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War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. - Foreign Affairs (10) - Nairaland

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Gainman: 11:22am On May 12, 2021

Are u a human being? Besides, these are the very people who not only persecuted but also killed ur so called God, Jesus.

But I understand that u must oppose muslims, for even if muslims are up in arms against Satan and his forces, an average Nigerian xtian who is but an unthinking automaton will side with the devils.

The only thing your hatred for islam and muslims will fetch u is heart attack, agony, misery and frustration in this world and eternal damnation in the hereafter.

As a xtian, tell me one value xtians are known and stand for? The illuminati that are fighting to kill islam know they've finished with xtians and xtianity. What remains of xtianity apart from empty rhetoric by Pastopreneurs who defraud their sheepish flock every sundays?

I am not at all surprised by ur comment cause xtians have no known values or good morals.
who is a devil and who is a Muslim.
I can't see any difference between them.

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by kollinz1234(m): 11:22am On May 12, 2021
Isreal testing her iron dome and says it's terrorists attack.

Christians supporting Israel and Jews are fools who are ignorant of what jews did to Jesus, said about him and still saying and doing

Abi you think Israel is Christians land? Even Jerusalem ain't Christian land
I wanted to ignore your message but then I read the part where you called people fools for what/who they support.

I love Israel because they know how to rape your terrorist religion by serving them with hot coals of violence; and also because your jihad is useless against them. Palestinians have seen nothing yet.

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by sangresan(m): 11:23am On May 12, 2021

Israel is raping Palestine, with the casualties figure recorded so far.

The Israeli iron dome has intercepted thousands of Hamas and Hezbollah missiles since Sunday Afternoon.

The Israeli iron dome has a 95% success rate in missiles interceptions, making it the best interception missile system in the world.

Hezbollah isn't involved...If they are, Tel Aviv will be razed to the ground..

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:23am On May 12, 2021

If you were a Christian and understand world history you would know that 1. Christians don't worship Jewish people 2. It's a prophecy that is being fulfilled. 3. Christians once and some still hate them for crucifying Jesus. So, I suppose you have learnt a little thing today. Read and learn, there was a world before social media.
seewho i telling me to re@d

Christians worship anything Isreal and the prophecy being fulfilled is a Judaic prophecy

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:25am On May 12, 2021

Loads of rubbish, I will support israel than a religion that operates with killing killing killing.... Thank you
U will support ethnic cleansing because of murder? What happened to preaching love
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Gainman: 11:25am On May 12, 2021

Alot of Palestinians are xtians. Ignorance has definitely eaten a part of ur brain. Reset it slowpoke.
Tell us are the Palestinians Christians terrorists? There are Israeli Muslims too Mr man.


Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:26am On May 12, 2021

We don't care, even some of us are doubting the trinity. All our joy is that the terrorist muslims are taught merciless and violent lessons since they have decided to make peace their enemy. Next time don't bring this israel not believing in jesus divide, we know, must israelis are judaist and even they hate blacks like us but we are happy they are killing muslims, that is our joy simple, since yoh guys have embraced terrorism as part of your doctrine.
This is top notch inferiority complex and hatred . You are a child of God
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:28am On May 12, 2021

Jesus is not God. He's son of God, the mediator of the new covenant.

Jesus himself said "I and my father (God) are one.... "

You won't understand, the relationship can best be described like that of a father and his first son.
Jesus is a Jewish prophet @according to Judaism .

You are supporting pagans
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:28am On May 12, 2021
Is Jesus God?

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Gainman: 11:29am On May 12, 2021

You are updated. At some point, I had that mentality too. It was when I tried familiarizing with real Jews I knew it was a world apart.. And they are coded racist.

Government is even deporting black Jews of American descents
Talk about your country Nigeria where tribal wickedness have grown deep in their bones. Talk about how fulanis are killing the innocent Nigeria all over. Is your country better than the Isreal u are hating.


Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by OneKinGuy(m): 11:30am On May 12, 2021
It's not a conflict. Israel will deal the hell out of Hamas.

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:30am On May 12, 2021

Is that the issue here ?
An eye opener for ignorant christians
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:31am On May 12, 2021

....and of what relevance is your comment of "Jesus is lord"relevant to the topic at hand.....just trying to stir up religious sentiments .......eranko
the crises has religious roots
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by jom28gy(m): 11:31am On May 12, 2021
I thought this issues have been settled,as there is long time quietness
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by justinator: 11:31am On May 12, 2021
E pain am oo
Isreal testing her iron dome and says it's terrorists attack.

Christians supporting Israel and Jews are fools who are ignorant of what jews did to Jesus, said about him and still saying and doing

Abi you think Israel is Christians land? Even Jerusalem ain't Christian land

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by justinator: 11:32am On May 12, 2021
They are supporting killers of terrorists
Jesus is a Jewish prophet @according to Judaism .

You are supporting pagans

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:32am On May 12, 2021

Even as a Muslim try to understand other religions a bit. Your ignorance is staggering
Your ignorance is more damaging as I am not Muslim
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:33am On May 12, 2021

Oga we have freedom of religion. We do not force religion on anyone.
my post is not for u
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:34am On May 12, 2021

Jews and Christians don't fight. So we are fine.
The enemy of our enemy is our friend.
Let the Jews help us keep them in check.
Clear every terrorist on the Gaza strip,and never let them get close to Jerusalem.

Christians and evangelicals don't worship Jews. Don't be petty and illogical OK?
Do Christians and Muslims fight? Why support evil
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Gainman: 11:36am On May 12, 2021

Hisbollah is still standing and increase their missile range and accuracy.And they succeeded on kicking your god(Israel) out of southern Lebanon.
out of Lebanon? Were the Israelis living in Lebanon before? Why did hisbollah stop attacking Isreal. They should have continued and see what will happen to them. What they normally cry on is Isreal is killing the innocent children at d time Isreal is hitting them hard. I see u don't know what u are saying. Google is your friend check d internet and see for yourself how Isreal level d territory of hisbollah in Lebanon. Or do you think you are chatting with a kid here.

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Quim2: 11:36am On May 12, 2021
Your ignorance is more damaging as I am not Muslim


English na wahala.

No time to explain

Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Tcwork: 11:37am On May 12, 2021
my post is not for u
Oga this is a public forum. You can review the rules of nairaland if you are confused

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Cryptodegen: 11:38am On May 12, 2021
An Historian in the house will know the causes of the incessant violence in the middle east. Palestinian question has never been answer since Britain gave independence to Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, Saud Arabia. I can say it that the Palestinians are the most cheated people in the world.

Palestinians cheated themselves when they rejected the two state solution

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by hansomb: 11:39am On May 12, 2021
If the Igbos should have 0.5 percent of Palestinian will they should have there Biafra by now. But only chest beating. Imagine a paramilitary forces standing up to one of the strongest military in the world backed by US and NATO and all Jews influencers in the world. Everything na time.

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Shimran(m): 11:39am On May 12, 2021
Israel can't and will never be defeated

Firstly, If and only if USA is by them. Of course, USA-Isreal Lobby is a known facts.

Asides only truth stands out, all other varnishes.

Moreover, we have the rising (beginning) , the peak (highest) and the falling (ending) of all falsehood.

God's time is the best
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by explosiveskull(m): 11:40am On May 12, 2021

You mean to say, "You are happy" they are killing Muslims. I for want ain't happy about the killing of any innocent person because of what they believe in. I don't hate anybody

If you don't hate anybody, I hate the fulanis for the grief they've being causing we south easterners and I hate any muslim who supports them because he or she feels we want to secede from this diabolical conjecture.


Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by explosiveskull(m): 11:41am On May 12, 2021
This is top notch inferiority complex and hatred . You are a child of God
Yes, leave us or me in particular with the inferiority complex, am enjoying as far as these violence prone muslims are slaughtered in numbers.

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Cryptodegen: 11:42am On May 12, 2021
Isreal is oppressing Palestine.
Let there be two state solutions.

Palestinians rejected it


Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by alfarouq(m): 11:44am On May 12, 2021
You can't use your encounter with a few arrogant Jews to conclude on 5billion Jews world wild....and more we are talking about isreal not Jewish...isreal comprise of Arabs Jews druz blacks and many more...be guided

The more you comment, the more I get convinced that you are either of these two: ignorant of the events or you need to defend your Lords at whatever cost.

Who are the Arabs, Druz in Israel? They are the same set of people who Israel has been displacing for decades. Recently, there is a decision to uproot those of them living in Sheikh Jarrah so as a new settlement can be built for settlers and pseudo-Jews from Europe.

This your so called Israel Arabs, Druz and Blacks, don't have citizenship. They are at best tenants even when there fore fathers were born and buried on the land. But one pseudo-Jew will travel to Israel today from Eastern Europe or Western Europe or USA and receive automatic citizenship.

Have you had the statement "Israel is a Jewish homeland?".

It means that if you are not Jewish irrespective of your ties to the land, you are nothing but an outsider, at best, you are a Tennant.

The point it gets more hopeless is that "one can't even convert and become a Jew, you have to be born one"
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by mu2sa2: 11:44am On May 12, 2021

A big lie.
The issue about Jews a Palestinians is not only about land.
It is about the annihilation of the the Jewish people.
The Jews occupy 10% of the Palestinian mandate and only 1% of the whole Arab occupied territories.
It is a task given to Muslims in the Koran to kill Jews and Christians.
That is why Palestinians have refused all the offer for a two-state solution.
The whole Gaza strip belongs to Palestinians,what they want is Jerusalem.
Don't think we are dumb.
Stop deceiving the ignorant with your concocted falsehood
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:45am On May 12, 2021

Oga this is a public forum. You can review the rules of nairaland if you are confused
comprehension hard.

My post is not for people like u
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by alfarouq(m): 11:47am On May 12, 2021

Yes, leave us or me in particular with the inferiority complex, am enjoying as far as these violence prone muslims are slaughtered in numbers.

Enjoy it while it lasts, so that when you receive punishment in proportion to the role you played towards oppressing a fellow human. You can always take succor in the fact that you at least enjoyed when it was happening

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