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This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen - Religion - Nairaland

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This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 8:08pm On Jun 10, 2021
For those that believe God does not exist because he cannot be seen or measured, I have a question for you.

What fills about 70% of the entire universe?

The entire universe, includes our planet earth, our solar system, our milky way galaxy and all the billions of galaxies containing stars and SPACE.

The answer: DARK ENERGY.

It is so abundant in the universe, yet it cannot be seen, nobody knows what makes it up or what it possibly contains. Scientists can only guess at best, it cannot be measured directly itself, yet it is so abundant and we know absolutely nothing about it!

The part of the universe you can see and the part you can measure is about 5%, dark matter that you can't see makes up about 25% and what you can't see and can't measure makes up 70%, yet you believe that because something can't be SEEN or MEASURED like GOD, it is not REAL? Science says otherwise.

Meanwhile the most abundant thing in the universe DARK ENERGY cannot be SEEN or MEASURED, yet science believes in it because INDIRECTLY they know SPACE will not behave the way it is behaving unless there is an unseen force that FILLS it called DARK ENERGY.

So what do you have to say in your defense?

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Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by falcon01: 8:16pm On Jun 10, 2021
Why all these grammar?? I'm not saying that Hod doesn't exist oo but what I'm saying is if God exist He wouldn't need you people to be doing grammar Trying hard to prove he exists. Just give em something tangible or stfu!


Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 8:22pm On Jun 10, 2021
Why all these grammar?? I'm not saying that Hod doesn't exist oo but what I'm saying is if God exist He wouldn't need you people to be doing grammar Trying hard to prove he exists. Just give em something tangible or stfu!

You answer doesn't address the issue i raised, it's more of a deviation.

The truth is simple, the universe you live in is made up of 70% of a substance you cannot see or measure, yet that substance is REAL and AFFECTS the universe EVERYDAY. The logic of atheist is this: since something CAN'T be SEEN or MEASURED, it doesn't exist, which SCIENCE and the UNIVERSE has proved wrong!

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Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by falcon01: 8:27pm On Jun 10, 2021

You answer doesn't address the issue i raised, it's more of a deviation.

The truth is simple, the universe you live in is made up of 70% of a substance you cannot see or measure, yet that substance is REAL and AFFECTS the universe EVERYDAY. The logic of atheist is this: since something CAN'T be SEEN or MEASURED, it doesn't exist, which SCIENCE and the UNIVERSE has proved wrong!
I don't think That's the logic of Athiest, I think their logic is "Prove it"


Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 8:34pm On Jun 10, 2021
I don't think That's the logic of Athiest, I think their logic is "Prove it"

That's their LOGIC. They believe in HARD FACTS, which can only be seen or measured. Nothing else makes sense to them, unless it can be SEEN or MEASURED, that is the PROOF.

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Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by khadaffi(m): 8:34pm On Jun 10, 2021
The main issue is if he exist and he knows he has children down here, why is there the need for hide and seek games he's playing with us? What is so difficult in showing himself to his kids?

Also all the nonsense op wrote, I would ask if God is now dark matter? And I hope you know dark matter is not a living being?


Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 8:44pm On Jun 10, 2021
The main issue is if he exist and he knows he has children down here, why is there the need for hide and seek games he's playing with us? What is so difficult in showing himself to his kids?

I'll answer your logical question with another logical question and not sentiments. If forces like gravity exist, why did it wait for long to reveal itself until Sir Isaac Newton discovered it?

Why did the secret of space-time wait so long until Einstein discover it?

Why are so many things hidden in nature until scientist work hard to discover it?

The answers and knowledge of the universe will not fall at your feet, same with God.

Effort is required to gain knowledge about anything, and like science will tell you; come at everything with an OPEN MIND and you will LEARN A THING or TWO, or SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW.

This is what Proverbs 2:4,5 teaches, put in the effort to learn about God and you will see that God is close to you, James 4:8

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Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 8:48pm On Jun 10, 2021
The main issue is if he exist and he knows he has children down here, why is there the need for hide and seek games he's playing with us? What is so difficult in showing himself to his kids?

Also all the nonsense op wrote, I would ask if God is now dark matter? And I hope you know dark matter is not a living being?

As for your second paragraph, you can judge for yourself that what you wrote is entirely pointless to what I wrote. I never implied anywhere Dark Energy and not DARK MATTER is God. I only used DARK ENERGY TO MAKE A POINT and not that Dark energy is God.
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by khadaffi(m): 8:58pm On Jun 10, 2021

I'll answer your logical question with another logical question and not sentiments. If forces like gravity exist, why did it wait for long to reveal itself until Sir Isaac Newton discovered it?

Why did the secret of space-time wait so long until Einstein discover it?

Why are so many things hidden in nature until scientist work hard to discover it?

The answers and knowledge of the universe will not fall at your feet.

Effort is required to gain knowledge about anything, and like science will tell you; come at everything with an OPEN MIND and you will LEARN A THING or TWO, or SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW.

This is what Proverbs 2:4,5 teaches, put in the effort to learn about God and you will see that God is close to you, James 4:8

Everything you wrote here are not living things and can't speak for themselves and so require a being that can reason for his/herself to be discovered. Are you implying the God you're referring to is also not living and so requires us who are wise to discover him? If you had a child would you wait for him to grow and start discovering who his or her parents are or will you train him as he grows?

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Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 9:12pm On Jun 10, 2021

Everything you wrote here are not living things and can't speak for themselves and so require a being that can reason for his/herself to be discovered. Are you implying the God you're referring to is also not living and so requires us who are wise to discover him? If you had a child would you wait for him to grow and start discovering who his or her parents are or will you train him as he grows?

I gave you a logical question but you chose to miss the interpretation. I also gave you 2 scripture verses that highlight the importance of that logical question but I doubt you even looked them up.

The truth is God never abandoned us like an uncaring parent which your questions seem to suggest, rather he gave us his word, which contains precious information about him and serve as a guide.

But one thing you must know about God is this, like your LITERAL PARENTS, you have freewill to agree with their ways or disagree with their ways, doesn't mean you are right but it means you have the privilege to make choices, so also it applies with God.

As our FATHER, you his children may not agree with all his ways and question him because he gave you a conscious free will and this will usually happen WHEN YOU EXPECT GOD TO DANCE TO YOUR TUNE. God will not, you either dance to his tune or make your own beat and dance to it. But if you choose to dance to his tune then you will uncover alot about who he truly is.
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by LordReed(m): 6:03am On Jun 11, 2021
For those that believe God does not exist because he cannot be seen or measured, I have a question for you.

What fills about 70% of the entire universe?

The entire universe, includes our planet earth, our solar system, our milky way galaxy and all the billions of galaxies containing stars and SPACE.

The answer: DARK ENERGY.

It is so abundant in the universe, yet it cannot be seen, nobody knows what makes it up or what it possibly contains. Scientists can only guess at best, it cannot be measured directly itself, yet it is so abundant and we know absolutely nothing about it!

The part of the universe you can see and the part you can measure is about 5%, dark matter that you can't see makes up about 25% and what you can't see and can't measure makes up 70%, yet you believe that because something can't be SEEN or MEASURED like GOD, it is not REAL? Science says otherwise.

Meanwhile the most abundant thing in the universe DARK ENERGY cannot be SEEN or MEASURED, yet science believes in it because INDIRECTLY they know SPACE will not behave the way it is behaving unless there is an unseen force that FILLS it called DARK ENERGY.

So what do you have to say in your defense?

Another god of the gaps argument Rather this is a fallacy of false equivalence. You guys say your god is alive yet there is no actual communication between your god and anybody, instead you rely on a book and fallacious arguments like these. A living god who is active here on earth would not be hard to detect.


Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by khadaffi(m): 6:08am On Jun 11, 2021

I gave you a logical question but you chose to miss the interpretation. I also gave you 2 scripture verses that highlight the importance of that logical question but I doubt you even looked them up.

The truth is God never abandoned us like an uncaring parent which your questions seem to suggest, rather he gave us his word, which contains precious information about him and serve as a guide.

But one thing you must know about God is this, like your LITERAL PARENTS, you have freewill to agree with their ways or disagree with their ways, doesn't mean you are right but it means you have the privilege to make choices, so also it applies with God.

As our FATHER, you his children may not agree with all his ways and question him because he gave you a conscious free will and this will usually happen WHEN YOU EXPECT GOD TO DANCE TO YOUR TUNE. God will not, you either dance to his tune or make your own beat and dance to it. But if you choose to dance to his tune then you will uncover alot about who he truly is.

Oga you are blabbing. You talking of logic, do you know what logic is? Even the concept of a God has nothing to do with logic. And if you were wise you wouldn't even be quoting scriptures to someone you assume does not even believe in your God. Even if I read it and it backed up your claim. So rather than giving questions why not give the interpretations.

And let me get something clear to you, this will be my last response. If there is a God,he wouldn't be waiting for us to discover him rather he will be the one showing himself to us since he created us


Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by Dtruthspeaker: 6:16am On Jun 11, 2021
The main issue is if he exist and he knows he has children down here, why is there the need for hide and seek games he's playing with us? What is so difficult in showing himself to his kids?

The Truth is, you are not His Children.

Eve slept with Satan and had his son, Cain. I just found that out.

Only Abels are God's True Children. But Cain's always killed Abels until God started protecting His Children

Therefore, He is a stranger to many children and not their Father and thus, can not be known by them.

True Children Always know their Father and See Him.
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by Dtruthspeaker: 6:32am On Jun 11, 2021

Another god of the gaps argument. You guys say your god is alive yet there is no actual communication between your god and anybody, instead you rely on a book and fallacious arguments like these. A living god who is active here on earth would not be hard to detect.

Breaking News!
Eve had sex with Satan before eating the fruit and gave birth to his son, Cain.

Many are Satan's children (Cains) and few are God's sons (Abel).

So Cains can not know Him nor see Him hence the are the ones who always say that they have not seen Him, but Abels live with Him and therefore Know Him.
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by LordReed(m): 7:12am On Jun 11, 2021

Breaking News!
Eve had sex with Satan before eating the fruit and gave birth to his son, Cain.

Many are Satan's children (Cains) and few are God's sons (Abel).

So Cains can not know Him nor see Him hence the are the ones who always say that they have not seen Him, but Abels live with Him and therefore Know Him.

LMFAO! Yet the same Cain talked to the god. SMH, did you actual read your bible or are you regurgitating stories you were told?


Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by Dtruthspeaker: 7:14am On Jun 11, 2021

LMFAO! Yet the same Cain talked to the god. SMH, did you actual read your bible or are you regurgitating stories you were told?

Everyone then spoke to God.
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by khadaffi(m): 7:36am On Jun 11, 2021

The Truth is, you are not His Children.

Eve slept with Satan and had his son, Cain. I just found that out.

Only Abels are God's True Children. But Cain's always killed Abels until God started protecting His Children

Therefore, He is a stranger to many children and not their Father and thus, can not be known by them.

True Children Always know their Father and See Him.
Then what's the purpose of this thread? Since you yourself have validated the claim that they don't have God.
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by truespeak: 7:39am On Jun 11, 2021

Everyone then spoke to God.

Yes and Everyone still knew their place for Cain knew who his true father was, hence his hatred for Abel the true son of the son of God, Adam.

All Cains know their true father is Satan for he speaks and reveals himself to them same way all Abels know their true Father God for He Verily makes Himself known to His true children!
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by Dtruthspeaker: 7:40am On Jun 11, 2021

Then what's the purpose of this thread? Since you yourself have validated the claim that they don't have God.

The direction of a thread, is always bumped around based on the responses to it and none can tell which direction it may go.

And I did not validate their claim I simply explained that they have no connections with God.

Every Father is Only connected to His True children and they Live with Him, He has no business and connection with children under the bridge or in the streets or in dungeons.

His children are in His House!
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by Dtruthspeaker: 7:45am On Jun 11, 2021

Yes and Everyone still knew their place for Cain knew who his true father was, hence his hatred for Abel the true son of the son of God, Adam.

All Cains know their true father is Satan for he speaks and reveals himself to them same way all Abels know their true Father God for He Verily makes Himself known to His true children!

Mmmh! There is so much to Uncover!
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by truespeak: 7:48am On Jun 11, 2021

Mmmh! There is so much to Uncover!

Oh yeah!
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 8:41am On Jun 11, 2021

Oga you are blabbing. You talking of logic, do you know what logic is? Even the concept of a God has nothing to do with logic. And if you were wise you wouldn't even be quoting scriptures to someone you assume does not even believe in your God. Even if I read it and it backed up your claim. So rather than giving questions why not give the interpretations.

And let me get something clear to you, this will be my last response. If there is a God,he wouldn't be waiting for us to discover him rather he will be the one showing himself to us since he created us

The origin of man made logic comes from philosophy, so I have no use schooling you in logic if you can't see that my previous answer was logically, maybe you were expecting SIGNS and WONDERS as opposed to LOGIC.

The being of GOD is very logical but I doubt if I explain logically you would still grab it. As for your last statement God already did that, he can be found in the Bible, which is the most circulated book in human history. He is in plain sight but you obviously choose to be blind sided.
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 10:43am On Jun 11, 2021

Another god of the gaps argument. You guys say your god is alive yet there is no actual communication between your god and anybody, instead you rely on a book and fallacious arguments like these. A living god who is active here on earth would not be hard to detect.

Wrong! Atheist arguments hold no factual evidence, because it relies strongly on human perception about what can be seen or measured. Going by human STANDARD of perception based on what can be seen or measured, something's like DARK ENERGY doesn't just make sense even though it resultant effect is present all over the universe and can't be denied.

The parameters by which you want to detect God are faulty and so won't yield any result, just the same way the parameters humans are trying to use to detect Dark energy is faulty. They need to come up with radical ideas that are literally OUT OF THIS WORLD, because dark energy is not of this world. So it applies with God, God tells us he reveals himself to those who search for him earnestly in SPIRIT and TRUTH.

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Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by LordReed(m): 12:22pm On Jun 11, 2021

Wrong! Atheist arguments hold no factual evidence, because it relies strongly on human perception about what can be seen or measured. Going by human STANDARD of perception based on what can be seen or measured, something's like DARK ENERGY doesn't just make sense even though it resultant effect is present all over the universe and can't be denied.

The parameters by which you want to detect God are faulty and so won't yield any result, just the same way the parameters humans are trying to use to detect Dark energy is faulty. They need to come up with radical ideas that are literally OUT OF THIS WORLD, because dark energy is not of this world. So it applies with God, God tells us he reveals himself to those who search for him earnestly in SPIRIT and TRUTH.

First off, which atheist argument are you referring to?

Second, I obviously cannot test for imaginary properties nor can I use imaginary tools. Things like spirit are imaginary and have no basis in reality so I cannot rely on them for any kind of result.


Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 12:33pm On Jun 11, 2021

First off, which atheist argument are you referring to?

Second, I obviously cannot test for imaginary properties nor can I use imaginary tools. Things like spirit are imaginary and have no basis in reality so I cannot rely on them for any kind of result.

I am referring to atheists argument that believe in proof that can either be seen or measured or both.

As for your second paragraph, your tools are not the required ones to verify the existence of God. For that you need to refer to an expert in that field to help you uncover the right tools and how to use them to perceive God.
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by LordReed(m): 12:51pm On Jun 11, 2021

I am referring to atheists argument that believe in proof that can either be seen or measured or both.

As for your second paragraph, your tools are not the required ones to verify the existence of God. For that you need to refer to an expert in that field to help you uncover the right tools and how to use them to perceive God.

I have no other way of verification. If it cannot be tested with real world tools then it cannot be verified to exist.

This expert is called what? A theologian?
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 1:10pm On Jun 11, 2021

I have no other way of verification. If it cannot be tested with real world tools then it cannot be verified to exist.

This expert is called what? A theologian?

With the sentence you made with the first paragraph that states "If it cannot be tested with real world tools then it cannot be verified to exist", then it means DARK ENERGY does not exist, proving ones again atheist flawed logic.

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Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by jamesid29(m): 1:18pm On Jun 11, 2021

Another god of the gaps argument. You guys say your god is alive yet there is no actual communication between your god and anybody, instead you rely on a book and fallacious arguments like these. A living god who is active here on earth would not be hard to detect.
That's not the meaning of god of the gaps argument though.
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by LordReed(m): 1:28pm On Jun 11, 2021

That's not the meaning of god of the gaps argument though.
Did I say it was?
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by jamesid29(m): 1:35pm On Jun 11, 2021
Did I say it was?
You said his argument was a god of the gaps argument.

Another god of the gaps argument.
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by kingxsamz(m): 2:21pm On Jun 11, 2021

I'll answer your logical question with another logical question and not sentiments. If forces like gravity exist, why did it wait for long to reveal itself until Sir Isaac Newton discovered it?

Why did the secret of space-time wait so long until Einstein discover it?

Why are so many things hidden in nature until scientist work hard to discover it?

The answers and knowledge of the universe will not fall at your feet, same with God.

Effort is required to gain knowledge about anything, and like science will tell you; come at everything with an OPEN MIND and you will LEARN A THING or TWO, or SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW.

This is what Proverbs 2:4,5 teaches, put in the effort to learn about God and you will see that God is close to you, James 4:8

grin grin grin Christians.
So you're now comparing your "Almighty God" to gravity? grin grin grin
Re: This Is For Those That Believe God Does Not Exist Because He Can't Be Seen by needanswer: 2:31pm On Jun 11, 2021

grin grin grin Christians.
So you're now comparing your "Almighty God" to gravity? grin grin grin

As usual, impatient to logically follow through our conversation. Keep reading, you will get your answer.

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