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Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 10:17pm On Feb 12, 2024
Lol some dey even claim visa officer for here yeye people everywhere 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Some ppl here will just be jumping and replying to post aimlessly. Typing rubbish. Them done turn visa officers or visa guru.

So because one spouse or parent is a student in canada it is automatic visa approval to their family members? (There are family members of Canadian citizens getting visa rejection, how much more student)

Canada visa bonanza has ended. Lol. But only this year on this thread we have seen 3 - 5 visa approval.

If you don't know what to say shut the f**k up!

Take or quote me anywhere, you don't need a travel history to visit any country. You only need a good profile, and over 70% boils down to convincing the VO you will return back to your home country.


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Travel / Re: USA Visit Visa Part 4 by ofime123(m): 11:10am On Feb 11, 2024
We are also not ready to talk about all the exploitation the western countries are exploiting the whole of Africa. They exploit us of our natural resources. We will also exploit their immigration system thank you.
If you have to travel out for opportunities, carry go.
I support relocation 100 percent.

Everyone has their own thing going, however, i am concerned about the exploitations in the system which we are not ready to even talk about.
I rest my case.

Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 9:19am On Feb 07, 2024
Email me matoddlogistic@gmail.com
Good evening All,

Please kindly assist me with answers to my questions.
I want to move myself with family (4) in total to Canada on a visit/tourist vis. But I don't have any travel history.
1. How much is the least amount that will I need for all these process?
2. What are the things need to do aside reservation, POF, visa fee.
3. Can I convert/ change my status to student after 2-3 month on Canada?.
4. Which route is easier with family? conference or tourism
5. How long does the process take before visa is approved after submission?
6. Can I go alone and later invite my family?
Please don't be offended with my questions.
And thank you all for the knowledge deposited.
Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 6:25pm On Oct 27, 2023
Go for the AZ it much better because that were the main bucks is. Some trucking school charge about 5k for that. And if you don't have the funds for that, you can go for the DZ and start from there. Let me give you a hint as you are learning the truck in Nigeria don't forget to make allot of video of yourself driving the truck. After you have you certificate. Most trucking school will refer you to employer and the company will always want to ask for experience. With proof. This is were the video you have make about you driving truck will comes to play. You show them the video and trust me you will be employ because truck driving job is in demand job all over Canada company go rush you. Na you go tire for work

Bad energy pls stay away from my post

Thank you for this information, I'm actually planning on traveling to Canada this December on a visitor's visa with the plan of getting a truck driving job when I get there, I'm currently learning truck driving in Nigeria ( straight truck) and will get all the neccessary Nigeria license ( class D, class G and international driver's license) I will like you to clarify something for me there are 2 types of truck driving licenses in Ontario class AZ and class DZ. The class AZ allows you to drive truck/tractor-trailer while the class DZ allows you to drive straight or articulated trucks (which am currently learning) and getting the class DZ license in Ontario is a little cheaper (about 3k CAD based on my enquiries) than the class AZ. My question is, is it going to be easy to get an lmia approved job with Class DZ license compared to the class AZ which you're obviously referring to in your post and will my experience in Nigeria make any difference while searching for job?

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Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 3:08pm On Oct 27, 2023
This is the wrong place to be asking that question because people on this forum will discourage you and you will not achieve anything. Now back to your question about truck driving. You can get a Canadian truck license while on visit visa I repeat don't let anyone discourage you. First before you travel to Canada get your Nigeria G license and driving history from frsc. When you get to Canada you will enroll for a g1 license when you get that you will skip the G2 because you already have your G license from Nigeria, then you enroll for the G license in Canada. With your Canadian G license you will be able to enroll in a trucking school over there. And believe me an LMIA job is always waiting for a truck driver over there. Remember you need money to do all this so travel down with atlease 8k cad. Like I say don't listen to anybody that want to discourage you in achieving your dreams. I know bad belle people will still come here and say rubbish I dey wait for una

What legal option do one have to convert visitors Visa to work permit??


Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by ofime123(m): 5:42pm On Oct 22, 2023
Go with your card they don't accept cash
Hello house , I what is the visa fee mode of payment? Do I have to change naira to euro to pay ? And would I need naira at TLS ? And can I pay for any services using cash ?

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Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 8:28am On Oct 21, 2023
Where the home wey sweet?

Continue to give people fake hope,and your brother that landed on a vv with his family got a job and convert it to wp yet via LMIA? This 2023 that ur statement tbat many arrive with vv and got LMIA is not true .some will claim asylum and get work premit but willcome online to pretend it via LMIA.people should have a backup plan and not focus all effort on LMIA to avoid been stranded .and nigeria not good that one no concern canada govt to bend the rule to accept us..canada immigration do not work based on sentiment or ur country economic issues .pray to the God that can do all things to fix our country so we can stay home and enjoy our country too..home sweet home!
Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 1:32pm On Oct 19, 2023
You need to go and jump in the lagoon if you do not like it. You are not wiser than the government that set the rules.
lol, he and all the other wailers understands the terms and conditions of the visit visa fully. Otherwise they wouldn’t be here rehearsing responses to give to the border control officers that have found out their tricks. Some even advertise flying to other airports that are “less strict”. If you are so sure of the allowance of work with a visit visa, simply say that as the reason during your visa application or tell the officers when they ask. No need to beat around the bush with your responses or book hotel reservations you have not intent to use or be doing hide and seek from one airport to another grin grin grin grin grin.

Be as courageous as you are here on nairaland.
grin cheesy

Dear officer, I’m applying as a tourist… but deep down I plan to remain to work illegally. Even if it’s $10 a day I’m getting for manual work wey wan kill me, no problem. As long as I can snap with snow in the background.

grin grin grin grin

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Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 1:29pm On Oct 19, 2023
Leave this people them no know something instead of them to agree they will look for a way to exonerate their ignorance

Canada currently permits people with visitor's visa to apply for work permit which means that going to Canada on a visitor's visa with the intention to get work permit and start working is possible and acceptable by Canadian government. Therefore, it is not a bad idea or against Canada public policy for a visitor to have the intention to work in Canada while on a visit visa because Canadian government has confirmed a public policy which empowers visitors to convert to work permit if they wish

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Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 1:23pm On Oct 19, 2023
I think you are the one misinformed over here as a visitor visa holder I get to Canada on a visit visa and I apply for a job and the company agree to offer me a job with an LMIA. I can then change me visit visa to work permit just agree you don't know about this and let's move on from here. There are so many ways you can convert you visit visa to PR in Canada even in Atlantic region. You can get a job as a visitor visa holder in the Atlantic region in Canada. Once the employer is under the designated employer in the region you can convert you visa to work permit and even get pr faster than people that choose the school route. No need of LMIA in Atlantic region, the company only need to endorse the employee then you will be qualify to apply for permanent resident.You are no wiser than Canadian government that made all this possible...

No you can not, you are missinformed. You can not work in Canada with visiting visa.

You still can not understnad this simple rule.

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Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 11:41am On Oct 19, 2023
Then why can't you quote and caution that good for nothing guy call mobile to stop laying causes on his ancestors since you can now see that a visitor visa holder can apply for jobs in Canada. Una hypocrite for this nairaland too much

Tell me where i mentioned that going to Canada with visiting visa and convert it to work permit is fraud.

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Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 10:19pm On Oct 18, 2023
No you will not
Please do someone has to submit his passport all through while the visa process last? I have valid visas on my passport, I may need to travel before they make a decision Since the processing take longer

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Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 10:08pm On Oct 18, 2023
This is where we get it wrong any little thing we start mentioning Nigeria. Nigerians are even the least of this LMIA racket. The indians a leading in the game but you will not hear any noise. And pls nobody should pay for any LMIA because you can apply for jobs yourself and get it. People are still getting jobs themselves
Canada govt intention to allow VV to be converted to WP is to allow skillful immigrants to contribute to their economy but some people including Nigerians turns it to business & means of extortion that made LMIA difficult to get. Some of us still at home need to plan more b4 we JAPA.
Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 10:02pm On Oct 18, 2023
We are here doing thing legitimately and we condemn people that use fraudulent means to get visa. The issue is with that guy that is laying causes on his ancestors. Because people are traveling with visit visa and convert to work permit. He should vent his anger on Canadian government that set the rules. Like I said the guy is a saddest and his depressed he should be check on

I'm not referring to those doing things legitimately, i thought you should know that.


Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 9:56pm On Oct 18, 2023
Carry your cross. Nobody send you to use a fraudulent bank statement.
Experts here please I need help.

I just got update on my Study Visa that I use a fraudulent bank statement.

Truly I did but I have been given 7days to respond to this report.

What do I do? Please anyone with this knowledge
Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 9:47pm On Oct 18, 2023
If you tire you go carry your kaya comot for here enemy of process and a saddest
Bingo. A look on my page should give you a hint on my location. I only came here to get information for a colleague, but was met with disgraceful Nigerians who wish to keep tarnishing our image and making things hard for GENUINE applicants.
Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 10:26pm On Oct 17, 2023
That guy is a saddest, and the cold in Canada have scatter his brain making him to be depressed and his looking for who to pure his anger on🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

No mind him...

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Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by ofime123(m): 7:37pm On Oct 11, 2023
Good evening my appointment is next week Tuesday. The number of days I want to spend is 6 days should I buy 6 days insurance or more I need advisable pls
Travel / Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 23 by ofime123(m): 1:48pm On Oct 09, 2023
Mine is two weeks now o just be patient it usually not like this before. Maybe they have so many backlog
Please, how many days does it take biometric to be updated on the system? It is more than a week my brother did biometric at Lagos center, and it has not been updated till today.
Is this normal?
Travel / Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 23 by ofime123(m): 11:54pm On Oct 08, 2023
Don't give wrong info they only verify if the Statement of account is genuine and not asking what's your present balance. People print their statement of account and withdraw some money. Yet they still get visa
What do you think? If the acct has been verified before the money was taken out then you don't have to worry if you know for sure the account has been verified, but if the account has not been verified then the money was taken out and they send a message or call for verification, just be expecting PFL
Travel / Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 23 by ofime123(m): 11:50pm On Oct 08, 2023
Ircc do not and can not ask your present account balance they only verify the geniuness of your statement of account you presented. If your remove the money just pray they don't ask you for updated statement of account. This only happen in rear case.
Please my senior colleagues.
Will Canada verify if the POF money is still in my account when applying for the Visa ?
Please help me out o. I need response asap.
Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 10:01pm On Oct 06, 2023
Go to TLS they will give you a form to fill to withdraw your passport temporary. When you are done with it then return it to them
Good morning house, as a first timer I have made a lot of errors doing this process myself 😭. The latest one is that my passport is with France Embassy at the moment and my Canada biometrics is 10th of October. Anyone knows how I can retrieve my passport or what to do in this situation please 🙏
Travel / Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 23 by ofime123(m): 10:00pm On Oct 05, 2023
Me I don't even know what to do. I send a msg to vfs and they respond that my biometric has been transmitted to ircc in real time. So I don't know why am not getting update on my portal.

Same with me ooo. Tomorrow will make it one week.
Some did it and it reflected that day.
Travel / Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 23 by ofime123(m): 6:42pm On Oct 05, 2023
Today will makes is one week I did biometric and no update yet on my portal. I hope I never enter one chance. Or should I send web form to niarobi office
Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 5:33pm On Oct 05, 2023
Today makes it a week now I did biometric and still no update on my portal. I though biometric is supposed to update almost like immediately. I hope they will not ask me to go for another biometric
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by ofime123(m): 1:01pm On Oct 05, 2023
How much is 3 month insurance
Cornerstone Insurance is your best bet for your customers travel insurance,we are swift in issuance, giving claims & our premiums are considerate. We also underwrite both General & life insurances.

DM - 08086074378quote author=ofime123 post=126213089]Good morning everyone, please my appointment is on the 17 of this month this are the documents I will be going with.
1 my passport
2 paid conference letter
3 4 different kind of tour reservation including boat cruise after the conference.
4 my company payslip 3month
5 my employment letter and leave letter
6 my personal company CAC certificate
7 3 separate bank statement personal account, my company account, and my domiciliary account.
8 cover letter to explaining my reason for the trip and outlining how am spending each day in the country.

9 travel insurance
10 flight reservation ticket and hotel reservations
11 my landed property and rental agreement from my tenant.

This are all the documents I have. I hope am ok the right track. I don't have any travel history.

Please will they keep all my original document on till a decision is made?

And pls how long will it take them to decide? Hope is not like Canada that takes forever?

NB I work with a logistic company I also have a registered real estate business.

Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by ofime123(m): 12:13pm On Oct 05, 2023
Good morning everyone, please my appointment is on the 17 of this month this are the documents I will be going with.
1 my passport
2 paid conference letter
3 4 different kind of tour reservation including boat cruise after the conference.
4 my company payslip 3month
5 my employment letter and leave letter
6 my personal company CAC certificate
7 3 separate bank statement personal account, my company account, and my domiciliary account.
8 cover letter to explaining my reason for the trip and outlining how am spending each day in the country.

9 travel insurance
10 flight reservation ticket and hotel reservations
11 my landed property and rental agreement from my tenant.

This are all the documents I have. I hope am ok the right track. I don't have any travel history.

Please will they keep all my original document on till a decision is made?

And pls how long will it take them to decide? Hope is not like Canada that takes forever?

NB I work with a logistic company I also have a registered real estate business.
Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by ofime123(m): 10:58am On Oct 03, 2023
Thanks I think I will have to go back to vfs office if I didn't get update on my portal this week because I track it from ircc site and his saying no record found for biometric the problem will be from vfs. And without the biometric update they are not going to treat my application


quote author=ofime123 post=126154885]My biometric is not updating since last week Thursday. Hope am on the right track
Travel / Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 23 by ofime123(m): 5:27pm On Oct 02, 2023
I still don't have an update on my biometric since last week Thursday. I hope everything is fine because almost everybody I know get an update on their portal almost same day they did the biometric.

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