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Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? - Religion (13) - Nairaland

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Kobojunkie: 6:18pm On Apr 30, 2021

Wat does it say
If u don't believe in men's doctrine y Don't u exclude other part apart from d gospel frm d Bible
Again, go read Mark 12 where Jesus Christ explains to you that the doctrines and traditions of men are lies that heap curses on you and draw you away from the Truth of God. undecided
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by almarthins(m): 7:56pm On Apr 30, 2021

Y nt take poison den n see wat happens
tongue undecided
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by almarthins(m): 7:57pm On Apr 30, 2021

Y nt take poison den n see wat happens
tongue undecided

I seat down jeje
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 8:53pm On Apr 30, 2021
tongue undecided

I seat down jeje
No harm intended
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 10:40pm On May 03, 2021
Again, go read Mark 12 where Jesus Christ explains to you that the doctrines and traditions of men are lies that heap curses on you and draw you away from the Truth of God. undecided
Verse wat
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Kobojunkie: 10:53pm On May 03, 2021

Verse wat
My bad... Mark 7 vs 1-23.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 4:06pm On May 04, 2021
My bad... Mark 7 vs 1-23.
I tot u said chapter 12
Bro stop playing shit
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 4:11pm On May 04, 2021
My bad... Mark 7 vs 1-23.
So wat are u pointing out gan gan
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Kobojunkie: 5:22pm On May 04, 2021

So wat are u pointing out gan gan
Again, go read Mark 12 7 where Jesus Christ explains to you that the doctrines and traditions of men are lies that heap curses on you and draw you away from the Truth of God. undecided
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 7:31pm On May 04, 2021
Rong he said pipu obey d law from the perspective of man nt frm d mirror view of God
Ntin like heap of curses n all does shit
Again dar d exact same tin dat u are even doing sef
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Kobojunkiee: 7:50pm On May 04, 2021

Rong he said pipu obey d law from the perspective of man nt frm d mirror view of God
Ntin like heap of curses n all does shit
Again dar d exact same tin dat u are even doing sef
So God gave them rules about washing their hands then? undecided

"Obey the law from the perspective of man and not from d morrow view of God"? How is that different from saying they teach the doctrines and tradition of men, lies, instead of the truth of God as given them by God? undecided

Curses you ask.... so the fact that these lies nullify the power of God is what? Blessings heaped on them for the lies and worthless worship? undecided

There really isn't any need to continue dragging this one. I have done my best in this. It is up to you to decide what to do with what I have said on this so far. undecided
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 8:27pm On May 04, 2021
So God gave them rules about washing their hands then? undecided

"Obey the law from the perspective of man and not from d morrow view of God"? How is that different from saying they teach the doctrines and tradition of men, lies, instead of the truth of God as given them by God? undecided

Curses you ask.... so the fact that these lies nullify the power of God is what? Blessings heaped on them for the lies and worthless worship? undecided

There really isn't any need to continue dragging this one. I have done my best in this. It is up to you to decide what to do with what I have said on this so far. undecided
So afta all ur research
U failed to acknowledge the most basic concept of reasoning
It nt the law dat the prob but d interpretation
because the law says u should nt kill does nt mean u cannot kill wen u are pursued by armed robbers
But because ur broda insults u u Den decides to kill him because u see him as a potential threat that wen prob sets in
Men u don't still understand
Dat d same prob with u d law of God is nt d prob but ur shortsightedness is hindering ur full understanding
Dat d prob with every one man army Christian u don't want to grasp d full understanding of d Bible u jux wan dey quote verse every ten ten minutes
Bro study harder b4 u start argument oooh
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Kobojunkie: 10:08pm On May 15, 2021

So afta all ur research
U failed to acknowledge the most basic concept of reasoning
It nt the law dat the prob but d interpretation
because the law says u should nt kill does nt mean u cannot kill wen u are pursued by armed robbers
But because ur broda insults u u Den decides to kill him because u see him as a potential threat that wen prob sets in
Men u don't still understand
Dat d same prob with u d law of God is nt d prob but ur shortsightedness is hindering ur full understanding
Dat d prob with every one man army Christian u don't want to grasp d full understanding of d Bible u jux wan dey quote verse every ten ten minutes
Bro study harder b4 u start argument oooh

This here made absolutely no sense to me. undecided
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 10:48pm On May 15, 2021
This here made absolutely no sense to me. undecided
It does
U just choose to ignore it because u don't want to concede defeat
D most irritating part is dat u don't fully grasps wat u teach n preach
I jux hope dat in ur search to find the way dat u do not lose d way
Mayb wen u grow older u will understand
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Kobojunkie: 10:50pm On May 15, 2021

It does
U just choose to ignore it because u don't want to concede defeat
D most irritating part is dat u don't fully grasps wat u teach n preach
I jux hope dat in ur search to find the way dat u do not lose d way
Mayb wen u grow older u will understand
Well, like I said, what you said made no sense to me and I can't force it to do what it doesn't undecided
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 7:07am On May 16, 2021
Well, like I said, what you said made no sense to me and I can't force it to do what it doesn't undecided
Ok let me ask you
Which is beta his action bad result
Or bad a room gud result
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Kobojunkie: 7:09am On May 16, 2021

Ok let me ask you
Which is beta his action bad result
Or bad a room gud result
Please go back through the conversation so far so you recall what it has really been about before you even attempt continuing at this point. undecided
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by orunto27: 9:11am On May 16, 2021

Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 9:15am On May 16, 2021
So God gave them rules about washing their hands then? undecided

"Obey the law from the perspective of man and not from d morrow view of God"? How is that different from saying they teach the doctrines and tradition of men, lies, instead of the truth of God as given them by God? undecided

Curses you ask.... so the fact that these lies nullify the power of God is what? Blessings heaped on them for the lies and worthless worship? undecided

There really isn't any need to continue dragging this one. I have done my best in this. It is up to you to decide what to do with what I have said on this so far. undecided
So wtf are u pointing at
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by orunto27: 9:15am On May 16, 2021



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