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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Who Won The Iraq War? (1302 Views)
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Who Won The Iraq War? by oliky(m): 8:23pm On Oct 15, 2007 |
I read a fascinating article titled Who Won the Iraq War?. The article basically says that the only winners were large american corporations who got lucrative government contracts. Hundreds of billions of dollars went to these companies to help US defence or to rebuild Iraq. It's no surprise that Halliburton which is infamous for it's ties to the government is the biggest winner.I wonder who the major players of halliburton really are? Maybe Naija is not the only nation with issues of corruption,we just don't hide our own under diplomacy. Get a non resident US bank account to boost the value of your business at: Cancer and leukemia treatments @ |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by McKren(m): 8:54pm On Oct 15, 2007 |
Haliburton is the only credible winner of the war |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by McKren(m): 8:57pm On Oct 15, 2007 |
LOL you will not believe it if I say to you that I did not read your innitial post before I made my previous post, Neither have I read the article you quoted ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by uspry1(f): 9:06pm On Oct 15, 2007 |
Current US Vice President Dick Chenny was the CEO (major players along with those Republicans) of the Haliburton stealing America taxpayers. Do you know that? Do your homework!! |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Tornadoz(m): 12:12am On Oct 16, 2007 |
America is fast becoming an evil empire, rivaled only by China. On the plus side (for China) they are yet to be governed by CEO of rich global conglomerates who starts war to feed their insatiable clamour for wealth. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Nobody: 12:15am On Oct 16, 2007 |
Tornadoz: Thank you sir! ![]() |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Tornadoz(m): 12:19am On Oct 16, 2007 |
davidylan:Do you really have to align yourself with the rascist to live there? |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Iman3(m): 12:35am On Oct 16, 2007 |
Tornadoz: Do you have any other Neo-Nazis to cite for us? |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Nobody: 1:07am On Oct 16, 2007 |
Tornadoz: The arabs are even more racist than the Americans. At least they have several opportunities where i can seek legal redress, try living in Iran. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by iykrion(m): 1:10am On Oct 16, 2007 |
The NID and the NIN syndrome is about to start again! ![]() ![]() Abeg make we no drink panadol (analgesic) for another person headache That the U.S. is corrupt is not a vindication for our corruption here in Naija. I felt bad yesternight after watching a documentary on Malaysia's economy which is just three years older than Nigeria. It's high time we started looking for those factors which can only motivate our drive for growth, rather consoling ourselves with situations that are rather faux pas ![]() |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Kobojunkie: 1:34am On Oct 16, 2007 |
Tornadoz: I would like to understand how you process information here. Have you ever actually lived in America?? Where in America did you live in if you answered yes to my first question?? How did you arrive at the claim that americans are racists?? What do you base this on?? Did you know that the reason why there are not that many people of our kind living in the arab world and even in asia is cause those are by far the racists capitals of the world? Japan, China, Saudi Arabia etc ![]() |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Nobody: 1:35am On Oct 16, 2007 |
@ Kobojunkie, abeg leave Tornadoz alone. that is the way he talks when he has had too much palmwine to drink. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Kobojunkie: 1:42am On Oct 16, 2007 |
iykrion: OH MY GOSH!! IyKrion has FiNALLY SEEN THE LIGHT!!! Let us thank God for PBS/Discovery Channel/History CHannel / Whichever Channel finally showed IyKrion the LIGHT!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I wonder if anyone saw 60 minutes last night, the story on Dubai. Same oil, same resources. Infact we have more oil than dubai does and yet, that place is fast becoming number one in the world. We have more oil resources than dubai which speculates that it's reserves will run out in 10 years. Look at what we have done SO FAR with ours and look at what dubai has done in just 5 years with theirs. ![]() |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Nobody: 1:56am On Oct 16, 2007 |
kobojunkie, 1. Dubai has probably less than 1/10th of Nigeria's population. 2. Dubai is ethnically homogenous . . . Nigeria na wa. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Kobojunkie: 1:58am On Oct 16, 2007 |
davidylan: Used to be ethnically homogenous, Sure it has less than 1/10th of Nigeria's population but considering the resources, we have no excuse as we have over 10 times more than Dubai has in resources. We still have no excuse to be behind dubai in this. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Nobody: 1:59am On Oct 16, 2007 |
You have a point there, i've run out of excuses for why Nigeria is still a dwarf at 47. Maybe you can help me out with some. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Kobojunkie: 2:01am On Oct 16, 2007 |
You name it, We have gold, silver, Aluminum, Oil?? We supply OIL to china, We supply Oil to India, HECk, We influence the price of gas in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and we are still the way we are?? NIGERIA, I WEEP FOR YOU!!! I watched all summer as gas price shot above $3 bucks here cause of issues in Nigeria. I watched as drivers lined up for minutes to get gas just cause of rumours that situation in Nigeria could get worse, and we are still this way ![]() |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Nobody: 2:03am On Oct 16, 2007 |
Maybe Nigeria's problem is as a result of a Zionist plot. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by uspry1(f): 2:16am On Oct 16, 2007 |
And I do not understand that Nigeria has plenty of engineers to make things (economic) improved as Kobejunkie and davidylan had said. Help me understand this. I have been doing my homework learning deeply about Nigeria culture i am preparing for my business proposal submission with microfinance investment in the quality of electronic power and housing shortage solution for one year and 3 months so far. Other Africa such as Gambia, Ghana, and South Africa already receiving granted microfinance funding on rural electrification system solution for FOUR YEARS where Nigeria HAS NONE!!! (only small projects Nigeria has already done) Coming 2008 i will come visiting to Nigeria for the purpose of feasiblity study proposal to gather needed materials what Nigeria already have. I already have supporting Nigeria professionals to work with me and my business partner, now my turn to fly to Nigeria real soon. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Nobody: 2:17am On Oct 16, 2007 |
We dont need microfiinance, we have more than enough money to be the most powerful nation in Africa. those silly toads in power just prefer to salt the money to their private accounts. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Kobojunkie: 2:18am On Oct 16, 2007 |
davidylan: You forgot to add the great EVIL AMERICA t o the equation, who according to NOSTRADAMUS' prophesy ( thanks to AlmondJoy for that one) is pushing for WW3!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by almondjoy(f): 4:56am On Oct 16, 2007 |
Saddam definitely won. That country will know no peace for ever. It needed a guy like Saddam to keep it together. Too bad none like him can surface again. I really miss him stepping on GWB face on his red carpet. ![]() |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by chidichris(m): 9:13am On Oct 16, 2007 |
it is really unfortunate that with the high heaps of lapses and chronic problems facing us as nigerians especially in nigeria, we still find time to find faults in countries 1000% better than us. everybody is complaining about iraq war without looking back to the origin of the war. how did america first got involved? with iraq annexing kuwait and having other countries in the golf in their lists, treathening to clean up the place with weapon of mass destruction, it came from the arabs themselves inviting america to their aid. in our odd reasonings, we never cared to ask where in the americans millitary bases throughout these war times- maybe in africa. i am of the opinion that a certain level of victory to kuwait, golf, arab world and middle east as a whole have been achieved with the man of wars(saddam) down. america by all means is the present police of the world and have been doing the job, paying the prizes. a nigerian man going to south africa is as difficult as going to the moon yet they are not recists. if americans are recists then someone shld be bold enough to tell us who is not. to discuss corruptions in other countries, one has to first of all, change his nationality from nigeria to something else because ours are not worth discussing. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by denex: 9:39am On Oct 16, 2007 |
Wow! Took y'all just a few minutes to change an Iraqi thread to "Nigeria must develop". Well, first I must say the Iraqi war was engineered to create contracts for large corporations of the USA. This was made clear when George Bush told Russia and France that since they would not support the war on Iraq, they would not get any re-construction contracts (this was said before the war started). In general Halliburton won, Tony Blair lost because he didn't have any personal company that would take advantage of the money spinning war. He didn't even know what the war was about till too late. For those comparing Dubai to Nigeria, make una take am easy. Dubai is just a city perhaps smaller than Abuja with outstanding crude oil resources for it's size an population. Dubai is a city in one of the United Arab Emirates. The United Arab Emirates comprise 7 different former Nation States which later came together. The Population of the UAE is 3.1 million. About the population of Ikeja. So even if they had 5 percent the natural resources of Nigeria, they would fare far, far better. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by chidichris(m): 8:01am On Oct 17, 2007 |
Denex, since is all about who won, then who and who were in the context? and who was tipped to be the favourites? and from your point of view, what are the disappointments of the war. talking about your analysis of nigeria and dubai population wise, what do u have to say about usa, china and india? what has the population of a country has to do with electricity, good roads, security and money laundary? i would want to tell u that law courts are there to twist issues and suit special interests otherwise why would criminals appear in the courts with lawyers to defend them. the whole things bowls down to selfish interests. if the population of dubai is too small, then what happens to togo, mali, benin and other smaller african countries. nigeria is the largest country of the world and that justifies the states of our roads, human rights, electrity, security network and the rate of money laundary and selected justice. that is why obj ruled as a millitary, come back for an interupted eigth year term, seek and failed on a direct third term, and decided to achieve that through self enthrone chairman bot of pdp and then remain the invinscible president of nigeria. that accounts for adedibu's uncountrollable powers, that makes some govs saints while a few remain high tech criminals. that is why non of the ministers have faced the efcc on grafts issues. that is why most contracts given by obj were declared illegal and nothing was done against that. that is why etteh has refused to step down even with the house on fire. pls more lessons on the relevance of population of nigeria as a justifiable reason for our backwardness. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by denex: 8:49am On Oct 17, 2007 |
@chidichris I really don't see any need answering your questions because in doing so, I would have to use some complex analogy which from carefully reading your last post, I doubt if you'd understand. On the other hand, maybe I should try one. The population of China is almost 1,300,000,000 (1.3 billion) and earns $10 trillion annually. France has a population of about 60,000,000 (60 million) and earns $2 trillion annually. The french are 5 times better off than the Chinese in terms of welfare, infrastructure, Education, road network, communications, electricity, healthcare. The average amount of money accruing to each French citizen annually is 40,000. That is five times more than the 8,000 accruing to the average Chinese. Yet if you remember, we already said the whole of China annually earns 5 times more than France, so how come the french are living 5 times better than the Chinese? Could it be because of the 1.3 billion population? Well, it's not just population, it is population density. Take the amount of land and resources, then divide by the population or should I say the number of people. That is why a lot of Abiola's children suffer while Fela's children are doing well. Back to the Iraq War, it hasn't ended yet so we can't really be certain about the results. Things could turn around. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Afam(m): 10:46am On Oct 17, 2007 |
@Denex, Glad yo are ok now. denex: GBAM! You get am well well. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Kobojunkie: 3:49pm On Oct 17, 2007 |
denex: That comparison was not meant to say Nigeria and Dubai are on the same level or Nigeria is SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE DUBAI. Rather it was to show that We HAVE NO EXCUSE AT ALL FOR REMAINING WHERE WERE HAVE BEEN FOR THE LAST 20 Years . We have more manpower, more resources, more indigenes who can get this work done. And if I remember correctly, it was in response to USPRY1's post up there. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by uspry1(f): 4:39pm On Oct 17, 2007 |
Let's look at my recent response I ask you all as @kobojunkie has said at below link: Forget about who won Iraq war! Forget about other countries problem! Let's focus on Nigeria resolved. Soon I will create new thread next few days or weeks when i am free. Let's look at the following existing thread that had been posted by different NLers to ask how to improve Nigeria better at below: The Problem With Nigeria What Are You Doing To Make Nigeria Better? Come Let's Make Nigeria Better Business Areas That Need Investment in Nigeria What Would You Do To Improve Nigeria If You Were The President |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by chidichris(m): 10:41pm On Oct 17, 2007 |
Denex, i don't want to say i will understand when you are too sure that i will not but since u have started answering and analysing, i would want you to tell me the main resources of Dubai or emirates as a whole. tell me how the funds you mentioned above in china and france accrue to them. then relate that to nigeria dn south africa. the per capita income which you have made us know from your analysis, how do u relate them to the stolen wealths or loots of abacha who nigeria has declared as the only ex-president that looted our funds. then relate them to the loots of our 36 or more govs in the last eight years. Denex, it will be of great interests if you can relate our per capita income to the funds used by obj to service our external debts. pls relates these issues to the nature of our roads, security, electricty and other basic armenities in the last ten years to date. then let us know if we are improving or we are going back and each case then tell me if our resources are going dopwn or increasing with our population. pls i would want to be lectured on the size of dubai and togo and the relative improvements in the two countries. in your analysis, maybe, u forgot to relate the usa so u can as well do that. in the face of all these, we have a place for africa and the developed nations where people do not get rich over night just because they are made the councilor of their wards. please, do not forget to lecture me on the relevance of money laundary in our economy. finally, my dear denex, i would want you to remind me how nigeria and nigerians are benefiting from the investments of public funds by our leaders in all the countries of the world leaving nigeria in the dark. |
Re: Who Won The Iraq War? by Kobojunkie: 11:18pm On Oct 17, 2007 |
AAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! What did KoboJunkie say ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() denex: I disagree with your assertion that the reason why china does not earn as much as france does is cause of population. If that was even close to the case, then we should have it that countries who have population lower than that of france would make more but that is not the case at all. I have been listening to an all week focus on China on the BBC and I have to say population has very very little to do with why China is the way it is. Completely different story. |
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