Politics / Re: For Or Against Nigeria's Possible Division? by pchukwudi: 11:07pm On Apr 23, 2017 |
Angel, don't get me wrong o. I actually like you, that's why we are having this back and forth. You have this fascinating combination of a very tender heart and elastically stubborn Will. (just like a chewing gum that appears soft to chew but will refuse to melt away once you start chewing it.)  . And I like that. Angel196:
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Politics / Re: For Or Against Nigeria's Possible Division? by pchukwudi: 10:57pm On Apr 23, 2017 |
1) The fact that you THINK the person was not reading DOES NOT mean that the person DID NOT READ. 2) The fact that you NEVER SAW the person reading, DOES NOT mean that the person is not ready. Please quit being a dogmatic control freak. Advice yourself instead, and let the other fellow do as she pleases. Stop playing God. Angel196:
So, you mean if I tell someone that he'll fail without reading for exams is just mere speculations and not the truth and fact? I'm playing god with that person? Well it'll be a speculation if that person plans on passing through examination malpractice.
Do you think God answers prayers of lazy people who don't back up their prayers with hard work? Or maybe it's always supposed to be through a miracle. Like a person who keeps praying and fasting for success in an exam yet writes nothing except his name. That person failing is a speculation because he might actually pass abi?
You want me to say building another country and succeeding is easy? Okay it is easy. I'm sorry for pointing otherwise. 
1 Like |
Politics / Re: For Or Against Nigeria's Possible Division? by pchukwudi: 10:26pm On Apr 23, 2017 |
Madam, please get this into your head right now: THERE IS NOTHING LIKE THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FUTURE. Everything you say about the future is a mere SPECULATION which may or may not come to pass. So when you want to make a statement (or give advice) about ANOTHER PERSONS future, do not present your idea, opinion, assumption and speculations as the TRUTH, because it's not. Ascribing to your opinion the status of truth is like playing God in another person's matter. That's both foolish and offensive. Angel196:
Where did I compel anyone to do anything? [b]Pointing the truth [/b]out means compelling them? Huh guess I missed that memo.
All tribes against Igbo? What about Niger Delta people?
I'm not against anyone prevailing, I just pointed out that building a new country is not any less difficult than repairing an old one, which if you face it, is the truth.
Good luck to them and anyone else who wants his own country. I dey go watch elclassico. 2 Likes |
Politics / Re: To All Secessionists: Give Me PROOF That A Broken Nigeria Is Better by pchukwudi: 3:49pm On Apr 23, 2017 |
My dear, their ignorance and arrogance are out of this world. freeze001: I've been reading and smiling at the (according to pchukwudi) provocative naivety of the op. First he assumes the position of one who thinks a certain group of people must provide proof with sources of a successful nation arising out of a disintegrated Nigeria. I wonder who died n made him a rude judge?
Op already has a closed mind beset with ignorance and the actual working of this contraption which is what has informed his belligerent posts so far. I cannot stoop so low as to attempt to explain or prove the successful prospects of Biafra or Oduduwa as the case may be, he counts for nothing in th general scheme of things. |
Politics / Re: Why We Sent Officials To PENCOM - DSS by pchukwudi: 8:45am On Apr 23, 2017 |
 CC: KaptainAfrika 9jasave saintade01 gberra Can you guys now go and correct your rants on the other thread? https://www.nairaland.com/3756618/dss-raids-pencom-office-abujaAnd please try to google the concept of information litteracy. By getting a bit of that you all will be doing yourselves (and all who rely on you for knowledge) a huge favor. Peace. 1 Like |
Politics / Re: To All Secessionists: Give Me PROOF That A Broken Nigeria Is Better by pchukwudi: 8:12am On Apr 23, 2017 |
Thank you. Their naevity is so provocative. But I don't entirely blsme them. I was once like like that. A product of national deception until I took responsibility and started learning and thinking for myslef, with God's help. jjjjj2017: @pchukwudi, I love your countribution. its obvious that op is underage uninformed guy. the problem with most Nigerians was that they lacked knowledge of history. if we stay together for millions year, the situation of things in Nigeria will still be the same. British designed Nigeria the way it is for their personal interest. 4 Likes |
Politics / Re: For Or Against Nigeria's Possible Division? by pchukwudi: 7:57am On Apr 23, 2017 |
Good! But for God to hear your prayer, you should learn to HONESTLY wish others well in their own noble endeavors and aspirations too. God is a respecter of no man or woman. What you sow to others in your thoughts is likely what God will let happen in your personal space. One more thing, God ditastes lying lips and hypocritical minds. So if truly you care less, why open this thread? Why make refrence to a nay sayer and assert his baseless assumptions as enlightening? Why put "easy" in quotes when talking about the building of the new nation you claim to not care about? God is not a Man. And he hates prayers that emanete from dishonest hearts. Only witches and wizards impose their wills on others in the name of prayers. Angel196: One of the most popularly discussed topics on the Nigerian social media platform today is it's possible division. I hear it been discussed left and right and to be honest I'm sick and tired of it.
Should Biafra be allowed free reign as another country?
My opinion? I couldn't care less. I remain indifferent to these arguments. And I honestly don't know why they are stopping them. If they are so desperate to have their own country fine. Everyone is free to choose but no one is free from the consequences of their actions. There are always consequences from every action whether good or bad.
All I know is that, with or without them, Nigeria can and will still be great. In short there would be less pressure on resources and make it easier for Nigeria to get rid of corruption and monitor the country better.
No offence but you claim you want your own country and all yet you are found everywhere in Nigeria.
I read a post from an Igbo man today who said a lot of enlightening things about Biafra and how he didn't support the idea of it.https://www.nairaland.com/3753648/why-think-biafra-may-not . But one thing with people is that they find it hard to see and accept the truth even if it drops from the sky and hits them on the face.
Nigeria in this critical stage have more important things to face than dividing their time and resources on things like this. If they want it so bad let them go and try their luck in building a country and see how 'easy' it is.
I pray for Nigeria and know there's hope for it. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: To All Secessionists: Give Me PROOF That A Broken Nigeria Is Better by pchukwudi: 7:32am On Apr 23, 2017 |
You know talking with your type is a waste of time and abuse of energy. You cannot even sustain a grain of objectivity in one line of argument yet you think you have some kind of opinion. Onitsha is the way it is today as a glaring indictment on one Nigeria - it's not working, and it has never worked. Time to try an alternative. You foolishly talk about Scotland, but you forget that the structure of the UK is far apart from the structure of one Nigeria; and Scotland is a relatively autonomus jurisdiction unlike Biafra that was bombed consecutively for three years, never rebuilt and has remained systematically supressed and defranchised. TheStronghold:
You can tell that Scotland will be successful if they are to leave the UK by looking at them now. They have a functioning economy with a proven track record. There is nothing in the east at the moment that is evident of a half of a functioning country. Onitsha has the highest pollution in the world according to the world health organization. There has been noted corruption that has prevented the local people from seeing true development, and many of the residents travel to other parts of Nigeria for business and jobs. These are the things that are present now. And 2 pages on not one person has explained how it will change with biafra 18 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: To All Secessionists: Give Me PROOF That A Broken Nigeria Is Better by pchukwudi: 7:06am On Apr 23, 2017 |
1. Because Nigeria is structured to favor the few elites at the expense of the poor masses. 2. Because inequality and social injustice based on multi ethno-religious diversities are the INSTITUTIONALIZED norms rather than the exception. 3. Because Nigeria (in spite of her massive resources) is one of the poorest countries in the world, with up to 67% of her population still living in poverty. 4. Because Nigeria's education system is a fraud that damages the intellect of our youths rather than refine it.. And the majority of its graduates are never employable. 5. Because the fabrication of the geographical expression called Nigeria was not established with the mandate of the people. 6. Because the Nigeria brand has never inspired true patriotism in the spirits of its constituents. 7. Because you don't need any darn proof besides the fact that the majority want out. And, by the way, those illogical reasons you advanced down there (as your proof of merits of one Nigeria) were possible in spite of one Nigeria and NOT because of it. Check well, and you would see regional coloration in most of those irrelevant points you raised. #Leave the drama. #Just call for referendum for once in your life. #Do the right thing. MrMaestro: Not opinion, not fantasy, not hateful tribalistic comments. Give me hard, and factual proof with sources , as to how exactly any country split from Nigeria will be better than Nigeria. Its a very simple question. I want answers.
Let's recap,
1. Nigeria has Africa's Largest GDP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_African_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)
2. Nigeria has the largest amount of internet users: http://answersafrica.com/africa-internet-usage-statistics.html
3. Nigeria has the second largest film industry in the world: http://fortune.com/2015/06/24/nollywood-movie-industry/
4. Nigeria has the largest music industry in africa (I don't even need to cite this. http://www.africanbusinesscentral.com/2016/10/24/the-boom-in-africas-music-industry-continues/)
5. Nigerians own 2 of the top 3 spot of richest men in Africa (everyone else in top 5 is white): https://www.forbes.com/africa-billionaires/list/#tab:overall
So again, i'm open to discussion. Give me hard, and factual proof with sources, how a spilt country would be better than Nigeria. Its a very simple question. Answer the question below Don't derail, or change the subject, just answer the question.
9 Likes 2 Shares |
Foreign Affairs / Re: Should The Name Of White House Be Changed? by pchukwudi: 9:55pm On Apr 22, 2017 |
Another demented falsehood from a dumb slowpoke who claimed to have been in the States all his life. The crap you wrote down there is not entirely true and thus a pile of horsepoo. And contrary to your crappy lie, the very first advent of KKK was fundamentaly anti-Republican. The fight against Republicans and Blacks - during the Reconstruction era - was 100% the only reason the group was invented in its first advent. And in consonance with the OP's assertion, the Democratic party has had a very long history with KKK. Infact, at about 100 years ago, it was literallty impossible to be anti-Blacks and still be pro-Republican. Yes, some elements in the present day far right hold some ideologies (like anti-immigration) shared by 2nd (Civil Rights era) and current generations of KKK. Yet, it's an absolute poo to suggest that Republican was the origin of KKK. Lucasbalo: If you smoke Chicago grass you won't be saying the Democrats founded KKK. Get your facts right. The Southern Dixiecrats were founders of KKK and they later metamorphosized to Republicans in the Civil Rights Era of the 50s and 60s. That's why the Modern Republican party is the home Of KKK, White Nationalists and other Minorities hating Groups. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by pchukwudi: 9:08pm On Apr 22, 2017 |
You should just shut the trap about logic and reasoning. You are the most deranged mental slowpoke I've ever seen online. Lucasbalo: One thing you have to realize about Trump's supporters or Servile Dogs as I call them, no amount of logical reasoning appeals to them when defending the Bigot. The last I checked, Bill Clinton Law Licence was revoked because Monica Lewinsky situation. There was unproven allegations by Right Wing Nuts led by Rush Limbaugh then that Hillary was threatening Bill's accusers that were investigated and found out it was a lie. This are the same Loonies that accused Hillary and Bill of killing Bill Forster and dumped his body in a Park in Arkansas. This Servile Dogs have no original ideas of their own except the junk they Google from Hateful Right Wing Blogs. 3 Likes |
Politics / Re: Breaking: Military Audit Panel Clears Jonathan, Confirms He Bought Enough Arms by pchukwudi: 6:33pm On Apr 22, 2017 |
It's already starting.
One by one they will all be put to permanent shame, by both invicible and invincible forces.
They've sown mischief arrogantly, they will surely reap the wind in open humialiation.
#Sealed. 20 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: DSS Raids Pencom Office In Abuja As Anohu-amazu Goes Into Hiding by pchukwudi: 4:13pm On Apr 22, 2017 |
Dumb journalism.
You guys will soon bury yourselves in this sea of deciet and public manipulation.
Don't worry, keep manipulating facts and lying to the public.
Your clock is ticking so fast.
And you will soon begin to bountifully reap all the lies you have genorously sown.
The harvest will come upon you like a whirlwind. 33 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: No Shiites! Nigeria Is Not A Terrorists Nation by pchukwudi: 4:00pm On Apr 22, 2017 |
The worst thing that can happen to a society is the education of men/women who lack consience.
While I'm no fan of IMN (or whatever it's called) I find it rather appaling that one can pen such a barefaced lie in support of extrajudicial mass murder.
Just look at what an animal falsely called human is writing for the sake of food.
Not only is he blantantantly lying about a very recent CRIME, he is also irresponsibly distorting a historic fact while unashamedly misleading the posterity.
Men like this (education without consience) are a curse to humanity. 1 Like |
Politics / Re: People Living In Extreme Poverty 1990 Vs 2013 Good News For All Except Nigeria. by pchukwudi: 3:05pm On Apr 22, 2017 |
Nigeria is not even the 4th but 5th. And only about 52% of the population is Christian. Thus when you use the percentage of population yardstick to measure the saturation of Christiany in the country (in comparison to that of other countries of the world) Nigeria will not be found among the first 100. spartan117:
Why did u single out "d country with d 4th highest no of christains" Is dat statistic necessary 4 d post u made? |
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 8:23am On Apr 21, 2017 |
Unfortunately what you think is not the sane as what is: Ojukwu’s disagreement with Gowon was not for any selfish reason. It was as a result of his insistence in seeing to it that the right thing was done.
And for all his selfless services to the country, what did Ojukwu get in return??
His people were massacred in their numbers in the North. Their shops were burnt and as a vindictive man, Gowon refused to do anything to stop the Igbo pogrom. Nigerian soldiers were not just unable to stop the Igbo killing, they actively took part in it just as they are currently doing even as I write this. Seeing to it that the Igbos were annihilated became Nigeria’s ‘One-Point-Agenda’
And what did Ojukwu do then?? He sued for peace. He made several effort to get the Gowon-led govt to protect the Igbos living in the North. Gowon gave him assurances and relying on these assurances, the Eze-Igbo Gburugburu assured Igbos who came back from the North as a result of the killings to go back to the North. How was he to know that the assurances he got from Gowon was like a promise of friendship made to the chicks by the hawk. The pogrom continued and most of those who went back to the North following Ojukwu’s assurance which was sourced from Gowon, came back to Ala-Igbo in body bags.
Even then, Ojukwu still didn’t declare Biafra. He still felt he could get the Gowon-led govt to stop killing thesame people it was meant to protect.
Ojukwu later succeeded in getting Gowon to put his signature on a draft agreement detailing several reforms that would not only see to the end of the Igbo pogrom but equally stop a re-occurrence in future. This event took place in Aburi, Ghana. But the Nigerian side came back home and reneged on the agreement. And the ethnic cleansing targeted at the Igbos leaving in the North yet continued.
Please, do not say because you read this from Charles Ogbu, therefore, it must be true. Do your own independent verification of everything I’ve written here. These are all verifiable facts. Google is still reachable.
Ojukwu never wanted to secede from Nigeria. It was Nigeria which pushed him away and almost sent his Igbo people into extinction. Ojukwu made several attempts to find a peaceful way out of the terrible situation. He pursued the peaceful approach but Gowon and co rubbished every of his peace effort including the most popular Aburi Accord where they drank and hugged each other only for the plateau state-born then young soldier, Yakubu Gowon to still refuse to implement the Aburi Accord.
It was after all of Ojukwu’s peace attempts were resisted by the Gowon-led govt in the face of the continued govt-sponsored killing of Igbos in the North that the Eastern General Assembly mandated the Oxford trained Governor-General of the then Eastern region, Col. Chukwuemeka Dim Odumegwu Ojukwu to declare the Eastern region as the Republic Of Biafra in a bid to protect the Igbo race from being annihilated.
Isn’t it criminally offensive that an average OneNigeria advocate would blame Ojukwu for declaring Biafra in a bid to protect his people from murderers, rapists and vampires but would neither blame those northerners whose insatiable bloodlust led to the death of thousands of Igbos which was what forced Ojukwu to declare Biafra in the first place nor blame Yakubu Gowon and co who used the instrumentalities of the govt to aide and abet those northern barbarians rather than protect the Igbos I've told you to quit those silly speculations. They are not in touch with the realities of 1967. Common sense would have told you that a million Luoises would not have stopped the declaration of Independent Biafra in 1967 within the context of Nigeria's millitary, civil, and political excesses against the Eastern region. On the contrary, the pragmatic Luois would have thrown his entire weight and connections behind the new republic fully. slurryeye:
Let me explain why I believe that the war might have not happened if Emeka Ojukwu's father was alive in 1967. First of all, his father didn't stop him from joining the army, he only tried to discourage him from joining the army which is what a reasonable father will do having sent his son to the UK to obtain his BSc and MSc from prestigious schools. But since Emeka persisted in becoming a soldier, what any good father will do is to leave him and allow him to follow his heart desire which explained the reason why the 2 didn't have a sour relationship till his father demise. Trust me, if Sir Louis wanted to stop his son by all cost from joining the army, he will do it. We are talking of a man that was arguably the richest man in Nigeria then. A man that wined and dined with power that be in pre-independent and independent Nigeria. Secondly, don't compare Zik influence to his father influence. Zik was just an influential political figure from his tribe while his father made him who he was. As a matter of fact, he decided to join the military because he wanted to set a legacy free from his father influence. He wanted to be remembered in history as Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu and not as son of Sir Louis Odumegwu Ojukwu. Whether you like him or not, he did set a legacy that would be remembered for a long time. Lastly, which is the most critical reason was that if his father was alive, Chukwuemeka wouldn't have had access to massive wealth that he used to finance the war. Believe me, war is a very expensive endeavor. After his death in 1966, Sir Louis left a huge amount of money that I'm quite sure will be up to billions of dollars in today's market value. So an intelligent, bold but proud 32 year old Chukwuemeka with military training and control of a region of the country with such massive amount of wealth at his disposal believed he had what it takes to fight a war. I have to give it to him, he did hold his ground against a national army. But like I always say, the war was very unnecessary and egoistic. Without his father's death, the only way the war could have happened was if Sir Louis supported the secession 100%. And trust me, I believe he won't have supported it because not only did he believe in one Nigeria, he actually became wealthy as a result of the creation called Nigeria. |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by pchukwudi: 6:28pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
You absolutely have zero coherent story to tell apart from the same meaningless hateful chatter emaniting from a brainwashed zombie that does not even know he's mentally reprogramed. Go and read the following article to get an idea what's happenig in the West (not just in the US). The article was written 10 years ago and has nothing to do with Trump. http://www.wnd.com/2007/05/41737/Lucasbalo: Thanks my man. I grew up being a Democrat in the 80s just because of what Reagan did to inner cities of America . He was a devil incarnate but the republicans worshipped him for his bigotry and racism. Trump is even worse than Reagan and that's why I said trump will be a black spot on American history as the worst President in modern American History. I will tell you the personal story of my hatred of republicans or anything republican. They are truly agents of lucifer on earth. |
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 12:17pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
Could you just read your bolded conclusion again and tell me how it makes sense in the context of your own narrative? If Zik could not stop Biafra, what sort of dull historians could think that the man who could not stop his own son from joining the army when he was barely a man, could suddenly stop him from doing one thing the vast majority of his people had mandated him to do within the context of 1967? Until you realize that 1967 Biafra declaration was more of an ideological reaction than a premeditated choice prior to 1967, you'd keep missing the point. The structure of today's Nigeria (which, by the way, was implemented shortly before the war in order to subjugate the old Easterners) is a world apart from what it was in 1967 - just 7 years after independence. So quit interpreting the actions/reactions of 1967 from the lenses of 2017. It does not make sense. slurryeye:
I'm glad you brought up the issue of Emeka Ojukwu joining the military as a Non Commissioned Officer despite being a Masters graduate. But there are some things you don't know that I will be glad to explain. See, when C.O Ojukwu returned to Nigeria after finishing his Masters from Oxford, he didn't join the Army immediately. He first worked in the civil service as administrative office for about 2 years. In 1957, he decided to leave civil service and join military because of his father's influence in his civil service career. He wanted to become a man free of his father's influence, and he believed the best way to go about it was to become a soldier. His father wasn't happy with the decision, and knows Emeka Ojukwu temperament wasn't good for a soldier. in order to discourage him, his father pulled string with the then governor general of Nigeria Macpherson to prevent him from being listed as Officer cadet which explain the reason why Chukwuemeka Ojukwu joined the army as an NCO. His father and Macpherson thought that he cannot withstand the rigorous NCO schedule and that he will later leave the army but Emeka persevered. He will however get commissioned when he was recommended by a british depot commander after he corrected a drill sergeant for mispronunciation of a word (element of boldness and pride he has always displayed). Sir Louis Ojukwu (Emeka Ojukwu's father) believed in one Nigeria and made his millions from one Nigeria. Many historians believe that if his father was alive, Emeka Ojukwu wouldn't have declared secession in 1967. His father died in 1966, a year before Chukwuemeka declared Biafra.
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 7:21am On Apr 20, 2017 |
Who the bleep wrote that constitution you babble about? God? Even the Torah that was given to Moses by God himself was later replaced by a bunch of more humanistic epistles written by Paul. What kind of idiocy makes you think that a constitution which has lost touch with the aspirations of millions of people is still worthy of allegiance -especially when such a constitution directly violates the fundamental rights of indegineous people to self-determination? My friend, all constitutions, regardless of how elaborate and progressive they may seem, are written codes. None of them is a living document. Thus when the living societies evolve to new realities, their constitutions should either be forced to evolve too and reflect the given society's present realities and wishes or the dead constitution loses its relevance. This is why civilized nations conduct referendum. If this is true for progressive constitutions, how much truer do you think it should be for the repressive and extractive constitution we seem to have here? Do you have any idea how many times the US has had to ammend her constitution? Do you know that even the UK has no written constitution to its name as we speak? So what's your problem? How could someone like you who claim to be enlightened not know that its silly to tie millions of people down to an obsolete document that no longer represent their interests? Ugosample:
That said, the sad reality of this topic is that Nigeria cannot split, as there is no provision for that in the constitution, ... 2 Likes |
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 11:17pm On Apr 19, 2017 |
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. - John F. Kennedy GoodMuyis:
Ok in a simple language, we Indigenous Northern Christian said NO, what God has join together let no put asunder.
While we accepted Biafra, Oduduwa as a People of like minded, we reject any form of secession. 1 Like |
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 8:49pm On Apr 19, 2017 |
No authority has the legitimacy to deprive indegineous people the right to self-determination. No law under the sun is superior to the need for preservation of lives (even if it means bearing arms to preserve those lives). If you cannot understand those two points, then keep on fanning the embers of anarchy. donborg: greivances or not, killings or no killings, d fact remains that ojukwu had no authority (although he had d power) to declare biafra, just like he had no authority(although he had the power) to slap his white teacher for racially abusing a fellow black student at kings college lagos 4 Likes |
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 8:28pm On Apr 19, 2017 |
The bolded is so funny that calling it ridiculous is an understatement. The west doesn't know how to liberate themselves that they have to wait for Ojukwu to come and liberate then. The west that have been in existence before Ojukwu fore father was born doesn't know how to liberate themselves that they have to wait for one 33 year old boy to come and liberate them. You see, comment like yours is the reason why people take your guys has joke.
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 7:46pm On Apr 19, 2017 |
Igbos cannot go to war to stop notherners from seccesion. Even Zik made that point clear prior to independence. donborg: mind you this was before the pogroms of d igbos in northern nigeria. need i remind u also that the basis of ojukwus declaration of biafra was as a result of d killings. so answer my question objectively |
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 7:41pm On Apr 19, 2017 |
Go and research your history, kid. The coup that brought Gowon to power failed totally in the Eastern region, so Ojukwu and the entire Eastern region never recognized Gowon (a junior soldier) as head of state prior to the war. So when Nigeria systematically cleansed Eastern soldiers in both North and West, massacred tens of thousands of Eastern civilians in the North, and still had the guts to mess up the Aburi accord and other peace effort, it became morally and politically mandatory for Ojukwu and the Eastern region to declare independence, since it was clear that the Federal government was against the interest and security of the people of the Eastern region. Ugosample:
So Ojukwu just took one part of the country out, and that is not declaration of war
Don't you know that anywhere in the world, when this is done, it is declaration of war?
How can you just wake up one morning and just take out one part of the country out of the map Use your common sense na
No president will tolerate that at all. |
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 5:24pm On Apr 19, 2017 |
Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and still epecting a different result. If you cannot see that the contraption has remained miserable in over 100 years, then... Ugosample:
And you think those from the north are not hard working? There are millions of farmers in the north, our silos and good basin is up there
If that route is cut off for just two weeks, we in the south would be in serious trouble.
The thing is that, as the OP said, we are interdependent and we need each other. It will be big folly to believe that the north is completely useless or "parasitic" as some people call it. If that is the case, how much does the SE contribute to the national coffers that they are collecting money from the proceeds of oil too. Judging by that definition, it means that the SE is parasitic too. What of the SW states minus Lagos?
The only solution is for us to work out our differences, and know that more Unite us than separate us. 3 Likes |
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 5:20pm On Apr 19, 2017 |
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 5:16pm On Apr 19, 2017 |
You are lying. Ojukwu did not declare the civil war. Gowon did. Ojukwu merely declared the independent state of Biafra - and the West was NOT part of the terriotry. The Biafran army that moved towards Lagos was led by a Yoruba man, and Ojukwu's aim was to liberate the West from nothern domination. He thought you guys would stand up for yourselves in the West the way he was doing in the East. But obviously he over-estimated your folks. codemaniacs:
99% of southern Nigerians are extremely hardworking, independent, resilient and work towards been successful... So there is a very high possibility in the "constituent units" been better off and very successful as long as rebel groups are not sponsored by foreigners to cause mayhem like the case of Ojukwu and Ironsi been used to destroy regionalism(I believe the civil war was orchestrated by foreigners because the north wanted to separate during that time and the "foreigners" knew if the resources was left with southern Nigeria there was a possibility of there been a very powerful African country)..
Unlike 1966/1967 where the SE leaders wanted to rule SW(even Biafran army targeted the SW)... Present day Igbos(not igbo politicians) are more concerned about developing the SE. If Ojukwu had focused on developing the SE and not on trying to conquer other tribes then there would have never been a civil war (that's why I suspect that some northern leaders, Ojukwu and other SE leaders were cajoled into starting a war with the same north by foreigners then try to drag the SW into the war). 8 Likes |
Politics / Re: Nigerian Boko Haram Recruiter Okoh Godwin Arrested In Senegal - Associated Press by pchukwudi: 10:15pm On Apr 18, 2017 |
The first sourse is a VERY FAKE site. So this is a very fake news. |
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by pchukwudi: 9:56pm On Apr 18, 2017 |
You are smart but arrogant. Thus you failed to show that knowledge is wide apart from experience, and facts differ from opinion. Your argument is therefore a pure pile of highly opinionated conjecture that's devoid of facts, yet deceitfully presented as factual. That's not just criminal, it's extremely offensive. As an Igbo person, I find the following lie of yours super annoying: For example, if violence in the north was simply about anti-Igbo hatred then it would be saner for Igbos to stay home in the east. But the east is disadvantaged by its erosion-prone poor soil which cannot sustain the population density of the area and which accounts for the comparatively high level of migration of Igbos to other parts of Nigeria I seriously think it's only chronic insanity that would trigger an educated person to spew the above sweeping falsehood about a region she was not born in, lived in, or got fully integrated with. This same Easterners have been saying for over 50 years now that they want to be left alone in that same "erosion prone soil". They went to war to defend the soveringnity of that eroded soil. Can't you see how insane pathetic your little rationalization about "poor and erosion prone soil" sounds here? It's super insane to even imagine that erosion could be the reason why igbos migrate to other parts of the world (not just the few in other parts of Nigeria) in droves. Can you seriously imagine a sane educated person saying that erosion, earthquake or terrorism is the reason we have more Jews living outside the Jewish state of Isreal? Anyway, another fallacy in your deceitful argument is the suggestion that homogeneity is not critical to nation building. On that note, I will just make the following three assertions and implore you to counter them. 1. Ethnic Cultural, social and ideological homogeneity, combined, is the single most critical factor for the continued success of each European state as a distinct soverign unit. And that's in spite of the recent invasion of cultural marxism. 2. The only parts of the developed economies where you don't have a deep-seated social crisis raging right now are those places where there's stronger homogeneity. 3. In all indices of human and societal development, homogeneous nations are much more stable and prosperous than their diverse counterparts. Only devious intent could compel you to disregard the above assertions in favor of one insanely diverse Nigeria. Even the foreign authors of the sysyem called Freakonomics or "How to Think Like a Freak" found that the major reason for relentless social crisis in Africa is the fact that colonial masters shared and merged many inreconcilable cultures like they would share and merge a piece of pie without any regards for the indegineous PEOPLE in those diverse cultures. Thus, in my opinion, the least honest thing you could do now is to lend your voice to the push for referendum. Let those who want to be Nigerians remain Nigerians, and let those who want out be allowed to go out. Unity stops being unity when the united are forced to stick together. Zik and co. made the same argument you are making right now some decades ago, yet the nation has grown much more divisive than it had ever been. Do you really think we are going to spend eternity speculating about the merits of one Nigeria? Why is it so darn hard to shut down a system that has failed to work in 100 years? Is this some kind of cult nation or something? Sorry, but I seriously get pissed when I see an educated person arguing to force people to uphold an unatural identity ( an imposition of a self serving foreign entity) at all cost. You can do better. lightblazingnow: Truth be told
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