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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage (39449 Views)
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Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by Akuruoulo(m): 3:58pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Ofadaman:What if u die doing does things ? 1 Like |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by JustforMen: 3:58pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Dpaulie: methusellah... leave insults and address his questions. your age inspired wisdom might just educate him and others. you just insulted him without addressing his questions. 14 Likes 1 Share |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by DEMZEE(m): 3:58pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
JustforMen: Marriage institution especially having a male and female parent is the best form of raising children 1 Like |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by profmallor: 3:58pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
You are very correct. Sincerely men gain less in Marriages, except you are Very close to God for Him to sort you out. A true Marriage must have God at its center and raise Godly children. It is better if Both partners already know God and are aware of their purposes on earth before getting married. Then ofcourse they can jointly take grounds, fulfill their destinies and make progress in life. Its no secret that very few marriages fulfill those points but are rather built on deceit, lies and plots. Often, its men that get entangled in marriages, of cousre women also do, but on the long run most men loose. Men must learn to be close to God as only Him can ensure all our efforts are rewarded before we leave. 3 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by lasisi69(f): 3:59pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Cerebrocrust:lol... Yahoo boy 2 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by Edusouls(m): 3:59pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Yes but for the last last generation when women of virtue was available, men dream and can’t wait to marry them cos they prolonged their lives, not nowadays daughters of Jezebel dominates the earth, men are running for their dear lives.. maureensylvia: 3 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by JustforMen: 4:00pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
DEMZEE: you are absolutely correct... you clearly articulated the benefit of marriage to the child. but what does a man gain in the marriage institution, especially in the context of present realities? that is the elephant in the room 13 Likes 1 Share |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by Funkybabee(f): 4:01pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
When you see a frustrated soul Nothing, nothing I say nothing can satisfy it |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by Nobody: 4:01pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
DEMZEE:And what award do you get by spreading your DNA on the face of the earth! who awards you a trophy! 12 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by DEMZEE(m): 4:02pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
MrSamsung: Men are success objects because we are judged based on our burden of performance. Women just are, they have inherent value for just existing. Yes women must be shamed and blamed. The thing is the gender that gets shamed the most in a society is the gender that's not in power and control in that society. Look at the western societies and see how they shame men and turned men to second class citizens. In Africa, women are shamed and are the second class citizens. And I love it like that. The thing is both genders have been fighting a subtle war for centuries, check the Bible....which gender controlled which gender 3 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by Ceeogbaru2: 4:03pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
question for people who will eventually end up getting trapped in marriage.. not me[/quote] We move.... Who cares about marriage... Rubbish 3 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by DEMZEE(m): 4:03pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
NewSoul: It's pride for such men To dominate and multiply |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by JustforMen: 4:03pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Funkybabee: no, leave insults and provide some form of rational answer. dont personalise the question. 9 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by simplesearch: 4:03pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Escabado: Your huge misconception about marriage didn't allow you to be able to differentiate between their and there. The reason for your post is because you are either myopic, empty of God's word or naturally unable to understand what marriage is all about. Biblically a woman is suppose to give support to the man, the onus lies on the man to take care of his family. If you are a real man before getting married you won't be too stingy or close minded to take care of your family. The reason for your post may be as result of the many leeches, Jezebels, cheats, we have around who are getting married for the wrong reasons, some of them walk out of their marriage when the road gets dusty and pale. Don't allow what you see around deceive you into thinking marriage is a scam or all women are useless; No, they are not. They have their specific role to play, which is majorly not provision, so don't give yourself heartache looking for a working class woman to marry who will not demand anything from you, if that happens praise God, but rather man up and pray to God to lift you up to be the father and husband your wife and children will be proud of. Marriage has a lot of benefit, just pray to God and open your eye to the benefits and prayerfully ask God to give you a partner that's worth it and you'll come back here to edit this your post when that happens, not if, because it is possible. 3 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by Nobody: 4:03pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
DEMZEE: which then begs the question...why tie yourself down to a woman of today when you know if you lose it all for any reason she'll be gone (if she can find a more financially secure man) and if she doesnt go because she isnt capable of finding one..she'' give you hell!!! Especially whn you know if you are financially strong you can get anything you want from a woman of today without being married to her. I am not saying dont marry, I am married myself. if you feel good being married by all means. All I am saying is dont deceive yourself that is a better for worse death do us part situtation you are signing up for. 16 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by DEMZEE(m): 4:04pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
JustforMen: Men gain dominance, authority and responsibility in marriage |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by DEMZEE(m): 4:05pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
isthatso: That's why I advocate for men to b polygamous, understand women's sexual mating strategy and womens nature and know game 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by Duplexxx: 4:06pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Wetin pass SEX |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by dbaruwa(m): 4:06pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Escabado: From ur reasoning, I don't think u are upto 18 years. Period. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by JustforMen: 4:07pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
DEMZEE: in the current reality, men dont have any of those gains anymore as the simp dominated society and the law has taken away all of that and you cannot honestly claim that men are still dominant. so what dies a man gain in marriage today? 10 Likes 1 Share |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by BuySweetOrange: 4:07pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
The social burden 1 Like |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by sheDD(m): 4:09pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Aside stereotype escaping of being tagged a "deadbeat man-folk" there is nothing that favours men in marriage. Marriage is just a thankless weight of daily responsibility and toils for the man. And it's even worse wen d woman does nth but nagging and wail. Abi brize I wee si gini?? 15 Likes 1 Share |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by JustforMen: 4:10pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
dbaruwa: Methuselah, give him some answer na. you cannot know his true age from online posts. with your old age, give a rational answer without insults na. 12 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by calcal: 4:10pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Escabado: You gain everything! Sex from olosho no be sex jor 1 Like |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by ibedun: 4:11pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
itsRhamzy: The biggest delusion is that you gained the kids. You really don’t! 15 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by Nobody: 4:11pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Uwa Nwoke!!!!!.... it's never easy being a man, sometimes I feel nature cheated men in diverse ways.....you wake up every morning,jump out into the street to hustle, sometimes even without breakfast,you encounter alot of insults,pains, rejection,anger and various painful emotions and yet you are banned from showcasing this painful emotions and agony.....you are meant to bottle them all up because showcasing them is tartamoun to being weak and men are not supposed to be weak......in reality all the struggles you go through every day is primarily for a family you hold no grantee that you will benefit from in the future....... you invest everything you toil for in your wife and kids,you make sure they don't go hungry even when you are hungry yourself,you make sure they have a roof over their head, pay for their hospital bills, school feels and clothe them even when you find it difficult to change your own clothes,your main concern is your wife and your kids.....in all these, many men who couldn't handle all this pains normally gives up along the way and why those who persevere towards the end would be watching their wife taking all the credits and rewards inform of material gifts when the kids have finally grown-up........IT IS NEVER AN EASY THING BEING A MAN....... 26 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by Nobody: 4:11pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
DEMZEE: I always say the biggest mistake Africans did to themselves was the abolition of polygamy by Christianity. It is also the reason why there are so many single women 90% of whom are dating married men secretly and who will never find a good husband and will be childless because the ones with any sense of shame left do not want the shame of having a bastard child wheras they would have been respectable wives with legitimate children under polygamy. It is the reason why women have become cheap playthings to married men of means and why women are no longer regarded or respected in society. if you meet a single presentable woman of 30+ in Nigeria, 90% chance she is dating or has dated a married man, above 35yrs 95% chance, above 40yrs, 99.99%!!!! But these same women are still searching for husbands and dont want to share their husbands in the unlikely event they do find one...the irony!!! The other irony is that women who have been mistresses and sidechicks want to be treated with the respectability of a wife!!! 15 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by richie240: 4:11pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
Excesslove222:hehehehe.... .u've listed d qualities of a sensible virtuous woman. Btw u and me, in ur church mind, what's d ratio of d modern woman dt fits d list u've drawn? 7 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by sparko1(m): 4:12pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
gudvibz: You have seen? You mean where maybe circumstances change and he is not rich anymore and the woman have to be the bread winner. There's no reason a rich woman will willingly marry a poor guy, so tell us what you seen again and this time the whole story not the 'end of life' version you cooked up. There's nothing a man gains, this should be, what a man won't lose in marriage. Nothing, there's nothing you won't lose, you freedom, your appetite, everything! you will even lose weight. There's a false notion about marriage that has been propagated for centuries, passing down an upspring (your name) as a mark of fulfilment, like you have an idea what happens after you are gone, sometimes the children change their names and the name he thought he wants to live forever becomes forgotten. Ultimately if you are lonely and feels marriage will change that for you, then go ahead, but make no mistake, no amount of wives will change that. 14 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by JustforMen: 4:12pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
simplesearch: benefits that you need to close your eyes in prayer for God to open your eyes to see? OPEN AND CLOSE or CLOSE and OPEN? make that make sense, please. we can see and enumerate the gains of marriage for women and children even without God and prayer! 3 Likes 1 Share
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by Nobody: 4:13pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
abbey621: Which one is “without fear of another man sharing her” this is naivety at its peak. 6 Likes |
Re: What Does A Man Stand To Gain In Marriage by lordally(m): 4:16pm On Mar 31, 2021 |
abbey621: WISE MAN!!! 1 Like |
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