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War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. - Foreign Affairs (11) - Nairaland

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:47am On May 12, 2021
They are supporting killers of terrorists
why judging killers ? Who made Jews executioners of God justice
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Tcwork: 11:49am On May 12, 2021
comprehension hard.

My post is not for people like u
That's the point, if you post for special people like yourself then why do it in a public forum.
You could as well create a whatsapp group for special people like yourself.
I believe you are a very intelligent person so I advise you create your own forum for people like you. And leave nairaland for ordinary people like myself

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by explosiveskull(m): 11:51am On May 12, 2021

Enjoy it while it lasts, so that when you receive punishment in proportion to the role you played towards oppressing a fellow human. You can always take succor in the fact that you at least enjoyed when it was happening

After you must have finished your own punishment for beheading people who out of freedom of speech yab or blasphem your allah and his fake mohammed.

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Pvibe007: 11:52am On May 12, 2021

The same Isreal that supported Nigeria while they massacre ur people

Lies. Which Isreal supported Nigeria during the CIVIL WAR? SEE LIES O

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:53am On May 12, 2021

That's the point, if you post for special people like yourself then why do it in a public forum.
You could as well create a whatsapp group for special people like yourself.
I believe you are a very intelligent person so I advise you create your own forum for people like you. And leave nairaland for ordinary people like myself
special people ?

Funny u. My post was targeted at a particular group of Christians .
And by their responses, I know them.

U can skip if u still don't comprehend
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 11:53am On May 12, 2021

Lies. Which Isreal supported Nigeria during the CIVIL WAR? SEE LIES O
Oga go and read
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Lukuluku69(m): 11:55am On May 12, 2021
I have learn not to waste my time with Nigerian christians on such issue because once Israel is involved, the brain and the conscience fail them.

The irony of it is that if you substitute Israel and Palestine with two other countries, the brain receptors start working well again.

In my discussion with one of them, after going back and forth, his final statement was " I will bless him who has blessed thee, and I will curse him who has cursed thee".

Then one begin to wonder that is it the same jews that have and will always denounce Jesus A.S thst the bible was refering to.
If they actually take their time to read and understand the Bible critically and not just what some so called Men of God tell them, they should understand that the above verse was actually talking about Jesus A. S, (A messenger of Allah) and those who believed in the true message he brought with him and not a jew who not only rejects his message and messengership but also believes he is a bastard because Allah chose to create him without a male intervention.

If they truly understand who God is, they should know that He is just and will never bless an oppressor or evil person simply because he is from a particular tribe nor will he bless those who support him in his evil, on the contrary, they will earn his wrath for blindly supporting evil. Nor will God relegate or reduce anyone's status because he was born a non-Jew.

Why will God bless anyone simply for being born a Jew, an Arab, a Fulani, a Yoruba or an Igbo when no one paid a penny nor had a say in what his lineage will be.

Does that mean that irrespective of whatever a jew does, a christian must support him to be able to receive blessings and escape curse.?

People that I know to always do there best to stand for the truth and justice are also guilty of this

It is no use engaging them. No use. Once they see "Islam, Muslims" they enter another mode completely. The reasoning becomes warped and irrational. They become hateful and their true inner self manifest.
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by vioment: 12:02pm On May 12, 2021
Israel is too rugged when it comes to war or skirmish. Dem sabi use all levels of arsenals.

My problem with Arabs not Muslims, is that they took a whole quarter of Africa, even Egypt is getting ready to go to war with Ethopia (real Africans) soon. They took a quarter of Africa and africans are not making them feel uncomfortable daily; But they don't let Israel get any siester any day. Everyday terrorizing Israel.

If you wan see correct lasers in action, peep israel during this fracas depending on escalation level. No be the kind laser way naija get, Still brutal but currently inefficient and less mobile, make e neva go slice operator into half.

I pray for world peace.

May God protect the innocent israeli and Palestinians.
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Lukuluku69(m): 12:06pm On May 12, 2021
well the bible did say ishmael is a wild donkey who will live in hostility with everyone and will fight everyone . the bible is a prophetic book. if you dont believe in the bible something is wrong with you ( not you personally but anyone reading this )

Genesis 16:11 and 12, NIV: "And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction." "He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.'"

"Wild Donkey, Wild Ass" what if I tell you that that expression simply means Ishmael won't be ruled by anyone but himself? Remember, all his sons were Princes in the Land they lived unlike the kids of Issac. The Bible says God will BLESS HIM. Coming to your wild Donkey issue, it also means him and his descendants will leave free unlike Issac kids who are severally OWNED thru DEPORTATIONS, CONQUESTS by the Babylonians, Persians, Romans, Greeks.

The Arabs of Ishmael never suffered such fate.
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by mayor0780: 12:07pm On May 12, 2021

those folks are just too stubborn I don't know why you start trouble first and then cry the victim

I guess you are ignorant of what Is happening there, study history and you will discover the root of the conflict..

The original owner of the land try to pray in the Masjid alqsal and the isreal athourity did want that , they used all the instruments of force to dispatched them..
Israel is devil and the western media are hypocrite

Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Awaja(m): 12:16pm On May 12, 2021
Israel can't and will never be defeated
God's own state
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by gungab(m): 12:19pm On May 12, 2021
Make Dem stop this War

The way Aljazerra dey report this thing enh
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by southpole: 12:24pm On May 12, 2021

Tell that to a Jew and see if you won't be whitewashed.
One is more likely to be whitewashed by an Arab or Muslim for saying Jesus is the Lord than to be whitewashed by a Jew, and as earlier stated Jesus does not need the confession of any human whether prophet or not, whether Jew or not before He (Jesus) becomes what He is. Jesus is the Lord by himself.

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by BobbieZion(m): 12:26pm On May 12, 2021
Do Christians and Muslims fight? Why support evil

No genuine Christian supports evil.
That is why we condemn murder and destruction.
And yes,Christians and Muslims fight.
To be frank with you.
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by udemzyudex(m): 12:30pm On May 12, 2021
yeah . all Arabs are one. ISHMAEL. they have ideological differences but they are one. united arab league

Na so.
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by justinator: 12:34pm On May 12, 2021
They are not judging for any God, they don't pray to God for help like Nigerians, they fight to protect themselves by themselves
why judging killers ? Who made Jews executioners of God justice

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Lukuluku69(m): 12:39pm On May 12, 2021
You can't use your encounter with a few arrogant Jews to conclude on 5billion Jews world wild....and more we are talking about isreal not Jewish...isreal comprise of Arabs Jews druz blacks and many more...be guided

Five Billion Jews you say? Ogbeni, go easy on the LIES nah! Five (5) Billion Jews kwa.
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Olisehinnocent: 12:39pm On May 12, 2021
Everybody cannot be a Christian. We are not like you Muslims that want everybody to worship your allah. We respect other peaceful religion
Quite sad that all jews(whom Christians and evangelicals worship) don't believe that Jesus is God


Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by BobbieZion(m): 12:40pm On May 12, 2021
Stop deceiving the ignorant with your concocted falsehood

I am knowledgeable enough to know what I am saying.
We are getting wiser by the day.
Bring up facts and figures to counter my claims,not retreating with your ignorant statement.
If Islam was right why is the Koran and the works of Islam shaded from the general public.
A thing that is right is supposed go be exposed and scrutinized and analyzed by anyone. Just like you find the Bible every where and translated in different languages for anyone to read.

"We shall not mix religion with insanity"
A thing that comes with the sword as an alternative, is absolutely wrong.
Thank you.

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by majamajic(m): 12:41pm On May 12, 2021
You sound Abnormal

You are not close to normal at all sir

Israel will finish them , they came first as usual
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by alfarouq(m): 12:43pm On May 12, 2021

After you must have finished your own punishment for beheading people who out of freedom of speech yab or blasphem your allah and his fake mohammed.

If I am truly guilty of that, then I deserve to be punished of course, so also will you and everyone else for crimes they are guilty of.
For God is just and does not play favorites.

If your father is a prophet or your son is a prophet, it will not save you from God's punishment if your ways go contrary to the right way
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Lukuluku69(m): 12:45pm On May 12, 2021

I am knowledgeable enough to know what I am saying.
We are getting wiser by the day.
Bring up facts and figures to counter my claims,not retreating with your ignorant statement.
If Islam was right why is the Koran and the works of Islam shaded from the general public.
A thing that is right is supposed go be exposed and scrutinized and analyzed by anyone. Just like you find the Bible every where and translated in different languages for anyone to read.

"We shall not mix religion with insanity"
A thing that comes with the sword as an alternative, is absolutely wrong.
Thank you.

And what is that part of the Quran and Islam that is "shaded" from the general public?

I guess you have not seen the Translation of the Quran in another Language then?
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Nostradamus1: 12:51pm On May 12, 2021
Everybody cannot be a Christian. We are not like you Muslims that want everybody to worship your allah. We respect other peaceful religion
you muslim ?

my username was even a giveaway. Sorry for engaging u
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Owologbo(m): 12:54pm On May 12, 2021
Isreal testing her iron dome and says it's terrorists attack.

Christians supporting Israel and Jews are fools who are ignorant of what jews did to Jesus, said about him and still saying and doing

Abi you think Israel is Christians land? Even Jerusalem ain't Christian land
But they are better than moslems who kill any non Moslem on sight.
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by BobbieZion(m): 12:56pm On May 12, 2021

And what is that part of the Quran and Islam that is "shaded" from the general public?

I guess you have not seen the Translation of the Quran in another Language then?

I have read the Quran in English and Hausa,and I made sure no Muslim saw me. Because my head is as stake.

I am from the north,born in the north and raised in the north,still live in the north.
Don't ask me a rhetorical question.
You can't tell me anything about Islam and it's effect.
I have experience first hand.

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Lukuluku69(m): 1:01pm On May 12, 2021

I have read the Quran in English and Hausa,and I made sure no Muslim saw me. Because my head is as stake.

I am from the north,born in the north and raised in the north,still live in the north.
Don't ask me a rhetorical question.
You can't tell me anything about Islam and it's effect.
I have experience first hand.

If you have read the Quran in English and Hausa as you claimed then why your submission that it is " shaded" from the general public? Or are you the only one who has done this in the whole of Northern Nigeria where you claimed you were born?

I am sure other non-muslim must have done this too don't you think?

Or are you saying you are the only one who can read in English and who is not a Muslim in the North?
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by patriotic007: 1:11pm On May 12, 2021

After you must have finished your own punishment for beheading people who out of freedom of speech yab or blasphem your allah and his fake mohammed.
Na God bless this your reply....this people's hypocrisy is legendary

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Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Kandeed: 1:12pm On May 12, 2021

I guess you are ignorant of what Is happening there, study history and you will discover the root of the conflict..

The original owner of the land try to pray in the Masjid alqsal and the isreal athourity did want that , they used all the instruments of force to dispatched them..
Israel is devil and the western media are hypocrite

So if they dispatch you the next thing ur supposed to do is launch rockets of mass destruction at innocent folks what if Israel didn't have a good surface air missile interceptor?? so hundreds should die cuz they were dispatched?? Oga you no point

Israel should save their strength n budget by annihilating the whole of Palestine once and for all it's time they're booted away from the world's map
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by patriotic007: 1:19pm On May 12, 2021

Five Billion Jews you say? Ogbeni, go easy on the LIES nah! Five (5) Billion Jews kwa.
so my mistake in numbers should justify hate speech on a particular race....when you and I know that such hate speech resulted in the death of millions of the same race 70 years ago
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Federickson02: 1:29pm On May 12, 2021
See terrorists crying all over the thread grin

Deal with them Isreal, Im wity you cool
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by Pvibe007: 1:40pm On May 12, 2021
Oga go and read
U are the one who is suppose to go and read.
Re: War: Israel And Palestine Battle Widens. by patriotic007: 1:40pm On May 12, 2021
See terrorists crying all over the thread grin

Deal with them Isreal, Im wity you cool
the only way any country will survive beside northern Nigeria after the separation of Nigeria is to adopt isreals approach of fire for fire....they are very deadly and unimaginably wicked in their ways....the best way to live in peace along side them is by letting them know that their terrorism will be replied 100 times in kind


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