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My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman - Family (3) - Nairaland

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by omoadeleye(m): 8:48am On Mar 20, 2021
Also tell him to work on his pot belly and penis and that his penis has shrinked over time,tell him also that the pastor is still fit and his organ still very strong after five kids,just cause fight and after the fight he will learn to appreciate you.

You no get sense, no wonder that you are still single.

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by TheLionsPride: 8:48am On Mar 20, 2021
U for use this energy u use to nag to go and eork on ir physique. From all indications he loves u.[b][/b]
Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by whirlwind7(m): 8:49am On Mar 20, 2021
Also tell him to work on his pot belly and penis and that his penis has shrinked over time,tell him also that the pastor is still fit and his organ still very strong after five kids,just cause fight and after the fight he will learn to appreciate you.

A chicken has spoken! grin
Chicken cluck cluck cluck

Sounds like single and angry.

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by Melv4(m): 8:49am On Mar 20, 2021
Coming from someone that is not married,when you get married use this approach it works perfectly. quote author=Zzor post=100029359]Also tell him to work on his pot belly and penis and that his penis has shrinked over time,tell him also that the pastor is still fit and his organ still very strong after five kids,just cause fight and after the fight he will learn to appreciate you.[/quote]
Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by PrimadonnaO(f): 8:50am On Mar 20, 2021
He loves u...buh he just told u his mind.No vex ,just try work on urself at least let him see u responded to wat he told u

He should learn not to elicit a reaction in that way. Comparisons do more harm than good.

But I agree that she should just focus on the fact that she needs to shed some weight.


Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by KingLennon(m): 8:50am On Mar 20, 2021
Why are our Nigerian Men so insensitive.

I'm naturally a chubby lady with curves and I remember vividy how my husband used to praise my physique and say I'm his spec. According to him skinny girls are not his type.

We got married and I have given birth to two kids and I added weight a little, plus we were living comfortably so the good life was evident in my life and body.

The church we normally attend, the pastor's wife has 5 kids already and she's much older than me but she still looks moderate enough with little or zero stomach fat.

My husband seeing this woman has constantly been telling me to try and work on myself, this man literally wants me to be skinny, when we married I wasn't skinny, the blow was when he compared me to my Pastor's wife, saying I have just 2 kids and I added weight while our Pastor's wife has 5 and she's looking like she never gave birth.. I cried and I have been crying since..

It hurts so much .. It makes me wonder if this man still loves me?
That man loves you stop misintertpreting things. Hit a gym with him and work out your problems..�

It will also increase the bond you guys have...�

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by toprealman: 8:51am On Mar 20, 2021
Why are our Nigerian Men so insensitive.

I'm naturally a chubby lady with curves and I remember vividy how my husband used to praise my physique and say I'm his spec. According to him skinny girls are not his type.

We got married and I have given birth to two kids and I added weight a little, plus we were living comfortably so the good life was evident in my life and body.

The church we normally attend, the pastor's wife has 5 kids already and she's much older than me but she still looks moderate enough with little or zero stomach fat.

My husband seeing this woman has constantly been telling me to try and work on myself, this man literally wants me to be skinny, when we married I wasn't skinny, the blow was when he compared me to my Pastor's wife, saying I have just 2 kids and I added weight while our Pastor's wife has 5 and she's looking like she never gave birth.. I cried and I have been crying since..

It hurts so much .. It makes me wonder if this man still loves me?
Bobo is being over himself. Just for the sake of peace and your sanity, see it as a challenge, start working out. I'm sure you can do it.
But baba is just being a kid here.....show him who the real boss is
Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by judedwriter(m): 8:51am On Mar 20, 2021
I can never compare the woman I ❤️ with another... even if she's fat. (I don't wish for that o)

Love is much more than just looks, when you truly love your spouse, it goes beyond looks, it has to do with the person's personality and character.
Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by Nobody: 8:53am On Mar 20, 2021
Also tell him to work on his pot belly and penis and that his penis has shrinked over time,tell him also that the pastor is still fit and his organ still very strong after five kids,just cause fight and after the fight he will learn to appreciate you.

grin grin grin wahala be like waiting again?
Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by AlphaStorm: 8:53am On Mar 20, 2021
This greedy attitude from men is very childish and wicked..if you don't want a chubby woman you go for the slim ones..stop stressing and frustrating women after they've given birth..it's a natural thing that they will add weight..

This is not true
Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by FalseOracle50: 8:54am On Mar 20, 2021
My daughter, work on your physical appearance or be ready to accept a second wife.

The oracle has spoken

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by excellentj4teal(m): 8:54am On Mar 20, 2021
You made a mistake by taking your problem to nairaland which is a home for children. Adults in his platform rarely comment because seeing childish comment will make you loose interest in putting yours. Please go to Facebook groups where matured minds are and as well Twitter.


Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by ednut1(m): 8:54am On Mar 20, 2021
Hit the gym


Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by Fisher007: 8:54am On Mar 20, 2021
Why are our Nigerian Men so insensitive.

I'm naturally a chubby lady with curves and I remember vividy how my husband used to praise my physique and say I'm his spec. According to him skinny girls are not his type.

We got married and I have given birth to two kids and I added weight a little, plus we were living comfortably so the good life was evident in my life and body.

The church we normally attend, the pastor's wife has 5 kids already and she's much older than me but she still looks moderate enough with little or zero stomach fat.

My husband seeing this woman has constantly been telling me to try and work on myself, this man literally wants me to be skinny, when we married I wasn't skinny, the blow was when he compared me to my Pastor's wife, saying I have just 2 kids and I added weight while our Pastor's wife has 5 and she's looking like she never gave birth.. I cried and I have been crying since..

It hurts so much .. It makes me wonder if this man still loves me?

Hmm pelee am coming to give you a bitter truth make I chop finish

Now let start. You need to work out. That is all. All this complain you are making makes me feel you are too emotional.

He is even telling you the truth. However if oga too has belly. Tell him calmly that doesn't he think he should pay for both of you gym subscription so that you can both get in shape .

Most loved one don't like been compared to others. Except you have sigma or MGTOW mentality , then you won't give a fvck.

Madam work on yourself. Do squats, build your stomach walls. Madam at the end of the day. It is for your own well being. Simple truth.
Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by cloud(m): 8:55am On Mar 20, 2021
Women should stop seeing themselves as victims all the time. If you are told to lose some weight, look at it from the positive angle like, it can actually help you to live longer and ward off certain diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure etc. Shed some weight for the sake of yourself and your children rather than complaining about what your husband said. You may not understand until when you are diagnosed of a health issue, of which by then, it may be too late . Make the right choice today and do the right thing. Avoid all these nairaland feminists that will tell you to discard and condemn your husband's advice. Remember, when life gives you lemons, try to make lemonade with it. One love

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by bamisepeters(m): 8:55am On Mar 20, 2021
Also tell him to work on his pot belly and penis and that his penis has shrinked over time,tell him also that the pastor is still fit and his organ still very strong after five kids,just cause fight and after the fight he will learn to appreciate you.
Don't mind the likes on this comment, never try it. Just try work on the complaint, he doesn't want to keep it to himself and die in silence, I prefer it that way than for him to be deceiving you.

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by MummyD2020(f): 8:55am On Mar 20, 2021
Why are our Nigerian Men so insensitive.

I'm naturally a chubby lady with curves and I remember vividy how my husband used to praise my physique and say I'm his spec. According to him skinny girls are not his type.

We got married and I have given birth to two kids and I added weight a little, plus we were living comfortably so the good life was evident in my life and body.

The church we normally attend, the pastor's wife has 5 kids already and she's much older than me but she still looks moderate enough with little or zero stomach fat.

My husband seeing this woman has constantly been telling me to try and work on myself, this man literally wants me to be skinny, when we married I wasn't skinny, the blow was when he compared me to my Pastor's wife, saying I have just 2 kids and I added weight while our Pastor's wife has 5 and she's looking like she never gave birth.. I cried and I have been crying since..

It hurts so much .. It makes me wonder if this man still loves me?

Tell him bill gate is a man like him! It's one of those things we see in marriage. I know it hurts but you have to move on. If you cant come down more than you are presently, abeg dont kill your self. All bodies can never be the same. He is your husband and you know him more we do here. I will tell mine to add a little like his peers too
which is impossible because he is slim and can never add). Dont sweat it joor.

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by airminem(f): 8:56am On Mar 20, 2021
Don't just sit and listen to him. Make him see you are doing some walking exercises within tour area
Why are our Nigerian Men so insensitive.

I'm naturally a chubby lady with curves and I remember vividy how my husband used to praise my physique and say I'm his spec. According to him skinny girls are not his type.

We got married and I have given birth to two kids and I added weight a little, plus we were living comfortably so the good life was evident in my life and body.

The church we normally attend, the pastor's wife has 5 kids already and she's much older than me but she still looks moderate enough with little or zero stomach fat.

My husband seeing this woman has constantly been telling me to try and work on myself, this man literally wants me to be skinny, when we married I wasn't skinny, the blow was when he compared me to my Pastor's wife, saying I have just 2 kids and I added weight while our Pastor's wife has 5 and she's looking like she never gave birth.. I cried and I have been crying since..

It hurts so much .. It makes me wonder if this man still loves me?

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by Killermamba: 8:56am On Mar 20, 2021
Instead of you to work on your shortcomings and be better than those he compares you with you are here nagging.

What nonsense, put yourself in her shoe. If she was the one telling the husband to loose some belly fat and compare him to their pastor. Hell will loose he will even accuse her of lusting after their pastor or better still accuse her of cheating on him with the pastor. Always value what you have all women can't be the same if you are ask to loose weight because of your health that I can understand not because of another woman. It shows he is lusting after the pastors wife already.


Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by Victoria938(f): 8:58am On Mar 20, 2021
That’s how lots of men are they are never satisfied and just looking at the outside beauty not the heart.


Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by cloud(m): 8:58am On Mar 20, 2021
Also tell him to work on his pot belly and penis and that his penis has shrinked over time,tell him also that the pastor is still fit and his organ still very strong after five kids,just cause fight and after the fight he will learn to appreciate you.
was it mentioned in her post that her husband has pot belly or his manhood has shrunk? Pls don't deviate from the issue at hand. If you cannot advice positively, then do not give any advice that may ruin the posters home. As trivial as some of our comments can be to us, they can actually have damaging consequences on those seeking those advice

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by obryns: 8:59am On Mar 20, 2021
My dear why I don't support your husband comparing you to another woman but let's be honest,he must have said it time and again and you ignored him b4 it reached the level of that comparism,ur husband loves you dtz y he wants you to always be his dream woman,do ur marriage a favour and discipline urself and lose a lil bit of weight both for ur health and marriage,every successful marriage is always a work in progress n dt includes weight,physique etc,so if u really want your marriage to be successful be your man's dream woman, ignore the feminist here ranting out of tune,those ones are extra loyal wives behind social media


Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by BLoomfrancs(m): 9:00am On Mar 20, 2021
Shut the f uck up and stop complaining. Go and hit the gym and stay in shape. Your husband is being honest with you and even diplomatic. That shows he still cares for you. Some men will tell you straight up that your are fat. He compared you to the lady because he didn't want to say that you are fat but that is a hint. Keep complaining until one lekpa will snatch him up. Nigerian girls eh! Tufia!

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by bamisepeters(m): 9:02am On Mar 20, 2021
I can never compare the woman I ❤️ with another... even if she's fat. (I don't wish for that o)

Love is much more than just looks, when you truly love your spouse, it goes beyond looks, it has to do with the person's personality and character.
My Boss, that's you o grin. You really cannot tell, he might have been saying it without comparing her but she didn't yield. Maybe this time she will take him serious.


Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by Iamziggy: 9:02am On Mar 20, 2021
Oshey awon eyan Amazon queen. Pls are you married? If Yes wonder how many fights you have in a week with your husband and If No pls shut d f*up.
Fight him or not baba don speak him mind, what if she no dy watch her weight nko.
But if her story na true then d man no try at all.

Also tell him to work on his pot belly and penis and that his penis has shrinked over time,tell him also that the pastor is still fit and his organ still very strong after five kids,just cause fight and after the fight he will learn to appreciate you.

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by Henvest: 9:03am On Mar 20, 2021
Nigeria women you can't ever please them.

What is there about your spouse telling you to Look healthy?
See excuses!! You are fat before he marry you... you have two children.... brabrabra.
Don't look after yourself u think you are doing me

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by airminem(f): 9:03am On Mar 20, 2021
Instead of you to work on your shortcomings and be better than those he compares you with you are here nagging.
Maybe the husband thinks if she slims down, the vagina will not be loosen as a result of the pelvis floor muscle around the vagina getting stretched out. She should Please educate her husband oo

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by Basemann: 9:03am On Mar 20, 2021

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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by firstratedcitiz(m): 9:04am On Mar 20, 2021
Don't allow anyone to body shame you. Not even your husband would have the right to do so. If he loved you enough to have married you, he needn't be confrontational but take a practical and friendly approach to convince you to try shedding some weight (if it's what he wanted). Besides, it's not a good idea comparing one's wife or girlfriend with other women. Most women do not like that. However, I can advise you exercise more often and also eat healthy diet. But don't do so because you want to be like the pastor's wife and then please your husband. But do so because you need to stay fit and healthy.
Why are our Nigerian Men so insensitive.

I'm naturally a chubby lady with curves and I remember vividy how my husband used to praise my physique and say I'm his spec. According to him skinny girls are not his type.

We got married and I have given birth to two kids and I added weight a little, plus we were living comfortably so the good life was evident in my life and body.

The church we normally attend, the pastor's wife has 5 kids already and she's much older than me but she still looks moderate enough with little or zero stomach fat.

My husband seeing this woman has constantly been telling me to try and work on myself, this man literally wants me to be skinny, when we married I wasn't skinny, the blow was when he compared me to my Pastor's wife, saying I have just 2 kids and I added weight while our Pastor's wife has 5 and she's looking like she never gave birth.. I cried and I have been crying since..

It hurts so much .. It makes me wonder if this man still loves me?
Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by Jeon(f): 9:04am On Mar 20, 2021
Maybe the husband thinks if she slims down, the vagina will not be loosen as a result of the pelvis floor muscle around the vagina getting stretched out. She should Please educate her husband oo


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Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by humberjade: 9:04am On Mar 20, 2021
But wait o, why marry her if you can't deal with her body shape and size...like I always tell guys, look deeply into a lady's family before getting married to her. Take a good look at the mum and elder sisters to have a glimpse of what your wife would prolly look like in few years.
Re: My Husband Compared Me To Another Woman by AbujaCitiBlog: 9:05am On Mar 20, 2021
Why are our Nigerian Men so insensitive.

I'm naturally a chubby lady with curves and I remember vividy how my husband used to praise my physique and say I'm his spec. According to him skinny girls are not his type.

We got married and I have given birth to two kids and I added weight a little, plus we were living comfortably so the good life was evident in my life and body.

The church we normally attend, the pastor's wife has 5 kids already and she's much older than me but she still looks moderate enough with little or zero stomach fat.

My husband seeing this woman has constantly been telling me to try and work on myself, this man literally wants me to be skinny, when we married I wasn't skinny, the blow was when he compared me to my Pastor's wife, saying I have just 2 kids and I added weight while our Pastor's wife has 5 and she's looking like she never gave birth.. I cried and I have been crying since..

It hurts so much .. It makes me wonder if this man still loves me?
Your husband loves you but he is frustrated by your heavy weight gain. Why don't you return to your pre marriage weight. This is the major problem with married women. The moment they marry, they stop listening to advice.

You are lucky he compared you to your pastors wife. His head is still there. Please listen to him before cheating starts.

And you husband stop comparing your wife to another woman. It is completely wrong and will affect her image. Please stop.

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