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This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Nigeriabiafra82: 5:12pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
THIS IS THE REASON WHY THERE ARE NO BLACK PLAYERS ON THE ARGENTINA TEAM. A conversation between a black man and an Argentine. As I watched the Argentina and Iceland match today and wondered why there were no black players in the Argentinean team when other South American teams had black or biracial players, I remembered a conversation I had last year. It was while I was on a cruise from Florida to the Grand Cayman Islands in the Caribbean. Between an Argentinean doctor and myself, who had walked up to me during lunch one day and struck up a conversation with me. There was no hiding the attraction. We had bonded much to the chagrin of her three Argentinean friends. On the deck of the ship that day, she kept going on about how she loves black men and looks forward to traveling so she can meet them. I asked her. "Don't you have black people in Argentina?" She said with a matter of fact candour. "No. Long time ago, after slavery, we killed them all." I was taken aback. She smiled. And continued. [b]Very bad. I am ashamed of my people. It was very systematic though. Very well thought out. First they forced most of the men to fight for Argentina against Paraguay. They knowingly sent them into battles that were poorly planned so that the Paraguay army will do for them what they couldn't themselves do. Kill the blacks. Most of them died there. The remaining of them they forced to live in this province were there was a plague. A disease that the government refused to curb so that it can also do for them what they couldn't do. Kill the blacks. The refused to set up hospitals, clinics, adequate shelter, food outlets, nothing. They created the best environment for the disease to thrive. It killed the rest of the men that had survived the war. The darker you are, the higher the chance they will send you to that place to live or to the war to die. The lighter skinned women they forced them to sleep with the white men, so that their children are biracial, then they forced the children when they grew older to sleep with white men, so that the blackness of the skin of the children became whiter and whiter until there was no longer any visibly black people seen. It was so bad that blacks fled to Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and even Paraquay where they were better treated even though not as well as they should be treated as human beings deserving full equality. Atleast those ones did not want to kill them and accepted to give them protection and a means of livelihood. As a matter of fact in Chile, there was a city called Arica where Black people were so accepted and respected that in the 1700s two black free man, one called Anzuréz were elected mayors. But the white colonial masters from Spain came six months later and nullified the elections, they were afraid of other cities giving black people too many rights. But the blacks who had found succour did not complain, they sent word for others to flee Argentina and come join them. Afterall what was cancelled elections compared to certain death[/b] Then she went silent as though trying to replay the magnitude of the crime in her mind again. Then she said it in a sombre tone in order to drive it home to me. "The ones the Argentineans did not kill through war or disease, and rape and impregnate, fled the country and ultimately we got rid of the blacks." I listened in rising sorrow. She continued academically. "So although they abolished slavery in 1815 in Argentina, it continued until 1853, after that the main preoccupation of the leaders was how to get rid of the black slaves and their descendants. Our president who ruled us from 1868 to 1874, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, wrote in his diary in 1848, this was long before he became president and slavery ended that - 'In the United States… 4 million are black, and within 20 years will be 8 million…. What is to be done with such blacks, hated by the white race?' - It shows that he was already thinking of how to eliminate black people before he became President and when he became President, he succeeded." "Didn't the world say anything?" "No. They ignored it. I am sure most of them wanted to do the same thing but failed. At that time, they admired them. I remember when I will go to Brazil as a child, my father's friend will say in disgust as he looked at the black Brazilians - we should have had your guts and finished them off. All of them. Make Brazil white just like Argentina." "And the Europeans?" She laughed. "It is an open secret, just like King Leopold and his genocide in Congo. No one talks about it, but they know about it. Atleast the older ones do. The younger ones not so much. Why do you think all the Nazis ran to Argentina after World War 2?" I was silent. She continued. "Because it was the perfect place for the most evil racists in history to live." Then she looked out to the infinitely blue sea around the ship and sighed audibly before she continued. " Sadly, to some extent, it still is welcoming and accomodating of racial hatred. We took the Tango from the African slaves and made it our own. In Argentina, not one person will tell you the true history of that dance. They don't want to associate it with Africa. In fact if you ask them about black people in Argentina they will tell you that there has never been black people in Argentina. They teach them in schools. They rewrite the history. They make it all white. And as I said it is all underneath the surface. They never come out and say we hate black people. Argentina is only for whites or anything like that. They have just fixed the country to only be for white people." I looked at her friends, Argentineans like her, who were lounging on the chairs on the deck, clad in their tiny bikinis, drinking pina coladas and smiling. She followed my gaze and then turned to me. "Don't be fooled by all those smiles, scratch the surface and you will see that all they want is for you to disappear. Found this article on the internet by Jude Idada. #MotherAfrica 2 Likes 2 Shares
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Megatrix: 5:16pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Black people always looking to play victim. Better go and face your life and stop fantasizing about imaginary ghosts that are out to exterminate the black race. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by blowjob: 5:32pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by chatinent: 5:38pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Let's stop inciting hate. And our words seasoned with salt. |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Nobody: 5:48pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Megatrix:you are a bastard. 21 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Nobody: 5:58pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
lol, this two guys up there. well i think we really need to let the past go, we should stop letting ghosts from the past hunt us. what happened is in the past, lots of things like that had hapened before though not on that astronomical scale. but we need to stop letting that define who we are, as a people, as a person. And some blacks need to stop writing articles claiming he said, she said, like this either real or imagined. |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Freestainworld(m): 6:13pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Megatrix:where you the one who wrote that article? try and be reasonable. |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by SarkinYarki: 6:16pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Same thing is happening in Nigeria today where southern young men are being sent to the North east to die in staged battles against Boko Haram |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by macof(m): 6:21pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Indeed Argentina did systemically reduce their black population Blacks in South America are still suffering from many kinds of oppression but usually only the issues in the US get highlighted |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Ynix(m): 6:24pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
The whole of the Americas including present day USA, Canada and Mexico were populated by blacks who arrived first before Europe as Aboriginals but they killed lots of them |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Megatrix: 6:25pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Xiaomi1:Your father is the one that is a bastard. 1 Like |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by ThatFairGuy1: 6:26pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
white supremacists are indescribable with any adjective 2 Likes
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Megatrix: 6:27pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Freestainworld:Give that message to the person that wrote the unreasonable and unhistorical jargon in that article, he needs it more. |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Megatrix: 6:29pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Ynix:. And from where did you get this fake history of yours? |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Lovecars501(m): 6:30pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Megatrix:pls stop this,u guys might get banned >: |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by justtoodark: 6:35pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Mouth Gig: chai....what has this crazy story got to do with nigeria now....?? |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Ynix(m): 6:42pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Megatrix:Nobel Prize Winner Professor Emeritus David Landes Professor of Geography and Economics, Author Wealth and Poverty of Nations, among other sources. I hope you know that Africa colonized ruled Europeans several centuries ago. I hope you know that Europeans learned Science from Africa and Asia. I hope you know that long before Christopher Colombus discovered America as the New Found Land Africa already did through the Mali The Empire. Ignorant people talk rashly, but I forgive you 2 Likes |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Megatrix: 6:46pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Ynix:You are talking complete rubbish!! |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Ynix(m): 6:56pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Megatrix:it is evident that you are intellectually senile and lack courtesy, Western ass licker. Read they won't read, always ready to show their foolishness publicly. What stops you from providing your own evidence. Ignorant Bovine 3 Likes |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Valkrie: 7:10pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
chatinent: Saying history the way it is is never hate...That's why most don't even know anything about themselves and their people...!! 1 Like |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Megatrix: 8:11pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Ynix:Shut the hell up, you know nothing. Which genuine history books support the rubbish you are claiming? You are busy repeating fairy tale that can't be backed by authentic historical records and you are calling it knowledge? |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by mysticwarrior(m): 8:39pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
blacks were not the only ones that were almost exterminated, the indigenous people of Argentina were also slaughtered in large numbers when waves of Italians and Spanish started trooping to Argentina from Europe, 62% of the Argentine population are descendants of Italian migrants. 1 Like |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by engrchykae(m): 9:07pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
DFOmobolla:that is our major problem,we forgive the unforgivable. We must stop forgiving if not caucasians and Arabs will finish Africa 1 Like |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by engrchykae(m): 9:10pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Ynix:blacks were native to the americas, australia,the whole of the middleeast (Babylon, assyria, Egypt, philistines) I wonder how Ethiopians survived |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by engrchykae(m): 9:12pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Megatrix:and I don't blame you because the whites taught you what you think you know,the french and the english did a very good job 3 Likes |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by engrchykae(m): 9:13pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Ynix:there are lot of cave paintings showing blacks in the americas, Britain and rome have done so much evil to Africa |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by macof(m): 9:37pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Ynix: Pseudohistory. Stop listening to all those kind of misleading people on Facebook and YouTube Native Americans crossed through frozen landbridges from Northeast Asia not from Africa 4 Likes |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by mytime24(f): 10:26pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Recycled news |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by ednut1(m): 11:25pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Is this your business ![]() |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Ynix(m): 11:32pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Megatrix:Lots of evidences, unfortunately you would prefer to believe the wrong narratives just because you read them in books. If you were not a bovine you would have calm down and do some personal finding. Any ways as a liberal intellectual let me help you with some links since you are obstinate and deluded I could have given you more but I don't want you to keep being a lazy ass 2 Likes |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by KingOKON: 11:32pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
Nigeriabiafra82:. So what do you want us to do with history of 100 of years ago, when will this useless Lamentation end? The Jews and their years of persecutions don't wail but you wail like and cry like witches and wizards.. nonsense |
Re: This Is The Reason Why There Are No Black Players On The Argentina Team. by Ynix(m): 11:35pm On Apr 16, 2021 |
macof:oh another bovine is here, check out my response to your other fellow. Don't be in a haste to show your ignorance. If the earliest men where discovered in Africa and Old Mesopotamia then who are the Aboriginals of Europe and Asia. Stop depending on surface history, dig deeper 1 Like |
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