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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His (26436 Views)
Jesus Lied When He Promised The Thief Beside Him Heaven! / RCCG GO Pastor Adeboye Lied When He Said About 50% Americans Are Jews. / Does Satan Own The Kingdoms Of The World? (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 11:35pm On May 12, 2021 |
PrincessGlow: Accusation of rape. This does not move me. Propaganda is @ play. Was he found guilty. So how many years was he jailed? You're talking about *alleged" cases. Bring established cases. That's when i'll take you serious. I repeat, that as a GROUP, JW'S are God's chosen on earth today. 1 Like |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 12:08am On May 13, 2021 |
[quote author=PrincessGlow post=101634789][/quote] Now i know they're all lies. A case of rape or child sexual abuse is reported to the authorities. And just an allegation is enough to make such an accused never to handle or be appointed into any position of responsibility for life. So there's no any time when people are told not to report to the authorities. See the attached material. In the book "Keep Yourselves in God's Love-page 222-223, if there are such offenses as grievous as rape or child sexual molestation etc one can approach the authorities e.g the police. Those propaganda won't. I have been an ordained minister since 1984 and have been serving as an elder (Bishop if you like) since 2000. Am ready for any kind of discussion and propaganda you bring.
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 12:23am On May 13, 2021 |
[quote author=PrincessGlow post=101634789][/quote] So what is the fuss about this? We don't ex-communicate anybody. Wrong doers are disciplined judicially. We don't shield wrong doers like your own cult religion does. That's why we still have God's Holy Spirit directing our organisation today. Even if the person is a child but baptised, he is disciplined judicially. It's a loving arrangement from Jehovah our clean God. I thought you said we shield wrongdoers. Don't contradict yourself ok? |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 12:29am On May 13, 2021 |
[quote author=PrincessGlow post=101634569][/quote] A "former" Jehovah's Witness involved in child pornography. How does that affect Jehovah's witnesses. He's no more a witness. Case closed Bring More. Am waiting. Don't sleep o. |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by oaroloye(m): 3:24am On May 13, 2021 |
MISHIGAS! oaroloye: PrincessGlow: THE GOD DELUSION, by Richard Dawkins (preface).] FOOLS WHO HAVE NOT CHOSEN LIFE HAVE TIME FOR SUCH USELESS SPECULATIONS! THE JEHOVAH'S WITLESSES® LOVE ONLY THOSE WHO LOVE THEM. Please note that LORD YESHUA did not love his Enemies- HE HAD EARNED THAT RIGHT. PrincessGlow: "JEHOVAH'S WITLESSES®" is a registered trademark of the OBJECTIVE CHRISTIANITY MINISTRY. As you can see, it is totally dishonourable to engage them in a Battle-of-Wits- since they are all disarmed upon membership. oaroloye: PrincessGlow: THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON YOU TO SHOW HOW THAT IS RELEVANT: I AM UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO PROVE YOUR SILLY THEORIES FOR YOU. Adam and Eve chose what they wanted, which was to take the Attributes supplied by the Fruit, despite the stated consequences. Only fools reinvent the wheel. I give references, and do not pretend to have originated other people's ideas- unlike YOU- presenting RICHARD DAWKINS' stupid idea, as if it were your own. It does not matter what one's History was when the house is on fire- every normal person gets out- unless their History is DRUNK, STONED, INSANE, or PARALYZED. ATHEISM IS A MENTAL DISEASE CALLED ATTENTION-DEFICIT DISORDER. The Atheists can never achieve THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH, because they constantly FORGET WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN TAUGHT. They are likened to DOGS- who are FED, then vomit what they have eaten- because they don't agree with It- and then realize that they are still hungry, having found nothing better- and go back to eat it again. Disgusting. SHEEP AND GOATS ARE CLEAN BEASTS: WHO REGURGITATE WHAT THEY WOLFED-DOWN- WITHOUT VOMITING IT- THEY CHEW IT OVER THOROUGHLY, AND THEN SWALLOW IT, FOR FINAL DIGESTION. Most Churches are addicts to other people's digestions. They were too lazy or ignorant to MEDITATE ON THE WORD OF GOD FOR THEMSELVES: they hired someone else to do it for them. The British Government in World War I turned to Jewish FAKE HEBREW, CHAIM WEIZMANN to solve its Chemistry Problems. HOW TO MOVE NITROGLYCERINE EXPLOSIVES BY RAIL? Nitro is one of the most volatile explosives around. A jolt is enough to detonate it. He remembered The Bible: . JOB 38:22-23. 22. Hast thou entered into The Treasures of the Snow? Or hast thou seen The Treasures of the Hail, 23. Which I have reserved against The Time of Trouble, against the day of Battle and War? CHAIM WEIZMANN TOLD THEM TO PACK IT IN SHAVED ICE: IT WORKED. For this and similar feats, he was asked, after the war, to name his reward. He said that the only thing he wanted was a Homeland for his people. Therefore he received "THE BALFOUR PROCLAMATION" which led to the land of Palestine being given to THE LYING DESCENDANTS OF 9th CENTURY EUROPEAN CONVERTS TO JUDAISM. [See: THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION (1897?) THE INTERNATIONAL JEW: The World's Most Foremost Problem, by Henry Ford (1920s). THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE, by Arthur Koestler (1976). THE INVENTION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE, by Shlomo Sand (2008).] THE OYINBOS ALL KNOW- AT THEIR HIGHEST GOVERNMENT AND ACADEMIC LEVELS- THAT THE JEWS ARE NOT RELATED TO THE PEOPLE WHO LIVED THROUGH THE EXODUS. [See: THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA JUDICEA. THE CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPAEDIA.] The 9th Century king of KHAZARIA wanted a Religion to unite his people, and chose JUDAISM over CHRISTIANITY or ISLAM after interviewing representatives. https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulan_(Khazar) The JEHOVAH'S WITLESSES® Council has always known this. The original Hebrews were a BLACK people. . DEUTERONOMY 28:68. 68. And The LORD shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I Spake unto thee, "THOU SHALT SEE IT NO MORE AGAIN:" and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy (you). THIS PROPHECY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE HISTORY OF THE NEGRO SLAVES OF AMERICA: MANY OF THEM WERE THE TRUE DESCENDANTS OF Y'SRAEL. The Oyinbos calling themselves "JEWS" are nothing but IDENTITY THIEVES. Researchers into the Slave Trade have proven that many of the TransAtlantic Slave Ships were owned by JEWS. (Every ship in the World is listed in the LLOYD'S REGISTER- so it is easy to prove.) The WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY has been instrumental in helping cover up the truth. It is a well-known fact that JEHOVAH'S WITLESSES® went to Nazi Germany so-called "DEATH-CAMPS." They supported the claim that SIX MILLION JEWS were killed in a "HOLOCAUST," and their bodies burned, so that there was no evidence. THE HOLOCAUST IS A PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY: IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO KILL OR DISPOSE OF AS MANY BODIES AS THAT, WITH THE RESOURCES AVAILABLE. NUREMBURG Testimony included claims that hundreds of bodies were simply stacked like firewood, and burned to ashes immediately! We are told to believe that Jews were gassed-to death via CYANIDE- in Chambers that would have leaked one of the deadliest Poison Gases to the whole camp- including the guards standing outside, with no protection whatsoever! Prison Guards who told the truth were overruled and summarily executed. A major proof that ISRAELIS DO NOT BELONG IN ISRAEL is the prevalence of SUNBURN and even SKIN CANCER among them. They have been struggling to cure that for decades. They have the arguably greatest Scientists in the World, and they cannot find a way to tolerate Sunlight. WE do not have unlimited immunity to Sunlight ourselves- but we do not get SUNBURN. They do, and THEIR Sunlight is as NOTHING compared to what WE endure! oaroloye: oaroloye: PrincessGlow: OF COURSE I KNOW: WHY SHOULD I CARE? What have those people ever done for Mankind? RONALD EDWARD DeWOLF, "NIBS" (1934-1991) has my deepest sympathies. I have no doubt whatsoever that his father heavily abused him during his growing up, clearly trying to turn him into another WILLIAM SIDIS (1898-1944). L. RON HUBBARD wisely signed over the Rights to SCIENTOLOGY to his Church Board- divesting Ronald DeWolf of the ability to destroy Scientology after his death, but also denying him any profit from the Religion, which I feel should have been rightly his. L. RON HUBBARD (1911-1986) would have tested his theories on his wives and children. A founding member of DIANETICS was RICHARD deMILLE (1922-2009), adoptive son of Cecil deMille, (biological son of William deMille and Lorna Moon,) who was close to L. Ron Hubbard. >>>He was attracted to Hubbard because, as he later said, "I thought he was a great man who had made a great discovery, and whatever his shortcomings they must be discounted because he had the answer."<<< >>>By 1954 he had become disillusioned with Scientology and left the organization, explaining that he "didn't like all the contradictions and I was becoming more and more sceptical of the whole thing".<<< https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_de_Mille 1954 WAS WHEN L. RON HUBBARD DECLARED SCIENTOLOGY A RELIGION, AND DIANETICS- WHICH HE HAD LOST THE RIGHTS TO IN 1952- ITS PROPRIETARY KNOWLEDGE. SCRIPTURE. It is obvious that Richard deMille was planted to sabotage DIANETICS, and was extracted when the Movement metamorphosized into a a bonafide Religion. Richard deMille was later used to sabotage CARLOS CASTANEDA'S NAGUALISM- which is a similar System to SCIENTOLOGY, as was another celebrity child, AMY WALLACE (1955-2013). Richard deMille destroyed CARLOS CASTANEDA (1925-1998,) by simply claiming that he saw him in the UCLA Library on a day when he claimed in his book that he was in Mexico, being mentored by his Nagualism Benefactor, Don Juan Matus- whom no one else ever met. He further claimed that all his "field research" came out of that book which he found him reading in that library. [See: L. RON HUBBARD: Messiah or Madman, by Bent Corydon and Ronald deWolf (1987). (Note: DeWolf was L. Ron Hubbard's mother's maiden name- which he also used as one of about 20 pseudonyms in his early writing in every genre.) INTRODUCTION TO SCIENTOLOGY, by Richard deMille (1953). THE DON JUAN PAPERS, by Richard deMille (1980). THE PRODIGY: The Biography of William James Sidis- America's Greatest Child Prodigy, by Amy Wallace (1986). SORCERER'S APPRENTICE: My Life with Carlos Castaneda, by Amy Wallace 2003.] AMY WALLACE claimed to have been Carlos Castaneda's Mistress, when his system required him to be celibate. There is an ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY to hide the fact that the average person can use no more than 10% of their Mind, consciously, but some simple exercise techniques- including THE GOSPEL, SCIENTOLOGY, and NAGUALISM- can restore 100% use of one's MIND- which they find threatening to them. It is your job to divert attention.. . LUKE 24:17-27. 17. And he Said unto them, "What manner of communications (are) these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?" 18. And the one of them whose name was Cleopas, answering said unto him, "Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass in these days?" 19. And he Said unto them, "What things?" And they said unto him, "Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a Prophet mighty in Deed and Word before God and all the people: 20. "And how the Chief Priests and our Rulers delivered him to be condemned to Death, and have Crucified him. 21. "But we trusted that it had been he which should have Redeemed Israel: and besides all this, to day is the Third Day since these things were. 22. "Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre; 23. "And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a Vision of Angels, which said that he was alive. 24. "And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found (it) even so as the women had said: but him they saw not." 25. Then he Said unto them, "O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that The Prophets have Spoken: 26 "Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his Glory?" 27. And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures concerning himself. . ACTS 1:1-11. THE former Treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and Teach, 2. Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through The Holy Ghost had given Commandments unto the Apostles whom he had chosen: 3. To whom also he shewed himself alive after his Passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to The Kingdom of God: 4. And, being assembled together with them, Commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for The Promise of the Father, "Which," Saith he, "ye have heard of me. 5. "For John truly Baptized with Water; but ye shall be Baptized with The Holy Ghost not many days hence." 6. When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again The Kingdom to Israel?" ALL OF THE PEOPLE WITH LORD YESHUA FROM THE BEGINNING SAID THAT HE WAS JUST A CON MAN, WHO HAD NOT DELIVERED Y'SRAEL. L. Ron Hubbard received more than 5,000 Humanitarian Awards during his lifetime. What did those accusing him get? YOU ARE NOT MENTALLY-DEFECTIVE TO JUDGE- BEING EASILY SWAYED BY IRRELEVANT DATA! |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by MaxInDHouse(m): 3:38am On May 13, 2021 |
He just feel like lying to his own soul. God's word never promised that His people won't have issues but that they will settle all within themselves and make sure it never escalate to carrying weapons! Isaiah 2:3-4 So if he's looking for a perfect people let him keep searching but when we talk about God's people settling issues amicably within themselves globally then i'll present JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES! ospido: |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 9:26am On May 13, 2021 |
MaxInDHouse: You're right. Let him mention one religion that has been like Jehovah's people. He couldn't. No one is perfect. Some people can falter but those cases are handled to keep God's organisation clean. Which other religion does that? |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:44am On May 13, 2021 |
Whenever i remember those times when you guys kept coming to my place come rain come sunshine i often beat my chest saying "why haven't i known since that you people are truly God's people?" You know each one of you watered the seed until it grew into a big unshakable tree. Just imagine how easy God's word has become ever since i allowed JWs to teach me how to read, study and meditate. Did God promised perfection in this system of things? Well the Bible book of Revelation 7:14b gives the answer: These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb The coloured said "they have WASHED their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb" surely it will take deep reasoning to achieve such clean washing {Isaiah 1:18} and it can't be just a days job of course it's something that will take time. No other group is achieving this globally apart from JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, those who believe they can make it remains scrubbing their dirty robes while some do give up and take off with their dirty robes. Is that not why you can't find any exjw whose way of life is better than those in the Organization? Jehovah's Witnesses, may God continue to bless you guys for me. Thanks for locating me! ospido: |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 11:06am On May 13, 2021 |
PrincessGlow:If that woman actually made that claim, That woman is not different from Jesus disciples at 1 Corinthians 15:12,17. Your Bible says her faith is useless. The truth is not what anyone says or tells you. The truth is what you have proven to yourself to be truth. Therefore, you have to become a Jehovah's witness & have first hand experience, before you can actually determine if it's a cult, not depend on someone else's prejudiced prism. Have you ever seen a man/lady who had an acrimonious break up, tell you his/her ex is the best person they ever had? JW is NOT a cult. PrincessGlow,Your claim is FALSE. . |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 11:10am On May 13, 2021 |
oaroloye:(I have only read to this part of your looong post. As I read more I'd respond more) I swear I have never read any book by Richard Dawkins nor do I know much about him. Everything I write here originated in my own thinking and seems obvious to me - by the time you are six 90% of your programming is complete - non of which you chose. The other 9.9% are further supplied by your environment and what you are exposed to - non of which you also chose! Seems quite obvious to ME. BTW I'm a devout Christian |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 11:24am On May 13, 2021 |
PrincessGlow:PrincessGlow no know her problem- Your Prejudice & bigotry against JWs is all over your comments. Matthew 5:9, Jehovah's servants are "peace makers" & sons of God. When the Roman army invaded Jerusalem in 66 CE, (@ Luke 21:20-24),Did Jesus Christ tell Christians,in your own words, to "actively negotiate for peace!?" Devout Christian, is Luke 21:20-24 in your Bible? |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 11:26am On May 13, 2021 |
ospido: Bros, it us NOT me saying these things. These are FACTS on record mostly provided by JW themselves. See below
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 11:28am On May 13, 2021 |
Janosky: See above |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 11:32am On May 13, 2021 |
Janosky: I have absolutely no prejudice or bigotry against JW whatsoever.. I actually tend to like them. I am ONLY presenting logic and what's on record. |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 11:36am On May 13, 2021 |
PrincessGlow: .The headline of your quote is FALSE & MISLEADING. It's a media propaganda to malign Jehovah's servants. JWs are not responsible for suicides in families, in the same manner you can't blame Jesus for the suicide of Judas Iscariot. [b]PrincessGlow, For your information, JWs do NOT publish names of any excommunicated individual in our kingdom Halls. Achorladey's screenshot poured cold water on every misleading claim in your screenshot. Compare both Screenshots, your's & Achorladey's @ 1 Corinthians 5:1-3,11-15 and 2 Thess 3: 6, JWs discipline erring, unrepentant individuals, which your Bible approves. These Scriptural examples Jehovah's Servants gladly obey because we are not men pleasers,"we obey God rather than men" Acts 5:29[/b] PrincessGlow, @ Matthew 10:32-37, what did Jesus Christ cause to family members? Is Matthew 10:32-37 in your Bible?
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 11:37am On May 13, 2021 |
ospido: What part of the underlined don't you unferstand?
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 11:51am On May 13, 2021 |
PrincessGlow:The underlined Comment says there is a societal problem. The issue is NOT unique to JWs. So, what has PrincessGlow been doing on this thread? She's been creating a FALSE impression that only JWs commit abuse & when JWs discipline that erring individual, she claims JWs are shunning them Are you blaming JWs for a problem that persists in the society or environment they live? Corruption is an endemic problem in this clime. Are JWs the cause of the problem? PrincessGlow is prejudiced against JWs.
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 11:54am On May 13, 2021 |
PrincessGlow: You never know the set of people you have been conversing with so far. See how they have tagged everything into MALIGN, MISINFORMATION, DISCREDIT, LIES e.t.c about the religious organization they belong. Even when you show them right in their own publications how it is, they will still say it is HALF TRURH, MISINFORMATION, MALIGN, LIES. What can you add again when the ORGANIZATION they belong print and publish misinformation, misrepresentation, lies and half-truths about itself? If the image below here are LIES against the ORGANIZATION they belong. You know the kind of organization they are associated with.
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:59am On May 13, 2021 |
Oh YES! You got this correctly! We do shun unrepentant wrongdoers in our midst. Nobody will say a greeting to him or her. And mind you the bond within the Organization surpasses family ties so we don't practice nepotism. Once you're excommunicated your name will be published at the meetings of JWs so nobody treats you as one of us again. Henceforth you're worse than Osama Bin Ladin or Adulf Hitler. But there is hope, if such a person feels bad about his/her actions and continue attending our meetings despite the shunning the elders will start to observe his/her attitude and if they discover he/she has truly repented then steps will be taken to reinstate him/her as a member of the global family this time around everyone will start to treat him/her the same way we treat all other members globally. An excommunicated member in Nigeria is excommunicated globally. Once he/she is excommunicated no JW will greet him/her once we know his/her condition. And once it has been announced that he/she has been reinstated the happy news goes round that our former disfellowshiped brother or sister has been reinstated! Go now and tell everyone out there that this one is the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses the rest are propaganda and false accusations! PrincessGlow: 1 Like |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 12:03pm On May 13, 2021 |
Janosky: The issue is NOT unique to JWs. To the not unique part shows Uniqueness of your religious organization thrown under the bus in 7 words. In reality the post here is admitting that the religious organization you belong also contribute to the problem in the society like every other in the society at large. |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 12:05pm On May 13, 2021 |
achorladey: Achorladey proven his DUBIOUS character. Does this issues not happening in PrincessGlow's Church? Her post or comments is one sided. PrincessGlow claims she is a "devout Christian". If Achorladey loves objectivity & fairness, he would have asked PrincessGlow a simple question: Madam, are these issues not happening in your own Church? If Yes or no, show this forum the proof. Bros, no dey DECEIVE yourself. Bad thing na bad thing. JWs excommunicate rapists & abusers, yet you dey claim shunning them, Achorladey you're a wicked man ! |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 12:14pm On May 13, 2021 |
achorladey: A societal problem is NOT unique to JWs, you DUBIOUS fellow. All the Nairaland thread where Pastorpreneurs daughters committed suicide because their Father raped them, has Achorladey ever condemn such despicable practice? Was the pastor ever disciplined? Did Achorladey condemn such inaction? If he was a Jehovah's witness, (Achorladey refer to your Screenshot of Watchtower January, 1986, reproduced for you) would he be disciplined & excommunicated? Achorladey proven his DUBIOUS character
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 12:24pm On May 13, 2021 |
Janosky: Achorladey you're a wicked man Out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks the above. As long as the image that prompt this reaction is not DUBIOUS no wahala. Or else na double laughter the matter go be.
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 12:32pm On May 13, 2021 |
Janosky: In reality the post here is admitting that the religious organization you belong also contribute to the problem in the society like every other in the society at large. A societal problem is NOT unique to JWs. That is to say Your religious organization is not UNIQUE as they share and breed same problem that the larger society does. Now you should understand the image captured by Princess earlier. |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by MaxInDHouse(m): 12:37pm On May 13, 2021 |
@ PrincessGlow We don't deny our doctrines and principles. The rest are things that's common among imperfect humans so using it as accusations makes no sense since God's people aren't perfect beings. What we are saying is God is in our midst helping us to make needed changes in our lives speedily as disciplining takes effect in our midst. Just last week a fellow believer (supervising the contract i'm executing) mismanaged the funds given to him, i asked him to report himself to the body of elders who later called me for verification and instantly there i made them understand that i've forgiven him since he will still do the work to repay what he spent. But i was shocked when the elders told me that the case has two faces: one with brother Maximus who said he has forgiven him and another with Jehovah whose name our brother profaned in the eyes of other site workers. Do you think any of the workers at the site will know such a thing is ongoing when i still treat my brother the same way i do before then? Just last Monday i still paid for their peppersoup and drinks when i went to inspect the project. So the cordiality is still there but i strictly warned my brother not to allow rebellious spirit lead him to the extent the elders will disfellowship him. If that should happen then he can't work with me anymore because i don't know how to cope with a disfellowshiped brother (exJW) 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 12:49pm On May 13, 2021 |
PrincessGlow: Until he's convicted by the law court, it's still an allegation. Are you not familiar with the quote that one is innocent until proven guilty? Na wha 4u o. 2 Likes |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 12:53pm On May 13, 2021 |
MaxInDHouse: God's people aren't perfect beings. What we are saying is God is in our midst helping us to make needed changes in our lives speedily as disciplining takes effect in our midst For who regards you as superior? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 1:06pm On May 13, 2021 |
PrincessGlow: I told you earlier that we don't "excommunicate". That word is alien to us. Am in so i should tell you what we do and not any propaganda. Anyone who violates Bible principles or commits a serious sin is handled judicially and reproved if need be. But any unrepentant wrongdoer is disfellowshipped because Jehovah's people are a clean. Failure to do will make us to lose God's Holy Spirit and you know what that means. It is a scriptural injunction which we adhere to. Or do you think we just do it for fun? 1Corinthians 5:11-14 says 11 But now I am writing you to stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man. 12 For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do you not judge those inside, 13 while God judges those outside? “Remove the wicked person from among yourselves.” We adhere strictly to these injunctions. No be play we dey o. |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 1:53pm On May 13, 2021 |
achorladey: Achorladey LIAR , your claim is FALSE. "Jehovah's organization MUST be kept clean! 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. Achorladey LIAR, Why would 36,638 individuals be sent packing from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah God? We don't breed wickedness, that is why we obey 1 Corinthians 5:9-13, which Achorladey hates. Bros, na you share the screenshot.
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 1:58pm On May 13, 2021 |
ospido: Excommunicate /disfellowship are synonyms. The erring, unrepentant individual is forbidden from House to house preaching, making comments at Christian Congregation meetings, etc. |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 3:10pm On May 13, 2021 |
Janosky: Achorladey LIAR , your claim is FALSE That is to say your religious organization is a LIAR and they made false CLAIM. Na your heart and mouth dey spill everything out. Whichever way you turn na same thing and outcome |
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 4:13pm On May 13, 2021 |
Janosky: I told you earlier that we don't "excommunicate". That word is alien to us.......osp Excommunicate /disfellowship are synonyms.......Jan Awon same line of thought people |
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