THE WORLD- but will send The World to Hell. This causes an insane mental breakdown that justifies things like Christians going to war, to kill people on the orders of their Government. Christians suing Unbelievers and Christians alike to court- whom Yahshua COMMANDED them to "LOVE." Husbands and Wives who had this EROTIC LOVE for each other at the beginning of their relationship, later down the line savagely divorce each other, fighting over the division of property and offspring between them. Sometimes they literally fight each other to the death. That is what EROS "LOVE" can develop into. Not so THE LOVE OF GOD. THE LOVE OF GOD: AGAPE- ALTRUISTIC LOVE- means THE KEEPING OF GOD'S COMMANDMENTS. That GOD IS LOVE means that HE IS THE ENFORCEMENT OF HIS COMMANDMENTS. How could it be otherwise. Therefore, neither you, nor most any other Christians today, know what you are talking about, when you talk about "LOVE." Not a thing. Most Churches also labour under the 19th Century AMERICAN DELUSION, perpetrated by DWIGHT LYMAN MOODY, that GOD LOVES THE WORLD. No Scripture says THAT. This was the first "JEDI MIND-TRICK." (Whoso readeth, let him understand what that is.) I went to the trouble of explaining THAT, too- but was ignored. |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by oaroloye(m): 8:45pm On Feb 13, 2017 |
DeepSight: THIS CONTRADICTS THE TEACHINGS OF YAHSHUA ON THIS VERY TOPIC. . MATTHEW 12:33-37. 33. "Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. 34. "O Generation of Vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. 35. "A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. 36. "But I say unto you, 'THAT EVERY IDLE WORD THAT MEN SHALL SPEAK, THEY SHALL GIVE ACCOUNT THEREOF IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.' 37. "For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." . MATTHEW 15:10-20. 10. And he called the multitude, and said unto them, "Hear, and understand: 11. 'NOT THAT WHICH GOETH INTO THE MOUTH DEFILETH A MAN; BUT THAT WHICH COMETH OUT OF THE MOUTH, THIS DEFILETH A MAN.' 12. Then came his Disciples, and said unto him, "Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this Saying?" 13. But he answered and said, "Every plant, which my Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. 14. "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." 15. Then answered Peter and said unto him, "Declare unto us this Parable." 16. And Jesus said, "Are ye also yet without understanding? 17. "Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? 18. "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. 19. "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: 20. "These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man." THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HAVING "EVIL THOUGHTS IN YOUR HEAD," "EVIL WORDS IN YOUR MOUTH," BUT- A PURE HEART WITH THE LOVE OF GOD IN IT! Greater Bovine Excrement never left the rectum of any ox. If anyone is Believing, Thinking, Saying, or Doing EVIL, it is because THE TREASURE OF THEIR HEART IS EVIL: period! In a similar vein the brain and the mind may be trained or indoctrinated or programmed to believe in God but their spirit has no recognition of God. In this case, this believer is actually an atheist even though he believes himself to be a theist. However because he, that is, the spirit has no connection with God, he cannot absorb the rays of love and manifest it. Thus, in spite of his intellectual believe in God, he still manifests the works of the flesh including hatred, anger, lust, gossip, avarice, fear, etc. The species of a seed determines the fruits that it will bear. Thus all genuine love and human beings who indulge in it believe in God even when they are unconscious of it while on earth. FALSE DOCTRINE, FOR REASONS OUTLINED ABOVE. Thus, all human beings who indulge in genuine love are of God and all those who indulge in hatred are not of God. By there works or fruits, you shall know those who stand in the will of God and those that oppose it or do not recognize it. This is an infallible yardstick to know who belongs to God and those who are not. THERE ARE TWELVE TYPES OF LOVE. You do not know anything about the differences between them. Therefore the love of God manifests in the love of all creations of God. On earth, it is possible for an atheist to love God without being spiritually conscious of it. No, it does NOT. No, it is NOT possible. . PSALM 14:1. THE fool hath said in his heart, "THERE IS NO GOD." They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. However if such atheist continues in the manifestation of the love of God, either later in this earthly life or in the beyond on in another earthly life the emanations of the love of God that vibrates in his spirit will also permeate his earthly brain such that he also becomes conscious of the existence of God while in the physical body. What counts is how our spirit is close or far away from the will of God. Religion, nationality, sex, class and similar things that we think are very important while on earth are worthless once we drop this physical body. WRONG! After we have lost our Body, we have to account to GOD as to WHY we allowed that to happen! . MATTHEW 25:13-30. 13. “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the Day nor the Hour wherein the Son of Man cometh. 14. “For the Kingdom of Heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. 15. “And unto one he gave five Talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. 16. “Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. 17. “And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. 18. “But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money. 19. “After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. 20. “And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, ‘LORD, THOU DELIVEREDST UNTO ME FIVE TALENTS: BEHOLD, I HAVE GAINED BESIDE THEM FIVE TALENTS MORE.' 21. “His lord said unto him, ‘WELL DONE, THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT: THOU HAST BEEN FAITHFUL OVER A FEW THINGS, I WILL MAKE THEE RULER OVER MANY THINGS: ENTER THOU INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD.’ 22. “He also that had received two talents came and said, ‘LORD, THOU DELIVEREDST UNTO ME TWO TALENTS: BEHOLD, I HAVE GAINED TWO OTHER TALENTS BESIDE THEM.’ 23. “His lord said unto him, ‘WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT; THOU HAST BEEN FAITHFUL OVER A FEW THINGS, I WILL MAKE THEE RULER OVER MANY THINGS: ENTER THOU INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD.’ 24. "Then he which had received the one Talent came and said, 'LORD, I KNEW THEE THAT THOU ART AN HARD MAN, REAPING WHERE THOU HAST NOT SOWN, AND GATHERING WHERE THOU HAST NOT STRAWED: 25. 'AND I WAS AFRAID, AND WENT AND HID THY TALENT IN THE EARTH: LO, THERE THOU HAST THAT IS THINE.' 26. "His lord answered and said unto him, 'THOU WICKED AND SLOTHFUL SERVANT, THOU KNEWEST THAT I REAP WHERE I SOWED NOT, AND GATHER WHERE I HAVE NOT STRAWED: 27. 'THOU OUGHTEST THEREFORE TO HAVE PUT MY MONEY TO THE EXCHANGERS, AND THEN AT MY COMING I SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED MINE OWN WITH USURY. 28. 'TAKE THEREFORE THE TALENT FROM HIM, AND GIVE IT UNTO HIM WHICH HATH TEN TALENTS. 29. 'FOR UNTO EVERY ONE THAT HATH SHALL BE GIVEN, AND HE SHALL HAVE ABUNDANCE: BUT FROM HIM THAT HATH NOT SHALL BE TAKEN AWAY EVEN THAT WHICH HE HATH. 30. 'AND CAST YE THE UNPROFITABLE SERVANT INTO OUTER DARKNESS: THERE SHALL BE WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH.' " In my view, there is no difference between the pope, the Christian, the mystic or an atheists when it concerns the will of God. Murder is murder whether perpetrated by a pope, a theist or an atheist. Genuine love is genuine love whether it came from an atheist, a pastor or an agnostic. There is a HUGE difference! GENUINE LOVE CAN NEVER COME FROM A POPE! That TITANIC has already sailed. . MATTHEW 5:46-48. 46. "For if ye love them which love you, what Reward have ye? do not even the Publicans the same? 47. "And if ye salute your Brethren only, what do ye more than Others? do not even the Publicans so? 48. "Be ye therefore Perfect, even as your Father Which is in Heaven is Perfect." THE POPES ONLY LOVE THOSE WHO LOVE THEM: NO ONE ELSE- EVER. That is why they are in that office. YOU HATE US- is why you never told us from the outset that you were Roman Catholics. [/color]Sometimes we think too much and thus think nothing. If we look around even on earth, we should find that the natural laws which are the manifestation of the will of God in nature does not give a hoot about all these artificial constructs. If a bud-hist sows yam in a fertile soil, he will reap yam. The same goes for an atheist and the theist. In an earthquake or epidemic or accident, both theists and atheists are saved and killed. A deeper look on why these things are the way they are may open our eyes to the working of God. Best wishes. WRONG. EARTH UNIVERSE NATURE IS A DEGENERATED OPERATION THAT HAS FAILED THE WILL OF GOD. . 2nd PETER 1:5-9. 5. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your Faith Virtue; and to virtue Knowledge; 6. And to knowledge Temperance; and to temperance Patience; and to patience Godliness; 7. And to godliness Brotherly Kindness; and to brotherly kindness Charity. 8. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9. But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. THE POWER OF GOD IN NATURE IS AT ITS STRONGEST IN THE SEVENTH HEAVEN, AND AT ITS WEAKEST IN THE EARTH UNIVERSE, WHERE NATURAL SPIRITUAL POWER IS TOO WEAK TO KNOW GOOD AND EVIL. Therefore, NATURE is NOT a good indicator of THE WILL OF GOD. The Parables of Yahshua point out instances where The Will of God can be seen in Nature. Parallel Events however, do not show The Will of God. For example, where "THE PRODIGAL SON" despairs and hangs himself, and never reconciles with his father, does not indicate The Will of God. For example, where "THE GOOD SAMARITAN" also ignores the Robbery Victim- or even steals his boots- does not indicate The Will of God. But they are "Nature." The above in red was written and posted sometime ago by the wisest man on Nairaland, M_Nwankwo. IF THIS IS WHOM YOU THINK IS THE WISEST MAN ON NAIRALAND- HIS POST RIDDLED WITH ERRORS- I SHOULD HATE TO SEE WHO YOU CONSIDER THE DUMBEST MAN ON NAIRALAND! For me, it is one of the best posts I have ever seen on this Forum. IF THE BLIND LEAD THE BLIND, THEY WILL BOTH FALL INTO THE DITCH. The follower will praise their blind leader, right up to the time they begin falling.... |
Re: The True Meaning Of Love, By Nwankwo by oaroloye(m): 5:56pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
SHALOM! DeepSight: You do not know what you are talking about, because your Bible Teacher did not tell you that the Ancient Greeks had at least TWELVE different words that the Oyinbo Barbarians blandly translated "LOVE," whereas THE ONLY ONE YOU KNOW is NOT in The Bible. . 1st JOHN 4:8. 8. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is Love. IF THE MESSENGER OF GOD SAYS THAT GOD IS LOVE- whose definition do you think he means? Yours' or HIS OWN? Did you even know that there was a difference? Do you even CARE that there is a DIFFERENCE? . 1st JOHN 5:1-5. WHOSOEVER believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth Him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. 2. By this we know that we love The Children of God, "WHEN WE LOVE GOD, AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS." 3. For THIS is The Love of God, "THAT WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS:" and His Commandments are not grievous. 4. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the World: and this is The Victory that overcometh the World, "EVEN OUR FAITH." 5. Who is he that overcometh the World, but he that believeth that Jesus is The Son of God? THE LOVE THAT GOD IS MEANS: "THE KEEPING OF GOD'S COMMANDMENTS." You did not know this, and cannot pretend that you did. Anyone who knows THE TRUE DEFINITION OF LOVE knows that most others do not know it, and cannot let that ignorance stand. In the case of human beings, what absorbs this love from God is the human spirit. This love will permeate the spirit, its clocks including the outermost shell, the physical body. Thus he who absorbs the rays of love will manifest love including love for all creations of God. Now, the recognition of this love as coming from God depends on the various radiation connection between the spirit and the various shells surrounding the spirit, the last shell being the physical body and its coordinating center, the human brain. In many of us, this radiation connections are not straight, thus the shells enveloping the spirit are not conscious of the impressions that vibrates in the spirit. Thus a man may believe himself to be an atheist because that is what his brain tells him and yet his spirit is in the recognition of God. Irrespective of his brain telling him that God does not exist, the emanations of the spirit including love still permeates his mind and body resulting in expressions of genuine love. Thus although from a human standpoint, such a man is considered by himself and others to be atheist, spiritually the man is a theist.[/b] Again, you do not know what you are talking about. Atheism does not come from the BRAIN: it comes from the HEART. . PSALM 14:1. THE fool hath said in his heart, "THERE IS NO GOD." They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. . MARK 7:14-23. 14. And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them, "Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand: 15. "There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. 16. "If any man have ears to hear, let him hear." 17. And when he was entered into the house from the people, his Disciples asked him concerning the Parable. 18. And he saith unto them, "Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; 19. "Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?" 20 And he said, "That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. 21. "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts adulteries, fornications, murders, 22. "Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: 23. "All these evil things come from within, and defile the man." In a similar vein the brain and the mind may be trained or indoctrinated or programmed to believe in God but their spirit has no recognition of God. In this case, this believer is actually an atheist even though he believes himself to be a theist. However because he, that is, the spirit has no connection with God, he cannot absorb the rays of love and manifest it. Thus, in spite of his intellectual believe in God, he still manifests the works of the flesh including hatred, anger, lust, gossip, avarice, fear, etc. The species of a seed determines the fruits that it will bear. Thus all genuine love and human beings who indulge in it believe in God even when they are unconscious of it while on earth. This is as stupid as it gets! Where does the BRAIN get the ability to THINK BY ITSELF? If you start with the BIBLICAL premise that GOD IS LOVE, why do you depart from The Bible, and go into this total bullshit? The MIND is NOT the BRAIN. It is not even a PART of the BRAIN. Thus, all human beings who indulge in genuine love are of God and all those who indulge in hatred are not of God. By there works or fruits, you shall know those who stand in the will of God and those that oppose it or do not recognize it. This is an infallible yardstick to know who belongs to God and those who are not. . PSALM 5:4-6. 4. For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall Evil dwell with Thee. 5. The foolish shall not stand in Thy Sight: Thou hatest all Workers of Iniquity. 6. Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: The LORD will abhor the Bloody and Deceitful man. . REVELATIONS 2:6. 6. But this thou hast, that thou hatest the Deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate. GOD "INDULGES IN HATE." As does YAHSHUA. He approved OF PEOPLE WHO "indulged in hate." He COMMANDED his Disciples to HATE. . LUKE 14:25-26. 25. And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them, 26. "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my Disciple." BUT, ACCORDING TO YOUR THEORY, HE COULD NOT BE FROM GOD! Therefore the love of God manifests in the love of all creations of God. If there were only one type of love, that would be the case- but you are trying to make the term apply to something that it does not, because you do not know that it is a MISTRANSLATION! On earth, it is possible for an atheist to love God without being spiritually conscious of it. NO, IT IS NOT. However if such atheist continues in the manifestation of the love of God, either later in this earthly life or in the beyond on in another earthly life the emanations of the love of God that vibrates in his spirit will also permeate his earthly brain such that he also becomes conscious of the existence of God while in the physical body. What counts is how our spirit is close or far away from the will of God. Religion, nationality, sex, class and similar things that we think are very important while on earth are worthless once we drop this physical body. RELIGION becomes VERY IMPORTANT, once we "DROP THIS PHYSICAL BODY," because your RELIGION determines whether or not you get to participate in the AFTERLIFE or NOT! In my view, there is no difference between the pope, the Christian, the mystic or an atheists when it concerns the will of God. Murder is murder whether perpetrated by a pope, a theist or an atheist. That is correct. Genuine love is genuine love whether it came from an atheist, a pastor or an agnostic. THAT is a Total LIE: Atheists are NOT CAPABLE of "GENUINE LOVE!" THIS is the definition of "GENUINE LOVE." . MATTHEW 5:38-48. 38. "Ye have heard that it hath been said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH:' 39. "But I say unto you, 'THAT YE RESIST NOT EVIL: BUT WHOSOEVER SHALL SMITE THEE ON THY RIGHT CHEEK, TURN TO HIM THE OTHER ALSO.' 40. "And if any man will sue thee at the Law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. 41. "And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. 42. "Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. 43. "Ye have heard that it hath been said, 'THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR, AND HATE THINE ENEMY.' 44. "But I say unto you, 'LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, BLESS THEM THAT CURSE YOU, DO GOOD TO THEM THAT HATE YOU, AND PRAY FOR THEM WHICH DESPITEFULLY USE YOU, AND PERSECUTE YOU; 45. 'THAT YE MAY BE THE CHILDREN OF YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN: FOR HE MAKETH HIS SUN TO RISE ON THE EVIL AND ON THE GOOD, AND SENDETH RAIN ON THE JUST AND ON THE UNJUST.' 46. "For if ye love them which love you, what Reward have ye? Do not even the Publicans the same? 47. "And if ye salute your Brethren only, what do ye more than Others? do not even the Publicans so? 48. "Be ye therefore Perfect, even as your Father Which is in Heaven is Perfect." ATHEISTS ARE NOT CAPABLE OF THIS as it is written: . MATTHEW 7:12-20. 12. "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is The Law and The Prophets. 13. "Enter ye in at the Strait Gate: for Wide is the Gate, and Broad is the Way, that leadeth to Destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14. "Because Strait is the Gate, and Narrow is The Way, which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it. 15. "Beware of False Prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16. "Ye shall know them by their Fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17. "Even so every good tree bringeth forth Good Fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth Evil Fruit. 18. "A Good Tree cannot bring forth Evil Fruit, neither can a Corrupt Tree bring forth Good Fruit. 19. "Every Tree that bringeth not forth Good Fruit is hewn down, and cast into The Fire. 20. "Wherefore by their Fruits ye shall know them.” PERFECT LOVE CANNOT COME OUT OF A WICKED HEART: PERIOD. Sometimes we think too much and thus think nothing. If we look around even on earth, we should find that the natural laws which are the manifestation of the will of God in nature does not give a hoot about all these artificial constructs. If a bud-hist sows yam in a fertile soil, he will reap yam. The same goes for an atheist and the theist. In an earthquake or epidemic or accident, both theists and atheists are saved and killed. A deeper look on why these things are the way they are may open our eyes to the working of God. Best wishes. THE LOVE OF GOD IS THE HIGHEST OF SEVEN LEVELS OF DIVINE-CLASS WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING. Earthly Animals are limited to the EIGHTH and LOWEST of the EIGHT LEVELS OF LIFE. Earthly Animals CANNOT exhibit THE LOVE OF GOD. Atheists debase themselves to the level of Animals. The above in red was written and posted sometime ago by the wisest man on Nairaland, M_Nwankwo. It just shows that you are easily impressed by the superficial. |
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