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Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 - Travel (119) - Nairaland

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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Residentourist: 7:13am On Jun 11, 2021
I think it is worth mentioning the details of your refusal, not necessarily dwell on it too much but by all means mention the details ie class of visa applied for and why it was not approved. My 2nd application was denied primarily because of that. I had ticked the box but decided to concentrate mainly on my earlier denied Canadian study visa. The VO claimed I wasn't entirety truthful in my application. When I reapplied, I simply apologised for the omission and said since a column wasn't expressly created to provide details of the US visa rejection I felt it wasn't of much consequence to my application and decided to focus more on the Canadian one which was directly linked.

Hello Gurus in the house. If one has previously been denied a U.S visa and has ticked that he was previously denied visa, should one dwell ot while applying for Canada visa. What aspect should I include and how can I deeply on it in my application?
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Residentourist: 7:25am On Jun 11, 2021
Good morning people!!!

I recently received a positive response on my student visa application. Now I want my husband and first child to apply for Canadian visa (my other 2 kids are US citizens and do not require a visa) the challenge is most people here are applying for work permit for their spouse but what I actually want is a visitors visa because my husband cannot afford to quit his job anytime soon grin

I'd appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction of what steps to take. Ie should he apply on his own (considering that he is sponsoring me) or should I make the application under my gckey?

Please has anyone been in this situation and how did you tackle it or are you tackling it?

Thank you.

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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Lekiboboe: 7:29am On Jun 11, 2021
Yes,its nursing,which has always been my childhood dream. I am a graduate of geology. But I grew up with a nurse and showed proofs and explanations why I will like to pursue this dream.
So sorry about your Refusal Honorable

They might have seen this statement of yours as not Cogent enough

"But I grew up with a nurse and showed proofs and explanations why I will like to pursue this dream"

due to the following;

You are a Graduate of Geology , and you want to go for a B.SC Nursing? That's quite questionable .

- A B.SC holder going for another B.SC is a Red Flag. That it works for some very few people, doesn't mean it's gonna work for everyone (No Two Application is the same)

- A Graduate of Geology going for Nursing is another Red Flag (No Career or Logical or Academic Progression here)

This might be why you got the refusal reason below
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the purpose of your visit

- You said you are married and you have kids
Age Wise - you might not qualify for a B.SC degree, 17-24 year is like the minimum age to go for a B.SC degree in Canada

When did you apply & when did you order for your GCMS notes? Cos Many developments might have happened during the process of them Compiling your GCMS notes. I have a feeling your GCMS notes was not updated based on what is on your Refusal Letter

What year did you graduate?

Is your Job/Work Experience related to Geology? If No , what Job have you been doing since you graduated?

You talked about Proof, what kind of Proof is that?


Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Zodiacwarrior: 7:56am On Jun 11, 2021

So sorry about your Refusal Honorable

They might have seen this statement of yours as not Cogent enough

"But I grew up with a nurse and showed proofs and explanations why I will like to pursue this dream"

due to the following;

You are a Graduate of Geology , and you want to go for a B.SC Nursing? That's quite questionable .

- A B.SC holder going for another B.SC is a Red Flag. That it works for some very few people, doesn't mean it's gonna work for everyone (No Two Application is the same)

- A Graduate of Geology going of Nursing is another Red Flag (No Career or Logical or Academic Progression here)

This might be why you got the refusal reason below
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the purpose of your visit

- You said you are married and you have kids
Age Wise - you might not qualify for a B.SC degree, 17-24 year is like the minimum age to go for a B.SC degree in Canada

When did you apply & when did you order for your GCMS notes? Cos Many developments might have happened during the process of them Compiling your GCMS notes. I have a feeling your GCMS notes was not updated based on what is on your Refusal Letter

What year did you graduate?

Is your Job/Work Experience related to Geology? If No , what Job have you been doing since you graduated?

You talked about Proof, what kind of Proof is that?

In refrence to what my oga has said I would post something down here for all to see...

Hope this helps.
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Zodiacwarrior: 8:01am On Jun 11, 2021
So before putting in your application for a study permit, you need to consider the following factors

1. Your personal profile

2. The Logic of your application

3. The preconceived perception of the Canadian VO towards Nigerian applicants.

1. YOUR PERSONAL PROFILE: The Canadian application process does not give room for a face-to-face interview, everything is based on documentation. Since the VO is unable to see you, he/she needs to be able to build a profile of the kind of person you are in their head. The profile is a picture of some sort, that give the VO an idea of the kind of person you are, based on that profile the VO will classify you into a low, medium, or high-risk applicant and based on that make a decision on your application. If you are considered high risk, then no matter if the logic of your application is sound, you are still likely to be refused. Please bear with me, I am getting there. The forms you feel will help the VO determine your profile. So things like your gender, age, level of education, work experience, personal net-worth, previous international travel history, your nationality (in this case Nigeria) will determine your profile. Right off the bat, the fact that you are a Nigerian already brings up some level of risk that would not be associated with if you were applying as a US, UK, Australian, Japanese, Samoan citizen etc. So let's take the following scenarios

Applicant A: 17 years old, has been traveling overseas for the last 14 years for holidays, goes to an expensive school, the applicant also speaks fluent French, the father is a high net worth individual, has many businesses interests and is now applying to study engineering at the Mcgill University.

Applicant B: 27 years old, graduated from the University of Nsukka in marine biology 4 years ago, has been working as a biology teacher are kekedike secondary school, never traveled out of Nigeria before, and is now applying to go for a Masters degree in Fisheries at Ryerson University...

Who is likely to be profiled as low risk and who will be profiled as high risk?

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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Zodiacwarrior: 8:03am On Jun 11, 2021
2. THE LOGIC OF THE APPLICATION: This simply refers to the ability of an applicant to Logically meet or even exceed the minimum requirements for a study permit approval as set by the Canadian embassy. There are three components required, these include clear purpose of visit, ability to fund the visit, and clear intention to return to one's own country upon completion of studies.

a) Clear Purpose of Visit: This is simply 'why are you applying to visit Canada?' An applicant must be able to demonstrate clear purpose of visit. In this case, it is to study. How do we know it is for study. You provide evidence. What evidence? A letter of acceptance (LOA) from a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada. Okay the VO will see this and will say fine. But he/she is trained to probe further. They want to establish the logic behind the plan to study in Canada. So why not study in Nigeria, is the course not available in the almost 180 universities in Nigeria? Is the course at the appropriate level of study, if not why? Oga you have a Bachelors in Mathematics, why do you now want to pursue another bachelor's degree in social work? You have a degree in Biochemistry, why are you pursuing an advanced diploma in food science? The VO must understand the logic behind your actions, if there is no clear logic, then your purpose may be questionable, and that is not a good assessment for the applicant.

b) Ability to fund the purpose of visit: Recall that the VO has already classified the applicant based on his/her profile. The VO will now use this to confirm or dispute his/her suspicions about an applicant. Now this is where many people get it wrong, they think Canadian VOs are impressed by the volume of funds in an account. They are NOT! They are interested in who is the sponsor, why would the sponsor decide to invest so much money into the applicant's study ambitions, is the sponsor credible, will they follow through, what will they gain by sponsoring the applicant, has the sponsor demonstrated that the source of income is from legitimate business activities? Are they in paid employment or running a business, if running the business is it registered, do they pay taxes, what is their net-worth etc, so it is not about the money, but also about the sponsor. It is easily believable if a parent is sponsoring their child, why because they are responsible for the welfare of that child. It is easily believable if a bank is sponsoring an applicant, they will be getting the return on investment via principal and interest payment of the loan. It is less believable if an uncle or daddy's friend is sponsoring the applicant, does this uncle or daddy's friend not have his own children or personal responsibilities to cater to, what do they have to gain. It is more believable if there is a scholarship by a well-known organization being awarded to the applicant. etc So millions in the account means NOTHING without context and logic. However, imagine a 30 year old man relying on sponsorship from his father-in-law. He is unlikely to get a permit approved.

c) Applicant's intention to return to their home country: Congratulations if you have made it this far. I know the story is becoming too long but bear with me. The applicant's ability to demonstrate their INTENTION to return to their home country is key. In many cases, it is almost impossible to demonstrate this. How do you measure someone's INTENTION, it is an abstract thing. We see very rich people who sell all they have and migrate to Canada, USA, Australian because they want a better life for their children, they are tired of insecurity, poverty, power issues, bad roads, they just want a better quality of life. So personal assets cannot be a measure of someone's intention to return. We see people with well-paid jobs who also want to leave for the same reasons outline above. So a good job is not really a measure of one's intention. We have also seen people leave their loved ones in order to migrate for a better life elsewhere, so family ties is not also a good measure of INTENTION, in fact, some leave because of their family, in order to work hard and be sending money home to help support the family. So here one can only try your best and hope that after looking through the entire application, the VO makes a judgment call that you are low risk and approves the application. Nevertheless, you still need to make an effort to do so. This can be assessed by your profile, previous travel history, work experience, personal net-worth, assets declaration, family ties, job prospects upon return.

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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Zodiacwarrior: 8:06am On Jun 11, 2021
3. The preconceived bias/stereotypic disposition VOs have about Nigerian applicants: In my personal opinion, I did not think this mattered in the past. However, based on recent reports, I can surmise that it now does. Whether you agree or not Nigerians do NOT have a good reputation globally. However, the media does not balance the way it reports stories about Nigerians around the world. The world gets the good, the bad and the ugly of Nigerians, which actually common to all other nationalities of the world. There are good Nigerians, and there are bad ones. There are good Canadians and very bad Canadians, there are good Indians, and very useless ones, there are good Americans and there are psycho ones too, maybe the pyscho ones are even more than the good ones, there are good Britons, and there are very lazy ones that live only on welfare etc, you get my gist. However, when the news is being reported about Nigerians, they won't report about the Doctors, Engineers, IT gurus, Professors, those in entetainment, real- estate doing great things, No. They will only report on the corrupt and bad ones, this forms a preconceived bias in the minds of the VOs. The country's govt is not helping matters, for example, Japan's study permit approval rate is about 95%, why Japanese don't even care to leave their country in the first place to go study in Canada, they have better Universities, technology, and will not have to struggle with the language, so when a VO sees a Japanese application they are delighted, and quickly approve, even if the Japanese person omits a thing or two in their application, they will mail them and ask them to bring that document, but that will NEVER happen if its a Nigerian applicant. It is unfortunate, but that is the stack reality. So, at the end of the day, it boils down to how your entire application looks to the VO. The VO would have considered all of the above, and then takes a decision whether is it worth the risk of approving the applicant's study permit or not.


Use this guide to assess yourself. Take a decision about whether to proceed with your application. Prepare everything properly and make sure the application makes sense (Logic), then finally whatever God you call on, call on Him/Her/Them and hope they can touch the VO's heart.

Courtesy of my oga another guru on study visa issues Mr omofar

Hope this helps.

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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Nobody: 8:17am On Jun 11, 2021
@ Enjay316
1. Yes Nursing
2 I had about 12m in my acct and my husband acct had about 5m.
3 I run a business and I submitted my acct statement
I have two children.
4. Paid 18k tuition
this is a shock.like I said, ppl have gotten ppr for less.what I wud suggest,work on ur S.O.P again and submit.ur current business has no relationship with the nursing course nd I dont knw if u submitted ur CAC documents and explained how ur business wud operate without u.also how this ur course nursing will benefit Nigerians as we have shortage of nurses and y u chose Canada in d 1st place 4 a nursing course wen we have lots of nursing schools in naija.how this nursing is a reasonable expense at this age.just work on ur SOP and re apply. aside the age/going 4 a BSC which neither has a relationship with what u studied and ur present business, ur profile is so good.i wish u went 4 masters in what u did in ur BSC and then later ,u do ur nursing.u did not tell us how many years the nursing is ma.finally,u cud get someone to review ur SOP.i believe u just need a good SOP


Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by LadyBlaq: 8:20am On Jun 11, 2021
Yes,its nursing,which has always been my childhood dream. I am a graduate of geology. But I grew up with a nurse and showed proofs and explanations why I will like to pursue this dream.

If I were you, I would appeal this decision.

Obviously, there is a mix up somewhere with the VO's assessment.

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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Akanoa: 10:46am On Jun 11, 2021

I'm deeply sorry about the outcome. What were the reasons given for your refusal?
I'm not satisfied you will leave Canada based on purpose of visit.
I'm not satisfied you will leave Canada based on personal assets.
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by cmoloks(m): 10:54am On Jun 11, 2021
Please could someone help me with answers to this. I dey beg
Hello everyone. I really want to thank you all for the invaluable information and advice given on this thread. I'd like to ask some questions.

I plan on go for a Master's degree in Electrical engineering.

i) I'd like to know if cash of about 12 million is enough financially
ii) I already work but my job doesn't pay me much do I'd like to know if uploading my pay slips in absolutely necessary
iii) Would paying for a year's fees be okay or I have to pay more upfront for a 2 year program
iv) Would a study leave be strong enough to cover for ties?
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by mhozzis(m): 10:56am On Jun 11, 2021

Please I just finished my upfront medical at Qlife. Will the results be sent or I have to submit the confirmation myself?

If I'm to submit myself, pls how do I go about it.


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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Freebands01: 11:08am On Jun 11, 2021
I got an update on my profile this morning then I logged in and it says “we are reviewing the result of your medicals” . I thought it was supposed to be updated to pass?
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Perseverer: 11:18am On Jun 11, 2021

I'm not satisfied you will leave Canada based on purpose of visit.
I'm not satisfied you will leave Canada based on personal assets.

The VOs tend to be overly suspicious. Your GCMS note will reveal what they thought. Just wait for it.
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by OctGsam: 11:20am On Jun 11, 2021
Well Well, I applied May 14th. My upfront medical has been updated to passed and biometrics completed. My eligibility has started on 1st June or so.

Did you apply with NSE documents or normal documents for processing? @Sweetjj
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by EmeeNaka: 11:25am On Jun 11, 2021

Hello, I also got a refusal on June 9. I applied by March 31st through an agent. I applied for undergraduate computer science at university of Lethbridge (this is my first degree). My sponsor who is my mom had more than 70k cad with a very good outflow and inflow (business and personal account). I also paid my tuition upfront 8k out of 20k cad. I also stated that he have several siblings on my sop here in Nigeria. I was devastated when I got a refusal. I've ordered for my notes hopely I will know what went wrong.
This looks like my application except that your is undergraduate studies which gets more approval. Are you above 30years? Did you submit your own bank statement?
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by bysolaro: 11:25am On Jun 11, 2021

The tuition fee ur father promised to pay,is it for another master in Nigeria ?cos am a bit confused.which country does he want to pay d tuition fee in?


It's the tuition fee for the Canadian uni my dad will be paying for.
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by EmeeNaka: 11:27am On Jun 11, 2021
Since weed is legal in canada, its safe to say the VO just had some.

You are going for another BSC in a different field, and the VO said ‘there is logical progression’. You met the NSE requirements, VO said No NSE. The senior VO probably reviewed the whole thing again.

Now you're funny. But you're right. I don't know where the progression come from but I am not VO shaa
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by atiteb4: 11:28am On Jun 11, 2021
I got an update on my profile this morning then I logged in and it says “we are reviewing the result of your medicals” . I thought it was supposed to be updated to pass?
wow. Hopefully this is good news and you get medical request or medical passed. Let me congratulate you in advance.


Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by shupy: 11:36am On Jun 11, 2021
Hello everyone. I really want to thank you all for the invaluable information and advice given on this thread. I'd like to ask some questions.

I plan on go for a Master's degree in Electrical engineering.

i) I'd like to know if cash of about 12 million is enough financially
ii) I already work but my job doesn't pay me much do I'd like to know if uploading my pay slips in absolutely necessary
iii) Would paying for a year's fees be okay or I have to pay more upfront for a 2 year program
iv) Would a study leave be strong enough to cover for ties?
i. Do the the calculation 1 year tution fee + 13k cad. In most situations, it's enough if you're not self sponsored. If you're self sponsored you'll need to have and show enough fund to cover the entire duration of your 2 years stay.
ii. I wouldn't include it. They might ask for it tho, and you have to include appointment letter/ promotion letter which is probably going to include your salary info.
iii. A year fee is perfectly ok. Most people pay for just 1 semester.
IV. Study leave is a good additional document. There are so many factors that's looked at when it comes to ties.
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by EmeeNaka: 11:36am On Jun 11, 2021
Abeg, if you get message from Lagos, does it mean that your application is being processed in Lagos?
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by bysolaro: 11:39am On Jun 11, 2021
Please Gurus in the house, waiting on your guidance. Bless you![color=#000099][/color]

Greetings JustMellow and other gurus on this platform!

May God bless you all for the invaluable support you are providing on this platform…. Absolutely profound!

I would appreciate guidance, please. I just heard about the NSE route for study permit application and I would like to use this route as I fervently pray I can be in Canada in December.

Brief background: I am in full-time employment and done circa. 6 years with my current employer, schooled in the UK – undergrad and postgrad for 8 years, single, no kids, late 30s.

I applied for a Master’s degree (18 – 20 months full-time) at a uni in Vancouver, and start date is September 2021 with the possibility to complete the first semester or 50% of the course online whilst in Nigeria. I want to be in Canada by Dec so I can benefit from physical classes in January.
To be honest, this study route was recently decided on after my EE profile expired last month and me being in my late 30s left me with a score of 448. So, the funds I have amassed was for POF for EE purposes. These funds (about CAD 15,000) should be sufficient for living expenses, however, my dad has offered to pay my tuition fees but I don’t want him to know I would be going to Canada (he still sees me as his baby – lol). Herein lies my concerns and my query goes thus:

1. To improve my chances of securing a visa, should I get the school fees paid into my account by my dad and he issues me a gift deed whilst I pay the full tuition before applying? My dad will never show his kids his bank statement, so going the sponsorship route already has k-leg!!
2. If the above isn’t a smart option, how do I provide appropriate POF since the tuition fees, if deposited in my account, will reflect as less than 6 months in my bank statement?
3. Copy of International Passport Bio data page of Applicant’s Family Members OR Birth certificates (Parents and Siblings - Is this mandatory? I come from a polygamous home and obtaining these from my siblings would be near impossible…plus my father wouldn’t release his either…. He would even know I am planning to “japa” if I ask, and definitely won’t share!
4. With the above insight, what will be my best home tie evidence? My job, car, tenancy agreement, promotion? Picture with my dad, family tree (even though most of my siblings are in the UK and US)?
5. I have an account in the US I have been putting Dollars into intermittently….how do I use this account as part of my POF in mybankstatement?

Please accept my profound gratitude as you help your fellow frustrated Nigerian who seeks a life far away from the insanity in these parts �
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by atiteb4: 11:42am On Jun 11, 2021
Abeg, if you get message from Lagos, does it mean that your application is being processed in Lagos?
yes seems so.
Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Freebands01: 11:42am On Jun 11, 2021
wow. Hopefully this is good news and you get medical request or medical passed. Let me congratulate you in advance.

Amen I claim it. I think my application is being handled in Lagos, I just received an email from them just now that my profile has been updated and I can’t find anything there

It will end in praise

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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Akanoa: 11:47am On Jun 11, 2021
This looks like my application except that your is undergraduate studies which gets more approval. Are you above 30years? Did you submit your own bank statement?
I'm 19. It's even the personal assets that is shocking because how do you expect a 19 year to own properties.

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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Dabricious: 11:52am On Jun 11, 2021

Good morning my people, I've come to share my timeline to encourage others just the same way I was encouraged with other people's timeline. God's time is truly the best.

1st application: 30th August 2020
Biometrics:2nd September 2020
Refusal letter: 11th September 2020
I had 4 reasons for refusal
- purpose of visit
- limited employment prospects in my country
-my current employment situation
-personal assets and financial assets.
The decision was made from their China office.

At that time I didn't know what gcms notes were and I wasn't active on nairaland so I just decided I will re-apply.

2nd application-23rd of February
NSE request:16th March
Submitted Mybankstatement(Submitted my own and my brother's company account statement) on the 29th March and also wrote to them to go through the normal route because I didn't have ielts (i had but my writing score was 5.5)
upfront medical : 29th of April
Medical passed: 19th April
All these while my profile was still on background check.
I became active on nairaland towards the end of May and I started reading other people's testimony/experiences and I started wondering when me too I will share my own good news. Before now, I could stay for 2 weeks without checking my profile but when I became active here, I started checking twice a day�. I didn't even know what ghost update meant and had never taken note of it until I read about it here and started looking out for it.
1st ghost update: 7th June
2nd ghost update: 9th June
Checked my profile and noticed they just updated that eligibility review has started
Bvl: 10th June 8:38am
Ppr : 10th June 8:42am
I just fell on the floor and started thanking this faithful God.
Mine is a testimony because its a switch from my first degree
1st degree was computer science, then I gained admission in George Brown College to study Culinary Management.
Since after my service year in 2015, I've been actively doing catering business.
I did a short diploma course with red dish culinary school in Lagos and have a certificate from it so I added it in my application.
My elder brother is my main sponsor but used his company account to sponsor me, my elder sister also wrote a letter saying she will be supporting me financially and she put her offer letter and pay slips.
I also showed about 4.6m in my account.
Also, for more than 2 years, my brother's company has been paying me monthly because I cater for their lunch so this also helped as I indicated it as salary.

I put in a lot my brother's company documents even existing contracts they have with some IOC'S. I also submitted an Affidavit of support from the company.

I'm just so grateful to God because its not of him who Wills, nor of him who runs but of God who shows Mercy.
Thank you to everyone here who kept our hope alive by sharing their own testimonies, you don't know how seeing good news here helped me believe mine will soon come.

For everyone waiting for their good news, it will soon come In Jesus Name.

On a lighter note: I dey find cheap ticket now oh�

53 Likes 1 Share

Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Akanoa: 11:55am On Jun 11, 2021

Good morning my people, I've come to share my timeline to encourage others just the same way I was encouraged with other people's timeline. God's time is truly the best.

1st application: 30th August 2020
Biometrics:2nd September 2020
Refusal letter: 11th September 2020
I had 4 reasons for refusal
- purpose of visit
- limited employment prospects in my country
-my current employment situation
-personal assets and financial assets.
The decision was made from their China office.

At that time I didn't know what gcms notes were and I wasn't active on nairaland so I just decided I will re-apply.

2nd application-23rd of February
NSE request:16th March
Submitted Mybankstatement(Submitted my own and my brother's company account statement) on the 29th March and also wrote to them to go through the normal route because I didn't have ielts (i had but my writing score was 5.5)
upfront medical : 29th of April
Medical passed: 19th April
All these while my profile was still on background check.
I became active on nairaland towards the end of May and I started reading other people's testimony/experiences and I started wondering when me too I will share my own good news. Before now, I could stay for 2 weeks without checking my profile but when I became active here, I started checking twice a day�. I didn't even know what ghost update meant and had never taken note of it until I read about it here and started looking out for it.
1st ghost update: 7th June
2nd ghost update: 9th June
Checked my profile and noticed they just updated that eligibility review has started
Bvl: 10th June 8:38am
Ppr : 10th June 8:42am
I just fell on the floor and started thanking this faithful God.
Mine is a testimony because its a switch from my first degree
1st degree was computer science, then I gained admission in George Brown College to study Culinary Management.
Since after my service year in 2015, I've been actively doing catering business.
I did a short diploma course with red dish culinary school in Lagos and have a certificate from it so I added it in my application.
My elder brother is my main sponsor but used his company account to sponsor me, my elder sister also wrote a letter saying she will be supporting me financially and she put her offer letter and pay slips.
I also showed about 4.6m in my account.
Also, for more than 2 years, my brother's company has been paying me monthly because I cater for their lunch so this also helped as I indicated it as salary.

I put in a lot my brother's company documents even existing contracts they have with some Inc's. I also submitted an Affidavit of support from the company.

I'm just so grateful to God because its not of him who Wills, nor of him who runs but of God who shows Mercy.
Thank you to everyone here who kept our hopes alive by sharing their own testimonies, you don't know how seeing good news here helped me believe mine will soon come.

For everyone waiting for their good news, it will soon come In Jesus Name.

On a lighter note: I dey find cheap ticket now oh�


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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Klem28(m): 12:02pm On Jun 11, 2021
This is the beauty of nairaland, I tried this and it worked! Thanks for the idea. I agree with you. This forum has been of tremendous bailout for people. It's indeed, a great idea

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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Rayraydray(m): 12:04pm On Jun 11, 2021
Good evening my people....
I have been saying it here since last week that God is in my neighborhood and truly he is.
My PPR came in this morning 8:42am.
God came through for me, I applied on the 23rd of February. I am a 2nd time applicant.
Congratulations. God is good all the time.

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Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by Iphiegrace(f): 12:06pm On Jun 11, 2021
Oh my God!!!
I cried reading your post, especially when your family put in their own bit of support to backup your application, all I could see is pure love and that always opens the toughest doors.....
May God bless everyone that has helped you achieve this great feat...

Ok now on a lighter note, not cutting onions anymore.... Na flight and quarantine location you go dey find hand in hand oo unless you have been fully vaccinated...

I saw someone here who submitted March 31 and has got a decision choi.... April people are you readyyyyyy? grin grin grin grin well na me close the month of April submitted on the 3oth.... let me join my faith with everyone expecting PPR... May God who did it for @Dabricious do it for us in Jesus name Amen!!!!

Good morning my people, I've come to share my timeline to encourage others just the same way I was encouraged with other people's timeline. God's time is truly the best.


Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by wole24: 12:07pm On Jun 11, 2021
Good afternoon all!

Please I need a serious advice plsssssssssssssss.
I have HND in Mechanical Engineering. Still working in the bankas as a contract staff for 5yrs now.
I want to apply for a PGD program in Canada.
I have plans for source of funds as my wife will be my sponsor because she's a federal govt. employee and also doing business in her personal name. We have 3 kids.My wanting advice here is, during the visa application process, the VO might asked I have been working in the Bank and why going for Engineering PGD. Who can advice me here what course I can really go for to make the process successful. Though my Bank salary is not up to 100k, but my other bank account is running very well with good inflows and outflows for Business reasons but I don't have a registered CAC also. Plsssssssssssssssssss house advice me because I'm confused!


Re: Canadian Student Visa Thread Part 19 by mudiwest(m): 12:14pm On Jun 11, 2021
Is anyone else having issues logging into the CIC portal at the moment?

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General U.s.a (student) Visa Enquiries-part 8 / Canadian Federal Skilled Worker Program-timelines Here / Nigerian Students In The Uk How Do You Survive?

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