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Peterpro's Posts

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Investment / Re: Over 50 Seats Taken by peterpro(m): 2:27pm On May 17, 2020

I hope you are social distancing and
keeping squeaky clean.

Stay safe and avoid crowded places
as much as possible; Because Hunku
CORO is still very much in town ooo.

Would you like to give your finance
a boost?

If Yes, invest in Sweetlife today

This period, if well utilized, can be the
best thing to happen to your finance.

You need a way to bring in additional
revenue – Without spending too
much time or money.

You can make a choice of changing
your financial situation today

By sharing this information online and inviting just 2 people into the network

This is an opportunity to bring in
additional revenue for yourself

With the pandemic ongoing...

Many people need an additional source of income

I am in it and I tell yrou it can't get easier than this

Post news, gist, gossip and trending
information and cash out.

See How Here =>

Go here to take advantage of the
instant discount and get your access

What are the benefits

- 100% back of your investment fund when you complete stage one this you can do in less than a week
- 5million in less than 10 months
- A Car
- A 3 bedroom flat
- 2 plot of land etc....

CHIEF OLUMIDE FALOLA. The CEO of sweetlife properties (City people best real estate company in Abeokuta 2019)

Office Address: Sweet Estate House, Prince Bola Ajibola Street, Opp Egba High School, Asero, Abeokuta

Cheer to your amazing success,

Ojesanmi Peter
Customer Care Line (Call,WhatsApp): 08024553943
Serious Investors only

Investment / Re: With N38,000 You Can Be Financially Free By Doing This Business by peterpro(m): 1:37pm On May 15, 2020
*Would you mind if I show you an amazing business opportunity that can be paying you Residual Income of up to N100k per week?*

*The world economy has already been battered due to the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, therefore, there's need for you & I to have another source of income that's secured.*

*TOPIC: How to Earn a Life Time Income in a Digital Economy*

*DATE: Saturday (2moro), May 16, 2020*

*TIME: 5.00PM (Nigeria Time)*

*Join our ZOOM Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86417423084*

*Meeting ID: 864 1742 3084*
Fashion / Re: Get Quality Fabrics For Affordadable Price by peterpro(m): 9:05am On May 15, 2020
How do i become wealthy?

This is a question that gets asked a lot.

The path to wealth is no longer a secret.

It is actually simple.

Create Value

Sell value to people who need it.

Earn money.

Almost everyone knows these 3 steps.

“So why do people still fail?” you ask.

Knowing the steps is one thing.

Being able to execute the steps and turning it to cash in your bank account is another.

People say luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

This also applies to wealth.

Wealth is knowledge meeting a desire to succeed.

You have the desire (you would not be reading this email if you did not)

The only thing missing is the knowledge to create wealth.

So what if we tell you we have a collection for you which will teach you.

How to create a valuable life you will love to live

How to sell your valuable service to people who are desperate in need to have a change in their life

And this information for wealth creation are straight from multi-millionaires and billionaires.

CHIEF OLUMIDE FALOLA. The CEO of sweetlife properties (City people best real estate company in Abeokuta 2019)

Office Address: Sweet Estate House, Prince Bola Ajibola Street, Opp Egba High School, Asero, Abeokuta

All you need to do is pay the sum of N9500 and invite just 2 people to this account

2093876876, UBA, Falola

Send me a screenshot of the receipt of payment, full name, WhatsApp number, email address to 08024553943(WhatsApp)

What are the benefits

- 100% back of your investment fund when you complete stage one this you can do in less than a week
- 5million in less than 10 months
- A Car
- A 3 bedroom flat
- 2 plot of land etc....

Is that not something you would love to lay your hands on?

Of course you would.

To get this Sweetlife opportunity call me now or WhatsApp 08024553943


Investment / Re: Project 1000 by peterpro(m): 9:03am On May 15, 2020
How do i become wealthy?

This is a question that gets asked a lot.

The path to wealth is no longer a secret.

It is actually simple.

Create Value

Sell value to people who need it.

Earn money.

Almost everyone knows these 3 steps.

“So why do people still fail?” you ask.

Knowing the steps is one thing.

Being able to execute the steps and turning it to cash in your bank account is another.

People say luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

This also applies to wealth.

Wealth is knowledge meeting a desire to succeed.

You have the desire (you would not be reading this email if you did not)

The only thing missing is the knowledge to create wealth.

So what if we tell you we have a collection for you which will teach you.

How to create a valuable life you will love to live

How to sell your valuable service to people who are desperate in need to have a change in their life

And this information for wealth creation are straight from multi-millionaires and billionaires.

CHIEF OLUMIDE FALOLA. The CEO of sweetlife properties (City people best real estate company in Abeokuta 2019)

Office Address: Sweet Estate House, Prince Bola Ajibola Street, Opp Egba High School, Asero, Abeokuta

All you need to do is pay the sum of N9500 and invite just 2 people to this account

2093876876, UBA, Falola

Send me a screenshot of the receipt of payment, full name, WhatsApp number, email address to 08024553943(WhatsApp)

What are the benefits

- 100% back of your investment fund when you complete stage one this you can do in less than a week
- 5million in less than 10 months
- A Car
- A 3 bedroom flat
- 2 plot of land etc....

Is that not something you would love to lay your hands on?

Of course you would.

To get this Sweetlife opportunity call me now or WhatsApp 08024553943


Literature / Re: Write On Any Topic For N200 Per Article by peterpro(m): 9:02am On May 15, 2020
How do i become wealthy?

This is a question that gets asked a lot.

The path to wealth is no longer a secret.

It is actually simple.

Create Value

Sell value to people who need it.

Earn money.

Almost everyone knows these 3 steps.

“So why do people still fail?” you ask.

Knowing the steps is one thing.

Being able to execute the steps and turning it to cash in your bank account is another.

People say luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

This also applies to wealth.

Wealth is knowledge meeting a desire to succeed.

You have the desire (you would not be reading this email if you did not)

The only thing missing is the knowledge to create wealth.

So what if we tell you we have a collection for you which will teach you.

How to create a valuable life you will love to live

How to sell your valuable service to people who are desperate in need to have a change in their life

And this information for wealth creation are straight from multi-millionaires and billionaires.

CHIEF OLUMIDE FALOLA. The CEO of sweetlife properties (City people best real estate company in Abeokuta 2019)

Office Address: Sweet Estate House, Prince Bola Ajibola Street, Opp Egba High School, Asero, Abeokuta

All you need to do is pay the sum of N9500 and invite just 2 people to this account

2093876876, UBA, Falola

Send me a screenshot of the receipt of payment, full name, WhatsApp number, email address to 08024553943(WhatsApp)

What are the benefits

- 100% back of your investment fund when you complete stage one this you can do in less than a week
- 5million in less than 10 months
- A Car
- A 3 bedroom flat
- 2 plot of land etc....

Is that not something you would love to lay your hands on?

Of course you would.

To get this Sweetlife opportunity call me now or WhatsApp 08024553943


Investment / Re: Oga Space No Dey Again by peterpro(m): 9:00am On May 15, 2020
How do i become wealthy?

This is a question that gets asked a lot.

The path to wealth is no longer a secret.

It is actually simple.

Create Value

Sell value to people who need it.

Earn money.

Almost everyone knows these 3 steps.

“So why do people still fail?” you ask.

Knowing the steps is one thing.

Being able to execute the steps and turning it to cash in your bank account is another.

People say luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

This also applies to wealth.

Wealth is knowledge meeting a desire to succeed.

You have the desire (you would not be reading this email if you did not)

The only thing missing is the knowledge to create wealth.

So what if we tell you we have a collection for you which will teach you.

How to create a valuable life you will love to live

How to sell your valuable service to people who are desperate in need to have a change in their life

And this information for wealth creation are straight from multi-millionaires and billionaires.

CHIEF OLUMIDE FALOLA. The CEO of sweetlife properties (City people best real estate company in Abeokuta 2019)

Office Address: Sweet Estate House, Prince Bola Ajibola Street, Opp Egba High School, Asero, Abeokuta

All you need to do is pay the sum of N9500 and invite just 2 people to this account

2093876876, UBA, Falola

Send me a screenshot of the receipt of payment, full name, WhatsApp number, email address to 08024553943(WhatsApp)

What are the benefits

- 100% back of your investment fund when you complete stage one this you can do in less than a week
- 5million in less than 10 months
- A Car
- A 3 bedroom flat
- 2 plot of land etc....

Is that not something you would love to lay your hands on?

Of course you would.

To get this Sweetlife opportunity call me now or WhatsApp 08024553943


Career / Re: Facility Management by peterpro(m): 8:56am On May 15, 2020
How do i become wealthy?

This is a question that gets asked a lot.

The path to wealth is no longer a secret.

It is actually simple.

Create Value

Sell value to people who need it.

Earn money.

Almost everyone knows these 3 steps.

“So why do people still fail?” you ask.

Knowing the steps is one thing.

Being able to execute the steps and turning it to cash in your bank account is another.

People say luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

This also applies to wealth.

Wealth is knowledge meeting a desire to succeed.

You have the desire (you would not be reading this email if you did not)

The only thing missing is the knowledge to create wealth.

So what if we tell you we have a collection for you which will teach you.

How to create a valuable life you will love to live

How to sell your valuable service to people who are desperate in need to have a change in their life

And this information for wealth creation are straight from multi-millionaires and billionaires.

CHIEF OLUMIDE FALOLA. The CEO of sweetlife properties (City people best real estate company in Abeokuta 2019)

Office Address: Sweet Estate House, Prince Bola Ajibola Street, Opp Egba High School, Asero, Abeokuta

All you need to do is pay the sum of N9500 and invite just 2 people to this account

2093876876, UBA, Falola

Send me a screenshot of the receipt of payment, full name, WhatsApp number, email address to 08024553943(WhatsApp)

What are the benefits

- 100% back of your investment fund when you complete stage one this you can do in less than a week
- 5million in less than 10 months
- A Car
- A 3 bedroom flat
- 2 plot of land etc....

Is that not something you would love to lay your hands on?

Of course you would.

To get this Sweetlife opportunity call me now or WhatsApp 08024553943


Investment / Re: With N38,000 You Can Be Financially Free By Doing This Business by peterpro(m): 8:34am On May 15, 2020
How do i become wealthy?

This is a question that gets asked a lot.

The path to wealth is no longer a secret.

It is actually simple.

Create Value

Sell value to people who need it.

Earn money.

Almost everyone knows these 3 steps.

“So why do people still fail?” you ask.

Knowing the steps is one thing.

Being able to execute the steps and turning it to cash in your bank account is another.

People say luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

This also applies to wealth.

Wealth is knowledge meeting a desire to succeed.

You have the desire (you would not be reading this email if you did not)

The only thing missing is the knowledge to create wealth.

So what if we tell you we have a collection for you which will teach you.

How to earn salary for life with just a little investment in Freedom Project

How to sell this oppoertunity to the people who are desperate to have it.

And this information for wealth creation are straight from multi-millionaires and billionaires.

Is that not something you would love to lay your hands on?

Ofcourse you would.

To get this information call/WhatsApp me on 08024553943

Career / Re: Facility Management by peterpro(m): 8:37am On May 14, 2020
Winners focus on one thing...

Increasing the QUALITY of their life.

Just as this has benefited me, tremendously, I'm certain it will do the same for you

==> Serious investors only

It's all a mindset.

If you see, and believe yourself to be a winner, then you MUST get this done.

Don't procrastinate - do it now.

==> www.sweetlife.com Call or WhatsApp 08024553943

Invest N9500 and invite just 2 people

1. 5million in less than 10 months
2. A Car
3. 2 plot of land
4. A 3 bedroom flat and many more

This company is owned by CHIEF OLUMIDE FALOLA. (CityPeople best Real Estate company in Abeokuta 2019)

To YOUR Success,

Peter Ojesanmi

Religion / Re: Ramadan Kareem by peterpro(m): 8:35am On May 14, 2020
Winners focus on one thing...

Increasing the QUALITY of their life.

Just as this has benefited me, tremendously, I'm certain it will do the same for you

==> Serious investors only

It's all a mindset.

If you see, and believe yourself to be a winner, then you MUST get this done.

Don't procrastinate - do it now.

==> www.sweetlife.com Call or WhatsApp 08024553943

Invest N9500 and invite just 2 people

1. 5million in less than 10 months
2. A Car
3. 2 plot of land
4. A 3 bedroom flat and many more

This company is owned by CHIEF OLUMIDE FALOLA. (CityPeople best Real Estate company in Abeokuta 2019)

To YOUR Success,

Peter Ojesanmi

Education / Re: Training CFM by peterpro(m): 8:33am On May 14, 2020
Winners focus on one thing...

Increasing the QUALITY of their life.

Just as this has benefited me, tremendously, I'm certain it will do the same for you

==> Serious investors only

It's all a mindset.

If you see, and believe yourself to be a winner, then you MUST get this done.

Don't procrastinate - do it now.

==> www.sweetlife.com Call or WhatsApp 08024553943

Invest N9500 and invite just 2 people

1. 5million in less than 10 months
2. A Car
3. 2 plot of land
4. A 3 bedroom flat and many more

This company is owned by CHIEF OLUMIDE FALOLA. (CityPeople best Real Estate company in Abeokuta 2019)

To YOUR Success,

Peter Ojesanmi

Literature / Re: Write On Any Topic For N200 Per Article by peterpro(m): 8:32am On May 14, 2020
Winners focus on one thing...

Increasing the QUALITY of their life.

Just as this has benefited me, tremendously, I'm certain it will do the same for you

==> Serious investors only

It's all a mindset.

If you see, and believe yourself to be a winner, then you MUST get this done.

Don't procrastinate - do it now.

==> www.sweetlife.com Call or WhatsApp 08024553943

Invest N9500 and invite just 2 people

1. 5million in less than 10 months
2. A Car
3. 2 plot of land
4. A 3 bedroom flat and many more

This company is owned by CHIEF OLUMIDE FALOLA. (CityPeople best Real Estate company in Abeokuta 2019)

To YOUR Success,

Peter Ojesanmi

Investment / Re: Project 1000 by peterpro(m): 1:34pm On May 12, 2020

Dreams are good & also great.
Dreams are synonymous with wishes and wants.

A dream is the first reality of achievement transferred to our thoughts for designing and processing to the physical forms.

Every dream requires conversion from its none visible forms to visible, which is your reality.

The process of conversion requires some actions. This implies that there is no reality without a guided action towards your dreams.

Every action you have taken is either pulling you far away or pushing closer to your dreams.

Have you checked and Weighted that action today? Otherwise, you may be heading in the wrong direction

Dream + Guided Action = Great Reality

If you want your dreams to come true, then wake up & take an extra ordinary action.

Take conscious actions today.

Sweetlife is making ordinary people millionaire

Contact me now to be a part of history,
Cash prizes to be won
And a 3 bedroom apartment

Call/WhatsApp 08024553943


Register with N9500 and invite just 2 people

Office Address: Sweet Estate House, Prince Bola Ajibola Street, Opp Egba High School, Asero, Abeokuta
Education / Re: Training CFM by peterpro(m): 1:32pm On May 12, 2020

Dreams are good & also great.
Dreams are synonymous with wishes and wants.

A dream is the first reality of achievement transferred to our thoughts for designing and processing to the physical forms.

Every dream requires conversion from its none visible forms to visible, which is your reality.

The process of conversion requires some actions. This implies that there is no reality without a guided action towards your dreams.

Every action you have taken is either pulling you far away or pushing closer to your dreams.

Have you checked and Weighted that action today? Otherwise, you may be heading in the wrong direction

Dream + Guided Action = Great Reality

If you want your dreams to come true, then wake up & take an extra ordinary action.

Take conscious actions today.

Sweetlife is making ordinary people millionaire

Contact me now to be a part of history,
Cash prizes to be won
And a 3 bedroom apartment

Call/WhatsApp 08024553943


Register with N9500 and invite just 2 people

Office Address: Sweet Estate House, Prince Bola Ajibola Street, Opp Egba High School, Asero, Abeokuta
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Facility Managers Needed by peterpro(m): 1:30pm On May 12, 2020
How real
I won't talk about what I am not making money from you can WhatsApp me so we discuss about all your questions and let me take away all ur fears
100% real
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Facility Managers Needed by peterpro(m): 1:28pm On May 12, 2020

Dreams are good & also great.
Dreams are synonymous with wishes and wants.

A dream is the first reality of achievement transferred to our thoughts for designing and processing to the physical forms.

Every dream requires conversion from its none visible forms to visible, which is your reality.

The process of conversion requires some actions. This implies that there is no reality without a guided action towards your dreams.

Every action you have taken is either pulling you far away or pushing closer to your dreams.

Have you checked and Weighted that action today? Otherwise, you may be heading in the wrong direction

Dream + Guided Action = Great Reality

If you want your dreams to come true, then wake up & take an extra ordinary action.

Take conscious actions today.

Sweetlife is making ordinary people millionaire

Contact me now to be a part of history,
Cash prizes to be won
And a 3 bedroom apartment

Call/WhatsApp 08024553943


Register with N9500 and invite just 2 people

Office Address: Sweet Estate House, Prince Bola Ajibola Street, Opp Egba High School, Asero, Abeokuta
Events / Re: Millionaire Mastery by peterpro(m): 1:28pm On May 12, 2020

Dreams are good & also great.
Dreams are synonymous with wishes and wants.

A dream is the first reality of achievement transferred to our thoughts for designing and processing to the physical forms.

Every dream requires conversion from its none visible forms to visible, which is your reality.

The process of conversion requires some actions. This implies that there is no reality without a guided action towards your dreams.

Every action you have taken is either pulling you far away or pushing closer to your dreams.

Have you checked and Weighted that action today? Otherwise, you may be heading in the wrong direction

Dream + Guided Action = Great Reality

If you want your dreams to come true, then wake up & take an extra ordinary action.

Take conscious actions today.

Sweetlife is making ordinary people millionaire

Contact me now to be a part of history,
Cash prizes to be won
And a 3 bedroom apartment

Call/WhatsApp 08024553943


Register with N9500 and invite just 2 people

Office Address: Sweet Estate House, Prince Bola Ajibola Street, Opp Egba High School, Asero, Abeokuta
Investment / Re: Imarketlive by peterpro(m): 11:00am On May 11, 2020
*Monday, May 11*

This Webinar is great for every country
Asia, Europe, Africa, Middle East, America, India, and Australia

We are giving away *BITCOINS* again this week.
The results and excitement we had last week were phenomenal and we are so happy to give back to our members by giving away Bitcoins to a lucky Guest.
Last week, we had winners from South Africa, Nigeria, and `Ghana.

Take advantage of theses calls and invite as many guests and friends as you possibly can to our webinars. The outcome was amazing this week.



10 AM EDT New York & Montreal
3 PM U.K & Nigeria
4 PM South Africa & Germany
6 PM Dubai
7.30 PM India
10 PM Malaysia & Philippines
Midnight Sydney Australia

Please click the link below to join the webinar

MEETING ID : 499 923 2052

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ab0PynOy1C

Contact 08024553943 to register

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