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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead (9979 Views)
The Guardians Of Tankute { The Manhunters} / Fredrick Nwabufo: Chimamanda Adichie Will Lead Women To ‘Hell’ / When Hell Overflows. Story By Ufuoma Seunnla (2) (3) (4)
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Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 9:28pm On Mar 29, 2021 |
"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect" -Anais Nin My name is Omotayo Suleman but you can simple call me Ghost, I have always wanted to write a story so deep enough to sink any reader into a world so different they wish they never revive from, I bet I will. The story below is purely fictitious and a product of the writer's imagination. No one is permitted to copy or store the story through any means. Readers can reach writer through or 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Nobody: 12:41pm On Mar 30, 2021 |
one of the coolest, crazy and nice writer on the block. 2 Likes |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 12:14pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
pls can someone explain why my stories aren't showing when posted...same issue keep coming up. |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Afz9095(m): 1:11pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
ghostwritter:Cc: Divepen1, Obinnau 2 Likes |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by xaviercasmir(m): 2:17pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
wow another banger loading. Front seat already booked 1 Like |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Nobody: 7:07pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
ghostwritter:please call the mods 1 Like |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Vulcanheph(m): 1:12am On Apr 01, 2021 |
as much as I love your stories, you ghostwritten have a knack for not completing your stories , so I'll not get my hopes up. 4 Likes |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Obisteve42: 8:39pm On Apr 01, 2021 |
Vulcanheph: I second this. My heart is heavily secured in my chest against disappointment and heartbreak from you. I hope this time around, you end up disappointing us by completing this story. 5 Likes |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by emmadejust(m): 8:07am On Apr 02, 2021 |
This will be so interesting and scary to the fearful mind... But I'm open & following 1 Like |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 2:41pm On Oct 13, 2021 |
CHAPTER ONE FIRST NIGHT The room had eventually sunk into partial darkness caused by the yellow bulb noiselessly flicking in the dead of night, within the deafening silence one could easily hear the chirping of frogs and crickets outside the building and within were cracking sound of wooden bunks when the occupants roll on it or the snore coming from a corner in the four double-bunked room, everyone was fast asleep except Sewa who stared restlessly into the dark spaces around her. As a compulsory services to the nation, Sewa had flown from London to partake in the National Youth Service Corp program in Kubwa camp Abuja. It had been fun like her father anticipated with plenty of new experiences she hopes to take back and hopefully share to a handful of followers of her new blog Sewageng, she made new friends and discovered many cultures and talent she never thought existed. It was supposed to be the last night of the three weeks camping activity and that had called for celebration through a lousy bonfire. In aftermath of the party, Sewa strangely kept rolling and tossing on her bed sleeplessly. She thought of engaging herself by continuing with a few chapters from Susan Parker’s Love A Million Time but thought against it as she couldn’t afford to dig into her luggage at a time for the book. A glance to her phone got her surprise of how long she had been awake. At 2:15am, the midnight cold had slowly drifted fast across the executive room when she pulled the blanket over her head, closed her eyes in hope for sleep. Still conscious underneath the blanket, Sewa grew wary of the consequences, she would probably make a big fool of herself when she starts sleeping during the morning drill like it happened about a week before when she and other girls were up all night celebrating her Miss NYSC victory, she had felt useless all through the next day. Still her restless mind wandered from the thought of drills to the sporting activities, her favorite being Volleyball where she enjoys the position of Setter and sometimes the Libero if taller players were onboard, and then the mami-market which was her solace from all the stress…and yes the social gathering at night. She sighed as her mind wandered back as it seemed she heard something. Suddenly, she nervously looked around the room and saw no one, she pulled the blanket over her head panicky after swearing to herself she heard something strange. Noises from the frogs and crickets had stopped; even the bunks had managed to stop cracking. Sewa grew more uneasy by the awful silence that followed; she could sense something was off. Not long she returned under the thick blanket when she again heard something, it was a voice, a whispery voice of a man. She hurriedly sat up, but again she was met by silence as no one of the seven ladies in her room was awake. As she terrifyingly scanned the silent room, she almost questioned her sanity. Hesitantly, she withdrew underneath her blanket feeling all cozy and scared when shortly a voice inaudibly whispered again louder. Sewa froze not wanting to breathe under the cover as she almost screamed, but then she called upon her bunk mate. “Becky wake-up, I think there is something bizarre going on in this room, I keep hearing this strange voice” Sewa whispered to the lady below her. “What voice?” Becky asked drawlingly, half awake. “A man’s voice, I think there is a man around” Sewa whispered with her eyes swiftly searching the room and so was Becky who strained her eyes into the dim-lighted room enough to see that all the lady were peacefully sleeping. “I can’t hear any voice” “But I swear I…” Sewa tried convincing Becky. “I bet you had more buzz last night, good for you” Becky cuts in before falling head back onto the pillow. Sewa took solace in the thought that it could be a hallucination as a result of the little liquor her mischievous camp bestie Becky and few other friends lured her into drinking the previous night. Or was it a dream? Sewa sat up to have a clearer view of the room for a while and concluded the voices must have been from her head seeing how normal everything appeared. With determination to fall asleep, Sewa again buried herself under her blanket as if that would shield all strangeness. After short moments of normalcy in the room, Sewa heard footsteps meticulously approaching her and then it stopped just around her corner, She was certain this time that it wasn’t in her head and that whoever it was had come purposefully. But who could it be? Maybe someone is trying to steal from her, there have been news of theft in the camp lately, and she’d witnessed a lady disgraced after being caught red-handed stealing from another lady’s bag at mid-night. Many thoughts going through her mind on what to do, she could scream for help to alert others in the room, or she could just keep calm and pretend to be asleep, it wasn’t a tough choice though. But she felt something strange about this someone who still stood in her corner, she had a weird feeling that this someone outside her blanket had neither come to steal nor to kill but have come for something more, an unusual feeling overwhelmed her while she slightly pulled the blanket off her face enough to see that someone but to her dismay there was no one, nothing unusual. She was certain someone approached her corner and most likely stood there, but where is this person? Her eyes fearfully searching around for an answer as her heart rose. Sewa decided to sit up and keep watch till the day breaks, it was a chance worth taking that moment, she got her phone and played Candy-crush. ** Dark clouds hover the battlefield where hundreds of soldiers and many more beasts of burden lay dead, the atmosphere had a malevolent air to it with wind howling past her in every way as she majestically pressed forward along two of her kind and chanting army. Her senses were heightened enough to hear every heartbeat around and the smell of blood was so strong she could almost taste it, she felt every inch of her body overwhelmed with a super force strong enough to sap out life from every creature miles around her, no emotion whatsoever. The opponents had fallen short before her enormous power, she felt more powerful as men dropped dead before her while she rode on a beast courageously into the heart of the battleground filled with cries, blood and mutilated parts of men who only had come to fight against the city of Baruu. “Daughters of death, kill them all!” ... Sewa jolted to consciousness, she was relief knowing it was a dream, a very strange dream where she felt engulfed in power. She sighed disappointingly when she saw everyone were still asleep, she had dozed off while on Candy-crush. “What a night!” she grumbled dreading another night as this. As she intends to resume her game, the illumination from her phone made her eyes caught something standing by her corner, a human frame stood motionless like it had long being there waiting, she was aghast when she turned to meet a white bearded man clad in a long black cape with a rusty crown resting on his head, she stared disbelievingly at what appeared to be a character of a king that belongs to an ancient time, his blood-flecked eyes deeply hidden in its socket upon a lifeless face, one would easily pass him for a zombie with the many bloodless cuts on his pale body. Petrified, Sewa stared eye-to-eye for a brief horrid moment. “Are...are you real?” she stammered, assuring herself the creature must be a figment. “Find your sisters and guard the Corridor!” the creature spoke frailly before bursting into greenish particles that dissolved into thin air. Sewa screamed loud enough to awaken the entire five thousand capacity camp before fainting. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Anandita(f): 9:59pm On Oct 13, 2021 |
Anticipating |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by dawno2008(m): 10:28pm On Oct 13, 2021 |
Bring it on, following bumper to bumper |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Lakesc: 7:03am On Oct 14, 2021 |
Nice.. Following |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 6:13pm On Oct 14, 2021 |
* Unable to register where she was for a moment with bangs in her head, she attempted to sit up, but a familiar voice warned against it. Sewa looked around and was surprised but glad to see she was home in her room with her grandmother next to her. Ahead were her parents seated looking curious, they rushed up to her on seeing she regained consciousness, Sewa sat up even as she still felt dizzy. “Mum, Dad…what happened?” she asked weakly oblivious of her last moment. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle stared at each other and then back to their daughter who still had her inquisitive look on them. “Sweetheart” Mrs. Doyle walked up to her “You were brought back from camp”. Sewa frowned thoughtfully “Why?” “They said you suddenly screamed while asleep shortly before you collapsed” she paused and added with faint smile “but nothing to be worry about as Doctor Herbert said it’s due to the stress in camp” Earlier, the Doyles got wind of their daughter’s condition at 4:06am through the camp commandant himself who assured them of her proper health care in the camp clinic but Mrs. Doyle had reverently refused, she ordered for her daughter’s immediate return and so the couple had dropped every business related issue to tend to their girl. “I collapsed?” Sewa asked unbelievably. Mrs. Doyle slowly nodded and further explained how the event disrupted the camp just as she had read on social media “...but good to see you are fine and healthy” they hugged affectionately. “I had earlier warned your dad against this idea of you coming to Nigeria for that useless camping, I told him it was unnecessary for you in the first place since you will be working for the branch in London, but he refused saying he wants you to have fun” she turned to her husband with a straight face before continuing spitefully “And I hope he is satisfied that you had fun” she rolled her eyes displeased at him. Chief Bankole Doyle a renowned distinguish gentleman kept his peace as usual; though he had his reservation but knew better than to say a word against his wife’s notion that moment, he truly had facilitated Sewa’s return from abroad for the camping exercise with of good intent, he believes that what happened to her daughter in the camp could possibly make her stronger on the other hand. “And I am sorry about that” he apologized more to his daughter and kissed her before walking out of the room to go tend to a business call. Soon, one of the maids entered to inform Madam Doyle of the visitor that awaits her outside. “And who is that, I thought I instructed you that I am not in the mood to receive visitors?” she queried furiously as she wasn’t expecting anyone nor willing to meetings. “I am sorry Ma, but it’s the Governor’s wife” the maid replied quickly “I thought you…” Exhilarated, Mrs. Doyle smiled proudly, surely the first lady must have heard about the tragedy in the camp. She sprang to her feet. And to the maid, “Tell her I will join her shortly”. Mrs. Doyle offered her daughter to come with her to meet the first lady but Sewa shook her head tiredly not wanting to step out of bed. “She would have loved to meet you in person” said Mrs. Doyle who so much desired to flaunt her only daughter to the woman of power whose son she hopes to admit her in-law. “And I would have loved to meet her too mum…but I just want to be here for now”. Mrs. Doyle sighed disappointingly before she dashed out from the room after checking from the mirror how well she looked the part. With her grandmother alone in the room with her, Sewa sighed in relief and quickly covered herself up on the bed. Sewa’s grandmother Madam Ajike who had been in the room all along kept keen interest on her granddaughter and had observed something remarkable. “Tell me, how did it happen?” Madam Ajike asked staring at Sewa observantly. Sewa wasn’t expecting such a question, rather she wouldn’t be surprised if the old woman had simply joined her mother in damning the NYSC scheme and not wanting to ever speak of it for what it caused her granddaughter. Sewa felt too tired to talk about it but shockingly to her, she realized she couldn’t even revive the memory of that night. Sewa looked disturbed. “I don’t know” she replied still trying to recollect the scene. Madam Ajike seem not to be surprised, she held onto Sewa’s hand and stared keenly at her palm for a brief moment, she was thrilled as she traced the lines on the palm. “This is unbelievable, I should have known all along that you are one of us” her eyes now on Sewa. “What do you mean grandma?” confused, Sewa asked. Madam Ajike looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, then back at her granddaughter keenly “You are a witch, one rear amongst our lineage, it is clearly written on your palm” she whispered. Sewa was lost, grandmother’s words weren’t making sense and that got her scared. “Grandma, I don’t understand you” Madam Ajike sat up closely to her while still holding her palm. “How old are you?” “I will be twenty-three next month” Madam Ajike concealed her fear quick enough, she sighed “What sought of strange ability have you noticed lately of yourself?...something like controlling the weather, mind-twisting, shape-shifting, prediction, fore-seeing, invisibility, teleportation, which of these can you do?” Sewa got scared, staring warily as she pulled back from Madam Ajike; she began to doubt if grandma was in her right senses, “I don’t know what you are talking about grandma”. Madam Ajike appeared thoughtful for a while then smiled graciously like she had knitted an idea. “I want you to close your eyes, think deeply and tell me exactly the last thing you saw or heard before you fainted, I want you to take your time and think”. She cupped her hands on Sewa’s head. Sewa, though uneasy did as told, and then it all started coming back gradually as she slowly sank in trance, the entire scene started to form vividly in her mind, the darkness, the silence, footsteps, the strange voice...the man, she opened her eyes to her grandmother who was staring anxiously; she narrated everything as she remembered. “Are you sure you heard him call you 'Daughter of Death?'” Madam Ajike’s eyes widen in fear. “Yes grandma” she nodded innocently. Madam Ajike grabbed Sewa’s palm again to look closely into it like she needs to confirm something. The old woman suddenly leaned back with visible fear on her like one who had just seen the forbidden, her eyes now on the young lady who seem bemused. “How is this even possible?” the old woman exclaimed marvelously at herself. “Grandma you are getting me scared”. “Sewa, I do not mean to scare you…but you are not just any witch like I had thought” sounding stunned as she continued “you are the origin, you are the ancestral mother herself, you are Ikuku, one of the daughters of Death himself”. “Grandma, I have heard enough” Sewa snapped impatiently “There is no such thing as a witch or a shape-shifter or a fore-seer or…or whatever you call it” she paused to catch her breath “I am not a witch” her head could bear it no more. “I am sorry” Madam Ajike was remorseful seeing she had pushed the young lady too far, perhaps the information overwhelmed her, she looked away into the far space thoughtfully “I am just over whelmed by the realization and the magnitude of your abilities” Sewa lay cozily on the bed, pretending to be asleep not wanting to mind the old woman’s words. “Special women are born into my linage with a unique power beyond the ordinary" started Madam Ajike "it is believed that it started about nine generations ago by our ancestral mother Ikuku, rumor has it that Ikuku was born by Death himself where she existed as a warlock in her first life, they said she reincarnated thousands of years after into a powerful witch who lived to develop and protect her village during wars from external forces but before she died, she promised to return again, no one knew when” Madam Ajike turned to Sewa. Sewa who pretended to be asleep couldn’t help but sat up; something was familiar about that narration, perhaps she had heard about it or read of it. “What’s your power?” sounding curious, Sewa couldn’t believe she had asked, how ridiculous of her. She imagined how scared she would be if grandma decides to vanish into thin-air to prove a point. Or could she read minds...or even shape-shift? Oh my goodness! She thought. “I have the ability to read ones palm clearly like a book and also fore-see few moments of the events ahead of me most rearly” Said Madam Ajike with a smile. ... Sewa looked at the old woman with disbelief; she couldn’t imagine someone being able to see into the future, she desperately wish to put the woman’s words to test. “I see you doubt my words” Madam Ajike said. She looked up at the wall clock that was then 5:03pm. “At exactly three minutes from now, your mother will come in with a small wrapped box of Olympic Chocolate and a silky purple gown gifted to you by her guest and then the maid would come in shortly afterwards with a tray of your dish but ooops…she would trip and fall”. She ended animatedly in a manner that got Sewa smiling. Sewa’s eyes curiously danced from door to the wall clock not sure what to wish for, she wasn’t sure how to react if her grandma’s words plays-out but something in her wants it to be true. Mrs. Doyle all smiles walked into the room towards her daughter with a long shopping bag and a small bowed parcel nicely wrapped, she couldn’t wait to have Sewa unveil what was concealed inside it, and of course it could be nothing less of exquisite. Mrs. Doyle excitedly brought out the cloth while speaking admirably of the First-lady’s gesture. “I bet you that must be an expensive jewelry beautiful enough to go with the attire” Mrs. Doyle sounded assuring as she watched Sewa slowly peeling the parcel. The three women had different reaction when the content of the parcel was exposed, Mrs. Doyle was disappointed, Sewa was puzzled, and Madam Ajike smiled. “Well, chocolate isn’t too bad if you ask me” Mrs. Doyle consoled as she noticed how strangely her daughter kept staring at the small box of chocolate on her trembling grasp. While at it, the maid walked in with a tray of food, and while she was approaching a table to set down the dish, Sewa suddenly screamed her to caution but the maid tripped in fear and fell. “Oh my gooooodness…it’s true” Sewa stared keenly at the older woman, and then body began to tremble, her temperature was at a rise, Mrs. Doyle screamed for help fearing her baby would die of fever and so did grandmother who joined in the call for help. ** 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by xaviercasmir(m): 8:39pm On Oct 14, 2021 |
Wow this kept glued to my phone. Thanks boss 1 Like |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 3:03pm On Oct 15, 2021 |
CHAPTER TWO OLD COMER * Doctor Herbert after medical examination and treatment explained to the Doyle’s that their daughter was experiencing a complex trauma, one caused by sudden shock and should be given a lone time to rest and recover. Before the doctor left, he prescribed more drugs and promised to be back the next day to check on his patient. Sewa was left alone in her room where she was deep asleep. * She looked around surprised on seeing she was in a strange place with strange creatures in it, oblivious of how she got there. At first glance, anyone would have thought it was a regular world of activity as the crowd went about purposefully in the large and rowdy setting, but up-close Sewa soon realized they weren’t the ordinary people she thought, there were all sought of creatures such as Zombies clad in rags walking animatedly, animals conversed like humans, dark spirits drifting around in their transparent bodies, other strange creatures she’d never seen before all went about their ventures like in the normal world. Some humans who dressed in black robes had their faces covered with masks. Sewa quickly got grip of herself while finding her purpose through the clumsiness, above her were blazing fires that formed the sky, dragons parading themselves around it like birds as they kept spitting more balls of fire into it occasionally. No one minded the creatures above nor the crawling reptiles sneaking around creepily, they all seemed engulfed in whatever they were doing not minding her presence even in her own stranger attire that made her appear ancient, confident and awkwardly powerful, it seemed she’d wore someone’s’ else’s body, she even had strange inscriptions all over her like tattoos. Like one walking into circles of freaks, Sewa kept tossing her eyes around while she wish for an explanation but there seem no one patient for that. Sellers sold strange things, many of it she had never seen and also the abominable such as human parts, blood, magic potions, fetus, coloured eggs and more bizarre things. The masked humans and as well the other creatures went about their needs. Sewa watched with disbelief, wondering what part of the earth it was. As she strayed along, she saw a woman seated alone by a corner calling for buyers, Like everyone else she was dressed in a long dark robe that covered her ground. The hem of her clothing was tatty with age, a string of dried dirt clinging to the bottom of her garment. She was old enough to be a great-grandmother, and her skin was dry and paper thin, wrinkled in some places and stretched to the point of splitting in others. Her face was haggard beyond any recognition. Sewa approached her enough to see she is blind, her face had those dark hollow spaces where the eyeballs ought to fill. "Good day Ma" Sewa greeted. The old fragile woman raised her head to the voice with a frown. "Mind your words” She said in raspy then paused to sniff the misty but hot air for a moment and then turned to Sewa more infuriated “there is nothing ever good about this day or this place". The woman paused and sniffed at Sewa this time, she flicking her black tongue towards Sewa for a moment. “Hmnn! How could one smell so old and dark and bloody and yet innocent, indeed a puzzle you hold in my heart and in that of my kinds, if I may...what are you?” she grumbled alarmingly but suddenly came up with a broad toothless grin as she got hold of herself “Forgive my manners, I’m simply lost of the freshness of senses, I wish you take no offence” she added but before Sewa could talk, the woman pointed to the things in display "What is it you want visitor? I will sell to you at cheaper price, for your kind is rear" Sewa noticed the weird looking things on a tray that stank, flies swarm over it with an incessant buzz, things as black leafs, magic potions, bones, floating candles, beads of various colours and weirder are about twelve glass jars with bloody foetuses strapped inside each. "What are those? aren’t they...?" Sewa asked pointing to the jar. "Oh that” the woman turned to the jars like she could see what Sewa was referring to “Those are spirit child abandoned by their mothers. “How?” Sewa asked perplexed. “Through abortion, all are product of abortion. They end up here for those who need them for charms or those wishing to have them as children in the real world; will you like to have one?" She asked with a dark smile. "No ma" she pushed back. "How about love potion?" She points to a small glass tube of pinkish liquid amongst many others "It's very effective on any man, you have my words" "I don't need it" The old woman pulled out a gold shinny necklace from underneath her sleeves and began waving it to Sewa’s face purposefully, her smile widens as she turned to explain. "You will love this as many old and powerful witches such as you desire it, I have just one of it and its rear to find one this beautiful in times like this. The necklace if on you will enhance your hidden powers and will also keep you forever young" Strangely, Sewa got intrigued and her attention drawn into the object, she slowly tried to torch but the old woman pulled it away before her hand got to it. "Sorry witch” She grinned mischievously and whispered “I’m sure a witch as dark as you should know better that it's forbidden to touch ones goods before payment. You will have to pay the price first" she maintained her grin. "But I don't have money" The woman laughed cunningly. "In this realm, one does not spend earthly money, it has no value here. Just give me your right hand and think of your most cherished memory. that will be all" Like one under hypnosis, Sewa offered her hand but suddenly the old woman screamed and let go as soon as she held onto it. "What is it?" Sewa asked feeling more conscious of what just happened. The old woman who appeared overwhelmed with shock quickly pushed back like a child burnt by fire. Panicky, she whispered "I have never encountered a witch filled with so much dark powers as yours. Who are you?" ... "I am Folasewa Doyle" The old woman seemed puzzled "That's not a name here. Every dark lord, witch and wizard has a unique name here in Abaddon, what’s yours?" Sewa shrugged "I don't know". A huge black python slowly crawled out from underneath the old witch and rested it heavy self on her lap. “Elysia I thought you screamed...What happened?” the black snake inquired in it whispery tone. In response, the woman pointed to Sewa who was yet to absorb the reality of a talking snake. The snake turned to flick its tongue towards Sewa threateningly. Sewa stepped back. “Oberon don’t!” the woman quickly cautioned knowing what the snake was up against “You will hurt yourself. She is too dark” "Strange!" The snake acknowledges amazingly after moments of flicking and staring keenly at the young lady, "She taste too old and dangerous, nothing like a witch of this era I must say” it paused and continued like it had thought of something “What brings you here to the Pit of Life?" "I don't know" Sewa looked around trying to define her purpose. "I just found myself here". The woman seem taken aback even as she strokes the lengthy snake "That's not possible, no one ever just find themselves here in Abaddon it's either you initiated your way into the portal or someone else did it for you" Someone suddenly stumbled pass Sewa and walked ahead, her jaw dropped as she watched pityingly the headless body of a man walking pass her with his bloody head in his grasps, the head which seem to have life of its own animatedly cried for help as it’s body sluggishly made way and disappeared amidst the mindless crowd. "That man, what happened to him?" Sewa asked the blind old woman. "How do you expect a blind bat like me to see, I can only feel with my hands and taste with my tongue, but if you mean the headless man then I can say he is heading for the mountain, his life must have been brutally cut short by someone from..." her statement was hindered by a rumbling sound within the unfriendly sky that seem to be turning dark. Every creature on sight began acting in haste, many already vanishing into thin air, and those who were visible ran helter-skelter leaving Sewa in wonder. “What is it?” “This is not good” Elysia revealed with fear in her voice “It’s a sign that someone or something had torn it way through the portal into our world”. “Who could it be?” The blind witch turned her head to the sky for a moment like she was reading it, then back to Sewa “It seems no one yet knows who or what it is or it purpose but we must stay away till the Salicx finds that out" she replied while waving the displayed items into invisibility, Oberon the snake gazed at Sewa one last time and spite at her "Who knows, it could be you after all" it concluded contemptuously before vanishing along with his old witch. Sewa looked around; now alone she walked with caution and fear in a place that now seems frighteningly calm with nobody far in sight. As she searchingly walked through the deserted market, she felt the strong presence of something or someone lurking around her. “Show yourselves!” Sewa ordered but amused at how she had suddenly grew courage even in her fear. She wondered why the tattoos on her were glowing. Above her, potion of dark cloud poured from the sky and slowly took to seven human form without distinctive features, the Salicx also known as the Seekers, the protectors of the dark realm from foreign powers, all equipped with burning swords as they hostilely circled and approached Sewa. But before they could reach her, everything went blank after a sudden blast. ** |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Lakesc: 8:34pm On Oct 15, 2021 |
Wow! Thanks for the beautiful update... 1 Like |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by dawno2008(m): 3:45am On Oct 16, 2021 |
Like a glimpse of hell for all you know, beautiful write up,pls don't delay the update 1 Like |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Devilpen(m): 5:48pm On Oct 17, 2021 |
I have pitched my tent here, even me no go update my series again... 1 Like |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Ego2(f): 5:50pm On Oct 17, 2021 |
ghostwritter with the incomplete stories ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 12:08pm On Oct 18, 2021 |
** Raymond walked into the building grinning from ear to ear, he couldn’t but noticed how the architectural master piece towered many other buildings around it even from afar, it’s the biggest construction company he had ever walked into and like he had expected, he was marveled at the designs it beholds. Even though he had worked with few companies before but none of it could stand Wimcco in virtual. Raymond met with the receptionist at the entrance floor, a smartly dressed lady, revealed to her his mission. She searchingly gazed into the computer for awhile and then back at Raymond who still seem overwhelmed by the exquisite artifacts around. “I’m sorry sir…” the receptionist got his attention “We no longer need corpers this year as every necessary department is filled” the receptionist conveyed conclusively with a configured smile before engaging herself with a file. Raymond couldn’t belief it, he was sure the lady hadn’t checked right, if only she knew what he had to go through to be there. “Please check again” he begged before handing her a letter from his bag pack “here is my recommendation letter from the secretariat stating that I’m meant to be here” The receptionist went through it reluctantly and looked closely at the name. “Mr. Raymond Okeke…” she raised her head to meet the anxious face and began like she was about to console him. “Please for God sake” Raymond cuts in “don’t make me go back to that NYSC secretariat as this would be the third time in two weeks I had been rejected due to one flimsy excuse and another, help me out in any way you can, it has always been my dream to serve here. Please help me talk to someone” Raymond urged with growing frustration. “Sir I totally understand you but the needed number of youth corps member for this year by the company had been met, I’m sorry sir there is no available space for extra” She explained. Those words seem to bore hole in his heart as he sighed, he could sense the receptionist wasn’t willing to break a sweat for him. Down casted, he bit his lips as he stared at his Orange boot in a manner like it was responsible for his mood, with his face as long as a fiddle he groggily walked out of the building but that was after he hopefully dropped his number to the receptionist to contact him if opportunity turns up. In his crested outfit, cap and Khaki trouser that looked fit on him, Raymond stood by the roadside under the scorching sun waiting for a taxi, he was yet to decide if he would go back to report the situation of things at the secretariat or visit his cousin in the other axis of town and hopefully spend the night. And while he was there, a cerise colored Jeep passed by him and maneuvered it way into Wimcco’s premises. Shortly afterwards, a security guard from the company approached him, told him that someone in the company wishes to see him. Raymond could only guess the one person it could be as he briskly followed the guard back into the company’s premises without questioning. Maybe the receptionist had come to understand his plight and had on his behalf spoken with one of HOD to fix him up somewhere in one of the numerous departments. On getting to the reception, the guard purposefully matched passed the receptionist who was then attending to someone else, he ran behind the guard into getting to the elevator, questions crept in his mind as the elevator slowly ascended. Perhaps he’s been led to the Human resource department, he thought. Stepping out of the elevator, they passed quite a couple of other offices before entering into that of the administrator. “Ma, the young man is here” the guard reported to a lady seated expectantly behind the large fancy desk. “Good, you can now leave” the lady ordered as she appeared engrossed by something on her phone. The guard turned around immediately and walked out shutting the door behind him. Raymond kept staring at the face behind the table, much familiar but couldn’t place an event or location to it. The lady looked up at Raymond with a smile “You must be RayPower, a contestant of the macho competition in camp, platoon eight if I’m right” Raymond was surprised at the details, especially his nickname which he went by in camp, he stepped forward enough towards the table to look closer and there he gasped and couldn’t hide his excitement, she looked way different the last time he watched her been crowned on stage “Wow! And you are Sewa Doyle, the angel that won the miss bold and beautiful, I remember you represented platoon Two” Like old friends just catching up, Sewa and Raymond easily connected as they had gone through many similar huddles in camp enough to fill their talks through an hour and half: from the early morning drills, parades, the mammy-market paroles, the competitions to the wacky dishes, they got lost and engulfed in their euphoria. ... Sewa and Raymond walked to the nearest restaurant around during the short office break; she thought it would be a good idea to continue the discussion away from files and shelves. Sewa made an order of chilled yogurt and a plate of fried-rice while Raymond ordered for ‘anything solid’ with bottled water, he was starving. “You seem a little taller than the last time I saw you in camp” noted Sewa as she was about to eat. “And you likewise appear more beautiful than the last time I saw you on that stage” said Raymond genuinely, and the two laughed. They ate silently and while in the process, Raymond stole glances at Sewa who was into her food. Even though Raymond was disappointed at the cold, tasteless and poorly cooked poundo-yam, he had no choice than to muffle-up his anger and swallow it into his empty stomach. “So what University did you attended?” Raymond asked after he had finished eating merely to strike a conversation. “London School of Economics and Political Science” she replied and smiled. Her eyes now keen on Raymond. “And you?” Raymond lets out a dry cough, drank from his bottle, “Nsukka” “Here in Nigeria?” “Of course!” with a sense of reviving bride he continued “It is called University of Nigeria…in Nsukka, Enugu state here in Nigeria” he paused to observe her. “It seems you aren’t familiar with Nigeria universities”. “Perhaps” She shrugged “I had my basic education here in Nigeria but I had to travel abroad to continue, came back for my youth service, now I’m here. The experience was indeed crazy and…” She paused to the thought of her last experience in camp. “And fun I guess, an experience you will live to remember” “Well, sort of” she faked a smile wondering if Raymond like few others in camp heard about her incident “The camp wasn’t as bad as I had thought but it was stressful and some of the officers were so cruel. Most of my properties were stolen in the first week; I had to call my mum to send…” While Sewa talked, Raymond saw her face wasn’t anything extraordinary or significant, and yet, he felt somehow magically drawn to those serious and silent features. He couldn’t help but notice her healthy skin and absence of make-up, along with her almost-natural braided hairstyle. Perhaps passer-by would consider her homely, but he found her awe-striking with her brown glowing eyes. With each frequent smile, her lips spread wonderfully and folded her cheeks into neat, transient, hollow dimples. The smiles were confident, challenging, and mysterious. The brown eyes radiated a soft fury and were fixed and unblinking when she talked. “I might not have studied human psychology in school but I know that look on your face, you like what you see and you wish to have a taste of it, admit it!” Sewa whispered with a teasing look. He got grip of himself, “No! No! Not at all, I was merely staring at your…your” he sighed feeling embarrassed “I am sorry if I stared” Raymond apologized after seeing no reason to lie. For all it worth, Sewa was right, he was staring at her and had that urge to kiss her lips. But he was surprise at how she could be so blunt in her expression; he admired her even more. “Sorry if you feel uncomfortable with what I said but I get that look a lot from guys who keep staring at me without words for it but I know what is in their mind” she smiled and then laughed at her own observation and scooped what’s left of the ice-cream. Raymond seem intrigued by the revelation but he kept his straight face and shrugged mindlessly “But there is nothing in my mind” he lied. She faked a surprise “Ahhh…Are you sure?” staring keenly at him “You know I wasn’t expecting you to admit it either”. They both laughed heartedly at the mini-drama and paused to stare into one another in their moment of silence; Raymond could feel his heart hit against his chest as her head was slowly leaning closer. What is she doing? She isn’t about to kiss me or is she? As Raymond’s lips were an inch to hers, the sound of an incoming call startled them both and it brought them to the moment. “Wow! I can’t believe it’s forty-five minutes already” she stared at her wrist watch and then at her phone “That must be from the office, we need to be on our way” they both stood-up to leave while Raymond silently cursed whoever rang her. ** 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 1:28pm On Oct 22, 2021 |
CHAPTER THREE TO THE OTHER SIDE It was a breezy but yet slightly sunny Thursday morning in Abuja with so much cars and pedestrians plying through the metropolitan city, it looked like a bright day nothing could go wrong. Driving to the Community Development Services program for corps members, Sewa Doyle expected it to be another beautiful exercise like the previous meeting where she and other corps member had to go to populated areas around the neighborhood in sensitizing people on physical hygiene, the last one was within a popular market to talk to market women on food hygiene, it was an amazing experience Sewa promised to add to her blog at the right time. Earlier that morning, Raymond called her twice just to check up on her, now a usual act, he had sounded relieved when she told him the nightmares had stopped. It’s been two weeks he first try kissed her and ever then Sewa wished he did, she’d worked him a good space among suites of offices on the fifth floor and an accommodation slightly above his status, and she’d helped design the interiors to Raymond’s amazement. Sewa grew fond of Raymond enough to share her experiences with him including the nightmares she’s been having. While Sewa was engrossed singing along to a song on the stereo, suddenly she almost loses control of the drive when her eyes caught something by the side of the road, she got off the car to go stare closely at the rows of large pictures of a young man declared missing. Perplexed, Sewa couldn’t belief it was him, she knew that face on the wall, it was same man in her dream the night before. Two weeks earlier Even late into the night and it seemed as if the party just started as everyone danced and sang madly to the songs blasting from the speakers, and with many more party freaks just coming in. The fun seemed endless as people clustered everywhere within the room. Ethan the celebrant was on his third bottle with his friends on a round table when his eyes caught the lady in purple dress; her beauty was nothing like he had ever seen. Ethan excused himself and headed to the lady who was seated at a corner all by herself. She isn’t farmiliar like most people in the room, perhaps she could be a friend to a friend Ethan thought as he poured her a cup of wine after taking a place next to her to explain boastfully how much it had cost him to set up the party. “Are you here alone?” Ethan asked with his eyes on her cleavage. He had to shout over the noises around. “Yaa!” she smiled coyly shouting as well “Why do you ask?” she sipped from the substance in her cup. “Nothing” he looked into the dancing crowd for a moment and then back at her “Will you dance with me?” She shook her head “No I don’t think so” she leaned closer to him and whispered “Please cut the chase and let’s go have sex” Ethan couldn’t belief his luck, he grinned and licked his lips “Sure you want to do this?” She nodded like a naïve girl. “You’re smart” he grinned boldly hoping that his friends were closer enough to hear the discussion. But none of his friends were closer enough to even see him. The lady in purple led Ethan into the cold night through the crowd and wouldn’t stop walking even after he could barely hear the sound from the party about six blocks away. “So where exactly are we going?” Ethan asked after seeing the long distance he’d covered, he could no longer see his house from where he stood. “There” the lady replied pointing to a black Benz under a tree ahead. She kept walking. Ethan smiled as he never envisaged having sex with a stranger in her own car on his birthday. He concluded that was the best gift he would be getting for his birthday. Under the tree, Ethan watched as the lady kept on searching her bag for the car key. “So what’s your name?” he asked still watching her ransacking her bag or so it appeared. She raised her eyes to his in a manner anyone would had noticed the impatience it held “No need for names here, we’re almost done” “What do you mea…?” Ethan’s was cut short by a blow to his neck, he collapsed to the excruciating pain. The lady sighed in relief on seeing the tall man who stood above Ethan, apart from fierce looking, everything on him almost blended with the darkness around, even his complexion. “For a moment I thought you had forgotten our plan, what took you so long to strike him?” she asked infuriated. “Sorry, I had to be on the look-out” The tall dark man replied in a deep voice while bundling Ethan into the boot of the car. She could tell Roger had delayed the attack on purpose; she hates it when he tries to act mischievous on a mission, a similar occurrence two months ago almost cost her life. “So where is my balance?” she requested pointing out her hand seeing Roger was about to enter the car. “oh I forgot!” Roger exclaimed animatedly and slowly pulled out a short gun from his rear pocket, he aimed it at her. “Boss wants you to know he appreciates your effort all along but it’s time he lets you go” Before the lady in the silk purple wear could conclude that Roger wasn’t just fooling her as he sometimes does, Roger had pulled the trigger and the bullet knocked her down. Roger entered the car after been certain no one was watching, he zoomed off leaving Cynthia’s lifeless body under the tree with a bullet in her forehead. ... Roger’s phone rang as he drove speedily under the cover of the moonless night, he looked through it to see who it was, and it was the one person he expects. “It is all done sir, just exactly as instructed, will be there right away sir” he said to someone on the other end of his phone. After many minutes of drive away from the heart of town, Roger made a turn into the thick woods; he finally halted besides a small building that stood isolated underneath the shadows of tall old trees. He opened the car boot, dragged Ethan out and effortlessly placed him upon his shoulder like he was one dry log before heading into the building. Inside the building is a small simple room with a chair in its middle where Ethan was tied to still unconscious. Not long, Roger heard another car approached the building, moments later a gentle looking man in his fifties walked in meticulously and without being told, Roger swiftly stepped outside. The gentleman placed his hands on Ethan and he gasped back to life all of a sudden. Ethan shocked and confused after he settled to look around, fear ran over his spine as it dawned on him he’d been kidnapped. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” the gentleman said calmly as Ethan was about to scream for help. “We are many miles away from the next building so save your strength for the task ahead” “Where am I?” Ethan looked around with raw panic in his voice, fear fluttered in his stomach on sighting dry blood on some part of the walls. “I’m sure you are far from home” “Please let me go, I beg you sir” Ethan struggled but the ropes still held him tight. He had a better look at the older man and was certain it was who he thought. “You are Mr. Doyle, Bankole Doyle aren’t you?” he asked more convinced as he had seen that innocent, gentle and charismatic face graced the social media, billboards and business magazines many times. “Yes you are right and what is your name?” there was a contoured smile on his face, as if to assure Ethan his safety. “Ethan Ugodo” “You see Ethan” Mr. Doyle unbuttoned and began rolling up his long sleeves to the elbow “I wish to send your soul on a journey to the other side” he pulled out a black ring from his pocket and fixed it on his middle finger, it had an image of skull on it. While Ethan was still figuring what Mr. Doyle was up to, he saw the older man smile with malicious glee. Ethan instantly fell under an excruciating pain as Mr. Doyle laid his hands upon his head and quickly it ended, Ethan died. Mr. Doyle soon walked out of the room adjusting his sleeves after confirming the boy had no pulse. “I’m sure you know what to do with the body” “Yes sir” Roger nodded with a machete at hand ready to do what he had done many times, but still he never understands why he must have the dead victims beheaded and their blood slashed to the walls. He waited till his master’s car had driven out of view before heading into the room to finish his assignment. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Lonelyloner: 2:03pm On Oct 22, 2021 |
Starly Reader proposition A book reader platform where the mode of payment is a Crypto currency instead of fiat(naira or USD) 1. The writer can sell their books once they reach 1k readers (premium writers). 2. The writer can give out the coin (let's call it Xcoin) to readers if they read their book. 3. The readers pay in Xcoin to read the books of premium writers. 4. Xcoin will be distributed for free to all who join this platform at this beginning stage. 5. Bring in 10 writers and become an admin 07.0+33.52+83.15 |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghettochild(m): 2:31pm On Oct 22, 2021 |
Cylovee:There was a story he never finished.. One of the sheik n genie or something 2 Likes |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Lakesc: 5:30pm On Oct 22, 2021 |
Thanks for the update, ride on... |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by germaphobe(m): 10:14pm On Oct 23, 2021 |
ghettochild:. LUCIFERS KEY or something close to that, i remember that kinda hd imaginations i had each time a read a chapter . omo this nigga just de waste talent for here. 3 Likes |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghettochild(m): 8:37am On Oct 24, 2021 |
germaphobe:His stories are for Hollywood n definitely not Nollywood ooo 2 Likes |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 12:21pm On Oct 27, 2021 |
* Raymond wasn’t entirely surprised when he walked in that evening to see Sewa in his apartment, he’d given her a spare key to the apartment a week ago when she visited, but now scared and curious on seeing her sobbing profusely, she was still in her NYSC uniform. Sewa looked like one who’d cried all day with slightly swollen eyes. Swiftly, Sewa rushed to hug Raymond tight, he held her tight too and couldn’t help but notice how shivery she was. She sobs louder. “Raymond, I’m scared!” she cried still holding tight to him like a thirsty bug. “Hey Sewa, relax and tell me what happened” Raymond was curious as many thoughts ran through his head. “I came across something very strange today” “What is it?” Sewa sighed, she sat and stared thoughtfully at Raymond whom she doubt would understand what she is about to reveal. Raymond who now sat next to her was staring back curiously. “Do you belief in the existence of witches?” she said for a start taking observance to Raymond’s reaction. Raymond frowned; it seems he was trying to reabsorb the question. “I meant witches in a good way” she quickly added with a lame smile. “There is nothing good about witches as they are filled with evil powers” Sewa uneasily readjusted on her seat looking away from Raymond “But not all of them are evil, some are…” she gasped and covered her mouth like she wasn’t suppose to say that, she stood up. “I need to leave right away” she’d picked up her hand bag and her phone. Raymond was confused; he saw fear in her eyes while dashing for the door, he quickly intercedes before she had the chance to turn the knob. “Sewa what is wrong with you? Please talk to me” She tried to say something but shock her head against it, she attempted to force her way through Raymond but he wouldn’t let her until she speaks. “I think I’m a witch!” she said suddenly and stepped away from Raymond like he would cause his to spit on her for her utterance. For a moment that seemed tormenting to Sewa, Raymond’s eyes ran all over her, and then began to laugh so hard. “You are not surprise?” Sewa asked puzzled by Raymond’s reaction. “Of course I am” “So what’s funny?” “Because this is my first time of meeting a witch as pretty as you, witches I know are usually old, ugly, wrinkled-faced, and evil-minded women who suck human blood and eat the flesh for fun. That got Sewa laughing really hard too especially the dramatic effect Raymond used in describing his idea of a witch. Her laughter soon faded into a saddened mood on realizing how Raymond trivialized the issue. “I’m not sure but I think I can see dead people” she said almost in a whisper enough only for anyone closer to hear. She surprisingly felt relief confessing to someone else apart from her grandmother whom she told about her encounter of the spirit world. Raymond stopped laughing as Sewa took him through the details of it all, from the horrific event of the night in the hostel to the nightmare of the headless young man in the spirit world whom coincidentally was missing in the real life. Raymond seemed more confused than convinced after it all, he only succeeded pretending to belief what he was told and that was a big relief to Sewa. “Should I get you something to drink?” Raymond asked in attempt to swerve the topic. “Not at all, I just want you to hold me tight” she held tightly to him again “you don’t have to belief me but it’s true” Raymond gasped to the thought of perhaps she could read minds too “Actually I….” he tried to lie when suddenly Sewa kissed his lips, they held to each other passionately for the first time as her lips brushed his, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale her warm breath, feel the warmth of her skin, and the taste of her lipstick which she sensed would linger after she’d gone. Just then Raymond felt hit by a numbing cold all over, followed by a sharp pain in his heart almost costing him his breath; he quickly pulled back away from Sewa in fright. “What is it?” She asked seeing how scared Raymond acted. “I’m fine” he struggled to say as the pain he’d felt swiftly vanished “It’s just that…” he looked Sewa all over and trying to figurre out what had happened“…forget it” Raymond refrained from telling her how it seemed like a strange force overwhelmed him and almost pulled out his heart. He excused himself to the bathroom to freshen up and while he was at it, he felt a blood flow out of his nostril, he cleaned it not too bothered on what caused it, when he was done he walked up to Sewa in the room where she was seated expectantly but abashed. “Raymond” she called staring keenly into his eyes “promise me you will always be here for me”. “I promise I will forever be here for you” he hugged her lightly. “I love you!” He sighed deeply “I love you too”. He led her out of his apartment, they spoke for awhile about other things and seem to enjoy each other’s company into the early sunset, and when she reluctantly left, Raymond’s eyes were on her till she maneuvered her car through the gate of the companies residential quarters and then a sense of loneliness brushed him to realize he is deeply in love with Sewa. ** She would usually stay awake into midnight to catch-up with various episodes on Telenovela alone in her room, for her it’s more like a ritual but this night she had something more on her mind as she stared at the Latin-American actors on the screen, bothered about Raymond’s strange attitude while kissing her that afternoon, she’d caught glimps of blood stain on Raymond’s nose after he’d returned from the bathroom but refrained from asking him about it, she concluded he was perhaps nursing an ailment which he is keeping away from her, she wondered what it could be and hopefully ask him about it in her next visit. By 11:32pm she turned off the television, laid on her bed but couldn’t sleep, she kept tossing and after awhile she became restless and her heart suddenly began to kick like it’d happened in camp. She walked out of the room into the kitchen to get something cold to drink; everywhere was awfully quiet as she poured a glass of water from the fridge when suddenly the dogs in the compound began to bark furiously, abruptly the barking stopped and everywhere fell more silent like the earth was dead. As she closed the fridge and turned to leave, she saw a black bird staring at her keenly through the window at the top corner, it flew away immediately, she thought she’d seen a large black owl, one with glowing yellowish eyes. Quickly, Sewa headed back into her room locking the door tight behind her frightfully. “What are you running from?” Sewa jolted fearfully by the voice behind her. She turned around to see her grandmother sitting by the edge of her bed. “Grandma you scared me, when did you get in here?” Madam Ajike looked tensed by the brow but forged soothing calmness in her voice. “Come here come sit” tapping the bed “there is something I want to share with you” Madam Ajike ignored her granddaughter’s question. As Sewa walked up to her, she seemed certain that whatever the old woman was about to share will cause her more sleepless and frightening night than she already had. The old woman breathes deeply and soberly too “I have never told anyone this part of my life, not even your father” she began low spirited as Sewa sat uneasily next to her. “I was born and raised by one of the most powerful man in my village; he was the warlock everyone in the village relied upon when it’s time for war. My father led his people to many battles and not one had he ever lost, he was worshipped by thousands within and around the village and when as a little girl who thought him a god that would have everything figured out, he died, gruesomely murdered by his own people after finding out his weaknesses” Sewa gasped, sure she never expected that. “But why?” “Because he was never loved for his powers, his people only feared him and worshiped him merely because of what he offered. I later discovered through the years that the village King and chiefs masterminded his death; they feared my father was becoming too powerful for them and could go out of control using his powers to challenge them” “That’s really wicked, I’m sorry to hear that” “That was just the beginning, shortly after my father’s death, my mother was banished and I as their only child was taken as a slave by one of the chiefs, after two miserable years under the chief, I ran away from him and the village to go in search of my mother whom I heard had fallen ill in a place far away but she died a day before I got to her. I stayed back and made a life for myself in a foreign land, I soon found my path by selling farm product all through my teenage years, life slowly became comfortable and then I fell in love with Adio a good man and a skillful butcher. Adio died the night we first made love, it seemed my creator and every creation worked against me when I was almost stoned to death by the villagers who accused me of being a witch and responsible for Adio’s death but I somehow made it out of the village into a forest where I decided to be by myself and perhaps wait for death to come get me. It took me four months alone in the forest to be certain I was actually pregnant” “For Adio?” Sewa gasped, she followed with undivided attention. “Yes. The thought of a baby strengthened my reason to keep living; I desired to keep the baby all alone to myself away from the wicked world that showed cruelty to me. Few months after I became heavy and was on my way back to where I’d gone to fetch fire-wood one evening, I felt the baby coming, all by myself in the forest I knew the delivery wouldn’t be easy so I braced up for the worse but the pain I felt was harder than I thought” “So what happened grandma?” Sewa asked, she looked scared as much as curious. “I collapsed under the pain while losing a lot of blood and then by the time I opened my eyes, I was somewhere else where everything felt different including my body, my big belly was gone and had been somehow cleaned and clothed in black. I soon realized I was in a room with a very strange creature staring at me with my baby in its arm, it had saved our lives” * Torrents of red flame blazed the overcast of the underworld as she slowly pushed through the crowd of miserable souls, dark witches and wizards cloaked in black, animals, demons, giants, monsters and other nonhuman creatures more fearlessly than her first encounter. This time Sewa moved with a sense of purpose and seemed not awed by her new world not even by a gigantic three-headed black dog led by a green elf that’d whistled pass her, but then her eyes caught a stranger creature grumblingly making its way through, it was a menacing slavering creature, it was large with bony limbs. The creature’s forelimbs were rather lanky compared to the rest of the body, and the back legs were short. From its stomach grew two more arms, which were completely caked in blood, the head appeared to be a solid sphere, but as it was about to briskly walk pass her, it opened its jaw extremely wide to let out a horrifying, slavering snarl, unfolding its head like an onion and revealing rows and rows of yellow teeth, it walked pass leaving Sewa wondering how many weirder looking creatures she is yet to see. There again by a corner was Elysia the blind witch trying to hypnotize a young witch with same necklace; she had that same mischievous smile that made Sewa realize she was up to no good. Sewa quickly rushed to hit the young lady by the arm who then fell back to the consciousness of Elysia’s trickery. The other lady glared, cursed the old witch, transformed into a bat and flew away to go mingle with other bats heading for another end of the realm. “You again, what aims have you?” the old witch asked with disdain as she sniffed the air across her. Sewa’s intrusion had cost her a great lost, she was at the verge of sapping out a good deal of precious memories from one of the newly converts of witches who had merely come to explore the mysteries of the underworld with her kinds. “I need your help” The old witch scoffed, paused for a while like she was considering further conversation “Of what sought?” she asked. “I’m here in search of a creature called Grunu. “Grunu!” A whispery voice eloped from within Elysia’s rag, Oberon stretched out lazily, it seemed like the name had intruded the creature’s sleep. “Yooou again…seeking for an ancient creature that’d long gone into hiding, slippery is he, difficult to find I must say” it yellowish eyes beamed for a brief moment “I alone know where the creature can be found but I will only tell you for a price” Sewa frowned at the black reptile and then at the old witch who seemed pleased by Oberon’s offer. Sewa was sure these two are up to no good but she hopes to tread with caution till she gets what she wants. “And what’s the price?” she asked. “Your blood, just a drop” said Oberon and then flicked its tongue. “Good one Oberon, good one” Elysia grinned toothlessly “Just her blood is all we need” Sewa would have thought it to be a small price to pay if she hadn’t known the two mischief’s or hadn’t been warned by her grandmother of the deceits everywhere in the underworld. While Sewa looked around thinking of what better way to find this Grunu without biding to Oberon’s request, a large black Owl suddenly perched on her shoulder; it quickly pecked her ear before taking to the sky. Instinctively, she followed the bird through the preposterous world till she saw it land in a lone place far away from other creatures and took a sharp turn behind a large Oak tree like it aimed to hide itself; Sewa followed the bird and noticed the tree behind where it hid was the only lively tree amongst many dead trees; the tree was more greenish than normal. As Sewa hurriedly moved closer in an attempt to catch-up with the bird lurking behind the tree, she came face-to-face with an enormous frame of a creature instead, the bird seemed to had transformed into another creature, it was a skeleton, wears a long, black cloak with a hood, and carries a scythe. Nervously, Sewa stepped back from the Oak tree wondering where the raven went. Now she wasn’t sure exactly why she’d followed the bird even though she felt a connection when it pecked her. The sight of this gory creature got her edgy and it seems to prick something inside her as the descriptive tattoo on her were slowly illuminating. “At last you return, guardian!” the creature fell swiftly to a knee and bowed as soon as he stepped from behind the tree. It had a toneless guttural voice, as gravelly and penetrating as it was gruff. “I’m sorry, I must’ve missed my way around here” she said bemused then paused for a moment at the figure that was still kneeling right in front of her “I’m in search of a creature called Grunu” she added mindlessly. “Yes guardian, I’m that which you seek. I’m Grunu, the grim reaper” Of course she then understood why her grandmother wouldn’t explain what exactly Grunu looked like even when she insisted, he looked everything unpleasant. She found it hard to belief that a creature as that once saved a life. “My grandmother wants me to find you; she said you can help me figure what I am and what to do with my powers” “Yes guardian, but I can’t do that without the permission from your selves” “What selves?” “You stand incomplete and vulnerable without yourselves and so does yourselves without you, you must find yourselves” “I don’t understand, I just want to have answers to who I really am and why all these powers and this strange world and all the weird creatures in it. “You and yourselves aren’t no mortal being, there was a time yourselves presided over all dwellings here in Abadon till you vanished leaving it distorted by mere humans for their selfish gains” Sewa was mystified, wasn’t sure what to make of Grunu’s words and began to doubt if the creature would be of any help at all. Something amidst the crowd afar caught her attention; it was another headless man calling for help while stumbling his way to a direction, Sewa was no stranger to such brutal sight. “They are the trapped souls, preys of the earth who’d suffered untimely death so brutally in the hands of the powerful ones. They’re mere sacrifice to the Salicx in exchange for power, wealth and heath” Grunu explained like he knew what Sewa intends to ask. She gasped. “That’s cruel” she found her voice. “Guardian, come with me for you must see” Grunu hits his scythe to the ground and the two disappeared into thin air. … The two reappeared at the bottom of mountains around formed with the countless bodies and blood of humans, all headless and lifeless. Sewa was startled by such gory and eerie sight. “This is where their bodies are dumped after the Salicx are done sapping their souls” said Grunu. “This is why you need to find yourselves as soon as possible before the Salicx become too strong to be stopped by yourselves” “But why can’t you stop them?” she cried out furiously. “I can’t, I do not posses such powers as yourselves against the Salicx” “I too don’t have such power as well” “You are one of the daughters of Death himself, you alone command stronger power than any creature in this realm. Suddenly, a long eerie cry broke from above. Guardian! The sky rumbled alarmingly like it screamed or so it seemed shortly before the clouds suddenly turned darker. “Guardian, its best you leave immediately. I might not be able to hold them longer this time” Grunu said as he stood gallantly with his now burning scythe firmly held like one ready for a fight. The air was hot and tensed. Sewa was certain there was trouble to come when potions of clouds began pouring its army of Salicx, but where exactly does Grunu expects her to run to? Like it happened the last time, the Salicx had her sounded but now with Grunu by her side. This time the tattoo on her grew brighter as the seven dark army approached with their burning swords and so did her confidence grew. “We don’t have enough power against the Salicx without yourselves, leave now and find yourselves while I hold them back, I barely survived the last time I fought them” Grunu warned Sewa who strangely stood gallantly as well for combat. “So it was you who rescued me the last time?” “Yes, it’s my obligation” “What are these things and what do they want from me?” she asked now standing back-to-back with Grunu in the circle of dark army. “Your presence here is a treat to the Salicx who are the seven brothers of fear, the eaters of souls and the new rulers of Abaddon, they will see at all cost that you and yourselves are destroyed. Leave before it’s too late” “But I can’t, I don’t know how to” The Salicx were closing on them threateningly. Every step of each Salicx towards her aggravated her fear and it wasn’t just the ordinary fear but flood of unpleasant memories rushing through her head. she screamed to the sensation of her body on fire, her body slowly lifted itself slightly above ground and her strange tattoo illuminated so much light enough to push her adversaries away. ** 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Adesina12: 1:17pm On Oct 27, 2021 |
This is very interesting and entertaining carry on OP Sweet popcorn for you. 1 Like |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by dawno2008(m): 9:55pm On Oct 27, 2021 |
Weldon @ghostwritter you're doing well ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Nobody: 12:06am On Oct 28, 2021 |
ghostwritter: Reading this, and I'm like, "Damn. I've got a lot to learn!" Please continue ![]() 1 Like |
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